

词条 Module:NVR
释义 --[[

This module generates links to ships in the Naval Vessel Register (nvr.navy.mil) database.

It is used by Template:NVR_url and Template:NVR_SC_url

Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:NVR/sandbox and testing

at Module:NVR/sandbox/testcases and Module talk:NVR/sandbox/testcases.

Authors and maintainers:

  • User:RP88


require('Module:No globals')

local p = {}

--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------


local ships_data = {};

local srv_craft_data = {};

local data = mw.loadData ('Module:NVR/data');

ships_data = data.nvr_ships_id;

srv_craft_data = data.nvr_srv_craft_id;

--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ E R R O R _ M E S S A G E >------------------------------------------

General purpose error message function to render error messages and categorization


local function make_error_message (output, prefix, item, suffix, srv_craft)

local category = ; -- for concatenation

if 0 == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace then -- article namespace

category = ; -- categorize only from article namespace


table.insert (output, '')

table.insert (output, prefix);

table.insert (output, item);

table.insert (output, suffix);

if srv_craft then

table.insert (output, ' (help)');


table.insert (output, ' (help)');


table.insert (output, category);



--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ S H I P _ L I N K >--------------------------------------------------

This function returns a link to a ship in the Naval Vessel Register.


{{#invoke:NVR|MakeShipLink|1=|title=}}{{#invoke:NVR|MakeShipLink}} - uses the caller's parameters


    1, id: The ship's hull classification symbol    2, title: A title or label for the link.


function p.MakeShipLink (frame)

local args = frame.args -- if no argument provided, check parent template/module args

local output = {};

if (args[1]==nil) and (args["id"]==nil) then

args = frame:getParent().args;

if (args[1]==nil) and (args["id"]==nil) then

make_error_message (output, 'required parameter missing', , );

return table.concat (output);



local hull = args["id"] or args[1] or ;

local hull_designator; -- for use with |name= parameter rendering

local hull_prefix;

local title = args["title"] or args[2] or ;

if == title then -- to prevent external links that look like this: [1]

title = nil;


hull = mw.text.trim (hull):upper(); -- make sure that there is no leading/trailing whitespace and uppercase

-- standardize so that we can recognize as many formats as possible

hull_designator = hull:match ('^T%-') or ; -- if there is a 'T-' prefix to the prefix, save a copy of it; empty string for concatenation else

--error (hull_designator)

hull = hull:gsub ('^T%-', ); -- if hull classification symbol is T-XX-NNN, remove the 'T-'

hull = hull:gsub ('(%a+)_(%d+)_%d+', '%1-%2'); -- if template has 'new' url identifier format (SSBN_659_1635); as of March 2019 this form not used at NVR

hull = hull:gsub ('(%a+)[_ ]?(%d+)', '%1-%2'); -- if template has SSBN 659 or SSBN_659 or SSBN659 format

hull_designator = hull_designator .. hull; -- copy for use with |name= parameter

if hull:match ('(%a+)%-%d+') then -- most common case

hull_prefix = hull:match ('(%a+)[%-_]?%d+');

elseif hull:match ('[%a+ %(%)]+%-%d+') then -- special one-off case for AFSB (I)-15

hull_prefix = hull:match ('([%a+ %(%)]+)%-%d+')

elseif hull:match ('^CONSTITUTION$') or hull:match ('^MAINE$') or hull:match ('^TEXAS$') then -- Constitution, Maine, and Texas

hull_prefix = hull; -- do not have hull classification symbols; use their names


make_error_message (output, 'malformed hull classification symbol: ', hull, );

return table.concat (output);


if not ships_data[hull_prefix] then -- is there a group for the hull number?

make_error_message (output, 'unable to find group: [\\, hull_prefix, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_ships_id');

return table.concat (output);


if not ships_data[hull_prefix][hull] then -- is there a hull number

make_error_message (output, 'unable to find hull classification symbol: [\\, hull, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_ships_id');

return table.concat (output);


local nvr_id = ships_data[hull_prefix][hull][1]; -- try to fetch nvr id

if not title and (args['name'] and ~= args['name']) then

title = ships_data[hull_prefix][hull][2];

if not title or == title then

title = nil; -- ensure

elseif 'no name' == title:lower() then -- new construction capital ships, and many service craft

title = title .. ' (' .. hull_designator .. ')';

elseif 'nh' == args['name'] then -- special keyword to render name and hull designator

title = '\\'\\ .. ships_data[hull_prefix][hull][2] .. '\\'\\' (' .. hull_designator .. ')';


title = '\\'\\ .. ships_data[hull_prefix][hull][2] .. '\\'\\; -- just the name



if (nil ~= nvr_id) and ( ~= nvr_id) then -- there appears to be an identifier, so use it

if title then -- if there is a title then make an external link from it

table.insert (output, '['); -- opening bracket


table.insert (output, 'http://www.nvr.navy.mil/SHIPDETAILS/SHIPSDETAIL_'); -- create the url

table.insert (output, nvr_id);

table.insert (output, '.HTML');

if title then

table.insert (output, ' '); -- required space

table.insert (output, title); -- title

table.insert (output, ']'); -- and closing bracket


else -- no identifier

make_error_message (output, 'no identifier for hull classification symbol: [\\, hull, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_ships_id');


return table.concat (output); -- and done


--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ S E R V I C E _ C R A F T _ L I N K >--------------------------------

This function returns a link to a service craft in the Naval Vessel Register.


{{#invoke:NVR|MakeServiceCraftLink|1=|title=}}{{#invoke:NVR|MakeServiceCraftLink}} - uses the caller's parameters


    1, id: The 'file name' portion of the url path (typically the craft's hull designation) without the .HTM/.HTML extension.     2, title: A title or label for the link.


function p.MakeServiceCraftLink( frame )

-- if no argument provided than check parent template/module args

local args = frame.args

local output = {};

if (args[1]==nil) and (args["id"]==nil) then

args = frame:getParent().args;

if (args[1]==nil) and (args["id"]==nil) then

make_error_message (output, 'required parameter missing', , , true);

return table.concat (output);



local hull = args["id"] or args[1] or ;

local hull_prefix;

local title = args["title"] or args[2] or ;

if == title then -- to prevent external links that look like this: [1]

title = nil;


hull = mw.text.trim (hull):upper(); -- make sure that there is no leading/trailing whitespace and uppercase

-- standardize so that we can recognize as many formats as possible

hull = hull:gsub ('(%a+)_(%d+)_%d+', '%1-%2'); -- if template has 'new' url identifier format (YT_807_4629)

hull = hull:gsub ('(%a+)[_ ]?(%d+)', '%1-%2'); -- if template has YT 807 or YT_807 or YT807 format

if hull:match ('(%a+)%-%d+') then -- most common case

hull_prefix = hull:match ('(%a+)%-%d+');

elseif hull:match ('(%a+)%-%d+%a') then -- special cases for the various sections of floating dry docks;

hull_prefix = hull:match ('(%a+)%-%d+%a'); -- each section has a single letter designator: AFDB-7F


make_error_message (output, 'malformed hull classification symbol: ', hull, , true);

return table.concat (output);


if not srv_craft_data[hull_prefix] then -- is there a group for the hull number?

make_error_message (output, 'unable to find group: [\\, hull_prefix, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_srv_craft_id', true);

return table.concat (output);


if not srv_craft_data[hull_prefix][hull] then -- is there a hull number

make_error_message (output, 'unable to find hull classification symbol: [\\, hull, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_srv_craft_id', true);

return table.concat (output);


local nvr_id = srv_craft_data[hull_prefix][hull][1]; -- try to fetch nvr id

if (nil ~= nvr_id) and ( ~= nvr_id) then -- there appears to be an identifier, so use it

if title then

table.insert (output, '[');


table.insert (output, 'http://www.nvr.navy.mil/SHIPDETAILS/SHIPSDETAIL_');

table.insert (output, nvr_id);

table.insert (output, '.HTML');

if title then

table.insert (output, ' ');

table.insert (output, title);

table.insert (output, ']');


else -- no identifier

make_error_message (output, 'no identifier for hull classification symbol: [\\, hull, '\\'] in NVR/data nvr_srv_craft_id', true);


return table.concat (output);


return p

1 : WPSHIPS:Template_errors





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