

词条 Module:R avoided double redirect/sandbox

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)

local mRedirect = require("Module:Redirect")

local function noredir(page)

  local link = mw.title.new(page):fullUrl("redirect=no")  return "["..link.." "..page.."]"


local function process(page)


local function exists(page)


local args = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs(frame,{removeBlanks=false})

local thisPage = tostring(mw.title.getCurrentTitle())

local otherPage = args[1] or ""

--Demo parameters, for demonstrating behavior with certain redirect--targets and avoiding categorization (do not use in articles)

local thisDemoTarget = args.thistarget

local otherDemoTarget = args.othertarget

local noError = args.noerror

local demo = args.demo or noError or thisDemoTarget or otherDemoTarget

--"Process" pages to remove section links, standardize capitalization, etc.

otherPage = otherPage=="" and "" or process(otherPage)

thisDemoTarget = thisDemoTarget=="" and "" or thisDemoTarget and process(thisDemoTarget)

otherDemoTarget = otherDemoTarget=="" and "" or otherDemoTarget and process(otherDemoTarget)

--Determine redirect targets (getTarget returns nil if page is not a redirect)

local thisTarget = thisDemoTarget or mRedirect.getTarget(thisPage)

local otherTarget = otherDemoTarget or mRedirect.getTarget(otherPage)

--For double redirects

local thisDoubleTarget = thisTarget and mRedirect.getTarget(thisTarget)

local otherDoubleTarget = otherTarget and mRedirect.getTarget(otherTarget)

-- Allow setting demo parameters to empty string to demonstrate a non-redirect

thisTarget = thisDemoTarget~="" and thisTarget

otherTarget = otherDemoTarget~="" and otherTarget


local err

if not thisTarget and exists(thisPage) then --Check existence of thisPage to avoid errors in preview mode

elseif otherPage=="" then

elseif not exists(otherPage) then

elseif thisTarget==thisPage or (not exists(thisTarget) and exists(thisPage)) then

elseif otherTarget and (otherTarget==otherPage or not exists(otherTarget)) then

elseif otherPage==thisPage then

elseif not otherTarget and thisTarget==otherPage then

elseif otherPage==thisTarget and otherTarget==thisPage then

elseif thisDoubleTarget and otherDoubleTarget and thisDoubleTarget==otherDoubleTarget then

  err = "Both this page and "..noredir(otherPage).." are double redirects. Please change the redirect target of both to "        ..(mRedirect.luaIsRedirect(thisDoubleTarget) and "the correct article." or ""..thisDoubleTarget..".")

elseif otherTarget and (thisTarget==otherPage or thisDoubleTarget==otherTarget) then

  err = "This is a double redirect."        .." Please change the redirect target to "..otherTarget.."."

elseif otherTarget and thisDoubleTarget then

  err = "This is a double redirect to "..thisDoubleTarget..", while "        ..noredir(otherPage).." redirects to "..otherTarget.."."

elseif thisDoubleTarget then

elseif otherTarget==thisPage then

  err = noredir(otherPage).." is a double redirect."        .." Please change its target to "..thisTarget.."."

elseif otherDoubleTarget then

  err = noredir(otherPage).." is a double redirect"        .." to "..otherDoubleTarget.." via "..otherTarget.."."

elseif otherTarget and thisTarget~=otherTarget then


--Return either redirect template or error

local embed = args.embed

local from, info, cat

if not err or noError then

  if otherTarget then    from = "an alternative title for '''"..noredir(otherPage).."''', another redirect to the same title"    info = "Because double redirects are disallowed,"           .." both pages currently point to "..otherTarget..".\"           .."**If and when "..noredir(otherPage).." is expanded into a separate"           .." article, or its target article is renamed to "..noredir(otherPage)..", this"           .." redirect will be recategorized to be changed to target that article instead."    cat = demo and "" or "Avoided double redirects"  else    from = "an alternative title for '''"..otherPage.."''', a former redirect to the same title"    info = "\**Since "..otherPage.." is now a separate article, please"           .." update this redirect's target to "..otherPage.." and remove the"           .." {{R avoided double redirect}} template."           .."\**If "..otherPage.." is the wrong target for this redirect,"           .." edit this page and correct the page name in the template."    cat = demo and "" or "Avoided double redirects to be updated"  end  return frame:expandTemplate({title="Redirect template",                               args={from=from,info=info,["main category"]=cat,                                     name=(embed=="yes" and "From an avoided double redirect" or nil)}})


  return "Error in R avoided double redirect: "..err..""         ..(demo and "" or "")



return p

1 : Avoided double redirects/error





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