

local mode, s, status local fine = function ( a ) s = mw.text.trim( a ) return a == s and a ~= "" and not a:find( "%|=\" ) and not a:find( "%s%s" ) end local begin = mw.html.create( "td" ) local code = mw.html.create( "code" ) local desc = mw.html.create( "td" ) local legal = true local param = Data.tree.params[ access ] local ranking = { "required", "suggested", "optional", "deprecated" } local r = mw.html.create( "tr" ) local sort, typed
    for k, v in pairs( param ) do        if v == "" then            param[ k ] = false        end    end -- for k, v
    -- label    sort = param.label or access    if sort:match( "^%d+$" ) then        begin:attr( "data-sort-value",                    string.format( "%05d", tonumber( sort ) ) )    end    begin:css( "font-weight", "bold" )         :wikitext( sort )
    -- name and aliases    code:css( "font-size", "92%" )        :css( "white-space", "nowrap" )        :wikitext( access )    if not fine( access ) then        code:addClass( "error" )        Fault( string.format( "Bad ID params.%s", access ) )        legal = false        begin:attr( "data-sort-value",  " " .. sort )    end    code = mw.html.create( "td" )                  :node( code )    if access:match( "^%d+$" ) then        code:attr( "data-sort-value",                   string.format( "%05d", tonumber( access ) ) )    end    if type( param.aliases ) == "table" then        local lapsus        for k, v in pairs( param.aliases ) do            code:tag( "br" )            if type( v ) == "string" then                if not fine( v ) then                    lapsus = true                    code:node( mw.html.create( "span" )                                      :addClass( "error" )                                      :css( "font-style", "italic" )                                      :wikitext( "string" ) )                end                code:wikitext( s )            else                lapsus = true                code:node( mw.html.create( "code" )                                  :addClass( "error" )                                  :wikitext( type( v ) ) )            end        end -- for k, v        if lapsus then            s = string.format( "params.%s.aliases", access )            Fault(  getLocalizedText( "invalid-value" ):gsub( "$1", s )  )            legal = false        end    end
    -- description etc.    s = feasible( param )    if s then        desc:node( s )    end    if param.default or param.example or param.autovalue then        local details = { "default", "example", "autovalue" }        local dl      = mw.html.create( "dl" )        local dd, section, show        for i = 1, #details do            s    = details[ i ]            show = param[ s ]            if show then                section = getLocalizedText( "doc-param-" .. s )                dt      = mw.html.create( "dt" ):wikitext( section )                dd      = mw.html.create( "dd" )                if (string.len(show) < 80) then                	dt:cssText("display: inline-block;float: left;margin-right: 1.6em;")                end                if param.type == "boolean" then                	if show == "0" then                    	dd:wikitext("False (0)")                    elseif show == "1" then                    	dd:wikitext("True (1)")                    else                    	dd:wikitext( show )                    end                else                	dd:wikitext( show )                end                dl:node( dt )                  :node( dd )            end        end -- i = 1, #details        desc:node( dl )    end
    -- type    if param.type then        s     = Permit.types[ param.type ]        typed = mw.html.create( "td" )        if s then            if s == "string" then                Data.params[ access ].type = s                typed:wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-type-" .. s ) )                     :tag( "br" )                typed:node( mw.html.create( "span" )                                   :addClass( "error" )                                   :wikitext( param.type ) )                Data.lasting = true            else                s = getLocalizedText( "doc-param-type-" .. param.type )                typed:wikitext( s )            end        else            Data.params[ access ].type = "unknown"            typed:addClass( "error" )                 :wikitext( "INVALID" )            s = string.format( "params.%s.type", access )            Fault(  getLocalizedText( "invalid-value" ):gsub( "$1", s )  )            legal = false        end    else        typed = mw.html.create( "td" )                   :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-type-unknown" ) )    end
    -- status    if param.required then        mode = 1        if param.deprecated then            Fault( string.format( "Required deprecated %s",                                  access ) )            legal = false        end    elseif param.deprecated then        mode = 4    elseif param.suggested then        mode = 2    else        mode = 3    end    status = ranking[ mode ]    ranking = getLocalizedText( "doc-param-status-" .. status )    if mode == 1  or  mode == 4 then        ranking = mw.html.create( "span" )                         :css( "font-weight", "bold" )                         :wikitext( ranking )        if type( param.deprecated ) == "string" then            ranking:tag( "br" )            ranking:wikitext( param.deprecated )        end    end
r:attr( "id", "templatedata:" .. mw.uri.anchorEncode( access ) ) :cssText( Permit.styles[ status ] ) :node( begin ) :node( code ) :node( desc ) :node( typed ) :node( mw.html.create( "td" ) :attr( "data-sort-value", tostring( mode ) ) :node( ranking ) ) :newline() if not legal then r:css( "border", "#FF0000 3px solid" ) end return r

end -- feature()

local function features()

    -- Create 
词条 Module:TemplateData/sandbox

local TemplateData = { serial = "2017-11-06",


improve template:TemplateData


local Config = {

    -- multiple #invoke option names mapped into unique internal fields    cat            = "strange",    classNoNumTOC  = "suppressTOCnum",
-- classParams = "classTable",
    cssParams      = "stylesTable",    cssParWrap     = "stylesTabWrap",    debug          = false,    docpageCreate  = "suffix",    docpageDetect  = "subpage",    msgDescMiss    = "solo",
-- classTable = false, -- class for params table
    loudly         = false,    -- show exported element, etc.    solo           = false,    -- complaint on missing description    strange        = false,    -- title of maintenance category    stylesTable    = false,    -- styles for params table    stylesTabWrap  = false,    -- styles for params table wrapper    subpage        = false,    -- pattern to identify subpage    suffix         = false,     -- subpage creation scheme    suppressTOCnum = false    -- class for TOC number suppression


local Data = {

    div     = false,    -- 
got = false, -- table, initial templatedata object heirs = false, -- table, params that are inherited less = false, -- main description missing lasting = false, -- old syntax encountered lazy = false, -- doc mode; do not generate effective leading = false, -- show TOC
-- low = false, -- 1= mode
    order   = false,    -- parameter sequence    params  = false,    -- table, exported parameters    scream  = false,    -- error messages    slang   = false,    -- project language code    slim    = false,    -- JSON reduced to plain    source  = false,    -- JSON input    strip   = false,    --  evaluation    tag     = false,    -- table, exported root element    title   = false,    -- page    tree    = false     -- table, rewritten templatedata object


local Permit = {

    styles  = { required    = "border-left: 3px solid black;",                suggested   = "border-left: 3px solid #888;",                optional    = "border-left: 3px solid #ccc",                deprecated  = "border-left: 3px dotted red; background-color: #FDD;",                tableheadbg = "background-color: #B3B7FF;" },    params  = { aliases     = "table",                autovalue   = "string",                default     = "string table I18N nowiki",                deprecated  = "boolean string",                description = "string table I18N",                example     = "string table I18N nowiki",                label       = "string table I18N",                inherits    = "string",                required    = "boolean",                suggested   = "boolean",                type        = "string" },    root    = { description = "string table I18N",                format      = "string",                maps        = "table",                params      = "table",                paramOrder  = "table",                sets        = "table" },    search  = "[{,]%%s*(['\\"])%s%%1%%s*:%%s*%%{",    types   = { boolean                   = true,                content                   = true,                date                      = true,                line                      = true,                number                    = true,                string                    = true,                unknown                   = true,                url                       = true,                ["wiki-file-name"]        = true,                ["wiki-page-name"]        = true,                ["wiki-template-name"]    = true,                ["wiki-user-name"]        = true,                ["unbalanced-wikitext"]   = true,                ["string/line"]           = "line",                ["string/wiki-page-name"] = "wiki-page-name",                ["string/wiki-user-name"] = "wiki-user-name" }


-- Generic utility functions

local function Fault( alert )

    -- Memorize error message    -- Parameter:    --     alert  -- string, error message    if Data.scream then        Data.scream = string.format( "%s *** %s", Data.scream, alert )    else        Data.scream = alert    end

end -- Fault()

local function Fetch( ask )

    -- Fetch module    -- Parameter:    --     ask  -- string, with name    --                     "Multilingual"    --                     "Text"    --                     "WLink"    -- Returns table of module    -- error: Module not available    local r    if TemplateData.extern then        r = TemplateData.extern[ ask ]    else        TemplateData.extern = { }    end    if not r then        local lucky, g = pcall( require, "Module:" .. ask )        if type( g ) == "table" then            r = g[ ask ]()            TemplateData.extern[ ask ] = r        else            error( string.format( "Fetch(%s) %s", ask, g ) )        end    end    return r

end -- Fetch()

local function collapseWhitespace ( a )

-- Collapses whitespace, HTML style.

    return a:gsub( "%s*\%s*", " " )            :gsub( "%s%s+", " " )

end -- collapseWhitespace

local function facet( ask, at )

    -- Find physical position of parameter definition in JSON    -- Parameter:    --     ask  -- string, parameter name    --     at   -- number, physical position within definition    -- Returns number, or nil    local seek = string.format( Permit.search,                                ask:gsub( "%%", "%%%%" )                                   :gsub( "([%-.()+*?^$%[%]])",                                          "%%%1" ) )    local i, k = Data.source:find( seek, at )    local r, slice, source    while i  and  not r do        source = Data.source:sub( k + 1 )        slice  = source:match( "^%s*\\"([^\\"]+)\\"s*:" )        if not slice then            slice = source:match( "^%s*'([^']+)'%s*:" )        end        if ( slice and Permit.params[ slice ] )   or           source:match( "^%s*%}" ) then            r = k        else            i, k = Data.source:find( seek, k )        end    end    -- while i    return r

end -- facet()

local function getLocalizedText( adapt )

    -- Retrieve localized text from system message    -- Parameter:    --     adapt  -- string, message ID after "templatedata-"    -- Returns string, with localized text    return mw.message.new( "templatedata-" .. adapt ):plain()

end -- getLocalizedText()

local function faculty( adjust )

    -- Test template arg for boolean    --     adjust  -- string or nil    -- Returns boolean    local s = type( adjust )    local r    if s == "string" then        r = mw.text.trim( adjust )        r = ( r ~= ""  and  r ~= "0" )    elseif s == "boolean" then        r = adjust    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- faculty()

local function failures()

    -- Retrieve error collection and category    -- Returns string    local r    if Data.scream then        local e = mw.html.create( "span" )                         :addClass( "error" )                         :wikitext( Data.scream )        r = tostring( e )        mw.addWarning( "'''TemplateData'''
" .. Data.scream ) if Config.strange then r = string.format( "%s", r, Config.strange ) end else r = "" end return r

end -- failures()

local function handleNoexportWhitespace( adjust )

    -- Reduces runs of spaces, including newlines, to a single space, so the    -- whole string is on one line.  blocks are left alone, but the    --  tags themselves are removed.    --     adjust  -- string    -- Returns string, with adjusted text    local r    if adjust:find( "", 1, true ) then        local i    = 1        local j, k = adjust:find( "", i, true )        r = ""        while j do            if j > 1 then                r = r .. collapseWhitespace( adjust:sub( i,  j - 1 ) )            end            i = k + 1            j, k = adjust:find( "", i, true )            if j then                r    = r .. adjust:sub( i,  j - 1 )                i    = k + 1                j, k = adjust:find( "", i, true )            else                Fault( "missing " )            end        end    -- while j        r = r .. adjust:sub( i )    else        r = collapseWhitespace( adjust )    end    return r

end -- handleNoexportWhitespace()

local function faraway( alternatives )

    -- Retrieve project language version from multilingual text    -- Parameter:    --     alternatives  -- table, to be evaluated    -- Returns    --     1  -- string, with best match    --     2  -- table of other versions, if any    local n = 0    local variants = { }    local r1, r2    if not Data.slang then        Data.slang = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode()    end    for k, v in pairs( alternatives ) do        if type( v ) == "string" then            v = mw.text.trim( v )            if v ~= "" then                variants[ k ] = v                n             = n + 1            end        end    end -- for k, v    if n > 0 then        for k, v in pairs( variants ) do            if v then                if n == 1 then                    r1 = v                elseif k:lower() == Data.slang then                    variants[ k ] = nil                    r1 = v                    r2 = variants                    break -- for k, v                end            end        end -- for k, v        if not r1 then            local seek = string.format( "^%s-", Data.slang )            for k, v in pairs( variants ) do                if v and k:lower():match( seek ) then                    variants[ k ] = nil                    r1 = v                    r2 = variants                    break -- for k, v                end            end -- for k, v            if not r1 then                local others = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( slang )                table.insert( others, "en" )                for i = 1, #others do                    seek = others[ i ]                    if variants[ seek ] then                        r1                   = variants[ seek ]                        variants[ seek ] = nil                        r2                   = variants                        break    -- for i                    end                end -- i = 1, #others            end            if not r1 then                for k, v in pairs( variants ) do                    if v then                        variants[ k ] = nil                        r1 = v                        r2 = variants                        break -- for k, v                    end                end -- for k, v            end        end        if r2 then            local Multilingual = Fetch( "Multilingual" )            for k, v in pairs( r2 ) do                if v  and  not Multilingual.isLang( k ) then                    Fault( string.format( "Invalid lang=%s",                                          k ) )                end            end -- for k, v        end    end    return r1, r2

end -- faraway()

local function fathers()

    -- Merge params with inherited values    local n = 0    local p = Data.params    local t = Data.tree.params    local p2, t2    for k, v in pairs( Data.heirs ) do        n = n + 1    end -- for k, v    for i = 1, n do        for k, v in pairs( Data.heirs ) do            if v  and  not Data.heirs[ v ] then                n               = n - 1                t[ k ].inherits = nil                Data.heirs[ k ] = nil                p2              = { }                t2              = { }                for k2, v2 in pairs( p[ v ] ) do                    p2[ k2 ] = v2                end -- for k2, v2                if p[ k ] then                    for k2, v2 in pairs( p[ k ] ) do                        if type( v2 ) ~= "nil" then                            p2[ k2 ] = v2                        end                    end -- for k2, v2                end                p[ k ] = p2                for k2, v2 in pairs( t[ v ] ) do                    t2[ k2 ] = v2                end -- for k2, v2                for k2, v2 in pairs( t[ k ] ) do                    if type( v2 ) ~= "nil" then                        t2[ k2 ] = v2                    end                end -- for k2, v2                t[ k ] = t2            end        end -- for k, v    end -- i = 1, n    if n > 0 then        local s        for k, v in pairs( Data.heirs ) do            if v then                if s then                    s = string.format( "%s | %s", s, k )                else                    s = "Circular inherits: " .. k                end            end        end -- for k, v        Fault( s )    end

end -- fathers()

local function feasible( about, asked )

    -- Create description head    -- Parameter:    --     about  -- table, supposed to contain description    --     asked  -- true, if mandatory description    -- Returns , with head, or nil    local para = mw.html.create( "div" )    local plus, r    if about and about.description then        if type( about.description ) == "string" then            para:wikitext( about.description )        else            para:wikitext( about.description[ 1 ] )            plus = mw.html.create( "ul" )            if not Config.loudly then                plus:addClass( "templatedata-maintain" )                    :css( "display", "none" )            end            for k, v in pairs( about.description[ 2 ] ) do                plus:node( mw.html.create( "li" )                                  :node( mw.html.create( "code" )                                                :wikitext( k ) )                                  :node( mw.html.create( "br" ) )                                  :wikitext( handleNoexportWhitespace( v ) ) )            end -- for k, v        end    elseif Config.solo and asked then        para:addClass( "error" )            :wikitext( Config.solo )        Data.less = true    else        para = false    end    if para then        if plus then            r = mw.html.create( "div" )                       :node( para )                       :node( plus )        else            r = para        end    end    return r

end -- feasible()

local function feat()

    -- Check and store parameter sequence    if Data.source then        local i = 0        local s        for k, v in pairs( Data.tree.params ) do            if i == 0 then                Data.order = { }                i = 1                s = k            else                i = 2                break -- for k, v            end        end -- for k, v        if i > 1 then            local pointers = { }            local points   = { }            for k, v in pairs( Data.tree.params ) do                i = facet( k, 1 )                if i then                    table.insert( points, i )                    pointers[ i ] = k                    i = facet( k, i )                    if i then                        s = "Parameter '%s' detected twice"                        Fault( string.format( s, k ) )                    end                else                    s = "Parameter '%s' not detected"                    Fault( string.format( s, k ) )                end            end -- for k, v            table.sort( points )            for i = 1, #points do                table.insert( Data.order,  pointers[ points[ i ] ] )            end -- i = 1, #points        elseif s then            table.insert( Data.order, s )        end    end

end -- feat()

local function feature( access )

    -- Create table row for parameter, check and display violations    -- Parameter:    --     access  -- string, with name    -- Returns 
for parameters -- Returns
, or nil local r if Data.tree and Data.tree.params then local style = Permit.styles.tableheadbg local tbl = mw.html.create( "table" ) :addClass( "wikitable" ) local tr = mw.html.create( "tr" ) feat() if Data.order and #Data.order > 1 then tbl:addClass( "sortable" ) end-- if Config.classTable then-- tbl:addClass( Config.classTable )-- end
        if Config.stylesTable then            tbl:cssText( Config.stylesTable )        end        tr:node( mw.html.create( "th" )                        :attr( "colspan", "2" )                        :cssText( style )                        :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-name" ) ) )          :node( mw.html.create( "th" )                        :cssText( style )                        :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-desc" ) ) )          :node( mw.html.create( "th" )                        :cssText( style )                        :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-type" ) ) )          :node( mw.html.create( "th" )                        :cssText( style )                        :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-param-status" ) ) )        tbl:newline()
-- :node( mw.html.create( "thead" )-- )
           :newline()        if Data.order then            for i = 1, #Data.order do                tbl:node( feature( Data.order[ i ] ) )            end -- for i = 1, #Data.order        end        if Config.stylesTabWrap then            r = mw.html.create( "div" )                   :cssText( Config.stylesTabWrap )                   :node( tbl )        else            r = tbl        end    end    return r

end -- features()

local function finalize()

    -- Wrap presentation into frame    -- Returns string    local r    if Data.div then        r = tostring( Data.div )    elseif Data.strip then        r = Data.strip    else        r = ""    end    return r .. failures()

end -- finalize()

local function find()

    -- Find JSON data within page source (title)    -- Returns string, or nil    local s = Data.title:getContent()    local i, j = s:find( "", 1, true )    local r    if i then        local k = s:find( "", j, true )        if k then           r = mw.text.trim( s:sub( j + 1,  k - 1 ) )        end    end    return r

end -- find()

local function flat( adjust )

    -- Remove formatting from text string    -- Parameter:    --     arglist  -- string, to be stripped, or nil    -- Returns string, or nil    local r    if adjust then        r = adjust:gsub( "\", " " )        if r:find( "", 1, true ) then            r = r:gsub( "(.*)", "" )        end        if r:find( "''", 1, true ) then            r = r:gsub( "'''", "" ):gsub( "''", "" )        end        if r:find( "<", 1, true ) then            local Text = Fetch( "Text" )            r = Text.getPlain( r )        end        if r:find( "[", 1, true ) then            local WLink = Fetch( "WLink" )            if WLink.isBracketedURL( r ) then                r = r:gsub( "%[([hf]tt?ps?://%S+) [^%]]+%]", "%1" )            end            r = WLink.getPlain( r )        end        if r:find( "&", 1, true ) then            r = mw.text.decode( r )        end    end    return r

end -- flat()

local function flush()

    -- JSON encode narrowed input; obey unnamed (numerical) parameters    -- Returns  JSON string    local r    if Data.tag then        r = mw.text.jsonEncode( Data.tag ):gsub( "%}$", "," )    else        r = "{"    end    r = r .. "\\\"params\\":{"    if Data.order then        local sep = ""        local s        for i = 1, #Data.order do            s   = Data.order[ i ]            r   = string.format( "%s%s\%s:%s",                                 r,                                 sep,                                 mw.text.jsonEncode( s ),                                 mw.text.jsonEncode( Data.params[ s ] ) )            sep = ",\"        end -- for i = 1, #Data.order    end    r = r .. "\}\}"    return r

end -- flush()

local function focus( access )

    -- Check components; focus multilingual description, build trees    -- Parameter:    --     access  -- string, name of parameter, nil for root    local f = function ( a, at )                    local r                    if at then                        r = string.format( "params.%s", at )                    else                        r = "''root''"                    end                    if a then                        r = string.format( "%s.%s", r, a )                    end                    return r                end    local parent    if access then        parent = Data.got.params[ access ]    else        parent = Data.got    end    if type( parent ) == "table" then        local elem, got, permit, s, scope, slot, tag, target        if access then            permit = Permit.params            if type( access ) == "number" then                slot = tostring( access )            else                slot = access            end        else            permit = Permit.root        end        for k, v in pairs( parent ) do            scope = permit[ k ]            if scope then                s = type( v )                if s == "string" then                    v = mw.text.trim( v )                end                if scope:find( s, 1, true ) then                    if scope:find( "I18N", 1, true ) then                        if s == "string" then                            elem = handleNoexportWhitespace( v )                        else                            local translated                            v, translated = faraway( v )                            if v then                                if translated  and                                   k == "description" then                                    elem = { [ 1 ] = handleNoexportWhitespace( v ),                                             [ 2 ] = translated }                                else                                    elem = handleNoexportWhitespace( v )                                end                            else                                elem = false                            end                        end                        if v then                            if scope:find( "nowiki", 1, true ) then                                elem = mw.text.nowiki( v )                            else                                v = flat( v )                            end                        end                    else                        if k == "params"  and  not access then                            v    = nil                            elem = nil                        elseif k == "format"  and  not access then                            v    = mw.text.decode( v )                            elem = v                        elseif k == "inherits" then                            elem = v                            if not Data.heirs then                                Data.heirs = { }                            end                            Data.heirs[ slot ] = v                            v                  = nil                        elseif s == "string" then                            v    = mw.text.nowiki( v )                            elem = v                        else                            elem = v                        end                    end                    if type( elem ) ~= "nil" then                        if not target then                             if access then                                 if not Data.tree.params then                                     Data.tree.params = { }                                 end                                 Data.tree.params[ slot ] = { }                                 target = Data.tree.params[ slot ]                             else                                 Data.tree = { }                                 target    = Data.tree                             end                        end                        target[ k ] = elem                        elem        = false                    end                    if type( v ) ~= "nil" then                        if not tag then                            if access then                                if not Data.params then                                    Data.params = { }                                end                                Data.params[ slot ] = { }                                tag = Data.params[ slot ]                            else                                Data.tag = { }                                tag      = Data.tag                            end                        end                        tag[ k ] = v                    end                else                    s = string.format( "Type %s bad for %s",                                       scope,  f( k, slot ) )                    Fault( s )                end            else                Fault( "Unknown component " .. f( k, slot ) )            end        end -- for k, v    else        Fault( f() .. " needs to be of object type" )    end

end -- focus()

local function format()

    -- Build presented documentation    -- Returns 
local r = mw.html.create( "div" ) local s = feasible( Data.tree, true ) if s then r:node( s ) end if Data.leading then local toc = mw.html.create( "div" ) if Config.suppressTOCnum then toc:addClass( Config.suppressTOCnum ) end toc:css( "margin-top", "0.5em" ) :wikitext( "__TOC__" ) r:newline() :node( toc ) :newline() end s = features() if s then if Data.leading then r:node( mw.html.create( "h2" ) :wikitext( getLocalizedText( "doc-params" ) ) ) :newline() end r:node( s ) end if Data.tree and Data.tree.format then local e, style s = Data.tree.format:lower( Data.tree.format ) if s == "inline" or s == "block" then style = "i" else style = "code" end r:node( mw.html.create( "p" ) :wikitext( "Format: " ) :node( mw.html.create( style ) :wikitext( s ) ) ) end return r

end -- format()

local function free()

    -- Remove JSON comment lines    Data.source:gsub( "([{,\\"'])(%s*\%s*//.*\%s*)([},\\"'])",                      "%1%3" )

end -- free()

local function full()

    -- Build HTML table for display from JSON data, and append an invisible    --  block.    Data.div = mw.html.create( "div" )                      :addClass( "mw-templatedata-doc-wrap" )    focus()    if Data.tag then        if type( Data.got.params ) == "table" then            for k, v in pairs( Data.got.params ) do                focus( k )            end -- for k, v            if Data.heirs then                fathers()            end        end    end    Data.div:node( format() )    if not Data.lazy then        Data.slim = flush()        if TemplateData.frame then            local div   = mw.html.create( "div" )            local tdata = { [ 1 ] = "templatedata",                            [ 2 ] = Data.slim }            Data.strip = TemplateData.frame:callParserFunction( "#tag",                                                                tdata )            div:wikitext( Data.strip )            if Config.loudly then            	-- Display raw templatedata table all the time.                Data.div:node( mw.html.create( "hr" ) )                Data.div:node( div )            else            	-- Creates an expand link to check raw templatedata table.            	local wrapper = mw.html.create( "div" )                wrapper:addClass( "mw-collapsible" )                wrapper:addClass( "mw-collapsed" )                wrapper:css( "font-size", "85%" )                div:addClass( "mw-collapsible-content" )                wrapper:wikitext( "'''Test of raw TemplateData output''': " )                wrapper:node( div )                Data.div:node( wrapper )            end        end    end

end -- full()

local function furnish( adapt, arglist )

    -- Called by f, this function is the first to do any real work when the    -- module is invoked.    -- Parameter:    --     adapt    -- table, #invoke parameters    --     arglist  -- table, template parameters    -- Returns string
--local spy=""
    local source    for k, v in pairs( Config ) do        if adapt[ k ]  and  adapt[ k ] ~= "" then            Config[ v ] = adapt[ k ]        end    end -- for k, v    Config.loudly = faculty( arglist.debug or adapt.debug )
--if mw.site.server:find( "//de.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org", 1, true ) then-- Config.loudly = true--end
    Data.lazy     = faculty( arglist.lazy )  and  not Config.loudly    Data.leading  = faculty( arglist.TOC )    if arglist.JSON then        source = arglist.JSON    elseif arglist[ 1 ] then        local s     = mw.text.trim( arglist[ 1 ] )        local start = s:sub( 1, 1 )        if start == "<" then            Data.strip = s        elseif start == "{" then            source = s        elseif mw.ustring.sub( s, 1, 8 ) ==               mw.ustring.char( 127, 39, 34, 96, 85, 78, 73, 81 ) then --  ' " ` U N I Q            Data.strip = s        end    end    if not source then        Data.title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()        source = find()        if not source  and           Config.subpage  and  Config.suffix  and           not Data.title.text:match( Config.subpage ) then            local s = string.format( Config.suffix,                                     Data.title.prefixedText )            Data.title = mw.title.new( s )            if Data.title.exists then                source = find()            end        end
--if source and-- ( source:find( "|", 1, true ) or-- source:find( "}}", 1, true ) ) then-- -- end if not Data.lazy and Config.subpage then if not Data.title then Data.title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() end Data.lazy = Data.title.text:match( Config.subpage ) end TemplateData.getPlainJSON( source ) return finalize()--return spy .. finalize()

end -- furnish()

TemplateData.failsafe = function ( assert )

-- Checks the age of this implementation against some minimum ("assert").

    local r    if not assert  or  assert <= TemplateData.serial then        r = TemplateData.serial    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- TemplateData.failsafe()

TemplateData.getPlainJSON = function ( adapt )

    -- Reduce enhanced JSON data to plain text localized JSON    -- Parameter:    --     adapt  -- string, with enhanced JSON    -- Returns string, or not    if type( adapt ) == "string" then        Data.source = adapt        free()        Data.got = mw.text.jsonDecode( Data.source )        if Data.got then            full()            if Data.lasting then                Fault( "deprecated type syntax" )            end            if Data.less then                Fault( Config.solo )            end        elseif not Data.strip then            Fault( "fatal JSON error" )        end    end    return Data.slim

end -- TemplateData.getPlainJSON()

TemplateData.test = function ( adapt, arglist )

    TemplateData.frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()    return furnish( adapt, arglist )

end -- TemplateData.test()

-- Export

local p = { }

p.f = function ( frame )

    -- The entry point for templates invoking the module.    -- Just wraps furnish in an exception handler.    local lucky, result    TemplateData.frame = frame    lucky, result = pcall( furnish, frame.args, frame:getParent().args )    if not lucky then        Fault( "INTERNAL: " .. result )        result = failures()    end    return result

end -- p.f()

p.failsafe = function ( frame )

    -- Versioning interface    local s = type( frame )    local since    if s == "table" then        since = frame.args[ 1 ]    elseif s == "string" then        since = frame    end    if since then        since = mw.text.trim( since )        if since == "" then            since = false        end    end    return TemplateData.failsafe( since )  or  ""

end -- p.failsafe()

p.TemplateData = function ()

    -- Module interface    return TemplateData


return p

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