

词条 Multisensory learning

  1. See also

  2. References

  3. External links

Multisensory learning is the theory that individuals learn better if they are taught using more than one sense (modality).[1][2][3] The senses usually employed in multisensory learning are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile – VAKT (i.e. seeing, hearing, doing, and touching). Other senses might include smell, taste and balance.[4]

Multisensory learning is different from learning styles which is the theory that people can be classified according to their learning style (audio, visual or kinesthetic). However, critics of learning styles say there is no consistent evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style and teaching for that style will produce better outcomes. Consequently, learning styles has not received widespread support from scientists, nor has it proven to be effective in the classroom.[5][6][7][8] [9] [10] [11] [12] For more on this see learning styles.

Reports suggest the human brain has evolved to process multisensory signals, making it is more natural than [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/unisensory unisensory] processing.[13] Recent research has made clear that multisensory processing of information is part of daily life, whereby the brain integrates the information from different modalities (senses) into a coherent mental perception.[14][15]

Some studies conclude that the benefits of multisensory learning are greatest if the senses are engaged concurrently (see multisensory integration) and the instruction is direct (explicit) and systematic.[16][17] Other studies suggest that multisensory integration only develops optimally by middle childhood (i.e. eight years of age or older).[18]

According to the Independent review of the teaching of early reading (Rose Report 2006) multisensory learning is also effective because it keeps students more engaged in their learning.[19]

The following organizations recommend multisensory instruction for learners with a learning disability: The International Dyslexia Association (IDA)[20] and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHD).[21] And one study says there is strong support for using multisensory experiences to increase the focus of students with special needs.[22]

See also

  • Multisensory integration
  • Sensory processing
  • Sensory processing disorder
  • Multimodality
  • Multimodal perception
  • Crossmodal Perception
  • Cognitive psychology
  • e-learning (theory) - the cognitive science principles of effective multimedia learning using electronic educational technology
  • Pre-attentive processing
  • National Reading Panel


1. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/partnering-with-childs-school/instructional-strategies/multisensory-instruction-what-you-need-to-know |title=Multisensory instruction: what you need to know, Amanda Morin, www.understood.org}}
2. ^{{cite web |url=https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/new-handbook-multisensory-processing |title=The New Handbook of Multisensory Processing, 2012, edited by Barry E. Stein, Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.}}
3. ^{{cite journal |pmid=27918886 |pmc=5447489|title=Computational principles and models of multisensory integration., Chandrasekaran C1.April 2017|journal=Current Opinion in Neurobiology|volume=43|pages=25–34|year=2017|last1=Chandrasekaran|first1=C.|doi=10.1016/j.conb.2016.11.002}}
4. ^{{cite document|title=The effects of multisensory, explicit, and systematic instructional practices on elementary school students with learning impairments in encoding and oral reading, February 2015, Lisa Rosenberg|hdl = 2047/D20194142|date = May 2015|last1 = Rosenberg|first1 = Lisa}}
5. ^{{cite journal|title= Cedar Riener & Daniel Willingham (2010) The Myth of Learning Styles, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 42:5, 32-35, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2010.503139 |journal= Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning |volume= 42 |issue= 5 |pages= 32–35 |doi= 10.1080/00091383.2010.503139 |year = 2010|last1 = Riener|first1 = Cedar|last2= Willingham |first2= Daniel }}
6. ^{{cite journal|url=https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1065333 |title=The Scientific Status of Learning Styles Theories, Teaching of Psychology, v42 n3 p266-271 Jul 2015, Willingham, Daniel T.; Hughes, Elizabeth M.; Dobolyi, David G.|journal=Teaching of Psychology|volume=42|issue=3|pages=266–271|doi=10.1177/0098628315589505|year=2015|last1=Willingham|first1=Daniel T.|last2=Hughes|first2=Elizabeth M.|last3=Dobolyi|first3=David G.}}
7. ^{{cite web |url=https://blog.cengage.com/teach-learning-skills-learning-styles-multi-sensory-learners |title=Teach learning skills not learning styles, Christine Harrington, March 24, 2014, Posted in: Curriculum and Programs, Curriculum Development|date=2014-03-24}}
8. ^{{cite journal|url=https://www.academia.edu/11352189 |title=Neuroscience and Education, Usha Goswami - Neuromyths 2006 |journal=Nature Reviews Neuroscience |volume=7 |issue=5 |pages=406–413 |last1=Goswami |first1=Usha |doi=10.1038/nrn1907 |pmid=16607400 |year=2006 }}
9. ^{{cite Journal|url=https://www.nature.com/news/the-science-myths-that-will-not-die-1.19022#auth-1|title=The science myths that will not die, Nature Journal of Science, December 2015}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131516302482|title=Stop propagating the learning styles myth-Science Direct, March 2017}}
11. ^{{cite journal|url=https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-why-the-idea-that-we-each-have-a-learning-style-is-bad-science?perpetual=yes&limitstart=1|title=There's Actually No Such Thing as Different 'Learning Styles', According to Science -Science Alert, April 2018}}
12. ^{{cite journal|title=Research:Another Nail in the Coffin for Learning Styles-Indiana University School of Medicine, 2018|journal=Anatomical Sciences Education|volume=12|issue=1|pages=6–19|doi=10.1002/ase.1777|pmid=29533532|year = 2019|last1 = Husmann|first1 = Polly R.|last2=O'Loughlin|first2=Valerie Dean}}
13. ^{{cite web|url=http://faculty.ucr.edu/~aseitz/pubs/Shams_Seitz08.pdf |title=Benefits of multisensory learning, 2008, Opinion - Trends in Cognitive Sciences is a peer-reviewed reviews journal published by Cell Press. Vol.xxx No.x, Ladan Shams and Aaron R. Seitz}}
14. ^{{cite journal |pmid=16713325 |title=Is neocortex essentially multisensory? Ghazanfar and Schroeder, Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2006 Jun;10(6):278-85.|journal=Trends in Cognitive Sciences|volume=10|issue=6|pages=278–85|year=2006|last1=Ghazanfar|first1=A. A.|last2=Schroeder|first2=C. E.|doi=10.1016/j.tics.2006.04.008|citeseerx=}}
15. ^{{cite journal |pmid=26275965 |title=The multisensory function of the human primary visual cortex. Murray MM1, Thelen A2, Thut G3, Romei V4, Martuzzi R5, Matusz PJ6.Neuropsychologia. 2016 Mar;83:161-169. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.08.011. Epub 2015 Aug 11.|journal=Neuropsychologia|volume=83|pages=161–169|doi=10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.08.011|year=2016|last1=Murray|first1=M. M.|last2=Thelen|first2=A.|last3=Thut|first3=G.|last4=Romei|first4=V.|last5=Martuzzi|first5=R.|last6=Matusz|first6=P. J.}}
16. ^{{cite document|title=The effects of multisensory, explicit, and systematic instructional practices on elementary school students with learning impairments in encoding and oral reading, February 2015, Lisa Rosenberg|hdl = 2047/D20194142|date = May 2015|last1 = Rosenberg|first1 = Lisa}}
17. ^Pre-attentive processing: "the subconscious accumulation of information from the environment"
18. ^{{cite journal|url=http://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(08)00597-6 |title=Multisensory Integration: A Late Bloomer, 2008|journal=Current Biology|volume=18|issue=12|pages=R519–R521|doi=10.1016/j.cub.2008.05.002|pmid=18579094|year=2008|last1=Ernst|first1=Marc O.}} Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Spemannstr. 41, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
19. ^{{cite web |url=http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/5551/2/report.pdf |title=Final Report, Jim Rose,March 2006}}
20. ^{{cite web|url=https://dyslexiaida.org/multisensory-structured-language-teaching/ |title=MULTISENSORY STRUCTURED LANGUAGE TEACHING, IDA}}
21. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/learning/conditioninfo/treatment/default |title=Interventions for Specific Learning Disabilities, nichd.nih.gov/health}}
22. ^{{cite journal|url=https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ921210 |title=Multi-Sensory Intervention Observational Research, International Journal of Special Education, v26 n1 p202-214 , 2011, Thompson, Carla J.|journal=International Journal of Special Education|volume=26|issue=1|pages=202–214|date=2010-11-30|last1=Thompson|first1=Carla J.}}

External links

  • Crossmodal Research laboratory, Oxford Department of Experimental Psychology [https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/research/crossmodal-research-laboratory]
  • Multisensory Integration and Attention in Developmental Dyslexia, 2014,  
  • Multi-sensory learning and learning to read, 2010, Leo Blomert, Dries Froyen [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20600371]
  • The Impact Of Using Multi-Sensory Approach For Teaching Students, Dec 22, 2012 , Majeda Al Sayyed Obaid [https://www.cluteinstitute.com/ojs/index.php/JIER/article/view/7502]
  • Using a multi-sensory teaching approach to impact learning and community in a second grade classroom, Stoffers, Melissa (2011) 
  • The Impact of Multisensory Instruction on Learning Letter Names and Sounds, Word Reading and Spelling, a dissertation by Nora Wersich Schlesinger - 2016 [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d432/67b7649de43c68cce460b65cfbebc66d2b36.pdf]
  • The Efficacy of a Supplemental Multisensory Reading Program for First-Grade Students, September 22, 2008, Scheffel, Debora L.; Shaw, Jack C.; Shaw, Rose, PDF  
  • MULTISENSORY TEACHING OF BASIC LANGUAGE SKILLS: Activity Book, January 1, 2007, Cicci, Regina [https://www.questia.com/magazine/1P3-1263993151/multisensory-teaching-of-basic-language-skills-activity]
  • Multisense.org, The merging of the senses: understanding multisensory experience. Funded by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) between 2011 and 2016  
  • Book: Brain Rules, 2008, John Medina  
  • Multisensory Instruction: What You Need to Know - Understood.org [https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/partnering-with-childs-school/instructional-strategies/multisensory-instruction-what-you-need-to-know]
  • Crossmodal Perception - Dr. Charles Spence, Oxford Experimental Psychology[https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/research/crossmodal-research-laboratory]
  • YouTube: Multisensory Reading Instruction Overview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnO9PwKicec]
  • YouTube: What is multi-sensory reading? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzLqfrs8NRA]
  • YouTube: Orton-Gillingham: A Multisensory Structured Language Approach [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJSVusUxMjc]
  • YouTube: Dr. Susan Nolan demonstrates multisensory instruction [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGr-N7A4ZQI]
  • Multi-sensory learning and learning to read: Journal of experimental psychology [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20600371]
  • Where are multisensory signals combined for perceptual decision-making? - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, October 2016 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959438816300678?dgcid=raven_sd_recommender_email]

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