

词条 NCAA Division I Baseball Championships recent history

  1. Champions and Runners up

  2. CWS Participants

  3. Seed and Finish

  4. Notes By Year

     2018  2017  2016  Underperformance and Overperformance  By conference  2015  2014  2013 

  5. References

The following are notes and records, in summary form, for conferences and teams, participating in the NCAA Division I Baseball Championship and the College World Series (CWS). Except as noted, the conference is the one that the team was in at the time of participation. Independents at the time of participation are listed as "Ind", never as being in any prior, nor subsequent, conference.

Champions and Runners up

The number of champions and runners-up in the format #.#, reverse chronology cumulative.

Sum is useful for error checking. In a column, all championships and all runners-up should add up, separately, to the sum shown.

Color code: Green (that year's champion); gray (that year's runner–up); light blue (that year's champion and runner–up)

Note: The B12 Conference record includes teams from the Big 8 and the Southwest Conferences before 1994. All teams involved were founding members of the Big 12 Conference, therefore they did not leave a conference, with continued existence, to join a preexisting conference.

CWS Participants

The number of teams from each conference that participated in the College World Series, reverse chronology cumulative.

Year across the top. Conference membership is at the time of the CWS.

Sum is useful for error checking. In a column, all numbers should add up to the sum shown.


Note: The AAC was formed in 2014 by some teams splitting off from the BEa; participation is zero for all earlier years, perforce. Any teams in the AAC are included in the BEa, when that was their previous conference at the time, even when that team was a founding member of the AAC. Some of the teams included above, remained in the Bea after the split, and did not go to the AAC.[14]

Seed and Finish

The following shows all participating teams for some conferences.

  • Lower case "s" & "f" are Regional seeding before play starts & actual finish in the Regional. Upper case "S" & "F" are overall top 8 national seeding & overall finish, where a finish at 9th or worse is for a team not making the CWS. A dash — in "S" shows a team made the CWS without having been a top 8 national seed.
  • The "Avg/Totals" rows are the average seed and average finish in the Regionals, the total number of top 8 national seeds, and the total number of CWS participants for each conference.
  • Clicking on "Team" will sort by team name with all conference "Avg/Totals" grouped. Conferences can be compared. For example, in 2016 the ACC average (Avg) "s" is 1.7 while the Avg "f" is 2.0, i.e., 2nd; they finished slightly worse than their seeding. While the B12 Avg "s" is 1.3 and Avg "f" is 1.0: they finished slightly better. The ACC had total "S" of 3 and "F" of 1; in other words, they had 3 top 8 national seeds but only had 1 make the CWS. Looking at the teams, Clemson was the #7 national seed and finished 17th, outside the CWS; Miami (FL) was #5 finishing 7th. Finishing 1st through 7th (tied for 7th with one other team for the top 8 finishers) are CWS participants. Finishing 9th through 49th (worst at 0–2 win–loss in the Regional) is not making the CWS. An "F" that's blank also indicates not making the CWS.
  • Clicking above the conference names, on the up/down arrow to the right of "Team", will regroup by conference.
Boston CollACCB|ACC}}31Boston Coll
Florida StACCF|ACC}}147491151111145491179Florida St
Ga TechACCG|ACC}}223322Geo Tech
Miami (FL)ACCM|ACC}}113711551223Miami (FL)
N CarolinaACCN0|ACC}}116512217331113N Carolina
N Caro StACCN1|ACC}}121617321222115N Caro St
N DameACCN2|ACC}}23N Dame
Virg TechACCV2|ACC}}2312Virg Tech
Wake ForestACCW|ACC}}1133Wake Forest
Kans StB12K2|B12}}11Kans St
Okla StB12O2|B12}}3234213131132Okla St
Tex TechB12T3|B12}}1195125171155217Tex Tech
W VirgB12W|B12}}22W Virg
Ariz StPACA2|PAC}}22232422Ariz St
Oreg StPACO2|PAC}}1131111323121171133Oreg St
S CalifPACS1|PAC}}22S Calif
Miss StSECM1|SEC}}21321116922112Miss St
Ole MissSECO|SEC}}12417142411323Ole Miss
S CaroSECS|SEC}}21111211S Caro
Tex A&MSECT|SEC}}333171149113222Tex A&M

‡ Maryland was in the Big 10 Conference starting in 2015.[19]

Notes By Year

General interest information that is very significant, for example a regional 4 seed winning the national championship, or a 2 winning it all in their first trip to the CWS, is probably best placed on the specific yearly NCAA Division I Baseball Tournament page.

The notes here are for more detailed information that is best compared to previous years and can be used with the above detailed information over a number of years.

Note: The top eight seeds (of the 64 teams) are designated as "national seeds," which do not meet each other in the Super Regionals. Starting in 2018, there were 16 national seeds, i.e., all regional 1 seeds also have a national seeding, but since only 8 teams can make the College World Series, seeds 9 through 16 do not have the same expectation of making the College World Series as the top eight seeds.[20]


The SEC tied its own record of 6 teams in the Super Regionals, set in 2004 and tied previously in 2017. In 2018, all 6 SEC teams were paired in Super Regionals sending 3 SEC teams to the CWS, no matter which SEC teams won and which lost. In 2017 only 2 of the 6 were paired and 3 SEC teams made the CWS. In 2004 only 2 of the 6 were also paired but 4 made the CWS.[21]

The Big 12, PAC, and SEC all finished on average better in the Regionals than their average Regional seeding. The ACC was the only of these four to finish worse on average.

Half of all Regional 1 seeds did not win their regional; this included half of the top eight seeds. Half of the PAC and SEC Regional 1 seeds won their Regionals, while the ACC had one less than half and the B12 had one more than half which were both of the Big 12 Regional 1 seeds.

With lower than Regional 1 seeds winning Regionals, these four conferences, the ACC, B12, PAC, and SEC, still had as many Regional winners as Regional 1 seeds, with the ACC having 2 winners and 4 Regional 1 seeds, the Big 12, 2 and 2, the PAC 2 and 2, and the SEC 6 and 4. The ACC was the only that had fewer winners than one seeds, while the SEC was the only that had more.[1]


The SEC was the only one of these conferences with average regional finish better than seeding. The SEC had 6 teams win regionals with only 4 teams as regional 1 seeds. The Big 12 and the PAC were the only two to finish regionals better on average in 2016, yet were the two worst on average in 2017.

These four conferences had two overall national top 8 seeds each. The SEC had their two top 8 seeds make the CWS, Florida and LSU, plus a third team, Texas A&M, a regional 3 seed, made the CWS. The ACC, Big 12, and PAC had only one of their two make the CWS, the others were eliminated in their own regionals, although the ACC did have a 2nd team make the CWS, Florida State, a regional 1 seed.[2]


Underperformance and Overperformance

Although with this metric (where the basis for comparison is the selection committee's seeding), the ACC & the SEC underperformed and the BIG 12 & the Pac-12 overperformed, that is not the clear recent pattern. In 2016, the SEC teams had average regional 1.00 seeding, finishing 1.86, worse by 0.86; the BIG 12 in 2015 had average regional 1.67 seeding, finishing 2.67, worse by 1.00. The clearest pattern by this metric is that the ACC, BIG 12, Pac-12, and SEC, all have underperformed slightly, on average over the most recent 4 seasons. The Pac-12 had underperformed slightly the previous 3. The BIG 12 has overperformed 3 of the 4, but was worst in the other, and, in spite of having 7 total in the CWS over the 4 most recent, have not had a runner up nor a champion, not even once. Over those same 4, the ACC has had a total of 2, the Pac-12 has had 2 and the SEC 3; together that is 7 of a possible 8 champions and runners-up.

In 2016, the SEC only had 1 of 4 national seeds in the CWS and the ACC 1 of 3. In the past 3 seasons, both have had champions and/or runners-up, who were not national seeds. In 2015 the SEC had 4 in the CWS, but only 2 were national seeds. Over the past 4 years, the Pac-12 has had 3 of 4 national seeds not even win their regionals and 2 of those were the No. 1 overall seeded team in two of those years.

In the 2016 Regionals, 10 of 16 Regional 1 seeds won their regionals.

In the 2016 CWS, 3 of the top 8 seeds made the CWS, one more than the 2 in 2014. 2 of these 2016 top 8 seeds went 0–2 in the CWS; the 3rd went 1—2, perforce since 2 of these played an elimination game against each other. The 1–6 record is the worst record by the top 8 seeds that made the CWS since the top 8 were seeded and Super Regionals were first held in 1999.

Underperformance and overperformance may not mean much, anyway. Any group of teams that are seeded very high have little room to go anywhere other than down. Those seeded very low, anywhere other than up. However, over a longer period of time, the better teams will win more.

For comparison, given the importance of winning games to advance through the tournament bracket (3-4 wins needed to reach a Super Regional, 5-6 wins needed to reach the CWS, and 8-10 wins needed to reach the championship series), each conference's performances in terms of average wins per bid from 2013-2016 was: the Big 12 averaged 4.3 wins, followed by the SEC at 3.4, Pac-12 at 3.3, ACC at 3.0, and Big West at 2.5. Translating wins to the percentage of teams reaching the world series per conference bid from 2013-2016, 48% of Big 12 teams advanced, 28% for the SEC, 27% for the Big West, 20% for the ACC, and 19% for the Pac-12. As with many tournament format championships, the statistics above show the challenges of converting high regional seeds and even high percentage winning into championships.

In 2016, the Big South Conference with one team in the NCAA post season, Coastal Carolina, overperformed all other conferences, in the process of winning the CWS. With a small enough sample, things can become very skewed. As Coastal Carolina coach Gary Gilmore noted, “We're not the most talented team in America. We're just the national champion. That's all that matters.” [22]

By conference

ACC: Had 10 participants. Clemson was the only top 8 seed to lose its regional. 3 of 6 hosting Regional 1 seeds won their regionals with a 4th ACC team that was a lower seed winning a regional. 1 of 3 top 8 seeds made the CWS, with no others making the CWS; that one top 8 seed went 0–2.
Big 12: Had 3 teams in the NCAA post season. All 3 teams made the CWS, 2 made the semifinals, 2 Regional 1 seeds, including the 1 top 8 seed, and a Regional 2 seed.
Pac-12: Had 4 teams, all lower than Regional 1 seeds. None hosted a Regional. 3 did not win regionals but 1 did make the CWS, playing in the Championship Series.
SEC: Had 7 teams, 3 less than the ACC. All 7 were hosting Regional 1 seeds, 1 more than the ACC, with 5 winning their regionals, 1 more than the ACC. 1 of 4 top 8 seeds made the CWS, with no others making the CWS; that one top 8 seed went 0–2, the same as the one ACC CWS participant.[15]


In the CWS, 4 of the top 8 seeds made the CWS. None played in the Championship Series.

ACC: Had 7 teams in the NCAA post season. 2 were top 8 seeds. 1 of which made the CWS plus a regional 3 seed, which won the National Championship.
Big 12: Had 3 teams. Only 1 was a top 8 seed, which made the CWS.
PAC: Had 6 teams. UCLA was the #1 overall seed and was the only top 8 seed to lose its regional.
SEC: Had 7 teams. 2 were top 8 seeds, both making the CWS plus 2 other SEC teams for a total of 4 in the CWS. One, not a top 8 seed was the national runner up.[16]


Only 7 of the 16 regional 1 seeds won their Regionals.

Only 2 of the top 8 seeds made the CWS.

Oregon State was the #1 overall seed and was one of five top 8 seeds to lose their Regionals.

Florida, Indiana, Florida State, and LSU were the other top 8 seeds that lost their Regionals.

Louisiana–Lafayette was the only top 8 seeds to lose its Super Regional.

TCU and Virginia were the 2 that made the CWS.[17]


14 of the 16 regional 1 seeds won their Regionals.

Only 3 of the overall top 8 seeds made the CWS.

Of overall top 8 seeds, North Carolina, Florida State, Virginia, Vanderbilt, and LSU, only North Carolina and LSU made the CWS.

Oregon State, Cal State Fullerton, and Oregon were all overall top 8 national seeds. Oregon was the only top 8 seed to lose its Regional and Oregon State was the only one of the three to make the CWS.[18]


1. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2018|date=June 6, 2018|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=6 June 2018|title=2018 DI Baseball Bracket}}
2. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2017|date=29 May 2017|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=2017 DI Baseball Bracket}}
3. ^{{cite web|url=http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/stats/baseball_cws_RB/2016/1-CWSGeneral.pdf|date=2016|publisher=NCAA.org|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=GENERAL CWS RECORDS, CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS, Pg 3}}
4. ^{{cite web|url=http://athlonsports.com/college-football/the-entire-complete-history-acc-realignment|date=1 July 2014|publisher=Athlon Sports Inc|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=The Complete History of ACC Realignment}}
5. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.campusrush.com/big-12-conference-oral-history-swc-merger-1974972078.html|date=16 Aug 2016|publisher=Campus Rush|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=Big 12 expansion: Oral history of Big 8-SWC merger}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=http://deadspin.com/coastal-carolinas-college-world-series-title-was-as-thr-1782925929|date=30 June 2016|publisher=Gizmodo Media Group|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=Coastal Carolina's College World Series Title Was As Thrilling As It Was Unlikely}}
7. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.bigwest.org/history/|date=2016|publisher=Big West Conference|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=About The Big West Conference}}
8. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.thebaseballcube.com/teams/teamPage.asp?T=20182|date=2016|publisher=The Baseball Cube|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=University of Miami Baseball Team History and Statistics}}
9. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.kansas.com/sports/college/wichita-state/article79768637.html|date=25 May 2016|publisher=The Wichita Eagle|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=On the market: Wichita State is researching conference options and these homes might listen}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=http://pac-12.com/article/2015/07/29/pac-12-set-celebrate-100-years-excellence|date=30 July 2015|publisher=Pac-12 Conference|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=Pac-12 set to celebrate 100 Years of excellence}}
11. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/college/2016/07/24/sec-football-timeline-history-most-important-moments/85923152/|date=25 July 2015|publisher=The Tennessean|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=SEC football history at a glance}}
12. ^{{cite web|url=http://wacsports.com/sports/2016/6/8/NEWS_0608161025.aspx?|date=8 June 2016|publisher=Western Athletic Conference|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=National Champions}}
13. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.pepperdinewaves.com/trads/pepp-conference-championships.html|date=2016|publisher=CBS Interactive|accessdate=13 Oct 2016|title=Conference Championships}}
14. ^{{cite web|url=http://theamerican.org/sports/2013/6/22/ABOUT_0622134018.aspx?path=about|date=2016|publisher=American Athletic Conference|accessdate=11 June 2017|title=About}}
15. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2016|date=30 June 2016|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=2016 DI College Baseball Bracket}}
16. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2014|date=24 June 2015|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=2015 NCAA Baseball Tournament DI}}
17. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2013|date=25 June 2014|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=2014 NCAA Baseball Tournament DI}}
18. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/interactive-bracket/baseball/d1/2012|date=25 June 2013|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=2013 NCAA Baseball Tournament DI}}
19. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2012/11/19/maryland-leaves-acc-for-big-ten/1715635/|date=19 Nov 2012|publisher=USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC.|accessdate=29 May 2017|title=Maryland leaves ACC for more money}}
20. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ncaa.com/news/baseball/article/2018-05-27/2018-ncaa-baseball-championship-di-selections-announced|date=May 28, 2018|publisher=NCAA, Turner Sports Interactive, Inc.|accessdate=6 June 2018|title=2018 NCAA baseball championship: DI selections announced}}
21. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.wholehogsports.com/news/2018/jun/08/10-things-know-about-ncaa-super-regionals/|publisher=Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc.|title=10 things to know about NCAA super regionals|date=June 8, 2018|accessdate=June 11, 2018}}
22. ^http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-college-world-series-20160630-snap-story.html

1 : NCAA Division I Baseball Championship





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