

词条 Office of the Quartet

  1. History

  2. Current focus

  3. OQ/OQR Heads of Mission

  4. References

The Office of the Quartet (formerly Office of the Quartet Representative) is headquartered in East Jerusalem; it also has offices in Ramallah and Gaza. The Quartet comprises the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia. The Quartet was established in Madrid in 2002 to help mediate the peace process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[1]

Reporting to the Envoys of the Quartet, senior staff working at the Office of the Quartet mobilize international assistance to the Palestinians. Staff helps identify and secure international support in order to address the institutional governance needs of the Palestinian State, focusing as a matter of urgency on the rule of law. Staff also develops plans to promote Palestinian economic development including private sector partnerships, especially concerning access and freedom of movement.

The OQ's mandate is to “help the Palestinians as they build the institutions and economy of a viable Palestinian State that is able to take its place as a peaceful and prosperous partner, at peace with Israel and its other neighbors.”[2]


From 2007-2015, the office was known as the Office of the Quartet Representative. It was established to support Tony Blair, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, then the Quartet Representative.[3]

OQR helped organized the first Palestinian donors’ conference in 2007. It raised more than $7bn for the Palestinian Authority, at that time the largest sum ever raised for the PA.[4] The West Bank experienced strong economic growth between 2007–2011, in some years in double digits.[5]

During this period, OQR negotiated to remove major roadblocks on the West Bank. For example, OQR facilitated the opening of the Jalameh Crossing between the northern part of the West Bank and Israel, enabling significant numbers of Arab Israelis to visit the PA and supporting the economic revitalisation of the northern West Bank.[6]

In 2010, OQR negotiated to expand the number of goods allowed into Gaza from just over a hundred to thousands.[7] In 2012, OQR helped organize the first ever East Jerusalem Business Forum, bringing together hundreds of investors from the Palestinian Territory, Jordan, the Persian Gulf, and elsewhere.[8]

In 2013, as part of the US-led peace talks under Secretary of State John Kerry, OQR became involved international efforts to plan for a broad expansion of the Palestinian economy. Known as the Initiative for the Palestinian Economy (IPE), it was designed to complement political negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).[9]

The initiative identified opportunities for private sector-led growth in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, especially in agriculture, construction, energy, tourism, and IT. It depended on the inflow of new financing into the Palestinian economy, in particular from the private sector, continued and significantly expanded Israeli easing measures, and boosted institutional capacity within the PA.[10]

After Tony Blair's resignation in June 2015, the position of the Quartet Representative was not replaced. The Office of the Quartet Representative transitioned to the Office of the Quartet, reporting to the Quartet Envoys. Kito de Boer became the Head of Mission for the Office of the Quartet. The Mandate of the Office remained unchanged.[11]

The OQ’s work continued to focus on the Quartet objectives of Palestinian economic and institutional development and empowerment, thereby helping to advance the Palestinian-Israeli political process in support of a viable and peaceful two-state solution.[12]

Current focus

The OQ works on policy changes and priority projects in three main areas: movement and trade, effective government, reliable infrastructure. OQ prioritizes projects that enable broad economic growth.[13] The Gas for Gaza (G4G) project is intended to help solve Gaza’s energy crisis in the long-term by facilitating the planning and construction of a natural gas pipeline to Gaza.[14] Renewable energy has been another focus of the office.[15]

In an interview with The National, de Boer talked about the absence of ongoing peace negotiations and the new context for the Office of the Quartet. "What has not gone away is the idea of investment as an important mechanism to build a stronger, more independent state, better able to provide sustainable jobs for its people,” de Boer said.[16]

Continuing work done as the OQR, the OQ developed a dedicated GIS mapping tool,[17] funded by the Government of the Netherlands, which led to changes in the operation of the Palestinian Civilian Police (PCP), implemented in April 2015. The mapping tool enabled Palestinian police to extend their security control in parts of the West Bank. Three new police stations have been approved around Jerusalem.[18]

The OQ sponsored a project with the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Jordan, USAID, and the Government of the Netherlands to enable containerized goods at the Allenby Crossing.[19] Once installed and fully operational, facilities and scanners on both sides of the Jordan River are expected to increase Israeli security and boost Palestinian trade flows by 30% or more, according to a 2012 study by the OQR and the Regional Cooperation Ministry.[20]

In November 2015, the OQ helped negotiate an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, to bring 2G services to Gaza and 3G to the West Bank.[21][22]

OQ/OQR Heads of Mission

  • Robert Danin: April 2008 – August 2010
  • Gary Grappo: September 2010 – November 2011
  • Firas Ra'ad: June 2012 – December 2013
  • Kito de Boer: January 2015 – June 2017
  • John N. Clarke: January 2018 – present


1. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+CRE+20020424+ITEM-003+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=GA|title=Debates - Wednesday, 24 April 2002 - Meeting of Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers in Valencia of 22/23 April 2002|website=www.europarl.europa.eu|access-date=2016-11-25}}
2. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=23058#.V3uqr5MrJ2Y|title=UN News - Former UK leader Tony Blair named new Quartet Representative|last=Section|first=United Nations News Service|date=2007-06-27|website=UN News Service Section|access-date=2016-11-25}}
3. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=23058#.V3uqr5MrJ2Y|title=UN News - Former UK leader Tony Blair named new Quartet Representative|last=Section|first=United Nations News Service|date=2007-06-27|website=UN News Service Section|access-date=2016-11-25}}
4. ^{{Cite web|url=http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWESTBANKGAZA/Resources/WorldBankAHLCMay2,08.pdf|title=Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee|last=|first=|date=May 2, 2008|website=|publisher=World Bank|access-date=November 25, 2016}}
5. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/tracking-economic-growth-in-the-west-bank-and-gaza-since-2007|title=Tracking Economic Growth in the West Bank and Gaza since 2007|last=Makovsky|first=David|date=December 27, 2011|website=|publisher=The Washington Institute|access-date=}}
6. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Israel-opens-Jalama-border-crossing-to-boost-Palestinian-economy|title=Jerusalem Post|last=|first=|date=November 11, 2009|work=Israel Opens Jalama Border Crossing To Boost Palestinian Economy|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
7. ^{{Cite news|url=http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/06/20/israel.gaza/|title=CNN|last=|first=|date=June 20, 2010|work=Israel easing blockade of Gaza 'except for military items'|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
8. ^{{Cite web|url=https://investpalestine.wordpress.com/2012/10/21/east-jerusalem-promoting-private-foreign-investment/|title=East Jerusalem: Promoting Private & Foreign Investment|last=|first=|date=October 21, 2012|website=|publisher=Invest Palestine|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
9. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.state.gov/p/nea/rls/rm/223233.htm|title=Initiative for the Palestinian Economy|newspaper=U.S. Department of State|access-date=2016-12-18}}
10. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.quartetoffice.org/page.php?id=5da3e3y6136803Y5da3e3|title=Initiative for the Palestinian Economy|last=|first=|date=2016|website=Office of the Quartet|publisher=Office of the Quartet|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
11. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.tonyblairoffice.org/quartet/news-entry/office-of-the-quartet/|title=OQR to be renamed Office of the Quartet|last=|first=|date=June 11, 2015|website=Office of Tony Blair|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
12. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.quartetoffice.org/page.php?id=4e3e7y320487Y4e3e7|title=About OQ|last=|first=|date=2016|website=Office of the Quartet|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
13. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.quartetoffice.org/page.php?id=216fy8559Y216f|title=What We Do|last=|first=|date=2016|website=Office of the Quartet|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
14. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/business/2013/10/palestine-economic-initiative-kerry-key-sectors.html|title=Al-Monitor|last=|first=|date=October 6, 2013|work=Eight Points of the US-Quartet Palestinian Economic Program|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
15. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-02/palestinians-aim-for-more-power-independence-with-solar-auction|title=Bloomberg|last=Hirtenstein|first=Anna|date=May 1, 2016|work=Palestinians Aim for More Power Independence With Solar Auction|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
16. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.thenational.ae/business/economy/exclusive-the-man-tasked-with-investing-in-palestines-future|title=The National|last=Kane|first=Frank|date=July 21, 2015|work=Exclusive: The man tasked with investing in Palestine’s future|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
17. ^{{Cite web|url=https://unispal.un.org/DPA/DPR/unispal.nsf/0/DCA80249053CD09085257E4D00503B81|title=Report for the Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee on Action in Support of Palestinian State-Building|last=|first=|date=May 27, 2015|website=United Nations|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
18. ^{{Cite news|url=http://nsnbc.me/2015/04/19/palestinian-authority-deploys-police-to-three-jerusalem-suburbs-in-cooperation-with-israel/|title=NSNBC International|last=|first=|date=April 19, 2015|work=Palestinian Authority deploys Police to three Jerusalem Suburbs in Cooperation with Israel|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
19. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/business/2014/05/allenby-bridge-crossing-israel-jordan-palestine-export-gulf.html|title=Al-Monitor|last=|first=|date=March 10, 2014|work=Upgrading Allenby crossing will encourage Palestinian export|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
20. ^{{Cite web|url=tp://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Peace/Humanitarian/Pages/Improvements-at-the-Allenby-Border-Terminal-20-Oct-2013.aspx|title=Improvements at the Allenby Border Terminal|last=|first=|date=October 20, 2013|website=Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}
21. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Palestinians-sign-agreement-granting-3G-high-speed-internet-services-in-West-Bank-434713|title=Jerusalem Post|last=|first=|date=November 19, 2015|work=Palestinians sign agreement granting 3G high speed internet services in West Bank|access-date=December 18, 2016|via=}}
22. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.quartetoffice.org/files/OQ%20September%202016%20AHLC%20report.pdf|title=Report for the Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee|last=|first=|date=September 19, 2016|website=Office of the Quartet|publisher=|access-date=December 18, 2016}}

1 : Israeli–Palestinian peace process





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