

词条 Risalah Ramadaniyya

  1. Style

  2. Syedna Taher Saifuddin

  3. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin

  4. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin

  5. References

{{Multiple issues|{{primary sources|date=September 2018}}{{original research|date=September 2018}}{{context|date=September 2018}}{{orphan|date=August 2018}}

Risalah Arabic (رسـالـة) is the Arabic word for a treatise or philosophical prose within Islam. In Tayyibi Isma'ilism, Rasāʾil Ramaḍāniyya refers to the works composed by the Da'i al-Mutlaq, an important religious leader, during the month of Ramadan.


Each Risalah begins with a supplication and eulogy, followed by another section, that blends a variety of topics. Each Risalah (epistle) is given a title gematrically equivalent to the Hijri year of its publication:[1][2] "The context of the quoted texts is not left to the reader to determine, as in the two above-mentioned anthologies. Each text is preceded or followed by a commentary placing it within a specific theme or issue, such as the daʿwa hierarchy under the imams and dāʿīs, the nature of the authority of the dāʿī and the daʿwa dignitaries (ḥudūd), and the role and place of the believers in this world. In addition, each Risāla begins with the traditional introductory taḥmīd, original poems in praise of the Prophet and the imams, and extensive supplications showing a rhetorical mastery of the Arabic language. The Risālas typically end with opinions on legal matters by the author or by previous dāʿīs and daʿwa dignitaries."[2]

Syedna Taher Saifuddin

Taher Saifuddin "probably had more Ismāʿīlī texts at his disposal than any other Ṭayyibī scholar before him. The wealth and variety of quoted texts make the Rasāʾil al-Ramaḍāniyya a treasure trove of writings, which are otherwise inaccessible to non-initiates and low-ranking daʿwa officials."[2]

A set of the Rasāʾil were presented to the Bodleian Library in the University of Oxford on behalf of Syedna Taher Saifuddin 12 July 1949.[3]

IDTitleTitle (English)HijriPub.Year
STS 01ضوء نور الحق المبينḌawʾ nūr al-ḥaqq al-mubīn1335
STS 02ثمرات علوم الهدىṮamarāt ʿulūm al-hudā1337
STS 03زهر الرياض الازليةZahr al-riyāḍ al-azaliyya1338
STS 04درر البشارتDurar al-bišārāt1339
STS 05المشرب الكوثريAl-Mašrab al-kawṯarī1340
STS 06درر الهدى المضيئةDurar al-hudā al-muḍīʾa1341
STS 07روض عالم القدسRawḍ ʿālam al-quds1342
STS 08غرفة جنةĠurfat ǧanna1343
STS 09غرة الحقĠurrat al-ḥaqq1344
STS 10ثمار جنات عدن طيبةṮimār ǧannāt ʿadnin ṭayyiba1345
STS 11قطف شجرة خلديةQaṭf šaǧara ḫuldiyya1346
STS 12زبدة برهان الصدق الواضحZubdat burhān al-ṣidq al-wāḍiḥ1347
STS 13صبغ نورṢibġ nūr1348
STS 14غرس الجنةĠars al-ǧanna1349
STS 15درر اسرار اْل الكرارDurar asrār āl al-Karrār1350
STS 16نور روض الجنةNūr rawḍ al-ǧanna1351
STS 17بحر فضل كبيرBaḥr faḍl kabīr1352
STS 18مسرات الفتح المبينMasarrat al-fatḥ al-mubīn1353
STS 19الباب حظيرة القدسAl-Bāb ḥaẓīrat al-quds1354
STS 20كرامة العقول الوضيةKarāmat al-ʿuqūl al-waḍiyya1355
STS 21صفحات عرفات المعارفṢafḥat ʿarafāt al-maʿārif1356
STS 22انهار رياض الجنةAnhār riyāḍ al-ǧanna1357
STS 23سحب بركات الخلدSuḥub barakāt al-ḫuld1358
STS 24ذات البركةḎāt al-baraka1359
STS 25كوثر خلدKawṯar ḫuld1360
STS 26روضة فردوسRawḍat firdaws1361
STS 27دلو غدير حقDalw Ġadīr ḥaqq1362
STS 28مشربة تسنيم نورMašrabat tasnīm nūr1363
STS 29سلسبيل حكم غدقSalsabīl ḥikam ġadaq1364
STS 30سرر رشد مرفوعةSurar rušd Marfūʿa1365
STS 31صور حوض مورودṢuwar ḥawḍ mawrūd1366
STS 32تكبير سكينة فتح مبينTakbīr sakīnat fatḥ mubīn1367
STS 33فلسفة فوز عظيمFalsafat fawz ʿaẓīm1368
STS 34تذكرة لبيبTaḏkirat labīb1369
STS 35سلسلة نعمة عظمى1370
STS 36نعم الصبغة الالهية1371
STS 37خزائن امام المتقين1372
STS 38مفاتيح الياقوتة الحمراء1373
STS 39نهر النور الشعشعاني1374
STS 40بلاغ الدعاة الفاطميين1375
STS 41اشعة الفيض الازلي1376
STS 42امثال سدرة المنتهىAmṯāl sidrat al-muntahā1377
STS 43روضة دار السلامRawḍat dār al-Salām137819.07.1430H2009
STS 44توحيد الملة البيضاءTawḥīd al-Millah al-Bayḍāʾ137919.07.1431H2010
STS 45بركات اصحاب التطهيرBarakāt Aṣḥāb al-Taṭhīr138019.09.1432H2011
STS 46كمال النعم السابغةKamāl al-Aiʿam al-Sābiġa138114332012
STS 47تسبيح ذهب القدسTasbīḥ ḏahab al-Quds138223.09.1434H2013
STS 48شموس بركات الربانيين[4]Shumūs Barakāt al-Rabbāniyīn138323.09.1435H2015
STS 49انهار فيوض الفاطميين[5]Anhār Fūyūz al-Fātimiyyīn138410.12.1436H2016

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin

IDTitleTitle (English)HijriPub.Year
SMB00حكمة الغيبة الحقيقيةHikmat al-Ghaybah al-Haqiqiyyah1385H19.07.1430H2009
SMB01استفتاح زبد المعارفIsteftah Zubad al-Ma'arif1385H1386H
SMB02فيوضات الجنةFuyoodhaat al-Jannah1386H19.07.1430H2009
SMB03سلام نضرة النعيمSalaam Nadrah al-Na'eem1387H19.07.1431H2010
SMB04ذات النورZaat al-Noor1388H19.09.1432H2011
SMB05ظهور مجد الفاطميينZuhoor Majd al-Fatimiyeen1389H1433H2012
SMB06بركة صبغة اللهBarakah Sibghah Allah1390H23.09.1434H2013
SMB07نشر الخير [6]Nashr al-Khayr1391H01.10.1437H2017
SMB08ندى الفيوضات [7]Nadā al-Fūyūdāt1392H01.10.1438H2018
SMB09سلسبيل روض القدس [8]Salsabīl Rawd al-Quds1392H01.10.1439H2019

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin

IDTitleTitle (English) HijriPubYear
SMS00[9] حكمة الغيبة القدسانية الابديةHikmah al-Ghaybah al-Qudsāniyyah al-Abadiyyah1435H19.07.1436H2016
SMS01شكر نعم اصحاب البركات [10]Shukr Ne’am As’hāb al-Barakāt1436H27.06.1437H2017
SMS02جامعة ثمرات العلوم [11]Jāmiʿah Samarāt al-ʿUlūm1437H27.06.1438H2018
SMS03فيوضات يمنية طيبة [12]Fūyūdāt Yamaniyyah Taiyyebah1438H27.06.1439H2018
SMS04ملتقى سفينة البركات [13]Multaqā Safīnah al-Barakāt1439H27.06.1440H2019


1. ^{{Cite book|title=ميزة مفتاح خزائن العلوم|last=|first=|publisher=Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Badri Mahal|year=|isbn=|location=Mumbai, India.|pages=}}
2. ^{{Cite journal|last=Traboulsi|first=Samer|year=2016|title=Transmission of Knowledge and Book Preservation in the Ṭayyibī Ismāʿīlī Tradition|url=|journal=Intellectual History of the Islamicate World|volume=|pages=|via=Brill}}
3. ^{{Cite journal|last=|first=|date=1947|title=Donation of Daudi Bohra Books|url=|journal=The Bodleian Library Record|volume= 2| issue = 26|pages=181|via=}}
4. ^{{cite book|url=|title=شموس بركات الربانيين|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India, 1435H|year=2015|isbn=|location=|page=|pages=|via=}}
5. ^{{cite book|url=|title=انهار فيوض الفاطميين|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=1436H|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India|isbn=|location=|page=}}
6. ^{{cite book|url=|title=نشر الخير (Nashr al-Khayr) 1391|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=1437H|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India|year=|isbn=|location=|page=|pages=}}
7. ^{{cite book|url=|title=ندى الفيوضات ١٣٩٢|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=1438H|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India|isbn=|location=|page=}}
8. ^{{Cite book|title=سلسبيل روض القدر|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|publisher=Badri Mahal|year=1439H|isbn=|location=Mumbai, India|pages=}}
9. ^{{cite book|url=|title=رسالة النعي المسماة - حكمة الغيبة القدسانية الابدية|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=1436H|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India|isbn=|location=|page=}}
10. ^{{cite book|url=|title=شكر نعم اصحاب البركات|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|date=1437H|publisher=His Holiness Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Badri Mahal, Mumbai, India|isbn=|location=|page=}}
11. ^{{Cite book|title=جامعة ثمرات العلوم|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|publisher=Badri Mahal|year=1438H|isbn=|location=Mumbai, India|pages=}}
12. ^{{Cite book|title=فيوضات يمنية طيبة|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb|publisher=Badri Mahal|year=1439H|isbn=|location=Mumbai, India|pages=}}
13. ^{{Cite book|title=ملتقى سفينة البركات|last=His Holiness|first=Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb (1440H)|publisher=Badri Mahal.|year=2019|isbn=|location=Mumbai, India|pages=}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Rasāʾil Ramaḍāniyya}}

4 : Arabic words and phrases|Ismailism|Bohra|Ramadan





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