释义 |
- References
{{Userspace draft|source=ArticleWizard|date=November 2018}}The following table lists all the named streams that flow in Armstrong County. For each stream, the name, coordinate of the source, name of the stream it flows into, coordinate of the confluence, and political subdivision in which the confluence is located are given. Name | Source | Flows into | Mouth | Location |
Allegheny River[1] | 41°52′22″N 77°52′30″W | Ohio River | 40°26′36″N 80°00′54″W | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Armstrong Run[2] | 41°01′06″N 79°38′18″W | Allegheny River[1] | 41°00′43″N 79°36′33″W | Perry Township | Beers Run[3] | 40°41′01″N 79°31′16″W | Crooked Creek[5] | 40°41′51″N 79°30′17″W | Burrell Township | Big Run[4] | 40°43′25″N 79°39′18″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°40′52″N 79°40′11″W | South Buffalo Township | Birch Run[5] | 41°01′16″N 79°37′49″W | Allegheny River[1] | 41°02′00″N 79°37′09″W | Perry Township | Brady Run[6] | 40°40′04″N 79°34′39″W | Kiskiminetas River[11] | 40°37′57″N 79°36′33″W | Leechburg | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°56′46″N 79°47′19″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°40′11″N 79°41′34″W | Freeport | Bullock Run[8] | 40°54′42″N 79°25′44″W | North Fork Pine Creek[15] | 40°52′48″N 79°26′28″W | Boggs Township | Camp Run[9] | 40°53′40″N 79°17′33″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°55′29″N 79°17′23″W | Wayne Township | Campbell Run[10] | 40°44′35″N 79°27′02″W | Crooked Creek[5] | 40°43′43″N 79°32′13″W | Manor Township | Carnahan Run[11] | 40°37′50″N 79°28′34″W | Kiskiminetas River[11] | 40°36′44″N 79°35′02″W | Parks Township | Cathcart Run[12] | 40°59′15″N 79°18′06″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°57′25″N 79°18′45″W | Mahoning Township | Cave Run[13] | 40°55′43″N 79°22′24″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°56′19″N 79°22′19″W | Mahoning Township | Cessna Run[14] | 40°46′20″N 79°19′32″W | South Branch Plum Creek[27] | 40°42′14″N 79°19′09″W | Plumcreek Township | Cherry Run[15] | 40°44′57″N 79°20′40″W | Crooked Creek[5] | 40°40′25″N 79°27′32″W | Burrell Township | Coal Bank Run[16] | 40°41′22″N 79°31′19″W | Crooked Creek[5] | 40°42′12″N 79°30′41″W | Bethel Township | Cornplanter Run[17] | 40°46′19″N 79°44′06″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°45′16″N 79°40′21″W | South Buffalo Township | Cove Run[18] | 41°00′58″N 79°39′48″W | Sugar Creek[35] | 40°59′15″N 79°38′03″W | Bradys Bend Township | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°49′34″N 79°10′32″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°51′04″N 79°30′28″W | Gosford | Craig Run[20] | 40°36′12″N 79°22′30″W | Crooked Creek[5] | 40°38′08″N 79°24′00″W | South Bend Township | Craigs Run[21] | 40°49′40″N 79°18′30″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°47′42″N 79°18′36″W | Rural Valley | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°41′44″N 79°04′43″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°44′57″N 79°33′18″W | Bethel Township Manor Township | Deaver Run[23] | 40°52′12″N 79°23′59″W | South Fork Pine Creek[45] | 40°51′08″N 79°25′16″W | Boggs Township Valley Township | Dutch Run[24] | 40°42′29″N 79°14′39″W | Plum Creek[47] | 40°41′12″N 79°19′41″W | Plumcreek Township | Elbow Run[25] | 40°44′06″N 79°27′27″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°43′05″N 79°29′43″W | Kittaning Township | Elder Run[26] | 40°41′23″N 79°34′21″W | Kiskiminetas River[11] | 40°38′52″N 79°37′33″W | Gilpin Township | Fagley Run[27] | 40°41′04″N 79°22′48″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°39′07″N 79°25′24″W | Burrell Township | Flat Run[28] | 40°34′06″N 79°28′16″W | Kiskiminetas River[11] | 40°32′10″N 79°30′17″W | Kiskiminetas Township | Foundry Run[29] | 40°55′55″N 79°11′20″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°54′37″N 79°13′15″W | Wayne Township | Garretts Run[30] | 40°45′32″N 79°27′22″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°47′40″N 79°31′02″W | Manor Township | Glade Run[31] | 40°50′42″N 79°12′23″W | Mahoning Creek[17][17] | 40°54′53″N 79°15′47″W | Wayne Township | Glade Run[32] | 40°54′17″N 79°34′24″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°45′08″N 79°34′06″W | Cadogan Township | Gobblers Run[33] | 40°37′11″N 79°18′39″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°38′03″N 79°21′37″W | South Bend Township | Guffy Run[34] | 40°40′46″N 79°33′25″W | Kiskiminetas River[11] | 40°37′59″N 79°34′54″W | Gilpin Township Parks Township | Hamilton Run[35] | 40°58′46″N 79°19′44″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°57′00″N 79°19′16″W | Mahoning Township near Putneyville | Hart Run[36] | 40°57′00″N 79°38′30″W | Sugar Creek[35] | 40°59′16″N 79°37′57″W | Bradys Bend Township | Hays Run[37] | 40°50′29″N 79°26′33″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°51′44″N 79°28′59″W | Rayburn Township | Hill Run[38] | 40°43′44″N 79°37′55″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°41′41″N 79°37′15″W | South Buffalo Township | Holder Run[39] | 40°57′43″N 79°40′30″W | Sugar Creek[35] | 40°59′10″N 79°38′16″W | Bradys Bend Township | Horney Camp Run[40] | 40°43′43″N 79°27′09″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°42′30″N 79°29′59″W | Burrell Township | Huling Run[41] | 40°54′47″N 79°35′17″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°59′01″N 79°34′32″W | Washington Township | Huskins Run[42] | 40°45′16″N 79°20′40″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°47′54″N 79°22′14″W | Cowanshannock Township | Knapp Run[43] | 40°43′39″N 79°38′14″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°41′44″N 79°38′46″W | South Buffalo Township | Kiskiminetas River[44] | 40°29′08″N 79°27′14″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°40′46″N 79°40′01″W | near Freeport, Pennsylvania | Laurel Run[45] | 40°50′03″N 79°23′05″W | South Fork Pine Creek[45] | 40°50′40″N 79°23′58″W | Boggs Township Valley Township | Limestone Run[46] | 40°54′58″N 79°33′10″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°51′21″N 79°30′28″W | East Franklin Township | Lindsay Run[47] | 40°36′35″N 79°24′02″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°38′05″N 79°24′07″W | South Bend Township | Little Mudlick Creek[48] | 40°59′52″N 79°15′25″W | Mahoning Creek[17] | 40°57′10″N 79°18′09″W | Redbank Township | Little Sandy Creek[49] | 41°01′39″N 78°57′31″W | Redbank Creek[98] | 41°02′44″N 79°13′48″W | Redbank Township | Long Run[50] | 40°35′52″N 79°25′26″W | Kiskiminetas River[44] | 40°32′00″N 79°28′34″W | Kiskiminetas Township | Long Run[51] | 40°40′28″N 79°24′38″W | Fagley Run[27] | 40°39′14″N 79°25′14″W | South Bend Township | Long Run[52] | 40°54′31″N 79°35′33″W | Patterson Creek[104] | 40°52′03″N 79°38′15″W | West Franklin Township | Long Run[53] | 40°59′39″N 79°41′54″W | Sugar Creek[35] | 40°58′49″N 79°40′24″W | Bradys Bend Township | Long Run[54] | 40°49′39″N 79°23′15″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°48′34″N 79°24′40″W | Valley Township | Mahoning Creek[55] | 40°58′26″N 78°51′22″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°55′59″N 79°27′40″W | Madison Township and Pine Township | Marrowbone Run[56] | 40°46′50″N 79°37′15″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°47′37″N 79°39′06″W | North Buffalo Township | Mast Run[57] | 40°57′47″N 79°31′07″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°56′49″N 79°32′39″W | Madison Township | Mill Run[58] | 40°45′57″N 79°23′30″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°48′29″N 79°27′47″W | Rayburn Township | Mudlick Creek[59] | 41°01′14″N 79°13′25″W | Pine Run[118] | 40°57′45″N 79°15′09″W | Redbank Township | Nicholson Run[60] | 40°47′09″N 79°36′19″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°43′34″N 79°35′13″W | South Buffalo Township | Nolf Run[61] | 41°00′11″N 79°12′24″W | Little Sandy Creek[49] | 41°02′21″N 79°13′06″W | Redbank Township | North Branch Cherry Run[62] | 40°45′21″N 79°26′53″W | Cherry Run[15] | 40°41′08″N 79°25′33″W | Burrell Township | North Branch Plum Creek[63] | 40°49′33″N 79°10′02″W | Keystone Lake | 40°43′13″N 79°18′09″W | Plumcreek Township | North Branch South Fork Pine Creek[64] | 40°51′03″N 79°15′52″W | South Fork Pine Creek[45] | 40°50′58″N 79°19′43″W | Wayne Township near Echo. | North Fork Pine Creek[65] | 40°53′26″N 79°19′48″W | Pine Creek[129] | 40°52′27″N 79°28′06″W | Boggs Township | Nye Branch[66] | 40°56′37″N 79°09′29″W | Sugarcamp Run[131] | 40°57′45″N 79°13′17″W | Redbank Township | Patterson Creek[67] | 40°57′11″N 79°40′51″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°51′06″N 79°38′17″W | West Franklin Township | Pine Creek[68] | 40°52′27″N 79°28′08″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°52′16″N 79°28′41″W | Boggs Township Rayburn Township | Pine Run[69] | 40°43′04″N 79°26′45″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°41′15″N 79°28′28″W | Burrell Township | Pine Run[70] | 41°00′57″N 79°40′32″W | Sugar Creek[35] | 40°59′10″N 79°39′15″W | Bradys Bend Township | Pine Run[71] | 40°46′33″N 79°37′33″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°43′59″N 79°40′46″W | South Buffalo Township | Pine Run[72] | 40°58′10″N 79°06′29″W | Mahoning Creek[55] | 40°56′47″N 79°16′39″W | Redbank Township | Plum Creek[73] | 40°43′14″N 79°18′09″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°39′56″N 79°19′45″W | Plumcreek Township | Rattling Run[74] | 40°36′40″N 79°30′30″W | Roaring Run[147] | 40°33′39″N 79°31′38″W | Kiskiminetas Township | Redbank Creek[75] | 41°09′30″N 79°04′36″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°58′55″N 79°33′00″W | Madison Township | Roaring Run[76] | 40°36′18″N 79°26′27″W | Kiskiminetas River[44] | 40°33′04″N 79°32′10″W | Kiskiminetas Township | Rough Run[77] | 40°49′13″N 79°48′14″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°47′05″N 79°41′16″W | North Buffalo Township | Rupp Run[78] | 40°46′25″N 79°26′39″W | Garretts Run[30] | 40°47′03″N 79°29′42″W | Manor Township | Scrubgrass Creek[79] | 40°54′45″N 79°19′29″W | Mahoning Creek[55] | 40°55′33″N 79°25′26″W | Mahoning Station, Pine Township | Sipes Run[80] | 40°47′09″N 79°40′28″W | Buffalo Creek[7] | 40°46′09″N 79°40′22″W | South Buffalo Township | Snyders Run[81] | 40°56′28″N 79°35′48″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°58′12″N 79°35′22″W | Bradys Bend Township | South Branch Cowanshannock Creek[82] | 40°49′15″N 79°10′40″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°47′51″N 79°15′55″W | Cowanshannock Township | South Branch Plum Creek[83] | 40°47′13″N 79°04′34″W | Plum Creek[73] | 40°43′13″N 79°18′09″W | Plumcreek Township | South Branch South Fork Pine Creek[84] | 40°49′13″N 79°16′33″W | South Fork Pine Creek[45] | 40°50′58″N 79°19′43″W | Wayne Township | South Fork Pine Creek[85] | 40°50′58″N 79°19′42″W | Pine Creek[68] | 40°52′27″N 79°28′06″W | Rayburn Township | Spra Run[86] | 40°45′54″N 79°23′04″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°48′39″N 79°25′08″W | Valley Township | Spruce Run[87] | 40°51′03″N 79°14′26″W | Cowanshannock Creek[19] | 40°49′01″N 79°14′41″W | Cowanshannock Township | Spur Run[88] | 40°40′55″N 79°33′17″W | Taylor Run[175] | 40°42′08″N 79°33′22″W | Bethel Township | Sugar Creek[89] | 40°58′11″N 79°42′33″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°59′31″N 79°36′49″W | Bradys Bend Township | Sugar Run[90] | 40°40′39″N 79°22′39″W | Crooked Creek[22] | 40°38′15″N 79°24′18″W | South Bend Township | Sugarcamp Run[91] | 40°59′40″N 79°13′05″W | Mudlick Creek[59] | 40°57′43″N 79°14′13″W | Redbank Township | Taylor Run[92] | 40°40′37″N 79°31′38″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°42′28″N 79°34′49″W | Bethel Township | Tub Mill Run[93] | 40°45′43″N 79°30′36″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°45′23″N 79°32′50″W | Manor Township | Watson Run[94] | 40°43′24″N 79°37′22″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°42′07″N 79°36′19″W | South Buffalo Township | Whiskey Run[95] | 41°00′52″N 79°38′28″W | Sugar Creek[89] | 40°59′57″N 79°37′28″W | Bradys Bend Township | Wiskey Creek[96] | 40°55′06″N 79°26′06″W | Allegheny River[1] | 40°55′12″N 79°27′48″W | Pine Township |
References 1. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 {{cite gnis|1209386|Allegheny River}} 2. ^{{cite gnis|1168403|Armstrong Run}} 3. ^{{cite gnis|1169126|Beers Run}} 4. ^{{cite gnis|1202117|Big Run}} 5. ^{{cite gnis|1169647|Birch Run}} 6. ^{{cite gnis|1170138|Brady Run}} 7. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 {{cite gnis|1201493|Buffalo Creek}} 8. ^{{cite gnis|1170662|Bullock Run}} 9. ^{{cite gnis|1171078|Camp Run}} 10. ^{{cite gnis|1171135|Campbell Run}} 11. ^{{cite gnis|1171227|Carnahan Run}} 12. ^{{cite gnis|1171338|Cathcart Run}} 13. ^{{cite gnis|1202242|Cave Run}} 14. ^{{cite gnis|1171520|Cessna Run}} 15. ^1 {{cite gnis|1171665|Cherry Run}} 16. ^{{cite gnis|1172045|Coal Bank Run}} 17. ^{{cite gnis|1172469|Cornplanter Run}} 18. ^{{cite gnis|1172531|Cove Run}} 19. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 {{cite gnis|1192306|Cowanshannock Creek}} 20. ^{{cite gnis|1172603|Craig Run}} 21. ^{{cite gnis|1172608|Craigs Run}} 22. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 {{cite gnis|1172715|Crooked Creek}} 23. ^{{cite gnis|1173039|Deaver Run}} 24. ^{{cite gnis|1173662|Dutch Run}} 25. ^{{cite gnis|1174074|Elbow Run}} 26. ^{{cite gnis|1192423|Elder Run}} 27. ^1 {{cite gnis|1174406|Fagley Run}} 28. ^{{cite gnis|1209299|Flat Run}} 29. ^{{cite gnis|1175046|Foundry Run}} 30. ^1 {{cite gnis|1192502|Garretts Run}} 31. ^{{cite gnis|1175661|Glade Run}} 32. ^{{cite gnis|1192517|Glade Run}} 33. ^{{cite gnis|1175768|Gobblers Run}} 34. ^{{cite gnis|1176297|Guffy Run}} 35. ^{{cite gnis|1202241|Hamilton Run}} 36. ^{{cite gnis|1176599|Hart Run}} 37. ^{{cite gnis|1176701|Hays Run}} 38. ^{{cite gnis|1177080|Hill Run}} 39. ^{{cite gnis|1177194|Holder Run}} 40. ^{{cite gnis|1177430|Horney Camp Run}} 41. ^{{cite gnis|1177575|Huling Run}} 42. ^{{cite gnis|1177647|Huskins Run}} 43. ^{{cite gnis|1178599|Knapp Run}} 44. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 {{cite gnis|1192712|Kiskiminetas River}} 45. ^{{cite gnis|1178983|Laurel Run}} 46. ^{{cite gnis|1192785|Limestone Run}} 47. ^{{cite gnis|1179416|Lindsay Run}} 48. ^{{cite gnis|1179618|Little Mudlick Creek}} 49. ^1 {{cite gnis|1200096|Little Sandy Creek}} 50. ^{{cite gnis|1179882|Long Run}} 51. ^{{cite gnis|1179884|Long Run}} 52. ^{{cite gnis|1179899|Long Run}} 53. ^{{cite gnis|1212447|Long Run}} 54. ^{{cite gnis|1179886|Long Run}} 55. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 {{cite gnis|1180222|Mahoning Creek}} 56. ^{{cite gnis|1192896|Marrowbone Run}} 57. ^{{cite gnis|1180537|Mast Run}} 58. ^{{cite gnis|1181180|Mill Run}} 59. ^1 {{cite gnis|1182061|Mudlick Creek}} 60. ^{{cite gnis|1193025|Nicholson Run}} 61. ^{{cite gnis|1182499|Nolf Run}} 62. ^{{cite gnis|1182530|North Branch Cherry Run}} 63. ^{{cite gnis|1182548|North Branch Plum Creek}} 64. ^{{cite gnis|1182551|North Branch South Fork Pine Creek}} 65. ^1 {{cite gnis|1182586|North Fork Pine Creek}} 66. ^{{cite gnis|1182719|Nye Branch}} 67. ^1 {{cite gnis|1183369|Patterson Creek}} 68. ^1 2 {{cite gnis|1183770|Pine Creek}} 69. ^{{cite gnis|1183877|Pine Run}} 70. ^{{cite gnis|1183897|Pine Run}} 71. ^{{cite gnis|1183893|Pine Run}} 72. ^1 {{cite gnis|1183896|Pine Run}} 73. ^1 2 {{cite gnis|1184106|Plum Creek}} 74. ^{{cite gnis|1184688|Rattling Run}} 75. ^1 {{cite gnis|1190990|Redbank Creek}} 76. ^1 {{cite gnis|1185183|Roaring Run}} 77. ^{{cite gnis|1185513|Rough Run}} 78. ^{{cite gnis|1185628|Rupp Run}} 79. ^{{cite gnis|1187186|Scrubgrass Creek}} 80. ^{{cite gnis|1187727|Sipes Run}} 81. ^{{cite gnis|1187965|Snyders Run}} 82. ^{{cite gnis|1202514|South Branch Cowanshannock Creek}} 83. ^1 {{cite gnis|1188036|South Branch Plum Creek}} 84. ^{{cite gnis|1188039|South Branch South Fork Pine Creek}} 85. ^1 2 3 4 {{cite gnis|1188067|South Fork Pine Creek}} 86. ^{{cite gnis|1188200|Spra Run}} 87. ^{{cite gnis|1188346|Spruce Run}} 88. ^{{cite gnis|1214672|Spur Run}} 89. ^1 2 3 4 5 6 {{cite gnis|1188930|Sugar Creek}} 90. ^{{cite gnis|1188965|Sugar Run}} 91. ^1 {{cite gnis|1209332|Sugarcamp Run}} 92. ^1 {{cite gnis|1189311|Taylor Run}} 93. ^{{cite gnis|1193559|Tub Mill Run}} 94. ^{{cite gnis|1190691|Watson Run}} 95. ^{{cite gnis|1209285|Whiskey Run}} 96. ^{{cite gnis|1202648|Wiskey Creek}}
10 : Armstrong County, Pennsylvania|Pittsburgh metropolitan area|Counties of Appalachia|Rivers of Pennsylvania|Tributaries of the Allegheny River|Wild and Scenic Rivers of the United States|Allegheny Plateau|Rivers of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania|Rivers of Clarion County, Pennsylvania|Rivers of Jefferson County, Pennsylvania |