


  1. Function

  2. Interactions

  3. References

  4. External links

  5. Further reading


COUP-TFII (COUP transcription factor 2), also known as NR2F2 (nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NR2F2 gene.[1][2] The COUP acronym stands for chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter.


COUP-TFII plays a critical role in controlling the development of a number of tissues and organs including heart, blood vessels, muscles and limbs.[3][4]

The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) stimulates COUP-TFII-induced transactivation while COUP-TFII represses the GR transcriptional activity.[5][6] COUP-TFII interacts with GATA2 to inhibit adipocyte differentiation.[7]


COUP-TFII has been shown to interact with:

  • HDAC1[8]
  • Lck[9]
  • V-erbA-related gene.[10]
  • Nucleolin[11]


1. ^{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2F2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2| url = https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=7026| accessdate = }}
2. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Qiu Y, Krishnan V, Zeng Z, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, Gibson L, Yang-Feng T, Jenkins NA, Tsai MJ, Tsai SY | title = Isolation, characterization, and chromosomal localization of mouse and human COUP-TF I and II genes | journal = Genomics | volume = 29 | issue = 1 | pages = 240–6 | date = September 1995 | pmid = 8530078 | doi = 10.1006/geno.1995.1237 }}
3. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Pereira FA, Qiu Y, Zhou G, Tsai MJ, Tsai SY | title = The orphan nuclear receptor COUP-TFII is required for angiogenesis and heart development | journal = Genes Dev. | volume = 13 | issue = 8 | pages = 1037–49 | date = April 1999 | pmid = 10215630 | pmc = 316637 | doi = 10.1101/gad.13.8.1037 }}
4. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Lee CT, Li L, Takamoto N, Martin JF, Demayo FJ, Tsai MJ, Tsai SY | title = The Nuclear Orphan Receptor COUP-TFII Is Required for Limb and Skeletal Muscle Development | journal = Mol. Cell. Biol. | volume = 24 | issue = 24 | pages = 10835–43 | date = December 2004 | pmid = 15572686 | pmc = 533959 | doi = 10.1128/MCB.24.24.10835-10843.2004 }}
5. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = De Martino MU, Bhattachryya N, Alesci S, Ichijo T, Chrousos GP, Kino T | title = The glucocorticoid receptor and the orphan nuclear receptor chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II interact with and mutually affect each other's transcriptional activities: implications for intermediary metabolism | journal = Mol. Endocrinol. | volume = 18 | issue = 4 | pages = 820–33 | date = April 2004 | pmid = 14739255 | doi = 10.1210/me.2003-0341 }}
6. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = De Martino MU, Alesci S, Chrousos GP, Kino T | title = Interaction of the glucocorticoid receptor and the chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II (COUP-TFII): implications for the actions of glucocorticoids on glucose, lipoprotein, and xenobiotic metabolism | journal = Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. | volume = 1024 | issue = | pages = 72–85 | date = June 2004 | pmid = 15265774 | doi = 10.1196/annals.1321.006 }}
7. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Xu Z, Yu S, Hsu CH, Eguchi J, Rosen ED | title = The orphan nuclear receptor chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II is a critical regulator of adipogenesis | journal = Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. | volume = 105 | issue = 7 | pages = 2421–6 | date = February 2008 | pmid = 18250317 | pmc = 2268152 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.0707082105 }}
8. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Smirnov DA, Hou S, Ricciardi RP | title = Association of histone deacetylase with COUP-TF in tumorigenic Ad12-transformed cells and its potential role in shut-off of MHC class I transcription | journal = Virology | volume = 268 | issue = 2 | pages = 319–28 | date = March 2000 | pmid = 10704340 | doi = 10.1006/viro.1999.0181 }}
9. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Marcus SL, Winrow CJ, Capone JP, Rachubinski RA | title = A p56(lck) ligand serves as a coactivator of an orphan nuclear hormone receptor | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 271 | issue = 44 | pages = 27197–200 | date = November 1996 | pmid = 8910285 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.271.44.27197 }}
10. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Avram D, Ishmael JE, Nevrivy DJ, Peterson VJ, Lee SH, Dowell P, Leid M | title = Heterodimeric Interactions between Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor Family Members ARP1 and Ear2 | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 274 | issue = 20 | pages = 14331–6 | date = May 1999 | pmid = 10318855 | pmc = 2823254 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.274.20.14331 }}
11. ^{{cite journal | vauthors = Litchfield LM, Riggs KA, Hockenberry AM, Oliver LD, Barnhart KG, Cai J, Pierce WM, Ivanova MM, Bates PJ, Appana SN, Datta S, Kulesza P, McBryan J, Young LS, Klinge CM | title = Identification and characterization of nucleolin as a COUP-TFII coactivator of retinoic acid receptor β transcription in breast cancer cells. | journal = PLOS ONE | volume = 7 | issue = 5 | date = May 2012 | pmc = 3365040 | doi = 10.1371/journal.pone.0038278 | pmid = 22693611 | pages=e38278}}

External links

  • {{UCSC gene info|NR2F1}}
  • {{UCSC gene info|NR2F2}}

Further reading

{{refbegin | 2}}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = De Martino MU, Alesci S, Chrousos GP, Kino T | title = Interaction of the glucocorticoid receptor and the chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II (COUP-TFII): implications for the actions of glucocorticoids on glucose, lipoprotein, and xenobiotic metabolism | journal = Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. | volume = 1024 | issue = | pages = 72–85 | year = 2004 | pmid = 15265774 | doi = 10.1196/annals.1321.006 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Mietus-Snyder M, Sladek FM, Ginsburg GS, Kuo CF, Ladias JA, Darnell JE, Karathanasis SK | title = Antagonism between apolipoprotein AI regulatory protein 1, Ear3/COUP-TF, and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 modulates apolipoprotein CIII gene expression in liver and intestinal cells | journal = Mol. Cell. Biol. | volume = 12 | issue = 4 | pages = 1708–18 | year = 1992 | pmid = 1312668 | pmc = 369614 | doi = }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Wang LH, Ing NH, Tsai SY, O'Malley BW, Tsai MJ | title = The COUP-TFs compose a family of functionally related transcription factors | journal = Gene Expr. | volume = 1 | issue = 3 | pages = 207–16 | year = 1992 | pmid = 1820218 | doi = }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Ladias JA, Karathanasis SK | title = Regulation of the apolipoprotein AI gene by ARP-1, a novel member of the steroid receptor superfamily | journal = Science | volume = 251 | issue = 4993 | pages = 561–5 | year = 1991 | pmid = 1899293 | doi = 10.1126/science.1899293 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Marcus SL, Winrow CJ, Capone JP, Rachubinski RA | title = A p56(lck) ligand serves as a coactivator of an orphan nuclear hormone receptor | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 271 | issue = 44 | pages = 27197–200 | year = 1996 | pmid = 8910285 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.271.44.27197 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Thénot S, Henriquet C, Rochefort H, Cavaillès V | title = Differential interaction of nuclear receptors with the putative human transcriptional coactivator hTIF1 | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 272 | issue = 18 | pages = 12062–8 | year = 1997 | pmid = 9115274 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.272.18.12062 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Chu K, Zingg HH | title = The nuclear orphan receptors COUP-TFII and Ear-2 act as silencers of the human oxytocin gene promoter | journal = J. Mol. Endocrinol. | volume = 19 | issue = 2 | pages = 163–72 | year = 1998 | pmid = 9343308 | doi = 10.1677/jme.0.0190163 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Bailey P, Sartorelli V, Hamamori Y, Muscat GE | title = The orphan nuclear receptor, COUP-TF II, inhibits myogenesis by post-transcriptional regulation of MyoD function: COUP-TF II directly interacts with p300 and myoD | journal = Nucleic Acids Res. | volume = 26 | issue = 23 | pages = 5501–10 | year = 1999 | pmid = 9826778 | pmc = 147985 | doi = 10.1093/nar/26.23.5501 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Avram D, Ishmael JE, Nevrivy DJ, Peterson VJ, Lee SH, Dowell P, Leid M | title = Heterodimeric Interactions between Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor Family Members ARP1 and Ear2 | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 274 | issue = 20 | pages = 14331–6 | year = 1999 | pmid = 10318855 | pmc = 2823254 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.274.20.14331 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Smirnov DA, Hou S, Ricciardi RP | title = Association of histone deacetylase with COUP-TF in tumorigenic Ad12-transformed cells and its potential role in shut-off of MHC class I transcription | journal = Virology | volume = 268 | issue = 2 | pages = 319–28 | year = 2000 | pmid = 10704340 | doi = 10.1006/viro.1999.0181 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Avram D, Fields A, Pretty On Top K, Nevrivy DJ, Ishmael JE, Leid M | title = Isolation of a Novel Family of C2H2 Zinc Finger Proteins Implicated in Transcriptional Repression Mediated by Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter Transcription Factor (COUP-TF) Orphan Nuclear Receptors | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 275 | issue = 14 | pages = 10315–22 | year = 2000 | pmid = 10744719 | pmc = 2819356 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.275.14.10315 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Jordan EM, Worley T, Breen GA | title = Transcriptional regulation of the nuclear gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the mammalian mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase complex: role for the orphan nuclear receptor, COUP-TFII/ARP-1 | journal = Biochemistry | volume = 42 | issue = 9 | pages = 2656–63 | year = 2003 | pmid = 12614160 | doi = 10.1021/bi0268347 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Sato Y, Suzuki T, Hidaka K, Sato H, Ito K, Ito S, Sasano H | title = Immunolocalization of nuclear transcription factors, DAX-1 and COUP-TF II, in the normal human ovary: correlation with adrenal 4 binding protein/steroidogenic factor-1 immunolocalization during the menstrual cycle | journal = J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. | volume = 88 | issue = 7 | pages = 3415–20 | year = 2003 | pmid = 12843196 | doi = 10.1210/jc.2002-021723 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Colland F, Jacq X, Trouplin V, Mougin C, Groizeleau C, Hamburger A, Meil A, Wojcik J, Legrain P, Gauthier JM | title = Functional Proteomics Mapping of a Human Signaling Pathway | journal = Genome Res. | volume = 14 | issue = 7 | pages = 1324–32 | year = 2004 | pmid = 15231748 | pmc = 442148 | doi = 10.1101/gr.2334104 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Kurihara I, Shibata H, Kobayashi S, Suda N, Ikeda Y, Yokota K, Murai A, Saito I, Rainey WE, Saruta T | title = Ubc9 and Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT 1 Activate Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor I-mediated Human CYP11B2 Gene Transcription | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 280 | issue = 8 | pages = 6721–30 | year = 2005 | pmid = 15611122 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.M411820200 }}
  • {{cite journal | vauthors = Shibata H, Kobayashi S, Kurihara I, Suda N, Yokota K, Murai A, Ikeda Y, Saito I, Rainey WE, Saruta T | title = COUP-TF and transcriptional co-regulators in adrenal steroidogenesis | journal = Endocr. Res. | volume = 30 | issue = 4 | pages = 795–801 | year = 2005 | pmid = 15666827 | doi = 10.1081/ERC-200044042 }}
{{Refend|2}}{{Transcription factors|g2}}

2 : Intracellular receptors|Transcription factors





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