

词条 Daniel 7

  1. Summary

  2. Structure and composition

     Book of Daniel  Chapter 7 

  3. Genre and themes

     Genre  Themes 

  4. Interpretation

     Historical background: from Babylon to the Greeks  Imagery and symbolism 

  5. Christian eschatological readings

  6. Appendix

  7. See also

  8. Citations

  9. Bibliography

{{Daniel chapters}}

Daniel 7 (the seventh chapter of the Book of Daniel) tells of Daniel's vision of four world-kingdoms replaced by the kingdom of God. Four beasts come out of the sea, the Ancient of Days sits in judgement over them, and "one like a son of man" is given eternal kingship. An angelic guide interprets the beasts as kingdoms and kings, the last of whom will make war on the "holy ones" of God, but he will be destroyed and the "holy ones" will be given eternal dominion and power.

It is generally accepted that the Book of Daniel is a product of the mid-2nd century {{sc|bc}}.{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=29,34-35}} It is an apocalypse, a literary genre in which a heavenly reality is revealed to a human recipient;{{sfn|Crawford|2000|p=73}} it is also an eschatology, a divine revelation concerning the moment in which God will intervene in history to usher in the final kingdom.{{sfn|Carroll|2000|p=420-421}} Its context is oppression of the Jews by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who outlawed Jewish customs and built an altar to Zeus in the Temple (the "abomination of desolation"), sparking a popular uprising which led to the retaking of Jerusalem and the Temple by Judas Maccabeus.{{sfn|Bandstra|2008|p=449}}{{sfn|Aune|2010|p=15-19}} Chapter 7 introduces the theme of the "four kingdoms", which is that Israel would come under four successive world-empires, each worse than the last, until finally God would end oppression and introduce the eternal kingdom.{{sfn|Cohen|2006|p=188-189}}


In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon (probably 553 {{sc|bc}}), Daniel receives a dream-vision from God. He sees the "great sea" stirred up by the "four winds of heaven," and from the waters emerge four beasts, the first a lion with the wings of an eagle, the second a bear, the third a winged leopard with four heads, and the fourth a beast with ten horns, and a further horn appeared which uprooted three of the ten. As Daniel watches, the Ancient of Days takes his seat on the throne of heaven and sits in judgement in the midst of the heavenly court, the fourth and worst beast is put to death, and a being like a human ("like a son of man") approaches the Ancient One in the clouds of heaven and is given everlasting kingship. A heavenly being explains the vision: the four beasts are four earthly kings (or kingdoms), "but the holy ones of the Most High shall receive and possess the kingdom forever." Regarding the fourth beast, the ten horns are ten kings of this last and greatest earthly kingdom; the eleventh horn (king) will overthrow three kings and make war on the "holy ones of God", and attempt to change the sacred seasons and the law he will have power "for a time, two times and a half", but when his allotted time is done he will be destroyed, and the holy ones will possess the eternal kingdom.{{sfn|Levine|2003|p=1247-1249}}

Structure and composition

{{main article|Book of Daniel#structure}}

Book of Daniel

It is generally accepted that the Book of Daniel originated as a collection of folktales among the Jewish community in Babylon and Mesopotamia in the Persian and early Hellenistic periods (5th to 3rd centuries {{sc|bc}}), expanded by the visions of chapters 7-12 in the Maccabean era (mid-2nd century {{sc|bc}}).{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=29,34-35}} Modern scholarship agrees that Daniel is a legendary figure.{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=28}} It is possible that the name was chosen for the hero of the book because of his reputation as a wise seer in Hebrew tradition.{{sfn|Redditt|2008|p=176-177,180}} The tales are in the voice of an anonymous narrator, except for chapter 4 which is in the form of a letter from king Nebuchadnezzar II.{{sfn|Wesselius|2002|p=295}} Chapters 2-7 are in Aramaic (after the first few lines of chapter 2 in Hebrew) and are in the form of a chiasmus, a poetic structure in which the main point or message of a passage is placed in the centre and framed by further repetitions on either side:{{sfn|Redditt|2009|p=177}}

  • A. (2:4b-49) – A dream of four kingdoms replaced by a fifth
    • B. (3:1–30) – Daniel's three friends in the fiery furnace
    • C. (4:1–37) – Daniel interprets a dream for Nebuchadnezzar
    • C'. (5:1–31) – Daniel interprets the handwriting on the wall for Belshazzar
    • B'. (6:1–28) – Daniel in the lions' den
  • A'. (7:1–28) – A vision of four world kingdoms replaced by a fifth

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 is pivotal to the larger structure of the entire book, acting as a bridge between the tales of chapters 1-6 and the visions of 7-12. The use of Aramaic and its place in the chiasm link it to the first half, while the use of Daniel as first-person narrator and its emphasis on visions link it to the second. There is also a temporal shift: the tales in chapters 1-6 have run from Nebuchadnezzar to Belshazzar to Darius, but in chapter 7 we move back to the first year of Belshazzar and the forward movement starts over again, to the third year of Belshazzar and then the third year of Cyrus.{{sfn|Hebbard|2009|p=23}}

Most scholars accept that the chapter was written as a unity, possibly based on an early anti-Hellenistic document from around 300 {{sc|bc}}; verse 9 is usually printed as poetry, and may be a fragment of an ancient psalm. The overall structure can be described as follows:{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=74-75}}

  • Introduction (verses 1-2a)
  • Vision report: vision of the four beasts; vision of the "little horn"; throne vision; vision of judgement; vision of a figure on the clouds (2b-14)
  • Interpretation (15-18)
  • Additional clarification of the vision (19-27)
  • Conclusion (28)

Genre and themes


The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse, a literary genre in which a heavenly reality is revealed to a human recipient. Apocalypses are characterized by visions, symbolism, an other-worldly mediator, an emphasis on cosmic events, angels and demons, and pseudonymity (false authorship).{{sfn|Crawford|2000|p=73}} Apocalypses were common from 300 {{sc|bc}} to {{sc|ad}} 100, not only among Jews and Christians, but Greeks, Romans, Persians and Egyptians.{{sfn|Davies|2006|p=397-406}} Daniel, the book's hero, is a representative apocalyptic seer, the recipient of the divine revelation: has learned the wisdom of the Babylonian magicians and surpassed them, because his God is the true source of knowledge. Daniel is one of the maskilim, the wise, whose task is to teach righteousness.{{sfn|Davies|2006|p=397-406}} The book is also an eschatology, meaning a divine revelation concerning the end of the present age, a moment in which God will intervene in history to usher in the final kingdom.{{sfn|Carroll|2000|p=420-421}}


The overall theme of the Book of Daniel is God's sovereignty over history.{{sfn|Levine|2010|p=1234}} Written to encourage Jews undergoing persecution at the hands of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid king of Syria, the visions of chapters 7-12 predict the end of the earthly Seleucid kingdom, its replacement by the eternal kingdom of God, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement.{{sfn|Nelson|2000|p=311-312}} Chapter 7 introduces the specific apocalyptic theme of the "four kingdoms", which is that Israel (or the world) would come under four successive world-empires, each worse than the last, until finally God and his hosts would end oppression and introduce the eternal kingdom.{{sfn|Cohen|2006|p=188-189}}


{{details|Four monarchies}}

Historical background: from Babylon to the Greeks

In the late 7th and early 6th centuries {{sc|bc}} the Neo-Babylonian empire dominated the Middle East. The Kingdom of Judah began the period as a Babylonian client state, but after a series of rebellions Babylon reduced it to the status of a province and carried off its élite (not all its population) into captivity. This "Babylonian exile" ended in 538 {{sc|bc}} when Medes and Persians led by Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and ushered in the Persian or Achaemenid empire (with the Achaemenids as the ruling dynasty). The Persian empire in turn succumbed to Alexander the Great in the second half of the 4th century, and following Alexander's death in 323 {{sc|bc}} his generals divided his empire between themselves. The Roman Empire in turn eventually took control over those parts of the Middle East to the west of Mesopotamia. Palestine fell first under the control of the Ptolemies of Egypt, but around 200 {{sc|bc}} it passed to the Seleucids, then based in Syria. Both dynasties were Greek and both promoted Greek culture, usually peacefully, but the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV, also called Antiochus Epiphanes (reigned 175-164 {{sc|bc}}) proved an exception. Interpreting Jewish opposition as motivated by religion and culture, he outlawed Jewish customs such as circumcision, kosher dietary restrictions, Sabbath observance, and the Jewish scriptures (the Torah). In his most infamous act he built an altar to Zeus over the altar of burnt offerings in the Temple (the "abomination of desolation"), sparking in 167 {{sc|bc}} a massive popular uprising against Hellenic Greek rule which led to the retaking of Jerusalem by Judas Maccabeus and the purification of the Temple in 164 BC.{{sfn|Bandstra|2008|p=449}}{{sfn|Aune|2010|p=15-19}}

Imagery and symbolism

Many scholars have accepted the view that the imagery of Daniel 7 comes ultimately from the Canaanite myth of Baʿal's battle with Yamm ({{abbr|lit.|literally}} "Sea"), symbolic of chaos. Although no exact prototype for the imagery exists, there are a number of parallels with the extant myth.{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=77}} The four beasts are chaos monsters{{sfn|Collins|1984|p=77}} which appeared as serpents in the Baʿal Cycle discovered in the ruins of Ugarit in the 1920s. In Daniel 7, composed sometime before Judas Maccabeus purified the temple in 164 {{sc|bc}}, they symbolise Babylon, the Medes, Persia and Greece:{{sfn|Levine|2010|p=p.1247 footnotes}}

  • The lion: Babylon. Its transformation into a man reverses Nebuchadnezzar's transformation into a beast in chapter 4, and the "human mind" may reflect his regaining sanity; the "plucked wings" reflect both loss of power and the transformation to a human state.
  • The bear: the Medes - compare Jeremiah 51:11 on the Medes attacking Babylon.
  • The leopard: Persia. The four heads may reflect the four Persian kings of Daniel 11:2-7.
  • The fourth beast: The Greeks and particularly the Seleucids of Syria.

The "ten horns" that appear on the beast is a round number standing for the Seleucid kings between Seleucus I, the founder of the kingdom, and Antiochus Epiphanes.{{sfn|Levine|2010|p=1247 footnotes}} The "little horn" is Antiochus himself. The "three horns" uprooted by the "little horn" reflect the fact that Antiochus was fourth in line to the throne, and became king after his brother and one of his brother's sons were murdered and the second son exiled to Rome. Antiochus was responsible only for the murder of one of his nephews, but the author of Daniel 7 holds him responsible for all.{{sfn|Levine|2010|p=1247-1248 footnotes}} Anthiochus called himself Theos Epiphanes, "God Manifest", suiting the "arrogant" speech of the little horn.{{sfn|Seow|2003|p=106}}

The next scene is the divine court. Israelite monotheism should have only one throne as there is only one god, but here we see multiple thrones, suggesting the mythic background to the vision. The "Ancient of Days" echoes Canaanite El, but his wheeled throne suggests Ezekiel's mobile throne of God. He is surrounded by fire and an entourage of "ten thousand times ten thousand", an allusion to the heavenly hosts attending Yahweh, the God of Israel, as he rides to battle against his people's enemies. There is no battle, however; instead "the books" are opened and the fate of Israel's enemies is decided by God's sovereign judgement.{{sfn|Seow|2003|p=106-107}}

The identity of the "one like a son of man" who approaches God on his throne has been much discussed. The usual suggestion is that this figure represents the triumph of the Jewish people over their oppressor; the main alternative view is that he is the angelic leader of God's heavenly host, a connection made explicitly in chapters 10-12, where the reader is told that the conflict on Earth is mirrored by a war in heaven between Michael, the angelic champion of Israel, assisted by Gabriel, and the angelic "princes" of Greece and Persia; the idea that he is the messiah is sometimes advanced, but Daniel makes no clear reference to the messiah elsewhere.{{sfn|Collins|1998|p=101-103}}

The "holy ones" seems to refer to the persecuted Jews under Antiochus; the "sacred seasons and the law" are the Jewish religious customs disrupted by him; the "time, two times and a half" is approximately the time of the persecution, from 167 to 164 {{sc|bc}}, as well as being half the "perfect number" seven.{{sfn|Levine|2010|p=1248-1249, footnotes}}

"Their kingly power is an everlasting power": the hasidim (the sect of "the pious ones") believed that the restoration of Jewish worship in the temple would usher in the final age.{{sfn|Hammer|1976|p.82}}

Christian eschatological readings

The following is a historicist-based illustration of the parallels.

ChapterParallel sequence of prophetic elements as understood by Historicists[1][2]
Daniel 2Head
Chest & 2 arms
Belly and thighs
2 Legs
2 Feet with toes
Clay & Iron
God's unending kingdom
left to no other people
Daniel 7Winged LionLopsided Bear4 Headed/4 Winged
Iron toothed Beast
w/Little Horn
Judgment scene
Beast w/Horn
A "son of man" comes in clouds
Given "everlasting dominion"
He gives it to the saints.


Over the centuries Bible Scholars have identified specific kingdoms as fulfillment of the beast and horn symbols as illustrated in the following table.

Prophecy of Beasts in Daniel 7
Biblical Expositors of the Early Church Period: AD 100-457[3]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
Josephusc. 100Rome = 4th
Yochanan ben Zakai1st centuryRome = 4th
Barnabasc. 150[BPG]RComing Kgdms.3 Uprooted"Black one"
Second Esdras[c. 150][BPGR]
Justin Martyrc. 165[BPGR](Prophecyends in 2ndAdvent)Very Short2nd Advent
Sibyllines3rd centuryBPGR
Irenaeusc. 202BPGR10 kgdms.3 SupplantedAntichrist1|2}} Years2nd Advent
Hippolytusd. 238BPGR10 Divisions3 Kgdms.AntichristLiteralKgdm. of Saints
Tertullianc. 240[BPGR]10 Kgdms.[Spans periodbetweenAdvents]Coming Kgdm.
Origenc. 254[Allegorizesall Prophecies][Filled withEnigmas &Dark Sayings]
Cyprianc. 258Antiochus - Type
Porphyryc. 3043=Alex.
4=Ptol.& Seluc.
Victorinusc. 304[BPGR]10 Divisions3 Kgdms.Antichrist
First Council of Nicaea325[BPGR][AfterGelasius]At Advent
Lactantiusc. 330[BPGR]10 Kgdms.3 DestroyedAntichrist42 monthsKgdm. Saints
Eusebius of Caesareac. 340BPGR10 Kgdms3 DestroyedAt 2nd Advent
Eusebius [Later Views]c. 340Present Church
Aphrahatc. 350BPGRSelucids10.5 yearsAt 2nd Adv.
Hilary of Poitiers368Future
Athanasius373[BPGR][10 Kgdms.]3 Kgdms.AntichristAt 2nd Advent
Ephrem the Syrian373[BPG]-P&SAntiochus
Cyril of Alexandria386BPGRDivisions3 Kgdms.Antichrist1|2}} YearsAt 2nd Advent
John Chrysostom407BPGRAntichrist2nd Advent
Jerome420BPGR10 Named3 UprootedAntichrist1|2}} YearsJudgment
= 2nd Advent
Isidore of Pelusium450BPGR
Theodoret457BPGRContemporary3 SubduedAntichrist1|2}} yearsAt 2nd Adv.
Biblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Period: 400-1200 AD[4]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
Augustined. 430BPGRKgdms.Antichrist1|2}} YearsEternal Kgdm.
Andreas7th century[BPGR][Antichrist]
Sargis D'Aberga7th centuryBPGRDivisionsFalse MessiahJudge All Men
Gregory Id. 604Antichrist
Venerable Beded. 735[BPGR]3 RulersAntichrist
Berengaud9th century[BPG]RListed
Eliezer ben Hurcanus8th-9th centuryBPGR
Saadiad. 942BPG-Gog10 kingsCruel King
Jephet ibn Ali10th centuryBPGR10 ThronesMohammad
Waldenses12th century4th=Roman Church
Rashid. 1105BPGR10 Roman Kgdms.Titus=1135 Yrs
Abraham ibn Ezrad. 1167BPG[R]10 KingsTitus
Peter Comestord. 1178BPGR10 Divisions3 KingsAntichrist1|2}} Years
Joachim of Florisd. 1202Jews, Romans
Arians, Saracens
Future Kgdms.Antichirst
Not Antiochus
Edward II (Salzburg)d. 1246[BPG]RListedNamedPapacy
Biblical Expositors of the Reformation Era: 1522–1614 AD[5]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
Martin Luther1522BPGRListedPapacy, TurkeyPhocasAfter Division
Johann Oecolampadius1530BPGRListedPapacy
Philipp Melanchthon1543BPGRListedMohammadanism[hazy]P.-Overthrow
Andreas Osiander1545[BPG]RPapacy412-1672 (1260 yrs)
Georg Joye1545BPGRListedPapacy
John Knox1547BPGRFall of RomePapacy
John Bale1550[BPG]RPapacy
Hugh Latimer1553BPGRDivisions
Nicolaus von Amsdorf1554[BPG]R
Heinrich Bullinger1557[BPG]RPapacy1260 years
Johann Funck1558[BPG]RPapacy
Virgil Solis1560BPGRPapacy
Georg Nigriaus1570BPGRListedPope - Turk1260 years
John Jewel1562[BPG]RPapacyJustinian onward
David Chytraeus1572[BPG]RPapacy412-1672 (1260 yrs)
Nikolaus Selnecker1579BPGRListedTurk
Thomas Cranmer1582[BPG]RPapacy
John Napier1593BPGRListed1260 years
Thomas Brightman1614[BPG]RDivisionsPapacyYears
Biblical Expositors of the Counter-Reformation: 1590–1604 AD[5]
Francisco Ribera15904th = SatanFuture AntichristLiteral
Robert Bellarmine1593Single KingLiteral
Blasius Viegas1601Literal Future
Biblical Expositors of the Post-Reformation Era—Europe: 1600–1800 AD[6]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
James I of England1600[BPG]RDivisionPapacy1260 years to End
George Downham1603[BPGR]ListedPapacy1260 Years (600→)
George Pacard1604[BPG]RDivisionsPapacy1260 Years
Hugh Broughton1607BPG-Alex. Succ.KingsAntiochus[Literal]
Joseph Mede1631BPGRListedPapacy1260 years
John Tillinghast1655BPGRPapacy396-1656 (1260 yrs)
Henry More1664[BPG]RDivisionsPapacy1260 Years
William Sherwin1670[BPG]RDivisionsPapacy1260 Years
Thomas Beverley1684[BPGR]Kgdms.Papacy437-1697 (1260 yrs)
Pierre Jurieu1687BPGRKgdms.Papacy454-1714 (1260 yrs)
Drue Cressener1689[BPG]RKgdms.PapacyJustinian → c. 1800
William Lowth1700[BPGR]Papacy606-1866 (1260 yrs)
Johannes Cocceius1701BPGRListedPapacy1260 Years
Robert Fleming, Jr.1701BPGRPapacyJustinian → 1794
George Her. Geblehr1702[BPGR]Papacy1260 years
William Whiston1706BPGRKgdms.Papacy606-1866 (1260 yrs)
Heinrich Horch1712BPGRPapacy[years]
Matthew Henry1714BPGRTen NationsPapacy1260 years
Sir Isaac Newton1727BPGRListedPapacy1260 years
John Willison1745[BPGR]DivisionsPapacy
Thomas Newton1754BPGRKgdms.West. Rome533 or 606
Johann Ph. Petri1768[BPGR]Turks587-1847 (1260 yrs)
Hans Wood1787BPGRPapacy620-1880 (1260 yrs)
Christian G. Thube1789BPGRDivisionsPapacy
James Ebenezer Bicheno1793BPGRDivisionsPapacy529-1789 (1260 yrs)
David Simpson1797[BPG]RDivisionsPapacy538-1798 (1260 yrs)
Edward King1798[BPGR]Papacy538-1798 (1260 yrs)
Richard Valpy1798BPGRPapacy538-1798 (1260 yrs)
Jean G. de la Flechere1800BPGRListedPapacy1260 years
Biblical Expositors of the Post-Reformation Era—America: 1600–1800 AD[7]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
John Cotton (Puritan)1639BPGRMentionedPapacy395-1655 [1260 yrs]
Anne Bradstreet1642BPGR
Roger Williams1644BPGRMentionedPapacyyears
Ephriam Huit1644BPGRNamedTurks-Popes1|2}} centuries
Thomas Parker1646BPGRNamedPapacy600-1859
John Davenport1653BPGRYears
Edward Holyoke1658BPGRMentioned600-
Samuel Hutchinson1667BPGRPapacy
Increase Mather1669BPGRNamedPapacy456-1716 [1260 yrs]
Samuel Mather1672BPGRMentionedYears
Nicholas Noyes1698BPGRPapacyyears
Cotton Mather1702BPGRMentionedPapacy456-
William Burnet1724BPGRNamedPapacy455-1715 [1260 yrs]
Jonathan Edwards1739BPGRMentionedPapacy455- or 606-
David Imri1756BPGRYears
Ezekiel Cheever1757BPGRPapacy
Aaron Burr, Sr.1757BPGRMentionedPapacyYears
Isaac Backus1767MentionedBishop of Rome
Samuel Langdon1774[BPGR]Years
Samuel Gatchel1781[BPGR]
Benjamin Gale1788BPGRMentionedPapacyYears
Joshua Lathrop1789BPGR606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Samuel Hopkins1793BPGRPapacy606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Samuel Osgood1794ConfusedNamedPope630-1890 [1260 yrs]
William Linn1794BPGRMentionedPapacy553-1813 [1260 yrs]
David Austin1794BPGRPapacy500-1760 [1260 yrs]
Joshua Spalding1796BPGRPapacyYears
Biblical Expositors of the 19th-century Advent Awakening: 1800–1845 AD[8]
4 Beasts10 Horns3 hornsLittle Horn3{{fraction|1|2 TimesJudgment
Kgdm. of God
Manuel Lacunza17994 ReligionsMentionedYears
William Hales1803BPGRListedHOLPapacy620-1880 [1260 yrs]
George Stanley Faber1804BPGRListedHOLPapacy
Thomas Scott1805BPGRListedHOLPapacy606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Adam Clarke1810BPGRDivisionsPopedom755-2015 [1260 yrs]
Samuel Toovey1813BPGRListedExLRPapacy
Captain Maitland1813BPGRListedHOL533-1792 [1260 yrs]
William Cuninghame1813BPGRListedPapacy533-1792 [1260 yrs]
James H Frere1815BPGR10 DivisionsPapacy533-1792 [1260 yrs]
Lewis Way1818BPGRDivisions531-1789 [1260 yrs]
W. C. Davis1818BPGRPapacy588-1848 [1260 yrs]
Francis Mason (archdeacon)1820BPGR10 DivisionsPapacy533-1792 [1260 yrs]
Jonathan Bayford1820BPGRListedBishop of Rome529-1789 [1260 yrs]
Henry Gauntlett1821BPGRPapacy606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Joseph Wolff1822BPGRPapacy1260 Years
John Fry1822BPGRListedHOLPapacy537-1797 [1260 yrs]
Pierre J. Agier1823BPGR10 Kgdms.Christian Rome
Jonathan R. Park1825BPRG606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Edward Cooper1825BPGRPapacy533-1792 [1260]
S. R. Maitland1826FutureNot DivisionsFutureFutureDays only
Edward Irving1826BPGRPapal Eur.Papacy533-1792 [1260 yrs]
Edward T. Vaughan1828BPGRPapacy537-1797 [1260 yrs]
Thomas Keyworth1828BPGR10 Kgdms.3 Kgdms.Papacy606-1866 [1260 yrs]
Gerald T. Noel1828BPGR10 DivisionsPapacy533-1792 [1260 yrs]
Alexander Keith1828BPGRPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
Alfred Addis1829BPGRListedPapacy553-1813 [1260 yrs]
Jonathon Hooper1829BPGRPope533-1793 [1260 yrs]
William W. Pym1829BPGRPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
Henry Drummone1830BPGRPapacy
William Jones1830BPGR10 Kgdms.PapacyYears
Edward N. Hoare1830BPGR10 Kgdms.ExLRPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
Samuel Lee (linguist)1830Preterist1|2}} Years
William Anderson1830BPGR
James Begg1831BPGR10 NationsPapacy
William Digby1831BPGRListedHOLPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
J (Amici) Leslie1831BPGRPapacy532-1792 [1260 yrs]
Joshua William Brooks1831BPGRPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
William Thorp1831BPGRPapacyNearly Out
John Cox1832BPGR10 DivisionsPapacy
Joseph d'A. Sirr1833BPGR
Matthew Habershon1834BPGR10 DivisionsPapacy533-1793 [1260 yrs]
Bp Dan Wilson1836BPGRPapacy
Edward Bickersteth1836BPGR533-1793 [1260 yrs]
François Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen1837BPGRListedHOLPapacy529-1789 [1260 yrs]
J. H. Richter1839Papacy587-1847 [1260 yrs]
Elizabeth Charlotte1840BPGRPapacy[Years]
James Henthorn Todd1840[4th not Rome][not Roman][Future][not years]
John Henry Newman1841[Future][Days]
Thomas Rawson Birks1843BPGRListed3 Kgdms.Papacy
Jonathan Cumming1843BPGRPapacy532-1792 [1260 yrs]
William Miller1843BPGR10 NationsPapacy538-1798 [1260 yrs]
E. B. Elliot1844BPGRListedPapacyJustinian-1798
James A. Wylie1844BPGR10 NationsPapacy538-1798 [1260 yrs]
Joseph Baylee1845BPGRPapacy532-1792 [1260 yrs]
BPGR=Babylon-Media/Persia-Greece-Rome. [BPGR]=Implies...

See also


1. ^{{harvnb|Smith|1944|p=}}
2. ^{{harvnb|Anderson|1975|p=}}
3. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1950|pp=456–7}}
4. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1950|pp=894-75}}
5. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1948|pp=528–9}}
6. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1948|pp=784–5}}
7. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1946|pp=252–3}}
8. ^After table in {{harvnb|Froom|1946|pp=744–5}}


| last = Aune
| first = David E.
| chapter = The World of Roman Hellenism
| editor1-last = Aune
| editor1-first = David E.
| title = The Blackwell Companion to The New Testament
| year = 2010
| publisher = John Wiley & Sons
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=ygcgn8h-jo4C&pg=PA15&dq=%22Early+Judaism+and+early+Christianity+were+profoundly+but+unevenly+influenced+by+Hellenistic+culture%22
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9781444318944
| last = Bandstra
| first = Barry L.
| title = Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
| year = 2008
| publisher = Wadsworth Publishing Company
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=vRY9mTUZKJcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Bandstra#v=onepage&q&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 0495391050
|last = Boyer
|first = Paul S.
|title = When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=FyTeW7vQ8K4C&dq=When+Time+Shall+be+No+More+By+Paul+S.+Boyer&printsec=frontcover
|year = 1992
|publisher = Harvard University Press
|isbn = 0-674-95129-8
|ref = harv
| last = Brettler
| first = Mark Zvi
| title = How To Read the Bible
| year = 2005
| publisher = Jewish Publication Society
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=39nQafdJ_ssC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Brettler#v=onepage&q&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780827610019
| last = Cohn
| first = Shaye J.D.
| title = From the Maccabees to the Mishnah
| year = 2006
| publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=H5hLLIrh6n8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=From+the+Maccabees+to+the+Mishnah#v=onepage&q=From%20the%20Maccabees%20to%20the%20Mishnah&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780664227432
|last = Collins
|first = John J.
|authorlink = John J. Collins
|title = Daniel: With an Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature
|year = 1984
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=9r_Zs7T1nCMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Daniel:+with+an+introduction+to+apocalyptic+literature#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780802800206
|last = Collins
|first = John J.
|authorlink = John J. Collins
|title = The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature
|year = 1998
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=PxjNsMrzI-kC&pg=PA103&dq=Son+of+Man:+The+interpretation+and+influence+of+Daniel+7#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780802843715
|last = Collins
|first = John J.
|authorlink = John J. Collins
|chapter = Current Issues in the Study of Daniel
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|volume = I
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=oAVPfTe_wkYC&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9004116753
|last = Collins
|first = John J.
|authorlink = John J. Collins
|chapter = From Prophecy to Apocalypticism: The Expectation of the End
|editor1-last = McGinn
|editor1-first = Bernard
|editor2-last = Collins
|editor2-first = John J.
|editor3-last = Stein
|editor3-first = Stephen J.
|title = The Continuum History of Apocalypticism
|year = 2003
|publisher = Continuum
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=7UlbWioOV7sC&pg=PA64&dq=From+Prophecy+to+Apocalypticism#v=onepage&q=From%20Prophecy%20to%20Apocalypticism&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780826415202

last = Coogan

|first = Michael
|authorlink = Michael Coogan
|title= A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament|location=Oxford
|publisher= Oxford University Press
|year = 2009
|page = 400
|last = Crawford
|first = Sidnie White
|chapter = Apocalyptic
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myers
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|year = 2000
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA73&dq=Eerdmans+Dictionary+of+the+Bible+apocalyptic#v=onepage&q=Eerdmans%20Dictionary%20of%20the%20Bible%20apocalyptic&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9789053565032
|last =Davidson
|first =Robert
|chapter =Jeremiah, Book of
|editor1-last =Metzger
|editor1-first =Bruce M.
|editor2-last =Coogan
|editor2-first =Michael D.
|title =The Oxford Companion to the Bible
|publisher =Oxford University Press
|year =1993
|url =https://books.google.com/?id=Y2KGVuym5OUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Jeremiah+Book+Of+Oxford+Companion+to+the+Bible#v=onepage&q=Jeremiah%20Book%20Of%20&f=false
|isbn =9780199743919
|ref =harvref
|last = Davies
|first = Philip
|chapter = Apocalyptic
|editor1-last = Rogerson
|editor1-first = J. W.
|editor2-last = Lieu
|editor2-first = Judith M.
|title = The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies
|year = 2006
|publisher = Oxford Handbooks Online
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=eKZYMifS1fAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Oxford+handbook+of+biblical+studies#v=onepage&q=Daniel&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780199254255
|last = DeChant
|first = Dell
|chapter = Apocalyptic Communities
|editor1-last = Neusner
|editor1-first = Jacob
|title = World Religions in America: An Introduction
|year = 2009
|publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=34vGv_HDGG8C&pg=PA237&dq=influence+book+daniel+adventist#v=onepage&q=influence%20book%20daniel%20adventist&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9781611640472
|last = Dunn
|first = James D.G.
|chapter = The Danilic Son of Man in the New Testament
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=kvtbNQtMqEUC&pg=PA545&dq=The+Danielic+Son+of+Man+in+the+New+Testament#v=onepage&q=The%20Danielic%20Son%20of%20Man%20in%20the%20New%20Testament&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 0391041282
| last = Froom
| first = Le Roy Edwin
| authorlink = Le Roy Froom
| title = Early Church Exposition, Subsequent Deflections, and Medieval Revival
| url = http://www.adventistarchives.org/doc_info.asp?DocID=42770
| volume = 1
| series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation
| year = 1950
| publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association
| page = 1006
| ref = harv
| last = Froom
| first = Le Roy Edwin
| authorlink = Le Roy Froom
| title = Pre-Reformation and Reformation Restoration, and Second Departure
| url = http://www.adventistarchives.org/doc_info.asp?DocID=43134
| volume = 2
| series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation
| year = 1948
| publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association
| page = 863
| ref = harv
| last = Froom
| first = Le Roy Edwin
| authorlink = Le Roy Froom
| title = PART I, Colonial and Early National American Exposition. PART II, Old World Nineteenth Century Advent Awakening
| url = http://www.adventistarchives.org/doc_info.asp?DocID=42257
| volume = 3
| series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation
| year = 1946
| publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association
| page = 802
| ref = harv
|last = Gallagher
|first = Eugene V.
|chapter = Millennialism, Scripture, and Tradition
|editor1-last = Wessinger
|editor1-first = Catherine
|title = The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism
|year = 2011
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=58bNBYPnGg0C&pg=PA133&dq=Millennialism,+scripture,+and+tradition#v=onepage&q=Millennialism%2C%20scripture%2C%20and%20tradition&f=false
|ref = harv
|last = Goldingay
|first = John J.
|authorlink = John J. Collins
|chapter = Daniel in the Context of OT Theology
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|volume = II
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=kvtbNQtMqEUC&pg=PA642&dq=%22chapters+2+and+7+form+a+pair%22#v=onepage&q=%22chapters%202%20and%207%20form%20a%20pair%22&f=false
|ref = harv
| last = Grabbe
| first = Lester L.
| title = An Introduction to Second Temple Judaism: History and Religion of the Jews in the Time of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, Hillel, and Jesus
| year = 2010
| publisher = Continuum
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=i89-9fdNUcAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Grabbe#v=onepage&q&f==false
| ref = harv
| last = Grabbe
| first = Lester L.
| title = Judaic Religion in the Second Temple Period: Belief and Practice from the Exile to Yavneh
| year = 2002
| publisher = Routledge
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=ES2oy3IHBx0C&pg=PA282&dq=Son+of+Man:+The+interpretation+and+influence+of+Daniel+7#v=onepage&q=Daniel%201&f=false
| ref = harv
|last = Grabbe
|first = Lester L.
|chapter = A Dan(iel) For All Seasons
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=oAVPfTe_wkYC&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
| last = Hammer
| first = Raymond
| title = The Book of Daniel
| year = 1976
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=w0VmxeM472EC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Hammer,+The+Book+of+Daniel#v=onepage&q&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780521097659
| last = Harrington
| first = Daniel J.
| title = Invitation to the Apocrypha
| year = 1999
| publisher = Eerdmans
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=L6zJG-9BZMQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Harrington#v=onepage&q&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780802846334
| last = Hebbard
| first = Aaron B.
| title = Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics
| year = 2009
| publisher = Wipf and Stock Publishers
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=vk9MAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=%22chapter+7+is+a+pivotal+point+in+the+entire+narrative%22#v=onepage&q=%22chapter%207%20is%20a%20pivotal%20point%20in%20the%20entire%20narrative%22&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9781606089910
|last = Hill
|first = Andrew E.
|chapter = Daniel-Malachi
|editor1-last = Longman
|editor1-first = Tremper
|editor2-last = Garland
|editor2-first = David E.
|title = The Expositor's Bible Commentary
|volume = 8
|year = 2009
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=_VWQlEQGW-oC&pg=PT92&dq=%22literary+unity+of+this+chapter+has+for+several+reasons+been+disputed%22#v=onepage&q=%22literary%20unity%20of%20this%20chapter%20has%20for%20several%20reasons%20been%20disputed%22&f=false
|ref =harv
|isbn = 9780310590545
|last = Hill
|first = Charles E.
|chapter = Antichrist
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myers
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|year = 2000
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA67&dq=Eerdmans+Dictionary+of+the+Bible+antichrist#v=onepage&q=Eerdmans%20Dictionary%20of%20the%20Bible%20antichrist&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9789053565032
|last = Holbrook
|first = Frank B.
|title = The Seventy Weeks, Leviticus, and the Nature of Prophecy
|year = 1986
|publisher = Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
|isbn = 0925675024
|edition = Volume 3 of Daniel and Revelation Committee Series
|ref = harv}}
| last = Horsley
| first = Richard A.
| title = Scribes, Visionaries, and the Politics of Second Temple Judea
| year = 2007
| publisher = Presbyterian Publishing Corp
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=ukojCH-hlVYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Scribes,+Visionaries,+and+the+Politics+of+Second+Temple+Judea#v=onepage&q=Scribes%2C%20Visionaries%2C%20and%20the%20Politics%20of%20Second%20Temple%20Judea&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780664229917
|last = Knibb
|first = Michael
|title = Essays on the Book of Enoch and Other Early Jewish Texts and Traditions
|year = 2009
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=NC6iAkcBe4IC&pg=PA191&dq=The+Exile+in+the+literature+of+the+intertestamental+period#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9004167250
|last = Knibb
|first = Michael
|chapter = The Book of Daniel in its Context
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=oAVPfTe_wkYC&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9004116753
|last = Koch
|first = Klaus
|chapter = Stages in the Canonization of the Book of daniel
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=kvtbNQtMqEUC&pg=PA421&dq=Stages+in+the+canonization+of+the+book+of+daniel#v=onepage&q=Stages%20in%20the%20canonization%20of%20the%20book%20of%20daniel&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 0391041282
|last = Kratz
|first = Reinhard
|chapter = The Visions of Daniel
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=oAVPfTe_wkYC&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9004116753
|last = Levine
|first = Amy-Jill
|chapter = Daniel
|editor1-last = Coogan
|editor1-first = Michael D.
|editor2-last = Brettler
|editor2-first = Marc Z.
|editor3-last = Newsom
|editor3-first = Carol A.
|title = The new Oxford annotated Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : New Revised Standard Version
|year = 2010
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=jTYdAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1247&dq=%22The+history+recorded+in+the+visions+suggests+that+they+were+composed+sometime+before+164+BCE%22#v=onepage&q=%22The%20history%20recorded%20in%20the%20visions%20suggests%20that%20they%20were%20composed%20sometime%20before%20164%20BCE%22&f=false
|ref =harv
|last = Lucas
|first = Ernest C.
|chapter = Daniel, Book of
|editor1-last = Vanhoozer
|editor1-first = Kevin J.
|editor2-last = Bartholomew
|editor2-first = Craig G.
|editor3-last = Treier
|editor3-first = Daniel J.
|title = Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible
|year = 2005
|publisher = Baker Academic
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=I8UWJohMGUIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Dictionary+for+Theological+Interpretation+of+the+Bible#v=onepage&q=Dictionary%20for%20Theological%20Interpretation%20of%20the%20Bible&f=false
|ref = harv
|last1 = Mangano
|first1 = Mark
|title = Esther & Daniel
|year = 2001
|publisher = College Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=leWMKZs05uoC&pg=PA179&dq=Prinsloo+outline+chapter+2#v=onepage&q=Prinsloo%20outline%20chapter%202&f=false
|ref = harv
|last1 = Matthews
|first1 = Victor H.
|last2 = Moyer
|first2 = James C.
|title = The Old Testament: Text and Context
|year = 2012
|publisher = Baker Books
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=rU_dAldCk6gC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Old+Testament:+Text+and+Context#v=onepage&q=The%20Old%20Testament%3A%20Text%20and%20Context&f=false
|ref = harv
|last = Nelson
|first = William B.
|chapter = Daniel
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myers
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|year = 2000
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA311&dq=%22The+book+was+written+to+encourage+Jews+who+were+being+persecuted%22#v=onepage&q=%22The%20book%20was%20written%20to%20encourage%20Jews%20who%20were%20being%20persecuted%22&f=false
|ref = harv
|last1 = Nelson
|first1 = William B.
|title = Daniel
|year = 2013
|publisher = Baker Books
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=lJx0x-h1ULsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=commentary+Daniel#v=onepage&q=seventy%20weeks&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9781441240064
|last1 = Newsom
|first1 = Carol A.
|last2 = Breed
|first2 = Brennan W.
|title = Daniel: A Commentary
|year = 2014
|publisher = Presbyterian Publishing Corp
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=XZK7BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA77&dq=%22the+rock%22%22evokes+the+imagery+of+Zion%22#v=onepage&q=%22the%20rock%22%22evokes%20the%20imagery%20of%20Zion%22&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780664220808
| editor-last = Nichol
| editor-first = F.
| year = 1954
|title = SDA Bible Commentary
| chapter = chronology chart
| pages = 326–327
|last1 = Niskanen
|first1 = Paul
|title = The Human and the Divine in History: Herodotus and the Book of Daniel
|year = 2004
|publisher = Continuum
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=G0YFSrClQOkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Herodotus+and+the+Book+of+Daniel#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780567082138
|last1 = Pasachoff
|first1 = Naomi E.
|last2 = Littman
|first2 = Robert J.
|title = A Concise History of the Jewish People
|year = 2005
|publisher = Rowman & Littlefield
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=z4eaj09hscAC&pg=PA45&dq=Babylonian+Exile+lasted+only+about+fifty+years#v=onepage&q=Babylonian%20Exile%20lasted%20only%20about%20fifty%20years&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780742543669
|last = Portier-Young
|first = Anathea E.
|title = Apocalypse Against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2013
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=4DQ0AgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Apocalypse+Against+Empire:+Theologies+of+Resistance+in+Early+Judaism#v=onepage&q=Apocalypse%20Against%20Empire%3A%20Theologies%20of%20Resistance%20in%20Early%20Judaism&f=false
|isbn = 9780802837110
|ref = harv
|last = Provan
|first = Iain
|chapter = Daniel
|editor1-last = Dunn
|editor1-first = James D. G.
|editor2-last = Rogerson
|editor2-first = John William
|title = Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2003
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=2Vo-11umIZQC&pg=PA665&dq=Eerdmans+Commentary+on+the+Bible+Daniel#v=onepage&q=Eerdmans%20Commentary%20on%20the%20Bible%20Daniel&f=false
|isbn = 9780802837110
|ref = harv
| last = Redditt
| first = Paul L.
| title = Introduction to the Prophets
| year = 2009
| publisher = Eerdmans
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=bKM_VJt9e3kC&pg=PA188&dq=Redditt+Daniel#v=onepage&q=Redditt%20Daniel&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780802828965
|last = Reid
|first = Stephen Breck
|chapter = Daniel, Book of
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myers
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2000
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Eerdmans+Dictionary+of+the+Bible#v=onepage&q=Eerdmans%20Dictionary%20of%20the%20Bible&f=false
|isbn = 9789053565032
|ref = harv
|last = Rowland
|first = Christopher
|chapter = Apocalyptic Literature
|editor1-last = Hass
|editor1-first = Andrew
|editor2-last = Jasper
|editor2-first = David
|editor3-last = Jay
|editor3-first = Elisabeth
|title = The Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology
|year = 2007
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=bKG12u11z2AC&pg=PA344&dq=handbook+eschatology+Daniel#v=onepage&q=handbook%20eschatology%20Daniel&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780199271979
| last1 = Ryken,
| first1 = Leland
| last2 = Wilhoit
| first2 = Jim
| last3 = Longman
| first3 = Tremper
| title = Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
| year = 1998
| publisher = InterVarsity Press
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=qjEYEjVVEosC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Dictionary+of+Biblical+Imagery+Daniel+book+of#v=onepage&q=Dictionary%20of%20Biblical%20Imagery%20Daniel%20book%20of&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780830867332
| last = Sacchi
| first = Paolo
| title = The History of the Second Temple Period
| year = 2004
| publisher = Continuum
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=yGNyKdnpMa0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=history+second+temple#v=onepage&q=history%20second%20temple&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780567044501
|last = Schwartz
|first = Daniel R.
|title = Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity
|year = 1992
|publisher = Mohr Siebeck
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=rd5OB4PtlCUC&pg=PA110#v=snippet&q=resurrection&f=false
|isbn = 9783161457982
|last = Seow
|first = C.L.
|author-link = Choon-Leong Seow
|title = Daniel
|year = 2003
|publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=nuLapFR3AX4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Seow+Daniel#v=onepage&q=Seow%20Daniel&f=false
| ref = harv
|isbn = 9780664256753
|last = Schiffman
|first = Lawrence H.
|title = From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism
|year = 1991
|publisher = KTAV Publishing House
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=3kWYHyBb4C8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=From+Text+to+Tradition:+A+History+of+Second+Temple+and+Rabbinic+Judaism#v=onepage&q=From%20Text%20to%20Tradition%3A%20A%20History%20of%20Second%20Temple%20and%20Rabbinic%20Judaism&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780881253726
|last = Spencer
|first = Richard A.
|chapter = Additions to Daniel
|editor1-last = Mills
|editor1-first = Watson E.
|editor2-last = Wilson
|editor2-first = Richard F.
|title = The Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha
|year = 2002
|publisher = Mercer University Press
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=doqYxT-1RzEC&pg=PA89#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780865545106
|last = Towner
|first = W. Sibley
|chapter = Daniel
|editor1-last = Coogan
|editor1-first = Michael D.
|editor2-last = Metzger
|editor2-first = Bruce M.
|title = The Oxford Companion to the Bible
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|year = 1993
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=Y2KGVuym5OUC&pg=PA150&dq=%22why+the+text+of+Daniel+switches+so+suddenly%22#v=onepage&q=%22why%20the%20text%20of%20Daniel%20switches%20so%20suddenly%22&f=false
|ref = harvref
|isbn = 9780199743919
|last = Towner
|first = W. Sibley
|title = Daniel
|year = 1984
|publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=F8EEY610xeAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Towner+Daniel#v=onepage&q=Towner%20Daniel&f=false
| ref = harv
|isbn = 9780664237561
| last = VanderKam
| first = James C.
| title = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today
| year = 2010
| publisher = Eerdmans
| url = https://books.google.com/?id=i2i5haDHAygC&printsec=frontcover&dq=VanderKamm+2002#v=onepage&q=Daniel&f=false
| ref = harv
| isbn = 9780802864352
|last1 = VanderKam
|first1 = James C.
|last2 = Flint
|first2 = Peter
|title = The meaning of the Dead Sea scrolls: their significance for understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity
|year = 2013
|publisher = HarperCollins
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=kT0PAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT146&dq=The+meaning+of+the+Dead+Sea+scrolls:+their+significance+for+understanding+the+Bible,+Judaism,+Jesus,+and+Christianity+Most+scholars+agree+that+the+book+of+Daniel#v=onepage&q=The%20meaning%20of%20the%20Dead%20Sea%20scrolls%3A%20their%20significance%20for%20understanding%20the%20Bible%2C%20Judaism%2C%20Jesus%2C%20and%20Christianity%20Most%20scholars%20agree%20that%20the%20book%20of%20Daniel&f=false
|ref = harv
|isbn = 9780062243300
|last = Weber
|first = Timothy P.
|chapter = Millennialism
|editor1-last = Walls
|editor1-first = Jerry L.
|title = The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology
|year = 2007
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=N1XYXMTe1jYC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|last = Wesselius
|first = Jan-Wim
|chapter = The Writing of Daniel
|editor1-last = Collins
|editor1-first = John J.
|editor2-last = Flint
|editor2-first = Peter W.
|editor3-last = VanEpps
|editor3-first = Cameron
|title = The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception
|year = 2002
|publisher = BRILL
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=kvtbNQtMqEUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Book+of+Daniel:+Composition+and+Reception+2#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
|last = White
|first = Ellen
|title = Yahweh's Council: Its Structure and Membership
|year = 2014
|publisher = Mohr Siebeck
|url = https://books.google.com/?id=vcDZgo2A9u4C&pg=PA100&dq=%22there+are+several+points+of+divergence+from+the+previous+material%22#v=onepage&q=%22there%20are%20several%20points%20of%20divergence%20from%20the%20previous%20material%22&f=false
|ref = harv
}}{{refend}}{{Book of Daniel}}

4 : Book of Daniel chapters|Biblical dreams and visions|Nebuchadnezzar II|Seventh-day Adventist theology





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