

词条 Chinese large modular space station

  1. Overview

  2. Origin of name

  3. Structure

     Technology exchanges  Modules  Construction timeframes  Systems  Electrical  Docking  Experiments 

  4. Resupply

     Shenzhou  Tianzhou 

  5. Safety

     Orbital debris  Radiation 

  6. International co-operation

  7. End of orbit

  8. See also

  9. References

  10. External links

{{about|the upcoming installment of a Chinese modular space station|an overview of the Chinese space station programme as a whole|Tiangong program}}

The Chinese large modular space station is a planned space station to be placed in Low Earth orbit. The planned Chinese Space Station will be roughly one-fifth the mass of the International Space Station and about the size of the decommissioned Russian Mir space station. The Chinese station is expected to have a mass between 80 to 100 metric tons. Operations will be controlled from the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center in China. The planned launch date of the core module, the Tianhe-1 (“Harmony of the Heavens”), is 2020.[1] In 2017, the Chinese launched the Tianzhou-1 ("Heavenly Vessel") cargo spaceship, which is based on the Tiangong 1 & 2 space laboratories.[2]

{{TOC limit}}


The construction of the station will manifest the third phase of the Tiangong programme. It builds on the experience gained from its precursors, Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2.[3][4] Chinese leaders hope that research conducted on the station will improve researchers' ability to conduct science experiments in space, beyond the duration offered by China's existing space laboratories.[2]

Origin of name

Deng Xiaoping decided{{Citation needed|date=May 2018}} that the names used in the space program, previously all chosen from the revolutionary history of the PRC, would be replaced with mystical-religious ones. Thus, the new Long March carrier rockets were renamed Divine arrow (神箭),[5][6] space capsule Divine vessel (神舟),[7] space shuttle Divine dragon (神龙),[8] land-based high-power laser Divine light (神光)[9] and supercomputer Divine might (神威).[10]

These poetic[11] names continue as the first, second, third, fourth and fifth Chinese Lunar probes are called Chang'e after the Moon goddess. The name "Tiangong" means "heavenly palace". Across the PRC the launch of Tiangong 1 inspired a variety of feelings, including love poetry. Within the PRC, the rendezvous of space vehicles is compared to the reunion of the cowherd and the weavergirl.

Wang Wenbao, director of the CMSE, told a news conference in 2011 "Considering past achievements and the bright future, we feel the manned space programme should have a more vivid symbol, and that the future space station should carry a resounding and encouraging name. We now feel that the public should be involved in the names and symbols, as this major project will enhance national prestige and strengthen the national sense of cohesion and pride."[11][12][13] Imagery of the Chinese space program has been used by the Party (government) to strengthen its position and promote patriotism since the late 1950s and early 1960s.[14]

On October 31, 2013, China Manned Space Engineering announced the new names for the whole program:[3]

  • The precursor space labs would be called Tiangong ({{zh|c={{linktext|天|宫}}|t=天宮|p=Tiān Gōng|l=Heavenly Palace}}), code TG. Tiangong-1 launched in 2011. Tiangong-2 launched in 2016.
  • The cargo transport spacecraft would be called Tianzhou ({{zh|c=天舟|p=Tiān Zhōu|l=Heavenly Ship}}), code TZ. The first Tianzhou successfully launched in 2017.
  • The Modular Space Station Core Module would be called Tianhe ({{zh|c=天和|p=Tiān Hé|l=Harmony of the Heavens}}), code TH. Launch planned for 2020.[15]
  • The Modular Space Station Experiment Module I would be called Wentian ({{zh|c=问天|t=問天|p=Wèn Tiān|l=Quest for the Heavens}}), code WT. Launch planned for 2021.[16]
  • The Modular Space Station Experiment Module II would be called Mengtian ({{zh|c=梦天|t=夢天|p=Mèng Tiān|l=Dreaming of the Heavens}}), code MT. Launch planned for 2022.[17]
  • The separated space telescope module would be called Xuntian ({{zh|c=巡天|p=Xún Tiān|l=Heavenly Cruiser}}), code XT (telescope), receiving the previously intended name for the Experiment Module II.


The CSS will be a third generation, modular space station. First generation space stations, such as early Salyut, Almaz, and Skylab, were single piece stations and not designed for resupply. Second generation Salyut 6 and 7, and Tiangong 1 and 2 stations, are designed for mid-mission resupply. Third generation stations such as Mir, the International Space Station, OPSEK and the CSS are modular space stations, assembled on-orbit from pieces launched separately. Modularised design methods can greatly improve reliability, reduce costs, shorten development cycle, and meet diversified task requirements.

{{chart/start|style=font-size:78%;line-height:100%;line-width:100%;padding:15px;border:2px dotted #AAA;


{{chart| | | | | | |SA|7| | | |F|SA| | |
|boxstyle_SA = border: 1px solid #fee067; background:#ffffff;
}}{{chart| | | | | | | | | |:| | | |:| | }}{{chart| |SA| | |SA|C|PORT1|D|SA| | |SA| |
|PORT1 = {{nobr|Docking port}}
|boxstyle_SA = border: 1px solid #fee067; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_PORT1 = border: 1px solid #a3ff66; background:#ffffff;
}}{{chart| | |:| | | | | | |L|7|!|F|J| | | | | | |:|
}}{{chart| | |D|~|WT|-|-|-|TH|-|-|-|MT|~|C|
|WT = Wentian
|MT = Mengtian
|boxstyle_TH = border: 2px solid #6699ff; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_WT = border: 2px solid #6699ff; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_MT = border: 2px solid #6699ff; background:#ffffff;
}}{{chart| | |:| | | | | | |,|'|!|`|-|-|.| | | | |:|
}}{{chart| |SA| | |HATCH1|!|PORT2| |PORT3| | |SA| |
|HATCH1 = {{nobr|EVA hatch}}
|PORT2 = {{nobr|Docking port}}
|PORT3 = {{nobr|Docking port}}
|boxstyle_SA = border: 1px solid #fee067; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_HATCH1 = border: 1px solid #a3ff66; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_PORT2 = border: 1px solid #a3ff66; background:#ffffff;
|boxstyle_PORT3 = border: 1px solid #a3ff66; background:#ffffff;
}}{{chart| | | | | | | |`|-|'| | | | | }}{{chart/end|nocat=1}}

Technology exchanges

The assembly method of the station can be compared with the Soviet-Russian Mir space station and the Russian orbital segment of the International space station, if the station is constructed, China will be the second nation to develop and use automatic rendezvous and docking for modular space station construction. Shenzhou spacecraft and space stations use a domestically made docking mechanism similar to, or compatible with, the Russian designed APAS docking adapter.

During the cordial Sino-Soviet relations of the 1950s, the USSR engaged in a cooperative technology transfer program with the PRC under which they taught Chinese students and provided the fledgling program with a sample R-2 rocket.

The first Chinese missile was built in 1958 reverse-engineered from the Soviet R-2, itself an upgraded version of the German V-2 rocket.[18] But when Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev was denounced as revisionist by Mao, the friendly relationship between the two countries turned to confrontation. As a consequence, all Soviet technological assistance was abruptly withdrawn after the 1960 Sino-Soviet split.

Development of the Long March rocket series allowed the PRC to initiate a commercial launch program in 1985, which has since launched over 30 foreign satellites, primarily for European and Asian interests.

In 1994, Russia sold some of its advanced aviation and space technology to the Chinese. In 1995 a deal was signed between the two countries for the transfer of Russian Soyuz spacecraft technology to China. Included in the agreement was training, provision of Soyuz capsules, life support systems, docking systems, and space suits. In 1996 two Chinese astronauts, Wu Jie and Li Qinglong, began training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Russia. After training, these men returned to China and proceeded to train other Chinese astronauts at sites near Beijing and Jiuquan. The hardware and information sold by the Russians led to modifications of the original Phase One spacecraft, eventually called Shenzhou, which loosely translated means "divine vessel." New launch facilities were built at the Jiuquan launch site in Inner Mongolia, and in the spring of 1998 a mock-up of the Long March 2F launch vehicle with Shenzhou spacecraft was rolled out for integration and facility tests.[19]

A representative of the Chinese manned space program stated that around 2000, China and Russia were engaged in technological exchanges regarding the development of a docking mechanism.[20] Deputy Chief Designer, Huang Weifen, stated that near the end of 2009, the Chinese agency began to train astronauts on how to dock spacecraft.[21]


The Core Cabin Module provides life support and living quarters for three crew members, and provides guidance, navigation, and orientation control for the station. The module also provides the station’s power, propulsion, and life support systems. The module consists of three sections, living quarters, service section and a docking hub. The living quarters will contain a kitchen and toilet, fire control equipment, atmospheric processing and control equipment, computers, scientific apparatus, communications equipment to see and hear ground control in Beijing, and other equipment. In 2018 fullscale mockup of CCM was publicly presented at China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai

The first of two Laboratory Cabin Modules will provide additional navigation avionics, propulsion and orientation control as backup functions for the CCM. Both LCMs will provide a pressurised environment for researchers to conduct science experiments in freefall or microgravity which could not be conducted on Earth for more than a few minutes. Experiments can also be placed on the outside of the modules for exposure to the space environment, cosmic rays, vacuum, and solar winds.

Like Mir and the Russian orbital segment of the ISS, the CSS modules will be fully assembled in orbit, in contrast to the US Orbital Segment of the ISS, which required spacewalking to interconnect cables, piping, and structural elements manually. The axial port of the LCMs will be fitted with rendezvous equipment and will first dock to the axial port of the CCM. A mechanical arm similar to the Russian Lyappa arm used on the Mir space station will then move the module to a radial port of the CCM.

Construction timeframes

In 2011, the space station was planned to be assembled during 2020 to 2022.[22] By 2013, the space station's core module was planned to be launched earlier, in 2018, followed by the first laboratory module in 2020, and a second in 2022.[23] By 2018 this had slipped to 2020-2023.[24]



Electrical power is provided by two steerable solar power arrays on each module, which use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Energy is stored to power the station when it passes into the Earth's shadow. Resupply ships will replenish fuel for the station's propulsion engines for station keeping, to counter the effects of atmospheric drag.


Foreign sources have stated that the docking mechanism strongly resembles APAS-89/APAS-95, with one American source going as far as to call it a clone.[25][26][27] There have been contradictory claims on the compatibility of the Chinese system with both current and future docking mechanisms on the ISS.[27][28][29]


The programmed experiment equipment for the three modules as of June 2016 are:[4]

  • Space life sciences and biotechnology
    • Ecology Science Experiment Rack (ESER)
    • Biotechnology Experiment Rack (BER)
    • Science Glove-box and Refrigerator Rack (SGRR)
  • Microgravity fluid physics & combustion
    • Fluids Physics Experiment Rack (FPER)
    • Two-phase System Experiment Rack (TSER)
    • Combustion Experiment Rack (CER)
  • Material science in space
    • Material Furnace Experiment Rack (MFER)
    • Container-less Material Experiment Rack (CMER)
  • Fundamental Physics in Microgravity
    • Cold Atom Experiment Rack (CAER)
    • High-precision Time-Frequency Rack (HTFR)
  • Multipurpose Facilities
    • High Micro-gravity Level Rack (HMGR)
    • Varying-Gravity Experiment Rack (VGER)
    • Modularized Experiment Rack (RACK)


The station will be resupplied by manned spacecraft and robot cargo ships.


{{main|Shenzhou program}}

The Shenzhou is designed primarily to carry crew into orbit. It consists of three modules: a forward orbital module (轨道舱), used by crew as working and living space; a reentry module (返回舱) in the middle, which removes all unnecessary equipment making the simplest and thereby safest return to earth; and an aft service module (推进舱), which contains engines, propellants, guidance and orientation control, and cooling. Anything placed in the orbital or service modules does not require heat shielding, and this increases the space available in the spacecraft without increasing weight as much as it would if those modules were also able to withstand reentry. Thus both Soyuz and Shenzhou have more living area with less weight than the Apollo CSM. The mass of the ship is around {{convert|8000|kg|t lb ST}}, and it is {{convert|9.25|m}} long. The maximum diameter of the modules is {{convert|2.80|m}}. With solar panels extended, the station is {{convert|17.00|m}} across.{{fact|date=March 2016}}

Until Shenzhou 8, the orbital module of the Shenzhou was equipped with its own propulsion, solar power, and control systems, allowing autonomous flight. It was possible for Shenzhou to leave an orbital module in orbit for redocking with a later spacecraft, something which the Soyuz cannot do, since the only hatch between orbital and reentry modules is a part of reentry module, and the orbital module is depressurised after separation. In the future it might be possible for the orbital module(s) to be left attached to the station as additional station modules. Small modules for the ISS are launched by Soyuz spacecraft in this way. In unmanned test flights, the orbital module of each Shenzhou was left functioning on orbit for several days after the return of the reentry modules, and the Shenzhou 5 orbital module continued to operate for six months after launch.{{fact|date=March 2016}}


{{main|Tianzhou (spacecraft)}}Tianzhou (Heavenly Vessel), a modified derivative of the Tiangong-1 spacecraft, will be used as robotic cargo spacecraft to resupply this station.[30] The launch mass of Tianzhou is expected to be around 13,000 kg with a payload of around 6,000 kg.[31] Launch, rendezvous and docking shall be fully autonomous, with mission control and crew used in override or monitoring roles. This system becomes very reliable with standardizations that provide significant cost benefits in repetitive routine operations. An automated approach could allow assembly of modules orbiting other worlds prior to manned missions.[32]


Orbital debris

{{Main|Space debris}}{{Double image|left|SDIO KEW Lexan projectile.jpg|225|Debris-GEO1280.jpg|225|A 7-gram object (shown in centre) shot at 7 km/s (the orbital velocity of the station) made this 15 cm crater in a solid block of aluminium.|Radar-trackable objects including debris, with distinct ring of GEO satellites||}}

The CSS will be operated in Low Earth Orbit, 340 to 450 kilometers above the Earth at an orbital inclination of 42 to 43 degrees, in the centre of the Earth's thermosphere. At this altitude there is a variety of space debris, consisting of many different objects including entire spent rocket stages, dead satellites, explosion fragments—including materials from anti-satellite weapon tests (2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test), paint flakes, slag from solid rocket motors, coolant released by RORSAT nuclear powered satellites and some clumps remaining from the 750,000,000[33] small needles from the American military Project West Ford.[34] These objects, in addition to natural micrometeoroids,[35] are a significant threat. Large objects could destroy the station, but are less of a threat as their orbits can be predicted. Objects too small to be detected by optical and radar instruments, from approximately 1 cm down to microscopic size, number in the trillions. Despite their small size, some of these objects are still a threat because of their kinetic energy and direction in relation to the station. Spacesuits of spacewalking crew could puncture, causing exposure to vacuum.[36]

Space debris objects are tracked remotely from the ground, and the station crew can be notified. This allows for a Debris Avoidance Manoeuvre (DAM) to be conducted, which uses thrusters on station to change orbital velocity and altitude, avoiding the debris. DAMs will take place if computational models show the debris will approach within a certain threat distance. Usually the orbit will be raised saving fuel, as the station's orbit must be boosted periodically to counter the effects of atmospheric drag. If a threat from orbital debris is identified too late for a DAM to be safely conducted, the station crew close all the hatches aboard the station and retreat into their Shenzhou spacecraft, so that they would be able to evacuate in the event it was damaged by the debris. Micrometeorite shielding is incorporated into the station to protect pressurised sections and critical systems. The type and thickness of these panels varies depending upon their predicted exposure to damage.


{{Main|Coronal mass ejection|Aurora (astronomy)}}

Stations in low earth orbit are partially protected from the space environment by the Earth's magnetic field. From an average distance of about 70,000 km, depending on Solar activity, the magnetosphere begins to deflect solar wind around the Earth and space stations in orbit. However, solar flares are still a hazard to the crew, who may receive only a few minutes warning. The crew of the ISS took shelter as a precaution in 2005 in a more heavily shielded part of that station designed for this purpose during the initial 'proton storm' of an X-3 class solar flare.[37][38] But without the limited protection of the Earth's magnetosphere, China's planned manned mission to Mars is especially at risk.

Subatomic charged particles, primarily protons from cosmic rays and solar wind, are normally absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, when they interact in sufficient quantity their effect becomes visible to the naked eye in a phenomenon called an aurora. Without the protection of the Earth's atmosphere, which absorbs this radiation, station crews are exposed to about 1 millisievert each day, which is about the same as someone would get in a year on Earth, from natural sources. This results in a higher risk of crew members developing cancer. Radiation can penetrate living tissue and damage DNA, cause damage to the chromosomes of lymphocytes. These cells are central to the immune system and so any damage to them could contribute to the lowered immunity experienced by crew. Radiation has also been linked to a higher incidence of cataracts in astronauts. Protective shielding and protective drugs may lower the risks to an acceptable level.

The radiation levels experienced on ISS are about 5 times greater than those experienced by airline passengers and crew. The Earth's electromagnetic field provides almost the same level of protection against solar and other radiation in low Earth orbit as in the stratosphere. Airline passengers, however, experience this level of radiation for no more than 15 hours for the longest intercontinental flights. For example, on a 12-hour flight an airline passenger would experience 0.1 millisievert of radiation, or a rate of 0.2 millisieverts per day; only 1/5 the rate experienced by an astronaut in LEO.[39]

International co-operation

{{See also|Chinese exclusion policy of NASA}}

Cooperation in the field of manned space flight between the CMSEO and the Italian Space Agency was examined in 2011, participation in the development of China manned space stations and cooperation with China in the fields such as astronauts flight, and scientific research was discussed.[40] Potential areas and ways for future cooperation in the fields of development of manned space station, space medicine and space science have also been discussed during the meeting.

On 22 February 2017, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) and Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed an agreement to cooperate on long-term human spaceflight activities.[41] The consequences of this agreement could be important, considering, on the one hand, the leading position Italy has achieved in the field of human spaceflight with regard to the creation and exploitation of the International Space Station (Node 2, Node 3, Columbus, Cupola, Leonardo, Raffaello, Donatello, PMM etc.) and, on the other hand, the important human spaceflight programme that China is developing, especially with the creation of the Tiangong-3 Space Station.[42]

End of orbit

The station will have a service life of ten years.{{CN|date=May 2015}} Chinese manned spacecraft use deorbital burns to slow their velocity, resulting in their re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere. Vehicles carrying a crew have a heat shield which prevents the vehicle's destruction caused by aerodynamic heating upon contact with the Earth's atmosphere. The CSS has no heat-shield; however, small parts of space stations can reach the surface of the Earth, so uninhabited areas will be targeted for de-orbit manoeuvres.[23]

See also

  • Space station
    • International Space Station
  • Chinese space program
    • Shenzhou program
    • Shenzhou (spacecraft)


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31. ^{{cite news |url= http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/9080/20140907/china-completes-first-cargo-spacecraft-design.htm |title= China Completes Design of First Cargo Spacecraft |date= 7 September 2014 |author= Ana Verayo |publisher= China Topix }}
32. ^{{cite news |url= http://indianexpress.com/article/world/asia/china-plans-to-launch-tianzhou-cargo-ship-into-space-by-2016/ |publisher= Indian Express |title= China plans to launch Tianzhou cargo ship into space by 2016 |date= 2 March 2014 |author= Press Trust of India }}
33. ^{{cite web |url=http://ston.jsc.nasa.gov/collections/TRS/_techrep/TP-1999-208856.pdf |format=PDF |title=Orbital Debris : A Chronology |author1=David S. F. Portree |author2=Joseph P. Loftus, Jr. |website=Ston.jsc.nasa.gov |accessdate=2016-03-12 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20000901071135/http://ston.jsc.nasa.gov/collections/TRS/_techrep/TP-1999-208856.pdf |archivedate=2000-09-01 |df= }}
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35. ^{{cite journal|author=F. L. Whipple|year=1949|title=The Theory of Micrometeoroids|journal=Popular Astronomy|volume=57|page=517|bibcode=1949PA.....57..517W}}
36. ^{{cite web|title=Space Suit Punctures and Decompression|url=http://www.asi.org/adb/04/03/08/suit-punctures.html|publisher=The Artemis Project|accessdate=20 July 2011}}
37. ^{{cite web|title=Solar Flare Hits Earth and Mars|author=Ker Than|publisher=Space.com|date=23 February 2006|url=http://www.space.com/2080-solar-flare-hits-earth-mars.html}}
38. ^{{cite web|title=A new kind of solar storm|publisher=NASA|date=10 June 2005|url=https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2005/10jun_newstorm/}}
39. ^{{cite web |url=http://jag.cami.jccbi.gov./cariprofile.asp |title=Galactic Radiation Received in Flight |accessdate=20 May 2010 |publisher=FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20100329130826/http://jag.cami.jccbi.gov/cariprofile.asp |archivedate=29 March 2010 |df= }}
40. ^{{cite web |url=http://en.cmse.gov.cn/show.php?contentid=1137 |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2012-01-14 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://archive.is/20120707154616/http://en.cmse.gov.cn/show.php?contentid=1137 |archivedate=2012-07-07 |df= }}
41. ^{{cite web|url=https://gbtimes.com/china-and-italy-cooperate-long-term-human-spaceflight |title=China and Italy to cooperate on long-term human spaceflight |date=2017-02-22}}
42. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.asi.it/en/news/agreement-italy-china |title=Agreement Italy-China |date=2017-02-22}}

External links

  • Chinese Space Agency website
{{China space station}}{{CNSA space program}}{{Shenzhou program}}{{Space stations}}{{Future spaceflights}}

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