

词条 Index of Democratic Republic of the Congo-related articles

  1. 0-9

  2. A

  3. B

  4. C

  5. D

  6. E

  7. F

  8. G

  9. H

  10. I

  11. J

  12. K

  13. L

  14. M

  15. N

  16. O

  17. P

  18. Q

  19. R

  20. S

  21. T

  22. U

  23. V

  24. W

  25. X

  26. Y

  27. Z

  28. References

  29. See also

Articles (arranged alphabetically) related to the Democratic Republic of the Congo include:

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  • 1960 independence
  • 2005 Lake Tanganyika earthquake


  • Aba, DR Congo
  • Abacost
  • AC Sodigraf
  • Administrative divisions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • African Fiesta
  • Agence nationale de renseignements
  • Ahmat Acyl
  • Air Congo
  • Air Kasai
  • Air Tropiques
  • Air Zaïre
  • Aka (Pygmy tribe)
  • Albertine Rift montane forests
  • Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo
  • Alliance of the Presidential Majority
  • Alur language
  • Alur people
  • Álvaro I of Kongo
  • American School of Kinshasa
  • Aouzou Strip
  • Armed Forces of the North
  • Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
  • Aruwimi River
  • AS Dragons
  • AS Kabasha
  • AS Vita Club
  • Atoki Ileka
  • Authenticité (Zaire)
  • Avokaya language
  • Avukaya


  • Baka (Cameroon and Gabon)
  • Bambuti mythology
  • Banana, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Banda people
  • Bandalungwa
  • Bandundu Airport
  • Bandundu Province
  • Bandundu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Bangala language
  • Bangassou
  • Bangoka International Airport
  • Banque Centrale du Congo central bank
  • Banyamulenge
  • Baringa
  • Barumbu
  • Basankusu Airport
  • Basankusu
  • Bas-Congo
  • Bas-Uele District
  • Battle of Fada
  • Battle of Maaten al-Sarra
  • Belgian Congo general election, 1960
  • Belgian Congo
  • Bemba language
  • Bemba people
  • Bembe people
  • Beni, North Kivu
  • Bikoro
  • Bili Forest
  • Bills
  • Blue Mountains (Congo)
  • Boende
  • Bolenge
  • Boma Airport
  • Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Bondo, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Prefecture
  • Boulevard du 30 Juin
  • Boyoma Falls
  • Bravo Air Congo
  • Brazzaville
  • Bukavu
  • Bumba, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Bumbu
  • Bundu dia Kongo
  • Bunia Airport
  • Bunia
  • Burundi
  • Business Aviation
  • Buta, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Butembo


  • Cabinda Province
  • .cd
  • Cassava production in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Central African Republic
  • Central Bank of the Congo
  • Centre National d’Appui au Développement et à la Participation populaire
  • Chadian Armed Forces
  • Chadian National Armed Forces
  • Chadian-Libyan conflict
  • Chromium
  • Coat of arms of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Cobalt
  • Codos
  • Colonial heads of Congo
  • Colonisation of the Congo
  • Comazar
  • Communes of Kinshasa
  • Communications in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation
  • Congo Airlines
  • Congo Crisis
  • Congo Express
  • Congo Free State
  • Congo-Kinshasa at the 1968 Summer Olympics
  • Chongo si cholo
  • Congo Pedicle
  • Congo Railroad
  • Congo Reform Association
  • Congo River
  • Congolese Association Football Federation
  • Congolese franc
  • Congolese hip hop
  • Congolese National Movement–Lumumba
  • Congolese Rally for Democracy
  • Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Constitutional Court of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Copper mining
  • Copper
  • Copperbelt
  • Coupe du Congo (DR Congo)
  • Court of Cassation (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • Cuisine of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Cyangugu
  • Congo-Brazzavile (Republic of the Congo)


  • Daring Club Motema Pembe
  • DC Virunga
  • Debout Congolais
  • Democratic Confederation of Labour (DRC)
  • Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2000 Summer Olympics
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2004 Summer Olympics
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2008 Summer Olympics
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2012 Summer Olympics
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2016 Summer Olympics
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo constitutional referendum, 2005
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo general election, 2006
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo gubernatorial elections, 2007
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo Senate election, 2007
  • Democratic Social Christian Party
  • Demographics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Depara
  • Diamonds
  • Djokupunda
  • DR Congo national football team
  • Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Early Congolese history
  • East African mountains
  • East Sudanian savanna
  • Eastern Rift Valley
  • Ebola River
  • Economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Efé
  • Eglise de Jésus-Christ
  • Eglise du Christ au Congo
  • Ekosso
  • Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Ottawa
  • Episcopal Baptist
  • Équateur
  • Équateur Province
  • Eric Lenge


  • FC Saint Eloi Lupopo
  • Federalist Christian Democracy-Convention of Federalists for Christian Democracy
  • Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo
  • Fiafed
  • Fimi River
  • First Congo War
  • Fizi
  • Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Flight Express
  • Fondation chirezi
  • Force Publique
  • Forces for Renewal
  • Foreign policy of Mobutu Sese Seko
  • Foreign relations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • French Congo
  • French language
  • Fwa River


  • Gabon
  • Garamba National Park
  • Garanganze people
  • Gbadolite
  • Gbadolite Agreement
  • Gbadolite Airport
  • Gécamines
  • Gemena
  • Gemena Airport
  • General Confederation of Labour of the Congo
  • Geography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Gisenyi
  • Goma
  • Goma International Airport
  • Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Grand Kalle
  • Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz
  • Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz
  • Great Lakes refugee crisis


  • Haut-Katanga (proposed province)
  • Haut-Lomami (proposed province)
  • Haut-Uele (proposed province)
  • Heads of state of the Congo Free State
  • Heads of state of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Hema people
  • Hewa Bora Airways
  • History of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • House of Kinlaza
  • Hunde language
  • Hutu
  • HVDC Western Power Corridor


  • Identity Pieces
  • Idjwi
  • Ikela
  • Ilebo
  • Ilebo Airport
  • Independent Electoral Commission (DRC)
  • Inga Dam
  • Inga Falls
  • Inga-Shaba
  • Inkisi River
  • Inongo Airport
  • Isiro
  • Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • CD
  • Ituri conflict
  • Ituri Province
  • Ituri Rainforest


  • João I of Kongo


  • Kahuzi-Biéga National Park
  • Kakwa people
  • Kalamu (Kinshasa)
  • Kalemie Airport
  • Kaliko
  • Kama Sywor Kamanda
  • Kamina
  • Kananga
  • Kananga Airport
  • Kanda Bongo Man
  • Kano Accord
  • Kaonde language
  • Kasai Province
  • Kasai region
  • Kasai River
  • Kasai-Occidental
  • Kasai-Oriental
  • Kasai-oriental Province
  • Kasa-Vubu (commune)
  • Kasumbalesa
  • Katanga Plateau
  • Katanga Province
  • Katangan franc
  • Kengo Wa Dondo
  • Khonvoum
  • Kikwit
  • Kikwit Airport
  • Kiliba
  • Kimbanseke
  • Kindu
  • Kindu Airport
  • King Leopold's Ghost
  • Kingdom of Loango
  • Kinshasa
  • Kinshasa Airways
  • Kinshasa Highway
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Kipushi
  • Kiri Airport
  • Kirundi
  • Kisangani
  • Kisantu
  • Kisula Ngoy
  • Kitona
  • Kituba language
  • Kivu
  • Kivu Air
  • Kivu conflict
  • Kole Sur Lukenie Airport
  • Kole, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Kolwezi
  • Kolwezi Airport
  • Kongo Central
  • Kongo language
  • Kongo people
  • Kongo University
  • Konono N°1
  • Kuba Kingdom
  • Kwango Province
  • Kwango River
  • Kwassa kwassa
  • Kwilu Province


  • La Gombe (Kinshasa)
  • La Zaïroise
  • Lake Albert
  • Lake Chamo
  • Lake Edward
  • Lake Kivu
  • Lake Mai-Ndombe
  • Lake Mweru
  • Lake Tanganyika
  • Lake Tumba
  • Lamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Law enforcement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Leki
  • Lendu
  • Leopold II of Belgium
  • Les Quatre Etoiles
  • LGBT rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Gay rights)
  • Libenge
  • Lignes Aeriennes Congolaises
  • Likasi
  • Linafoot
  • Lingala language
  • Lisala
  • List of African writers (by country)#Congo
  • List of airports in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of amphibians of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of birds of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • List of cities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of Congolese films
  • List of Governors of Kinshasa
  • List of governors of the Banque Centrale du Congo
  • List of mammals of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of people on stamps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of political parties of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of Prime Ministers of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of Provincial Governors of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • List of television stations in Kinshasa
  • List of volcanoes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Livingstone Falls
  • Lodja
  • Lodja Airport
  • Lofoi Falls
  • Logo people
  • Lol Mohamed Shawa
  • Lomami Province
  • Lomami Province (former)
  • Lomami River
  • Loningisa
  • Lopango yaba Nka
  • Lualaba Province
  • Lualaba River
  • Luapula River
  • Luba people
  • Lubaland
  • Lubondai
  • Lubu River
  • Lubumbashi
  • Lubumbashi International Airport
  • Lugbara language
  • Lugbara mythology
  • Lukaya River
  • Lulonga River
  • Lulua Province
  • Lunda Empire
  • Lunda language
  • Lunda people
  • Luvua River


  • Madiaba
  • Maiko National Park
  • Mai-Mai
  • Mai-Ndombe Province
  • Malift Air
  • Malloum's military government
  • Manganese
  • Mangbetu people
  • Maniema
  • Maniema Province
  • Masina (Kinshasa)
  • Matadi
  • Matadi Bridge
  • Matadi-Kinshasa Railway
  • Matari Airport
  • Mbandaka
  • Mbandaka Airport
  • Mbanza-Ngungu
  • Mbo language (Congo)
  • Mbomou River
  • Mbuji Mayi Airport
  • Mbuji-Mayi
  • MIBA Aviation
  • Middle Congo
  • Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Missa Luba
  • Mitumba Mountains
  • Moba port
  • Mobaye-Mbongo
  • Mobayi-Mbongo
  • Mobutism
  • Mobutu Sese Seko
  • Moise Tshombe
  • Mokele-mbembe
  • Mongala Province
  • Les mongoles
  • Mono language (Congo)
  • Mont Ngafula
  • Mount Karisimbi
  • Mount Nyamuragira
  • Mount Nyiragongo
  • Mount Sabyinyo
  • Mount Stanley
  • Mouvement National Congolais
  • Mouvement National Congolais-Kalonji
  • Movement for the Liberation of Congo
  • Mpinga Kasenda
  • Muanda
  • Muanda Airport
  • Mulungwishi
  • Munga Mibindo
  • Murara
  • Music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Musumba
  • Mutamba Milambo
  • MV Liemba
  • Mwadi Mabika
  • Mwata Yamvo
  • Mwene-Ditu
  • Mwindo epic
  • Myra Ndjoku Manianga


  • N'djili Airport
  • National Alliance of Democrats for Reconstruction
  • National Alliance Party for Unity
  • National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • National Road No. 2 (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • National Union of Congolese Workers
  • Nationalist and Integrationist Front
  • Negue Djogo
  • Ngaliema
  • Ngoyo
  • Niemba
  • Nioki Airport
  • Nkutu
  • Nomad and National Guard
  • Nord-Kivu
  • Nord-Kivu Province
  • Nord-Ubangi
  • Nord-Ubangi Province
  • Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
  • Nsi Kwilu
  • Nsumbu Mazuwa
  • Nsundi
  • Ntumba Luaba
  • Nyanga language
  • Nyanga-li language
  • Nyangwe
  • Nzanga Mobutu


  • Office National des Transports (Congo)
  • OK Jazz
  • Okapi Wildlife Reserve
  • Ol Doinyo Lengai
  • Olivier Kamitatu Etsu
  • Opération Épervier
  • Operation Manta
  • Operation North Night Final
  • Orientale Province
  • Oscar Kashala
  • Ota Benga
  • Ouadi Doum air raid


  • Panzi Hospital
  • Papi Kimoto
  • Parliament of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Patrice Lumumba
  • People's Armed Forces
  • People's Armed Forces of Congo
  • People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy
  • Pierre Mulele
  • Pierre Pay-Pay wa Syakasighe
  • Politics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Pool Malebo
  • Popular Movement of the Revolution
  • Prefecture Apostolic of Welle
  • President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Pretoria Accord
  • Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Public holidays in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Pygmies
  • Pygmy music


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  • Rain forest
  • Rassemblement Démocratique pour le Rwanda
  • Republic of the Congo
  • Rift Valley lakes
  • Roger Lumbala
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bukavu
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kananga
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kinshasa
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kisangani
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lubumbashi
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mbandaka-Bikoro
  • Roman Catholicism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Rulers of Kuba
  • Rutshuru
  • Ruwenzori Range
  • Ruzizi River
  • Rwanda


  • Sake, DRC
  • Salonga National Park
  • Sango language
  • Sankuru Province
  • Sankuru River
  • Second Congo War
  • Semliki River
  • Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Shaba I
  • Shaba North
  • Shaba Province
  • Shinkolobwe
  • Siege of Jadotville
  • Société nationale d'électricité (SNEL)
  • Soukous
  • South Kasai
  • Special Presidential Division
  • Stade de Virunga
  • Stade des Martyrs
  • Stade Municipal de Lubumbashi
  • Stade Municipal de Vita Kabasha
  • Stade Tata Raphaël
  • Stairs Expedition to Katanga
  • Sudan
  • Sud-Kivu
  • Sud-Kivu Province
  • Sud-Ubangi Province
  • Sumba (Congo)
  • Sun City Agreement


  • Tagbu
  • Tanganyika District
  • Tanganyika Province
  • Tanzania
  • Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Tetela language
  • Thangata
  • The Rumble in the Jungle
  • Théophile Mbemba Fundu
  • Tim Biakabutuka
  • Tippu Tip
  • Toubou
  • Toyota War
  • TP Mazembe
  • Trans Service Airlift
  • Transitional Government of National Unity
  • Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Transitional National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Transport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • True Jesus Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Tshela
  • Tshikapa
  • Tshikapa Airport
  • Tshiluba language
  • Tshimpi Airport
  • Tshombe Airport
  • Tshopo Province
  • Tshuapa Province
  • Twa peoples


  • Ubangi River
  • Ubundu
  • Uele River
  • Uganda
  • Unified Lumumbist Party
  • Union for Democracy and Social Progress (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • Union for the Republic National Movement
  • Union Minière du Haut Katanga
  • Union of Congolese Patriots
  • Union of Federalists and Independent Republicans
  • United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • United Nations Operation in the Congo
  • United States Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • University of Goma
  • University of Kinshasa
  • University of Kisangani
  • University of Lubumbashi
  • Upemba Depression
  • Upemba National Park
  • Uranium
  • Uvira


  • Velours du Kasaï
  • Vice Presidents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Vicky Longomba
  • Virunga Mountains
  • Virunga National Park
  • Vital Kamerhe
  • Vivi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Volcan Army
  • Volcan Rumoka


  • Wendo Kolosoy
  • Western Congolian swamp forests
  • Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Willy Kalombo Mwenze
  • Wimbi Dira Airways
  • Wochua


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  • Yaka people
  • Yambuku
  • Yeke Kingdom
  • Yulu people


  • Zaiko Langa Langa
  • Zaire
  • Zaire at the 1984 Summer Olympics
  • Zaire at the 1988 Summer Olympics
  • Zaire at the 1992 Summer Olympics
  • Zaire at the 1996 Summer Olympics
  • Zairean zaire
  • Zairian Socialist Party
  • Zambia
  • Zande language
  • Zinc
  • Zola Matumona
  • Zongo
  • .zr
  • Zyoba


See also

{{portal|Democratic Republic of the Congo}}
  • Lists of country-related topics - similar lists for other countries
{{DEFAULTSORT:Index Of Democratic Republic Of The Congo-Related Articles}}

2 : Democratic Republic of the Congo-related lists|Indexes of topics by country





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