

词条 Le Roy Froom

  1. Life

  2. Publications

     The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers  Reception by scholars    Primary publications  

  3. See also

  4. References

  5. External links

{{Infobox person
| image =
| name = Le Roy E. Froom|
| caption =
| birth_date = 1890-10-16
| birth_place =
| death_date = {{d-da|February 20, 1974|October 16, 1890}}
| death_place = Takoma Park
| occupation = Protestant, Seventh-day Adventist historian, Scholar
}}{{Seventh-day Adventism}}

Le Roy Edwin Froom (October 16, 1890 – February 20, 1974) was a Seventh-day Adventist minister and historian whose many writings have been recognized by his peers. He also was a central figure in the meetings with evangelicals that led to the producing of the Adventist theological book, Questions on Doctrine.


Froom studied at Pacific Union College and Walla Walla College, now University, before graduating from Washington Training Center, now Washington Adventist University.

Froom was the first associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association from 1926 to 1950. He was also the founding editor of Ministry Magazine. From 1950 until his retirement in 1958 he was a field secretary of the General Conference assigned to research and writing. He was considered to be the leading historian and apologist of the church at the time.{{Citation needed|date=September 2011}} He was part of the developments in the ministerial institutes during the 1920s, emphasizing the Holy Spirit as a person, rather than a divine influence, and authoring the first book in the church on the Holy Spirit as the Comforter.[1]


Froom is best known for his apologetic writings and his attempts to help non-Adventists understand his own denomination. The most famous resulted in the publication of Questions on Doctrine in 1957.

The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers

His best known work was the Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers consists of four volumes published from 1946 to 1954, and covers the Christian Era, are the result of more than sixteen years of intensive research including three extensive trips to Europe as well as in America. This work analyzes the understanding of Bible Prophecy by Christian theologians and scholars beginning in the 1st century AD to the late 19th century.[2]

  • Volume 1: Early Church Exposition, Subsequent Deflections, and Medieval Revival, 1950
|header=List of Commentators analyzed in Volume 1
|content=1st Century: Josephus--Jewish, Yochanan ben Zakai--Jewish

2nd Century: Akiva ben Joseph--Jewish, Barnabas, Second Esdras, Justin Martyr

3rd Century: Sibyllines, Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian

4th Century: Porphyry--Anti-Christian, Victorinus, First Council of Nicaea, Lactantius, Eusebius of Caesarea, Eusebius--[Later Views], Aphrahat, Hilary of Poitiers, Athanasius, Ephrem the Syrian, Cyril of Alexandria

5th Century: John Chrysostom, Sulpicius Severus, Jerome, Polychronius--admirer of Porphyry, Augustine, Isidore of Pelusium, Theodoret

7th Century: Gregory I, Andreas, Sargis D'Aberga

8th Century: Venerable Bede, Eliezer--Jewish, Benjamin Nahawandi--Jewish

9th Century: Berengaud

10th Century: Saadia--Jewish, Jephet ibn Ali--Jewish

12th Century: Waldenses, Rashi--Jewish

13th Century: Joachim of Floris, Edward II (Salzburg), Thomas Aquinas

|headerstyle=text-align: left
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  • Volume 2: The Historicl Development of Prophatic Interpretation, 1948
|header=List of Commentators analyzed in Volume 2
|content= Pre-Reformation Era: Dante Alighieri, Nicholas de Lyra, Michael of Cesena, Johannes de Rupescissa, Francesco Petrarch, John Milic, John Wyclif, Matthias of Janow, R. Wimbledon, John Purvey, Walter Britte, Nicholas of Cusa, Girolamo SavonarolaReformation Era: Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, Andreas Osiander, Nicolaus von Amsdorf, Johann Funck, Virgil Solis, Nikolaus Selnecker, Georg Nigrinus, David Chytraeus, Johann Oecolampadius, Heinrich Bullinger, George Joye, Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer, Thomas Cranmer, John Bale, John Jewel, Anglican Formulas, John Knox, John Napier, Francisco Ribera--Counter-Reformation, Robert Bellarmine, Blasius Viegas, Thomas Malvenda, Thomas Brightman, David PareusPost-Reformation Era: George Downham, King James the First, Joseph Mede, Henry More, Hugh Broughton, John Tillinghast, William Sherwin, Thomas Beverley, Drue Cressener, "Mysteries... Finished, George Pacard, Pierre Jurieu, Johannes Cocceius, Sir Isaac Newton, William Lowth, William Whiston, Thomas Newton, Jean G. de la Flechere, R. M., James Purves, Heinrich Horch, Georg Hermann Giblehr, Berlenberg Bible, Johann Albrecht Bengel, Johann Philipp Petri, Hans Wood, James Bicheno, George Bell, Edward King, Richard Valpy, David Simpson, Christian G. Thube, Robert Fleming, Jr.
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  • Volume 3: PART I, Colonial and Early National American Exposition;

PART II, Old World Nineteenth Century Advent Awakening, 1946

|header=List of Commentators analyzed in Volume 3
|content= American Writers: John Cotton (minister), Roger Williams, Anne Bradstreet, Ephraim Huit, Thomas Parker (minister), John Davenport (minister), Edward Johnson (founder of Woburn, MA), Edward Holyoke, Samuel Hutchinson, William Hooke (minister), Samuel Mather, Confession of Faith, Benjamin Harris, Increase Mather, Samuel Sewall, Cotton Mather, Nicholas Noyes, Ezekiel Cheever, Richard Steere (author), William Burnet (colonial administrator), Paul Dudley (jurist), Samuel Cooper, Jonathan Edwards (theologian), Thomas Prentice, Jonathan Mayhew, David Imri, Joseph Bellamy, Aaron Burr, Richard Clarke, Edmund March, Samuel Langdon, Samuel Gatchel, Isaac Backus, Benjamin Gale, Samuel Hopkins (theologian), Samuel Osgood, Elhanan Winchester, William Linn, James Winthrop, Joshua Spalding, Joseph Lathrop, David Austin, Timothy Dwight IVOld World Writers: William Hales, George Stanley Faber, Thomas Scott (commentator), Andrew Fuller, Adam Clarke, Samuel Toovey, Captain El Maitland, William Cuninghame of Lainshaw, James Hatley Frere, William C. Davis, Archibald Mason, John Aquila Brown, John Bayford, Lewis Way, Henry Gauntlett, Henry Drummond (1786–1860), John Webb, Pierre Jean Agier, Alphonse M. F. Nicole, John Fry, Thomas White, Ph. Homan, William Jones (1762–1846), Edward Irving, James Haldane Stewart, Gerard Thomas Noel, John R. Park, Edward Cooper, Samuel R. Maitland, George Croly, Edward T. Vaughan, Thomas Keyworth, Alfred Addis, James A. Beggs, John Hooper, William W. Pym, Philip Allwood, Edward Newenham Hoare, William Digby, James Leslie (engineer), Samuel Lee (linguist), William Anderson (minister), Joshua William Brooks, William Thorp, Lieutenant G. H. Wood, Joshua William Brooks, John Cox, Joseph D’Arcy Sirr, Matthew Habershon, Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, Edward Bickersteth (priest), Isaac Ashe, James H. Todd, John Henry Newman, Francois Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen, Johann Heinrich Richter, Thomas Rawson Birks, John Cumming (clergyman), Edward Bishop Elliott
|headerstyle=text-align: left
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  • Volume 4: New World Recovery and Consummation of Prophetic Interpretation, 1954
|header=Volume 4
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Reception by scholars

{{see also|Seventh-day Adventist eschatology}}

In this work Froom argued that the "historicist" interpretation of Bible prophecy had been the earliest and most extensively used throughout history, and that other schemes were not only novelties in comparison but had emerged as the result of attempts to deflect the condemnation of the Roman Catholic Church which typically accompanied historicist exposition. Froom spent over 20 years compiling a collection of documentation which numbered over 1,000 works. Each volume of Froom’s work has a bibliography which typically runs to over 30 pages and cites hundreds of sources.

Although largely substantiating the Adventist understanding of prophecy (which is historicist in nature), the work received some favorable reviews from non-Adventist scholars. When published, the first volume was praised for its value for money, the scope of its research, and its documentation.[3] Another contemporary review of the first volume noted "An astounding amount of reading, traveling, compilation, and patient research has gone into the preparation of this book", characterizing it as "a rich summary of an enormous lot of materials".[4]

An early review of the second volume described it as "a quarry of information on the subject which will be useful to scholars in many fields",[5] though it was noted that "The historical picture is curiously distorted" due to the Adventist focus on specific prophetic interpretations.{{sfn|Harbison|1948|p= 257}} This limited focus is a commonly found criticism of the work. A 1952 review of the first two volumes complimented their breadth of research,[6] but lamented "The scope of the work is seriously delimited, however".{{sfn|Handy|1952|p=551}}

Despite criticism of the work's limited focus,[7] the reviewer also noted "Specialists can find here a wealth of material",{{sfn|Handy|1952|p=553}} and praised the care with which the research had been undertaken and presented.[8] In a review of the first volume, the same author spoke highly of the work's contribution to scholarship,[9] though again criticizing its narrow focus.{{sfn|Handy|1952|p=155|ps=: "Dr. Froom has so strained his material through the fine screen of his own particular viewpoint and restricted research interests that a well-rounded treatment of prophetism does not emerge."}}

Early reviews noted Froom's skill as a historian,[10] and predicted that the work would become recognized as a standard reference on the subject.{{sfn|Renfer|1953|pp=366–367|ps=: "Irrespective of the author's viewpoint and millennial position, there is vast knowledge here which the well-informed dispensational premillennialist will want to secure. The work will remain a classic study in its field and prove of great utility for the serious student of millennial aspects of church history."}}{{sfn|Aldrich|1958|page=165 |ps=: "All the material is carefully documented and should prove interesting and helpful to both the student of church history and prophecy."}} In recent years Froom's work is still praised for its extensive review and analysis of the history of prophetic interpretation, and is referred to as the classic work on the subject by theological scholars (as well as by secular scholars).[11] Ernest R. Sandeen, in commenting on this "monumental" work, nonetheless drew attention to the "pitfalls" facing those who follow "Froom's guidance uncritically". While "useful as a reference work [and] astonishingly accurate", it is "virtually without historical merit when Froom lifts his eyes above the level of the catalog of the British Museum".[12]

Primary publications

  • The Coming of the Comforter
  • Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers (4 volumes, 1946–54)
    • Volume 1: Early Church Exposition, Subsequent Deflections, and Medieval Revival[13]
    • Volume 2: The Historicl Development of Prophatic Interpretation[14]
    • Volume 3: PART I, Colonial and Early National American Exposition;

PART II, Old World Nineteenth Century Advent Awakening[15]

  • Volume 4: New World Recovery and Consummation of Prophetic Interpretation[16]
  • Movement of Destiny[17]
  • The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers (2 volumes, 1965–1966). Described as "a classic defense of conditionalism" by Clark Pinnock[18]
    • Volume 1
    • Volume 2

See also

{{Portal|Seventh-day Adventist Church|Christianity|Biography}}{{div col}}
  • 28 fundamental beliefs
  • Adventist
  • Adventist Review
  • Baptism by Immersion
  • Conditional Immortality
  • End times
  • Historicism
  • History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Inspiration of Ellen White
  • Investigative judgment
  • The Pillars of Adventism
  • Prophecy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Questions on Doctrine
  • Sabbath in Seventh-day Adventism
  • Second Advent
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Seventh-day Adventist eschatology
  • Seventh-day Adventist theology
  • Seventh-day Adventist worship
  • Teachings of Ellen White
  • Three Angels' Messages
  • Ellen G. White
{{div col end}}


1. ^{{cite book|title=A search for identity: the development of Seventh-Day Adventist|page= 143 |first=George R. |last=Knight|quote= Another important event connected with the ministerial institutes was the conversion of Le Roy E. Froom to the centrality of Christ and His righteousness. "Christianity," he subsequently reported, is "basically a personal relationship".}}
2. ^{{cite book|first=Douglas |last=Morgan|title=Adventism and the American republic: the public involvement of a ...|page=22|year= 2001 |quote=Le Roy E. Froom, the twentieth-century Adventist historian who devoted four large volumes to tracing the roots of the Adventist method of interpreting prophecy, enumerated eighty-eight other nineteenth-century authors.|ref=harv}}
3. ^{{cite journal|first=R. A. |last=Renfer|title= Review of the first volume of 'The Prophetic Faith Of Our Fathers'|journal= Bibliotheca Sacra |volume =110| pages= 366–367 |year=1953|quote= For sheer number of pages the price of this volume 1 is a good investment. Its merits, however, transcend literary economics. ... The approach is strongly biographical, and the exceedingly great amount of research and documentary collection evidenced in this first volume suggest the tremendous contribution the completed work will constitute. ... The first volume takes the reader through the millennialism of Joachim of Floris, Eberhard and the Waldenses. It gathers together a veritable mine of material from every conceivable source of millennial interpretation, and the material is carefully handled. It is most advantageously documented with footnotes. ... Irrespective of the author’s viewpoint and millennial position, there is vast knowledge here which the well-informed dispensational premillennialist will want to secure.|ref=harv}}
4. ^{{cite journal|first=Allen |last=Cabaniss|journal=The Journal of Religion|volume= 33|issue= 1 |date=January 1953|page=80|title= Book Reviews|ref=harv |doi=10.1086/484389}}
5. ^{{cite journal|first=E. Harris|last=Harbison|authorlink=E. Harris Harbison|title=Book Review|journal= Church History|volume= 17|issue= 3 |date=September 1948|page= 257|ref=harv}}
6. ^{{cite journal|first=Robert T. |last=Handy|title=Book Review|journal= Speculum|volume= 27|issue= 4 |date=October 1952|page= 551|quote=An immense amount of extensive and arduous research has gone into the project, and a vast amount of material is reviewed in these weighty volumes.|ref=harv}}
7. ^{{harvnb|Handy|1952|p=553|ps=: "The author's own particular viewpoints so dominate the work and so dictate the selection of material that it is doubtful that those who do not share them will find themselves convinced by the argument"}}
8. ^{{harvnb|Handy|1952|p=553|ps=: "These volumes are carefully prepared, profusely illustrated, elaborately indexed, and equipped with exhaustive bibliographies and useful charts."}}
9. ^{{cite journal|first=Robert T. |last=Handy|title= Book Review|journal=Church History|volume= 21 |issue= 2 |date=June 1952|page= 155|ref=harv|quote=The author has surveyed and summarized a vast amount of material and has made it readily available – a valuable service to scholarship indeed}}
10. ^{{cite journal|first=Roy |last=Aldrich|title= Can the End of the Age Be Computed by the Year-Day Theory?|journal=Bibliotheca Sacra|issue= 458 |page =165 |year=1958|quote= Froom is recognized as the outstanding historian of the Seventh-Day Adventists.|ref=harv}}
11. ^{{cite journal|first=Mal|last=Couch|authorlink=Mal Couch|title= review of 'The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers'|journal=Conservative Theological Journal| volume= 4| page= 227 |year=2000|quote= Scholar and researcher Froom brought together dozens of scholars, librarians, historians, and linguists who labored for decades in putting together this amazing study on the history of the teaching and the beliefs about prophecy. For years his team labored in the libraries of Europe and America scanning thousands of documents and theological writings about prophetic truth. ... 'For the sake of Covenant theologians and amillennialists, Froom clearly traces and points out the development of allegorical interpretation through Origen, Augustine, and others.' ... 'This set is a must buy for all teachers interested in church history and prophetic studies.'|ref=harv}}
12. ^Ernest R. Sandeen, The Roots of Fundamentalism. British and American Millenarianism 1800–1930 (University of Chicago Press, 1970), p. 288.
13. ^{{cite book | last = Froom | first = Le Roy Edwin | authorlink = Le Roy Froom | title = Early Church Exposition, Subsequent Deflections, and Medieval Revival | url = http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Books/PFOF1950-V01.pdf | volume = 1 | series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation | year = 1950 | publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association|location=Washington, DC|ref=harv|pages=1006}}
14. ^{{cite book | last = Froom | first = Le Roy Edwin | authorlink = Le Roy Froom | title = Pre-Reformation and Reformation Restoration, and Second Departure | url = http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Books/PFOF1948-V02.pdf | volume = 2 | series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historicl Development of Prophatic Interpretation | year = 1948 | publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association|location=Washington, DC|ref=harv|pages=863}}
15. ^{{cite book | last = Froom | first = Le Roy Edwin | authorlink = Le Roy Froom | title = PART I, Colonial and Early National American Exposition; PART II, Old World Nineteenth Century Advent Awakening | url = http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Books/PFOF1946-V03.pdf | volume = 3 | series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation | year = 1946 | publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association|location=Washington, DC|ref=harv|pages=802}}
16. ^{{cite book | last = Froom | first = Le Roy Edwin | authorlink = Le Roy Froom | title = New World Recovery and Consummation of Prophetic Interpretation | url = http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Books/PFOF1954-V04.pdf | volume = 4 | series = The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation | year = 1954 | publisher = The Review and Herald Publishing Association|location=Washington, DC|ref=harv|pages=1284}}
17. ^One review is "Apologetics as History" {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081202055751/http://spectrummagazine.org/files/archive/archive01-05/3-4linden.pdf |date=2008-12-02 }} by Ingemar Linden. Spectrum 3:4 (Autumn 1971), p89–91
18. ^Clark Pinnock, "The Conditional View", p147 footnote 21; in William Crockett, ed., Four Views on Hell. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1992

External links

  • Articles by Froom as cataloged in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index (SDAPI)

See also #Books above

{{Authority control}}{{Christian History|collapsed}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Froom, Le Roy Edwin}}

8 : 1890 births|1974 deaths|Seventh-day Adventist religious workers|American Seventh-day Adventist ministers|Seventh-day Adventist administrators|History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church|20th-century American historians|20th-century American writers





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