

词条 List of Assyrian settlements

  1. Iraq

     Al Anbar Governorate  Baghdad Province  Dohuk Province  Erbil Province  Kirkuk Governorate  Nineveh Province  Abandoned villages 

  2. Iran

     West Azarbaijan Province  Iranian Kurdistan  Tehran Province 

  3. Syria

     Al-Hasakah Governorate  Damascus Governorate  Homs Governorate 

  4. Turkey

     Adıyaman Province  Diyarbakır Province  Elazığ province  Mardin province  Şırnak Province  Şanlıurfa Province  Van Province  Hakkari Province 

  5. Armenia

     Ararat Province  Armavir Province  Kotayk Province 

  6. See also

  7. References

  8. Bibliography

{{about|modern inhabited settlements|the ancient settlements|List of Assyrian tribes}}{{Assyrian culture}}

The following is a list of Assyrian settlements in the Middle East subsequent to the Assyrian genocide in 1914. This list includes settlement of Assyrians from Southeastern Turkey who left their ancient tribes in Hakkari (or the historical Hakkari region), Sirnak and Mardin province[2] due to torment, violence and displacement by the Ottomans in the First World War. Many Assyrians from Urmia, Iran were also affected and as such have emigrated and settled in other towns. Resettling again occurred during the Simele massacre in northern Iraq, perpetrated by the Iraqi military coup in the 1930s, with many fleeing to northeastern Syria.[3]

Most modern resettlement is located in Iraq,[4] Syria and Iran in the cities of Baghdad, Habbaniyah, Kirkuk, Duhok, Al-Hasakah, Tehran and Damascus. Few Assyrian settlements exist in Turkey today and also in the Caucasus. The exodus to the cities or towns of these aforementioned countries occurred between late 1910s and 1930s.[5][6] After the Iraq War in 2003, a number of Assyrians in Baghdad relocated to Northern Iraq, repopulating parts of Iraqi Kurdistan, in what they now call the "Assyrian homeland".[7] Many others have immigrated to North America, Europe and Australia, especially in the late 20th century and 21st century.[8] Currently, there are a number of settlements on this list that have been abandoned due to persecution, conflict, and other causes.[9]


Al Anbar Governorate

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Habbaniyah Al Anbar Assyrians from Suldoz immigrated to Habbaniya mainly between 1920s and 1940s.

Baghdad Province

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Dora Baghdad Al Rashid 1500 Christians, mostly adherents of the Assyrian Church of the East and Chaldean Catholic Church, inhabit Dora as of December 2014[10]

Dohuk Province

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Araden[11] ܐܪܕܢ Dohuk Amadiya 35 Assyrian families inhabit Araden as of May 2004[12]
Enishkeܐܝܢܫܟܐ Dohuk Amadiya 30 Assyrian families inhabit Enishke as of May 2004[12]
Sarsing[13] ܣܪܣܢܓ Dohuk Amadiya 150 Assyrian families inhabit Sarsing as of May 2004[14]
Badarash Dohuk Amadiya 40 Assyrian families inhabit Badarash as of May 2004[12]
Amadiya[15] ܥܡܝܕܝܐ Dohuk Amadiya
Baz Dohuk Amadiya 10 Assyrian families inhabited Baz in May 2004.[16] 40 Christian and Muslim families inhabit Baz as of June 2011[17]
Bebadi ܒܝܬ ܒܥܕܝ Dohuk Amadiya 30 Assyrian families inhabit Bebadi as of May 2004[15]
Belejane Dohuk Amadiya 15 Assyrian families inhabit Belejane as of May 2004[18]
Belmand Dohuk Amadiya 50 Assyrian families inhabit Belmand as of May 2004[19]
Beqolke Dohuk Amadiya 74 Assyrians inhabited Beqolke in 1957; 7 Assyrian families inhabited Beqolke in 1978; 4 Assyrian families inhabit Beqolke as of 1991[20]
Benatha Dohuk Amadiya8 Assyrian families inhabit Benatha as of May 2004[12]
Beth Shmayaye Dohuk Amadiya
Beth Tanura Dohuk Amadiya
Chalek Dohuk Amadiya 10 Assyrian families inhabit Chalek as of May 2004[16]
Chem Rabatke Dohuk Amadiya
Dawodiya ܕܘܘܕܝܐ Dohuk Amadiya
Dehi ܪܗܐ Dohuk Amadiya 20 Assyrian families inhabit Dehi as of 1991
Dere Dohuk Amadiya 323 Assyrians inhabited Dere in 1957;[21] 250 Assyrians inhabited Dere in 1988;[21] 25 Assyrian families inhabit Dere as of May 2004[18]
Derishke Dohuk Amadiya 20 Assyrian families inhabit Derishke as of May 2004[22]
Doreeh Dohuk Amadiya 30 Assyrian families inhabit Dore as of May 2004[23]
Eqri Dohuk Amadiya
Eyat Dohuk Amadiya 169 Assyrians inhabited Eyat in 1957; 19 Assyrian families inhabit Eyat as of 2013 [24]
Hayes Dohuk Amadiya
Hezany Dohuk Amadiya 27 Assyrian families inhabit Hezany as of 1991
Jadide Dohuk Amadiya
Jelek Dohuk Amadiya 519 Assyrians inhabited Jelek in 1957; 62 Assyrian families inhabit Jelek as of 2011 [25]
Jole Dohuk Amadiya
Kani Balavi Dohuk Amadiya 15 Assyrian families inhabit Kani Balavi as of May 2004[26]
Khalilane Dohuk Amadiya 20 Assyrian families inhabit Khalilane as of May 2004[27]
Komany ܟܘܡܢܐ Dohuk Amadiya 20 Assyrian families inhabit Komany as of May 2004[18]
Mangesh Dohuk Amadiya 1195 Assyrians inhabited Mangesh in 1947; 959 Assyrians inhabited Mangesh in 1965[28]
Margajiya Dohuk Amadiya
Maye Dohuk Amadiya 10 Assyrian families inhabit Maye as of May 2004[22]
Meristek Dohuk Amadiya
Meroge Dohuk Amadiya
Meze ܡܝܙܐ Dohuk Amadiya
Mosaka ܡܘܣܵܟܵܐ Dohuk Amadiya
Sardarawa Dohuk Amadiya
Sardashte Dohuk Amadiya
Sikrine Dohuk Amadiya
Tashish Dohuk Amadiya 163 Assyrians inhabited Tashish in 1957.[29]
Aqrah ܥܩܪܐ Dohuk Aqrah
Nohawa Dohuk Aqrah
Babelo Dohuk Dohuk
Bagerat Dohuk Dohuk
Dohuk ܢܘܗܕܪܐ Dohuk Dohuk
Gondekosa Dohuk Dohuk
Korygavana Dohuk Dohuk
Zawita ܙܘܝܬܐ Dohuk Dohuk
Avzrog ܐܒܙܪܘܓ Dohuk Semel
Bajed Berav Dohuk Semel
Bajed Kindal Dohuk Semel
Bakhetme ܒܚܬܡܐ Dohuk Semel
Bakhloja Dohuk Semel
Jambor Dohuk Semel
Mar Yakoo Dohuk Semel 79 Assyrian families inhabit Mar Yakoo as of 2011[30]
Simele ܣܡܠܐ Dohuk Semel
Sheze Dohuk Semel Inhabited as of November 2011[31]
Shkafte Dohuk Semel
Surka Dohuk Semel
Berseve Dohuk Zakho
Dashtatakh Dohuk Zakho
Dayrabun ܕܝܪ ܐܒܘܢܐ Dohuk Zakho
Dera Shish Dohuk Zakho 250 Assyrians inhabited Dera Shish in 1976; 8 Assyrian families inhabit Dera Shish as of 2011[32]
Faysh Khabur ܦܝܫܐܒܘܪ Dohuk Zakho
Levo Dohuk Zakho
Marga Dohuk Zakho
Margasor Dohuk Zakho
Navkandala Dohuk Zakho
Piraka Dohuk Zakho
Qarawula Dohuk Zakho 334 Assyrians inhabited Qarawula in 1957; inhabited by 66 Assyrian families in 1975. Inhabited as of November 2011.[33]
Sharanesh ܫܪܢܘܫ Dohuk Zakho
Zakho ܙܟܼܘ Dohuk ZakhoA Chaldo-Assyrian tribe, associated with Catholic Assyrians. It has been inhabited by Assyrians since the 5th century. Assyrians from Hakkari, Turkey, have resettled there to escape persecution and violence by Ottoman Turks in the early 20th century.

Erbil Province

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Ankawa ܥܢܟܒܐ Erbil Erbil
Armota ܐܪܡܥܘܛܐ Erbil Koya
Batas ܒܬܣ Erbil Shaqlawa
Bidial ܒܕܝܠ Erbil Barzan 5 Assyrian families inhabit Bidial as of 1991[34]
Darbandokeh ܕܪܒܢܕܘܟܐ Erbil Shaqlawa
Diana ܕܝܢܐ Erbil Soran
Harir ܗܪܝܪ Erbil Shaqlawa
Hawdiyan Erbil Shaqlawa
Hinari Erbil
Rowanduz ܪܘܢܕܣ Erbil Soran
Seerishmi ܣܝܪܫܡܝ Erbil
Shaqlawa ܫܩܠܒܐ Erbil Shaqlawa
Qalata ܩܠܬܐ Erbil

Kirkuk Governorate

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Kirkukܟܪܟ KirkukAround 1,605 Assyrians lived there up until 1957

Nineveh Province

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Ain Sifni ܥܝܢ ܣܦܢܐ Nineveh Shekhan
Alqosh ܐܠܩܘܫ Nineveh Tel Keppe Ancient Assyrian tribe associated with Chaldean Christians (Catholic Assyrians). It was also settled by Assyrians from Hakkari after 1914.
Bandwaya Nineveh Tel-Keppe
Bakhdida ܒܟܕܝܕܐ Nineveh Al-Hamdaniya Was an ancient, pre-Christian Assyrian town filled with historical artifacts. Always had a significant Christian minority in modern times. Was also settled by Assyrians from southeastern Turkey.
Balawat ܒܝܬ ܠܒܬ Nineveh Al-Hamdaniya
Baqofah ܒܬܢܝܐ Nineveh Tel Keppe
Bartella ܒܪܬܠܐ Nineveh Al-Hamdaniya Home to Oriental Orthodox Syriacs and Eastern Catholic Syriacs. Most emigrated out of the town due to Islamic terrorism and violence.
Batnaya ܒܬܢܝܐ Nineveh Tel Keppe Ancient Assyrian tribe associated with Catholic Assyrians. Partially resettled as of now, post-ISIS.
Dashqotan ܕܫܩܘܬܢ Nineveh Shekhan
Karamles ܟܪܡܠܝܣ Nineveh Al-Hamdaniya
Jambour[35] Nineveh Tel Keppe
Khorsabad Nineveh
Merki ܡܪܓܐ Nineveh Shekhan
Sharafiya ܫܪܦܝܐ Nineveh Tel Keppe Tyari Assyrian immigrated here from Hakkari province after persecution and violence by Ottomans in 1914
Tel Keppe ܬܠ ܟܐܦܐ Nineveh Tel Keppe Ancient Assyrian tribe populated by Catholic Assyrians (Chaldeans). Also has had Assyrian settlements from Hakkari.
Tel Esqof ܬܠ ܝܣܩܘܦܐ Nineveh Tel Keppe As above.
Armash ܥܪܡܫ Nineveh Shekhan
Azakh ܐܕܟ Nineveh Shekhan
Beboze ܒܒܘܙܐ Nineveh Shekhan
Dize Nineveh Shekhan
Mala Barwan ܡܠܐ ܒܪܘܢ Nineveh Shekhan
Tilan ܬܠܐ Nineveh Shekhan

Abandoned villages

Settlement Aramaic Province District Note(s)
Ashawa Dohuk Amadiya 619 Assyrians inhabited Ashawa in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[36]
Bebalok Dohuk Amadiya 25 Assyrian families inhabited Bebalok in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[37]
Botara Dohuk Amadiya 12 families inhabited Botara in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[38]
Dergny Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Halwa ܗܠܘܐ Dohuk Amadiya 40 Assyrian families inhabited Halwa in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[26]
Hamziya ܗܡܙܝܐ Dohuk Amadiya 102 Assyrians inhabited Hamziya in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[15]
Khwara Dohuk Amadiya 92 Assyrians inhabited Khwara in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[22]
Magrebiya Dohuk Amadiya 18 Assyrians inhabited Magrebiya in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[39]
Malakhta Dohuk Amadiya 28 Assyrians inhabited Malakhta in 1957; uninhabited by Assyrians as of May 2004[23]
Argen Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Atosh Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Barzanke Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Bashu Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Bobawa Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Cham Eshrat Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Cham Siny Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Chamike Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Chaqala Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Chem Chale Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Dohoke Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Essan Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Estep Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Hawarke Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Hawentka Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Hish Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Mahode Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Maydan Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Nerwa Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited, see also Nerwa Rekan
Qaro Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Sedar Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Tashike Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Wela Dohuk Amadiya Uninhabited
Sharman Dohuk Aqrah Uninhabited
Shosh Dohuk Aqrah Uninhabited
Badaliya Dohuk Semel Uninhabited
Der Jondi Dohuk Semel Uninhabited
Hejirke Dohuk Semel Uninhabited
Mawana Dohuk Semel Uninhabited
Alanesh Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Bahnona Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Benekhre Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Bhere Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Der Hozan Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Istablan Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Malla Arap Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Margashish Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Sanat Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Shwadan Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Steblan Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited
Umra Dohuk Zakho Uninhabited


{{div col|colwidth=22em}}

West Azarbaijan Province

  • Akhtekhaneh
  • Anhar
  • Armod Agaj
  • Ada
  • Ardishai
  • Balanej (Balanush)
  • Balowlan
  • Chamakieh
  • Charbash
  • Digala
  • Dizataka
  • Gavilan
  • Geogtapa populated
  • Golpashan populated
  • Iryawa
  • Khanishan
  • Khosrava
  • Lolham (Lulpa)
  • Mar Nukha
  • Mar Sargis
  • Margawar
  • Mawana ܡܥܘܢܐ
  • Mushawa
  • Qarajalu
  • Saatlou
  • Salmas
  • Sangar
  • Jamlava (Jamal Abad)
  • Sarna
  • Shirabad
  • Sir
  • Sawraa
  • Yengija
  • Zoomalan ܙܘܡܠܢ
{{div col end}}

Iranian Kurdistan

  • Sanandaj

Tehran Province

  • Gisha


Assyrians immigrated to Syria during the 1930s and 1940s, from Northern Iraq, after they were slaughtered and displaced during the Simele Massacre perpetrated by the armed forces of the Kingdom of Iraq.[40] Many Assyrians in Syria did not have Syrian citizenship and title to their land until late 1940s.[41]

{{div col|colwidth=22em}}

Al-Hasakah Governorate

Cities and towns with Syriac-Assyrian population
  • Al-Darbasiyah
  • Al-Hasakah
  • Al-Malikiyah
  • Al-Qahtaniyah
  • Amuda
  • Qamishli
  • Ras al-Ayn
  • Berabeytê/Berebeyt (ܒܰܪ ܒܝܬܐܰ ,بره بيت)[42][43]
  • Ghardugah
  • Khanik
  • Kirku Shamu
  • Mahriqan
  • Qir Sharan
  • Safiyah
  • Tal Aluw
  • Tall Jana
  • Tell Halaf
  • Tirbekay
Khabour Valley Villages
  • Abu Tinah
  • al-Kharitah
  • Qaber Shamiyah
  • Sapeh
  • Tel Ahmar
  • Tell Arboush
  • Tell Balouaah
  • Tell Baz
  • Tell Bureij
  • Tell Damshij
  • Tell Fuweidat
  • Tell Goran
  • Tell Hefyan
  • Tell Hermez
  • Tell Jedaya
  • Tell Jazira
  • Tell Jemaah
  • Tell Kifji
  • Tell Makhadah
  • Tell Maghas
  • Tell Massas
  • Tell Najma
  • Tell Nasri
  • Tell Paweda
  • Tell Ruman Foqani
  • Tell Ruman Tahtani
  • Tell Sakra
  • Tell Shamah
  • Tell Shamiram
  • Tell Tal
  • Tell Talaah
  • Tell Tamer
  • Tell Tawil
  • Tell Wardet
  • Umm al-Keif
  • Umm Ghargan
  • Umm Waqfa

Damascus Governorate

Note- Ma'loula and neighboring Muslim-majority villages Jubb'adin and Al-Sarkha are the only villages left where a majority of the population speak the Western Aramaic dialects

  • Damascus
  • Saidnaya
  • Ma'loula

Homs Governorate

  • Fairouzeh
  • Zaidal
  • Maskanah
  • Al-Qaryatayn
  • Sadad
{{div col end}}


Adıyaman Province

  • Adıyaman

Diyarbakır Province

  • Diyarbakır

Elazığ province

  • Elazığ

Mardin province

  • ʼArbo
  • ʼAnḥel
  • Beth Kustan
  • Beth Debe, Turkish: Dibek
  • Beth Man’am, Turkish: Bahminir
  • Birguriya, Turkish: Birigirya
  • Bnebil, Turkish: Benabil
  • Boté, Turkish: Bardakçı
  • Chtrako
  • Dara, Turkish: Oğuz
  • Derelya
  • Dayro Daslibo
  • Deyrqube
  • Ehwo, Turkish: Güzelsu
  • Eskikale
  • Habsus, Turkish: Mercimekli
  • Hah, Turkish: Anıtlı
  • Harabale/Arkah, Turkish: Üçköy
  • Harabémechka, Turkish: Dağiçi
  • Kafro Tahtayto
  • Kafro Elayto
  • Iwardo
  • Keferb
  • Keferze
  • Kelith, Turkish: Dereiçi
  • Kerburan
  • Kfarbé, Turkish: Güngören
  • M’aré, Turkish: Eskihisar
  • Ma'asarte, Turkish: Ömerli[44]
  • Mardin
  • Midyat
  • Mor Bobo, Turkish: Günyurdu
  • Mzizah
  • Nusaybin
  • Qritho di‘Ito (Gundeké Sukru)
  • Qritho Hanna (Gundeké Hanna)
  • Saleh, Turkish: Barıştepe
  • Séderi, Turkish: Üçyol
  • Zaz

Şırnak Province

  • Azakh, Turkish: İdil
  • Hoz, in Beytüşşebap
  • Meer, Turkish: Kovankaya
  • Öğündük
  • Sare/Ester/Gawayto, Turkish: Sarıköy

Şanlıurfa Province

  • Şanlıurfa

Van Province

  • Van (uninhabited)
{{div col end}}

Hakkari Province

  • Khardalanis
  • Qodchanis


The Assyrian population in Armenia is mainly rural. Out of 3,409 Assyrians in Armenia 2,885 (84.6%) was rural and 524 (15.4%) urban.[45]

According to the Council of Europe European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages there were four rural settlements with significant Assyrian population.

Ararat Province

  1. Verin Dvin - Assyrians and Armenians
  2. Dimitrov - Assyrians and Armenians

Armavir Province

  1. Nor Artagers - Assyrians, Armenians and Yezidis

Kotayk Province

  1. Arzni - Assyrians and Armenians

See also

  • List of Assyrian tribes
  • Assyrian diaspora
  • Assyrian people
  • Arameans
  • List of Nochiyayeh settlements
  • Tur Abdin
  • Barwari
  • Hakkari
  • Nineveh Plains
  • Nahla Plains
  • Sapna valley


1. ^Richard Spencer, [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11022879/Iraq-crisis-The-streets-of-Erbils-newly-Christian-suburb-are-now-full-of-helpless-people.html Iraq crisis: The streets of Erbil’s newly Christian suburb are now full of helpless people], The Daily Telegraph, August 08, 2014
2. ^Wigram, W.A., "The Ashiret Highlands of Hakkari (Mesopotamia)," Royal Central Asian Society Journal, 1916, Vol. III, pg. 40. -- The Assyrians and their Neighbors (London, 1929)
3. ^M.Y.A . Lilian, Assyrians Of The Van District During The Rule Of Ottoman Turks, 1914
4. ^Map of Assyrian villages in Iraq http://aina.org/maps/villagesbyyear.htm
5. ^Information on Assyrians in Iraq
6. ^Smith, Gary N., From Urmia to the Stanislau: a cultural-historical-geography of Assyrian Christians in the Middle East and America (Davis, 1981)
7. ^Dalley, Stephanie (1993). "Nineveh After 612 BC." Alt-Orientanlische Forshchungen 20. P.134.
8. ^Assyrian villages in Hakkari Assyrian villages in Hakkari
9. ^{{cite news|last1=Costa-Roberts|first1=Daniel|title=8 things you didn’t know about Assyrian Christians|url=https://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/8-things-didnt-know-assyrian-christians/|accessdate=6 July 2015|publisher=PBS|date=15 March 2015}}
10. ^[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11307515/Iraq-crisis-The-last-Christians-of-Dora.html The Telegraph: Iraq crisis: The Last Christians of Dora]
11. ^Meho & Maglaughlin (2001), p. 267
12. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 9
13. ^OCP Media Network: Assyrian Church Prelates Visit the Historic Village of Sarsing in Northern Iraq
14. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 8
15. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 11
16. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 7
17. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Baz
18. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 10
19. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 13
20. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Beqolke
21. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Dere
22. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 5
23. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 4
24. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Ayit
25. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporations: Jelek
26. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 6
27. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 12
28. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Mangesh
29. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Tashish
30. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Mar Yakoo
31. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Shezi or Sheyouz
32. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Der Shish
33. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: QaraWola
34. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Bedyel
35. ^Ishtar Broadcasting Corporation: Jambur
36. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 11
37. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 5
38. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 6
39. ^Eshoo (2004), p. 4
40. ^Rowlands, J., "The Khabur Valley," Royal Central Asian Society Journal, 1947, pp. 144-149.
41. ^Betts, Robert Brenton, Christians in the Arab East (Atlanta, 1978)
42. ^{{cite web |title=ديريك - قرية بره بيت : تحت حماية قوى الامن السريانية السوتورو |url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f024REcitI |website=YouTube |language=ar}}
43. ^{{cite web |title=قوات السوتورو تقوم بحماية احتفالات قرية بره بيت بمناسبة عيد السيدة العذرا لمباركة الزروع |url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwVCGh1Yimw |website=YouTube |language=ar}}
44. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.mardintravel.com/omerli/|title=Ömerli|author=Mardin Travel|work=Mardin Travel}}
45. ^COE - Ethnic minorities in Armenia


  • {{cite book | last = Eshoo| first = Majed | first2= |last2 =| authorlink= | editor1 =Mary Challita | title = The Fate Of Assyrian Villages Annexed To Today's Dohuk Governorate In Iraq And The Conditions In These Villages Following The Establishment Of The Iraqi State In 1921 | volume = | publisher = | location = | date = 2004| url = http://www.aina.org/reports/avod.htm|ref=harv}}
  • {{cite book | last = Meho| first = Lokman I. | first2=Kelly L. |last2 =Maglaughlin| authorlink= | editor1 = | title = Kurdish Culture and Society: An Annotated Bibliography | volume = | publisher = Greenwood Publishing Group | location = | date = 2001 | url = https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Kurdish_Culture_and_Society.html?id=sl4PIeyWriUC&redir_esc=y|ref=harv}}
{{Assyrian communities}}{{DEFAULTSORT:List Of Assyrian Settlements}}

9 : Assyrian settlements|Populated places in Iraq|Lists of populated places in Iran|Populated places in Syria|Lists of populated places in Turkey|Mesopotamia|Historical regions|Assyria|Cultural regions





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