

词条 List of biblical places

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

  5. E

  6. G

  7. H

  8. I

  9. J

  10. K

  11. L

  12. M

  13. N

  14. O

  15. P

  16. R

  17. S

  18. T

  19. U

  20. V

  21. Z

  22. See also

  23. Notes

This is an incomplete list of places, lands, and countries mentioned in the Bible. Some places may be listed twice, under two different names. Only places having their own Wikipedia articles are included: see also the list of minor biblical places for locations which do not have their own Wikipedia article.

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  • Absalom's Monument
  • Achaia
  • Ai
  • Akko
  • Akkad – Mesopotamian state
  • Ammon – Canaanite state
  • Attalia – In Asia Minor
  • Antioch – In Asia Minor
  • Arabia – (in biblical times and until the 7th century AD Arabia was confined to the Arabian Peninsula)
  • Aram/Aramea – (Modern Syria)
  • Arbela (Erbil/Irbil) – Assyrian city
  • Archevite
  • Ariel
  • Armenia – Indo-European kingdom of eastern Asia Minor and southern Caucasus.
  • Arrapkha – Assyrian City, modern Kirkuk
  • Ashdod
  • Ashkelon
  • Ashur/Asshur/Assur – Capital city of Assyria
  • Assyria – Mesopotamian Semitic state


  • Baal-hazor – Canaanite city
  • Babel
  • Babylon/Babylonia – Mesopotamian state
  • Beer-Sheba
  • Beit El
  • Beirut
  • Berea
  • Bethany
  • Bethel
  • Bethharan
  • Bethlehem
  • Bethsaida
  • Bochim
  • Byblos – Phoenician state
  • Beersheba
  • Betshean


  • Cabul
  • Calah/Kalhu/Nimrud – Assyrian city
  • Calneh – Assyrian city
  • Cana – Galilee
  • Canaan – Region on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean
  • Capernaum
  • Cappadocia – Region in Asia Minor
  • Carchemish – Assyrian city
  • Caria – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Cenchrea
  • Chezib of Judah
  • Chorazin
  • Cilicia – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Crete, Greek island
  • Cimmeria – Nation in northern Asia Minor
  • Commagene – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Corduene – Nation in central Asia Minor, homeland of the Kurds
  • Corinth, City in Greece
  • Cush – African state
  • Chaldea – Mesopotamian state, eventually encompassing Babylonia


  • Damascus


  • Ebla – East Semitic state in northern Syria
  • Edom –Ancient kingdom in Transjordan
  • Egypt
  • Ekron
  • Elam – Pre-Iranic Nation in Ancient Iran
  • Elim
  • Emmaus
  • En-hakkore
  • En Gedi
  • Ephesia/Ephesus – Greek city in Asia Minor
  • Eridu – Mesopotamian city
  • Eshcol
  • Eshnunna – Mesopotamian city state
  • Ethiopia
  • Etham


  • Gabbatha
  • Galilee
  • Eden
  • Gath
  • Gaza
  • Georgia
  • Gethsemane
  • Gibeon
  • Gilead
  • Golgotha
  • Gomorrah
  • Goshen
  • Greece
  • Gutium – state in Iran


  • Haran
  • Harran – Assyrian City
  • Hattusa – Capital of Hittite Empire in Asia Minor
  • Hatti – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Havilah
  • Hazazon Tamar (also Hazazon-tamar or Hatzatzon-Tamar) – Ein Gedi
  • Hebron
  • Helam
  • Hell
  • Hill of Gash
  • Hurri Nation – Nation in Asia Minor


  • Imgur-Enlil – Assyrian City
  • India – Esther 8:9


  • Jabbok
  • Jaffa
  • Jerash
  • Jericho
  • Jerusalem
  • Jordan
  • Judah
  • Judea


  • Kabzeel
  • Kadesh-Barnea
  • Kaska – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Kassite state – in Iran
  • Keilah
  • Kish – Mesopotamian City State
  • Kush/Cush – in northeast Africa


  • Lachish
  • Laish
  • Laodicea
  • Larsa – Mesopotamian city
  • Lebanon
  • Lehi
  • Lycia – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Lydia – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Lystra


  • Machpela
  • Magan – Pre-Arab state in Oman
  • Mamre Plain
  • Mannea – Nation in Iran
  • Marah
  • Mari – Assyrian city
  • Media – Nation in Iran
  • Megiddo
  • Meluhha – Pre-Arab state in the Arabian Peninsula
  • Memphis
  • Mesopotamia – Includes the kingdoms of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia, Chaldea, and the neo Assyrian states of Adiabene, Osroene and Hatra.
  • Midian
  • Miriam
  • Moab – Cannanite state
  • Mount Carmel
  • Mount Ephraim
  • Mount Hermon
  • Mount Nebo
  • Mount of Olives
  • Mount Sinai
  • Mount Tabor
  • Mount Zemaraim
  • Mount Zion
  • Mysia – state in Asia Minor


  • Nahor
  • Nahrain (Mesopotamia)
  • Nazareth
  • Nibarti-Ashur – Assyrian city
  • Nimrud – later name for the Assyrian city of Kalhu/Calah
  • Nineveh – Capital of Assyria
  • Nod


  • On
  • Ophir
  • Opis – Mesopotamian/Babylonian City
  • Osroene – Neo Assyrian state


  • Palestine
  • Palmyra – Aramean state in Syria
  • Paran
  • Parthia – Nation in Iran
  • Penuel
  • Perga – Town In Asia Minor
  • Persia – Nation in Iran
  • Petra
  • Philistia – Original name of Palestine
  • Phrygia – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Phut
  • Pithom
  • Punt
  • Puqudu, as "Pekod"


  • Ramathlehi
  • Rapiqum – Assyrian City
  • Rehoboth (Bible)
  • Rephidim
  • Rome – Roman Empire


  • Samaria – Nation of the Samaritans
  • Sardis
  • Scythia – Nation in Asia Minor
  • Shalem
  • Sheba – Pre-Arab state in Yemen
  • Shechem
  • Sheol
  • Shiloh
  • Shinar – Mesopotamian city
  • Shomron
  • Shubat-Enlil – Assyrian city
  • Sidon
  • Sin Desert
  • Sinai
  • Smyrna
  • Sodom
  • Spain – Romans 15.24
  • Sumer/Sumeria – Mesopotamian state and region
  • Syria/Aramea


  • Tabal – Georgian state in Asia Minor
  • Tarshish
  • Tel Dan
  • Til-barsip – Assyrian city
  • Timnath-serah
  • Timnath
  • Tushhan – Assyrian city
  • Tyre


  • Ugarit – Amorite state
  • Umma – Mesopotamian state and city
  • Ur – Mesopotamian state and city
  • Urartu – Hurrian state in the Caucasus
  • Urkish – Mesopotamian state and city
  • Uruk – Mesopotamian state and city
  • The Land of Uz


  • Via Dolorosa


  • Zaanan
  • Zair
  • Zalmonah
  • Zanoah
  • Zareah
  • Zartanah
  • Zelahzaliya
  • Zemaraim
  • Zephi
  • Zeredathah
  • Zorah
  • Zion
  • Zoba

See also

  • List of biblical names
  • List of Hebrew place names
  • List of modern names for biblical place names
  • Cities in the Book of Joshua


Note: This list is currently incomplete

2 : Biblical places|Bible-related lists





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