

词条 List of bumblebee species

  1. Subgenus Alpigenobombus

  2. Subgenus Alpinobombus

  3. Subgenus Bombias

  4. Subgenus Bombus (sensu stricto)

  5. Subgenus Cullumanobombus

  6. Subgenus Kallobombus

  7. Subgenus Fervidobombus[7]

  8. Subgenus Megabombus

  9. Subgenus Melanobombus

  10. Subgenus Mendacibombus

  11. Subgenus Orientalibombus

  12. Subgenus Psithyrus

  13. Subgenus Pyrobombus

  14. Subgenus Sibiricobombus

  15. Subgenus Subterraneobombus

  16. Subgenus Thoracobombus

  17. Subgenus incertae sedis

  18. References

The list presented here is derived from a checklist of world bumblebees[1] (discussing status of species) and used in the most recent Bombus phylogeny.[2] Species are grouped by subgenus following the most recent revision.[3] For some common names see BugGuide.[4]

Subgenus Alpigenobombus

  • Bombus angustus
  • Bombus breviceps
  • Bombus genalis
  • Bombus grahami
  • Bombus kashmirensis
  • Bombus nobilis
  • Bombus wurflenii

Subgenus Alpinobombus

  • Bombus alpinus
  • Bombus balteatus – Golden-belted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus hyperboreus
  • Bombus natvigi
  • Bombus neoboreus
  • Bombus polaris

Subgenus Bombias

  • Bombus auricomus – Black-and-gold Bumble Bee
  • Bombus confusus
  • Bombus nevadensis – Nevada Bumble Bee

Subgenus Bombus (sensu stricto)

  • Bombus affinis – Rusty-patched Bumble Bee
  • Bombus cryptarum – Cryptic Bumble Bee
  • Bombus franklini – Franklin's Bumblebee (extremely rare or possibly extinct)
  • Bombus hypocrita
  • Bombus ignitus
  • Bombus jacobsoni
  • Bombus lantschouensis
  • Bombus longipennis
  • Bombus lucorum – White-tailed Bumblebee
  • Bombus magnus
  • Bombus minshanicus
  • Bombus occidentalis[5] – Western Yellow-banded Bumble Bee
  • Bombus patagiatus
  • Bombus sporadicus
  • Bombus terrestris – Buff-tailed Bumblebee or Large Earth Bumblebee
  • Bombus terricola[5] – Yellow-banded Bumble Bee
  • Bombus tunicatus

Subgenus Cullumanobombus

  • Bombus baeri
  • Bombus brachycephalus
  • Bombus coccineus
  • Bombus crotchii – Crotch's Bumble Bee
  • Bombus cullumanus – Cullum's Humble-bee or Cullum's Bumblebee
  • Bombus ecuadorius
  • Bombus fraternus – Southern Plains Bumble Bee
  • Bombus funebris
  • Bombus griseocollis – Brown-belted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus handlirschi
  • Bombus haueri
  • Bombus hortulanus
  • Bombus macgregori
  • Bombus melaleucus
  • Bombus morrisoni – Morrison's Bumble Bee
  • Bombus robustus
  • Bombus rohweri
  • Bombus rubicundus
  • Bombus rufocinctus – Red-belted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus semenoviellus
  • Bombus trophonius[6]
  • Bombus tucumanus
  • Bombus unicus
  • Bombus vogti

Subgenus Kallobombus

  • Bombus soroeensis

Subgenus Fervidobombus[7]

  • Bombus atratus
  • Bombus bellicosus
  • Bombus brasiliensis
  • Bombus brevivillus
  • Bombus dahlbomii
  • Bombus digressus
  • Bombus diligens
  • Bombus excellens
  • Bombus fervidus – Yellow Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee
    • Bombus fervidus californicus[8] – California Bumble Bee
  • Bombus medius
  • Bombus mexicanus
  • Bombus morio
  • Bombus opifex
  • Bombus pensylvanicus – American Bumble Bee
    • Bombus pensylvanicus sonorus[9] – Sonoran Bumble Bee
  • Bombus pullatus
  • Bombus rubriventris (probably extinct)
  • Bombus steindachneri
  • Bombus transversalis
  • Bombus trinominatus
  • Bombus weisi

Subgenus Megabombus

  • Bombus argillaceus
  • Bombus bicoloratus
  • Bombus consobrinus
  • Bombus czerskii
  • Bombus diversus
  • Bombus gerstaeckeri
  • Bombus hortorum– (small) garden bumblebee
  • Bombus irisanensis
  • Bombus koreanus
  • Bombus lapidarius
  • Bombus longipes
  • Bombus melanopoda (extremely rare or possibly extinct)
  • Bombus portchinsky
  • Bombus religiosus
  • Bombus ruderatus – large garden bumblebee
  • Bombus saltuarius
  • Bombus securus
  • Bombus senex
  • Bombus supremus
  • Bombus sushkini
  • Bombus tichenkoi
  • Bombus trifasciatus
  • Bombus ussurensis

Subgenus Melanobombus

  • Bombus erzurumensis[10]
  • Bombus eximius
  • Bombus festivus
  • Bombus formosellus
  • Bombus friseanus
  • Bombus incertus
  • Bombus keriensis
  • Bombus ladakhensis
  • Bombus lapidarius – Red-tailed bumblebee
  • Bombus miniatus
  • Bombus pyrosoma
  • Bombus richardsiellus
  • Bombus rufipes
  • Bombus rufofasciatus
  • Bombus semenovianus
  • Bombus sichelii
  • Bombus simillimus
  • Bombus tanguticus

Subgenus Mendacibombus

  • Bombus avinoviellus
  • Bombus convexus
  • Bombus handlirschianus
  • Bombus himalayanus
  • Bombus makarjini
  • Bombus margreiteri
  • Bombus marussinus
  • Bombus mendax
  • Bombus superbus
  • Bombus turkestanicus
  • Bombus waltoni

Subgenus Orientalibombus

  • Bombus braccatus
  • Bombus funerarius
  • Bombus haemorrhoidalis

Subgenus Psithyrus

  • Bombus ashtoni – Ashton Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus barbutellus – Barbut's Cuckoo-bee
  • Bombus bellardii
  • Bombus bohemicus
  • Bombus branickii
  • Bombus campestris
  • Bombus chinensis
  • Bombus citrinus – Lemon Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus coreanus
  • Bombus cornutus
  • Bombus expolitus
  • Bombus ferganicus
  • Bombus fernaldae – Fernald's Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus flavidus
  • Bombus insularis – Indiscriminate Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus maxillosus
  • Bombus monozonus
  • Bombus morawitzianus
  • Bombus norvegicus
  • Bombus novus
  • Bombus perezi
  • Bombus quadricolor
  • Bombus rupestris
  • Bombus skorikovi
  • Bombus suckleyi – Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus sylvestris
  • Bombus tibetanus
  • Bombus turneri
  • Bombus variabilis – Variable Cuckoo Bumble Bee
  • Bombus vestalis – Vestal Cuckoo Bumble Bee

Subgenus Pyrobombus

  • Bombus abnormis
  • Bombus ardens
  • Bombus avanus
  • Bombus beaticola
  • Bombus bifarius
  • Bombus bimaculatus – Two-spotted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus biroi
  • Bombus brodmannicus
  • Bombus caliginosus
  • Bombus centralis[11] – Great Basin Bumble Bee
  • Bombus cingulatus
  • Bombus cockerelli
  • Bombus ephippiatus
  • Bombus flavescens
  • Bombus flavifrons[11] - Yellow-fronted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus frigidus
  • Bombus haematurus
  • Bombus huntii – Hunt's Bumble Bee
  • Bombus hypnorum
  • Bombus impatiens – Common Eastern Bumble Bee
  • Bombus infirmus
  • Bombus infrequens
  • Bombus jonellus
  • Bombus kotzschi
  • Bombus lapponicus
  • Bombus lemniscatus
  • Bombus lepidus
  • Bombus luteipes
  • Bombus melanopygus[12] – Black-tailed Bumble Bee
  • Bombus mirus
  • Bombus mixtus
  • Bombus modestus
  • Bombus monticola
  • Bombus oceanicus
  • Bombus parthenius
  • Bombus perplexus – Perplexing Bumble Bee, Confusing Bumble Bee[15]
  • Bombus picipes
  • Bombus pratorum
  • Bombus pressus
  • Bombus pyrenaeus
  • Bombus rotundiceps
  • Bombus sandersoni – Sanderson Bumble Bee[13]
  • Bombus sitkensis – Sitka Bumble Bee
  • Bombus sonani
  • Bombus subtypicus
  • Bombus sylvicola - Forest Bumble Bee
  • Bombus ternarius – Tricolored Bumble Bee, Orange-belted Bumble Bee
  • Bombus vagans – Half-black Bumble Bee
  • Bombus vandykei – Van Dyke's Bumble Bee
  • Bombus vosnesenskii – Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
  • Bombus wilmattae

Subgenus Sibiricobombus

  • Bombus asiaticus
  • Bombus morawitzi
  • Bombus niveatus
  • Bombus oberti
  • Bombus obtusus
  • Bombus sibiricus
  • Bombus sulfureus

Subgenus Subterraneobombus

  • Bombus amurensis
  • Bombus appositus – Mountain Bumble Bee
  • Bombus borealis – Northern Amber Bumble Bee
  • Bombus distinguendus
  • Bombus fedtschenkoi
  • Bombus fragrans
  • Bombus melanurus
  • Bombus mongolensis
  • Bombus personatus
  • Bombus subterraneus – Short-haired Bumble Bee

Subgenus Thoracobombus

  • Bombus anachoreta
  • Bombus armeniacus – Armenian Bumble Bee
  • Bombus atripes
  • Bombus deuteronymus
  • Bombus exil
  • Bombus filchnerae
  • Bombus hedini
  • Bombus honshuensis
  • Bombus humilis - Brown-banded Carder Bee
  • Bombus imitator
  • Bombus impetuosus
  • Bombus inexspectatus
  • Bombus laesus
  • Bombus mesomelas
  • Bombus mlokosievitzii
  • Bombus mucidus
  • Bombus muscorum - Large Carder Bee or Moss Carder Bee
  • Bombus opulentus
  • Bombus pascuorum - Common Carder Bee
  • Bombus persicus
  • Bombus pomorum - Apple Humble-bee
  • Bombus pseudobaicalensis
  • Bombus remotus
  • Bombus ruderarius - Red-shanked Carder Bee or Red-shanked Bumble Bee
  • Bombus schrencki
  • Bombus sonorus - Sonoran Bumble Bee
  • Bombus sylvarum
  • Bombus tricornis
  • Bombus velox
  • Bombus veteranus
  • Bombus zonatus

Subgenus incertae sedis

  • Bombus cerdanyensis - Late Miocene, Bellver de Cerdanya, Spain[14]


1. ^{{cite journal | last1 = Williams | first1 = P. H. | year = 1998 | title = An annotated checklist of bumble bees with an analysis of patterns of description (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini) | url = | journal = Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Entomology Series | volume = 67 | issue = | pages = 79–152 }} [updated at http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/bombus/]
2. ^{{cite journal | last1 = Cameron | first1 = S. A. | last2 = Hines | first2 = H. M. | last3 = Williams | first3 = P. H. | year = 2007 | title = A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus) | url = | journal = Biological Journal of the Linnean Society | volume = 91 | issue = | pages = 161–188 | doi=10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00784.x}}
3. ^{{cite journal | last1 = Williams | first1 = P. H. | last2 = Cameron | first2 = S. A. | last3 = Hines | first3 = H. M. | last4 = Cederberg | first4 = B. | last5 = Rasmont | first5 = P. | year = 2008 | title = A simplified subgeneric classification of the bumblebees (genus Bombus) | doi = 10.1051/apido:2007052 | journal = Apidologie | volume = 39 | issue = | pages = 1–29 }}
4. ^Bombus, BugGuide
5. ^Bombus occidentalis and Bombus terricola are sometimes considered the same species.
6. ^{{Cite journal|last1=Prokop |first1=J. |last2=Dehon |first2=M. |last3=Michez |first3=D. |last4=Engel |first4=M. S. |year=2017 |title=An Early Miocene bumble bee from northern Bohemia (Hymenoptera, Apidae) |journal=ZooKeys |volume=710 |pages=43–63 |doi=10.3897/zookeys.710.14714 }}
7. ^{{Cite journal|url = http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/bombus/Cameron&Williams03_Fervidobombus.pdf|title = Phylogeny of bumble bees in the New World subgenus Fervidobombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae): congruence of molecular and morphological data|last = Cameron|first = S. A.|date = 24 July 2002|journal = Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution|doi = 10.1016/s1055-7903(03)00056-3 |pmid = |access-date = 5 November 2015|last2 = Williams|first2 = P. H.}}
8. ^Bombus fervidus californicus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus californicus.
9. ^Bombus pensylvanicus sonorus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus sonorus.
10. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.zoologie.umh.ac.be/hymenoptera/pagetaxon.asp?tx_id=1334 |title=Bombus (Melanobombus) erzurumensis (Özbek, 1990) |author=Pierre Rasmont |author2=A. Murat Aytekin |author3=Osman Kaftanoglu |author4=Didier Flagothier |last-author-amp=yes|publisher=Université de Mons}}
11. ^Bombus centralis and Bombus flavifrons are sometimes considered the same species.
12. ^Bombus melanopygus has two color forms, one of which was historically treated as a species: Bombus edwardsii.
13. ^Miller, Nathan G. (2010). The Bumble Bees of Algonquin Park: A Field Guide. Toronto: Toronto Entomologists' Association. pp.22.
14. ^{{cite journal|last1=Dehon |first1= M. |last2=Michez |first2=D. |last3=Nel |first3=A. |last4=Engel |first4=M. S. |last5=De Meulemeester |first5=T. |year=2014 |title=Wing Shape of Four New Bee Fossils (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) Provides Insights to Bee Evolution |journal=PLOS ONE |volume=9 |issue=10 |pages=1–16 |doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0108865 |pmid=25354170 |pmc=4212905}}

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