

词条 List of Canadian plants by genus C

  1. Ca

  2. Ce

  3. Ch

  4. Ci

  5. Cl

  6. Co

  7. Cr

  8. Cu

  9. Cy

  10. References

Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada's biodiversity, this page is divided.

Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic. Those plants whose status is unknown are marked with a ?.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z{{Dynamic list}}


  • Cakile — searockets
    • Cakile edentula — American searocket
  • Calamagrostis — reedgrasses
    • Calamagrostis canadensis — Canada bluejoint, Canada reedgrass, Langsdorff's reedgrass, Macoun's reedgrass
    • Calamagrostis deschampsioides — circumpolar reedgrass
    • Calamagrostis lapponica — Lapland reedgrass
    • Calamagrostis purpurascens — purple reedgrass
    • Calamagrostis stricta subsp. inexpansa — bog reedgrass, northern reedgrass
  • Calamintha — calamints
    • Calamintha arkansana — low calamint, savoury, wild calamint, limestone wild basil
  • Calamovilfa — sandreeds
    • Calamovilfa longifolia var. magna — prairie sandreed
  • Calla — callas
    • Calla palustris — wild calla, water arum
  • Callitriche — water-starworts
    • Callitriche hermaphroditica — narrowleaf water-starwort, northern water-starwort, autumnal water-starwort
    • Callitriche heterophylla — larger water-starwort
    • Callitriche palustris — vernal water-starwort
  • Callitropsis
    • Callitropsis nootkatensis — Alaska yellow cedar, Nootka false-cypress, yellow cedar
  • Calopogon — grass-pinks
    • Calopogon tuberosus — tuberous grass-pink
  • Caltha — marsh marigolds
    • Caltha natans — floating marsh marigold
    • Caltha palustris — marsh marigold, cowslip, kingcup, cowflock
  • Calypso — calypsoes
    • Calypso bulbosa — calypso, fairy-slipper, nymph-of-the-north
  • Calystegia — bindweeds
    • Calystegia sepium — hedge bindweed, wild morning glory
    • Calystegia spithamaea — low bindweed
  • Camassia — hyacinths
    • Camassia scilloides — wild hyacinth Threatened
  • Campanula — bellflowers
    • Campanula aparinoides — marsh bellflower, bedstraw bedflower, marsh harebell
    • Campanula rotundifolia — American harebell, Scottish bluebell, bluebells of Scotland
  • Campanulastrum — bellflowers
    • Campanulastrum americanum — tall bellflower, American bellflower
  • Campsis — trumpet vines
    • Campsis radicans — trumpet vine, trumpet creeper
  • Canadanthus
    • Canadanthus modestus — Canada aster, western bog aster, great northern aster, purple northern aster
  • Cardamine — toothworts
    • Cardamine bulbosa — spring cress, bulbous cress
    • Cardamine concatenata — cutleaf toothwort, five-parted toothwort, slender toothwort
    • Cardamine diphylla — twoleaf toothwort, broadleaf toothwort, crinkleroot
    • Cardamine douglasii — purple cress, limestone bittercress
    • Cardamine parviflora — small-flowered bittercress, sand bittercress
    • Cardamine pensylvanica — Pennsylvania bittercress, Quaker bittercress
    • Cardamine pratensis var. angustifolia — meadow bittercress
    • Cardamine pratensis var. palustris — cuckoo-flower, lady's smock
  • Carex spp.'
    • see List of Carex species in Canada
  • Carpinus — hornbeams
    • Carpinus caroliniana — ironwood, American hornbeam, blue beech, musclewood
  • Carya — hickories
    • Carya cordiformis — bitternut hickory, swamp hickory, pignut hickory, yellowbud hickory
    • Carya glabra — pignut hickory, sweet pignut, red hickory
    • Carya laciniosa — big shellbark hickory
    • Carya ovata — shagbark hickory, upland hickory, shellbark hickory

  • Castanea — chestnuts
    • Castanea dentata — American chestnut, toothed chestnut Endangered
  • Castilleja — Indian paintbrushes
    • Castilleja coccinea — scarlet Indian paintbrush, scarlet painted-cup
    • Castilleja raupii — Raup's painted-cup, Raup's Indian paintbrush
    • Castilleja septentrionalis — northern paintbrush, Labrador Indian paintbrush
  • Catabrosa — brook grasses
    • Catabrosa aquatica — brook grass, water hairgrass
  • Caulophyllum — cohoshes
    • Caulophyllum giganteum
    • Caulophyllum thalictroides — blue cohosh


    • Ceanothus — New Jersey teas
      • Ceanothus americanus — New Jersey tea, redroot, white snowball, mountainsweet
      • Ceanothus herbaceus — narrowleaf New Jersey tea, prairie redroot, inland ceanothus
    • Celastrus — bittersweets
      • Celastrus scandens — climbing bittersweet, American bittersweet
    • Celtis — hackberries
      • Celtis occidentalis — sugarberry, northern hackberry, false elm, common hackberry
      • Celtis tenuifolia — dwarf hackberry Threatened
    • Cenchrus — sandburs
      • Cenchrus longispinus — longspine sandbur
    • Cephalanthus — buttonbushes
      • Cephalanthus occidentalis — common buttonbush
    • Cerastium — mouse-ear chickweeds
      • Cerastium alpinum — alpine mouse-ear chickweed, alpine chickweed, woolly alpine chickweed
      • Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum — field mouse-ear chickweed, meadow mouse-ear chickweed, prairie mouse-ear chickweed (other subspecies, including the type subsp. arvense, are considered introduced)
      • Cerastium brachypodum — shortstalk mouse-ear chickweed
      • Cerastium nutans — nodding mouse-ear chickweed
      • Cerastium velutinum — long-hairy chickweed
    • Ceratophyllum — hornworts
      • Ceratophyllum demersum — common hornwort, coontail
      • Ceratophyllum echinatum — spineless hornwort


    • Chaerophyllum — chervils
      • Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens — spreading chervil
      • Chaerophyllum procumbens var. shortii
    • Chamaedaphne — leatherleafs
      • Chamaedaphne calyculata — leatherleaf, dwarf cassandra
    • Chamaesyce — spurges
      • Chamaesyce polygonifolia — seaside spurge, seaside sandmat, sea milk-purslane
      • Chamaesyce vermiculata — wormseed spurge, wormseed sandmat, hairy spurge, hairy-stemmed milk-purslane
    • Chelone — turtleheads
      • Chelone glabra — white turtlehead
    • Chenopodium — goosefeet
      • Chenopodium bushianum — village goosefoot
      • Chenopodium capitatum — strawberry blite, strawberry-spinach, Indian paint, Indian ink, strawberry goosefoot
      • Chenopodium foggii — Fogg's goosefoot
      • Chenopodium leptophyllum — narrowleaf goosefoot
      • Chenopodium pratericola — pale goosefoot, narrowleaf goosefoot, desert goosefoot
      • Chenopodium salinum
      • Chenopodium simplex — mapleleaf goosefoot, giantseed goosefoot
      • Chenopodium standleyanum — Standley's goosefoot
    • Chimaphila — pipsissewas
      • Chimaphila maculata — striped pipsissewa, striped wintergreen, spotted wintergreen, striped prince's pine Endangered
      • Chimaphila umbellata — pipsissewa, prince's pine
    • Chrysanthemum — daisies
      • Chrysanthemum arcticum — arctic daisy
    • Chrysosplenium — saxifrages
      • Chrysosplenium americanum — golden saxifrage, American watermat, American golden saxifrage
      • Chrysosplenium tetrandrum — alternate-leaf watermat, northern golden saxifrage, northern golden-carpet


    • Cicuta — water hemlocks
      • Cicuta bulbifera — bulb-bearing water hemlock
      • Cicuta maculata — spotted water hemlock, spotted cowbane, musquash-root, beaver-poison
      • Cicuta virosa — MacKenzie's water hemlock, northern water hemlock
    • Cimicifuga — cohoshes
      • Cimicifuga racemosa — black cohosh, black snakeroot, black bugbane
    • Cinna — wood reedgrasses
      • Cinna arundinacea — stout wood reedgrass
      • Cinna latifolia — slender wood reedgrass, drooping woodreed, broadleaf woodgrass
    • Circaea — enchanter's nightshades
      • Circaea alpina — dwarf enchanter's nightshade, small enchanter's nightshade
      • Circaea lutetiana — Canada enchanter's nightshade, southern broadleaf enchanter's nightshade
    • Cirsium — thistles
      • Cirsium discolor — pasture thistle, field thistle
      • Cirsium drummondii — Drummond's thistle, short-stem thistle, dwarf thistle
      • Cirsium flodmanii — prairie thistle, woolly thistle, Flodman's thistle
      • Cirsium hillii — Hill's thistle Threatened
      • Cirsium muticum — swamp thistle, dunce nettle, horsetops
      • Cirsium pitcheri — Pitcher's thistle, sand dune thistle


    • Cladium — twigrushes
      • Cladium mariscoides — twigrush, smooth sawgrass
    • Claytonia — spring beauties
      • Claytonia caroliniana — Carolina spring beauty
      • Claytonia virginica — eastern spring beauty, narrowleaf spring beauty, Virginia spring beauty
    • Clematis — virgin's-bowers
      • Clematis occidentalis — western blue virgin's-bower, purple clematis, rock clematis, purple virgin's-bower
      • Clematis virginiana — Virginia virgin's-bower, Devil's darning-needles
    • Clinopodium — dog mints
      • Clinopodium vulgare — dog mint, wild basil, cushion calamint
    • Clintonia — blue-bead lilies
      • Clintonia borealis — blue-bead lily, cornlily, poisonberry, yellow clintonia


    • Coeloglossum — green orchises
      • Coeloglossum viride var. viriscens — long-bract green orchis
      • Coeloglossum viride var. viride — bracted orchid
    • Collinsia — horsebalms
      • Collinsia canadensis — Canada horsebalm, northern horsebalm, stoneroot, richweed
      • Collinsia parviflora — bluelips, small blue-eyed Mary
    • Collomia — glueseeds
      • Collomia linearis — glueseed, narrowleaf collomia
    • Comandra — comandras
      • Comandra umbellata — bastard toadflax, star toadflax
    • Comptonia — sweetferns
      • Comptonia peregrina — sweetfern
    • Conioselinum — hemlock parsleys
      • Conioselinum chinense — hemlock parsley
    • Conopholis— squawroots
      • Conopholis americana — squawroot
    • Conyza — fleabanes
      • Conyza canadensis — Canada fleabane, horseweed, butterweed
    • Coptis — goldthreads
      • Coptis trifolia — goldthread, canker-root, yellow snakeroot
    • Corallorrhiza — coralroots
      • Corallorrhiza maculata — spotted coralroot
      • Corallorhiza odontorhiza — autumn coralroot
      • Corallorrhiza striata — striped coralroot
      • Corallorrhiza trifida — early coralroot, pale coralroot, northern coralroot
    • Coreopsis — tickseeds
      • Coreopsis lanceolata — lanceleaf tickseed, garden coreopsis, long-stalked coreopsis
      • Coreopsis tripteris — tall coreopsis
    • Corispermum — bugseeds
      • Corispermum americanum — American bugseed
      • Corispermum hookeri — Hooker's bugseed
      • Corispermum pallasii — Pallas' bugseed
      • Corispermum villosum — hairy bugseed
    • Cornus — dogwoods
      • Cornus alternifolia — alternate-leaf dogwood, pagoda dogwood, green osier
      • Cornus amomum subsp. amomum — silky dogwood, red willow, swamp dogwood
      • Cornus amomum subsp. obliqua
      • Cornus canadensis — Canada bunchberry, crackerberry, dwarf cornel
      • Cornus drummondii — roughleaf dogwood, Drummond's dogwood
      • Cornus florida — eastern flowering dogwood, common white dogwood
      • Cornus foemina — stiff dogwood, English dogwood, stiff cornel
      • Cornus rugosa — roundleaf dogwood
      • Cornus stolonifera — red-osier dogwood
    • Corydalis — corydalises
      • Corydalis aurea — golden corydalis
      • Corydalis flavula — yellow corydalis
      • Corydalis sempervirens — pale corydalis
    • Corylus — hazelnuts
      • Corylus americana — American hazelnut, American filbert
      • Corylus cornuta — beaked hazelnut, beaked filbert


    • Crassula — pygmyweeds
      • Crassula aquatica — water pygmyweed
    • Crataegus — hawthorns
      • Crataegus apiomorpha
      • Crataegus beata
      • Crataegus brainerdii — Brainerd's hawthorn
      • Crataegus calpodendron — pear hawthorn
      • Crataegus chrysocarpa var. aboriginum
      • Crataegus chrysocarpa var. chrysocarpa — fireberry hawthorn, roundleaf hawthorn
      • Crataegus chrysocarpa var. phoenicea
      • Crataegus coccinea var. coccinea — scarlet hawthorn
      • Crataegus coccinea var. fulleriana — Fuller's hawthorn
      • Crataegus cognata — white-anthered frosted hawthorn
      • Crataegus comptacta
      • Crataegus crus-galli — cockspur hawthorn
      • Crataegus dilatata — broadleaf hawthorn
      • Crataegus dissona
      • Crataegus dodgei var. dodgei — Dodge's hawthorn
      • Crataegus dodgei var. flavida
      • Crataegus douglasii — black hawthorn, Douglas' hawthorn
      • Crataegus flabellata — fanleaf hawthorn, Bosc's thorn, New England hawthorn
      • Crataegus formosa
      • Crataegus irrasa — unshorn thorn, Blanchard's thorn
      • Crataegus lumaria
      • Crataegus macracantha — longthorn hawthorn, largethorn hawthorn
      • Crataegus macrosperma — bigfruit hawthorn, variable thorn
      • Crataegus magniflora
      • Crataegus margeretta
      • Crataegus mollis — downy hawthorn, red haw
      • Crataegus pennsylvanica
      • Crataegus perjucunda — Middlesex frosted hawthorn
      • Crataegus persimilis — plumleaf hawthorn
      • Crataegus populnea
      • Crataegus pringlei — Pringle's hawthorn
      • Crataegus pruinosa var. parvula
      • Crataegus pruinosa var. pruinosa — waxy-fruit hawthorn, frosted hawthorn
      • Crataegus punctata — dotted hawthorn
      • Crataegus rugosa — broadleaf frosted hawthorn
      • Crataegus scabrida
      • Crataegus schuettei — royal hawthorn
      • Crataegus submollis — Québec hawthorn, Emerson's hawthorn
      • Crataegus suborbiculata — Caughuawaga hawthorn
      • Crataegus succulenta — fleshy hawthorn, longspine hawthorn
      • Crataegus tenax
    • Cryptogramma — rockbrakes
      • Cryptogramma acrostichoides — American rockbrake, parsleyfern, mountain parsley
      • Cryptogramma stelleri — Steller's rockbrake, slender cliffbrake, fragile rockbrake
    • Cryptotaenia — honeworts
      • Cryptotaenia canadensis — Canada honewort


    • Cuscuta — dodders
      • Cuscuta campestris — field dodder
      • Cuscuta cephalanthi — buttonbush dodder
      • Cuscuta coryli — hazel dodder
      • Cuscuta gronovii — common dodder, scaldweed, swamp dodder, Gronovius dodder


    • Cycloloma — pigweeds
      • Cycloloma atriplicifolium — winged pigweed
    • Cynoglossum — comfreys
      • Cynoglossum boreale — northern wild comfrey
    • Cyperus — flatsedges
      • Cyperus bipartitus — river cyperus, shining flatsedge
      • Cyperus dentatus — toothed umbrella-sedge
      • Cyperus diandrus — umbrella sedge
      • Cyperus erythrorhizos — redroot flatsedge
      • Cyperus esculentus — yellow nutgrass, yellow umbrella sedge, chufa flatsedge
      • Cyperus flavescens — yellow cyperus
      • Cyperus houghtonii — Houghton's flatsedge, Houghton's cyperus
      • Cyperus lupulinus subsp. macilentus
      • Cyperus odoratus — rusty flatsedge
      • Cyperus schweinitzii — Schweinitz' umbrella sedge, Schweinitz' flatsedge
      • Cyperus squarrosus — awned cyperus
      • Cyperus strigosus — straw-coloured flatsedge
    • Cypripedium — lady's-slippers
      • Cypripedium acaule — pink lady's-slipper, pink moccasin flower
      • Cypripedium arietinum — ram's-head lady's-slipper
      • Cypripedium candidum — small white lady's-slipper Endangered
      • Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin — northern small-flowered yellow lady's-slipper
      • Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens — large yellow lady's-slipper, yellow moccasin flower, flat-petalled yellow lady's-slipper, golden slipper, whip-poor-will's shoe
      • Cypripedium passerinum — sparrow's-egg lady's-slipper, Franklin's lady's-slipper
      • Cypripedium reginae — showy lady's-slipper, queen lady's-slipper
    • Cystopteris
      • Cystopteris bulbifera — bulblet bladder fern
      • Cystopteris fragilis — fragile fern, brittle bladder fern
      • Cystopteris laurentiana — Laurentian bladder fern, Laurentian fragile fern
      • Cystopteris montana — mountain bladder fern
      • Cystopteris protrusa — lowland brittle fern
      • Cystopteris tenuis — MacKay's brittle fern


    See: Flora of Canada#References

    2 : Flora of Canada|Lists of plants

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