

词条 List of close election results

  1. Table of close national and state elections

  2. Distribution of elections by winning margin

  3. See also

  4. References

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This is a list of close election results at national and state level.

It lists results that have been decided by a margin of less than 1 vote in 1,000 (a margin of victory of less than 0.1%). To provide context, after the first table is another table showing the distribution of winning margins in different areas. Depending on the area, from 1 in 40 to 1 in 500 election contests is decided by less than 1 vote in 1,000. This list is limited to elections in which at least 1,000 votes were cast.

According to a 2001 study of state and federal elections in the United States between 1898 and 1992, "one of every 100,000 votes cast in U.S. elections, and one of every 15,000 votes cast in state elections, "mattered" in the sense that they were cast for a candidate that officially tied or won by one vote."[1]

While not an election, a member of Congress once owed his seat to the drawing of lots. In 1902, after more than 7,000 votes at three conventions, the Democrats were unable to decide among three candidates for nomination to Texas's 12th congressional district. Two candidates put their names in a hat, drew one out and the loser agreed to withdraw and support the winner. Oscar W. Gillespie won the game of lots, the nomination and the following general election, serving in Congress for 8 years.[1]

There are a variety of ways in which tied elections are settled. Some are decided by drawing lots or other games of chances. Others lead to a runoff or special election. Still others are decided by some third party such as the legislature or a high-ranking elected official. In one case in Crawfordsville, Indiana, in 1891, it was settled with a 200-yard footrace. In that case William Simms seemed to be cruising to an easy victory for County Treasurer when he tripped and fell 3 yards from the finish line allowing Frank Hollowell to win the race instead.[2]

Table of close national and state elections

Year Country /
Election Race Margin
Total votes
cast for winner
2011Switzerland}} Swiss federal Ticino 0% 023979}}[3] Marco Romano and Monica Duca Widmer both had 23,979 votes.[4] Initially, a computer program was used to draw lots and Widmer was declared the winner. Following complaints and appeals, the Federal Supreme Court ruled against the Canton's decision to use a computer program for the lottery and ordered new manual lottery. This was conducted on November 25 and Marco Romano emerged as the winner.[5][6] (There were 760,995 votes cast in total for 8 seats. The PPD won two seats. Romano and Widmer, both of the PPD, were tied for the PPD's second seat.)
1994Canada}} {{flagicon|Quebec}} Quebec general Saint-Jean 0% 016536}} Incumbent Liberal Michel Charbonneau tied with Parti Québécois candidate Roger Paquin. Consequently, a new vote was held 42 days later, which Paquin won by 532 votes.[7]
1971USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 190%016410}}The initial vote count had Republican William Moss ahead of Democrat Jim Burch by 1 vote for the sixth at-large seat in what was then a six-member district. But then a three-judge circuit court ruled that one of the ballots was "defaced" because the names of two candidates were crossed out with the notation "Do not desire to vote for these two". They did this even though the person who cast this vote (which was known because it was a signed absentee ballot) testified that he intended to vote for Moss. Throwing out the ballot created a tied vote.[8] The names of the two candidates were placed in sealed envelopes, and a blindfolded Elections Board chairman plucked one from a silver loving cup. Moss won.[9] Two years later Moss would lose re-election by 0.03% of the vote.[10]
2003Canada}} {{flagicon|Quebec}} Quebec general Champlain 0% 0 11852}} PQ candidate Noëlla Champagne tied with Liberal Pierre Brouillette. Consequently, a new vote was held 36 days later, which Champagne won by 642 votes.[11]
2017USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 940%011608}}The initial vote count had incumbent Republican David Yancey ahead by 13 votes. After a canvas that included provisional ballots, Yancey's lead was cut to 10 votes.[12] Following a recount, Yancey trailed Democratic challenger Shelly Simmonds by one vote out of 23,215 cast.[13][14] After review by a three-judge panel appointed by the Virginia Supreme Court, a disputed ballot that had been excluded as an overvote was instead counted for Yancey and the race was certified as a tie with the candidates to draw lots to determine a winner.[15][13] The drawing of lots was later postponed after Simmonds asked a state court to reconsider the dispute ballot.[16] On January 4, 2018, the names of each candidate was placed inside a film canister, both canisters were placed in a bowl and one canister was drawn at random by State Board of Elections chairman James Alcorn. David Yancey won the draw and the seat, giving Republicans control of the House 51-49.[17] Control of this single seat determined whether Republicans controlled the House of Delegates or if power was evenly split.[18]
2010USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives6th Worcester district0%06587}}After Peter J. Durant was initially declared the winner by 1 vote, judge Richard T. Tucker ruled that one absentee ballot that was initially discarded was to be counted for Geraldo Alicea creating an exact tie.[19] Six months later, a special election was held where Durant beat Alicea by 56 votes.[20]
1963 Canada}} {{flagicon|Quebec}}Canadian federal Pontiac—Témiscamingue 0% 0 6448}} Paul Martineau (Progressive Conservative) and Paul-Oliva Goulet (Liberal) each received 6,448 votes in the Québec electoral district of Pontiac—Témiscamingue. Because the vote was tied, the returning officer cast his vote for Martineau.[21]
2015 USA}} {{flagicon|Mississippi}} Mississippi House of Representatives District 79 0% 04589}} After Democrat incumbent Blaine Eaton tied Republican Mark Tullos, he won re-election by drawing the long straw.[22] However, Tullos asked the State House to review the results, which they did, resulting in them throwing out some ballots for Eaton and seating Tullos. The vote was largely a party-line vote.[23]
1988USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts Senate Democratic PrimaryPlymouth District0%04543}}George F. Buckley and Michael Creedon tied, but Creedon secured the nomination and later the seat.[24]
1996USA}} {{flagicon|South Dakota}}South Dakota House of RepresentativesDistrict 120%04191}}Four candidates Democrats John R. McIntyre and Dick Casey; and, Republicans Hal Wick and Judy Rost were contesting two seats. In the initial tally, they had respectively 4195 (24.73%), 3889 (22.93%), 4191 (24.71%), and 4687 (27.63%) votes (16,962 total votes). McIntyre was initially declared to have been elected by a four-vote margin. Wick petitioned for a recount in accordance with SDCL 12-21-12. The recount was conducted in the presence of representatives for both candidates. The results were certified on December 4, 1996, and showed that Wick had been elected by one vote: 4191 (24.71%), 3891 (22.94%), 4192 (24.71%), 4689 (27.64%) (16,963 total votes). The South Dakota Supreme Court examined several ballots and invalidated one vote for Wick. The House then voted, mostly along party lines, 46–20 to seat Wick.[25][28][26] Remarkably, two years later, McIntyre and Wick would again tie (at least on the initial count).
1999 Canada}} {{flagicon|Nova Scotia}}Nova Scotia general Shelburne 0% 0 3,206}} Progressive Conservative Cecil O'Donnell tied with Liberal Clifford Huskilson (3,206–3,206).[27] The returning officer broke the tie by pulling Mr. O'Donnell's name from a box.[28]
1886 UK}} United Kingdom general Ashton-under-Lyne 0% 0 3049}} Conservative incumbent John Edmund Wentworth Addison and Liberal challenger (and English cricketer[29]) Alexander Butler Rowley were tied, 3,049–3,049. The Returning Officer (and also mayor[30][31][32]) James Walker[33] broke the tie by casting a vote for Addison.[34][35][36][37]
1978USA}} {{flagicon|Rhode Island}}Rhode Island SenateSenatorial District 290%04110}}Both Russell and Flynn had exactly 4,110 votes in the general election. On Jan 9th, 1979, a special election was held where Flynn beat Russell 2,546–2,038.[38]
1980USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire Senate Republican Primary District 16 0% 02,438}} Incumbent Frank Wageman found himself in a tied election after a hospitalization left him unable to vote in the election. Two numbered balls were placed in a black leather bottle, and the first one to roll out was the winner. Wageman's ball came out first and challenger Eleanor P. Podles demanded a recount that did not change the outcome.[39] Podles won a rematch in 1982.
1994USA}} {{flagicon|Wyoming}}Wyoming House of RepresentativesDistrict 210%01941}}Republican Randall Luthi and independent candidate Larry Call each received 1,941 votes in a state House race in northern Lincoln County. On live TV (NBC's Today Show) Secretary of State Kathy Karpan drew a ping pong ball with Luthi's name out of Governor Sullivan's rumpled cowboy hat.[40][41]
2006USA}} {{flagicon|Alaska}}Alaska House of Representatives Democratic PrimaryDistrict 370%01534}}After a recount, a state Supreme Court challenge and wrangling over five disputed ballots the race was decided by a coin toss, using a special coin with a walrus on one side and the seal of Alaska on the other.[42] Bryce Edgmon, the winner of the coin toss, went on to be Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives.[43]
1887 Canada}} Canadian federal Joliette 0% 0 1532}} Conservative Édouard Guilbault tied Liberal F. Neveu, but won the seat after the deciding vote was cast by the returning officer.[47]
1896 Canada}} Canadian federal Assiniboia West 0% 0 1502}} Conservative Nicholas Flood Davin tied independent John K. McInnes. The deciding vote in Davin's favor was cast by the returning officer after the two candidates tied.[44]
2015Canada}}Prince Edward Island Provincial GeneralVernon River-Stratford0%01173}}On Declaration Day, Mary Ellen McInnis and Alan McIsaac had 1,172–1,174 votes. McInnis filed a petition for a judicial recount. Provincial Court Judge John Douglas discovered that a vote for Ms. McInnis was mistakenly put in the pile for Mr. McIsaac. The result of the recount was thus that they were tied 1,173–1,173. Pursuant to section 102 of the Election Act, the toss of a coin was completed by the Returning Officer. The results of the coin toss were in favour of Alan McIsaac.[45][46][47][48][49]
1843USA|1837}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}Indiana SenateSwitzerland County0%0915}}Daniel Kelso was initially up one vote on David Henry: 917–916. This election was extensively contested. It was alleged that two additional votes had been incorrectly given to Kelso, so that Henry had in fact won, 916–915. There was also one fraudulent vote found in favor of Henry, so the Senate Committee concluded that the correct vote was 915–915. But the Committee also found that the county provision in case of a tie (to let county officials decide the winner) was unconstitutional, and so they reported that no legal election had taken place in Switzerland County and neither Henry nor Kelso won.[50][51] One book[52] reports: Switzerland County was represented in the Senate in 1842 by Daniel Kelso; in 1843, 1844 and 1845, by David Henry. Also:

"It has been repeated time and again that the annexation of Texas was carried in the United States Senate by one vote; that Edward A. Hannegan, then the United States Senator from Indiana was elected to the Senate by one vote, and that that one vote was given Hannegan by Daniel Kelso, then senator from Switzerland County, who was elected by one majority.

"This is an error, for Kelso, when he voted for Hannegan as United States Senator, represented Switzerland County by virtue of a majority of about 150 voters of the county, over Samuel Howard at the August election of 1842. In 1843 David Henry was elected over Kelso by one majority. Kelso contested the election, and the Senate declared that neither was elected, and sent them back to the people for decision, and at the August election, 1844, Henry was elected by a small but decided majority."

(An apocryphal story continues to be told, for example by ABC News, about a "David Kelso" winning by one vote in an 1844 Indiana Senate election, the one vote being the vote of a dying man whom "David Kelso" once defended.)

1998USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Republican Primary13th Hampden0%0876}}Official election results showed that Matthew Ferri won the primary, garnering three more votes than opponent Rodney Fountain, but a judge later ruled that it was a tie. Fountain secured the nomination when he was chosen by a group of delegates from the Springfield ward committees and the East Long-meadow and Wilbraham town committees, but lost in the subsequent general.[53]
1974 USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} United States Senate New Hampshire 0.000901% 2 110926}}[54] On election day, Louis Wyman won with a margin of just 355 votes out of more than 220,000. His opponent John A. Durkin then won the recount by 10 votes. After a second recount, Wyman won by just 2 votes. The Senate at first agreed to seat Wyman, who served the last 3 days of Noris Cotton's term, but began to deliberate again when the new Senate took office. When the Senate deadlocked for months, Durkin agreed to Wyman's proposal for a new election. The Senate declared the seat vacant and the governor appointed Cotton to hold the seat for six weeks until a special election on September 16. Durkin won the special by 27,000 votes.[55]
1839USA|1837}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}} Massachusetts gubernatorial Governor of Massachusetts0.00098%151,034}}[56]Marcus Morton and the incumbent Whig Edward Everett received 51,034–50,725 votes respectively, with the remaining 307 votes went to scattering. The constitution of Massachusetts required a candidate to receive a majority of votes cast in order to win the office outright; otherwise, the legislature would have the authority to choose among the leading candidates. Morton exceeded this threshold by just 1 vote (50% of the 102,066 ballots cast), and had he not, the Whig controlled legislature would have been allowed to select the governor. The legislature could successfully deprive Morton of a majority if it disqualified the return from the town of Westfield. There was, moreover, an argument for doing so: the Westfield return was irregular and improper under the laws of the state because the attestation of its authenticity was not under seal. Instead, the return had been sealed first, and only afterward affixed with an attestation from the relevant local official. Despite pressure from partisans to contest this result, Everett refused. In the annals of American history there is not an equivalent example of a candidate in a major statewide election willing to forgo a victory so tantalizingly within reach based on, first, such a narrow margin and, second, such a readily available legal argument for invalidating disputed ballots.[57]
1984 USA}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}United States House of Representatives Indiana's 8th District 0.00171% 4 116645}} Indiana's Secretary of State (a Republican) initially certified Rick McIntyre as the winner by 34 votes, ignoring other recounted tallies that actually showed Frank McCloskey was in the lead. The Democratic-controlled House conducted their own recount and seated McCloskey after declaring him the winner by just four votes.[58]
2013Australia}}Australian SenateWestern Australia0.002125%123532}}[59]The Australian senate is elected by a series of complex preference deals. At one point the next party to be eliminated was between the Shooters and Fishers Party and the Australian Christians. The margin was effectively one vote at that point in the count, and depending on which party was ahead either the Labor Party and PUP or the Sports Party and the Greens would have been elected.

As the recount was taking place it became apparent that there were some missing ballots, which was greater than the margin, so the election was voided and a re-run was conducted in 2014.[60]

1910USA}} {{flagicon|New York (state)}}New York House of Representatives36th District0.00242%120,685}}Charles Bennett Smith, a Democrat, defeated the incumbent, Representative De Alva S. Alexander, a Republican, by one vote, 20,685 to 20,684.[61]
1988USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts Governor's Council Democratic Primary3rd District0.00340%114716}}Herbert L. Connolly lost to Robert B. Kennedy by one vote, and it was his own. Connolly arrived at his precinct a few minutes after the polls closed and wasn't able to vote. Kennedy won the following general.[62][63]
2003 Russia}} {{flagicon|Sverdlovsk Oblast}} Russian legislative Sverdlovsk Oblast District 163 0.00342% 5 73083}} Incumbent Georgy Leontyev held the seat by five votes,[64] despite allegations of vote manipulations, later rejected by the Supreme Court [65]
1997 UK}} United Kingdom general Winchester 0.00383% 2 26100}} In the General Election, Mark Oaten led Gerry Malone by 2 votes (26,100–26,098).[66] A total of 55 ballot papers were excluded from the count for want of official mark, of which 18 were votes in favor of Oaten and 22 in favor of Malone. Therefore, Malone would have had a majority of 2 votes had they been included in the count. On hearing an Election Petition in the High Court on 6 October 1997 Lord Justice Brooke and Mr. Justice Gage ordered that there should be a fresh election. The petition also stated that four voters cast tendered ballots after claiming to have been impersonated, but the impersonators could not be found and the allegation was not pursued.[67] In the subsequent by-election, Oaten easily beat Malone (37,006–15,450).
1882USA|1877}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}United States House of RepresentativesVirginia's 1st District0.00476%110505}}The initial tally had incumbent Democrat George T. Garrison up 70 votes on Readjuster challenger Robert M. Mayo. The Readjuster-controlled State Board of Canvassers then threw out the votes of Gloucester County and Hog Island precinct (Garrison had received all 14 votes from Hog Island). The new totals then had Mayo up one: 10,505–10,504. (A third candidate, the Republican John W. Woltz, received 168 votes).[68] Mayo was seated and served for a little over a year, but Garrison contested the result. The Committee of Elections then chose to accept the Gloucester County and Hog Island ballots and the House voted unanimously to seat Garrison.[69]
1868USA|1867}} {{flagicon|North Carolina}}United States House of RepresentativesNorth Carolina's 7th District0.004841%110329}}Plato Durham (D) was initially declared elected over Alexander H. Jones (R) with an 18-vote majority: 10,347–10,329. But the Republicans raised the cry of "fraud" and the votes were sent to General Canby at Charleston, who threw out enough to defeat Durham. Jones was then elected by 1 vote, 10,329–10,328.[70][71][72][73][74]
2004 USA}} {{flagicon|Washington}} Washington gubernatorial Governor of Washington 0.004842% 133 1373361}}[75] Democrat Christine Gregoire defeated Republican Dino Rossi, following two recounts, after the initial count and first recount showed Rossi as the winner.
1931 UK}} United Kingdom general Ilkeston 0.00569% 2 17587}} A.J. Flint (National Labour) gained the seat from George Oliver (Labour). After the polls closed it became clear that the Ilkeston election was very close. There were four recounts overnight, and the Returning Officer decided to call a halt in the early hours to return later in the day. At the end of the fifth recount, the Returning Officer declared Flint elected by a majority of two votes over the sitting Labour MP. This result remains the joint smallest majority in any individual constituency election since universal suffrage.[76]
1854USA|1851}} {{flagicon|Illinois}}United States House of RepresentativesIllinois' 7th District0.00592%18452}}On the initial tally, incumbent Democrat James C. Allen was ahead of challenger Republican William B. Archer by one vote: 8452–8451.

Archer contested. Livingston precinct had initially certified Allen and Archer's votes as 47–100 (in that precinct). But they later certified that they had made a mistake and the vote (in that precinct) should instead have been 46–102. In which case the overall vote should have been 8,451–8,453.

The Committee of Elections concluded that Allen had won by at least 1 and probably 2 votes and recommended that he be seated. However, the House voted 94–90 that Allen would not be seated and also voted 91–89 that Archer would not be seated either. The seat was thus vacated.[77][78]

In the 1856 special election or rematch between Allen and Archer, Allen soundly defeated Archer 13,081–10,136.[79]

1966UK}}United Kingdom generalPeterborough0.00626%323944}}Conservative Party incumbent Sir Harmar Nicholls defeated Labour Party challenger Michael Ward 23,944–23,941. Ward would again challenge and lose in 1970 and Feb 1974, but would win in Oct 1974.
1847USA|1847}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}United States House of RepresentativesIndiana's 6th District0.0067%17455}}Whig George G. Dunn defeated Democrat David M. Dobson 7,455–7,454.[80]
2017 UK}} United Kingdom general North East Fife 0.00727% 2 13743}} Stephen Gethins of the Scottish National Party saw off a challenge by Elizabeth Riches of the Liberal Democrats to retain the seat of former leader Menzies Campbell.[81]
1962USA}} {{flagicon|Minnesota}}Minnesota gubernatorialGovernor of Minnesota0.00734%91619842}}The vote count after election day had Governor Elmer L. Andersen in the lead by 142 votes. Then-Lieutenant Governor Karl Rolvaag went to court and won the right for a recount.[82] After the recount, it was determined that Rolvaag of the DFL had defeated Andersen, Republican, by 91 votes out of over 1.2 million cast. Rolvaag collected 619,842 votes to Andersen's 619,751.
1918USA}} {{flagicon|Iowa}}United States House of RepresentativesIowa's 11th District0.00768%426033}}The sitting Member George C. Scott had been returned by a majority of 131 votes, which Thomas J. Steele contested, alleging failure to count votes cast for the contestant and illegal counting of votes for the contestee.[83] In the recount, the tally changed to 26,033–26,029 and after some legal wrangling, Scott was declared elected.
1991USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 530.00770%16493}}On election night, officials determined that David G. Sanders (R), had won the seat by 17 votes out of nearly 13,000 cast. After a recount six weeks later, Mr. Scott was ruled the winner by a single vote. He immediately became known as "Landslide Jim."[84]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Kentucky}}Kentucky House of Representatives13th Representative District0.0079%16319}}In the initial count, Democrat Jim Glenn defeated Republican incumbent DJ Johnson by 1 vote, which was confirmed by a recanvass. Johnson filed for a recount, and Glenn was seated on January 8, 2019. The House later ordered another recount which was carried out over the weekend of January 30.[85][86] Following that recount, Glenn emerged as the winner by 3 votes, but then the County Board of Electors voted to reinstate one of the votes taken from Johnson earlier in the day and later to count five of 17 rejected absentee ballot. The result was a 6,323-6,323 tie.[87][88] On February 8, 2019, when Glenn threatened to sue if a coin toss were held and he lost, Johnson withdrew his challenge, thus settling the election.[89]
2014USA}} {{flagicon|North Carolina}}North Carolina District CourtDistrict 50.00813%530746}}Lindsey McKee Luther defeated Kent Harrell for North Carolina District Court, District 5 by five votes: 30,746–30,741.[90]
1974UK}}United Kingdom generalCarmarthen0.00851%317165}}Labour Party incumbent Gwynoro Jones defeated Plaid Cymru candidate Gwynfor Evans 17,165–17,162.[91] Jones had also beaten Evans in 1970, but would lose to Evans in Oct 1974.
2002USA}} {{flagicon|Washington}}Washington House of Representatives Republican Primary26th Legislative District0.00852%15870}}Ed Mitchell defeated Kevin Entze by one vote: 5,870–5,869.[92][93] Adding insult to injury, one of Entze's friends admitted that they never got their ballot mailed. "He left his ballot on his kitchen counter and it never got sent out," Entze said.[94] Mitchell went on to narrowly lose the general election.[95]
1912USA}} {{flagicon|Kansas}}Kansas gubernatorialGovernor of Kansas0.00866%29167437}}George H. Hodges defeated the popular Republican Arthur Capper by a razor-thin margin of 29 votes out of 359,684 cast.[96][97][98]
1948 USA}} {{flagicon|Texas}} United States Senate Democratic Primary Runoff Texas 0.00880% 87 494191}} Lyndon B. Johnson is declared the winner over Coke R. Stevenson, despite suspicion about 202 mysterious votes from Precinct 13 of Jim Wells County.
1996USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont SenateRutland County0.00911%210978}}[99]There were six candidates for the three Rutland County Senate seats. On the night of the election, John H. Bloomer, Jr. and Cheryl M. Hooker received the first and second highest vote totals. Hull Maynard received the third highest total with 10,952 votes and Thomas Macaulay received the fourth highest total with 10,934 votes.

Macaulay petitioned for a recount, whereupon the Rutland Superior Court determined that Maynard still beat Macaulay by two votes: 10,978–10,976. Macaulay's petition for further relief was dismissed by the Senate.[100][101][106]

2000 USA}} {{flagicon|Florida}}United States presidential Florida 0.00921% 537 2912790}} Republican George W. Bush was ahead of Democrat Al Gore after the initial count by 1,784 votes. After a mandatory statewide recount his lead was cut to 327.[102] After military and overseas ballots were added in, his lead increased to 930.[103] An additional hand recount was halted by the United States Supreme Court which resulted in the certified margin. Later analyses of the recount show that different standards would have resulted in different winners, and the results; state actions prior to, during and after the election and the Supreme Court decision remain the sources of much controversy. The results in Florida carried extra importance because the other state elections broke such that the winner of Florida would also be the winner of the Presidency.
1982USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire Senate District 8 0.00934% 15352}} Incumbent George Wiggins (R) defeated Fred Belair (D) by 1 vote.[104]
2010 UK}} United Kingdom general Fermanagh and South Tyrone 0.00939% 4 21304}} Michelle Gildernew (Sinn Féin) defeated independent Rodney Connor.[105]
1970USA}} {{flagicon|Missouri}}Missouri House of RepresentativesDistrict 1160.01037%14819}}Both the initial count and a recount showed that incumbent Gus Salley (R-Warsaw) had defeated Morran D. Harris (D-Osceola), though a clerical error cost Salley 100 votes, indicating the real result was not nearly as close.[1] Harris brought the case to the House Election Committee to decide, but they chose not to overturn the results.[106]
1832 USA}} {{flagicon|Maryland}}United States presidentialMaryland 0.01044% 4 19160}} National Republican Henry Clay carried Maryland by four votes over Democratic President Andrew Jackson, but Jackson was reelected handily.[107]
1910 UK}} United Kingdom general Exeter 0.0105% 1 4777}} Henry Duke (Conservative), the incumbent at the time of the general election, re-gained the seat from Harold St Maur (Liberal) on an election petition in 1911. The court changed the original result (under which the Liberal had won by four votes). The revised result was the smallest numerical majority in a UK Parliamentary election in the twentieth century.[108]
1914USA}} {{flagicon|New York}}United States House of Representatives New York's 1st District0.01073%417726}}Frederick C. Hicks, a Republican, defeated the incumbent, Representative Lathrop Brown, a Democrat, by four votes, 17,726 to 17,722.[109][110]
2001Cape Verde}}Cape Verdean presidentialPresident of Cape Verde 0.0112% 1775828}}[111]Pedro Pires (African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde) defeated Carlos Veiga (Movement for Democracy) in the second round of the election after neither won more than 50% in the first round.[112]
1924UK}}United Kingdom generalLeeds, West0.0114%313057}}Labour Party candidate Thomas Stamford defeated Conservative Party candidate A.F.G. Renton 13,057–13,054. This was the lowest margin of victory in a Leeds parliamentary election.[113]
1908USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}United States House of RepresentativesMassachusetts's 10th District0.0121%416533}}[114]Representative Joseph F. O'Connell, a Democrat, defeated J. Mitchell Galvin, a Republican, by four votes, 16,553 to 16,549.[109] The record does not disclose the official returns, but a recount before a bipartisan board under the laws of Massachusetts gave O'Connell 16,553 votes, Galvin 16,549 votes, and two other candidates 1,380 and 1,187 votes, respectively, a plurality of 4 votes for Galvin, the sitting Member.[115]
1923UK}}United Kingdom generalDevon, Tiverton0.0122%312303}}Liberal Party incumbent Francis Dyke Acland defeated Conservative Party candidate Gilbert John Acland-Troyte 12,303–12,300. Acland had also defeated Acland-Troyte in the by-election earlier that same year, but Acland-Troyte would defeat Acland in 1924.[116]
1972 Canada}} {{flagicon|Ontario}} Canadian federal Ontario 0.0123% 4 16328}} Liberal incumbent Norman Cafik defeated Progressive Conservative Frank Charles McGee.[117] A PC win in this district would have resulted in a 108-108 tie with the Liberals in the overall seat count.
2008 USA}} {{flagicon|Minnesota}}United States Senate Minnesota 0.01287% 312 1212629}} After the first count, Norm Coleman edged out Al Franken by 215 votes, but following a state mandated recount, Al Franken defeated Norm Coleman by 225.[118] Coleman contested the recount, after which Franken's lead grew to 312. After the Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously rejected Coleman's appeals, he conceded the race to Franken on June 30, 2009, 238 days after the election.[119]
1929UK}}United Kingdom generalCheshire, Northwich0.01292%415477}}In this three-way race, Conservative Party incumbent Lord Colum Crichton-Stuart defeated Labour Party candidate Mrs. Barbara Ayrton-Gould 15,477–15,473. Chrichton-Stuart also defeated Mrs. Gould in 1924 and 1931.[120]
1994 USA}} {{flagicon|Connecticut}} United States House of Representatives Connecticut's 2nd district 0.0133% 21 79188}} In this three-way race between Sam Gejdenson, Edward Munster, David Bingham, the initial official tally was 79,169–79,167–27,729 (186,065 total votes).[121] Following a recount, Gejdenson and Munster were 79,160–79,156 with 186,030 total votes cast. The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled instead that the correct final tally was 79,188–79,167 and so Gejdenson won.[122] (However the Court did not mention what the correct total number of votes cast was.)
2016USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont Senate Democratic PrimaryWashington County District0.0135%13709}}Superior Court Judge Timothy Tomasi determined that former Sergeant-at-Arms Francis K. Brooks defeated fourth-place finisher Ashley Hill by one vote, 3,709 to 3,708. The victory hinged on a disputed ballot from Worcester that Tomasi determined contained a vote for Brooks, but not one for Hill. Brooks went on to win the general election that fall.[123]
1968 Australia}} {{flagicon|South Australia}} South Australian House of Assembly Seat of Millicent 0.0138% 1 3,635}}[124] On 2 March 1968, Martin Cameron contested the seat of Millicent for the House of Assembly, standing against the sitting member, and minister in the Labor Cabinet, Des Corcoran. Narrowly losing the seat by one vote (3635–3634), the Liberal and Country League challenged the decision and the election was referred to the South Australian Court of Disputed Returns. The court ordered a by-election, which was held on 22 June. This was won comfortably by Corcoran (3994–3564), the Dunstan-led Australian Labor Party running the campaign on electoral reform.[125]
1930 Canada}} Canadian federal Yamaska 0.0143% 1 3505}} Liberal incumbent Aimé Boucher defeated Conservative Paul-François Comtois.[133] The riding result was later declared void, and Boucher won the by-election in 1933 by 84 votes (0.1%).
1968 Canada}} Canadian federal Leeds 0.01478% 4 13536}} Progressive Conservative Desmond Code defeated Liberal incumbent John Matheson.[126]
1945UK}}United Kingdom generalWorcester0.01479%413,523}}In this three-way race, Conservative Party candidate George Ward defeated Labour Party/Co-operative Party candidate J. Evans 13,523–13,519.[127]
1949 Canada}} Canadian federal Annapolis—Kings 0.0152% 4 13202}} Liberal Angus Alexander Elderkin defeated Progressive Conservative incumbent George Nowlan.[128]
1968USA}} {{flagicon|Wisconsin}}Wisconsin House of RepresentativesDistrict 250.0153%26,523}}Official count showed a margin of 3 vote for Joseph L. Looby (D) over Wilmer R. Waters (R), but it was 1 after a recount. A case was filed with the circuit court, where the judge declared the margin was two votes. An election committee investigated, but could make no proclamation of the true margin. After Waters appealed to the Republican controlled assembly, it voted unanimously to seat Looby.[1][129]
2002USA}} {{flagicon|Connecticut}}Connecticut House of RepresentativesDistrict 650.0155%13,236}}Republican Anne Ruwet defeated Democrat John S. Kovaleski by one vote (3,236–3,235).[130]
1924USA}} {{flagicon|New York}}United States House of Representatives New York's 21st District0.0156%1032,089}}Sitting Member Royal H. Weller had been returned by an official plurality of 245 votes, which the contestant Martin C. Ansorge contested. Following a recount, the tally was 32,089–32,079 and Weller was declared elected.[131]
1964UK}}United Kingdom generalBrighton Kemptown0.0157%722,308}}Labour Party challenger Dennis Hobden defeated incumbent Conservative Party David James 22,308–22,301.[132]
1870USA}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}United States House of RepresentativesIndiana's 4th District0.0159%412,561}}Republican Jeremiah M. Wilson defeated Democrat David S. Gooding by 4 votes: 12561-12557.[133] Gooding contested. The Committee's majority report gave Wilson a "clear legal majority of 8", while the minority report gave Gooding a majority of 17. The US House then voted 105–64 (71 abstentions) "on strictly party lines" to reject the minority report, accept the majority report, and thereby seat Wilson.[134][135][136]
1950USA}} {{flagicon|Maryland}}Maryland SenateGarrett county0.0162%13,080}}Republican incumbent Neil C. Fraley defeated Democrat challenger Bernard I. Gonder by one vote: 3,080–3,079.[137][138][139][140] Gonder contested the result but to no avail.[141]
1983UK}}United Kingdom generalLeicester South0.0163%721,424}}Conservative Party challenger Derek Spencer defeated Labour Party incumbent Jim Marshall 21,424–21,417.
2005USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}} Virginia General Virginia Attorney General 0.01663% 323970,886}} Bob McDonnell was certified as the victor over Creigh Deeds following a recount.[142]
1988USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts Governor's Council Democratic Primary3rd District0.0170%514,709}}In the recount, Robert B. Kennedy led Herbert Connolly by one vote: 14,716–14,715.[143] (Connolly had actually failed to vote for himself.)[144] In the recount, Kennedy again led by one vote: 14,691–14,690. Connolly contested the result. The Supreme Judicial Court considered 116 contested votes and decided ultimately that Kennedy won by five votes: 14,709–14,704.[145]
1829USA}} {{flagicon|Kentucky}}United States House of RepresentativesKentucky's 2nd District0.0179%15,591}}Jacksonsian candidate Nicholas D. Coleman defeated Adams candidate Adam Beatty 2520-2519.[146]
2018Pakistan}}Pakistani generalMardan-II0.0181%3578,911}}Awami National Party's Ameer Haider Hoti defeated Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Atif Khan 78,911-78,876.[147]
2003 Somaliland}}Somaliland presidentialPresident of Somaliland 0.0195% 80 205595}} Dahir Riyale Kahin, of the For Unity, Democracy, and Independence party narrowly defeated the Peace, Unity, and Development Party's Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo in a three-way race.[148]
1974UK}}United Kingdom generalBodmin0.0196%920,283}}Liberal Democrat challenger Paul Tyler defeated Conservative Party incumbent Robert Hicks 20,283–20,274.[149]
2006 USA}} {{flagicon|Oklahoma}}Oklahoma House or Representatives District 25 0.0208% 2 4798}} Initially Democrat Darrel Nemecek beat Republican Todd Thomsen by two votes for the Oklahoma House of Representatives seat in its 25th district. But during the recount, a Hughes County judge threw out four votes for Nemecek when it was discovered the voters who cast the contested ballots were not registered to vote in the district. Though Nemecek argued that the straight-party option was confusing and voter intent was clear on some ballots that were not counted for him, Thomsen was declared the winner and sworn in.[150][151][152]
2004USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}} Commonwealth's Attorney Special Election Radford District 0.0211% 12,375}} Chris E. Rehak defeated Patrick Moore by 1 vote, and a recount didn't change the margin.[153]
1896 Canada}} Canadian federal Ontario North 0.0215% 1 2328}} Liberal-Conservative John Alexander McGillivray defeated Patrons of Industry Duncan Graham.[44]
1988 Canada}} Canadian federal London—Middlesex 0.0216% 8 18534}} Progressive Conservative MP Terry Clifford narrowly edged out Liberal Garnet Bloomfield.[154]
1900 Canada}} Canadian federal Selkirk 0.0230% 1 2172}} Liberal William Forsythe McCreary defeated Conservative John Herber Haslam.[165] This was the second time in a row that a Liberal candidate defeated his Conservative rival in this riding by a single vote.
1904 USA}} {{flagicon|Maryland}} United States presidential Maryland 0.0233% 51 109497}} Republican President Theodore Roosevelt barely carried Maryland over Democrat Alton Parker on his way to an electoral landslide.[155]
1970UK}}United Kingdom generalIpswich0.0234%1327,704}}Conservative Party incumbent Ernle Money defeated Labour Party challenger Dingle Foot 27,704–27,691.[156]
1959UK}}United Kingdom generalSouth East Derbyshire0.0236%1225,374}}Conservative Party challenger John Jackson defeated Labour Party incumbent Arthur Champion 25,374–25,362.[157]
1964UK}}United Kingdom generalReading0.0240%1020,815}}Conservative Party incumbent Peter Emery defeated Labour Party challenger John Lee 20,815–20,810. Lee would later defeat Emery in 1966.[158]
1822USA}} {{flagicon|New York (state)|New York}}United States House of RepresentativesNew York's 29th District0.0241%12,072}}Initially, Isaac Wilson and Parmenio Adams had 2,093–2,077 votes. On a recount, the tally changed to 2,071–2,072. There were also irregularities raised. The committee of elections considered it "doubtful, from the evidence, who ought to have been returned". The House then voted 116–85 to seat Adams.[159]
1900 Canada}} Canadian federal Bruce North 0.0242% 1 2065}} Liberal-Conservative incumbent Alexander McNeill defeated Liberal J. E. Campbell.[160]
1964UK}}United Kingdom generalEton and Slough0.0243%1122,681}}Conservative Party challenger Anthony Meyer defeated Labour Party incumbent Fenner Brockway 22,681–22,670.[161]
1923UK}}United Kingdom generalDurham, Sedgefield0.0252%611,093}}Conservative Party challenger Leonard Ropner defeated Labour Party incumbent John Herriotts 11,093–11,087.[162]
2016 USA}} {{flagicon|New York}} New York Senate 8th District 0.0256% 33 64499}} John Brooks secured a spot in the State Senate by defeating incumbent Republican Michael Venditto.[163]
1980USA}} {{flagicon|Utah}}Utah House of RepresentativesDistrict 440.0259%11,931}}A recount gave Republican Bob Curran a 1-vote victory over the incumbent Democrat Jen Patterson, after leading by 2 votes following the official canvass.[1][164]
1930 Canada}} Canadian federal Norfolk—Elgin 0.0266% 5 9424}} Liberal William H. Taylor defeated Conservative John Lawrence Stansell.[165]
1832USA}} {{flagicon|Ohio}}United States House of RepresentativesOhio's 7th District0.02675%23,739}}William Allen (later 31st Governor of Ohio) defeated General and 11th Governor of Ohio Duncan McArthur by two votes: 3739–3737.[166] According to Niles' National Register, a third candidate by the name of Murphy also won 55 votes.[167]
1899 New Zealand}} New Zealand House of RepresentativesRiccarton}} 0.02678% 11867}} Incumbent MP William Rolleston lost his seat to Liberal challenger George Warren Russell after a margin of only 1 vote separated the two on the final count.[168]
1876USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}United States House of RepresentativesMassachusetts' 3rd District0.0268%59,313}}[169] (depending on which count use)After much investigation, the Committee of Elections gave Walbridge Field the 5-vote majority over Benjamin Dean.
1970USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Democratic Primary14th Essex0.02722%35,513}}In a 3-way race, Edward J. Grimley, Jr. topped Gerard A. Guilmette by 3 votes, but Guilmette ran in the general and topped him by 2.2%. The two would meet again in both the 1972 primary and general with Grimley winning both, also in close races. Guilmette would then serve two terms representing 25th Essex.[170]
1970USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Democratic Primary17th Worcester0.02723%23,674}}Andrew Collaro defeated Robert J. Bohigian, but then Bohigian defeated him by 900+ votes in the general. Collaro and Bohigian would repeat this process in 1972 and then Collaro would represent 22nd and 15th Worcester from 1974–1992. Bohigian would serve until he lost re-election in 1990.[171]
2017 France}} French legislative (2nd round) Loiret's 4th constituency 0.0275% 8 14561}} Four-term incumbent Jean-Pierre Door of The Republicans (LR) narrowly defeated Mélusine Harlé of La République En Marche! by 8 votes in the second round. Harlé filed an appealed the result to the Constitutional Council,[172] which annulled the election on 18 December 2017 due to the number of ballots not corresponding to the number of signatures in one commune and the improper dissemination of electoral materials which was considered sufficient to potentially have altered the result of the election.[173] Door won the seat in a 2018 election.
1843USA}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}United States House of RepresentativesIndiana's 7th District0.0276%35,441}}Democrat Joseph A. Wright defeated Whig Edward W. McGaughey 5,441–5,438.[174]
2007 Australia}} Australian federal Division of McEwen 0.02794% 31 48339}} Liberal Fran Bailey defeated Labor Rob Mitchell following a recount and court challenge.[175][176]
1891 Canada}} Canadian federal Wentworth South 0.02821% 1 1773}} Conservative Franklin Carpenter defeated Liberal James T. Russell.[177]
1970USA}} {{Flagicon|Rhode Island}}Rhode Island House of RepresentativesDistrict 260.0284%11760}}After recounts, Democrat John F. Hagan beat the Republican nominee Benedetto A. Cerilli.[1][178]
1997 UK}} United Kingdom general Torbay 0.0285% 12 21094}} Liberal Democrat candidate Adrian Sanders gained the seat from the sitting Conservative MP Rupert Allason.[179]
1887 Canada}} Canadian federal Haldimand 0.02865% 1 1746}} Conservative Walter Humphries Montague defeated Liberal incumbent Charles Wesley Colter.[180]
1896 Canada}} Canadian federal Selkirk 0.02920% 1 1713}} Liberal John Alexander MacDonell defeated Conservative Hugh Armstrong.[44]
1979USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia SenateDistrict 370.0293%915,379}}Madison Marye (D) defeated Edwin E. Stone (R) by 20 votes and a December 4, 1979 narrowed the margin to 9.[181]
1935 Canada}} Canadian federal Vancouver—Burrard 0.0294% 6 10215}} Liberal Gerald Grattan McGeer defeated Co-operative Commonwealth candidate Arnold Alexander Webster by 6 votes.[196]
1912 USA}} {{flagicon|California}}United States presidential California 0.0307% 174 283610}} Former President Theodore Roosevelt, running on the Republican and Progressive ballot lines in California (Republican President William Howard Taft was not on the ballot in the state, although he did receive 3,914 write-in votes), narrowly edged out Democrat Woodrow Wilson in California, but Wilson won a landslide in the Electoral College due to divided Republican opposition.[182]
1998USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire Senate District 16 0.0318% 57,867}} Patricia Kreuger (R) defeated Stephen DeStefano (D) by 16 votes. Following a recount that was narrowed to 7. DeStefano appealed the recount but the count was only changed by 2 votes.[183]
1945UK}}United Kingdom generalManchester, Rusholme0.0324%1015,408}}Labour Party candidate (unofficial) Hugh Lester Hutchinson defeated Conservative Party incumbent Frederick William Cundiff 15,408–15,398.[184]
1976USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}United States House of Representatives Democratic PrimaryMassachusetts's 1st District0.0330%1319,694}}Edward McColgan beat Edward O'Brien and then lost the general election.[185]
1935 Canada}} Canadian federal Souris 0.0333% 3 4504}} Liberal-Progressive George William McDonald defeated Progressive Conservative incumbent Errick French Willis.[186]
2011 New Zealand}} New Zealand general Waitakere}} 0.0334% 9 13465}} National incumbent Paula Bennett retained her seat over Labour challenger Carmel Sepuloni after a judicial recount was requested by Bennett. The original official result had Sepuloni winning with a margin of 11 votes.[187][188]
1929UK}}United Kingdom generalBirmingham Ladywood0.0335%1116,447}}Labour Party candidate Wilfred Whiteley defeated Conservative Party candidate Geoffrey Lloyd 16,447–16,436.[189]
2011 United Kingdom}} {{flagicon|Scotland}} Scottish Parliament Glasgow Anniesland 0.0339% 7 10329}} Incumbent Labour MSP Bill Butler was defeated by Bill Kidd of the Scottish National Party (SNP).[190]
1964UK}}United Kingdom generalPreston North0.0340%1420,566}}Conservative Party incumbent Julian Amery defeated Labour Party challenger Russell Kerr 20,566–20,552.[191]
2006USA}} {{flagicon|Connecticut}}United States House of Representatives Connecticut's 2nd District0.0342%83121,248}}Democrat challenger Joe Courtney was up 167 votes on Republican incumbent Rob Simmons after the initial vote.[192] On the recount, Courtney remained the victor by 83 votes: 121,248–121,165.[193]
1955USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 550.0346%22,891}}John A. Mackenzie (D) defeated William J. Moody (D)[194]
1978USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire Senate Republican Primary District 14 0.0356% 34,215}} Incumbent Thomas J. Claveau (D) defeated Phyllis Keeney (R).[195]
1964 USA}} {{flagicon|Nevada}} United States Senate Nevada 0.03565% 48 67336}} Democratic incumbent Howard Cannon defeated Republican Paul Laxalt.[196]
1945 Canada}} Canadian federal Colchester—Hants 0.0357% 8 11141}} Progressive Conservative Frank Stanfield defeated Liberal incumbent Gordon Timlin Purdy.[197]
2000 South Korea}} South Korean legislature Gwangju 0.0360% 3 48828}} GNP Park Hyuk-kyu defeated MDP Moon Hak-jin by an official tally of 3-vote difference.[198]
1982USA}} {{flagicon|Maine}}Maine House of RepresentativesDistrict 690.0361%11,387}}Unofficial counts said it was tied, but all subsequent counts were 1,387–1,386[199] Winner was Walter R. Sherburne.
1990 USA}} {{flagicon|Ohio}} Ohio general Ohio Attorney General 0.03672% 1,234 1,680,698}} Democratic candidate Lee Fisher defeated Republican Paul Pfeifer after a six-week recount, earning him the ironic nickname "Landslide Lee".[200]
2000 Canada}} Canadian federal Champlain 0.03674% 15 20423}} Bloc Québécois candidate Marcel Gagnon narrowly edged out Liberal Julie Boulet.[201]
1859USA}} {{flagicon|Tennessee}}United States House of Representatives Tennessee's 9th District0.0371%79,437}}Emerson Etheridge defeated Democrat John DeWitt Clinton Atkins, 9,437–9,430.[202][203]
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalManchester, Clayton0.0372%1114,800}}Conservative Party candidate William Henry Flanagan defeated Labour Party candidate John Edward Sutton, 14,800–14,789.[204] Sutton had beaten Flanagan in the by-election earlier that year.
2018AUS}} {{flagicon|Victoria}}Victoria Legislative AssemblyElectoral district of Ripon0.03745%1520035}}Incumbent Louise Staley of the Liberal Party defeated Sarah de Santis of the Labor Party [205]
2018 USA}} {{flagicon|Alaska}} Alaska House of Representatives District 1 0.03755%12,663}} Republican nominee Bart LeBon defeated Democrat Kathryn Dodge 2,663-2,662 following a recount and a state supreme court challenge.[206][207] Dodge challenged the findings of the Division of Elections on three ballots, two that were counted and one that was not, but the Supreme Court upheld the count and Dodge conceded. The race decided control of the Alaska House of Representatives, technically giving Republicans a majority, but due to defections created a 20-20 tie instead of Democratic control.[208] After weeks of deadlock, Bryce Edgmon (who originally won his seat with a coin toss) switched his party affiliation from Democratic to Independent and was re-elected Speaker and several committees were set up with bipartisan leadership.
1951UK}}United Kingdom generalBelfast West0.03769%2533,174}}Irish Labour candidate Jack Beattie defeated UUP incumbent Thomas Teevan, 33,174–33,149.[209]
1968 Canada}} Canadian federal Comox—Alberni 0.03771% 9 11939}} Liberal Richard Durante defeated New Democrat incumbent Thomas Speakman Barnett.[126] The result was later declared void and Durante lost the by-election to Barnett in 1969.
1935UK}}United Kingdom generalKingswinford0.0382%1620,925}}Labour Party challenger Arthur Henderson defeated Conservative Party incumbent Alan Livesey Stuart Todd, 20,925–20,909.[210]
1896 Canada}} Canadian federal York East 0.03841% 1 3907}} Independent Conservative incumbent William F. McLean defeated Liberal Henry R. Frankland.[44]
2008 Canada}} Canadian federal Kitchener—Waterloo 0.0390% 17 21830}} Conservative Peter Braid defeated Liberal Andrew Telegdi after a recount.[211]
1992UK}}United Kingdom generalVale of Glamorgan0.0392%1924,220}}Conservative Party challenger Walter Sweeney defeated Labour Party incumbent John William Patrick Smith, 24,220–24,201. Smith would beat Sweeney in 1997.[212]
2017Argentina}}Argentina legislativeLa Pampa0.0395%7696,121}}The Justicialist Party (96,121 votes) defeated Cambiemos (96,045 votes). The Justicialist Party won 2 Deputies and Cambiemos 1 Deputy.
2008 USA}} {{flagicon|Alaska}} Alaska House of Representatives District 70.0398%45,024}} Incumbent Republican Mike Kelly defeated Democratic challenger Karl Kassel, 5,024–5,020, following a recount.[213][214][215]
1990USA}} {{flagicon|Illinois}}Illinois House of Representatives55th district0.0406%67,392}}Initially, Rosemary Mulligan and Penny Pullen were certified as having 7,431–7,400 votes and Mulligan was declared the winner. The trial court ordered a recount that then had them tied at 7,387–7,387. The Illinois Compiled Statutes required that ties be resolved by lot.[216] Mulligan won the coin flip and was declared the winner by the trial court. Pullen then appealed, and the Illinois Supreme Court decided that the correct vote count was 7,392–7,386, with Pullen declared the winner. Two years later Mulligan took another swing at the seat, and defeated Pullen in a race so close it also required a recount.[217]
1991USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 580.0408%78,561}}C. Timothy Lindstrom (D) was originally declared the winner, but later it was discovered that election officials in Greene County misread a "9" as a "0" and Peter Way (R) went on to win the election.[218][219]
2013 USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}} Virginia General Virginia Attorney General 0.0411% 9071,105,045}} Democratic candidate Mark Herring defeated Republican candidate Mark Obenshain. The initial count was 1,103,777–1,103–612—a 165 or 0.01% margin. The recount was 1,105,045–1,104,138 — a 907 or 0.04% margin.
1994USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts Governor's Council Democratic Primary4th District0.0420%2630,989}}Christopher A. Iannella, Jr. defeated John J. Kerrigan. Iannella won the general unopposed.[220]
1870USA}} {{flagicon|South Carolina}}United States House of RepresentativesSouth Carolina's At-large District (unrecognized)0.0425%6171,803}}South Carolina was readmitted to Congress in 1868, after passage of the 14th Amendment. That amendment ended the three-fifths rule effectively raising the population of states that once had slavery. As a result, South Carolina and other slave states tried to seat extra members of Congress. South Caroline choose two additional congress members during at-large election. In one of those, Johann Peter Martin Epping defeated Lucius W. Wimbush by 61 votes: 71,803–71,742. But the House refused to seat him and the other at-large winner. "A number of southern states upon readmission claimed that since their slaves were emancipated, they were entitled to larger delegations in the House. Epping's election falls in this category. The claims were rejected by the House."[221][222][223][224]
2014 Australia}} {{flagicon|South Australia}} Parliament of South Australia Fisher state by-election 0.04371% 9 10299}} By-election caused by the death of sitting independent MP Bob Such. The Australian Labor Party candidate Nat Cook beat the Liberal Party candidate, Heidi Harris, by 9 votes.[225]
1974 Canada}} Canadian federal Drummond 0.0447% 13 14561}} Liberal Yvon Pinard defeated Social Credit incumbent Jean-Marie Boisvert.[226]
1979 Canada}} Canadian federal Halifax 0.0453% 15 16570}} Progressive Conservative George Cooper defeated Liberal Brian Flemming.[227]
2006USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont Auditor of AccountsVermont Auditor of Accounts0.0456%102111,770}}The initial count gave the victory to Randy Brock (R) by 137 votes, but after a recount, Thomas M. Salmon (D) was declared the winner by just 102 votes. The final tally gave Salmon 111,770 votes and Republican Brock 111,668.[228]
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalPortsmouth, Central0.0457%77,666}}In this four-way race, Conservative Party candidate Frank Privett defeated National Liberal candidate T. Fisher 7,666–7,659.[229]
2005 Canada}} British Columbia general Vancouver-Burrard 0.0458% 11 12009}}[230] On election night, Tim Stevenson of the British Columbia New Democratic Party had the lead over Lorne Mayencourt of the British Columbia Liberal Party, but Mayencourt had a 17-vote lead after a recount. When the absentee ballots were counted later, Maynecourt widened his lead by 1 vote.[231] Following an additional recount ordered by the courts, Maynecourt retained an 11-vote lead and was declared the winner.[232] Stevenson sued, arguing that 71 absentee ballots had improperly certified and thus uncounted and that a new election was needed, but then dropped the suit to run for a seat on the city council.[233]
1993 Canada}} Canadian federal Edmonton Northwest 0.0476% 12 12599}} Liberal candidate Anne McLellan narrowly edged out Reform candidate Richard Kayler.[234]
1853USA}} {{flagicon|Georgia (U.S. state)}}United States House of RepresentativesGeorgia's 3rd District0.0478%55,232}}Democrat David J. Bailey defeated Whig Robert P. Trippe 5232-5227.[235]
2017 UK}} United Kingdom general Perth and North Perthshire 0.0482% 21 21804}} The incumbent Scottish National Party narrowly defeated Conservative candidate Ian Duncan.[236]
1945UK}}United Kingdom generalCheshire, Northwich0.0486%1515,477}}In this three-way race, Conservative Party candidate John Foster defeated Labour Party candidate Prof. Robert Chorley 15,477–15,473.[120]
1968 Canada}} Canadian federal Oshawa—Whitby 0.0493% 15 15224}} New Democrat Ed Broadbent defeated Progressive Conservative incumbent Michael Starr.[126]
2016USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont House of RepresentativesWindsor-Orange 1 District0.0498%11004}}This was the fourth matchup between incumbent Democrat Sarah Buxton and Republican David Ainsworth (their first matchup had also been decided by one vote). The initial tally had Buxton leading by 3 votes: 1,003–1,000.

The first recount had them both tied at 1,000.

The second recount then had Ainsworth win by one vote, 1,004–1,003. Buxton did not make any further appeals and this was the final result.[237][238]

1940USA}} {{flagicon|Kansas}}Kansas gubernatorialGovernor of Kansas0.0505%430425,928}}Burke came within 430 votes of beating Gov. Ratner for reelection.[239][240]
1854USA}} {{flagicon|Pennsylvania}}United States House of RepresentativesPennsylvania's 5th District0.0510%87,842}}Democrat John Cadwalader defeated anti-Nebraska Whig Jones 7,842–7,834.
2009Canada}} {{flagicon|Quebec}}Party Leader (second ballot)Action démocratique du Québec0.0511%23,912}}After longtime leader Mario Dumont stepped down from the leadership of the party, an election was held. In a very close race, Gilles Taillon defeated his opponent Éric Caire, by just 2 votes.[241]
1833USA}} {{flagicon|Indiana}}United States House of Representatives Indiana's 2nd District0.0520%21921}}In this 6-way race, Whig John Ewing defeated Democrat John W. Davis by 2 votes: 1921–1919.[242][243]
1870USA}} {{flagicon|Pennsylvania}}United States House of Representatives Pennsylvania's 17th District0.05324%1110,335}}Democrat challenger Milton Speer defeated Republican incumbent Daniel J. Morrell by 11 votes: 10335-10324.[244][245][246] Morrell declined to contest the results, blaming the loss on the "base treachery and debauchery of professed Republicans."
1887 Canada}} Canadian federal Montmorency 0.05328% 1 939}} Liberal Charles Langelier defeated Conservative P. V. Valin.[180]
2016USA}} {{flagicon|Arizona}}United States House of Representatives Republican PrimaryArizona's 5th District0.0535%2785,595}}On the night of the Republican Primary for the seat being vacated by Congressman Matt Salmon, State Senator Andy Biggs lead by a total of 16 votes against Republican challenger Christine Jones. After a recount that lead widened to 27 votes, and Jones conceded the election.[247]
1945UK}}United Kingdom generalCaithness and Sutherland0.0539%65,564}}In this very close three-way race where each candidate received 33% of the vote, Unionist Party candidate Eric Gandar Dower defeated Labour Party candidate Robert Ian Aonas MacInnes 5,564–5,558. The Conservative Party incumbent Archibald Sinclair had 5,503 votes.
1974UK}}United Kingdom generalPeterborough0.05407%2220,353}}Conservative Party incumbent Sir Harmar Nicholls defeated Labour Party challenger Michael Ward 20,353–20,331. Ward had also lost to Nicholls in 1966 and 1970, but would win in Oct 1974.
1983UK}}United Kingdom generalHyndburn0.05414%2119,405}}Conservative Party candidate Ken Hargreaves defeated Labour Party candidate Arthur Davidson 19,405–19,384. This seat was created in 1983.[248]
1986USA}} {{flagicon|North Carolina}}United States House of RepresentativesNorth Carolina's 6th District0.0546%79144,579}}Republican candidate Howard Coble defeated Democratic candidate Robin Britt.
1964UK}}United Kingdom generalEaling North0.0561%2720,809}}Labour Party challenger William Molloy defeated Conservative Party incumbent John Barter 20,809–20,782.[249]
2010USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont House of RepresentativesWindsor-Orange 1 District0.0567%1882}}On the initial tally, challenger Democrat Sarah Buxton and incumbent Republican David Ainsworth had 882-881 votes. On a recount, they were tied, with one mailed-in military vote for Buxton rejected. Buxton appealed and the Superior Court ruled that vote valid, so that Buxton still won by one vote (881–880). Ainsworth then appealed but the House voted along party lines to uphold Buxton's one-vote victory.[250][251][252] Remarkably, their fourth matchup in 2016 would again be decided by one vote, but with the result reversed.
2012 USA}} {{flagicon|Iowa}}United States presidential Iowa Republican caucuses 0.0570% 34 29839}} Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum defeated former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in the statewide Republican caucuses, the closest GOP primary election in United States history.[253] Romney had been declared the winner by 8 votes on caucus night.
1930USA}} {{flagicon|Kansas}}Kansas gubernatorialGovernor of Kansas0.0576%251217,171}}Harry H. Woodring won a three-way race between himself (217,171 votes), Frank Haucke (216,920), and John R. Hinckley (183,278).[254]
1959UK}}United Kingdom generalBirmingham All Saints0.05806%2017,235}}Conservative Party challenger John Harold Hollingworth defeated Labour Party incumbent Denis Herbert Howell 17,235–17,215.[255]
2011 Canada}} Canadian federal Nipissing—Timiskaming 0.05812% 18 15495}} Conservative Jay Aspin defeated Liberal incumbent Anthony Rota.[256]
1870USA}} {{flagicon|Pennsylvania}}United States House of RepresentativesPennsylvania's 16th District0.0584%1512,859}}Democrat challenger Benjamin F. Meyers defeated Republican incumbent John Cessna by 15 votes: 12,859–12,844.[257][258] Cessna contested the election and on January 18, 1872 the House Committee on Elections decided in favor of Meyers.[259][260] In a rematch later that year, Cessna reclaimed his seat.
1990USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Democratic Primary11th Essex0.0599%54175}}Edward J. Clancy Jr. defeated Thomas M. McGee.[261]
1972 Canada}} {{flagicon|NL}} Newfoundland general Labrador South 0.06% 1 1865}} Josiah Harvey of the Liberal Party narrowly held onto his seat against Labrador Party candidate Michael Martin. A rematch was held later that year, in which Martin won the seat.[262]
2017 France}} French legislative (2nd round) Corrèze's 2nd constituency 0.06105% 23 18849}} Frédérique Meunier of The Republicans (LR) narrowly held onto his seat against ex-Socialist senator Patricia Bordas, invested by La République En Marche! (REM).[283]
2017 UK}} United Kingdom general Kensington 0.06126% 20 16333}}Labour Emma Dent Coad defeated Conservative Victoria Borwick after 3 recounts over two days.
2016USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire Senate District 7 0.06128% 1713,880}} The initial[263] count showed Republican Harold French with a 13-vote lead over Democrat Andrew Hosmer. Following a recount, that widened to 17 votes.[264]
1950 USA}} {{flagicon|Michigan}} Michigan gubernatorial Governor of Michigan 0.0614% 1,154 935,152}} Incumbent Democratic G. Mennen Williams defeated Republican former Governor Harry Kelly.[265]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Idaho}} Idaho Senate District 15 0.0615% 118,947}} The initial count showed Incumbent Republican Fred Martin ahead with a 6-vote lead over Democratic challenger Jim Bratnober. Following a recount, that widened to 11 votes.[266]
2018 USA}} {{flagicon|Washington}} Washington State Senate District 42 0.06204% 45 36291}} Republican incumbent Doug Erickson defeated Democrat Pinky Vargas by 45 votes after a recount.[267]
2010 USA}} {{flagicon|Illinois}} Illinois gubernatorial Republican Primary Governor of Illinois 0.06209% 193 155527}} Bill Brady defeated Kirk Dillard.[268][269]
1998USA}} {{flagicon|South Dakota}}South Dakota House of RepresentativesDistrict 120.06217%43,219}}In this remarkable rematch, four candidates Democrats John R. McIntyre and Robert Litz; and, Republicans Hal Wick and Judy Rost were contesting two seats. On the initial count, they had respectively 3,229 (25.84%), 2,250 (18.00%), 3,229 (25.84%), and 3,790 (30.32%) (12,498 total votes). As in 1996, Rost won the first seat, while McIntyre and Wick tied for the second seat.

But on a recount, McIntyre was found to be ahead by 4 votes, with the final official tally being 3,219 (25.85%), 2,244 (18.02%), 3,215 (25.81%), 3,776 (30.32%) (12,454 total votes).

The House then voted 36–33, this time to seat McIntyre.[270][271]

1892 USA}} {{flagicon|California}} United States presidential California 0.06224% 147 269609}} Former President Grover Cleveland narrowly carried California over Republican President Benjamin Harrison and went on to reclaim the presidency in a rematch of the 1888 presidential elections, thus becoming both the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.[272]
1960 USA}} {{flagicon|Hawaii}}United States presidential Hawaii 0.06226% 115 92410}} Just a year after becoming the fiftieth State, Hawaii surprised many political experts by voting for Democrat John F. Kennedy over Republican Richard Nixon, albeit by a very small margin.[273]
1970USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Democratic Primary6th Hampden0.0625%32,400}}In a 3-way race, James L. Grimaldi topped Anthony M. Scibelli by 3 votes. Grimaldi would win the general, but then lose the 1972 primary to Scibelli. He'd win the seat in 14th Hampden twice and then lose the seat for 10th Hampden to Scibelli. Scibelli would serve from 1972 to 2000.[274]
1976USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts Senate Democratic Primary2nd Essex and Middlesex0.06262%1310,386}}William X. Wall defeated James M. Shannon on his way to winning the seat.[275]
2013 Australia}} Australian federal Division of Fairfax 0.06264% 53 42330}} Clive Palmer (Palmer United Party) defeated Ted O'Brien of the Liberal National Party of Queensland following two recounts in a ranked choice voting runoff.[276]
1896 USA}} {{flagicon|Kentucky}} United States presidential Kentucky 0.06352% 277 218171}} William McKinley was elected president twice by comfortable Electoral College majorities, but his only victory in a Southern state was his razor-thin win over William Jennings Bryan in Kentucky in his initial presidential run, becoming the first Republican ever to win Kentucky.[277] McKinley won Kentucky; however one Elector cast a vote for Bryan.
2012USA}} {{flagicon|New Mexico}}New Mexico House of RepresentativesDistrict 370.0638%86,267}}Two weeks after the election was over, the vote was still tied and went to a recount, which Republican Terry McMillan won by 8 votes.[278] After another close loss in 2014, Democrat Joanne Ferrary defeated McMillan in 2016.[279]
2000 USA}} {{flagicon|New Mexico}} United States presidential New Mexico 0.0639% 366 286783}} Since Florida's electoral votes decided George W. Bush's electoral college win over Al Gore, little attention was paid to the fact that New Mexico's outcome was even closer (in terms of raw vote) than the Florida result, this time with Gore coming out ahead.[280]
1916 USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} United States presidential New Hampshire 0.06400% 56 43781}} Although the 0.38% victory margin for President Woodrow Wilson in California—which gave Wilson the thirteen electoral votes he needed to win reelection over Republican Charles Evans Hughes—garnered most of the attention, Wilson's surprise 56-vote victory over Hughes in New Hampshire (the only Northeastern state that Hughes did not carry) was the closest contest in the election.[281]
1828USA}} {{flagicon|Maine}}United States House of RepresentativesMaine's 5th District0.0642%32,495}}In the September 1828 election, Reuel Washburn and James Ripley had 2,495–2,180 votes. But Maine law required that the winner have an absolute majority of the votes, i.e. 2,498 votes and so Washburn was 3 short. A new election was held in December 1828 and Ripley won a majority. There was some further wrangling but eventually Ripley was declared elected.[282]
2004 USA}} {{flagicon|Ohio}} Ohio Senate Republican Primary 14th District 0.06438% 22 17098}} Jean Schmidt won the first count by 62 votes, but Tom Niehaus prevailed in a recount and went on to win the general election.[200]
2016 USA}} {{flagicon|New Mexico}} New Mexico House of Representatives 29th District 0.0645% 9 6976}} Republican Dave Adkins recaptured his spot in the New Mexico House over challenger Ronnie Martinez. The original count had him ahead by just two votes.[283] But a recount widened that lead to 9.[284]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Iowa}}Iowa House of RepresentativesDistrict 550.06503%96924}} Republican Incumbent Michael Bergan won the initial vote count over Democrat Kayla Koether by 7 votes and the recount by 9.[285] Koether contested the election, arguing that 29 of 33 disputed absentee ballots were wrongly rejected. The ballots were received on time and the barcode proved they were mailed prior to the election, as required by law, but the barcode used on the disputed ballot differed from the postage stamp or “intelligent mail barcode" called for by the Iowa Code and administrative rules. After a district judge declined to decide if the ballots should be counted, Koether petitioned the Iowa House to settle the matter. On party-line votes in both the committee (3-2) and the Iowa House (53-42), legislators decided that the Iowa House did not have the legal authority to open and count the ballots.[286]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Minnesota}}Minnesota House of RepresentativesDistrict 5A0.06510%118454}} Democratic-Farmer-Labor party candidate John Persell beat incumbent Republican Representative Matt Bliss by 11 votes after a recount that extended his margin by 3 votes.[287]
1988USA}} {{flagicon|Iowa}}Iowa House of Representatives Democratic PrimaryDistrict 670.06515%1768}}Bob Hellyer won the Democratic primary for Iowa House District 67 by one vote. Hellyer received 768 and James Martley received 767.[288][289]
2006 Italy}}Italian general Chamber of Deputies and Prime Minister 0.06518% 24,755 19002598}} The centre-left coalition The Union led by Romano Prodi defeated the centre-right House of Freedoms of incumbent Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.[290]
1971USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 230.0677%2719,958}}Herbert N. Morgan (R) narrowly defeated H. Richard Chew (D)[291]
2008 Canada}} Canadian federal Vancouver South 0.06833% 22 16110}}[292] Liberal Ujjal Dosanjh defeated Conservative Wai Young after two recounts.[293]
1832USA}} {{flagicon|New York (state)}}United States House of RepresentativesNew York's 18th District0.06834%64,393}}Democrat Daniel Wardwell defeated Anti-Masonic candidate Daniel Lee by 6 votes: 4,393–4,387.[294][295]
2004 USA}} {{flagicon|North Carolina}} North Carolina generalNorth Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture 0.06868% 2,287 1,666,197}} Republican Steve Troxler defeated Democrat Britt Cobb.[296]
1930USA}} {{flagicon|Missouri}}United States House of RepresentativesMissouri's 3rd District0.0704%4632,669}}According to the returns as originally certified, incumbent Jacob L. Milligan and challenger H. F. Lawrence had 32,665–32,626 votes. The recount of this precinct gave Milligan a clear majority of 46 votes, with the vote being 32,669–32,623.[297][298]
1952 USA}} {{flagicon|Kentucky}} United States presidential Kentucky 0.07065% 700 495,729}} Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in a landslide, but lost Kentucky by the smallest margin of any state Presidential battle for thirty-six years, giving a sixth straight Democrat win in the Bluegrass State.[299]
1974UK}}United Kingdom generalEast Dunbartonshire0.071%2215,551}}In a three-way race, SNP challenger Margaret Bain defeated Conservative Party incumbent Barry Henderson 15,551–15,529. (Labour Party Edward McGarry candidate had 15,122 votes.) Henderson had defeated both Bain and McGarry earlier in the Feb 1974 election.[300]
2002USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives18th Worchester0.0714%42,803}}Jennifer Callahan defeated Robert Dubois by 4 votes and then went on to win the seat. She lost re-election in 2010 and DuBois won nomination for the seat in 2012. He lose in the general.[301][302]
2014USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives1st Essex0.0717%106,978}}James M. Kelcourse (R) defeated Edward C. Cameron (D).[303]
1959 Singapore}} Singaporean general River Valley 0.07294% 5 3430}} People's Action Party candidate Lim Cheng Lock defeated Soh Ghee Soon of the Singapore People's Alliance.[304]
2014 USA}} {{flagicon|Arizona}}United States House of RepresentativesArizona's 2nd district 0.07343% 161 109704}} Martha McSally defeated Ron Barber, officially announced a month after the election, after a legally-mandated recount.[305] McSally had lost to Barber in 2012 by 2,454 votes.
1919USA}} {{flagicon|Maryland}}Maryland gubernatorialGovernor of Maryland0.0735%165112,240}}After several days of vote counting, Mr. Ritchie was declared the winner, 112,240 votes to 112,075.[306]
1870USA}} {{flagicon|Kentucky}}United States House of RepresentativesKentucky's 8th District0.0737%1812,226}}Democrat incumbent George M. Adams defeated Republican challenger Hugh F. Finley by 18 votes: 12,226–12,208.[307][308]
2016 USA}} {{flagicon|Pennsylvania}} Pennsylvania House of Representatives District 31 0.07381% 28 18982}} Democrat Perry Warren defeated Republican Ryan Gallagher for District 31 of the PA House of Representatives.[309]
2002 USA}} {{flagicon|Colorado}} United States House of Representatives Colorado's 7th district 0.07403% 121 81789}} In the first race in this newly created Congressional district, Republican Bob Beauprez narrowly beat out Democrat Mike Feeley.[310]
1940 Canada}} Canadian federal Cumberland 0.07438% 12 8073}} Liberal Percy Chapman Black defeated National Government incumbent Kenneth Judson Cochrane.[311]
1923UK}}United Kingdom generalHuddersfield0.0746%2617,430}}Labour Party candidate James Hudson defeated Liberal Party candidate Arthur Marshall 17,430–17,404. (In this three-way race, Conservative Party C. Tinker won 12,694 votes.)[312] In the previous year's General Election (1922), Marshall had narrowly beaten Hudson by a 0.5% margin.
1988 Canada}} Canadian federal Northumberland, Ontario 0.07533% 28 18600}} Liberal candidate Christine Stewart narrowly edged out Progressive Conservative Reg Jewell.[154]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Florida}}Florida generalCommissioner of Agriculture0.07535%6,7534,032,954}}After a recount, Democrat Nikki Fried defeated Republican Matt Caldwell.[313]
1987USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia SenateDistrict 390.0755%3521,217}}William C. Wampler Jr. (R) defeated John S. Bundy (D) by 32 votes and a December 15, 1987 recount widened the margin by 3 more votes.[314][315]
2006 Canada}} Canadian federal Parry Sound—Muskoka 0.0756% 28 18513}} Conservative candidate Tony Clement narrowly edged out Liberal MP Andy Mitchell.[316]
1916USA}} {{flagicon|Arizona}}Arizona gubernatorialGovernor of Arizona0.0766%4328,094}}The initial count had Thomas Campbell up by 30 votes. George Hunt, the incumbent, contested; but before that could be settled his term expired. The courts then allowed Campbell to take office as de facto Governor in January 1917. After losing a case in the county court and winning at the state Supreme Court, Hunt became governor in December 1917, with the courts deciding he'd won by 43 votes.[317] Had the initial count stood this race would have been even closer, with the margin just 0.0536%.
2010USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont House of RepresentativesRutland 5-4 District0.0770%1650}}After the initial count had Gale Courcelle up by 1, a recount took one vote away from Doug Gage (R). Subsequent action awarded it back.[318]
1974USA}} {{flagicon|North Dakota}}United States SenateNorth Dakota0.0771%177114,852}}Five-term Republican U.S. Senator Milton Young defeated former Democratic Governor William Guy by 177 votes out of 237,000 cast.[319][320]
1990USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives7th Worcester0.0780%138,341}}Democrat Paul Kollios defeated Independent Alan M. Tuttle.[321]
1981USA}} {{flagicon|New Jersey}}New Jersey gubernatorialGovernor of New Jersey0.0784%1,7971,145,999}}The results of the initial ballot counting was close with Kean leading Florio by 1,677 votes. A recount took place over the next month and Kean was certified the winner besting Florio by 1,797 votes out of over 2.3 million votes cast.
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalSouth Shields0.0794%2515,760}}In this three-way race, Liberal Party candidate Edward Harney defeated Labour Party William Lawther 15,760–15,735.[322]
2013 USA}} {{flagicon|New Jersey}} New Jersey General Assembly District 2 0.07954% 40 25164}} Democrat Vince Mazzeo defeated incumbent Republican John F. Amodeo after a recount.[323]
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalDerbyshire, North-Eastern0.0802%159,359}}In this three-way race, Labour Party candidate Frank Lee defeated Liberal Party candidate Joseph Stanley Holmes 9,359–9,344.[324]
1922USA}} {{flagicon|Delaware}}United States SenateDelaware0.0812%6036,954}}Democratic attorney Thomas Bayard defeated appointed U.S. Senator T. Coleman DuPont by 60 votes out of 74K+ votes cast in a special election. Bayard simultaneously defeated DuPont by 0.43 points in the election to the seat for the unexpired six-year term.[320]
1990USA}} {{flagicon|New Hampshire}} New Hampshire House of Representatives Hillsborough 40 District 0.0818% 42,448}} Robert Murphy (D) defeated Kathleen Souza (R) by 4 votes.[325]
2018USA}} {{flagicon|Illinois}} Illinois House of Representatives 54th District 0.0823% 3722,484}} Tom Morrison (R) defeated Maggie Trevor (D) by 37 votes.[326]
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalSalford, North0.0836%1911,368}}In this three-way race, Labour Party incumbent Ben Tillett defeated Conservative Party challenger Samuel Finburgh 11,368–11,349. Tillett face Finbburgh again in the 1923 and 1924 General Elections, winning in 1923 but losing in 1924.[327]
1972 Canada}} Canadian federal Selkirk 0.08400% 30 17872}} New Democrat incumbent Doug Rowland defeated Progressive Conservative Dean Whiteway.[117]
1966USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives2nd Bristol0.08436%2816,609}}Democrat Edward P. Coury defeated fellow Democrat Ronald Anthony Pina.[328]
1924USA}} {{flagicon|Iowa}}United States SenateIowa0.08439%755447,706}}Smith Brookhart won the election by 755 votes and was initially seated in the Senate without incident. After Brookhart was seated, Steck contested the election results. The investigation and recount took longer than a year, but on April 12, 1926 by a vote of 45–41, the Senate overturned the election results and gave the seat to Steck. This was the first tmie the Senate voted to overturn an election after the winner was seated.[320][329][330] The recount was contentious with claims of fraud and destroyed ballots, and with the special subcommittee inspecting each discarded ballot to determine voter intent. In the end the fact that Democrats wanted Steck elected and Republicans wanted to punish Brookhart for failing to support Coolidge, partisan politics likely did him in.[331]
1974USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives Democratic Primary41st Middlesex0.08443%31778}}Frank A. Antonelli topped Joseph Whelan by 3 votes and then lost the general election. He would win the nomination two more times and seek it two more than that, but never win the seat.[332]
1858USA}} {{flagicon|New York}}United States House of RepresentativesNew York's 9th District0.0852%137,637}}Anti-Administration Democrat John B. Haskin defeated Democrat Gouverneur Kemble, 7,637–7,624. A third candidate Edward A. Andrews won 545 votes.[333][334]
1998USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives1st Plymouth0.0858%116,417}}Republican Vinny M. deMacedo defeated Democrat Joseph R. Gallitano.[335]
2018Pakistan}}Pakistani generalKasur-IV0.0860%249124,644}}Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Talib Hassan Nakai defeated Pakistan Muslim League-N's Rana Muhammad Hayat 124,644-124,395.[336]
1977USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont House of RepresentativesWindham-4 District0.087%1572}}On election night, Democrat Robert Emond was declared the victor over incumbent Republican Sydney Nixon by one vote. Nixon then petitioned for a recount in Windham Superior Court under the provisions of 17 V.S.A. § 1361. The recount committee in that court found Nixon to be the winner by one vote and the court gave him a certificate of election.

However, a House committee did its own recount and found Emond to be the winner by one vote (572–571 according to one site[337]). Rather than force the full House to vote on the recount report, Nixon simply resigned, thereby giving Emond the win.[250][338][339][340][341]

(Note that the year of this contested election is incorrectly given by many sites as 1997.)

2000 Canada}} Canadian federal Laval Centre 0.08851% 42 23746}} Bloc Québécois MP Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral narrowly edged out Liberal Pierre Lafleur.[201]
2012 France}} French legislative Eure second constituency 0.08928% 39 21860}} Socialist Jean-Louis Destans defeated incumbent Jean-Pierre Nicolas[342]
1846USA}} {{flagicon|New Jersey}}United States House of RepresentativesNew Jersey's 3rd District0.0895%168,942}}John Runk and Isaac G. Farlee 8,942–8,926 votes.[343] There was a dispute over whether some 36 Princeton students' votes were legal. After some wrangling, the House narrowly voted to give Runk the seat.[344]
1880 USA}} {{flagicon|California}} United States presidential California 0.08960% 144 80426}} Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock takes advantage of opposition to Chinese immigration for the first Democratic win in California since 1856, but loses the electoral vote despite equaling Garfield in states won and popular vote.[345] The US presidential election is not decided by popular vote, but Garfield only won the popular vote by 1898 votes or 0.0213%.
1908 USA}} {{flagicon|Missouri}} United States presidential Missouri 0.09066% 629 347203}} William Howard Taft wins a comfortable first term but takes Missouri by fewer than a thousand votes.[346]
2000 USA}} {{flagicon|Washington}} United States Senate Washington 0.09301% 2229 1199437}}[347] Democrat Maria Cantwell unseated Republican Slade Gorton following a mandatory recount.[348]
1961USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}Virginia House of DelegatesDistrict 660.0932%52,684}}James B. Fugate (D) defeated Dr. Conley E. Greear (R). The initial count showed the two tied. But two recounts put Fugate up by 5.[349][350]
1874 Canada}} Canadian federal Leeds South 0.09372% 3 1602}} Conservative David Ford Jones beat challenger W. H. Fredenburgh.[351]
1848USA}} {{flagicon|Ohio}}United States House of RepresentativesOhio's 10th District0.0947%168,454}}Democrat Charles Sweetzer defeated Whig Daniel Duncan 8,454–8,438.[352]
1962 Canada}} Canadian federal St. John's West 0.09495% 24 12650}} Liberal Richard Cashin defeated Progressive Conservative incumbent William Joseph Browne.[353]
1857USA}} {{flagicon|Connecticut}}United States House of RepresentativesConnecticut's 4th District0.0953%168,403}}Democrat William D. Bishop defeated a Republican named Orris S. Ferry 8403-8387.[354]
1923UK}}United Kingdom generalHertfordshire, Hemel Hempstead0.0956%178,892}}Liberal Party challenger John Freeman Dunn defeated Conservative Party incumbent J C C Davidson 8,892–8,875. Dunn would regain the seat in 1924.[355]
1922UK}}United Kingdom generalNottingham, Central0.0959%2211,481}}Liberal Party candidate Reginald Berkeley defeated Conservative Party incumbent Albert Atkey 11,481–11,459. Berkeley was later and briefly a Hollywood screenwriter.[356]
1998 USA}} {{flagicon|Nevada}} United States Senate Nevada 0.09620% 401 208621}} Incumbent Democrat Harry Reid defeated Republican John Ensign.[357]
1986USA}} {{flagicon|Vermont}}Vermont House of RepresentativesChittenden 7-4 District0.09625%1520}}Ben Truman (D) defeated Terry Bouricius (I) by 1 vote.[358] Bouricious would win a 1990 rematch by 54 votes.
2000USA}} {{flagicon|Montana}}Montana Democratic PrimaryMontana Superintendent of Public Instruction0.09650%6131,634}}In this 3-way race, the initial tally for Linda McCulloch, Gail Gray, and Mike Schwinden was 31,572–31,508–28,739. Gray requested a recount and McCulloch still won by 61 votes: 31,634–31,573–28,765 votes.[359] McCulloch would also go on to win the general election.[360]
1839USA}} {{flagicon|Virginia}}United States House of RepresentativesVirginia's 15th District0.09652%42,074}}Democrat William Lucas defeated Whig Richard Barton 2,074–2,070.[361][362]
1984 Canada}} Canadian federal Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke 0.09752% 38 19502}} Liberal MP Len Hopkins narrowly edged out Progressive Conservative Don Whillans.[363]
2002USA}} {{flagicon|Massachusetts}}Massachusetts House of Representatives3rd Barnstable0.0983%178,655}}Democrat Matthew C. Patrick defeated Republican Larry F. Wheatley.[364]
1878 Canada}} Canadian federal Jacques Cartier 0.09911% 2 1010}} Conservative Désiré Girouard defeated Liberal incumbent Rodolphe Laflamme.[365]
1852USA}} {{flagicon|New York (state)}}United States House of RepresentativesNew York's 26th District0.09956%178,546}}Democrat Andrew Oliver defeated a Whig candidate named Woods 8,546–8,529.[366]
2017 France}} French legislative (2nd round) Loire's 1st constituency 0.09972% 23 11544}}[367] Régis Juanico of the Socialist Party (PS), a supporter of Benoît Hamon, held onto his seat narrowly against Magalie Viallon, candidate of La République En Marche! (REM).[368]

Distribution of elections by winning margin

Close elections not only demonstrate the effect of individual voters, they may reflect extra efforts from candidates or supporters when elections are close.[369][370]

Election Contests, by Winning Margin
Geographic AreaDatesIncludes Towns?Number of Election ContestsNumber of TiesNumber Won by 1 VotePercent of Elections where Winning Margin Was up to 0.1%Up to 0.2%Up to 0.5%Up to 1%Up to 2%Up to 5%Up to 90%Sources
Colorado2017yes511731.8%2.2%3.9%5.3%7.2%16.4%99.0%CO SoS
Massachusetts2014-17most456000.2%0.2%1.5%2.4%4.8%10.7%98.7%MA SoS
West Virginia2014-17few879020.6%1.0%3.0%4.4%8.8%21.3%100.0%WV SoS

See also

  • Election audits
  • Elections
  • Electoral integrity
  • List of controversial elections


1. ^{{cite news|title=Gillespie is Nominated|url=https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090049/1902-09-10/ed-1/seq-2.pdf|accessdate=27 December 2017|work=The San Angelo Press|date=10 September 1902}}
2. ^{{cite news|title=Crawled over the Line|url=https://www.newspapers.com/clip/16439766/|accessdate=11 January 2018|work=The Pensacola News|date=10 May 1891}}
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7. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.quebecpolitique.com/elections-et-referendums/circonscriptions/elections-dans-saint-jean/ |title=Election results in Saint-Jean |publisher=Quebecpolitique.com |date= |accessdate=June 4, 2010}}
8. ^{{cite news|last1=Whitaker|first1=Joseph|title=Youth, 18, Says He Cast Vote That, Thrown Out, Tied Race|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/12/31/elections-gone-wild-the-teen-who-messed-up-his-absentee-ballot-creating-va-s-last-tied-race/|accessdate=5 January 2018|work=Washington Post|date=25 December 1971}}
9. ^{{cite news|last1=Vozella|first1=Laura|title=The teen who messed up his absentee ballot, creating Virginia's previous tied race|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/12/31/elections-gone-wild-the-teen-who-messed-up-his-absentee-ballot-creating-va-s-last-tied-race/|accessdate=5 January 2018|work=Washington Post|date=31 December 2017}}
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