

词条 List of people on the postage stamps of Israel

  1. National figures

  2. Religious leaders

  3. Scientists

  4. Writers

  5. Fine/Graphic Artists

  6. Biblical figures

  7. Performing artists

  8. Soccer stars (2011)

  9. "Martyrs" (1982)

  10. Fictional Characters

  11. Other

  12. References

This is a list of people on postage stamps of Israel

  • - denotes people mentioned but not pictured
  • - denotes people depicted but not mentioned

National figures

  • Yigal Allon – general and politician (1984)
  • Aaron Aaronson -- Zionist spymaster (1978, 1991, 2015)
  • Sarah Aaronsohn – Zionist martyr (1991, 2015)
  • Mordechai Anielewicz -- Leader of Warsaw Ghetto uprising (1983)
  • Simon Bar-Kochba -- Leader of revolt against Rome, 132-135 CE (1961, 2008)
  • Menachem Begin – Zionist leader, sixth Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1993, 2008)
  • Josef Chasanowitz - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Adolphe Cremieux -- Founder of Alliance Israelite Universelle (2010)
  • David Ben-Gurion – First Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1974, 1978, 1986, 1998, 2004, 2008)
  • Yitzhak Ben-Zvi – Second President of the State of Israel (1964)
  • Max Bodenheimer -- Early Zionist leader (2010)
  • Leibish Davidsohn - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Moshe Dayan – military officer, Chief of Staff, Foreign Minister (1988)
  • Jacob Deiches - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Meir Dizengoff – Zionist politician, first Mayor of Tel Aviv (1985)
  • Yaakov Dori -- Military leader (2003)
  • B Drobinowitz - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Abba Eban – Israeli diplomat and politician (2006)
  • Levi Eshkol – Third Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1970)
  • Baruch Freidenberg - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Sh Friedlander - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • David Friedman - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Zelig Freuthal - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Yosef Glazman -- Resistance leader (1983)
  • Eliyahu Golomb – Zionist military leader, chief architect of the Haganah (1978)
  • David Gordon - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Yitzhak Gruenbaum – Zionist leader, first Minister of the Interior (1980)
  • Emile Habibi – Politician (2003)
  • Michael Halperin – Zionist leader (1984)
  • Yehoshua Hankin – Early Zionist (2003)
  • Herod the Great -- King of Judea (2011)
  • Theodor Herzl – Founder of modern Zionism (1951, 1978, 1996, 2003, 2004, 2008 2010)
  • Chaim Herzog – Diplomat & president of the state (1998)
  • Ze'ev Jabotinsky – Zionist leader (1970, 1978, 1990)
  • Israel Jasinowski - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Ephraim Katzir -- Fourth president and scientist (2011)
  • Berl Katznelson – Zionist leader (1978)
  • Leib Klewansky - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Teddy Kollek -- Jerusalem mayor (2012)
  • Ez Lobinger - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Zev-Wolf Luntz - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Judas Maccabeus -- Leader of Revolt against Syrians,167 BCE (1961)
  • Yehuda Leib Maimon (Fishman)– Zionist leader and rabbi (1989, 2006)
  • Batia Makov -- Zionist feminist (2012)
  • Golda Meir – Fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1981)
  • Yaakov Meridor -- Politician (2003)
  • Katriel-Zvi Mirkin - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Moritz Moses - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Yizhak Navon -- Zionist leader & fifth president of the state (2016)
  • Charles Netter – Zionist leader, founder of Mikveh Israel (1970, 2010)
  • Max Nordau – Zionist leader (1978)
  • Pinhas Pines - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Leon Pinsker – Zionist leader (1984, 2008)
  • Nechama Pohatchevski -- Feminist (2016)
  • Yitzhak Rabin – Fifth Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1995, 2005)
  • Israel-Michel Rabinowitz - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Saul Pincus Rabinowitz - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • David Raziel – Zionist fighter, one of the founders of Irgun (1978)
  • Leon Yehuda Recanati – Founder of Israel Discount Bank (1985)[1]
  • Benjamin Ritenberg - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Simon Rokah -- Founder of Tel-Aviv (2007)
  • Pinchas Rosen – First Minister of Justice of the State of Israel (1987)
  • Edmond James de Rothschild – Philanthropist, Businessman (1954)
  • Arthur Ruppin – Zionist leader (1979)
  • Pinhas Rutenberg -- Electrification Pioneer (1991)
  • Yitzhak Sadeh – Zionist, one of the founders of the Israel Defense Forces (1978)
  • Leib Schalit - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Moses Schnirer -- Early Zionist leader (2010)
  • Joseph Seidener -- Early Zionist leader (2010)
  • Enzo Sereni – Zionist, founder of Kibbutz Giv'at Brenner (1988)
  • Yitzhak Shamir -- Underground leader and Prime Minister (2013)
  • Moshe Sharett – Second Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1968, 2015)
  • Ariel Sharon -- Military leader and Prime Minister (2015)
  • Zalman Shazar – Third President of the State of Israel (1975)
  • Manya Shochat – mother of the Kibbutz movement (1970)
  • Moshe Smoira – first President of the Supreme Court of Israel (1989)
  • Moshe Sneh – Zionist leader, Maki member of the Knesset (1978)
  • Yosef Sprinzak – First Speaker of the Knesset (1986)
  • Abraham Stern – Zionist leader (1978)
  • Joseph Trumpeldor – Zionist leader (1970, 1978)
  • Menahem Ussishkin – Zionist leader (1978)
  • Wolfgang von Weisl -- Founder of Revisionist movement (2014)
  • Akiva Aryeh Weiss -- Founder of Tel-Aviv (2008)
  • Chaim Weizmann – First President of the State of Israel (1951, 1978, 1992)
  • Ezer Weizman – Seventh President of the State of Israel (2006)
  • Orde Wingate – British officer during the Mandate, Zionist ally (1984)
  • Kalonimos Wolf Wissotzky - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • David Wolffsohn – Zionist leader (1984, 2010)
  • [https://www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/Newman_papers/Provincial_Jewry_Victorian/zionism.htm Charles (Kalman) Woolrich] - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Alexander Zaid -- HaShomer founder (1984)
  • Aleksander Zederbaum - Delegate to Katowice Conference (2008)
  • Rehavam Zeevi -- General & politician (2002)
  • Yitzhak Zuckerman – Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising (1984)
  • Zivia Lubetkin Zuckerman – leader of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising (1984)

Religious leaders

  • Moshe ben Maimon – Jewish Physician, Philosopher and Rabbi from the Middle Ages (1953, 2005)
  • Israel Baal Shem Tov – founder of Hasidic Judaism (1961)
  • Abraham Isaac Kook – Chief Rabbi of Israel (1978, 2007)
  • "Baba Sali" (Israel Abuhassira) -- Mystic (1999)
  • Benzion Uziel – first Sepharadi Chief Rabbi of Israel (1978)
  • Joshua ben Hananiah – Rabbi of the 1st century C.E. (1979)
  • Yochanan Hasandlar – Rabbi of the 3rd century C.E. (1979)
  • Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha-Nes – Rabbi of the 1st century C.E. (1979)
  • Abba Hillel Silver – American Rabbi, Zionist leader (1981)
  • Aryeh Levin – 20th century Rabbi (1982)
  • Meir Bar-Ilan – 20th century Rabbi (1983)
  • Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog – first Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Chief Rabbi of Israel (1984)
  • Levi ben Gershon (Gersonides) -- Rabbi, scientist (2009)
  • Moshe Avigdor Amiel – Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv in 1936–1945 (1987)
  • Yehuda Hai Alkalai – 19th century Rabbi (1989)
  • Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi) – Rabbi and Talmudic scholar (1989)
  • Shimon Hakham – Rabbi (1991)
  • Yehuda HeHasid -- Jerusalem rabbi (1993)
  • Yitzhak Kaduri -- Rabbi & Kabbalist (2007)
  • Zvi Hirsch Kalischer -- German Rabbi (2008)
  • Issac Luria (Ari) -- (1972)
  • Jacob Meir -- Chief Rabbi (2006)
  • Samuel Mohilever -- Zionist pioneer (2008)
  • Nachman of Breslov -- Hassidic leader (2010)
  • Jacob Reines -- Founder of Mizrahi movement (2006)
  • Shalem Shebazi -- (1999)
  • Or Shraga (Samuel ben Uri Shraga Phoebus) -- German rabbi (1999)
  • Shalom Sharabi – 18th century Rabbinical scholar (1992)
  • Ameen Tarif -- Druze sheikh (2003)
  • Ovadia Yosef -- Chief Rabbi (2014)
  • Chaim Joseph David Azulai – 18th century rabbinical scholar (1992)
  • Chaim Benatar – 18th century rabbinical scholar (1992)
  • Yosef Hayyim ben Elijah – Rabbi of Baghdad in the 19th century (1992)
  • Jacob Saul Elyashar – Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (2006)
  • Shlomo Goren -- Chief Rabbi (2011)
  • Sabalan -- Druze prophet (=Zebulun, biblical figure?2) (1986)
  • Shmuel Salant – Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (2006)
  • Shneur Zalman of Liadi -- Founder of Chabad hassidism (2012)
  • Vilna Gaon (Elijah of Vilna) -- Rabbi (1996)
  • Chalom Messas – Chief Rabbi of Morocco (2007)


  • Saul Adler – physician, parasitologist (1993)
  • Paul Ehrlich – immunologist (1999)
  • Albert Einstein – physicist (1955, 1998, 2005)
  • Sigmund Freud – psychoanalyst (1999)
  • Waldemar Haffkine – microbiologist (1993)
  • Aharon Katzir – chemist (1993)
  • Dr. Janusz Korczak – physician, teacher, writer (1962)
  • Lev Landau -- Soviet physicist (1998)
  • Giulio Racah – physicist (1993)
  • Norbert Wiener – mathematician (1999)


  • Shmuel Yosef Agnon – writer, Nobel Prize laureate (1981, 1991, 2007)
  • Abba Ahimeir -- editor (2002)
  • "Ahad Haam" -- Hebrew writer (1996)
  • Sholem Aleichem (Solomon Rabinowitz) – Yiddish writer (1959)
  • Nathan Alterman -- poet (1996)
  • Yehuda Amihai -- poet (2001)
  • Anda Amir-Pinkerfeld -- Children's writer (1995)
  • Haim Amzalak -- Founder of Tel-Aviv (2007)
  • Hans Christian Andersen -- Children's writer (2000)
  • Isaac Asimov -- science fiction writer (2000)
  • Tirtza Atar -- Children's writer (2012)
  • Zerah Barnett -- Founder of Tel-Aviv (2007)
  • Yitzhak Baer -- historian (2002)
  • Devorah Baron -- Hebrew author (1996, 2007)
  • Yocheved Bat-Miriam -- poet (1996)
  • Moshe Beilinson -- Doctor, writer (2002)
  • Eliezer Ben-Yehuda – father of modern Hebrew (1959, 1989)
  • Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi -- Author (1991)
  • Micha Berdichevski -- Poet (1996)
  • Fania Bergstein -- Poet (2012)
  • Peretz Bernstein – Writer and Editor (1982)
  • Chaim Nachman Bialik – Poet (1959)
  • Rabbi Binyamin -- Writer & editor (2002)
  • Rachel Bluwstein – Poet (1991)
  • Yosef Hayim Brenner -- writer (1996, 2007)
  • Yechiel Brill -- Editor
  • Yehuda Burla -- Author (1996)
  • Ben-Zion Dinur -- Historian (2002)
  • Simon Dubnow -- Historian (2002)
  • Israel Eldad (Scheid) -- Philosopher (2002)
  • Rachel Félix -- French actress (1998)
  • Yehonatan Geffen -- Poet (2013)
  • Amir Gilboa -- Poet (1996)
  • Lea Goldberg – Poet (1984, 1991, 2012)
  • Abraham Goldfaden -- Yiddish theater impresario (2009)
  • Aaron David Gordon -- Writer (2003)
  • Yehuda Leib Gordon -- Poet (1996)
  • Heinrich Graetz -- Historian (2002)
  • Uri Zvi Greenberg – Poet (1984)
  • David Grossman -- Author (2012)
  • Rivka Guber – Writer (1992)
  • Haim Hazaz – Writer (1996)
  • Heinrich Heine – German writer (2001)
  • Yaakov Herzog – Historian & diplomat (2004)
  • Ayin Hillel -- Writer, poet (1984, 2013)
  • Franz Kafka -- Czech German author (1998)
  • Levin Kipnis -- Children's writer (1995, 2013)
  • Ephraim Kishon -- Author (2016)
  • Joseph Klausner – Historian, writer (1982, 1989)
  • Paul Kor -- Artist & Children's writer (2012)
  • Abraham Mapu – Novelist (1968)
  • Mendele Mocher Sforim (Shalom J Abramowicz) -- Writer (1996)
  • Yigal Mossinson -- Children's writer (2004)
  • I. L. Peretz -- Yiddish writer (1996)
  • Esther Raab -- Poet (2014)
  • Alexander Ziskind Rabinowitz (Azar) -- Writer (2007)
  • Miriam Roth -- Children's writer (2012)
  • Antoine de Saint Exupéry – Writer (1994)
  • Yaakov Shabtai -- Writer (1996)
  • Haya Shenhav -- Children's writer (2012)
  • David Shimoni -- Poet (2007)
  • Abraham Shlonsky -- Poet (1991, 1997)
  • Jacob Talmon -- Historian (2004)
  • Saul Tchernichovsky -- Poet (1996)
  • Yamima Tchernowitz -- Children's writer (2004)
  • Jules Verne -- Science fiction writer (2000)
  • H. G. Wells -- Science fiction writer (2000)
  • Israel Wissler (Puchu) -- Children's writer (2004)
  • Mirian Yalan-Shteklis -- Poet (2013)
  • David Yellin -- Writer, educator (1989)
  • Zelda (Mishkovsky) -- Poet (2016)
  • Emile Zola -- French author (1995)
  • Chaim Aryeh Zuta -- Educator (1989)

Fine/Graphic Artists

  • Jankel Adler (1975)
  • Mordecai Ardon (1981, 1990)
  • Gustav Bauernfeind (1991)
  • Marc Chagall (1969)
  • James Ensor (1999)
  • Ora Eyal (2012)
  • Alona Frankel -- illustrator (1984)
  • Chaim Gliksberg (1978)
  • Maurycy Gottlieb (1975)
  • Michael Gross (2003)
  • Jose Gurvich (2013)
  • Nahum Gutman (1984, 2004, 2008)
  • Erella Horowitz -- illustrator (2004)
  • Joseph Israels (1970)
  • Marcel Janko (1993)
  • Aharon Kahana (1971)
  • Ilse Kantor (2012)
  • Shmuel Katz -- illustrator (1984, 2004)
  • [https://www.gefenpublishing.com/authorcategory.asp?id=1939 Danny Kerman] (2012)
  • Moise Kisling (1974)
  • Juliusz Kossak (2009)
  • Leopold Krakauer (1978)
  • Yosef Kuzkovski (1983)
  • Fernand Leger (1970)
  • Mordekhai Levanon (1978)
  • Ephraim M. Lilien (1977)
  • Aryeh Lubin (1982)
  • Pazit Meller-Doshi (1995)
  • Chava Natan -- Illustrator (1995)
  • Moritz Oppenheim (1975)
  • Chana Orloff (1974)
  • Israel Paldi (1982)
  • Abel Pann (1971)
  • Camille Pissarro (1970)
  • Tamara Rikman (2012)
  • David Roberts (1987, 1999)
  • Reuven Rubin (1976)
  • Boris Schatz (1971)
  • Menachem Shemi (1971)
  • Chaim Soutine (1974)
  • Jacob Steinhart (1971)
  • Siona Tagger (1982)
  • Tirza Tanai -- Illustrator (1995)
  • Anna Ticho (1981)
  • Joseph Zaritsky (1981)

Biblical figures

  • Aaron (1999)
  • Abraham (1977, 1997)
  • Adam (1994, 2010)
  • Ahasuerus, king of Persia (1976, 2007)
  • Asher (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Benjamin (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Boaz (1984)
  • Cyrus the Great, King of Persia (2015)
  • Dan (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • David (1960, 1969, 1995, 1999)
  • Deborah (1975)
  • Delilah (1971)
  • Elijah (1996)
  • Esther (1976, 2007)
  • Eve (1994, 2010)
  • Ezekiel (1973)
  • Gad (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Gideon (1975)
  • Haman (1976)
  • Hannah (1984)
  • Huldah (1984)
  • Isaac (1978, 1997)
  • Isaiah (1973)
  • Issachar (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Jephthah (1975)
  • Jeremiah (1973, 1995)
  • Jacob (1978, 1994, 1997)
  • Jethro (1972)
  • Jonah (1963, 2010)
  • Joseph (1999)
  • Joshua (1982)
  • Judah (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Leah (1977)
  • Levi (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Miriam (1994, 2007)
  • Mordecai (1976)
  • Moses (1981, 1994, 1995, 2010)
  • Naphtali (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Noah (1969, 2007)
  • Rachel (1977, 2013)
  • Rebekah (1977)
  • Reuben (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Ruth (1994)
  • Samson (1971, 2010)
  • Samuel (1984)
  • Sarah (1977)
  • Saul (1960, 1995)
  • Simeon (1955, 1973, 2012)
  • Sisera (1997)
  • Solomon (1960, 1995, 2017)
  • Yael (2007)
  • Zebulun (1955, 1973, 2012)

Performing artists

  • Talma Aligon -- Songwriter (2013)
  • Corinne Allal -- Singer/songwriter (2011)
  • Nisim Aloni -- Actor (2005)
  • Jo Amar -- Performer (2011)
  • Benny Amdursky -- Performer (2011)
  • Sasha Argov -- Composer (2009)
  • Zohar Argov -- Singer (2009)
  • Meir Ariel -- Singer/songwriter (2009)
  • Shlomo Artzi -- Singer (2011)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach -- composer (2000)
  • Ehud Banai -- Singer (2011)
  • Yossi Banai -- Singer, actor (2009)
  • Datia Ben Dor -- Songwriter (2013)
  • Leonard Bernstein – composer, conductor, pianist (1994)
  • Eugenie Besserer -- Actor (2007)
  • Ernest Bloch – composer (1994)
  • Yul Brynner -- Actor (2010, 2010)
  • Richard Burton -- Actor (2007)
  • Shoshana Damari -- Singer (2009)
  • Arik Einstein -- singer/songwriter (2011, 2014)
  • Yehoram Gaon -- Singer, actor (2011)
  • George Gershwin -- Composer (1998)
  • Yisrael Gurion -- Performer (2011)
  • Shalom Hanoch -- Musician (2011)
  • Ofra Haza -- Singer (2009)
  • Moshe HaLévy -- Founder of "Ha-Ohel" theater (2005)
  • Charlton Heston -- Actor (2010)
  • Nurit Hirsch -- Composer (2013)
  • Uzi Hitman -- Songwriter (2009, 2013)
  • Bronisław Huberman – violinist (1986)
  • Moshe Hurgel -- Actor (1992)
  • Al Jolson – Singer & performer (1995, 2007)
  • Kaveret -- Rock band (2011)
  • Danny Kaye -- Comedian and actor (1995)
  • Michael Klinger -- Actor (1992)
  • Shmulik Kraus -- Composer (2013)
  • Max Lampel -- Composer (2013)
  • Arik Lavie -- Singer, actor (2009)
  • Sara Levi-Tanai -- Choreographer and songwriter (2014)
  • Gina Lollobrigida -- Actor (2010)
  • Gustav Mahler – composer, conductor (1996)
  • Ehud Manor -- Songwriter (2009)
  • Hanna Maron -- Actor (2015)
  • Victor Mature -- Actor (2007)
  • Marx Brothers -- Comedians (1995)
  • Felix Mendelssohn – composer, conductor (1996)
  • Darius Milhaud – composer (1995)
  • Joseph Milo -- Actor (2005)
  • Jeff Morrow -- Actor (2007)
  • Wolfgang Mozart -- Composer (1991)
  • Leah Naor -- Lyricist (2013)
  • Shai Ophir -- Actor (2005)
  • Jean Peters -- Actor (2007)
  • Shimon Pevzner -- Actor (1992)
  • Yehuda Poliker -- Singer/songwriter (2011)
  • Yoni Rechter -- Composer (2013)
  • Michael Rennie -- Actor (2007)
  • Sefi Rivlin -- Actor (2015)
  • Shmuel Rodenski -- Actor (1992)
  • Yair Rosenblum -- Composer (2009)
  • Hanna Rovina – actress (1992)
  • Arthur Rubinstein – pianist (1986)
  • Daniel Sambursky -- Composer (2013)
  • Arnold Schoenberg – composer (1995)
  • Peter Sellers -- Comedic actor (1995)
  • Dubi Seltzer -- Composer (2013)
  • Naomi Shemer -- Songwriter, singer (2009, 2013)
  • Simone Signoret -- Actor (1995)
  • Moshe Tawil -- Actor (1992)
  • Nimrod Tene -- Composer
  • Arturo Toscanini – conductor (1986)
  • Bracha Zefira – singer (2012)
  • Giuseppi Verdi -- Composer (2013)
  • Moshe Wilensky -- Composer (2009, 2013)

Soccer stars (2011)

  • Menachem Ashkenazi (1934-2000), referee
  • Jerry Beit Halevi (1912-1997), player & manager
  • Samuel Ben Dror (1924-2009), player & captain
  • Yaakov Grundman (1934-2004), player & manager
  • Yaakov Hodorov (1926-2006), goalkeeper
  • Avi Cohen (1956-2010), player & captain
  • Nahum Stelmach (1936-1999), player & captain
  • Eli Fuchs (1924-1992), player & captain
  • Natan Panz (1917-1948), player killed in War of Independence
  • Avi Ran (1963-1987), goalkeeper

"Martyrs" (1982)

  • Shmuel Azzar -- Egypt
  • Moshe Barazani -- Lehi fighter
  • Yosef Basri -- Iraq
  • Naaman Belkind -- NILI spy
  • Shlomo Ben-Yosef -- Etzel fighter
  • Eli Cohen -- Syria
  • Meir Feinstein -- Lehi fighter
  • Yosef Lishansky -- NILI spy (1982, 2015)
  • Moshe Marzouk -- Egypt
  • Shalom Salih -- Iraq

Fictional Characters

  • Don Quixote (1997)
  • Alice (in Wonderland) (2010)
  • The Emperor (2000)
  • Lemuel Gulliver (2010)
  • Kuni Lemel (2009)
  • The Little Mermaid (2000)
  • The Little Prince (1994)
  • Peter Pan (2010)
  • Sancho Panza (1994)
  • Srulik (1998)
  • Tevye the Dairyman (2014)


  • 1972 Israeli Olympic team (1994)
  • Edmund Allenby -- British general, conqueror of Jerusalem (1992)
  • Arthur Balfour – Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom (1967)
  • Alexander Graham Bell -- inventor of telephone (1996)
  • Leon Blum -- French politician (1998)
  • Martin Buber – philosopher (1999)
  • Miguel de Cervantes -- Spanish author (1997)
  • Aharon Chelouche -- Founder of Tel-Aviv (2007)
  • Christopher Columbus -- Explorer (1992)
  • Christopher Costigan -- Explorer (1987)
  • Aristides de Sousa Mendes – Portuguese diplomat (1998)
  • Alfred Dreyfus -- French victim of anti-Semitism (1994)
  • Émile Durkheim – sociologist (1999)
  • Thomas Edison -- Inventor (1996)
  • Avshalom Feinberg -- NILI spy (2015)
  • Anne Frank – Holocaust victim (1988)
  • Pawel Frenkiel -- Warsaw resistance fighter (2013)
  • Sigmund Freud – psychoanalyst (1999)
  • Israel Giladi -- HaShomer founder (2007)
  • King Hassan II of Morocco (2000)
  • Hans Herzl -- son of Theodor Herzl (2010)
  • Margaritha Herzl -- daughter of Theodor Herzl (2010)
  • Paulina Herzl -- daughter of Theodor Herzl (2010)
  • Maurice de Hirsch – Financier (1991)
  • Haim Hissin -- Physician, early settler in Tel-Aviv (2008)
  • Simcha Holzberg – Humanitarian (1999)
  • King Hussein of Jordan (2000)
  • John Paul II – Pope (2005)
  • Berek Joselewicz -- Polish freedom fighter (2009)
  • Leibowitch family -- Gedera pioneers (2003)
  • Rabbi Eliezer Meir Lifshitz -- Educator (1989)
  • Carl Lutz – Swiss diplomat (1998)
  • Rosa Luxemburg – Socialist (1999)
  • William F. Lynch -- Explorer (1987)
  • John MacGregor -- Explorer (1987)
  • Max Mandelsman -- Friend of Theodor Herzl (2010)
  • Thomas Howard Molyneux- -- Explorer (1987)
  • Moses Montefiore – financier, philanthropist, first knighted English Jew (1981, 2010)
  • Gracia Mendes Nasi – Portuguese Marrano philanthropist (1991)
  • Giorgio Perlasca – Italian diplomat (1998)
  • Mendel Portugali -- HaShomer founder (2007)
  • Ilan Ramon -- Astronaut (2004)
  • Haviva Reik – resistance fighter, killed in WWII (1988)
  • Emanuel Ringelblum -- Historian of Warsaw Ghetto (2004)
  • Eleanor Roosevelt – humanitarian (1964)
  • Shota Rustaveli – Georgian national poet (2001)
  • Solomon Schechter -- Scholar (1997)
  • Israel Shochat -- HaShomer founder (2007)
  • Baruch Spinoza -- Philosopher (2002)
  • Sempo Sugihara – Japanese diplomat (1998)
  • Eliezer Sukenik -- Archaeologist (1997)
  • Henrietta Szold – Founder of Hadassah (1960)
  • Harry S Truman – President of the United States (1975)
  • Judah Tuoro -- Philanthropist (2010)
  • Selahattin Ulkumen – Turkish diplomat (1998)
  • Jules Vedrines -- Aviator (2013)
  • Raoul Wallenberg – Swedish diplomat (1983)
  • Simon Wiesenthal -- Nazi hunter (2010)
  • Orville Wright -- Inventor (2003)
  • Wilbur Wright -- Inventor (2003)
  • Ludwik L. Zamenhof -- Inventor of Esperanto (2006)

Sousa Mendes, Lutz, Perlasca, Sugihara, Ulkumen, and Wallenberg all were recognized for having used their diplomatic positions to save numerous Jewish lives during the Holocaust, either by providing passports or by other means.


1. ^{{cite news|last=Kronish|first=Syd|title=Israeli stamps pay tribute to people and places|url=https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=0PcoAAAAIBAJ&sjid=U4QDAAAAIBAJ&pg=3992%2C4732561|accessdate=27 May 2012|newspaper=The Deseret News|date=12 January 1986|agency=Associated Press|location=Salt Lake City, Utah|page=T 7}}
2. Sabalan, Safad

3 : Lists of people on postage stamps|Lists of Israeli people|Postage stamps of Israel





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