

词条 List of philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

  5. E

  6. F

  7. G

  8. H

  9. I

  10. J

  11. K

  12. L

  13. M

  14. N

  15. O

  16. P

  17. Q

  18. R

  19. S

  20. T

  21. U

  22. V

  23. W

  24. X

  25. Y

  26. Z

  27. Notes

  28. See also

Philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries (and others important in the history of philosophy), listed alphabetically:

Note: This list has a minimal criterion for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed.

See also:
  • List of philosophers born in the centuries BC
  • List of philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries
  • List of philosophers born in the 11th through 14th centuries
  • List of philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries
  • List of philosophers born in the 17th century
  • List of philosophers born in the 18th century
  • List of philosophers born in the 19th century
  • List of philosophers born in the 20th century
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  • Abbo of Fleury, (c. 950 – 1004){{listref|b}}
  • Abd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmad, (c. 935 – 1025){{listref|b}}
  • Abd al-Salam al-Jubba'i, (died 933){{listref|b}}
  • Abhinavagupta, (fl. c. 975 – 1025){{listref|e}}
  • Abū Ḥanīfa, (c. 699 – 767){{listref|b}}
  • Abu al-Hudhayl, (c. 750 – 840/850){{listref|b}}
  • Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi, (787 – 886){{listref|b}}
  • Abu Said Al-Sirafi, (died 979){{listref|b}}
  • Abu Tammam, (859 – 937/947){{listref|b}}
  • Abu Zayd al-Balkhi, (c. 850 – 934){{listref|b}}
  • Adi Shankara, (c. 798 – 820){{listref|b}}
  • Aedesius, (died 355)
  • Agrippa the Sceptic, (1st/2nd century){{listref|e}}
  • Albinus, (c. 130)
  • Alcinous, (2nd century){{listref|e}}
  • Alcuin, (c. 740 – 804){{listref|b}}
  • Alexander of Aphrodisias, (2nd century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Alhazen (or Ibn al-Haytham), (965 – c. 1040){{listref|b}}
  • Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi, (died c. 982){{listref|b}}
  • Ambrose, (c. 340 – 397){{listref|a}}
  • Abu'l Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-'Amiri, (died 992){{listref|e}}{{listref|b}}
  • Ammonius Hermiae, (5th century){{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Ammonius Saccas, (3rd century){{listref|a}}
  • Anandavardhana, (820 – 890)
  • Apollonius of Tyana, (2 – 98)
  • Apuleius, (c. 123 – c. 180){{listref|e}}
  • Aristides, (fl. 2nd century)
  • Arius, (256 – 336)
  • Al-Ash'ari, (874 – 936){{listref|b}}
  • Asanga, (c. 4th century)
  • Aspasius, (c. 100 – 150)
  • Athanasius of Alexandria, (298 – 373){{listref|a}}
  • Augustine of Hippo, (354 – 430){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Marcus Aurelius, (121 – 180){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Avicenna (or Ibn Sina), (980 – 1037){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}


  • Al-Baqillani (died 1013){{listref|b}}
  • Basilides, (c. 117 – 138){{listref|a}}
  • Bede (672/3–735){{listref|b}}
  • Bhartrhari, (5th century){{listref|e}}
  • Bodhidharma, (c. 440 – 528)
  • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, (480 – 524 or 525){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Buddhaghosa, (5th century){{listref|a}}
  • Burchard of Worms (c. 950 – 1025){{listref|b}}


  • Calcidius, (4th century){{listref|e}}
  • Candidus Wizo, (fl. 793 – 803){{listref|b}}
  • Candrakirti, (born c. 600)
  • Cebes of Cyzicus, (2nd century)
  • Celsus of Alexandria, (2nd century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Candrakirti, (7th century)
  • Cheng Hsuan (or Zheng Xuan), (127 – 200){{listref|e}}
  • Chih Tun (or Zhi Dun), (314 – 366){{listref|e}}
  • Chrysanthius, (4th century)
  • Clement of Alexandria, (2nd – 3rd century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Cleomedes, (2nd century){{listref|e}}
  • Cyril of Alexandria, (376 – 444)


  • Damascius, (c. 462 – 540){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • David the Invincible, (late 6th century){{listref|f}}
  • David ibn Merwan al-Mukkamas, (9th century){{listref|b}}
  • Dawud ibn Khalaf, (815/8 – 874){{listref|b}}
  • Demetrius the Cynic, (1st century)
  • Dharmakirti, (c. 7th century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Dignaga, (c. 480 – c. 540){{listref|e}}
  • Diogenes Laërtius, (3rd century){{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Diogenes of Oenoanda, (2nd century){{listref|e}}
  • Dirar ibn 'Amr, (c. 728 – 815){{listref|b}}
  • Dunash ibn Tamim, (10th century){{listref|b}}


  • Elias, (6th century){{listref|f}}
  • Epictetus, (55 – c. 135){{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Johannes Scotus Eriugena, (c. 800 – c. 880){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Eusebius of Caesarea, (264–339){{listref|e}}


  • Al-Farabi, (870 – 950){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Favorinus, (c. 80 – c. 150)
  • Fazang (or Fa-Tsang), (643 – 712){{listref|e}}
  • Fridugisus, (9th century){{listref|b}}
  • Fulbert of Chartres, (c. 960 – 1028){{listref|b}}


  • Gaius Musonius Rufus, (110 – 180){{listref|e}}
  • Galen, (131 – 201){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Gaudapadacharya, (c. 7th century)
  • Gerbert of Aurillac (or Pope Silvester II), (c. 950 – 1003){{listref|e}}
  • Gottschalk of Orbais, (c. 805 – 868){{listref|b}}
  • Pope Gregory I, (540 – 604){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}
  • Gregory of Nyssa, (c. 335 – 398){{listref|a}}


  • Han Yu, (768 – 824){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Heiric of Auxerre, (841 – 876/7){{listref|b}}
  • Hierocles the Stoic, (2nd century){{listref|e}}
  • Himerius, (315 – 386)
  • Hincmar, (806 – 882){{listref|b}}
  • Ho Yen, (190 – 249){{listref|a}}
  • Hsi K'ang, (223 – 262){{listref|a}}
  • Hunayn ibn Ishaq, (808 – 877){{listref|b}}
  • Hypatia of Alexandria, (370 – 415){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}


  • Iamblichus, (c. 245 – c. 325){{listref|e}}
  • Yahya ibn Adi, (893 – 974){{listref|e}}
  • Ibn ar-Rawandi, (c. 910){{listref|e}}
  • Ibn Furak, (c. 941 – 1015){{listref|b}}
  • Ahmad ibn Hanbal, (780–855){{listref|b}}
  • Ibn Hazm, (994 – 1069){{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Ibn al-Khammar, (942 – c. 1030){{listref|b}}
  • Ibn Masarra, (883 – 931){{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Ibn Miskawayh, (940 – 1030){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Abd-Allāh Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, (c. 720 – c. 756){{listref|b}}
  • Ibn al-Rawandi, (died c. 910){{listref|b}}
  • Ibn al-Tayyib, (died 1043){{listref|b}}
  • Ikhwan al-Safa', (10th century){{listref|b}}
  • 'Isa ibn Zur'a, (943 – 1008){{listref|b}}
  • Issac Ben Solomon Israeli, (c. 850 – 950){{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Isidore of Seville, (c. 560 – 636){{listref|b}}
  • Isvarakrsna, (5th century)


  • Jābir ibn Hayyān, (721 – 815({{listref|b}}
  • Jahm bin Safwan, (died 746){{listref|b}}
  • Jayanta Bhatta, (c. 9th century)
  • John of Damascus, (c. 676 – 749){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Juan Chi, (210 – 263){{listref|a}}
  • Justinian I, (483 – 565){{listref|e}}


  • Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, (9th/10th century){{listref|b}}
  • Al-Kindi, (801 – 873){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani, (died c. 1021){{listref|b}}
  • Ko Hung, (4th century){{listref|a}}
  • Kūkai, (774 – 835){{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, (c. 7th century)
  • Kundakunda, (c. 2nd century)
  • Kuo Hsiang (or Guoxiang), (c. 312){{listref|a}}


  • Li Ao, (722 – 841){{listref|a}}
  • Linji Yixuan (or Lin Chi), (c. 810 – 867){{listref|e}}
  • Longinus, (1st century){{listref|a}}
  • Cassius Dionysius Longinus, (213 – 273)
  • Lucian, (c. 120 – c. 180){{listref|e}}
  • Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, (1st century)


  • Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, (fl. c. 430)
  • Gaius Marius Victorinus, (4th century){{listref|e}}
  • Abu Mansur Maturidi (before 973 – c. 944){{listref|b}}
  • Al-Mawardi, (974 – 1058){{listref|b}}
  • Mazdak, (died c. 526)
  • Miskawayh, (c. 932 – 1030){{listref|b}}
  • David Ibn Merwan Al-Mukammas (or Daud Ibn Marwan al-Muqammas or David ha-Bavli), (died 937){{listref|e}}
  • Musonius Rufus, (1st century){{listref|e}}


  • Nagarjuna, (c. 200){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Muhammad al-Nasafi (died 943){{listref|b}}
  • Ibrahim an-Nazzam (died 835/45){{listref|b}}
  • Nemesius of Emesa, (fl. c. 400){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Numenius of Apamea, (2nd century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}


  • Olympiodorus the Younger, (495 – 570){{listref|f}}
  • Origen of Alexandria, (c. 182 – c. 251){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}


  • Pelagius, (c. 360 – c. 435){{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}
  • Peter the Iberian, (411 – 491)
  • Peter of Pisa, (744 – 799){{listref|b}}
  • Joannes Philoponus, (early 6th century){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Philostratus, (2nd – 3rd centuries)
  • Photios I of Constantinople, (c. 810 – c. 893){{listref|b}}78
  • Plotinus, (died 270){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Mestrius Plutarch of Chaeronia, (c. 45 – c. 120){{listref|e}}
  • Porphyry, (c. 232 – c. 304){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Prabhākara, (c. 7th century)
  • Proclus, (412 – 487){{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Prudentius of Troyes, (died 861){{listref|b}}
  • Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, (5th century){{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Ptolemy, (c. 85 – c. 165){{listref|e}}


  • Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin Qushayri, (986 – 1072){{listref|b}}
  • Qusta ibn Luqa, (died 912){{listref|b}}


  • Rabanus Maurus (or Hrabanus Maurus), (c. 783 – 856){{listref|b}}
  • Ratramnus, (died c. 868){{listref|b}}
  • Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi (or Rhazes), (865–925){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Abu Hatim al-Razi, (died c. 934){{listref|b}}
  • Remigius of Auxerre, (c. 841 – 908){{listref|b}}


  • Saadia Gaon, (892 – 942){{listref|a}}{{listref|b}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Ahmad ibn al-Tayyib al-Sarakhsi, (c. 835 – 899){{listref|b}}
  • Sedulius Scottus, (fl. 840s – 860s){{listref|b}}
  • Sengzhao, (384 – 414){{listref|e}}
  • Sextus Empiricus, (2nd/3rd century){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i, (767 – 819){{listref|b}}
  • Sibawayh, (c. 760 – c. 796){{listref|b}}
  • Siddhasena Divākara, (5th century)
  • Adi Shankara, (788 – 820){{listref|a}}{{listref|c}}{{listref|d}}{{listref|e}}
  • Abu Sulayman Muhammad al-Sijistani, (c. 932 – c. 1000){{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani, (10th century){{listref|b}}
  • Simplicius of Cilicia, (early 6th century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}{{listref|f}}
  • Syrianus, (5th century){{listref|f}}


  • Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, (c. 930 – 1023){{listref|b}}{{listref|e}}
  • Tertullian, (c. 160 – c. 220){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Thābit ibn Qurra, (c. 830 – 901){{listref|b}}
  • Themistius, (317 – 387){{listref|e}}
  • Theodore Abu-Qurrah, (c. 750 – c. 816){{listref|b}}


  • Udayana, (c. 10th century)
  • Uddyotakara, (6th century){{listref|e}}
  • Uisang, (625 – 702){{listref|e}}
  • Umāsvāti or Umasvami, (c. 2nd century)


  • Vācaspati Miśra (c. 9th century)
  • Valentinius (or Valentinus), (c. 100 – c. 153){{listref|a}}
  • Vasubandhu, (4th century){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Vasugupta, (860 – 925)
  • Vatsyayana, (5th century){{listref|e}}


  • Walafrid Strabo, (c. 808 – 849){{listref|b}}
  • Wang Bi, (226 – 249){{listref|a}}
  • Wang Ch'ung, (27–97){{listref|a}}{{listref|e}}
  • Wasil ibn Ata, (700 – 748){{listref|b}}
  • Wonchuk, (613 – 696){{listref|e}}
  • Wonhyo Daisa, (617 – 686){{listref|e}}


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  • Yahya ibn 'Adi, (893 – 974){{listref|b}}


  • Zhiyi, (538 – 597){{listref|e}}
  • Zongmi, (780 – 841){{listref|e}}


|id1=a |ref1=The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press; 1999. {{ISBN|0-521-63722-8}}
|id2=b |ref2='Biographies of Medieval Authors', Appendix C of The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, ed. Robert Passnau, Vol. 2., Cambridge, 2010, pp.833-996. {{ISBN|978-0-521-76218-2}}
|id3=c |ref3=The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press; 1995. {{ISBN|0-19-866132-0}}
|id4=d |ref4=The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press; 2005. {{ISBN|0-19-926479-1}}
|id5=e |ref5=Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge; 2000. {{ISBN|0-415-22364-4}}
|id6=f |ref6=Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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See also

List of philosophers{{Philosophy topics}}{{DEFAULTSORT:List Of Philosophers Born In The First Through Tenth Centuries}}

1 : Lists of philosophers by period





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