

词条 List of principal leaders of the Crusades

  1. First Crusade (1095–1099)

     Peasants' Crusade  Princes' Crusade 

  2. Crusade of 1101

  3. Post-Crusade of 1101

  4. Second Crusade (1145–1149)

     From Europe  From the Crusader states 

  5. Post-Second Crusade

  6. Crusader invasions of Egypt (1163–1169)

  7. Third Crusade (1189–1192)

     From Europe  From the Crusader states 

  8. Crusade of 1197

  9. Fourth Crusade (1202–1204)

  10. Fifth Crusade (1217–1221)

  11. Sixth Crusade (1228–1229)

     From England 

  12. Barons' Crusade

  13. Seventh Crusade (1248–1254)

  14. Eighth Crusade (1270)

  15. Ninth Crusade (1271–1271)

This is a list of the principal leaders of the Crusades, classified by Crusades.

First Crusade (1095–1099)

Peasants' Crusade

  • Emicho, leader of the German Crusade
  • Peter the Hermit
  • Walter the Penniless

Princes' Crusade

  • Bohemond, Prince of Taranto and founder of the Principality of Antioch
    • Tancred of Hauteville, his nephew, founder of the Principality of Galilee
    • Herman of Hauteville
    • Richard of Salerno
  • Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine and first Defender of the Holy Sepulchre
    • Eustace III of Boulogne, his brother and Count of Boulogne
    • Baldwin, his brother, founder of the County of Edessa and first King of Jerusalem
    • Hugh of Fauquembergues, later Prince of Galilee
    • Gervaise of Bazoches, later Prince of Galilee
    • Fulcher of Chartres
    • Baldwin de le Bourg, his cousin and second King of Jerusalem
    • Hugh II, Count of Saint-Pol
    • Eustace Grenier
    • Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut
    • Warner of Grez
  • Raymond de Saint-Gilles, Count of Toulouse and founder of the County of Tripoli
    • Adhemar de Monteil, Bishop of Le Puy and papal legate
    • William-Jordan, Count of Cerdagne and Berga
    • Gaston IV of Béarn
    • Centule II of Bigorre
    • Girard Guinard, Count of Roussillon
    • Aicard, Archbishop of Arles
    • Hugh VI of Lusignan
    • Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona
    • Peter BartholomewRaymond of Aguilers
    • Raimbaut, count of Orange
    • Roman of Le Puy
    • William V of Montpellier
    • William, Bishop of Orange
  • Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy
    • Odo of Bayeux
    • Arnulf of Chocques, chaplain and later Patriarch of Jerusalem
    • Ralph de Guader
    • Rotrou III, Count of Perche
  • Robert II, Count of Flanders
  • Geoffrey II Jordan, Count of Vendôme
  • Héribrand II of Hierges
  • Stephen II, Count of Blois
  • Hugh of Vermandois
  • Enguerrand I, Lord of Coucy
  • Thomas, Lord of Coucy
  • Guglielmo Embriaco
  • Guy II of Montlhéry
  • Alan IV, Duke of Brittany
  • William the Carpenter
  • Gouffier of Lastours

Crusade of 1101

  • Raymond of St. Gilles
    • Stephen II, Count of Blois
    • Stephen I, Count of Burgundy
    • Eudes I, Duke of Burgundy
    • Hugh VI of Lusignan
  • Anselm IV, Archbishop of Milan
  • William II of Nevers
  • William IX of Aquitaine
    • Hugh of Vermandois
    • Welf I, Duke of Bavaria
    • Ekkehard of Aura
  • Joscelin of Courtenay
  • Dagobert of Pisa
  • Odo Arpin of Bourges

Post-Crusade of 1101

  • Baldwin of Hestrut
  • Ghibbelin of Arles
  • Hugh II of Le Puiset
  • Hugh II of Jaffa
  • Sigurd I of Norway
  • Hugh I of Champagne
  • Hugues de Payens
  • Humphrey I of Toron
  • Bertrand of Toulouse
  • William Bures
  • Fulk V of Anjou
  • Barisan of Ibelin
  • Pagan the Butler

Second Crusade (1145–1149)

From Europe

  • Louis VII of France
    • Robert I of Dreux
    • Peter I of Courtenay
    • Raoul I of Vermandois
    • Thierry of Alsace
    • Alphonse I of Toulouse
    • Roger I Trencavel
    • Raymond I Trencavel
    • Raynald of Châtillon
    • Enguerrand II, Lord of Coucy
    • Eleanor of Aquitaine
    • Henry I of Champagne
    • William de Warenne
    • Hugh VII of Lusignan
    • Renaut I of Bar
    • Amadeus III of Savoy
    • William V of Montferrat
    • William VII of Auvergne
    • Odo of Deuil
  • Conrad III of Germany
    • Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
    • Otto of Freising
    • Ottokar III of Styria
    • Henry II of Austria
    • Herman III, Margrave of Baden
    • Roger de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Warwick

From the Crusader states

  • Baldwin III of Jerusalem
  • Amalric, Count of Jaffa
  • Melisende of Jerusalem
  • Philip of Milly
  • Manasses of Hierges
  • Robert of Craon
  • Raymond du Puy de Provence
  • Humphrey II of Toron
  • Walter Grenier
  • Barisan of Ibelin

Post-Second Crusade

  • Philip, Count of Flanders
  • Stephen I of Sancerre
  • William of Montferrat
  • Hugh VIII of Lusignan
  • Guy of Lusignan
  • Amalric of Lusignan
  • Baldwin of Ibelin
  • Balian of Ibelin
  • Hugh of Ibelin
  • William II of Bures
  • Gerard Grenier
  • Miles of Plancy

Crusader invasions of Egypt (1163–1169)

  • Amalric I of Jerusalem
  • Philip of Milly
  • Hugh of Ibelin
  • Miles of Plancy
  • Frederick de la Roche
  • Bertrand de Blanchefort
  • Gilbert of Assailly
  • Andronikos Kontostephanos

Third Crusade (1189–1192)

From Europe

  • Conrad of Montferrat
  • Richard I, King of England
    • André de Chauvigny
    • Baldwin of Exeter
    • Joseph of Exeter
    • William de Ferrers
    • Walchelin de Ferriers
    • Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy
    • Galeran V of Beaumont
    • Henry II, Count of Champagne
    • Guy of Bazoches
    • Peter de Preaux
    • Phillipe de Plessis
    • Robert de Beaumont
    • Roger of Hoveden
    • Alan fitz Walter, 2nd High Steward of Scotland
    • Ambroise
    • Hubert Walter
    • William des Roches
    • Ranulf de Glanvill
    • Eustace de Vesci
  • Philip II of France
    • Theobald V, Count of Blois
    • Alberic Clement
    • Conon de Béthune
    • Robert II of Dreux
    • Philip of Dreux, son of Robert I of Dreux and a bishop of Beauvais
    • Philip of Alsace
    • Henry I of Bar
    • Stephen I of Sancerre
    • Peter II of Courtenay
    • Raoul I, Lord of Coucy
    • William II, Lord of Béthune
  • Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor
    • Frederick VI, Duke of Swabia
    • Floris III, Count of Holland
    • Henry of Kalden
    • Herman IV, Margrave of Baden
    • Leopold V, Duke of Austria
    • Rudolf of Zähringen
    • Otto I of Guelders
    • Děpolt II of Bohemia
  • William II of Sicily

From the Crusader states

  • Guy of Lusignan
  • Sibylla of Jerusalem
  • Eraclius of Jerusalem
  • Balian of Ibelin
  • Hugh of Ibelin
  • Reginald of Sidon
  • Raynald of Châtillon
  • Gerard de Ridefort
  • Robert IV de Sablé
  • Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
  • Humphrey IV of Toron

Crusade of 1197

  • Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor
  • Conrad II, Margrave of Lusatia
  • Henry I, Duke of Brabant
  • Conrad of Wittelsbach
  • Wolfger von Erla

Fourth Crusade (1202–1204)

  • Boniface of Montferrat
  • Louis I, Count of Blois
  • Enrico Dandolo
  • Baldwin I of Constantinople
  • Henry of Flanders

Fifth Crusade (1217–1221)

  • John of Brienne
  • Bohemond IV of Antioch
  • Hugh I of Cyprus
  • Leopold VI, Duke of Austria
  • Pelagio Galvani
  • Pedro de Montaigu
  • Hermann von Salza
  • Guérin de Montaigu
  • Andrew II of Hungary
  • William I, Count of Holland
  • Henry I of Rodez
  • Alamanno da Costa

Sixth Crusade (1228–1229)

  • Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
  • Hermann von Salza

From England

  • William Briwere
  • Peter des Roches

Barons' Crusade

  • Theobald I, King of Navarre
    • Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy
    • Amaury VI de Montfort
    • Peter I, Duke of Brittany
    • Ralph of Soissons
    • Guigues IV of Forez
    • Henry II, Count of Bar
    • John of Mâcon
  • Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall
    • Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester
    • William II Longespée
  • Walter IV, Count of Brienne, Lord of Jaffa
    • Odo of Montbéliard
    • Balian of Beirut
    • John of Arsuf
    • Balian of Sidon

Seventh Crusade (1248–1254)

  • Louis IX of France
  • Theobald I of Navarre
  • Alfonso, Count of Poitou
  • Charles of Anjou
  • Robert I of Artois
  • Guillaume de Sonnac
  • Renaud de Vichiers

Eighth Crusade (1270)

  • Louis IX of France
  • Theobald II of Navarre
  • Alfonso, Count of Poitou
  • Charles of Anjou

Ninth Crusade (1271–1271)

  • Edward I of England
  • Charles of Anjou
  • Leo II, King of Armenia
  • Hugh III of Cyprus
  • Bohemond VI of Antioch
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