

词条 List of stars in Cassiopeia

  1. References

{{Use dmy dates|date=April 2012}}

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Cassiopeia, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
γ Cas γ 27 5394 4427 00|56|42.50}}+60|43|00.3}} 2.15 −4.22 613 B0IV:evar Tsih, Navi; prototype γ Cas variable, {{Variable star|1.6|3.0}}
α Cas α 18 3712 3179 00|40|30.39}}+56|32|14.7}} 2.24 −1.99 228 K0II-IIIvar Schedar
β Cas β 11 432 746 00|09|10.09}}+59|09|00.8}} 2.28 1.17 54 F2III-IV Caph; δ Sct variable, {{Variable star|2.25|2.29|0.10}}
δ Cas δ 37 8538 6686 01|25|48.60}}+60|14|07.5}} 2.68 0.26 99 A5Vv SB Ruchbah; Algol variable, {{Variable star|2.68|2.76|759}}
ε Cas ε 45 11415 8886 01|54|23.68}}+63|40|12.5}} 3.35 −2.31 442 B2pvar Segin; variable star, {{VSA|0.002|0.09}}
η Cas η 24 4614 3821 00|49|05.10}}+57|48|59.6}} 3.46 4.59 19 G0V SB Achird, RS CVn variable
ζ Cas ζ 17 3360 2920 00|36|58.27}}+53|53|49.0}} 3.69 −2.62 597 B2IV Fùlù (附路)[1], suspected variable
50 Cas 50 12216 9598 02|03|26.19}}+72|25|16.5}} 3.95 0.47 162 A2V variable star, {{VSA|0.003|0.80}}
κ Cas κ 15 2905 2599 00|32|59.99}}+62|55|54.4}} 4.17 −6.34 4127 B1Ia α Cyg variable, {{Variable star|4.12|4.21|2.65}}
θ Cas θ 33 6961 5542 01|11|05.93}}+55|08|59.8}} 4.34 1.22 137 A7Vvar Marfak; suspected variable
ι Cas ι 15089 11569 02|29|03.99}}+67|24|08.6}} 4.46 1.27 141 A5p Sr α2 CVn variable, {{Variable star|4.45|4.53|1.74}}
ο Cas ο 22 4180 3504 00|44|43.50}}+48|17|03.8}} 4.48 −2.74 906 B5III triple star, γ Cas variable, {{Variable star|4.31|4.62}}
48 Cas A 48 12111 9480 02|01|57.55}}+70|54|25.4}} 4.49 1.72 117 A3IV quadruple star
ρ Cas ρ 7 224014 117863 23|54|23.04}}+57|29|57.8}} 4.51 −9.5 8500 F8Ia0-M2I yellow hypergiant; semiregular variable, {{Variable star|4.1|6.2|320}}
υ2 Cas υ2 28 5395 4422 00|56|40.01}}+59|10|52.2}} 4.62 0.62 206 G8III-IV Castula
χ Cas χ 39 9408 7294 01|33|55.93}}+59|13|55.5}} 4.68 0.70 204 K0III
ψ Cas ψ 36 8491 6692 01|25|55.90}}+68|07|47.8}} 4.72 0.86 193 K0III
λ Cas λ 14 2772 2505 00|31|46.32}}+54|31|20.4}} 4.74 −0.44 354 B8Vn suspected variable
ξ Cas ξ 19 3901 3300 00|42|03.88}}+50|30|45.1}} 4.80 −2.86 1109 B2.5V suspected variable
HR 244 5015 4151 00|53|04.28}}+61|07|24.8}} 4.80 3.46 61 F8V spectroscopic binary
R Cas R 224490 118188 23|58|24.80}}+51|23|19.0}} 4.80 410 M6.5-9e Mira variable, {{Variable star|4.7|13.5|430}}
υ1 Cas υ1 26 5234 4292 00|55|00.19}}+58|58|22.1}} 4.83 −0.65 406 K2III
1 Cas 1 218376 114104 23|06|36.81}}+59|25|11.2}} 4.84 −2.81 1105 B0.5IV
HD 19275 19275 14862 03|11|56.24}}+74|23|37.9}} 4.85 1.37 162 A2Vnn
τ Cas τ 5 223165 117301 23|47|03.39}}+58|39|06.7}} 4.88 1.26 173 K1III
σ Cas σ 8 224572 118243 23|59|00.53}}+55|45|17.8}} 4.88 −3.47 1523 B1V...
AR Cas AR 221253 115990 23|30|01.92}}+58|32|56.1}} 4.89 −1.34 575 B3IV septuple star; Algol variable, {{Variable star|4.82|4.96|6.07}}
ν Cas ν 25 4636 3801 00|48|49.99}}+50|58|05.5}} 4.90 −0.49 389 B9III
π Cas π 20 4058 3414 00|43|28.09}}+47|01|28.7}} 4.95 1.31 174 A5V rotating ellipsoidal variable
φ Cas φ 34 7927 6242 01|20|04.92}}+58|13|53.8}} 4.95 −4.32 2329 F0Ia foreground star appearing among NGC 457; suspected variable
4 Cas 4 220652 115590 23|24|50.25}}+62|16|58.2}} 4.96 −1.91 771 M1III 4.95|5.00}}
ω Cas ω 46 11529 9009 01|56|00.00}}+68|41|07.0}} 4.97 −1.69 701 B8III suspected variable
HD 3240 3240 2854 00|36|08.29}}+54|10|06.4}} 5.08 −0.87 505 B7III
V509 Cas V509 217476 113561 23|00|05.10}}+56|56|43.4}} 5.10 −6.77 7723 F80 yellow hypergiant; semiregular variable, {{Variable star|4.75|5.5}}
μ Cas μ 30 6582 5336 01|08|12.92}}+54|55|27.2}} 5.17 5.78 25 G5VIp/M5V suspected variable
HD 15920 15920 12273 02|38|02.09}}+72|49|05.6}} 5.17 0.69 256 G8III
42 Cas 42 10250 8016 01|42|55.73}}+70|37|21.2}} 5.18 0.51 281 B9V suspected Algol variable
49 Cas 49 12339 9763 02|05|31.58}}+76|06|54.4}} 5.22 −0.36 426 G8III
47 Cas 47 12230 9727 02|05|07.05}}+77|16|53.2}} 5.27 2.64 109 F0Vn
40 Cas 40 9774 7650 01|38|30.94}}+73|02|24.3}} 5.28 −0.40 447 G8II-III suspected variable
HD 11946 11946 9312 01|59|37.99}}+64|37|17.9}} 5.29 0.81 257 A0Vn
31 Cas 31 6829 5518 01|10|39.27}}+68|46|43.3}} 5.32 0.38 318 A0Vnn
HD 4775 4775 3951 00|50|43.57}}+64|14|51.3}} 5.35 −1.63 813 A4V comp SB 0.008|0.96}}
12 Cas 12 2011 1960 00|24|47.49}}+61|49|51.8}} 5.38 −1.47 763 B9III
HD 4222 4222 3544 00|45|17.20}}+55|13|17.1}} 5.41 0.25 351 A2Vs
23 Cas 23 4382 3721 00|47|46.02}}+74|50|51.3}} 5.42 −1.54 803 B8III
6 Cas 6 V566 223385 117447 23|48|50.17}}+62|12|52.3}} 5.43 −8.06 6150 A3Ia comp α Cyg variable, {{Variable star|5.34|5.45|37.26}}
HD 3474 3574 3083 00|39|09.89}}+49|21|16.5}} 5.45 −2.60 1331 K5III
HD 9900 9900 7617 01|38|07.56}}+57|58|39.5}} 5.55 −2.17 1140 G5II
HD 223173 223173 117299 23|47|01.91}}+57|27|05.0}} 5.55 −3.00 1672 K3II 5.51|5.54}}
HD 5408 5408 4440 00|56|46.94}}+60|21|46.3}} 5.56 −0.81 614 B8V
HD 6960 6960 5566 01|11|25.52}}+64|12|09.8}} 5.56 0.06 410 B9.5V suspected eclipsing binary
HD 220369 220369 115395 23|22|32.52}}+60|08|00.6}} 5.56 −2.73 1482 K3II suspected variable
10 Cas 10 144 531 00|06|26.53}}+64|11|46.2}} 5.57 −1.82 982 B9III suspected variable
32 Cas 32 RU 6972 5589 01|11|41.37}}+65|01|08.0}} 5.57 0.34 363 B9IV RU Cas, suspected constant
43 Cas 43 V557 10221 7965 01|42|20.44}}+68|02|35.0}} 5.57 −0.10 444 A0p SiSr α2 CVn variable, {{Variable star|5.55|5.64|3.18}}
HR 8832 219134 114622 23|13|14.74}}+57|10|03.5}} 5.57 6.50 21 K3Vvar suspected variable; has 7 planets
HR 9059 V1022 224355 118077 23|57|08.49}}+55|42|20.6}} 5.57 1.45 218 G8Ib Algol variable, {{Variable star|5.56|5.68|12.16}}
HD 224893 224893 124 00|01|37.02}}+61|13|22.1}} 5.58 −4.75 3791 F0III suspected variable
HD 1976 V746 1976 1921 00|24|15.64}}+52|01|11.7}} 5.58 −2.54 1370 B5IV spectroscopic binary; slowly pulsating B star
HD 219623 219623 114924 23|16|42.19}}+53|12|50.6}} 5.58 4.04 66 F7V
HD 2774 2774 2497 00|31|41.21}}+52|50|22.4}} 5.59 0.18 393 K2III
53 Cas 53 12301 9573 02|03|00.19}}+64|23|24.1}} 5.59 −4.54 3468 B8Ib
HD 17948 17948 13665 02|55|56.74}}+61|31|15.8}} 5.59 3.48 86 F4V
HR 511 V987 10780 8362 01|47|44.06}}+63|51|11.2}} 5.63 5.64 33 K0V BY Draconis variable, {{VSA|0.05|21.7}}
YZ Cas 21 YZ 4161 3572 00|45|39.11}}+74|59|17.3}} 5.64 0.89 290 A2IV triple system; Algol variable
68 Cas 68 4142 3478 00|44|26.23}}+47|51|50.3}} 5.66 −1.18 760 B5V...
2 Cas 2 218753 114365 23|09|44.14}}+59|19|57.7}} 5.68 −3.23 1976 A5III suspected variable
HD 9352 9352 7251 01|33|25.71}}+58|19|38.4}} 5.69 −3.20 1952 K0Ib+... 5.68|5.72}}
HD 2054 2054 1982 00|25|06.39}}+53|02|48.4}} 5.72 −0.33 528 B9IV suspected variable
HD 1239 1239 1354 00|16|57.05}}+61|31|59.5}} 5.74 −0.73 642 G8III
HD 6676 6676 5361 01|08|33.45}}+58|15|48.5}} 5.77 −0.43 567 B8V
HD 3283 3283 2876 00|36|27.34}}+60|19|34.4}} 5.78 −4.29 3361 A4III
44 Cas 44 10425 8046 01|43|19.74}}+60|33|04.9}} 5.78 −1.46 913 B8IIIn
HD 225289 V567 225289 418 00|05|06.13}}+61|18|50.3}} 5.80 −0.93 724 B8MNp... α2 CVn variable, {{Variable star|5.71|5.81|6.43}}
HD 16024 16024 12239 02|37|36.01}}+65|44|43.3}} 5.80 −1.19 815 K5III
38 Cas 38 9021 7078 01|31|13.52}}+70|15|53.2}} 5.82 3.49 95 F6V
HD 3856 3856 3299 00|42|03.44}}+66|08|51.4}} 5.83 −0.11 503 G9III-IV
HR 297 6210 5021 01|04|19.55}}+61|34|48.9}} 5.83 1.31 261 F6V
HD 1279 1279 1372 00|17|09.04}}+47|56|50.7}} 5.86 −1.47 953 B7III
HD 4440 4440 3750 00|48|08.88}}+72|40|28.0}} 5.86 1.69 223 K0IV
HD 225009 225009 207 00|02|36.08}}+66|05|56.3}} 5.87 −3.15 2076 G8III
V762 Cas V762 7389 5926 01|16|11.90}}+71|44|37.8}} 5.87 −7.42 2760 M3 BY Draconis variable
HD 19065 19065 14502 03|07|19.02}}+64|03|27.4}} 5.89 −0.27 557 B9V
9 Cas 9 225180 330 00|04|13.66}}+62|17|15.6}} 5.90 −4.35 3663 A1III suspected variable
HD 6130 6130 4962 01|03|37.01}}+61|04|29.4}} 5.92 −2.41 1509 F0II
HD 2952 2952 2611 00|33|10.32}}+54|53|42.3}} 5.93 0.62 376 K0III has a planet (b)
HD 2626 2626 2377 00|30|19.91}}+59|58|39.2}} 5.94 −0.77 718 B9IIIn
SU Cas SU 17463 13367 02|51|58.75}}+68|53|18.7}} 5.94 −2.24 1411 F5:Ib-II classical Cepheid, {{Variable star|5.7|6.18|1.95}}
HD 16769 16769 12821 02|44|49.67}}+67|49|29.0}} 5.95 0.47 406 A5III variable star
HD 5550 5550 4572 00|58|31.00}}+66|21|06.6}} 5.97 0.66 376 A0III
HR 5 V640 123 518 00|06|15.54}}+58|26|12.1}} 5.98 4.44 70 G5V 0.066|1.03}}
HD 6211 6211 4998 01|04|02.39}}+52|30|08.3}} 5.99 −1.42 991 K2
52 Cas 52 12279 9564 02|02|52.49}}+64|54|05.4}} 6.00 1.30 284 A1Vn
HD 11857 11857 9220 01|58|33.22}}+61|41|52.1}} 6.02 −0.70 721 B5III suspected variable
V373 Cas V373 224151 117957 23|55|33.84}}+57|24|43.8}} 6.03 B0.5IIv SB spectroscopic binary; eclipsing binary, {{Variable star|5.9|6.3|13.41}}
HD 4817 4817 3988 00|51|16.39}}+61|48|19.8}} 6.04 −3.37 2489 K5Ib 0.009|4.32}}
55 Cas 55 13474 10438 02|14|29.10}}+66|31|28.0}} 6.05 −0.72 738 B9V+... suspected variable
AO Cas AO 1337 1415 00|17|43.07}}+51|25|59.1}} 6.11 −5.11 5719 O9IIInn rotating ellipsoidal variable, {{Variable star|6.07|6.24|3.52}}
HD 12173 12173 9586 02|03|10.51}}+73|51|02.0}} 6.12 0.89 363 A5III
HD 9030 9030 7050 01|30|52.01}}+66|05|53.2}} 6.15 1.46 282 A2Vs
HD 17958 17958 13700 02|56|24.66}}+64|19|56.8}} 6.17 −1.80 1278 K3Ibvar
HD 224784 224784 43 00|00|30.98}}+59|33|35.1}} 6.18 0.59 427 G9III-IV suspected variable
HD 2589 2589 2422 00|30|54.20}}+77|01|10.2}} 6.18 3.20 128 K0IV
13 Cas 13 2729 2474 00|31|25.20}}+66|31|10.7}} 6.18 −0.53 716 B6V 0.007|1.08}}
HD 3924 3924 3334 00|42|31.01}}+58|45|12.4}} 6.18 −1.29 1016 B9.5III
V773 Cas V773 10543 8115 01|44|17.91}}+57|32|12.0}} 6.18 1.69 258 A3V Algol variable
HD 5343 5343 4383 00|56|12.93}}+57|59|47.7}} 6.20 0.28 497 K3III
HD 224870 224870 106 00|01|19.24}}+49|58|53.7}} 6.22 −0.51 724 G7II-III
HD 4881 4881 4023 00|51|33.79}}+51|34|17.2}} 6.22 −1.51 1148 B9.5V
HD 225094 V639 225094 274 00|03|25.72}}+63|38|25.9}} 6.24 −3.92 3505 B3Ia α Cyg variable, {{Variable star|6.19|6.28|2.88}}
HD 217673 217673 113684 23|01|30.72}}+57|06|19.7}} 6.24 −1.56 1181 K2II suspected variable
HD 222618 222618 116912 23|41|54.56}}+57|15|35.9}} 6.24 −0.93 886 G8III
HD 10587 10587 8148 01|44|46.15}}+57|05|21.2}} 6.25 0.07 560 A2V
HD 13222 13222 10350 02|13|21.05}}+74|01|40.1}} 6.25 0.61 438 G8III
HD 21970 21970 17056 03|39|25.10}}+75|44|22.6}} 6.25 0.65 429 G9III-IV
RZ Cas RZ 17138 13133 02|48|55.51}}+69|38|03.1}} 6.26 2.28 204 A3V Algol variable, {{Variable star|6.18|7.72|1.20}}
HD 222570 222570 116876 23|41|26.80}}+49|30|44.9}} 6.26 −0.63 778 A4V
HD 5128 5128 4212 00|53|47.53}}+52|41|21.6}} 6.27 1.61 278 A5m
HD 5273 5273 4298 00|55|05.22}}+48|40|42.8}} 6.28 −0.68 803 M2.5IIIa 0.012|21.89}}
HD 6540 6540 5251 01|07|09.44}}+53|29|53.5}} 6.31 −1.79 1358 K0
HD 7732 7732 6261 01|20|19.45}}+77|34|13.7}} 6.31 0.98 379 G5III...
35 Cas 35 8003 6312 01|21|05.19}}+64|39|29.5}} 6.33 2.01 238 A2Vnn
HD 10362 10362 8020 01|42|58.32}}+61|25|15.9}} 6.33 −1.15 1022 B7II
HD 223386 223386 117450 23|48|53.91}}+59|58|44.2}} 6.33 1.22 344 A0V
HD 8424 8424 6685 01|25|46.30}}+70|58|47.7}} 6.34 0.35 514 A0Vnn
HD 10293 10293 7963 01|42|17.69}}+58|37|39.9}} 6.35 −1.90 1455 B8III suspected variable
HD 8272 8272 6486 01|23|21.27}}+58|08|35.6}} 6.36 2.56 188 F4V
HD 223421 223421 117472 23|49|11.89}}+58|57|47.6}} 6.36 1.94 250 F2IV
HD 7925 7925 6378 01|21|58.94}}+76|14|20.0}} 6.37 1.95 250 F0IVn
V805 Cas V805 21179 16319 03|30|19.39}}+71|51|50.0}} 6.37 −0.73 856 M2III semiregular variable
HD 4818 V526 4818 3965 00|50|57.27}}+51|30|28.9}} 6.38 2.26 217 F2IV 0.03}}
HD 4295 4295 3641 00|46|38.23}}+69|19|31.3}} 6.39 3.35 132 F3V
HD 5357 5357 4446 00|56|54.99}}+68|46|32.7}} 6.39 2.51 195 F0m
V465 Cas V465 7733 6093 01|18|13.89}}+57|48|11.4}} 6.39 −0.75 874 M5 6.1|7.2|60}}
HD 220074 220074 115218 23|20|14.37}}+61|58|12.5}} 6.39 −0.91 942 K1V suspected variable; has a planet
HD 5715 5715 4709 01|00|30.87}}+70|58|58.8}} 6.40 1.21 355 A4IV
V761 Cas V761 7157 5688 01|13|09.82}}+61|42|22.3}} 6.40 −0.11 652 B9V α2 CVn variable
HD 222682 222682 116962 23|42|31.41}}+61|40|45.8}} 6.40 0.66 459 K2III
HD 371 371 695 00|08|32.87}}+63|12|14.6}} 6.41 −1.91 1502 G3II
HD 2904 2904 2628 00|33|19.20}}+70|58|54.7}} 6.41 0.36 528 A0Vn
HD 4362 4362 3649 00|46|42.47}}+59|34|28.3}} 6.41 G0Ib
HD 6497 6497 5240 01|07|00.07}}+56|56|06.9}} 6.41 1.47 318 K2III...
HD 218440 218440 114163 23|07|10.45}}+59|43|38.6}} 6.41 −1.65 1336 B2.5IV
HD 220130 220130 115245 23|20|34.54}}+62|12|47.8}} 6.41 −2.24 1753 K2III
HR 9017 V650 223358 117430 23|48|39.03}}+64|52|35.3}} 6.41 −0.30 718 A0sp... α2 CVn variable, {{VSA|0.02}}
HD 1142 1142 1269 00|15|54.87}}+61|00|00.7}} 6.43 0.23 566 G8III...
HD 217944 217944 113852 23|03|21.33}}+58|33|50.0}} 6.43 1.71 286 G8IV
HD 5459 5459 4475 00|57|19.53}}+61|25|19.0}} 6.44 0.21 575 G8IV
HD 222748 222748 116991 23|43|05.03}}+51|56|21.6}} 6.44 0.27 559 K0
HD 1601 1601 1639 00|20|30.92}}+48|58|07.1}} 6.46 −0.86 950 G0
HD 17581 17581 13347 02|51|45.92}}+58|18|51.5}} 6.46 1.75 285 A1m
HD 222932 222932 117133 23|44|48.37}}+55|47|58.9}} 6.46 0.65 473 G4III:
16 Cas 16 3038 2707 00|34|24.89}}+66|45|01.3}} 6.47 0.28 565 B9III
V801 Cas V801 19243 14626 03|08|54.18}}+62|23|04.5}} 6.47 −2.48 2012 B1V:e Be star
HD 223552 223552 117551 23|50|22.12}}+51|37|18.1}} 6.47 3.43 132 F3V
HD 224404 224404 118116 23|57|33.52}}+60|01|25.0}} 6.47 −1.26 1144 B9III-IV
HD 5927 5927 4786 01|01|27.04}}+49|32|39.2}} 6.48 −0.77 921 G5
HD 6028 6028 4844 01|02|18.47}}+51|02|05.9}} 6.48 0.04 632 A3V
HD 9811 9811 7593 01|37|47.20}}+64|44|21.7}} 6.49 −3.30 2964 A6Iab
HR 8770 V638 217833 113797 23|02|43.80}}+55|14|11.0}} 6.50 723 B9IIIwe... α2 CVn variable
HD 19439 19439 14791 03|11|00.80}}+64|53|46.7}} 6.50 2.03 256 A4V
V649 Cas V649 219634 114904 23|16|27.05}}+61|57|46.6}} 6.53 3500 B0Vn 0.1|2.39}}
54 Cas 54 12800 10031 02|09|07.69}}+71|33|09.3}} 6.57 4.39 89 F8
V816 Cas V816 222670 116948 23|42|20.95}}+64|30|55.4}} 6.58 942 M2III slow irregular variable
V764 Cas V764 7636 6027 01|17|26.69}}+57|37|55.5}} 6.61 1900 B2IIIne Be star
V784 Cas V784 13122 10141 02|10|25.5}}+59|58|47.3}} 6.64 335 F5II δ Sct variable
V772 Cas V772 10260 7939 01|42|02.91}}+61|02|17.7}} 6.69 1220 B8IIIsp... Algol variable
V809 Cas V809 219978 115141 23|19|23.77}}+62|44|23.2}} 6.74 1960 K4.5Ib slow irregular variable
V779 Cas V779 12013 9494 02|02|09.31}}+75|30|07.8}} 6.78 626 A0 Algol variable
HD 11755 11755 9242 01|58|50.0}}+73|09|09}} 6.87 755 G5 has a planet (b)
TU Cas TU 2207 2085 00|26|19.45}}+51|16|49.3}} 6.88 F3II... 6.88|8.18|2.14}}
HD 223960 V819 223960 117830 23|53|49.98}}+60|51|12.2}} 6.90 A0.1Ia α Cyg variable
V Cas V 218997 114515 23|11|40.72}}+59|41|59.0}} 6.90 1520 M5-7.5e 6.9|13.4|229}}
V486 Cas V486 3950 3346 00|42|37.99}}+52|20|13.7}} 6.95 B1III 0.04|5.56}}
HD 14817 V559 14817 11318 02|25|40.11}}+61|32|58.8}} 7.02 695 B8V 7.01|7.23|1.58}}
V777 Cas V777 11606 8980 01|55|42.85}}+59|16|24.4}} 7.02 959 B2Vne Be star
HD 17505 17505 13296 02|51|07.98}}+60|25|03.9}} 7.08 2860 O7V((f))+O9I associated with a bow shock
CC Cas CC 19820 15063 03|14|05.33}}+59|33|48.5}} 7.08 1860 O8.5III 7.06|7.3|3.37}}
HD 698 V742 698 940 00|11|37.15}}+58|12|42.6}} 7.08 3500 B7:Ib-IIe Be star
V989 Cas V989 13579 10531 02|15|42.56}}+67|40|20.3}} 7.13 60.6 K2V 0.03|6.79}}
V636 Cas V636 9250 7192 01|32|43.23}}+63|35|37.7}} 7.19 1640 G0Ib 7.09|7.26|8.38}}
HD 7924 7924 6379 01|21|59.12}}+76|42|37.0}} 7.19 6.06 55 K0V has three planets (b, c & d)
TV Cas TV 1486 1550 00|19|18.74}}+59|08|20.6}} 7.22 516 B9V 7.22|8.22|1.81}}
V755 Cas V755 3940 3367 00|42|50.06}}+64|17|28.6}} 7.29 3700 A1Ia 7.25|7.31|5.67}}
RV Cas RV 5016 00|52|42.76}}+47|24|56.1}} 7.3 M5-6.5Se 7.3|16.1|332}}
HD 108 108 505 00|06|03.39}}+63|40|46.8}} 7.40 3800 O4-8f?p binary star; runaway star; variable spectrum
HD 221585 221585 116221 23|32|54.0}}+63|09|20}} 7.47 G8IV has a planet (b)
HD 13908 13908 10743 02|18|15.0}}+65|35|40}} 7.51 232 F8V has two planets (b & c)
Gliese 83.3 V598 12208 9481 02|01|59.06}}+61|54|18.2}} 7.52 906 K5III 7.38|7.54}}
HD 221468 V436 221568 116210 23|32|47.65}}+57|54|20.1}} 7.55 709 A0p 2 CVn variable, {{Variable star>7.55|7.62|159}}
HD 19557 V623 19557 14827 03|11|25.33}}+57|54|11.2}} 7.57 1590 C4,5J 7.34|7.96}}
V487 Cas V487 6474 5239 01|06|59.74}}+63|46|23.4}} 7.60 G4Ia 7.44|7.74|99.6}}
HD 16429 V482 16429 12495 02|40|44.94}}+61|16|56.1}} 7.65 O9.5III+F4V triple star; β Cep variable
WZ Cas WZ 224855 99 00|01|15.85}}+60|21|19.0}} 7.70 2860 C9,2JLi 6.8|7.7|186}}
HD 12288 V540 12288 9604 02|03|30.51}}+69|34|56.4}} 7.74 1010 A2 2 CVn variable, {{Variable star>7.73|7.75|34.9}}
W Cas W 5235 4284 00|54|53.85}}+58|33|49.1}} 7.80 C9,1e 7.8|12.5|406}}
HD 15558 15558 11832 02|32|42.54}}+61|27|21.6}} 7.87 O4.5III in IC 1805; binary star; extremely luminous
S Cas S 7769 01|19|41.99}}+72|36|40.8}} 7.9 S3-5/4-8 7.9|16.1|612}}
HD 220842 220842 115714 23|26|37.0}}+56|53|12}} 7.99 204 F8 has a planet (b)
U Cas U 4350 00|46|21.37}}+48|14|38.7}} 8.0 S4.5-6/3-5e 8|15.7|277}}
HD 15570 15570 11837 02|32|49.42}}+61|22|42.1}} 8.11 2100 O4If+ in IC 1805
V745 Cas V745 1810 1805 00|22|53.32}}+62|14|29.1}} 8.11 B0V+B1.5III β Lyr variable
HD 220147 V812 220147 115267 23|20|48.92}}+62|24|45.2}} 8.12 1060 B9p α2 CVn variable
HD 17156 17156 13192 02|49|44.49}}+71|45|11.6}} 8.17 3.70 255 G0IV has a transiting planet
HD 240237 240237 114840 23|15|42.22}}+58|02|35.7}} 8.17 K2 has a planet (b)
HD 17520 17520 13308 02|51|14.46}}+60|23|09.8}} 8.24 O8V+O9:V transitioned to a Be star in the 1980s
V641 Cas V641 00|09|26.34}}+63|57|14.1}} 8.30 M0 semiregular variable
V368 Cas V368 19644 14936 03|12|35.54}}+59|55|10.9}} 8.32 B8II-III Algol variable
HD 240210 240210 23|10|29.23}}+57|01|46.0}} 8.33 2.55 468 K3III has a planet
V605 Cas V605 14242 10904 02|20|22.47}}+59|40|16.9}} 8.36 1570 M2Iab 8.22|8.48}}
TW Cas TW 16907 12906 02|45|54.82}}+65|43|35.1}} 8.38 849 A0V 8.32|8.98|1.43}}
HD 15629 15629 11891 02|33|20.59}}+61|31|18.2}} 8.42 1330 O4.5V in IC 1805
HD 5797 V551 5797 4717 01|00|33.43}}+60|26|40.9}} 8.47 1490 Am 2 CVn variable, {{Variable star>8.43|8.77|69}}
Z Cas Z 222914 23|44|31.59}}+56|34|52.7}} 8.5 M7e 8.5|15.4|496}}
HD 217850 217850 113789 23|02|37.0}}+58|52|34}} 8.5 199 G8V has a planet (b)
DO Cas DO 16506 12543 02|41|24.16}}+60|33|11.8}} 8.54 533 A2II 8.39|9.01|0.68}}
HD 12098 V988 12098 02|00|40.18}}+58|31|37.1}} F0 rapidly oscillating Ap star
RW Cas RW 7548 01|37|14.02}}+57|45|33.2}} 8.58 G2 8.62|9.67|14.79}}
DL Cas DL 236429 2347 00|29|58.59}}+60|12|43.1}} 8.63 1480 G1Ib-II_Hdel-1 8.63|9.26|8.00}}
RX Cas RX 14542 03|05|45.75}}+67|34|38.6}} 8.64 K1III+A5eIII 8.64|9.49|32.31}}
Y Cas Y 225082 00|03|21.47}}+55|40|51.8}} 8.70 M7.5e 8.7|15.3|413}}
BD+60 2522 23|20|44.52}}+61|11|40.6}} 8.7 300 O6.5III source of nebula NGC 7635
T Cas T 1845 1834 00|23|14.27}}+55|47|33.2}} 8.87 M7-9e 6.9|13|445}}
PZ Cas PZ 117078 23|44|03.28}}+61|47|22.2}} 8.90 M3Iab: semiregular variable
BM Cas BM 4279 00|54|45.95}}+64|05|06.2}} 8.91 1850 F0Ia 8.78|9.31|197}}
HD 219415 219415 23|14|54.0}}+56|43|49}} 8.94 K0III has a planet
SX Cas SX 232121 871 00|10|42.08}}+54|53|29.4}} 8.87 771 B5+K3III 8.96|9.83|36.56}}
WW Cas WW 7260 01|33|32.69}}+57|45|05.4}} 9.10 C5,5 9.1|11.7}}
FM Cas FM 236349 1162 00|14|28.24}}+56|15|10.6}} 9.16 F7.5Ib 8.82|9.47|5.81}}
TZ Cas TZ 117763 23|52|56.24}}+61|00|08.4}} 9.18 M3Iab 8.86|10.5}}
AZ Cas AZ 01|42|16.51}}+61|25|16.3}} 9.22 M0Ib:ep+B 9.22|9.52|3402}}
TX Cas TX 02|52|16.19}}+62|46|57.5}} 9.33 B1V 9.16|9.8|2.93}}
X Cas X 9057 01|56|38.09}}+59|15|33.7}} 9.45 942 C5,4e 9.45|13.2|423}}
XX Cas XX 01|29|34.61}}+60|58|04.7}} 9.57 B4Vn Algol variable
SZ Cas SZ 11420 02|27|13.77}}+59|27|38.2}} 9.60 1210 G5III 9.6|10.02|13.63}}
SW Cas SW 114160 23|07|10.08}}+58|33|15.1}} 9.74 1520 K0 9.32|10.01|5.44}}
UU Cas UU 117576 23|50|39.52}}+60|54|39.1}} 9.74 B1Iab: β Lyr variable
DD Cas DD 118122 23|57|34.96}}+62|43|05.7}} 9.84 F7 9.56|10.18|9.81}}
PV Cas PV 240208 23|10|02.58}}+59|12|06.1}} 9.86 B6V 9.71|10.36|1.75}}
SY Cas SY 1213 00|15|09.81}}+58|25|27.4}} 9.92 1210 F5 9.4|10.24|4.07}}
DN Cas DN 02|23|11.53}}+60|49|50.1}} 9.93 O8Vv 9.81|10.24|2.31}}
RY Cas RY 117690 23|52|07.03}}+58|44|30.2}} 9.95 F9Ib 9.38|10.39|12.14}}
XY Cas XY 236542 3886 00|49|53.26}}+60|07|38.6}} 9.97 1190 F6Iab-b:... 9.61|10.26|4.50}}
OX Cas OX 5391 01|09|00.10}}+61|28|14.8}} 10.06 1230 B1V 9.9|10.35|2.49}}
RS Cas RS 116556 23|37|16.06}}+62|25|44.4}} 10.06 F7-G1Ib 9.53|10.36|6.39}}
QQ Cas QQ 23|45|36.75}}+59|54|21.6}} 10.20 B2 β Lyr variable
V381 Cas V381 00|32|51.61}}+49|19|39.3}} 10.22 B Algol variable
QX Cas QX 23|58|43.15}}+61|09|39.5}} 10.25 B1V+B1V 10.19|10.7|6.00}}
V547 Cas V547 2552 00|32|29.43}}+67|14|08.4}} 10.29 32.8 M2V+M3V triple star; flare star
AQ Cas AQ 6174 01|19|10.35}}+62|23|48.4}} 10.31 B3 10.06|11|11.72}}
AB Cas AB 12235 02|37|31.51}}+71|18|16.3}} 10.32 888 A3Vv+... 10.1|11.85|1.37}}
V459 Cas V459 01|11|29.92}}+61|08|48.0}} 10.36 B9 Algol variable
BY Cas BY 8312 01|47|11.92}}+61|25|21.0}} 10.41 F5 10.06|10.58|3.22}}
VX Cas VX 00|31|30.68}}+61|58|51.0}} 10.50 A0Vep 10.5|13.3}}
WR 1 V863 4004 3415 00|43|28.40}}+64|45|35.4}} 10.54 WN4-s
MWC 419 V594 3401 00|43|18.26}}+61|54|40.1}} 10.60 657 B8eq Orion variable
CE Cas CE 23|58|09.31}}+61|12|49.3}} 10.63 10800 F9Ib+F8Ib 10.63|11.15|5.14}} and {{Variable star|10.62|11.30|4.48}}
117154 23|45|02.63}}+63|00|13.9}} 10.64 1230 F6-G5 10.37|11.15|7.80}}
VW Cas VW 5138 01|05|48.22}}+61|45|17.8}} 10.67 K0 10.36|11.07|5.99}}
WR 3 9974 7681 01|38|55.63}}+58|09|22.7}} 10.69 WN3h-w surrounded by a unique stellar-wind bubble
VV Cas VV 8614 01|51|07.03}}+59|53|17.5}} 10.73 F6 10.26|11.2|6.21}}
DF Cas DF 12817 02|44|43.31}}+61|27|52.9}} 10.74 F8 10.53|11.13|3.83}}
V364 Cas V364 00|52|43.01}}+50|28|10.2}} 10.75 A7 10.53|11.22|1.54}}
WY Cas WY 23|58|01.30}}+56|29|13.5}} 10.76 S6-6.5/6-e Mira variable
ZZ Cas ZZ 2644 00|33|30.38}}+62|30|40.2}} 10.79 1290 B3 β Lyr variable
CH Cas CH 115390 23|22|28.44}}+62|45|25.7}} 10.79 F3Ibp 10.47|11.56|15.09}}
CF Cas CF 118174 23|58|17.98}}+61|13|15.8}} 10.80 10800 B3 10.8|11.47|4.88}}
BP Cas BP 5846 01|15|01.09}}+65|35|57.9}} 10.80 F6 10.55|11.33|6.27}}
LS I +61 303 V615 12469 02|40|31.67}}+61|13|45.6}} 10.8 B0Ve 10.4|11.1|26.50}}
V523 Cas V523 00|40|06.26}}+50|14|15.5}} 10.87 K4V 10.62|11.45|0.23}}
WASP-93 00|37|50.0}}+51|17|20}} 10.97 815 F4 has a transiting planet (b)
CW Cas CW 00|45|52.69}}+63|05|08.4}} 11.08 1340 G8V 11.02|11.62|0.32}}
2S 0114+650 V662 6081 01|18|02.70}}+65|17|29.9}} 11.09 B1Iae 10.97|11.09|11.60}}
IR Cas IR 23|06|52.37}}+54|04|52.2}} 11.14 F4... β Lyr variable
IT Cas IT 23|42|01.40}}+51|44|36.8}} 11.23 F6 Algol variable
WR 2 6327 5100 01|05|23.01}}+60|25|19.0}} 11.33 WN2-w The only WN2 star known, GRB candidate
CG Cas CG 00|00|59.25}}+69|57|32.2}} 11.28 F5 10.89|11.73|4.35}}
RX J0146.9+6121 V831 01|47|00.21}}+61|31|23.7}} 11.34 B1III-Ve 11.3|11.5}}
IV Cas IV 23|49|31.53}}+53|08|04.8}} 11.34 A2 Algol and δ Sct variable
IX Cas IX 390 00|04|50.82}}+50|14|05.5}} 11.36 637 F7 11.19|11.77|9.15}}
UZ Cas UZ 5658 01|12|41.16}}+61|12|48.1}} 11.45 1840 G2 10.93|11.73|4.26}}
GP Cas GP 12416 02|39|50.44}}+59|35|51.3}} 11.50 M2Iab slow irregular variable
MWC 1080 V628 114995 23|17|25.58}}+60|50|43.4}} 11.58 B0eq 10.88|11.84}}
CY Cas CY 115925 23|29|12.77}}+63|22|27.5}} 11.67 G1-2Ib 11.07|12.21|14.38}}
UV Cas UV 23|02|14.66}}+59|36|36.7}} 11.80 F0/5Ib R CrB variable
BS Cas BS 01|21|38.57}}+59|10|27.1}} 11.84 A-F 11.50|12.16|0.44}}
Gliese 82 V596 9291 01|59|23.51}}+58|31|16.1}} 12.04 39.9 M4Ve flare star
V627 Cas V627 113373 22|57|40.99}}+58|09|12.5}} 12.4 M2eII-III 12.4|13.24}}
TY Cas TY 00|36|59.42}}+63|08|01.7}} M6 Mira variable
V592 Cas V592 00|20|52.22}}+55|42|16.3}} 12.79 OB 0.4|0.12}}
HV Cas HV 01|11|03.48}}+53|43|40.2}} 12.9 Ce Mira variable
BH Cas BH 00|21|21.38}}+59|09|05.4}} 13 B3 12.51|13.10|0.41}}
IRAS 23304+6147 23|32|44.79}}+62|03|49.1}} 13.1 G2Ia 0.20|85}}
HAT-P-44 00|56|50.3}}+47|00|52}} 13.21 1220 has two transiting planets
LkHα 198 V633 00|11|25.83}}+58|49|28.6}} 13.79 B9e Herbig Ae/Be star; Orion variable
V664 Cas V664 03|03|47.01}}+64|54|35.7}} 14.56 central star of HFG 1, re-radiating binary system
V425 Cas V425 23|03|46.66}}+53|17|14.9}} VY Scl variable
V709 Cas V709 00|28|48.84}}+59|17|22.0}} DQ Her variable
4U 0115+634 V635 01|18|31.90}}+63|44|24.0}} 15.19 B0.2Ve 14.5|16.3|24.3}}
V376 Cas V376 00|11|26.52}}+58|50|03.7}} A3/F2e Orion variable
IGR J00234+6141 V1033 00|22|57.64}}+61|41|07.6}} 16.1 16.1|16.9|0.17}}
V705 Cas V705 23|41|47.19}}+57|30|59.5}} 16.4 5.7|16.4}}
Tycho G 00|25|19.9}}+64|08|18}} 17 G2IV former companion of progenitor of SN 1572
V723 Cas V723 01|05|05.36}}+54|00|40.3}} 18.0 A7 7.08|<18.0}}
RNO 1B V710 00|36|46.30}}+63|28|54.1}} 18.6 F8II 18.6|21.6}}
HT Cas HT 01|10|13.13}}+60|04|35.4}} 19.32 M5.5e 12.6|19.32}}
4U 0142+61 01|46|22.21}}+61|45|03.8}} 25.62 magnetar
IGR J00291+5934 V1037 00|29|13.06}}+59|34|19.0}} X-ray pulsar with millisecond pulsar
1E 2259+586 23|01|08.14}}+58|52|44.5}} magnetar
PSR B2319+60 23|21|55.21}}+60|24|30.7}} pulsar
PSR B2334+61 23|37|05.78}}+61|51|01.7}} pulsar
PSR J0205+6449 02|05|37.92}}+64|49|42.8}} central pulsar of 3C 58
OH 127.8+0.0 V669 01|33|51.21}}+62|26|53.2}} M9III Mira variable
W3 IRS 5 02|25|40.54}}+62|05|51.4}} B1 protostar; possibly similar to a proto-Trapezium
IRAS 00338+6312 00|36|47.5}}+63|29|02}} protostar{{Starlist Legend}}


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| authorlink = European Space Agency
| title = The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues
| date = 1997
| url = http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?I/239
| accessdate = 26 December 2006 }}
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| title = HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index
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| title = Identification of a Constellation from a Position
| date = 1987
| url = http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?VI/42
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| url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/
| title = SIMBAD Astronomical Database
| publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
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| last = Samus
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| last2 = Durlevich
| first2 = O. V.
| display-authors = etal
| title = Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS4.2)
| date = 2004
| url = http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?II/250
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  • {{cite web

| last = Samus
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| title = General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS database, version 2012Feb)
| date = 2012
| url = http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?B/gcvs
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| title = Naming Stars
| url = https://www.iau.org/public/themes/naming_stars/
| accessdate = 13 December 2017 }}
1. ^{{zh icon}} AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 9 日
{{Lists of stars by constellation}}{{Stars of Cassiopeia}}

2 : Cassiopeia (constellation)|Lists of stars by constellation





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