

词条 List of United States Supreme Court cases by the Rehnquist Court

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{{Infobox SCOTUS CJcourt| court_name = Rehnquist Court| previous = Burger Court| next = Roberts Court| start = September 26, 1986| end = September 3, 2005| duration = ({{age in years and days|1986|09|26|2005|09|03}})| location = Supreme Court Building
Washington, D.C.| positions = 9| decisions = Rehnquist Court decisions}}

This is a partial chronological list of cases decided by the United States Supreme Court during the Rehnquist Court, the tenure of Chief Justice William Rehnquist from September 26, 1986 through September 3, 2005. The cases are listed chronologically based on the date that the Supreme Court decided the case.

Case nameCitationSummary
Colorado v. Connelly479|157|1986}} the involuntary statement of a criminal suspect uttered during a schizophrenic episode but not coerced by the Government is not precluded from admission in court by the due process clause
Griffith v. Kentucky479|314|1987}} criminal defendants receive the benefit of new constitutional rules announced before their cases are final on direct review
Commissioner v. Groetzinger479|23|1987}} addressed the issue of what qualifies as being either a trade or business under Section 162(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
Maryland v. Garrison480|79|1987}} reasonable belief by police in the validity of a search warrant
Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of California480|102|1987}} due process, personal jurisdiction, Minimum contacts
Arizona v. Hicks480|321|1987}} probable cause relating to the plain view doctrine under the Fourth Amendment
United States v. Dunn480|294|1987}} open fields doctrine
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Cardoza-Fonseca480|421|1987}} Asylum applicants must show "well-founded fear" of persecution to establish their eligibility
Keystone Bituminous Coal Ass'n v. Debenedictus480|470|1987}} substantive due process, the takings clause of the 5th Amendment
O'Connor v. Ortega480|709|1987}} Fourth Amendment rights of public employees
Tison v. Arizona481|137|1987}} Felony murder and the death penalty: death penalty is constitutional for major participants in felonies who exhibit extreme indifference to human life, even if someone else personally kills the victim
McCleskey v. Kemp481|279|1987}} race discrimination and the death penalty
Pennsylvania v. Finley481|551|1987}} right to counsel in post-conviction proceedings
Saint Francis College v. al-Khazraji481|604|1987}} persons of Arabian ancestry may make claims for race discrimination under 42 U.S.C. § 1981
Hodel v. Irving481|704|1987}} Fifth Amendment taking of fractional interests in Native American lands
United States v. Salerno481|739|1987}} upholding Bail Reform Act of 1984 as not violating Due Process or Excessive Bail clauses
Turner v. Safley482|78|1987}} free speech and marriage rights of prison inmates
Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon482|220|1987}} Private actions under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are arbitrable
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. Los Angeles County482|304|1987}} substantive due process, temporary taking
O'Lone v. Estate of Shabazz482|342|1987}} not a violation of the Free Exercise Clause to deprive an inmate of attending a religious service for "legitimate penological interests."
Board of Airport Commissioners of Los Angeles v. Jews for Jesus, Inc.482|569|1987}} constitutionality of broad free speech prohibitions
Edwards v. Aguillard482|578|1987}} constitutionality of mandating teaching of creation science in conjunction with evolution
South Dakota v. Dole483|203|1987}} use of federal funding to encourage changes in state laws—here, raising the drinking age in all states from 18 to 21
Puerto Rico v. Branstad483|219|1987}} Federal court enforcement of extradition of fugitives
Rankin v. McPherson483|378|1987}} free speech rights of federal employees
United States v. Stanley483|669|1987}} soldier's tort claim related to Project MKULTRA barred
Nollan v. California Coastal Commission483|825|1987}} Fifth Amendment takings clause
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier484|260|1988}} freedom of speech in secondary school newspapers
Hustler Magazine v. Falwell485|46|1988}} First Amendment; parody, emotional distress
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Abudu485|94|1988}} Federal courts of appeals must review denials of motions to reopen immigration proceedings for abuse of discretion
Basic Inc. v. Levinson485|224|1988}} interpretation of SEC Rule 10b-5, market price manipulation
Lying v. Northwest Indian CPA485|439|1988}} religious rights of Native American vs. public interest
South Carolina v. Baker485|505|1988}} Federal requirement that state and local bonds be issued in registered form did not violate the Tenth Amendment
Huddleston v. United States485|681|1988}} admissibility of prior "bad acts" under the Federal Rules of Evidence
California v. Greenwood486|35|1988}} 4th Amendment; even absent a warrant, the search and seizure of garbage left for collection outside the curtilage of a home
Maynard v. Cartwright486|356|1988}} cruel and unusual punishment, death penalty
Webster v. Doe486|592|1988}} ability for CIA firings and hirings to be judicially reviewed
Schweiker v. Chilicky487|412|1988}} no implied cause of action in the Social Security Act
Frisby v. Schultz487|474|1988}} First Amendment, privacy, restrictions on abortion protests
Morrison v. Olson487|654|1988}} independent counsel's office
Thompson v. Oklahoma487|815|1988}} 8th Amendment; cruel and unusual punishment; capital punishment for juveniles under 16
Arizona v. Youngblood488|51|1988}} state's failure to preserve evidence in a criminal case, absent bad faith, is not a due process violation
Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey488|153|1988}} Portions of investigatory reports otherwise admissible under Federal Rule of Evidence 803(8)(C) are not inadmissible merely because they state a conclusion or opinion
Mistretta v. United States488|361|1989}} United States Sentencing Commission, separation of powers
Florida v. Riley488|445|1989}} aerial surveillance and the Fourth Amendment
City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co.488|469|1989}} Affirmative action, constitutionality of minority business set-aside programs for municipal contracts
Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc.489|141|1989}} state anti-plug molding law struck down under preemption doctrine for interfering with federal patent law
DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services489|189|1989}} child welfare department's failure to protect a child from known child abuse does not violate due process
Teague v. Lane489|288|1989}} new constitutional rules do not generally apply retroactively to cases on collateral review
Blanton v. North Las Vegas489|538|1989}} Jury trial is unnecessary for petty offenses
Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Association489|602|1989}} requiring drug tests for railroad employees is not an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment
National Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab489|656|1989}} requiring drug tests for customs inspectors is not an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment
Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris489|688|1989}} New York City Board of Estimate representation scheme was held to violate Equal Protection Clause; local government districts must conform to "one person, one vote"
Schmuck v. United States489|705|1989}} Scope of mail fraud statute; proper test for lesser included offense
United States Department of Justice v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press489|749|1989}} FBI rap sheets may not be disclosed to third parties under the Freedom of Information Act
Davis v. Michigan489|803|1989}} Intergovernmental immunity prohibits state taxation of federal pensions if state pensions are tax-exempt.
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield490|30|1989}} held that the Indian Child Welfare Act governed the adoption of Indian children, and clarified the jurisdiction of the tribal court
Graham v. Connor490|386|1989}} standard for claims for violations of the Fourth Amendment
Rodriguez de Quijas v. Shearson/American Express Inc.490|477|1989}} Private securities fraud claims under Securities Act of 1933 arbitrable; Wilko v. Swan overruled
Lauro Lines s.r.l. v. Chasser et al.490|495|1989}} interlocutory appeals; forum selection
Finley v. United States490|545|1989}} pendent party jurisdiction, later overturned by statute
Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio490|642|1989}} standard of evidence for disparate impact employment discrimination cases
Hernandez v. Commissioner490|680|1989}} Scientology courses do not qualify as charitable deductions under the Internal Revenue Code
Community For Creative Non-Violence v. Reid490|730|1989}} copyright, work for hire
Martin v. Wilks490|755|1989}} civil procedure in employment affirmative action
Will v. Michigan Dept. of State Police491|58|1989}} States and their officials acting in their official capacity are not persons under Section 1983
Texas v. Johnson491|397|1989}} freedom of speech (flag burning)
Ward v. Rock Against Racism491|781|1989}} freedom of speech, excessive noise
Granfinanciera v. Nordberg492|33|1989}} Seventh Amendment right to jury trials in bankruptcy proceedings
Penry v. Lynaugh492|302|1989}} Eighth Amendment permits executing the mentally retarded; overruled by Atkins v. Virginia
Stanford v. Kentucky492|361|1989}} Eighth Amendment permits executing offenders who were 16 or 17 years old at the time of the offense; overruled by Roper v. Simmons
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services492|490|1989}} state funding for abortion rights
County of Allegheny v. ACLU492|573|1989}} holiday displays and state endorsement of religion
University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC493|182|1990}} peer review privilege not required by Federal Rules of Evidence or First Amendment
Commissioner v. Indianapolis Power & Light Co.493|203|1990}} customer deposits constituting taxable income to a utility company
FW/PBS v. City of Dallas493|215|1990}} regulation of "sexually oriented businesses"
Tafflin v. Levitt493|455|1990}} state court jurisdiction over civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) claims
Sullivan v. Zebley493|521|1990}} determination of SSI benefits for children
Washington v. Harper494|210|1990}} permissibility of involuntary treatment of psychotic inmates
United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez494|259|1990}} search and seizure of nonresident alien in foreign country
Chauffeurs, Teamsters, and Helpers Local No. 391 v. Terry494|558|1990}} scope of 7th Amendment right to jury trial in civil cases
Employment Division v. Smith494|872|1990}} religious freedom with respect to drug use
Missouri v. Jenkins495|33|1990}} power of federal courts to order taxation by state or local governments
Osborne v. Ohio495|103|1990}} states have the power to ban possession of child pornography without violating the First Amendment
Stewart v. Abend495|207|1990}} rights of the successor of a copyright interest
Grady v. Corbin495|508|1990}} double jeopardy and subsequent prosecutions
Taylor v. United States495|575|1990}} definition of "burglary" under certain sentence enhancement provisions of the federal criminal code
Burnham v. Superior Court of California495|604|1990}} physical presence as a requirement for personal jurisdiction
Duro v. Reina495|676|1990}} Indian tribes have no jurisdiction over nonmember Indians
Westside School District v. Mergens496|226|1990}} Bible study clubs in schools
United States v. Eichman496|310|1990}} freedom of speech (flag burning)
Perpich v. Department of Defense496|334|1990}} Congressional powers over U.S. National Guard
Eli Lilly & Co. v. Medtronic, Inc.496|661|1990}} premarketing activity conducted to gain approval of a device under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is exempt from a finding of patent infringement
Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co.497|1|1990}} First Amendment and defamation—no "opinion privilege"
Illinois v. Rodriguez497|177|1990}} Fourth Amendment, "co-occupant consent rule"
Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health497|261|1990}} incompetent persons may not refuse medical treatment under the 14th Amendment
Hodgson v. Minnesota497|417|1990}} requiring parental notification for abortion is constitutional with a judicial bypass provision
Walton v. Arizona497|639|1990}} Capital punishment and sentencing procedure, partially overruled by Ring v. Arizona
Maryland v. Craig497|836|1990}} the right of criminal defendants to confront witnesses
Perry v. Louisiana498|38|1990}} forcibly medicating a death row inmate with a mental disorder in order to make sure he is competent to be executed is impermissible
Cheek v. United States498|192|1991}} mistake of law is a valid defense to criminal tax evasion because of mens rea
Board of Ed. of Oklahoma City Public Schools v. Dowell498|237|1991}} case "hasten[ing] the end of federal court desegregation orders.
Oklahoma Tax Comm'n v. Citizen Band of Potawatomi Tribe of Okla.498|505|1991}} an Indian tribe was not subject to state sales tax for sales to tribal members
Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service Co.499|340|1991}} minimal quantum of creativity is required for copyright protection
Cottage Savings Ass'n v. Commissioner499|554|1991}} income tax consequences of mortgage interest exchange, examination of the consequences of the Savings and Loan crisis
Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute499|585|1991}} enforcement of forum selection clauses
County of Riverside v. McLaughlin500|44|1991}} suspects arrested without a warrant must be brought into court for a probable cause determination within 48 hours
Rust v. Sullivan500|173|1991}} government is not required to fund abortion
Hernandez v. New York500|352|1991}} prosecutor may use peremptory challenge against bilingual Latino jurors based on his doubts about the ability of such jurors to defer to the official translation of Spanish-language testimony
Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association500|507|1991}} unions may compel contributions from nonmembers only for the costs of performing its duties as exclusive bargaining agent
California v. Acevedo500|565|1991}} police may search a container in a car without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe it contains contraband
Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company500|614|1991}} Batsons prohibition on race-based use of peremptory challenges applies in civil trials
Connecticut v. Doehr501|1|1991}} Connecticut state statute that authorizes prejudgment attachment of real estate without prior notice or hearing violated the 14th Amendment right to due process
Toibb v. Radloff501|157|1991}} holding that individual debtors may file for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code
McNeil v. Wisconsin501|171|1991}} differences between the rights secured by the Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment
Florida v. Bostick501|429|1991}} random bus searches routinely conducted pursuant to passenger's consent
Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc.501|560|1991}} First Amendment and the restriction of nude dancing
Cohen v. Cowles Media Co.501|663|1991}} First Amendment, freedom of the press
Payne v. Tennessee501|808|1991}} admissibility of victim impact statements, stare decisis could be disregarded where fairness to victim's rights

had priority over the demands of consistency in the common law.

Peretz v. United States501|923|1991}} role of magistrate judges in jury selection in a felony trial
Harmelin v. Michigan501|957|1991}} life imprisonment for cocaine possession
Simon & Schuster v. Crime Victims Board502|105|1991}} holding that New York's Son of Sam law violated the First Amendment
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Doherty502|314|1992}} U.S. Attorney General has broad discretion to reopen deportation proceedings
INS v. Elias-Zacarias502|478|1992}} asylum on account of political opinion must be based on the refugee's political opinion
Lechmere, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board502|527|1992}} employer can exclude nonemployee union organizers from private company property
Hudson v. McMillian503|1|1992}} excessive force against prison inmates, 8th Amendment
INDOPCO, Inc. v. Commissioner503|79|1992}} Expenditures incurred by a target corporation in the course of a friendly takeover are nondeductible capital expenditures under the Internal Revenue Code
United States v. Felix503|378|1992}} conviction of a defendant for a crime and for a conspiracy to commit the same offense does not create double jeopardy
United States Department of Commerce v. Montana503|442|1992}} formula used for reapportionment
Jacobson v. United States503|540|1992}} entrapment occurs when government creates predisposition to commit offense where it did not exist
Foucha v. Louisiana504|71|1992}} criteria for the continued involuntary commitment of an individual who had been found not guilty by reason of insanity
Riggins v. Nevada504|127|1992}} Forced psychiatric medication during trial violated defendant's rights under Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments
Quill Corp. v. North Dakota504|298|1992}} Requiring out-of-state mail order vendor to collect use tax unconstitutionally burdened interstate commerce
United States v. Thompson-Center Arms Company504|505|1992}} taxation of firearms
Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife504|555|1992}} Standing in a suit to enforce the Endangered Species Act
United States v. Alvarez-Machain504|655|1992}} application of the Ker-Frisbie doctrine
Morgan v. Illinois504|719|1992}} A defendant facing the death penalty may challenge for cause a prospective juror who would automatically vote to impose the death penalty in every case
Georgia v. McCollum505|42|1992}} standard on peremptory challenges from Batson v. Kentucky applied to criminal defendant
Gade v. National Solid Wastes Management Association505|88|1992}} federal preemption of state labor safety laws
Forsyth County, Georgia v. The Nationalist Movement505|123|1992}} 1st Amendment protection and police protection
New York v. United States505|144|1992}} the take title provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 violated the 10th Amendment
Wisconsin Department of Revenue v. William Wrigley, Jr., Co.505|214|1992}} permissible scope of taxation of out-of-state corporations doing business within a particular state.
R. A. V. v. City of St. Paul505|377|1992}} fighting words, hate speech
Lee v. Weisman505|577|1992}} First Amendment, establishment of religion (prayer at high school graduations)
Planned Parenthood v. Casey505|833|1992}} abortion; reaffirming the "core holding" of Roe v. Wade
United States v. Fordice505|717|1992}} segregation of colleges and universities
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council505|1003|1992}} per se rule of takings clause
Soldal v. Cook County506|56|1992}} Fourth Amendment protects property as well as privacy interests, even absent a search or an arrest (e.g. eviction)
Commissioner v. Soliman506|168|1993}} "principal place of business" under the Internal Revenue Code
Nixon v. United States506|224|1993}} judicial impeachment, political question doctrine
Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic506|263|1993}} Civil Rights Act of 1871 could not be used to halt blockades of abortion clinics
Herrera v. Collins506|390|1993}} claim of actual innocence is not grounds for federal habeas corpus relief
Spectrum Sports, Inc. v. McQuillan506|447|1993}} quantum of proof required for a claim of attempted monopolization under § 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act
Shaw v. Reno506|630|1993}} appropriateness of considering race in redistricting
Reno v. Flores507|292|1993}} procedures for detaining juvenile aliens awaiting deportation
Saudi Arabia v. Nelson507|349|1993}} jurisdiction in an action based upon a "commercial activity" under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Cincinnati v. Discovery Network, Inc.507|410|1993}} First Amendment protections against restrictions on distributing handbills
United States Department of Justice v. Landano508|165|1993}} Freedom of Information Act and confidentiality
Mertens v. Hewitt Associates508|248|1993}} Preemption, non-fiduciary liability under ERISA
Wisconsin v. Mitchell508|476|1993}} enhanced sentencing for hate crimes and the First Amendment
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah508|520|1993}} animal cruelty, freedom of religion
Minnesota v. Dickerson508|366|1993}} seizure of contraband during stop & frisk
Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School District508|384|1993}} access by religious groups to public school facilities
South Dakota v. Bourland508|679|1993}} an Indian tribes hunting and fishing rights were terminated on land the Federal government acquired for a reservoir
Sale v. Haitian Centers Council509|155|1993}} illegal immigration
Godinez v. Moran509|389|1993}} competency standard for pleading guilty or waiving the right to counsel

is the same as the competency standard for standing trial

Alexander v. United States509|544|1993}} RICO's forfeiture provision does not violate the First Amendment
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals509|579|1993}} federal judges as gatekeepers for allowing expert witnesses to testify in trials; see also Daubert Standard
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. v. California509|764|1993}} application of Sherman Antitrust Act to foreign companies
Fogerty v. Fantasy510|517|1994}} attorney's fees in copyright litigation
Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.510|569|1994}} copyright, commercial fair use is possible, parody
Oregon Waste Systems, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Quality of Ore.511|93|1994}} Commerce Clause
J.E.B. v. Alabama ex rel. T.B.511|127|1994}} peremptory jury challenges based on sex violate equal protection clause
Central Bank of Denver v. First Interstate Bank of Denver511|164|1994}} private plaintiffs may not maintain an aiding and abetting lawsuit under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Landgraf v. USI Film Products511|244|1994}} retroactive application of statutory amendments effective while cases are pending in court
C&A Carbone, Inc v. Town of Clarkstown511|383|1994}} Dormant Commerce Clause
Waters v. Churchill511|661|1994}} Due process rights of public employees in workplace when alleging violations of First Amendment rights
PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County v. Washington Department of Ecology511|700|1994}} interpretation of §401 of the Clean Water Act
Farmer v. Brennan511|825|1994}} civil liability under the Eighth Amendment for rape of a transgender prison inmate
Dolan v. City of Tigard512|374|1994}} Fifth Amendment takings clause
Turner Broadcasting v. Federal Communications Commission512|622|1994}} upholding must-carry rules against cable television provider's First Amendment challenge
Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet512|687|1994}} school district coinciding with religious community
Madsen v. Women's Health Center, Inc.512|753|1994}} first amendment, restrictions on abortion protests
United Mine Workers of America v. Bagwell512|821|1994}} constitutional limitations on the contempt powers of courts
United States v. Shabani513|10|1994}} elements of criminal conspiracy (i.e., requirement for an overt act)
United States v. X-Citement Video, Inc.513|64|1994}} conviction under federal child pornography laws requires proof that the defendant knew the subjects were minors
Schlup v. Delo513|298|1995}} Standard of proof required for a habeas corpus petition to reopen a case in light of new evidence of innocence
Arizona v. Evans514|1|1995}} Exclusionary rule does not require suppressing evidence obtained through good-faith reliance on a search warrant that contains a clerical error
Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co., Inc.514|159|1995}} color trademarks are appropriate subject matter under the Lanham Act
Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm, Inc.514|211|1995}} separation of powers and finality of judgments
McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission514|334|1995}} anonymous campaign literature under the First Amendment
United States v. Lopez514|549|1995}} interstate commerce, gun-free school zones
U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton514|779|1995}} preventing states from enacting term limits to the US House and Senate
First Options v. Kaplan514|938|1995}} independent judicial review of arbitration clause
Adarand Constructors v. Peña515|200|1995}} constitutionality of race-based set-asides (strict scrutiny test)
Witte v. United States515|389|1995}} using "relevant conduct", as defined by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, at sentencing does not violate double jeopardy principles
Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston515|557|1995}} First Amendment freedom of association as applied to a private parade organizer seeking to exclude a group inconsistent with its stated message
Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc.515|618|1995}} under the commercial speech doctrine of the First Amendment, states may forbid lawyers from directly soliciting personal injury cases for short periods of time after an accident or a disaster
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton515|646|1995}} constitutionality of public school drug testing; Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments
Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board v. Pinnette515|753|1995}} display of religious symbols on government property
Rosenberger v. University of Virginia515|819|1995}} discrimination by state universities against student religious organizations
Miller v. Johnson515|900|1995}} racial gerrymandering
Bailey v. United States516|137|1995}} meaning of "use" in federal statute imposing a five-year prison sentence on anyone who "uses" a firearm during or in relation to a drug crime or a crime of violence
Lotus Dev. Corp. v. Borland Int'l, Inc.516|233|1995}} scope of software copyrights
Behrens v. Pelletier516|299|1996}} appeal over ruling on qualified immunity
Hercules, Inc. v. United States516|417|1996}} liability for producing Agent Orange
Bennis v. Michigan516|442|1996}} held that innocent owner defense is not constitutionally mandated by Fourteenth Amendment Due Process in cases of civil forfeiture
Seminole Tribe v. Florida517|44|1996}} Article I and the 11th Amendment
Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc.517|370|1996}} claim construction of patents
44 Liquormart, Inc. v. State of Rhode Island517|484|1996}} restrictions on commercial speech
BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore517|559|1996}} whether punitive damages are limited by substantive due process; 14th Amendment
Smiley v. Citibank517|735|1996}} Credit card late fees can be considered interest and thus not subject to regulation by states other than those of bank's location when charged by national banks.
Romer v. Evans517|620|1996}} equal protection limitation on forbidding elimination of discrimination on the basis of homosexuality
Jaffee v. Redmond518|1|1996}} federal evidentiary privilege for medical confidentiality
Gasperini v. Center For Humanities, Inc.518|415|1996}} 7th Amendment, modern interpretation of the Erie doctrine
United States v. Virginia518|515|1996}} separate but equal gender discrimination
Ohio v. Robinette519|33|1996}} informing motorists that a traffic stop has ended and the motorist is "free to go" is not required under the Fourth Amendment
Caterpillar, Inc. v. Lewis519|61|1996}} diversity of citizenship must exist at the time of entry of judgment
M.L.B. v. S.L.J.519|102|1996}} states must provide transcripts to poor litigants wishing to appeal adverse parental termination decisions
Old Chief v. United States519|172|1996}} admitting evidence of prior convictions and the danger of "unfair prejudice" under Rule 403 of the Federal Rules of Evidence
Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York519|357|1997}} protesters at abortion clinics
Auer v. Robbins519|452|1997}} FLSA and overtime pay of police officers
Warner-Jenkinson Company, Inc. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co.520|17|1997}} patent law, doctrine of equivalents
Clinton v. Jones520|681|1997}} Executive privilege and immunity
Agostini v. Felton521|203|1997}} reexamination of Establishment Clause jurisprudence as it applies schools
Kansas v. Hendricks521|346|1997}} procedures for involuntary indefinite civil commitment of dangerous persons
City of Boerne v. Flores521|507|1997}} scope of Congressional enforcement power under § 5 of the 14th Amendment
Washington v. Glucksberg521|702|1997}} constitutionality of state law forbidding assisted suicide
Vacco v. Quill521|793|1997}} right to die and assisted suicide
Raines v. Byrd521|811|1997}} line item veto, legal standing; redirects to Clinton v. City of New York
Printz, Sheriff/Coroner, Ravalli County, Montana v. United States521|898|1997}} background checks before purchasing handguns
Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union521|844|1997}} free speech, obscenity, CDA
State Oil Co. v. Khan522|3|1997}} rule of reason applied to vertical maximum price fixing, overturned Albrecht v. Herald Co.
Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government522|520|1998}} native rights over tribal lands
NCUA v. First National Bank & Trust522|479|1998}} intent of Congress w.r.t. the Federal Credit Union Act of 1934
Lexecon Inc. v. Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach523|26|1998}} pretrial procedures in multi-district litigation
Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services523|75|1998}} applicability of sexual harassment laws to same sex harassment
Quality King Distributors Inc., v. L'anza Research International Inc.523|135|1998}} application of first-sale doctrine of U.S. copyright law to reimported goods
Almendarez-Torres v. United States523|224|1998}} prior convictions used to enhance a sentence need not be proved to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt
Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television, Inc.523|340|1998}}Seventh Amendment right to jury trial in a copyright infringement case
Breard v. Greene523|371|1998}} criminal defendant could not raise a defense under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations on federal habeas corpus review
Miller v. Albright523|420|1998}} citizenship of a child born outside the United States to a citizen father and an alien mother
Stewart v. Martinez-Villareal523|637|1998}} proper timing of a claim under Ford v. Wainwright, regarding competency to be executed, in federal habeas proceedings
Kiowa Tribe of Okla. v. Manufacturing Technologies, Inc.523|751|1998}} an Indian tribe is entitled to sovereign immunity to contract lawsuits, whether made on or off the reservation
County of Sacramento v. Lewis523|833|1998}} liability of police under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for causing death during high-speed chases
Federal Election Commission v. Akins524|11|1998}} standing conferred by statute
United States v. Bajakajian524|321|1998}} excessive fines
Swidler & Berlin v. United States524|399|1998}} death of an attorney's client does not terminate the attorney–client privilege
Clinton v. City of New York524|417|1998}} constitutionality of the Line Item Veto
Eastern Enterprises v. Apfel524|498|1998}} Substantive Due Process, Economic Liberties
National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley524|569|1998}} 1st amendment, government funding
Bragdon v. Abbott524|624|1998}} application of the Americans with Disabilities Act to an asymptomatic HIV patient
Marquez v. Screen Actors Guild Inc.525|33|1998}} union shop contracts
Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc.525|55|1998}} on-sale bar of United States patent law
Knowles v. Iowa525|113|1998}} search subsequent to a traffic citation without consent
Department of Commerce et al. v. United States House of Representatives et al.525|316|1999}} Census figures adjusted for undercount based on sampling may not be used for Congressional apportionment
Holloway v. United States526|1|1999}} federal carjacking statute applies to carjacking crimes committed by defendants with the "conditional intent" of harming drivers who resist the highjacker.
Federal Republic of Germany v. United States526|111|1999}} application of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to death penalty cases
Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael526|137|1999}} non-scientists as expert witnesses in federal trials
Minnesota v. Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians526|172|1999}} usufructuary rights of Native Americans on certain lands
Jones v. United States526|227|1999}} subsections of federal carjacking statute define separate crimes subject to Sixth Amendment jury trial requirement
Wyoming v. Houghton526|295|1999}} warrantless search of a passenger's container capable of holding the object of a search for which there is probable cause is not justified under the automobile exception to the Fourth Amendment
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Aguirre-Aguirre526|415|1999}} application of Chevron deference standard to Board of Immigration Appeals actions
Saenz v. Roe526|489|1999}} welfare benefits to new state citizens and the right to travel
Hunt v. Cromartie526|541|1999}} gerrymandering
Chicago v. Morales527|41|1999}} loitering as gang activity
Olmstead v. L.C.527|581|1999}} undue institutionalization of mental patients violates Americans With Disabilities Act
Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Board v. College Savings Bank527|627|1999}} sovereign immunity of the States
College Savings Bank v. Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Board527|666|1999}} sovereign immunity of the States
Alden v. Maine527|706|1999}} sovereign immunity of the States
Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents528|62|2000}} Congress's enforcement powers under the Fourteenth Amendment do not extend to the abrogation of state sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment where the discrimination is rationally based on age
Illinois v. Wardlow528|119|2000}} reasonable suspicion for a Terry stop
Reno v. Condon528|141|2000}} upholding the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 against a Tenth Amendment challenge
Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services, Inc.528|167|2000}} standing, mootness, "voluntary cessation"
Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC528|377|2000}} campaign contributions to state political parties
Rice v. Cayetano528|495|2000}} race-based voting restrictions for state government offices
FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.529|120|2000}} administrative agency power over an area heavily regulated by Congress
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth529|217|2000}} compulsory student fees to support political campus groups; 1st Amendment
Christensen v. Harris County529|576|2000}} county's policy of requiring that employees schedule time off so that they do not accrue time off was not prohibited by the Fair Labor Standards Act
United States v. Morrison529|598|2000}} limits of Congress's power under the commerce clause
United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group529|803|2000}} scrambling of adult material on cable channels; 1st Amendment
United States v. Hubbell530|27|2000}} criminal charges based on subpeonaed documents
Troxel v. Granville530|57|2000}} fundamental rights of parents to raise their children, third-party visitation rights
Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe530|290|2000}} prayer in public schools
Crosby v. National Foreign Trade Council530|363|2000}} federal preemption of state foreign trade regulation
Dickerson v. United States530|428|2000}} legislative abrogation of Miranda right
Apprendi v. New Jersey530|466|2000}} Juries must decide all elements of a crime beyond reasonable doubt
California Democratic Party v. Jones530|567|2000}} freedom of association and political primary elections
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale530|640|2000}} right of free association, homosexuality
Stenberg v. Carhart530|914|2000}} "late term" or "partial birth" abortions
City of Indianapolis v. Edmond531|32|2000}} use of dogs at random traffic stops
Eastern Associated Coal Corp. v. Mine Workers531|57|2000}} public policy considerations do not require courts to refuse to enforce an arbitration award ordering an employer to reinstate an employee truck driver who twice tested positive for marijuana
Bush v. Gore531|98|2000}} vote recounts in presidential election, the only court decision to determine the winner of a presidential election
Brentwood Academy v. Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Ass’n531|288|2001}} expansion of state action to include "public entwinement"
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett531|356|2001}} Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity and Equal Protection in a disability case
Whitman v. American Trucking Associations, Inc.531|457|2001}} determining the scope of the EPA's power to set air quality standards
Semtek International Inc. v. Lockheed Martin Corp.531|497|2001}} res judicata effect of federal judgments in state court
TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.532|23|2001}} trademark protection for patented designs
Ferguson v. City of Charleston532|67|2001}} private hospitals that test pregnant women for drugs without their consent and then turn the results over to the police violate the Fourth Amendment
Egelhoff v. Egelhoff532|141|2001}} preemption of state law by ERISA
Texas v. Cobb532|162|2001}} Sixth Amendment right to counsel is "offense specific," it does not necessarily extend to offenses that are "factually related" to those that have actually been charged
Easley v. Cromartie532|234|2001}} racial discrimination, gerrymandering
Alexander v. Sandoval532|275|2001}} no private right of action for disparate impact under Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Atwater v. City of Lago Vista532|318|2001}}-
C & L Enterprises, Inc. v. Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribe of Okla.532|411|2001}} Tribal sovereign immunity, waiver by contract to arbitration
Cooper Industries v. Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.532|424|2001}} The correct standard of review to use on appeals for excessive punitive damages
Rogers v. Tennessee532|451|2001}} due process, "year and a day rule" in murder cases
United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative532|483|2001}} necessity defense under the Controlled Substances Act for medical use of marijuana
Bartnicki v. Vopper532|514|2001}} First Amendment and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin532|661|2001}} the Americans with Disabilities Act allows reasonable accommodations of handicaps in professional golf
Kyllo v. United States533|27|2001}} defining 'search' under the 4th Amendment with respect to heat sensors
Good News Club v. Milford Central School533|98|2001}} free speech, establishment clause
Saucier v. Katz533|194|2001}} qualified immunity of a police officer to a civil rights case brought through a Bivens action
United States v. Mead Corp.533|218|2001}} Court declines to extend Chevron doctrine to U.S. Customs Service decisions
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. St. Cyr533|289|2001}} The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, and their effect on habeas corpus petitions
New York Times Co. v. Tasini533|483|2001}} copyright in databases
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island533|606|2001}} Fifth Amendment takings clause
Correctional Services Corp. v. Malesko534|61|2001}} civil rights lawsuits against privately run prisons
Chickasaw Nation v. United States534|84|2001}} Indian tribes are liable for Federal taxes on gambling revenue
United States v. Knights534|112|2001}} warrantless searches of probationers
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams534|184|2002}} meaning of the phrase "substantially impairs" under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Kansas v. Crane534|407|2002}} as-applied challenge to Kansas' involuntary indefinite civil commitment of dangerous persons, different result from Kansas v. Hendricks
Owasso Independent School District v. Falvo534|426|2001}} peer grading does not violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition535|234|2002}} First Amendment protection for simulated child pornography
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency535|302|2002}} substantive due process, takings clause
City of Los Angeles v. Alameda Books535|425|2002}} zoning of adult bookstores
Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co.535|722|2002}} prosecution history estoppel
McKune v. Lile536|24|2002}} mandatory treatment for imprisoned sex offenders does not violate the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination
Watchtower Society v. Village of Stratton536|150|2002}} door-to-door religious advocacy and the First Amendment
Gonzaga University v. Doe536|273|2002}} Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act does not create a right which is enforceable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Atkins v. Virginia536|304|2002}} imposing the death penalty on the mentally retarded; overruling Penry v. Lynaugh
Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran536|355|2002}} no preemption of Illinois insurance statute under ERISA
Utah v. Evans536|452|2002}} use of statistical sampling in the decennial census
Harris v. United States536|545|2002}}18|924}}
Ring v. Arizona536|584|2002}} Sixth Amendment requires that aggravating factors necessary for eligibility for a death sentence must be found by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt; overruling Walton v. Arizona in part
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris536|639|2002}} constitutionality of school voucher program
Hope v. Pelzer536|730|2002}} use of the hitching post in prisons is prohibited by the Eighth Amendment
Republican Party of Minnesota v. White536|765|2002}} election of state judges, freedom of speech
Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls536|822|2002}} constitutionality of drug testing of high school students who participate in competitive interscholastic activities
Sattazahn v. Pennsylvania537|101|2003}} the Double Jeopardy Clause does not forbid seeking the death penalty after an acquittal on first-degree murder charges
Barnhart v. Peabody Coal Co.537|149|2003}} Social Security benefit assignment for coal industry workers
Eldred v. Ashcroft537|186|2003}} extending the duration of the term of copyright under U.S. law
Scheidler v. National Organization for Women537|393|2003}} applying RICO to activities of abortion clinic protesters
Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc.537|418|2003}} claims of trademark dilution require proof of actual dilution
United States v. White Mountain Apache Tribe537|465|2003}} the Federal government has a duty to maintain land held in trust for an Indian tribe
United States v. Navajo Nation537|488|2003}} compensation for modification a lease of mining rights to land on an Indian reservation
Connecticut Dept. of Public Safety v. Doe538|1|2003}} holding that Connecticut's sex offender registration statute did not violate due process clause
Ewing v. California538|11|2003}} California's Three strikes law is not cruel and unusual punishment
Lockyer v. Andrade538|63|2003}} California's Three strikes law is not cruel and unusual punishment
Smith v. Doe538|84|2003}} retroactive application of sex offender registry program is not an ex post facto law
Virginia v. Black538|343|2003}} constitutionality of laws forbidding cross burning for purposes of intimidation
State Farm v. Campbell538|408|2003}} due process limits on punitive damages
Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs538|721|2003}} Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 validly abrogated state sovereign immunity
Dastar Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.539|23|2003}} "reverse passing off" and trademark cannot extend rights to previously copyrighted works now in the public domain
Entergy Louisiana, Inc. v. Louisiana Public Service Commission539|39|2003}} federal preemption of FERC-approved tariff over state agency order
Sell v. United States539|166|2003}} Forced psychiatric medication by lower federal courts is permissible under some circumstances
United States v. American Library Association539|194|2003}} Congressional requirement that libraries install web-filtering software held not to violate First Amendment
Gratz v. Bollinger539|244|2003}} racial discrimination, affirmative action, equal protection
Grutter v. Bollinger539|306|2003}} racial discrimination, affirmative action, equal protection
American Insurance Association v. Garamendi539|396|2003}} California state insurance statute struck down for interfering with Presidential foreign policy
Wiggins v. Smith539|510|2003}} ineffective assistance of counsel at sentencing
Lawrence v. Texas539|558|2003}} finding laws restricting sodomy between consenting adults unconstitutional; overruling Bowers v. Hardwick
McConnell v. FEC540|93|2003}} First Amendment; political speech
Verizon Communications v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko, LLP540|398|2004}} the Sherman Antitrust Act and requirements of telecommunications companies under the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Illinois v. Lidster540|419|2004}} accident investigation checkpoints do not violate the Fourth Amendment
Fellers v. United States540|519|2004}} once judicial proceedings have been initiated against a defendant, police officers cannot elicit information from the defendant without the defendant's counsel present
Doe v. Chao540|614|2004}} governmental violation of privacy rights
Locke v. Davey540|712|2004}} a religion clauses case upholding a Washington state scholarship program which excluded funding devotional studies.
Crawford v. Washington541|36|2004}} prior testimony exception to hearsay in criminal trials, Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses; abrogating Ohio v. Roberts
National Archives and Records Administration v. Favish541|157|2004}} availability of death-scene images under the Freedom of Information Act over the objection of family members; investigation into the suicide of Vince Foster
United States v. Flores-Montano541|149|2004}} reasonableness of removing a gas tank from a vehicle crossing the border under the Fourth Amendment
Vieth v. Jubelirer541|267|2004}} justiciability of suit to enjoin gerrymandering
Tennessee v. Lane541|509|2004}} Congress's power under the 14th amendment, section 5; Americans With Disabilities Act
Nelson v. Campbell541|637|2004}} challenging lethal injection protocols under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Republic of Austria v. Altmann541|677|2004}} retroactive application of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Central Laborers' Pension Fund v. Heinz541|739|2004}} an ambiguity in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen541|752|2004}} Presidential foreign affairs and foreign trade actions
Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow542|1|2004}} validity of “under God” in Pledge of Allegiance; standing to bring suit on another’s behalf
United States v. Dominguez Benitez542|74|2004}} appellate review standard for violations of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure governing the taking of guilty pleas
Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada542|177|2004}} constitutionality of state law requiring citizens to identify themselves to police
Aetna Health Inc. v. Davila542|200|2004}} ERISA's effect on federal jurisdiction of cases involving utilization review
Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.542|241|2004}} foreign tribunals
Blakely v. Washington542|296|2004}} jury must find all elements of a criminal sentence beyond a reasonable doubt
Schriro v. Summerlin542|348|2004}} retroactively applying the rule set in Ring v. Arizona that a jury must find the aggravating factors in a capital murder case
Rumsfeld v. Padilla542|426|2004}} detention of American citizens
Rasul v. Bush542|466|2004}} jurisdiction over foreign nationals detained in Guantanamo Bay
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld542|507|2004}} detention of American citizens
Missouri v. Seibert542|600|2004}} Missouri's practice of interrogating suspects without reading them a Miranda warning, then reading them the warning and asking them to repeat their confession is unconstitutional
Leocal v. Ashcroft543|1|2004}} DUI is not a "crime of violence" requiring deportation of an alien
Koons Buick, Inc. v. Nigh543|50|2004}} Truth in Lending Act imposes a $1000 limit on statutory damages for violations of the Act involving personal-property loans.
KP Permanent Make-Up, Inc. v. Lasting Impression I, Inc.543|111|2004}} fair use defense to a trademark infringement action does not require proof that there is no likelihood of confusing the marks
United States v. Booker543|220|2005}} applying Blakely v. Washington to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Clark v. Martinez543|371|2005}} detention of aliens awaiting deportation
Illinois v. Caballes543|405|2005}} 4th Amendment search and seizure
Commissioner v. Banks543|426|2005}} Whether or not the portion of a money judgment or settlement paid to a taxpayer's attorney under a contingent-fee agreement is income to the taxpayer for federal income tax purposes.
Johnson v. California543|499|2005}} proper standard for reviewing constitutional race-discrimination claim in sorting prison inmates
Roper v. Simmons543|551|2005}} imposing the death penalty on juvenile murderers; overruling Stanford v. Kentucky
Cherokee Nation of Okla. v. Leavitt543|631|2005}} a Federal contract with an Indian tribe is binding, even if Congress did not appropriate funds
Tenet v. Doe544|1|2005}} enforceability of contracts between the government and spies (undercover CIA agents)
Shepard v. United States544|13|2005}} proving prior convictions obtained through guilty pleas under Taylor v. United States
City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation of N. Y.544|197|2005}} the repurchase of tribal land by an Indian tribe does not restore tribal sovereignty to the land
Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Saudi Basic Industries Corp.544|280|2005}} state court decisions and the application of the Rooker-Feldman doctrine
Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo544|336|2005}} standard for pleading loss causation in a securities fraud claim
Small v. United States544|385|2005}} resolution of split appeals court decisions on inclusion of foreign courts in the term "any court"
Granholm v. Heald544|460|2005}} interstate shipment of wine under the Dormant Commerce Clause
Deck v. Missouri544|622|2005}} shackling a defendant during the penalty phase of a capital murder trial
Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States544|696|2005}} legality of document destruction in the face of likely government investigation
Cutter v. Wilkinson544|709|2005}} religious freedom for prison inmates
Tory v. Cochran544|734|2005}} defamation, enjoinment of speech; continuity of injunction after death
Gonzales v. Raich545|1|2005}} legitimacy of using marijuana as a medicine, and power of the federal government to regulate intrastate activities
Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd.545|119|2005}} applicability of the Americans with Disabilities Act to foreign-held companies
Merck KGaA v. Integra Lifesciences I, Ltd.545|193|2005}} applicability of patents in preclinical studies
Wilkinson v. Austin545|209|2005}} due process requirements for placing prisoners in Supermax prisons
Miller-El v. Dretke545|231|2005}} clarification of Batson v. Kentucky standard for peremptory challenges
Kelo v. City of New London545|469|2005}} eminent domain; takings of private property for private development
Van Orden v. Perry545|677|2005}} legality of a Ten Commandments display
Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales545|748|2005}} liability of police departments under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for failing to respond to domestic violence calls
McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky545|844|2005}} constitutionality of a Ten Commandments display; potential reformulation of the Lemon test
MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.545|913|2005}} Copyright infringement in P2P file-sharing; re-examination of Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios
National Cable and Telecomm. Assn v. Brand X Internet Services545|967|2005}} allowing small internet service providers to lease bandwidth from privately owned coaxial cable lines


External links

  • [https://www.c-span.org/video/?26799-1/turning-right-rehnquist-supreme-court Booknotes interview with David Savage on Turning Right: The Making of the Rehnquist Supreme Court, June 28, 1992.]
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