

词条 Renunciation of citizenship

  1. Historic practices

  2. In modern law

  3. Renunciation law in specific countries

     Nigeria  Singapore  United States  Overview  Certificate of Loss of Nationality  Statelessness  Renunciation fee  Taxation 

  4. References

Renunciation is the voluntary act of relinquishing one's citizenship or nationality. It is the opposite of naturalization–whereby a person voluntarily acquires a citizenship, and is distinct from denaturalization–where the loss of citizenship is forced by a state.

Historic practices

The common law doctrine of perpetual allegiance denied an individual the right to renounce obligations to his sovereign. The bonds of subjecthood were conceived in principle to be both singular and immutable. These practices held on in varying ways until the late 19th century.[1][2]

The refusal of many states to recognize expatriation became problematic for the United States, which had a large immigrant population. The War of 1812 was caused partly by Britain's impressment of U.S. citizens born in the UK into the British Royal Navy. Immigrants to the U.S. were sometimes held to the obligations of their foreign citizenship when they visited their home countries. In response, the U.S. government passed the Expatriation Act of 1868 and concluded various treaties, the Bancroft Treaties, recognizing the right to renounce one's citizenship.[3][4]

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights lists both the right to leave any country, including one's own (Article 13(2)) and the right to change one's nationality (Article 15(2)), which implicitly recognizes the right to renounce citizenship.{{citation needed|date = July 2015}}

In modern law

Renunciation of citizenship is particularly relevant in cases of multiple citizenship, given that additional citizenships may be acquired automatically and may be undesirable. Many countries have pragmatic policies that recognize the often arbitrary nature of citizenship claims of other countries and negative consequences, such as loss of security clearance, can mostly be expected only for actively exercising foreign citizenship, for instance by obtaining a foreign passport. People from some countries renounce their citizenship to avoid compulsory military service. However, some people may wish to be free even of the purely theoretical obligations and appearance of dual loyalty that another citizenship implies. Even in countries that allow dual citizenship, such as Australia, Jamaica and Pakistan, electoral laws demand that politicians not be under an obligation of allegiance to any foreign country, and so when politicians have been found to be violating such laws, they stepped down and renounced their other citizenships in response to the public controversy.[5][6][7] Another example may be political refugees who would wish to renounce allegiance to the country from which they escaped. {{citation needed|date=May 2012}}

Renunciation law in specific countries

Each country sets its own policies for formal renunciation of citizenship. There is a common concern that individuals about to relinquish their citizenship do not become a stateless person and many countries require evidence of another citizenship or an official promise to grant citizenship before they release that person from citizenship. Some countries may not allow or do not recognize renunciation of citizenship or establish administrative procedures that are essentially impossible to complete.{{For example?|date=December 2018}}

Mexico requires renunciation of all other citizenships as a condition of naturalization.[8]

Israel allows dual citizenship upon naturalization through the Law of Return, but Knesset (Israeli parliament) members are required to renounce all foreign citizenships.[9][10]

Renunciation of citizenship is most straightforward in those countries which recognize and strictly enforce a single citizenship. Thus, voluntary naturalization in another country is considered as "giving up" of one's previous citizenship or implicit renunciation. For practical reasons, such an automatic renunciation cannot officially take place until the authorities of the original country are informed about the naturalization. In Japan, a formal report is required from the renouncing person to be submitted at an embassy. Germany actively investigates whether its citizens living abroad have naturalized there when they apply for a passport; for instance in Canada, German passport applicants have to submit a search of citizenship record.[11] Canada and Australia are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and renunciation is possible only if it will not result in statelessness.[12][13] Applications for renunciation of citizenship need to be submitted in those countries with a waiting time of several months until approval.


The right to renounce Nigerian citizenship is established in § 29 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, which states that "any citizen of Nigeria of full age who wishes to renounce his/her Nigerian citizenship shall make a declaration in the prescribed manner for the renunciation", which the government is obliged to register except when Nigeria is physically involved in a war or when the President of Nigeria is of the opinion that the renunciation is contrary to public policy. Under § 29(4)(a), a person of either gender becomes "of full age" at eighteen years, while under § 29(4)(b) a girl younger than that is still deemed to be "of full age" if she is married.[14]

In 2013, the Senate of Nigeria proposed a constitutional amendment to delete § 29(4)(b), which would have the effect that girls could only renounce Nigerian citizenship at the age of eighteen or older regardless of their marital status; the amendment passed by a vote of 75–14, two votes greater than the two-thirds supermajority required for the passage of constitutional amendments. However, after the vote, a point of order was raised against the amendment by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Ahmad Sani Yerima (ANPP-Zamfara), who stated that Schedule 2 of the Constitution prohibited the National Assembly of Nigeria from legislating on any matters relating to customary or Islamic law.[15] Some sources suggested that the amendment would have the effect of outlawing child marriage, a matter of personal concern to Yerima due to his 2009 marriage to an Egyptian girl then only 13 years old. Senate President David Mark was initially disinclined to permit a second vote on the matter, but relented after an argument. Yerima's arguments were sufficient to convince enough erstwhile supporters and non-voters to oppose the amendment; with a vote of 60–35, it was deprived of its supermajority and failed to pass.[16][17]


Citizens of Singapore can only renounce Singaporean citizenship if they have acquired citizenship of another country. At the time of renunciation, renunciants must submit their Singaporean passports and National Registration Identity Cards for cancellation.[18] Male Singaporeans generally cannot renounce citizenship until completing military service, though there are exceptions for those who emigrated at a young age (generally those who were not educated in Singapore).[19] In 2012, a Hong Kong-born man who had acquired Singaporean citizenship by registration while a minor filed a lawsuit regarding this requirement.[20]

About 1,200 Singaporean citizens renounce their citizenship every year, a quarter of them naturalised citizens. Singapore does not permit multiple citizenship for adults.[21] The total number of renunciants from 2001 to 2011 was roughly 10,900. Of these, roughly half were Chinese Singaporeans (who comprise about three-quarters of the population), while the rest were of other ethnicities such as Malay or Indians (who comprise about one-quarter of the population).[22]

United States

{{main|Relinquishment of United States nationality}}{{see also|List of former United States citizens who relinquished their nationality}}


Although renunciation may be the most commonly used term when referring to loss of U.S. nationality, renunciation is only one of the seven expatriating acts that may be performed voluntarily and with the intent to relinquish U.S. nationality stated in Section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ({{usc|8|1481}}).[23]

United States law requires that an individual appear in person before a consular officer at a U.S. embassy or consulate outside the United States and sign an oath or affirmation that the individual intends to renounce U.S. citizenship. Exceptions to this rule are permitted in times of war and under special circumstances.[24][25] During the expatriation procedure, the individual must complete several documents and demonstrate in an interview with a consular officer that the renunciation is voluntary and intentional. Depending on the embassy or consulate, the individual is often required to appear in person two times and conduct two separate interviews with consular officers over the course of several months.[26]

There were 235 renunciants in 2008,[27] between 731 and 743 in 2009, and about 1485 in 2010;[28][29] In 2011, there were 1781 renunciants.[30] A total of 2,999 Americans renounced their citizenship in 2012-2013;[30] in 2014, 3415 have renounced their USA citizenship or long term residency.[31] The State Department estimates 5986 renunciants and 559 relinquishers during FY2015.[32]

Since 1998, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has also maintained its own list of people who have renounced citizenship under {{USCSub|8|1481|a|5}}. This is one of the categories of people who are prohibited from purchasing firearms under the Gun Control Act of 1968, and whose names must be entered in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993.[33][34] The names are not made public, but each month the FBI issues a report on the number of entries added in each category. NICS covers a different population than the Federal Register expatriate list: the former includes only those who renounce U.S. citizenship, while the latter should include those who voluntarily lose citizenship by any means, and possibly certain former permanent residents as well.[35][36]

In fiscal year 2015, the State Department estimated there were 5,986 applications for renunciation of nationality, and forecast an additional 559 citizenship relinquishments. The discrepancy between this total of 6,545 compared to the 4,279 announced by the Treasury Department is speculated to be at least partly due to different counting of long-term green card holders, but no department of the government has released an official explanation.[37]

In 2016, the Treasury Department published 1,151 names of people who expatriated in Q1 FY2016.[38] For all of the year 2016, the published number of renunciants was 5,411, a 26% increase from 4,279 in 2015—a record high.[39]

A summary of the difference between the NICS database of renunciants and the Federal Register of the mentioned renunciants and relinquishers of long-term residence status is summarized below.[40]

Year NICS Federal Register
2011 6581,819
2012 4,3851,247
2013 3,1282,414
2014 8,7812,984
2015* 13,1105,986

Certificate of Loss of Nationality

Formal confirmation of the loss of U.S. citizenship is provided by the Certificate of Loss of Nationality (CLN) and is received by the renunciant a number of months later.

As recently as November 2014, individuals renouncing US citizenship waited up to 6 months for the official certificate of renunciation, while many renunciants, particularly those who renounced in consulates not located in the most common European cities such as London and Zurich, were never provided with a CLN and were told that the statement signed at the oath of renunciation is the only form given. Unofficial statements by the US State Department ascribe the problems to the fact that before 2010, the system was not efficiently designed and consular officers often improvised their own procedures based on the rough guidelines in their instructions. Since the passage of FATCA, the large increase in renunciations led the Department of State to re-organize the process so it is clear and follows the same steps in all consulates, although as of 2016, a backlog of several months still exists in many consulates.[41]


Although many countries require citizenship of another nation before allowing renunciation, the United States does not, and an individual may legally renounce U.S. citizenship and become stateless. Nonetheless, the United States Department of State warns renunciants that, unless they already possess a foreign nationality or are assured of acquiring another nationality shortly after completing their renunciation, they would become stateless and without the protection of any government.[42][43]

In one case, Vincent Cate, an encryption expert living in Anguilla, chose to renounce his US citizenship to avoid the possibility of violating US laws that may have prohibited US citizens from "exporting" encryption software.[44]

Renunciation fee

Renunciation of U.S. citizenship was free until July 2010, at which time a fee of $450 was established.[45] An increase to $2,350, effective September 12, 2014, was justified as "reflective of the true cost" of processing.[46][47] This followed a fee increase of approximately 220% in 2013.[48] The increase took effect in January 2015.{{citation needed|reason=This statement is not supported by following citation -- January 2015 appears nowhere -- and it contradicts a previous sentence in this paragraph about it being effective Sept 2014|date=June 2017}}[49]

On October 26, 2015 Forbes reported that during 2014, American dual citizens in Canada who were trying to renounce their U.S. citizenship created a backlog at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto.[50]


People giving up U.S. citizenship may be subject to an expatriation tax. Originally, under the Foreign Investors Tax Act of 1966, people determined to be giving up citizenship for the purpose of avoiding U.S. taxation were subject to 10 years of continued taxation on their U.S.-source income, to prevent ex-citizens from taking advantage of special tax incentives offered to foreigners investing in the United States.[51]

In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act included various changes to the tax treatment of people who give up U.S. citizenship. First, it defined concrete criteria to determine whether an ex-citizen or ex-permanent resident was a "covered expatriate" presumed to have given up U.S. status for tax reasons, based on the person's income and assets, or inability to certify compliance with their tax filing and payment obligations for the past five years ({{USCSub|26|877|a|2}}). Second, it required the Department of the Treasury to "name and shame" people who give up U.S. citizenship by listing their names in the Quarterly Publication of Individuals Who Have Chosen to Expatriate in the Federal Register ({{USCSub|26|6039G|d}}.[52] The list does not appear to contain the names of all people who give up U.S. citizenship. though tax lawyers disagree whether that is because the list is only required to contain "covered expatriates", or due to bureaucratic errors or other reasons. Names of those renouncing in the last months of the year will mostly appear on the list before they have filed IRS form 8854 establishing covered or non-covered status, so it does not seem possible that the list is only required to contain covered expatriates. [53][54][55][56]

Additionally, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 included a provision, the Reed Amendment ({{USCSub|8|1182|a|10|E}}), to bar entry to any individual "who officially renounces United States citizenship and who is determined by the Attorney General to have renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation by the United States". However, former IRS lawyers, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, have indicated that the provision is unenforceable because there is no authority for the IRS to share tax return information to enforce it.[57][58] DHS stated that they can only enforce the Reed Amendment when former U.S. citizens "affirmatively admit to renouncing their U.S. citizenship for the purpose of avoiding U.S. taxation", and between 2002 and 2015 they denied entry to only two former U.S. citizens on the basis of the amendment.[58]

In 2008, Congress enacted the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Act, which changed the expatriation tax to a one-time mark-to-market worldwide capital gains tax rather than ten years of taxation on U.S.-source income.[59] Effective June 2008, U.S. citizens who renounce their citizenship are subject under certain circumstances to an expatriation tax, which is meant to extract, from the expatriate, taxes that would have been paid had he or she remained a citizen. All property of a covered expatriate is deemed sold for its fair market value on the day before the expatriation date, which usually results in a capital gain, which is taxable income.[60] Eduardo Saverin, a Brazilian-born co-founder of Facebook, renounced his U.S. citizenship just before the company's expected initial public offering. The timing prompted media speculation that the act was motivated by potential U.S. tax obligations.[61]

Since the enactment of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) of 2010, the numbers of people renouncing US citizenship have broken new records each year, increasing from a few hundred per year before FATCA to 5,411 in 2016. In the first two quarters of 2017 alone, 3,072 people renounced, which exceeds the full year total for 2013.[62][63][64] In 2016, there were about 18 times more renunciations than in 2008, and the 2017 quarter 2 total (1,759) is more than 76 times that of quarter 2 in 2008 (23).[65][66] Renunciants have reported that they feel forced to renounce under duress caused by FATCA but are prevented from saying this when renouncing.[67]{{failed verification|date=August 2017|reason=Could not verify "are prevented from saying this when renouncing."}}[68]{{verify source|date=August 2017}}

{{See also| Taxation of United States persons|Taxation of non resident Americans}}


1. ^{{cite journal|url=http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/alumni/uvalawyer/sp05/martin_lecture.htm|first=David A.|last=Martin|title=Dual Nationality: TR's 'Self-Evident Absurdity'|journal=UVA Lawyer|date=Spring 2005|accessdate=2012-06-12}}
2. ^{{cite journal|url=http://history.uark.edu/OHR2011.pdf|first=Daniel|last=Rice|title=The 'Uniform Rule' and its exceptions: a history of Congressional naturalization legislation|journal=Ozark Historical Review|volume=40|year=2011|accessdate=2012-06-11|ref=harv|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130305175501/http://history.uark.edu/OHR2011.pdf|archivedate=2013-03-05|df=}}
3. ^{{cite book| title=Citizenship today: global perspectives and practices|author=Thomas Alexander Aleinikoff, Douglas B. Klusmeyer|publisher=Books.google.com|year=2001|isbn=978-0-87003-184-7|page=70|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=iVnb-HA3K6sC&pg=PA70}}
4. ^{{cite book|first=I-Mien|last=Tsiang|title=The question of expatriation in America prior to 1907|publisher=Johns Hopkins Press|year=1942|oclc=719352|ref=harv}}
5. ^{{cite news|url=http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/greens-senator-larissa-waters-resignation-triggers-wave-of-mps-declaring-australian-allegiance-20170718-gxdhzv.html|first=Amy|last=Remeikis|title=Greens senator Larissa Waters' resignation triggers wave of MPs declaring Australian allegiance|work=The Sydney Morning Hearald|date=2017-07-19|accessdate=2017-07-19}}
6. ^{{cite news|url=http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/malik-suspended-from-senate-over-dual-nationality/article3490046.ece|first=Anita|last=Joshua|title=Malik suspended from Senate over dual nationality|work=The Hindu|date=2012-06-04|accessdate=2013-06-30}}
7. ^{{cite news|url=http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/JLP-PNP-dual-citizenship-deal_7812572|first=Paul|last=Henry|title=JLP–PNP dual citizenship deal|work=Jamaica Observer|date=2010-07-20|accessdate=2013-06-30}}
8. ^{{cite book|title=From migrants to citizens: membership in a changing world|author=Douglas B. Klusmeyer, Thomas Alexander Aleinikoff|page=19|isbn=978-0-87003-159-5|year=2000}}
9. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.649065|title=Five new MKs must give up foreign citizenship|publisher=Haaretz|year=2015|accessdate=2015-03-27}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=7193|title=Knesset tells dual-citizen MKs to ditch their foreign passports|publisher=Israel HaYom|year=2013|accessdate=2015-03-27}}
11. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.ottawa.diplo.de/Vertretung/ottawa/en/04/passports/UB_20passports.html |title=Embassy and Consulates General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada - Home |publisher=Ottawa.diplo.de |date= |accessdate=2015-09-07}}
12. ^  {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061209175238/http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/guides/CIT0302ETOC.html |date=December 9, 2006 }}
13. ^  {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070110223023/http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/128.pdf |date=January 10, 2007 }}
14. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=179202|title=Constitution of the Republic of Nigeria|publisher=World Intellectual Property Organization|year=1999|accessdate=2013-07-18}}
15. ^{{cite news|url=http://nigeriapoliticsonline.com/david-mark-ahmed-yerima-exchange-hot-words-over-marriage-age/|title=David Mark, Ahmed Yerima exchange hot words over marriage age|work=Nigerian Politics Online|date=2013-07-17|accessdate=2013-07-18}}
16. ^{{cite news|url=http://premiumtimesng.com/news/141117-yerima-makes-senate-back-underage-marriage-as-lawmakers-oppose-local-government-autonomy.html|first=Ini|last=Ekott|title=Yerima makes Senate back underage marriage, as lawmakers oppose local government autonomy|work=Premium Times|date=2013-07-17|accessdate=2013-07-18}}
17. ^{{cite news|url=http://dailyindependentnig.com/2013/07/senate-votes-against-direct-funding-to-lgs-6-year-tenure/|first=Celestine|last=Okafor|title=Senate votes against direct funding to LGs, 6-year tenure|work=Daily Independent|date=2013-07-17|accessdate=2013-07-18}}
18. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.mfa.gov.sg/sanfrancisco/SGrenounce.html|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20100502084643/http://www.mfa.gov.sg/sanfrancisco/SGrenounce.html|title=Items to note for renunciation|publisher=Singapore Consulate-General in San Francisco|date=2007-10-01|accessdate=2012-05-18|archivedate=2010-05-02 }}
19. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.mindef.gov.sg/imindef/news_and_events/nr/2006/jan/16jan06_nr.html|title=Ministerial Statement on National Service Defaulters by Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean|publisher=Singapore Ministry of Defence|date=2006-01-16|accessdate=2012-05-12}}
20. ^{{cite news|url=http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/archive/hong-kong-born-teen-trying-to-give-up-singapore-citizenship/|first=K. C.|last=Vijayan|title=Hong Kong-Born Teen Trying to Give Up Singapore Citizenship|work=Jakarta Globe|date=2012-01-18|accessdate=2012-05-18}}
21. ^{{cite news|url=http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/2/29/asia/10821784&sec=asia|archive-url=https://archive.is/20120717234352/http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/2/29/asia/10821784&sec=asia|dead-url=yes|archive-date=2012-07-17|title=1,200 renounce their citizenship every year|work=The Star|date=2012-02-29|accessdate=2012-05-18}}
22. ^{{cite web|url=http://app4.mha.gov.sg/news_details.aspx?nid=MjcyNg==-jg0ohVz0UMM=|title=Written Reply to Parliamentary Questions on Renuniciation of Singapore Citizenship|publisher=Ministry of Home Affairs|date=2012-11-12|accessdate=2012-11-12}}
23. ^{{cite web|last1=Loughran|first1=Robert F.|title=Relinquishment of U.S. citizenship; replaced with existing alternate nationality(ies)|url=http://www.fosterglobal.com/relinquishment-of-u-s-citizenship-replaced-with-existing-alternate-nationalityies/|website=Foster LLP|publisher=Foster LLP|accessdate=17 April 2017}}
24. ^{{cite web|url=https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal-considerations/us-citizenship-laws-policies/renunciation-of-citizenship.html]|title=from the [[United States State Department]|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
25. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/8/1481.html |title=8 U.S. Code § 1481 - Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions | US Law |publisher=LII / Legal Information Institute (law.cornell.edu) |date= |accessdate=2015-09-07}}
26. ^{{cite web |url=http://renunciationguide.com/Renunciation-Process-Step-By-Step.html |title=Renunciation Process Step-by-Step |publisher=Renunciationguide.com |date= |accessdate=2012-05-11}}
27. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-09/americans-giving-up-passports-jump-sixfold-as-tougher-rules-loom.html|title=Bloomberg - Are you a robot?|website=www.bloomberg.com|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
28. ^[https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/26/us/26expat.html?_r=1 "More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship"], The New York Times, April 25, 2010.
29. ^Data on Renunciations of U.S. Citizenship: A Web Guide Data on renunciations, including analysis of the errors in the Federal Register lists.
30. ^{{cite news |last=Wood |first=Robert |url= https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2014/02/06/americans-renouncing-citizenship-up-221-all-aboard-the-fatca-express/ |title=Americans Renouncing Citizenship Up 221%, All Aboard The FATCA Express |publisher=Forbes |date=2014-02-06 |accessdate=2015-09-07}}
31. ^{{cite news |last=Saunders |first=Laura |url=https://www.wsj.com/articles/record-number-gave-up-u-s-citizenship-or-long-term-residency-1423582726 |title=Record Number Gave Up U.S. Citizenship or Long-Term Residency |publisher=WSJ |date=2015-02-10 |accessdate=2015-09-07}}
32. ^{{cite web |title=Documentation for Loss of Nationality |work=Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates-Passport and Citizenship Services Fee Changes |publisher=Office of the Federal Register |location=United States |date=2015-09-08 |url= https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/09/08/2015-22054/schedule-of-fees-for-consular-services-department-of-state-and-overseas-embassies-and#h-15 |accessdate=2016-03-24 |quote="The existing fee definition covers a projected 5,986 applicants renouncing their U.S. nationality in FY 2015. This rule expands the definition of the fee to cover an additional projected 559 applicants who will relinquish their nationality in FY 2015. The total volume of applicants paying this fee is projected to be 6,545, if in effect for all of FY 2015."}}
33. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/nics/general-information/fact-sheet |title=National Instant Criminal Background Check System: Fact Sheet |publisher=Federal Bureau of Investigation|accessdate=2013-03-29}}
34. ^{{cite journal |url=http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-1997-06-27/html/97-16900.htm |author=John W. Magaw |authorlink=John Magaw |title=Definitions for the Categories of Persons Prohibited From Receiving Firearms (95R-051P) |work=Federal Register |volume=62 |number=124 |pages=34634–34640 |date=1997-06-27 |accessdate=2013-08-13}}
35. ^{{cite web|title=Giving Up US Citizenship: Is it right for you?|url=http://www.usvisalawyers.co.uk/article14.html|website=Gudeon & McFadden|accessdate=19 July 2016}}
36. ^{{cite news |url=http://globalnews.ca/news/1142010/did-exactly-3000-lose-u-s-citizenship-in-2013-maybe-but-data-is-suspect/ |first=Patrick |last=Cain |title=U.S. list of ex-citizens full of errors, duplication |work=Global News |date=2014-02-12 |accessdate=2014-02-13}}
37. ^{{citation |url=https://blogs.wsj.com/expat/2015/09/16/is-the-irs-undercounting-americans-renouncing-u-s-citizenship/ |title=Is the IRS Undercounting Americans Renouncing U.S. Citizenship? |newspaper=The Wall Street Journal |date=16 September 2015}}
38. ^{{citation |url=https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-05-05/pdf/2016-10578.pdf |title=Quarterly Publication of Individuals, Who Have Chosen To Expatriate, as Required by Section 603 |newspaper=Federal Register |date=5 May 2016}}
39. ^{{cite news |last=Samuelson |first=Kate |title=Americans Renouncing Their Citizenship Is at a Record High |publisher=Fortune |date=2017-02-10 |url= http://fortune.com/2017/02/10/americans-renounce-citizenship/ |accessdate=2017-02-11}}
40. ^{{cite web|url=http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/2015/08/04/fbi-nics-data-disproves-wsj-claim-that-us-citizenship-renunciations-are-leveling-off/|title=FBI NICS data disproves WSJ claim that U.S. citizenship renunciations are "leveling off"|date=4 August 2015|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
41. ^{{cite web |url=http://renunciationguide.com/Renunciation-Process-Step-By-Step.html |title=Renunciation Process Step-by-Step |publisher=Renunciationguide.com |date= |accessdate=2016-07-10}}
42. ^{{cite web |url=https://travel.state.gov/law/citizenship/citizenship_776.html |title=U.S. State Department warnings to potential renunciants |publisher=Travel.state.gov |date= |accessdate=2012-05-11 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130420135022/http://travel.state.gov/law/citizenship/citizenship_776.html |archivedate=2013-04-20 |df= }}
43. ^{{cite web |url=http://glr.com/cln |title=Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States (Stateless) |publisher=glr.com}}
44. ^Peter Wayner, "Encryption Expert Says U.S. Laws Led to Renouncing of Citizenship", The New York Times Sunday, September 6, 1998
45. ^{{cite news |url=https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128414887 |title=Passport Fees Scheduled To Increase |publisher=NPR.org |date=July 9, 2010}}
46. ^{{cite web|title=Fees for Consular Services to Change on September 12, 2014|url=https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/231128.htm|website=U.S. Department of State|accessdate=September 6, 2014|date=August 28, 2014}}
47. ^{{cite news |url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2014/08/28/u-s-hikes-fee-to-renounce-citizenship-by-422/ |title=U.S. Hikes Fee To Renounce Citizenship By 422% |publisher=Forbes |date=August 28, 2014}}
48. ^{{cite news |url=https://news.yahoo.com/renouncing-u-s--citizenship-is-about-to-get-a-lot-more-expensive-150405883.html |title=Renouncing U.S. citizenship is about to get a lot more expensive |publisher=Yahoo News |date=September 8, 2014}}
49. ^{{cite web |url= https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/08/28/2014-20516/schedule-of-fees-for-consular-services-department-of-state-and-overseas-embassies-and#p-amd-2 |title=Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates-Visa and Citizenship Services Fee Changes |date=August 28, 2014| publisher=Office of the Federal Register |location=United States}}
50. ^{{cite news |last=Wood |first=Robert |title=Reverse Immigration: Americans Renounce Citizenship in Record Numbers |publisher=Forbes |date=2015-10-26 |url= https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2015/10/26/reverse-immigration-americans-renounce-citizenship-in-record-numbers/}}
51. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.finance.senate.gov/library/reports/committee/download/?id=4ee7ee42-2874-4976-8161-00919c85e474|title=Foreign Investors Tax Act of 1966; Presidential Election Fund Act; and other amendments|publisher=United States Senate Committee on Finance|date=1966-10-11|accessdate=2014-06-04|page=28}}
52. ^{{cite journal|ssrn=552730|first=Michael S.|last=Kirsch|title=Alternative Sanctions and the Federal Tax Law: Symbols, Shaming, and Social Norm Management as a Substitute for Effective Tax Policy|journal=Iowa Law Review|volume=89|issue=863|year=2004|accessdate=|ref=harv}} The provision in question is codified at {{USCSub|26|6039G|d}}.
53. ^{{cite news|url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2014/05/03/americans-are-renouncing-citizenship-at-record-pace-and-many-arent-even-counted/|first=Robert|last=Wood|title=Record Numbers Renounce U.S. Citizenship — And Many Aren't Counted|work=Forbes|date=2014-05-03|accessdate=2014-05-29}}
54. ^{{cite news|url=https://blogs.wsj.com/expat/2015/09/16/is-the-irs-undercounting-americans-renouncing-u-s-citizenship/|title=Is the IRS Undercounting Americans Renouncing U.S. Citizenship?|work=Wall Street Journal|date=2015-09-16|accessdate=2015-09-21}}
55. ^{{cite book|chapterurl=http://intltax.typepad.com/intltax_blog/2014/02/quarterly-list-of-expatriates-source-of-data.html|chapter=Quarterly List of Expatriates: Source of Data|title=International Tax Blog|publisher=Andrew Mitchel LLC, Attorneys at Law|date=2014-02-12|accessdate=2014-02-13}}
56. ^{{cite news|url=http://www.advisor.ca/news/industry-news/fbi-and-irs-differ-on-u-s-citizenship-data-107927|title=FBI and IRS differ on U.S. citizenship data|work=Advisor.ca|publisher=Rogers Media|date=2013-02-16|accessdate=2013-03-29}}
57. ^{{cite news|url=http://blogs.angloinfo.com/us-tax/2013/12/30/expatriation-if-you-go-interview-with-bill-yates-former-attorney-with-the-office-of-associate-chief-counsel-international-irs/|author=Virginia La Torre Jeker|title=Past And Proposed Anti-Expat Legislation: Interview With Bill Yates, Former IRS Attorney (International)|work=AngloInfo|date=2013-12-30|accessdate=2014-01-18}}
58. ^{{cite book|url=https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Departmental%20Management%20and%20Operations%20%28DMO%29%20-%20Policy%20-%20Inadmissibility%20of%20Tax-Based%20Citizenship%20Renunciants_0.pdf|first=Jeb C.|last=Johnson|title=Inadmissibility of Tax-Based Citizenship Renunciants|series=Fiscal Year 2015 Report to Congress|publisher=Department of Homeland Security|location=Washington, DC|date=2015-11-30|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160322190133/https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Departmental%20Management%20and%20Operations%20%28DMO%29%20-%20Policy%20-%20Inadmissibility%20of%20Tax-Based%20Citizenship%20Renunciants_0.pdf|archivedate=2016-03-22}}
59. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-110publ245/pdf/PLAW-110publ245.pdf |title=Info re United States "exit tax" |format=PDF |accessdate= 2012-05-11}}
60. ^[https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/international/article/0,,id=97245,00.html Expatriation Tax] Expatriation Tax information from IRS
61. ^{{cite web|title=Facebook co-founder renounces U.S. citizenship|url=http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/11/technology/eduardo-saverin-facebook-citizenship|date=May 11, 2012|first=David|last=Goldman|work=CNNMoney|publisher=CNN.com|accessdate=2012-05-11}}
62. ^{{cite web|url=http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/2017/08/02/1759-published-expatriates-in-q2-2017-federal-register-list/|title=1,759 published expatriates in Q2 2017 Federal Register list|date=2 August 2017|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
63. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-more-americans-are-handing-in-their-citizenship/|title=Why more Americans are handing in their citizenship|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
64. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/item/25935-alex-newman-fatca-obama-tax-law-destroying-american-lives|title=FATCA: The Obama Tax Law Destroying Millions of Innocent Americans|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
65. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2017/08/04/long-list-of-americans-who-renounced-citizenship-is-more-about-taxes-than-trump/#7ccd5b4816b9|title=Long List Of Americans Who Renounced Citizenship Is More About Taxes Than Trump|first=Robert W.|last=Wood|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
66. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2016/11/11/more-americans-are-renouncing-citizenship-but-not-over-the-election/#1bc8783249b5|title=More Americans Are Renouncing Citizenship, But Not Over President Trump|first=Robert W.|last=Wood|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018}}
67. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.bbc.com/news/35383435|title=Why more Americans are giving up their passports|first=Russell|last=Newlove|date=9 February 2016|publisher=|accessdate=24 October 2018|via=www.bbc.co.uk}}
68. ^http://rachelsruminations.com/renouncing-under-duress/

5 : Nationality law|Citizenship|Acquired citizenship|International taxation|Tax avoidance





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