

词条 Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies

  1. Styles

  2. Childhood

  3. Reign

  4. French Occupation and the Parthenopaean Republic

  5. Third Coalition

  6. Restoration

  7. 1820 revolution

  8. Later years

  9. Ferdinand I in cinema

  10. Issue

  11. Ancestry

  12. Titles, styles and honours

     Titles and styles  National honours 

  13. Heraldry

  14. References

{{multiple issues|{{one source|date=February 2012}}{{more footnotes|date=February 2012}}
}}{{Infobox royalty
|name = Ferdinand I
{{small|(IV / III)}}
|image = File:Angelika Kauffmann Portrait Ferdinand IV VLM.jpg
|caption = Portrait by Angelica Kauffman, {{circa|1782}}
|succession = King of the Two Sicilies
|reign = 12 December 1816 – {{nowrap|4 January 1825}}
|successor = Francis I
|succession1 = King of Naples and Sicily{{efn|name=note|De facto King of Naples during three periods:
• 6 October 1759 – 23 January 1799; interrupted by the proclamation of the brief Parthenopaean Republic;
• 13 June 1799 – 30 March 1806; interrupted by his dethronement by Napoleon and subsequent replacement by Joseph Bonaparte;
• 22 May 1815 – 12 December 1816; following Napoleon's final defeat, kept the Crown until its merger with the Crown of Sicily.}}
|reign1 = 6 October 1759 – {{nowrap|12 December 1816}}
|predecessor1 = Charles VII & V
|birth_date = {{Birth date|1751|1|12|df=y}}
|birth_place = Royal Palace, Naples
|death_date = {{Death date and age|1825|1|4|1751|1|12|df=y}}
|death_place = Naples, Two Sicilies
|burial_place = Basilica of Santa Chiara, Naples
|spouse = {{plainlist |
  • Maria Carolina of Austria
    (m. 1768; d. 1814)
  • Lucia Migliaccio
    (m. 1814)

|issue = {{plainlist |
  • Maria Teresa, Holy Roman Empress | Empress of Austria
  • Maria Luisa, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
  • Prince Carlo Tito, Duke of Calabria
  • Princess Maria Anna
  • Francesco I of the Two Sicilies
  • Maria Cristina Teresa, Queen of Sardinia
  • Princess Maria Cristina Amalia
  • Prince Gennaro Carlo
  • Prince Giuseppe Carlo
  • Maria Amalia, Queen of the French
  • Princess Maria Cristina
  • Maria Antonia, Princess of Asturias
  • Princess Maria Clotilde
  • Princess Maria Enrichetta
  • Prince Carlo Gennaro
  • Leopoldo Giovanni, Prince of Salerno
  • Prince Alberto Lodovico
  • Princess Maria Isabella

|issue-link = #Issue
|issue-pipe = see details...
|full name = Ferdinando Antonio Pasquale Giovanni Nepomuceno Serafino Gennaro Benedetto di Borbone
|house = Bourbon of Naples
|father = Charles III of Spain
|mother = Maria Amalia of Saxony
|signature =
|religion = Roman Catholicism

Ferdinand I (12 January 1751 – 4 January 1825), was the King of the Two Sicilies from 1816, after his restoration following victory in the Napoleonic Wars. Before that he had been, since 1759, Ferdinand IV of the Kingdom of Naples and Ferdinand III of the Kingdom of Sicily. He was also King of Gozo. He was deposed twice from the throne of Naples: once by the revolutionary Parthenopean Republic for six months in 1799 and again by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805.

Ferdinand was the third son of King Charles VII of Naples and V of Sicily by his wife, Maria Amalia of Saxony. On 10 August 1759, Charles succeeded his elder brother, Ferdinand VI, becoming King Charles III of Spain, but treaty provisions made him ineligible to hold all three crowns. On 6 October, he abdicated his Neapolitan and Sicilian titles in favour of his third son, because his eldest son Philip had been excluded from succession due to illnesses and his second son Charles was heir to the Spanish throne. Ferdinand was the founder of the cadet House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.


Ferdinand was styled both Ferdinand III of Sicily (6 October 1759 – 12 December 1816) and Ferdinand IV of Naples (6 October 1759 – 23 January 1799; 13 June 1799 – 30 March 1806; 22 May 1815 – 12 December 1816).

On 21 January 1799,[1] the Kingdom of Naples was abolished and replaced by the Parthenopaean Republic which lasted until 13 June 1799. Ferdinand was restored to the throne for a while. On 26 December 1805, Napoleon I of France declared Ferdinand deposed again and replaced him with his own brother Joseph Bonaparte on 30 March 1806.

Ferdinand was restored for the second time following the Austrian victory at the Battle of Tolentino (3 March 1815) over rival monarch King Joachim I. On 8 March 1816 he merged the thrones of Sicily and Naples into the throne of the Two Sicilies. He continued to rule until his death on 4 January 1825.


Ferdinand was born in Naples and grew up amidst many of the monuments erected there by his father which can be seen today; the Palaces of Portici, Caserta and Capodimonte.

Ferdinand was his parents' third son, his elder brother Charles was expected to inherit Naples and Sicily. When his father ascended the Spanish throne in 1759 he abdicated Naples in Ferdinand's favor in accordance with the treaties forbidding the union of the two crowns. A regency council presided over by the Tuscan Bernardo Tanucci was set up. The latter, an able, ambitious man, wishing to keep the government as much as possible in his own hands, purposely neglected the young king's education, and encouraged him in his love of pleasure, his idleness and his excessive devotion to outdoor sports.[2]


Ferdinand's minority ended in 1767, and his first act was the expulsion of the Jesuits. The following year he married Archduchess Maria Carolina, daughter of Empress Maria Theresa. By the marriage contract the queen was to have a voice in the council of state after the birth of her first son, and she was not slow to avail herself of this means of political influence.

Tanucci, who attempted to thwart her, was dismissed in 1777. The Englishman Sir John Acton, who in 1779 was appointed director of marine, won Maria Carolina's favour by supporting her scheme to free Naples from Spanish influence, securing rapprochement with Austria and Great Britain. He became practically and afterward actually prime minister. Although not a mere grasping adventurer, he was largely responsible for reducing the internal administration of the country to a system of espionage, corruption and cruelty.

French Occupation and the Parthenopaean Republic

Although peace was made with France in 1796, the demands of the French Directory, whose troops occupied Rome, alarmed the king once more, and at his wife's instigation he took advantage of Napoleon's absence in Egypt and of Nelson's victories to go to war. He marched with his army against the French and entered Rome (29 November), but on the defeat of some of his columns he hurried back to Naples, and on the approach of the French, fled on 23 December 1798 aboard Nelson's ship {{HMS|Vanguard|1787|6}} to Palermo, Sicily, leaving his capital in a state of anarchy.[1]

The French entered the city in spite of the fierce resistance of the lazzaroni, and with the aid of the nobles and bourgeoisie established the Parthenopaean Republic (January 1799). When, a few weeks later the French troops were recalled to northern Italy, Ferdinand sent a hastily assembled force, under Cardinal Ruffo, to reconquer the mainland kingdom. Ruffo, with the support of British artillery, the Church, and the pro-Bourbon aristocracy, succeeded, reaching Naples in May 1800, and the Parthenopaean Republic collapsed. After some months King Ferdinand returned to the throne.

The king, and above all the queen, were particularly anxious that no mercy should be shown to the rebels, and Maria Carolina (a sister of the executed Antoinette) made use of Lady Hamilton, Nelson's mistress, to induce Nelson to carry out her vengeance.{{citation needed|date=January 2012}}

Third Coalition

The king returned to Naples soon afterwards, and ordered a few hundred who had collaborated with the French executed. This stopped only when the French successes forced him to agree to a treaty which included amnesty for members of the French party. When war broke out between France and Austria in 1805, Ferdinand signed a treaty of neutrality with the former, but a few days later he allied himself with Austria and allowed an Anglo-Russian force to land at Naples (see Third Coalition).

The French victory at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2 December enabled Napoleon to dispatch an army to southern Italy. Ferdinand fled to Palermo (23 January 1806), followed soon after by his wife and son, and on 14 February 1806 the French again entered Naples. Napoleon declared that the Bourbon dynasty had forfeited the crown, and proclaimed his brother Joseph King of Naples and Sicily. But Ferdinand continued to reign over the latter kingdom (becoming the first King of Sicily in centuries to actually reside there) under British protection.

Parliamentary institutions of a feudal type had long existed in the island, and Lord William Bentinck, the British minister, insisted on a reform of the constitution on English and French lines. The king indeed practically abdicated his power, appointing his son Francis as regent, and the queen, at Bentinck's insistence, was exiled to Austria, where she died in 1814.


After the fall of Napoleon, Joachim Murat, who had succeeded Joseph Bonaparte as king of Naples in 1808, was dethroned in the Neapolitan War, and Ferdinand returned to Naples. By a secret treaty he had bound himself not to advance further in a constitutional direction than Austria should at any time approve; but, though on the whole he acted in accordance with Metternich's policy of preserving the status quo, and maintained with but slight change Murat's laws and administrative system, he took advantage of the situation to abolish the Sicilian constitution, in violation of his oath, and to proclaim the union of the two states into the kingdom of the Two Sicilies (12 December 1816).

Ferdinand was now completely subservient to Austria, an Austrian, Count Nugent, being even made commander-in-chief of the army. For the next four years he reigned as an absolute monarch within his domain, granting no constitutional reforms.

1820 revolution

The suppression of liberal opinion caused an alarming spread of the influence and activity of the secret society of the Carbonari, which in time affected a large part of the army. In July 1820 a military revolt broke out under General Guglielmo Pepe, and Ferdinand was terrorised into signing a constitution on the model of the Spanish Constitution of 1812. On the other hand, a revolt in Sicily, in favour of the recovery of its independence, was suppressed by Neapolitan troops.

The success of the military revolution at Naples seriously alarmed the powers of the Holy Alliance, who feared that it might spread to other Italian states and so lead to a general European conflagration. The Troppau Protocol of 1820 was signed by Austria, Prussia and Russia, although an invitation to Ferdinand to attend the adjourned Congress of Laibach (1821) was issued at which he failed to distinguish himself. He had twice sworn to maintain the new constitution but was hardly out of Naples before he repudiated his oaths and, in letters addressed to all the sovereigns of Europe, declared his acts to have been null and void. Metternich had no difficulty in persuading the king to allow an Austrian army to march into Naples "to restore order".

The Neapolitans, commanded by General Pepe, made no attempt to defend the difficult defiles of the Abruzzi, and were defeated at Rieti (7 March 1821). The Austrians entered Naples.

Later years

Following the Austrian victory, the Parliament was dismissed and Ferdinand suppressed the Liberals and Carbonari.

The victory was used by Austria to force its grasp over Naples' domestic and foreign policies. Count Charles-Louis de Ficquelmont was appointed as the Austrian ambassador to Naples, practically administrating the country as well as managing the occupation and strengthening Austrian influence over Neapolitan elites.

Ferdinand died in Naples in January 1825. He was the last surviving child of Charles III.


Ferdinand I in cinema

  • Ferdinando and Carolina (1999) directed by Lina Wertmüller
  • Luisa Sanfelice (2004) directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani
{{wide image|Painting of the family of Ferdinando IV (Angelica Kauffmann, 1782).jpg|550px|{{center|Family of Ferdinand I in 1783}} The Royal Family of Naples and Sicily in 1783, Angelica Kauffman; (L-R) Princess Maria Teresa; the future King Prince Francis; King Ferdinand; Queen Maria Carolina holding Princess Maria Cristina; Prince Gennaro (died in 1789); Princess Maria Amalia in the arms of Princess Luisa; the royal couple's seventh child was stillborn during the preparation phase for the painting. The artist then painted a veil over the child already in the cradle, which had been clearly visible in the modello.}}


Children of Ferdinand I
By Maria Carolina of Austria (Vienna, 13 August 1752 – Vienna, 8 September 1814)
Maria Teresa Carolina Giuseppina6 June 177213 April 1807Named after her maternal grand mother Maria Theresa of Austria, she married her first cousin Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1790; had issue.
Maria Luisa Amelia TeresaRoyal Palace of Naples, 27 July 1773Hofburg Imperial Palace, 19 September 1802Married her first cousin Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany and had issue.
Carlo Tito Francesco GiuseppeNaples, 6 January 177517 December 1778Died of smallpox.
Maria Anna Giuseppa Antonietta Francesca Gaetana Teresa23 November 177522 February 1780Died of smallpox.
Francesco Gennaro Giuseppe Saverio Giovanni BattistaNaples, 14 August 1777Naples, 8 November 1830Married his cousin Archduchess Maria Clementina of Austria in 1797 and had issue; married another cousin Infanta Maria Isabella of Spain in 1802 and had issue; was King of the Two Sicilies from 1825 to 1830.
Maria Cristina TeresaCaserta Palace, 17 January 1779Savona, 11 March 1849Married Charles Felix of Sardinia in 1807; had no issue; it was she who ordered the excavations of Tusculum.
Maria Cristina AmeliaCaserta Palace, 17 January 1779Caserta Palace, 26 February 1783Twin of the above; died of smallpox.
Gennaro Carlo FrancescoNaples 12 April 17802 January 1789Died of smallpox.
Giuseppe Carlo GennaroNaples, 18 June 178119 February 1783Died of smallpox.
Maria Amelia TeresaCaserta Palace, 26 April 1782Claremont House, 24 March 1866Married in 1809 Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orleans, King of the French and had issue.
Maria CristinaCaserta Palace, 19 July 1783Caserta Palace, 19 July 1783Stillborn.
Maria Antonietta Teresa Amelia Giovanna Battista Francesca Gaetana Maria Anna LuciaCaserta Palace, 14 December 1784Royal Palace of Aranjuez, 21 May 1806Married her cousin Infante Ferdinand, Prince of Asturias; died from tuberculosis; had no issue.
Maria Clotilde Teresa Amelia Antonietta Giovanna Battista Anna Gaetana PolcheriaCaserta Palace, 18 February 178610 September 1792Died of smallpox.
Maria Enricheta CarmelaNaples, 31 July 1787Naples, 20 September 1792Died of smallpox.
Carlo GennaroNaples, 26 August 1788Caserta Palace, 1 February 1789Died of smallpox.
Leopoldo Giovanni Giuseppe Michele of NaplesNaples, 2 July 1790Naples, 10 March 1851Married his cousin Archduchess Clementina of Austria and had issue.
Alberto Lodovico Maria Filipo Gaetano2 May 1792Vanguard|1787|6}}, 25 December 1798Died in childhood (died of exhaustion on board HMS Vanguard).
Maria IsabellaNaples, 2 December 179323 April 1801Died in childhood.


|align=center|collapsed=yes |ref=[3]
|boxstyle_1=background-color: #fcc;
|boxstyle_2=background-color: #fb9;
|boxstyle_3=background-color: #ffc;
|boxstyle_4=background-color: #bfc;
|boxstyle_5=background-color: #9fe;
|1= 1. Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|2= 2. Charles III of Spain
|3= 3. Maria Amalia of Saxony
|4= 4. Philip V of Spain
|5= 5. Elisabeth Farnese
|6= 6. Augustus III of Poland
|7= 7. Maria Josepha of Austria
|8= 8. Louis, Dauphin of Framce
|9= 9. Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
|10= 10. Odoardo Farnese, Hereditary Prince of Parma
|11= 11. Dorothea Sophie of Neuburg
|12= 12. Augustus II of Poland
|13= 13. Christiane Eberhardine of Bayreuth
|14= 14. Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor
|15= 15. Wilhelmine Amalia of Brunswick
|16= 16. Louis XIV of France
|17= 17. Maria Theresa of Austria
|18= 18. Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria
|19= 19. Henriette Adelaide of Savoy
|20= 20. Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma
|21= 21. Isabella d'Este
|22= 22. Philip William, Elector Palatine
|23= 23. Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt
|24= 24. John George III, Elector of Saxony
|25= 25. Anne Sophie of Denmark
|26= 26. Christian Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
|27= 27. Sophie Louise of Württemberg
|28= 28. Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
|29= 29. Eleonore Magdalene of Neuburg
|30= 30. John Frederick, Duke of Brunswick-Calenberg
|31= 31. Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate

Titles, styles and honours

{{unreferenced section|date=February 2019}}{{Infobox Spanish Royalty styles
|name = Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|image = Great Royal Coat of Arms of theTwo Sicilies.svg
|dipstyle = His Majesty
|offstyle = Your Majesty

Titles and styles

  • 12 January 1751 – 10 August 1759: His Royal Highness Prince Ferdinand of Naples and Sicily, Infante of Spain
  • 10 August 1759 – 12 December 1816: His Majesty The King of Naples and Sicily
    • 23 January 1799 – 13 June 1799: Titular King of Naples
    • 30 March 1806 – 22 May 1815: Titular King of Naples
  • 12 December 1816 – 4 January 1825: His Majesty The King of the Two Sicilies

National honours

  • 12 January 1751: Knight of the Order of Saint Januarius
  • 12 January 1751: Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece
  • 10 August 1759: Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
  • 1 April 1800: Grand Master of the Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit
  • 24 February 1808: Grand Master of the Royal Order of the Two Sicilies



{{commons category|Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies}}{{EB1911|wstitle=Ferdinand IV. of Naples|volume=10|pages=264–265}} {{Notelist|1}}
1. ^{{cite book|last=Davis|first=John|title=Naples and Napoleon: Southern Italy and the European Revolutions, 1780-1860|year=2006|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=9780198207559|url=https://books.google.com/books/about/Naples_and_Napoleon.html?id=yWuH77qlSWEC}}
2. ^{{cite book|last=Acton|first=Harold|title=The Bourbons of Naples (1731-1825)|year=1957|publisher=Faber and Faber|location=London|edition=2009|isbn=9780571249015|page=150}}
3. ^{{cite book|title=Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de l'Europe actuellement vivans| trans-title=Genealogy up to the fourth degree inclusive of all the Kings and Princes of sovereign houses of Europe currently living |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=AINPAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA9|year=1768|publisher=Frederic Guillaume Birnstiel|location=Bourdeaux|language=fr|page=9}}
4. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.carlodiborbone.com/ita/archiviostorico/stemma_e.htm|title=Le origini dello stemma delle Due Sicilie, Ferdinando IV, poi I|work=Storia e Documenti|publisher=Real Casa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie|language=Italian|accessdate=24 March 2013|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://archive.is/20130410170030/http://www.carlodiborbone.com/ita/archiviostorico/stemma_e.htm|archivedate=10 April 2013|df=}}
{{s-start}}{{s-hou|House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies|12 January|1751|4 January|1825|House of Bourbon}}{{s-reg|}}{{s-bef|rows=2|before=Charles VII & V}}{{s-ttl|title=King of Naples
(as Ferdinand IV)|years=6 October 1759 – 23 January 1799}}{{s-non|reason=Parthenopaean Republic}}
|-{{s-ttl|title=King of Sicily
(as Ferdinand III)|years=6 October 1759 – 12 December 1816}}{{s-non|rows=2|reason=Union of the crowns}}
|-{{s-bef|before=Joachim Murat}}{{s-ttl|title=King of Naples
(as Ferdinand IV)|years=22 May 1815 – 12 December 1816}}
|-{{s-non|reason=Parthenopaean Republic}}{{s-ttl|title=King of Naples
(as Ferdinand IV)|years=13 June 1799 – 30 March 1806}}{{s-aft|after=Joseph Bonaparte}}
|-{{s-non|reason=Union of the crowns}}{{s-ttl|title=King of the Two Sicilies
(as Ferdinand I)|years=12 December 1816 – 4 January 1825}}{{s-aft|after=Francis I}}{{s-end}}{{Princes of the Two Sicilies}}{{Infantes of Spain}}{{Napoleonic Wars}}{{House of Bourbon (House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies Arms)}}{{Authority control}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Ferdinand 01 Of The Two Sicilies}}

27 : Kings of Sicily|Monarchs of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies|Monarchs of Naples|1751 births|1825 deaths|House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies|Modern child rulers|People from Naples|Knights of the Golden Fleece|Knights of the Order of Saint Januarius|Roman Catholic monarchs|Neapolitan princes|Sicilian princes|Spanish infantes|Dukes of Calabria|Knights of the Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit|Recipients of the Order of St. Andrew|Supernumerary Knights of the Order of the Holy Spirit|Italian Roman Catholics|Burials at the Basilica of Santa Chiara|18th century in the Kingdom of Sicily|18th-century Roman Catholics|19th-century Roman Catholics|18th-century Italian people|19th-century Italian people|18th-century rulers in Europe|19th-century rulers in Europe





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