

词条 United States presidential inauguration

  1. {{anchor|Inaugural ceremonies}}Inauguration ceremonies

     Dates  Locations  Organizers  Attendees  Communication 

  2. Ceremony elements

     Oaths of office  Inaugural address  Prayers  Poems 

  3. Other elements

     Congressional luncheon  Inaugural parade  Prayer service  Inaugural balls  Security  Presidential medals 

  4. {{anchor|List of inaugural ceremonies}}List of inauguration ceremonies


  5. See also

  6. References

  7. Further reading

  8. External links

{{Use mdy dates|date=April 2012}}{{Use American English|date = March 2019}}{{Short description|Swearing in ceremony commencing a President's 4 year term}}

The inauguration of the President of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of the President of the United States. This ceremony takes place for each new presidential term, even if the president is continuing in office for a second term. Since 1937, it has taken place on January 20, which is {{age in days|Nov 9 2016|Jan 20 2017}} to {{age in days|Nov 3 2016|Jan 20 2017}} days after the November presidential election (on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November). The term of a president commences at noon ("EST" – Eastern Standard Time) on that day, when the Chief Justice of the United States administers the oath of office to the president. However, when January 20 falls on a Sunday, the chief justice administers the oath to the president on that day privately and then again in a public ceremony the next day, on Monday, January 21. The most recent presidential inauguration ceremony was the swearing in of Donald Trump to a four-year term of office on Friday, January 20, 2017.

Recitation of the presidential oath of office is the only component in this ceremony mandated by the United States Constitution (in Article II, Section One, Clause 8). However, over the years, various traditions have arisen that have expanded the inauguration from a simple oath-taking ceremony to a day-long event, including parades and multiple social gatherings. The ceremony itself is carried live via the major U.S. commercial television and cable news networks; various ones also stream it live on their websites.

Since the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, the ceremony has been held at the west front of the United States Capitol facing the National Mall with its iconic Washington Monument and distant Lincoln Memorial. Other swearing-in ceremonies have taken place on a platform over the steps at the Capitol's east portico on a regular basis for 180 years, and occasionally inside the Old Senate Chamber on the old north side, the chamber of the House of Representatives in the south wing, and the central Rotunda under the dome.[1] Additionally, on two occasions—in 1817{{fact|date=November 2018}} and 1945—they were held at the Executive Mansion, (later known as the White House).

Though it is not a constitutional requirement, the Chief Justice typically administers the presidential oath of office. Since 1789, the oath has been administered at 58 scheduled public inaugurations, by 15 chief justices, one associate justice, and one New York state judge. Others, in addition to the chief justice, have administered the oath of office to several of the nine vice presidents who succeeded to the presidency upon their predecessor's death or resignation intra-term. When a new president has assumed office under these unusual circumstances the inauguration has been conducted without pomp or fanfare.

{{anchor|Inaugural ceremonies}}Inauguration ceremonies

{{wide image|Roosevelt-inauguration-1905.jpeg|1000px|Second inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt, 1905}}


The first inauguration, that of George Washington, took place on April 30, 1789. All subsequent (regular) inaugurations from 1793 until 1933, were held on March 4, the day of the year on which the federal government began operations under the U.S. Constitution in 1789. The exception to this pattern was those years in which March 4 fell on a Sunday. When it did, the public inauguration ceremony would take place on Monday, March 5. This happened on four occasions, in 1821, 1849, 1877, and 1917. Inauguration Day moved to January 20, beginning in 1937, following ratification of the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution, where it has remained since. A similar Sunday exception and move to Monday is made around this date as well (which happened in 1957, 1985, and 2013).

Inauguration Day, while not a federal holiday, is observed as a holiday by federal employees who work in the District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince George's counties in Maryland; Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Virginia, and the cities of Alexandria and Fairfax in Virginia, and who are regularly scheduled to perform non-overtime work on Inauguration Day.[2] There is no in-lieu-of holiday for employees or students who are not regularly scheduled to work or attend school on Inauguration Day.


Most presidential inaugurations since 1801 have been held in Washington D.C. at the Capitol Building. Prior inaugurations were held, first at Federal Hall in New York City (1789),[3] and then at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1793 and 1797). Each city was, at the time, the nation's capital. The location for James Monroe's 1817 swearing in was moved to the Old Brick Capitol in Washington due to on-going restoration work at the Capitol building following the War of 1812.[4] In 1909, William H. Taft's inauguration was moved to the Senate Chamber due to a blizzard.[5] Three other inaugurations—Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth (1945), Harry S. Truman's first (1945), and Gerald Ford's (1974)—were held at the White House. Presidential inaugurations (not including intra-term ceremonies following the death or resignation of a president) have traditionally been outdoor public ceremonies. Andrew Jackson, in 1829, was the first of 35 held on the east front of the Capitol. Since the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, they have been held on the Capitol's west front; a move designed to both cut costs and to provide more space for spectators.[6]


Prior to Inauguration Day, the president-elect will name a Presidential Inaugural Committee. This committee is the legal entity responsible for fundraising for and the planning and coordination of all official events and activities surrounding the inauguration of president and vice president (other than the ceremony), such as the balls and parade.[7]

Since 1901, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has been responsible for the planning and execution of the swearing-in ceremonies at the U.S. Capitol.[8] Since 1953, the committee has also hosted a luncheon at the Capitol for the new president, vice president, and guests.

The Joint Task Force National Capital Region, composed of service members from all branches of the United States Armed Forces, including Reserve and National Guard components, is responsible for all military support to ceremonies and to civil authorities for the inaugural period (in 2017, January 15–24). U.S. military personnel have participated in Inauguration Day ceremonies since 1789 when members of the Continental Army, local militia units and Revolutionary War veterans escorted George Washington to his first inauguration ceremony. Their participation traditionally includes musical units, color guards, salute batteries and honor cordons. Military support to the inauguration honors the new president, who is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and recognizes civilian control of the military.[8]


In addition to the public, the attendees at the ceremony generally include the vice president, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, high-ranking military officers, former presidents, living Medal of Honor recipients, and other dignitaries. The outgoing president customarily attends the president-elect's inauguration. Only five have chosen not to do so. John Adams, still smarting over the outcome of the election of 1800, did not remain in Washington to witness the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, his successor. In 1829, John Quincy Adams also left town, unwilling to be present to see Andrew Jackson's accession to the White House. In 1869, Andrew Johnson was angrily conducting a cabinet meeting even as his successor, Ulysses S. Grant, was being inaugurated.[9] More recently, Woodrow Wilson did not attend Warren G. Harding's 1921 inauguration (though he rode to the Capitol with him), nor did Richard Nixon attend Gerald Ford's 1974 inauguration (having left Washington, D.C., prior to his resignation taking effect).


The way inauguration ceremony events are communicated to the public has changed over the years with each advance in technology. Improvements in mass media technologies have allowed presidents to reach substantially greater numbers of their constituents. In 1829, Andrew Jackson spoke to approximately 10,000 people at his inauguration.[10] Most recently, in 2017, it is estimated that about 160,000 people were in the National Mall areas in the hour leading up to Donald Trump's swearing in.[11] An additional 30.6 million people in the United States watched it on television,[12] and more than 6.8 million worldwide streamed it live on Twitter.[13] Among the inauguration mass communication milestones are:[15]

  • 1801 first inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, first newspaper extra of an inaugural address, printed by the National Intelligencer
  • 1845 inauguration of James K. Polk, first inauguration to be covered by telegraph, and first known newspaper illustration of a presidential inauguration (The Illustrated London News)
  • 1857 inauguration of James Buchanan, first inauguration known to have been photographed
  • 1897 first inauguration of William McKinley, first inauguration to be recorded on film
  • 1905 second inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt, first time that telephones were installed on the Capitol Grounds for an inauguration
  • 1925 second inauguration of Calvin Coolidge, first inauguration to be broadcast nationally by radio
  • 1929 inauguration of Herbert Hoover, first inauguration to be recorded by a talking newsreel
  • 1949 second inauguration of Harry S. Truman, first inauguration to be televised
  • 1961 inauguration of John F. Kennedy, first inauguration to be televised in color
  • 1981 first inauguration of Ronald Reagan, first closed-captioning of television broadcast for the hearing impaired
  • 1997 second inauguration of Bill Clinton, first time that the ceremony was broadcast live on the Internet

Ceremony elements

Inauguration procedure is governed by tradition rather than the Constitution, the only constitutionally required procedure being the presidential oath of office (which may be taken anywhere, with anyone in attendance who can legally witness an oath, and at any time prior to the actual beginning of the new president's term).[14] Traditionally, the president-elect arrives at the White House and proceeds to the inaugural grounds at the United States Capitol with the incumbent president. Only three incumbent presidents have refused to accompany the president-elect: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Johnson.[14] Around or after 12 noon, the president takes the oath of office, usually administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, and then delivers the inaugural address.

Oaths of office

{{main|Oath of office of the President of the United States|Oath of office of the Vice President of the United States}}{{listen
|title=First inauguration of Barack Obama (January 20, 2009)
|filename=Barack Obama inaugural address.ogv
|description =Video of the first inauguration of Barack Obama.
|title2=First inauguration of Barack Obama (January 20, 2009)
|filename2=Barack Obama inauguration speech 2009.ogg
|description2=audio only version

The vice president is sworn into office in the same ceremony as the president. Prior to 1937, the vice presidential oath was administered in the Senate Chamber (in keeping with the vice president's position as President of the Senate). The oath is administered to the vice president first. Immediately afterwards, the United States Marine Band will perform four ruffles and flourishes, followed by Hail, Columbia. Unlike the presidential oath, however, the Constitution does not specify specific words that must be spoken. Several variants of the oath have been used since 1789. The current form, which is also recited by Senators, Representatives, and other government officers, has been in use since 1884:

{{cquote|I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[15]

At noon, the new presidential and vice presidential terms begin. At about that time, the president recites the constitutionally mandated oath of office:

{{cquote|I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

According to Washington Irving's biography of George Washington, after reciting the oath at his (and the nation's) first inauguration, Washington added the words "so help me God".[16] However, the only contemporaneous source that fully reproduced Washington's oath completely lacks the religious codicil.[17] The first newspaper report that actually described the exact words used in an oath of office, Chester Arthur's in 1881,[18] repeated the "query-response" method where the words, "so help me God" were a personal prayer, not a part of the constitutional oath. The time of adoption of the current procedure, where both the chief justice and the president speak the oath, is unknown.

The oath of office was administered to Washington in 1789 by Robert Livingston, Chancellor of New York State. Four years later, the oath was administered by Supreme Court Associate Justice William Cushing. Since the 1797 inauguration of John Adams, it has become customary for the new president to be sworn into office by the Supreme Court's Chief Justice. Others have administered the oath on occasions when a new president assumed office intra-term due to the incumbent's death or resignation. William Cranch, chief judge of the U.S. Circuit Court, administered the oath of office to John Tyler in 1841 when he succeeded to the presidency upon William Henry Harrison's death, and to Millard Fillmore in 1850 when Zachary Taylor died. In 1923, upon being informed of Warren Harding's death, while visiting his family home in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as president by his father, John Calvin Coolidge, Sr., a notary public.[19][20] Most recently, Federal Judge Sarah T. Hughes administered the oath of office to Lyndon B. Johnson aboard Air Force One after John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963.

Since 1789 there have been 58 inaugural ceremonies to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States, and an additional nine marking the start of a partial presidential term following the intra-term death or resignation of an incumbent president. With the 2017 inauguration of Donald Trump, the oath has been taken 75 different times by 44 people. This numerical discrepancy results chiefly from two factors: a president must take the oath at the beginning of each term of office, and, because the day of inauguration has sometimes fallen on a Sunday, five presidents have taken the oath privately before the public inaugural ceremonies. In addition, three have repeated the oath as a precaution against potential later constitutional challenges.[21]

There is no requirement that any book, or in particular a book of sacred text, be used to administer the oath, and none is mentioned in the Constitution. By convention, incoming presidents raise their right hand and place the left on a Bible or other book while taking the oath of office. While most have, John Quincy Adams did not use a Bible when taking the oath in 1825;[22] neither did Theodore Roosevelt in 1901.[23] In 1853, Franklin Pierce affirmed the oath of office rather than swear it.[24] More recently, a Catholic missal was used for Lyndon Johnson's 1963 swearing in ceremony.[25][26]

Bibles of historical significance have sometimes been used at inaugurations. George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Dwight D. Eisenhower used the George Washington Inaugural Bible. Barack Obama placed his hand upon the Lincoln Bible for his oaths in 2009 and 2013,[27] as did Donald Trump in 2017.[28]

{{listen|filename=Four Ruffles and Flourishes (pause) and Hail To The Chief -short version-.ogg|title=Four ruffles and flourishes played before "Hail to the Chief"}}

Immediately after the presidential oath, the United States Marine Band will perform four ruffles and flourishes, followed by Hail to the Chief, while simultaneously, a 21-gun salute is fired using artillery pieces from the Presidential Guns Salute Battery, 3d United States Infantry Regiment "The Old Guard" located in Taft Park, north of the Capitol. The actual gun salute begins with the first ruffle and flourish, and 'run long' (i.e. the salute concludes after Hail to the Chief has ended). The Marine Band, which is believed to have made its inaugural debut in 1801 for Thomas Jefferson's first inauguration, is the only musical unit to participate in all three components of the Presidential inauguration: the swearing-in ceremony, the inaugural parade, and an inaugural ball. During the ceremony, the band is positioned directly below the presidential podium at the U.S. Capitol.[29]

Inaugural address

{{Listen|filename=President Trump's Inaugural Address.webm|title=Inaugural Address of President Donald Trump.
|description=The inaugural address, in full, made by Donald Trump after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017.|format=WebM}}

Newly sworn-in presidents usually give a speech referred to as an inaugural address. As with many inaugural customs, this one was started by George Washington in 1789. After taking his oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall, he proceeded to the Senate chamber where he read a speech before members of Congress and other dignitaries. Every President since Washington has delivered an Inaugural address. While many of the early Presidents read their addresses before taking the oath, current custom dictates that the chief justice administer the oath first, followed by the president's speech.[8] William McKinley requested the change in 1897, so that he could reiterate the words of the oath at the close of his first inaugural address.

William Henry Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address, at 8,445 words, in 1841. John Adams' 1797 address, which totaled 2,308 words, contained the longest sentence, at 737 words. In 1793, Washington gave the shortest inaugural address on record, just 135 words.[30]

Most presidents use their inaugural address to present their vision of America and to set forth their goals for the nation. Some of the most eloquent and powerful speeches are still quoted today. In 1865, in the waning days of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln stated, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt avowed, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." And in 1961, John F. Kennedy declared, "And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country."[30]

On the eight occasions where the new president succeeded to the office upon their predecessor's death intra-term, none gave an address, but each did address Congress soon thereafter.[14] When Gerald Ford became president in 1974, following the resignation of Richard Nixon, he addressed the nation after taking the oath, but he characterized his speech as "Not an inaugural address, not a fireside chat, not a campaign speech{{snd}}just a little straight talk among friends."[31] ({{Cws |title=Full text |link=Gerald Ford's assumption of the Presidency|nobullet=yes}})


{{further|Prayers at United States presidential inaugurations}}

Since 1937, the ceremony has incorporated one or more prayers.[32][33] Since 1933 an associated prayer service either public or private attended by the President-elect has often taken place on the morning of the day.[34] At times a major public or broadcast prayer service takes place after the main ceremony most recently on the next day.[35]


Five inaugural ceremonies since 1961 have included a reading by a poet.[36] The following poetry readings have taken place:

  • 1961 inauguration of John F. Kennedy: Robert Frost read his poem "The Gift Outright"[37]
  • 1993 First inauguration of Bill Clinton: Maya Angelou read her poem "On the Pulse of Morning"[38]
  • 1997 second inauguration of Bill Clinton: Miller Williams read his poem "Of History and Hope"[39]
  • 2009 first inauguration of Barack Obama: Elizabeth Alexander read her poem "Praise Song for the Day"[40]
  • 2013 second inauguration of Barack Obama: Richard Blanco read his poem "One Today"[41]

Other elements

Over the years, various inauguration traditions have arisen that have expanded the event from a simple oath-taking ceremony to a day-long one, including parades, speeches, and balls. In fact, contemporary inaugural celebrations typically span 10 days, from five days before the inauguration to five days after. On some occasions however, either due to the preferences of the new president or to other constraining circumstances, they have been scaled back. Such was the case in 1945, because of rationing in effect during World War II. More recently, in 1973, the celebrations marking Richard Nixon's second inauguration were altered because of the death of former President Lyndon B. Johnson two days after the ceremony. All pending events were cancelled so preparations for Johnson's state funeral could begin. Because of the construction work on the center steps of the East Front, Johnson's casket was taken up the Senate wing steps of the Capitol when taken into the rotunda to lie in state.[48] When it was brought out, it came out through the House wing steps of the Capitol.[42]

Congressional luncheon

Since 1953, the president and vice president have been guests of honor at a luncheon held by the leadership of the United States Congress immediately following the inaugural ceremony. The luncheon is held in Statuary Hall and is organized by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, and attended by the leadership of both houses of Congress as well as guests of the president and vice president. By tradition, the outgoing president and vice president do not attend.

Inaugural parade

Following the arrival of the presidential entourage to the White House, it is customary for the president, vice-president, their respective families and leading members of the government and military to review an inaugural parade from an enclosed stand at the edge of the North Lawn, a custom begun by James Garfield in 1881. The parade, which proceeds along the 1.5 miles of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the stand and the Front Lawn in view of the presidential party, features both military and civilian participants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia; this parade largely evolved from the post-inaugural procession to the White House, and occurred as far back as Jefferson's second inauguration in 1805, when workers from the Washington Navy Yard, accompanied by military music, marched with the president[43] on foot as he rode on horseback from the Capitol to the White House. By the time of William Henry Harrison's inauguration in 1841, political clubs and marching societies would regularly travel to Washington for the parade. That year was also the first in which floats were part of the parade. It was at Lincoln's second inauguration, in 1865, that Native Americans and African Americans participated in the inaugural parade for the first time.[44] Women were involved for the first time in 1917.[45]

In 1829, following his first inaugural parade, Andrew Jackson held a public reception at the White House, during which 20,000 people created such a crush that Jackson had to escape through a window. Nevertheless, White House receptions continued until lengthy afternoon parades created scheduling problems. Reviving the idea in 1989, President George H. W. Bush invited the public to a "White House American Welcome" on the day after the inaugural.[46]

Grover Cleveland’s 1885 inaugural parade lasted three hours and showcased 25,000 marchers. Eighty years later, Lyndon Johnson’s parade included 52 select bands.[46] Dwight D. Eisenhower's 1953 parade included about 22,000 service men and women and 5,000 civilians, which included 50 state and organization floats costing $100,000. There were also 65 musical units, 350 horses, 3 elephants, an Alaskan dog team, and the 280-millimeter atomic cannon.[47]

In 1977, Jimmy Carter became the first president to set out by foot for more than a mile on the route to the White House. The walk has become a tradition that has been matched in ceremony if not in length by the presidents who followed.[48]

Twice during the 20th century, an inaugural parade down Pennsylvania Avenue was not held. In 1945, at the height of World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth Inauguration was simple and austere with no fanfare or formal celebration following the event. There was no parade because of gas rationing and a lumber shortage.[49] In 1985, as temperatures hovered near zero, all outdoor events for Ronald Reagan's second inauguration were canceled or moved indoors.[43] The obverse had been the case four years earlier for Reagan's first inauguration, as the noontime temperature was an unseasonable 55 degrees.[45] That parade was held as breaking news spread across Washington, D.C. and the rest of the nation that the 52 American hostages held in Iran for the previous 444 days had been released.

Prayer service

A tradition of a national prayer service, usually the day after the inauguration, dates back to George Washington and since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the prayer service has been held at the Washington National Cathedral.[50] This is not the same as the Inaugural Prayer, a tradition also begun by Washington, when on June 1, 1789, Methodist Bishops Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke, Rev. John Dickins, the pastor of Old St. George's (America's oldest Methodist Church) and Major Thomas Morrell, one of President Washington’s former aides-de-camp called upon Washington in New York City.[51] This tradition resumed in 1985 with President Reagan and continues under the auspices of a Presidential Inaugural Prayer Committee based at Old St. George's.

Inaugural balls

{{Main|United States presidential inaugural balls}}

The first Inaugural Ball was held on the night of James Madison's first inauguration in 1809. Tickets were $4 and it took place at Long’s Hotel.[45]


The security for the inaugural celebrations is a complex matter, involving the Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service (DHS-FPS), all five branches of the Armed Forces, the Capitol Police, the United States Park Police (USPP), and the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (MPDC). Federal law enforcement agencies also sometimes request assistance from various other state and local law-enforcement agencies throughout the United States.

Presidential medals

Beginning with George Washington, there has been a traditional association with Inauguration festivities and the production of a presidential medal. With the District of Columbia attracting thousands of attendees for inauguration, presidential medals were an inexpensive souvenir for the tourists to remember the occasion. However, the once-simple trinket turned into an official presidential election memento. In 1901, the first Inauguration Committee[52] on Medals and Badges was established as part of the official Inauguration Committee for the re-election of President McKinley. The Committee saw official medals as a way to raise funding for the festivities. Gold medals were to be produced as gifts for the president, vice president, and committee chair; silver medals were to be created and distributed among Inauguration Committee members, and bronze medals would be for sale for public consumption. McKinley's medal was simple with his portrait on one side and writing on the other side.[53]

Unlike his predecessor, when Theodore Roosevelt took his oath of office in 1905, he found the previous presidential medal unacceptable. As an art lover and admirer of the ancient Greek high-relief coins, Roosevelt wanted more than a simple medal—he wanted a work of art. To achieve this goal, the president hired Augustus Saint-Gaudens, a famous American sculptor, to design and create his inauguration medal. Saint-Gaudens's obsession with perfection resulted in a forestalled release and the medals were distributed after the actual inauguration. Nonetheless, President Roosevelt was very pleased with the result. Saint Gardens' design, executed by Adolph A. Weinman, was cast by Tiffany & Company and was proclaimed an artistic triumph.[54] Saint-Gaudens' practice of creating a portrait sculpture of the newly elected president is still used today in presidential medal creation. After the president sits for the sculptor, the resulting clay sketch is turned into a life mask and plaster model. Finishing touches are added and the epoxy cast that is created is used to produce the die cuts. The die cuts are then used to strike the president's portrait on each medal.[55]

From 1929 through 1949, the official medal was struck by the U.S. Mint. This changed in 1953 when the Medallic Art Company was chosen to strike Walker Hancock's portrait of President Eisenhower. The official medals have been struck by private mints ever since.[54] The Smithsonian Institution and The George Washington University hold the two most complete collections of presidential medals in the United States.

{{anchor|List of inaugural ceremonies}}List of inauguration ceremonies

The 58 inauguration ceremonies marking the start of a new four-year presidential term of office and also the nine marking the start of a partial presidential term following the intra-term death or resignation of an incumbent president are listed in the table below.

No.|Sequential numbering of quadrennial inaugurations Date Events (Inaugurations) sort alphabetically by president's last name. Location Oath Administered by Address length[56]
washingtona|First inauguration of George Washington}}Front balcony,
Federal Hall
New York, New York
livingston|Robert Livingston,
Chancellor of New York}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=George Washington's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
washingtonb|Second inauguration of George Washington}} Senate Chamber,
Congress Hall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
cushing|William Cushing,
Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=George Washington's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
adamsa|Inauguration of John Adams}} House Chamber,
Congress Hall
ellsworth|Oliver Ellsworth,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=John Adams' Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
jeffersona|First inauguration of Thomas Jefferson}} Senate Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
marshalla|John Marshall,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
jeffersonb|Second inauguration of Thomas Jefferson}} Senate Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshallb|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Thomas Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
madisona|First inauguration of James Madison}} House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshallc|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James Madison's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
madisonb|Second inauguration of James Madison}} House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshalld|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James Madison's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
monroea|First inauguration of James Monroe}} Front steps,
Old Brick Capitol
marshalle|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James Monroe's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
09|9th}}1821|03|05}}{{efn|name=4thSunday|Term began Sunday, March 4.}}
monroeb|Second inauguration of James Monroe}} House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshallf|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James Monroe's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
adamsq|Inauguration of John Quincy Adams}} House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshallg|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=John Quincy Adams's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
jacksona|First inauguration of Andrew Jackson}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
marshallh|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Andrew Jackson's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
jacksonb|Second inauguration of Andrew Jackson}} House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
marshalli|John Marshall,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Andrew Jackson's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
vanburen|Inauguration of Martin Van Buren}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneya|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Martin Van Buren's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
harrisonw|Inauguration of William Henry Harrison}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneyb|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=William Henry Harrison's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
1841|04|06}}{{efn|Term began when President Harrison died on April 4.}}
tyler|Inauguration of John Tyler}}
(Extraordinary inauguration)
Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel,
Washington, D.C.
crancha|William Cranch
Chief Judge, U.S. Circuit Court of the District of Columbia}}
polk|Inauguration of James K. Polk}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneyc|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James K. Polk's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
taylor|Inauguration of Zachary Taylor}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneyd|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Zachary Taylor's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
1850|07|10}}{{efn|Term began when President Taylor died on July 9.}}
fillmore|Inauguration of Millard Fillmore}}
(Extraordinary inauguration)
House Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
cranchb|William Cranch
Circuit Court Judge}}
pierce|Inauguration of Franklin Pierce}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneye|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Franklin Pierce's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
buchanan|Inauguration of James Buchanan}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneyf|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James Buchanan's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
lincolna|First inauguration of Abraham Lincoln}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tanneyg|Roger B. Taney,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
lincolnb|Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
chasea|Salmon P. Chase,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
johnsona|Inauguration of Andrew Johnson
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Kirkwood House Hotel,
Washington, D.C.
chaseb|Salmon P. Chase,
Chief Justice}}
granta|First inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
chasec|Salmon P. Chase,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Ulysses S. Grant's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
grantb|Second inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
chased|Salmon P. Chase
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Ulysses S. Grant's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
hayes|Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
waitea|Morrison Waite,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Rutherford B. Hayes's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
garfield|Inauguration of James A. Garfield}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
waiteb|Morrison Waite,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=James A. Garfield's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
1881|09|20}}{{efn|Term began when President Garfield died on September 19.}}
arthur|Inauguration of Chester A. Arthur
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Chester A. Arthur Home,
New York, New York
brady|John R. Brady,
Justice of the New York Supreme Court}}
clevelanda|First inauguration of Grover Cleveland}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
waitec|Morrison Waite,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Grover Cleveland's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
harrisonb|Inauguration of Benjamin Harrison}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
fullera|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Benjamin Harrison's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
clevelandb|Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
fullerb|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Grover Cleveland's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
mckinleya|First inauguration of William McKinley}} Front of original Senate Wing
U.S. Capitol
fullerc|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=William McKinley's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
mckinleyb|Second inauguration of William McKinley}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
fullerd|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=William McKinley's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
rooseveltta|First inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Ansley Wilcox Home,
Buffalo, New York
hazel|John R. Hazel,
Judge, U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York}}
roosevelttb|Second inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
fullere|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Theodore Roosevelt's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
taft|Inauguration of William Howard Taft}} Senate Chamber,
U.S. Capitol
fullerf|Melville Fuller,
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=William Howard Taft's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
wilsona|First inauguration of Woodrow Wilson}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
whitea|Edward D. White,
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Woodrow Wilson's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
wilsonb|Second inauguration of Woodrow Wilson}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
whiteb|Edward D. White
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Woodrow Wilson's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
harding|Inauguration of Warren G. Harding}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
whitec|Edward D. White
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Warren Harding's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
1923|08|03}}{{efn|Term began when President Harding died on August 2.}}
coolidgea|First inauguration of Calvin Coolidge
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Coolidge Homestead,
Plymouth Notch, Vermont
coolidge|John Calvin Coolidge}}
Notary public
coolidgeb|Second inauguration of Calvin Coolidge}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
tafta|William Howard Taft
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
hoover|Inauguration of Herbert Hoover}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
taftb|William H. Taft
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Herbert Hoover's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
rooseveltfa|First inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
hughesa|Charles E. Hughes
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
rooseveltfb|Second inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
hughesb|Charles E. Hughes
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Franklin Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
rooseveltfc|Third inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
hughesc|Charles E. Hughes
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Franklin Roosevelt's third Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
rooseveltfd|Fourth inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt}} South Portico,
White House
stonea|Harlan F. Stone
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Franklin Roosevelt's Fourth Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
trumana|First inauguration of Harry S. Truman
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Cabinet Room,
White House
stoneb|Harlan F. Stone
Chief Justice}}
trumanb|Second inauguration of Harry S. Truman}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
vinsona|Fred M. Vinson
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Harry S. Truman's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
eisenhowera|First inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
vinsonb|Fred M. Vinson
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Dwight Eisenhower's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
43|43rd}}1957|01|21}}{{efn|name=20thSunday|Term began Sunday, January 20.}}
eisenhowerb|Second inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
warrena|Earl Warren
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Dwight Eisenhower's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
kennedy|Inauguration of John F. Kennedy}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
warrenb|Earl Warren
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
johnsonla|First inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
Air Force One,
Dallas Love Field,
Dallas, Texas
hughes|Sarah T. Hughes
Judge, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas}}
johnsonlb|Second inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
warrenc|Earl Warren
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Lyndon Johnson's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
nixona|First inauguration of Richard Nixon}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
warrend|Earl Warren
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Richard Nixon's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
nixonb|Second inauguration of Richard Nixon}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
burgera|Warren Burger
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Richard Nixon's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
ford|Inauguration of Gerald Ford
(Extraordinary inauguration)}}
East Room,
White House
burgerb|Warren Burger
Chief Justice}}
carter|Inauguration of Jimmy Carter}} East Portico,
U.S. Capitol
burgerc|Warren Burger
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Jimmy Carter's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
reagana|First inauguration of Ronald Reagan}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
burgerd|Warren Burger
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Ronald Reagan's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
reaganb|Second inauguration of Ronald Reagan}} Rotunda,
U.S. Capitol
burgere|Warren Burger
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Ronald Reagan's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
bushh|Inauguration of George H. W. Bush}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
rehnquista|William Rehnquist
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=George H. W. Bush's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
clintona|First inauguration of Bill Clinton}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
rehnquistb|William Rehnquist
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Bill Clinton's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
clintonb|Second inauguration of Bill Clinton}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
rehnquistc|William Rehnquist
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Bill Clinton's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
bushwa|First inauguration of George W. Bush}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
rehnquistd|William Rehnquist
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=George W. Bush's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
bushwb|Second inauguration of George W. Bush}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
rehnquiste|William Rehnquist
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=George W. Bush's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
obamaa|First inauguration of Barack Obama}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
robertsa|John Roberts
Chief Justice of the United States}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Barack Obama's First Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
obamab|Second inauguration of Barack Obama}} West Front,
U.S. Capitol
robertsb|John Roberts
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Barack Obama's Second Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}
trump|Inauguration of Donald Trump}}West Front,
U.S. Capitol
robertsc|John Roberts
Chief Justice}}
{{Cws>title=Full text |link=Donald Trump's Inaugural Address|nobullet=yes}}



See also

  • United States presidential transition


1. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/16/politics/inauguration-day-events-traditions/|title=Presidents change, Inauguration Day stays the same|last=Williams|first=Brenna Williams|publisher=CNN|date=January 16, 2017|accessdate=January 29, 2017}}
2. ^{{cite web|url=http://hr.commerce.gov/Employees/Leave/DEV01_005944|publisher=US Department of Commerce|title=Federal, state, and local holidays|access-date=2017-01-20}}
3. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/american_originals/inaugura.html|title=Exhibit: President George Washington's inaugural address|accessdate=January 22, 2009|date=August 17, 1998|publisher=National Archives and Records Administration|quote=George Washington's first inauguration took place at Federal Hall in New York City [...] George Washington's first inaugural address, April 30, 1789}}
4. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.inaugural.senate.gov/about/past-inaugural-ceremonies/8th-inaugural-ceremonies/|title=The 8th Presidential Inauguration: James Monroe, March 4, 1817||publisher=Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies|accessdate=July 18, 2013}}
5. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/inaugurations/taft/index.html|title=U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: William Howard Taft (Virtual Programs & Services, Library of Congress)|website=www.loc.gov|language=en|access-date=2017-04-08}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.inaugural.senate.gov/days-events/presidents-swearing-in-ceremony/|title=The President's Swearing-in Ceremony|publisher=Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies|accessdate=January 18, 2017}}
7. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.archives.gov/research/guide-fed-records/groups/274.html#top|publisher=National Archives|title=PIC records}}
8. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.inauguralsupport.mdw.army.mil/index.html#section5|title=JTF-NCR About Us|accessdate=January 27, 2017|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20161207230111/http://www.inauguralsupport.mdw.army.mil/index.html#section5|archivedate=December 7, 2016|df=mdy-all}}
9. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.presidentprofiles.com/General-Information/A-History-of-the-Presidency-Transitions.html|title=A History of the Presidency – Transitions|access-date=January 15, 2017}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/harding-becomes-first-president-to-be-heard-on-the-radio|title=June 14, 1922 Harding becomes first president to be heard on the radio|work=This Day in History|publisher=A&E Television Networks|accessdate=January 31, 2017}}
11. ^{{cite news|last1=Wallace|first1=Tim|last2=Parlapiano|first2=Alicia|title=Crowd Scientists Say Women's March in Washington Had 3 Times More People Than Trump's Inauguration|url=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/22/us/politics/womens-march-trump-crowd-estimates.html|accessdate=January 22, 2017|work=The New York Times|date=January 22, 2017}}
12. ^{{cite news |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/nielsen-31-million-viewers-saw-trumps-swearing-in/2017/01/21/31c18860-e029-11e6-8902-610fe486791c_story.html |title=Nielsen: 31 million viewers saw Trump’s swearing-in |work=Washington Post |date=January 21, 2017 |accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
13. ^{{cite news|last1=Edkins|first1=Brett|title=Record 6.8 Million Watched Trump's Inauguration On Twitter's Live Stream|url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/brettedkins/2017/01/24/record-6-8-million-watched-trumps-inauguration-on-twitters-live-stream/|accessdate=January 25, 2017|work=Forbes|date=January 24, 2017}}
14. ^Terri Bimes, ed. Michael A. Genovese, Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, p 262-63.
15. ^{{usc|5|3331}}
16. ^{{cite web|url=http://2002-2009-fpc.state.gov/40871.htm |title=Presidential Inaugurations Past and Present: A Look at the History Behind the Pomp and Circumstance |publisher=2002-2009-fpc.state.gov |date= |accessdate=2012-11-07}}
17. ^Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, Vol. 15, pages 404–405
18. ^{{cite news|url=https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1881/09/23/98566684.pdf|title=The New Administration: President Arthur Formally Inaugurated|date=September 22, 1881|accessdate=January 19, 2009|format=PDF|work=The New York Times}}
19. ^Glenn D. Kittler, [https://books.google.com/books?ei=Rdf2UaOmJ9Ol4APT44CICg&id=XZ4MAQAAMAAJ&dq=porter+dale+swearing+in+calvin+coolidge&q=porter+dale Hail to the Chief!: The Inauguration Days of our Presidents], 1965, page 167
20. ^Porter H. Dale, The Calvin Coolidge Inauguration Revisited: An Eyewitness Account by Congressman Porter H. Dale, republished in Vermont History magazine, 1994, Volume 62, pages 214-222
21. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.aoc.gov/nations-stage/inauguration-us-capitol|title=Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol|publisher=Architect of the Capitol|access-date=January 22, 2017}}
22. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/inaugurations/jqadams/index.html|title=U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: John Quincy Adams|work=Web guides|publisher=Library of Congress|accessdate=January 29, 2017}}
23. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/inaugurations/theodoreroosevelt/index.html|title=U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: Theodore Roosevelt|work=Web guides|publisher=Library of Congress|accessdate=January 29, 2017}}
24. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/inaugurations/pierce/index.html|title=U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: Franklin Pierce|work=Web guides|publisher=Library of Congress|accessdate=January 29, 2017}}
25. ^{{cite web|author = Glass, Andrew J.| title = Catholic Church Missal, Not Bible, Used by Johnson for Oath at Dallas| publisher = The Washington Post| date = February 26, 1967| url = http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/M%20Disk/Manchester%20William%20Unclassified%20Part%203/Item%2024.pdf| accessdate = June 15, 2014}}
26. ^{{cite web|author = Usborne, Simon| title = The LBJ missal: Why a prayer book given to John F Kennedy was used to swear in the 36th US President| publisher = The Independent| date = November 16, 2013| url = https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-lbj-missal-why-a-prayer-book-given-to-john-f-kennedy-was-used-to-swear-in-the-36th-us-president-8940643.html| accessdate = June 15, 2014}}
27. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.pic2009.org/blog/entry/president-elect_barack_obama_to_be_sworn_in_using_lincolns_bible/|title=President-elect Barack Obama to be Sworn in Using Lincoln’s Bible|publisher=Presidential Inaugural Committee|date=December 23, 2008|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090119012923/http://pic2009.org/blog/entry/president-elect_barack_obama_to_be_sworn_in_using_lincolns_bible|archivedate=January 19, 2009|df=mdy-all}}
28. ^{{cite news |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/01/18/the-symbolism-of-trumps-two-inaugural-bible-choices-from-lincoln-to-his-mother/ |title=The symbolism of Trump’s two inaugural Bible choices, from Lincoln to his mother |newspaper=The Washington Post |first=Katie |last=Mettler |date=January 18, 2017 |access-date=January 29, 2017}}
29. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.marineband.marines.mil/Unit-Home/Presidential-Inauguration-2017/|title=Presidential Inauguration 2017|publisher=United States Marine Corps|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
30. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.inaugural.senate.gov/days-events/inaugural-address/ |title=Inaugural Address |publisher=Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies |accessdate=January 23, 2017}} {{PD-notice}}
31. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.ford.utexas.edu/LIBRARY/speeches/740001.htm|title=Gerald R. Ford's Remarks on Taking the Oath of Office as President|publisher=Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum|accessdate=November 18, 2008}}
32. ^{{cite web|url=https://fpc.state.gov/40871.htm|title=Presidential Inaugurations Past and Present: A Look at the History Behind the Pomp and Circumstance}}
33. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.restorethepledge.com/live/past_litigation/inaugural/docs/2004-12-17%20complaint.pdf|title=Appendix D: Inaugural Clergy|format=PDF|last="Newdow"}}
34. ^{{cite web|url=http://inaugural.senate.gov/history/daysevents/morningworshipservice.cfm|title=Morning Worship Service}}
35. ^{{cite web| title = Washington National Cathedral: Presidential Inaugural Prayer Services| publisher = Washington National Cathedral| url = http://www.nationalcathedral.org/about/presidentialInaugurals.shtml| accessdate = January 16, 2009| deadurl = yes| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20090120055714/http://nationalcathedral.org/about/presidentialInaugurals.shtml| archivedate = January 20, 2009| df = mdy-all}}
36. ^{{cite news |author=Michael E. Ruane |title=Selection Provides Civil Rights Symmetry |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/17/AR2008121702027.html?wpisrc=newsletter&wpisrc=newsletter&wpisrc=newsletter |publisher=Washington Post |date=2008-12-17 |accessdate=2009-01-15 }}
37. ^Tuten, Nancy Lewis; Zubizarreta, John (2001). The Robert Frost Encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing Group, {{ISBN|9780313294648}}
38. ^Kelloway, Kate. (1993-01-24). "Poet for the New America," The Observer.
39. ^{{cite news|last=Rosenthal|first=Harry|title=Poet Addresses Inaugural Event|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/inaug/mon/williams.htm|accessdate=1 February 2013|newspaper=The Washington Post|date=20 January 1997}}
40. ^{{cite news |author=Katharine Q. Seelye |title=Poet Chosen for Inauguration Is Aiming for a Work That Transcends the Moment |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/21/us/politics/21poet.html?partner=permalink&exprod=permalink |publisher=The New York Times |date=2008-12-21 |accessdate=2009-01-15 }}
41. ^{{cite news|last=Bruce|first=Mary|title='One Today': Full Text of Richard Blanco Inaugural Poem |url=http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/today-richard-blanco-poem-read-barack-obama-inauguration/story?id=18274653|accessdate=January 22, 2013|newspaper=ABC News|date=January 21, 2013}}
42. ^{{cite news|last=Foley|first=Thomas|title = Thousands in Washington Brave Cold to Say Goodbye to Johnson|newspaper=Los Angeles Times|date = January 25, 1973 | page = A1 }}
43. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.marineband.marines.mil/Portals/175/Site%20Images/Inauguration/Marine%20Band%20Inauguration%20History_2017.pdf?ver=2017-01-11-113551-543|title=Marine Band Inauguration History|publisher=Marine Band Public Affairs Office|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
44. ^{{cite book |last=Bendat |first=Jim |title=Democracy's Big Day: The Inauguration of Our President, 1789-2013 |publisher=iUniverse |year=2012 |pages=106–108 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=bx6keVq2Fs0C&pg=PA194&lpg=PA194&dq=1885+inauguration+parade&source=bl&ots=iYV7WqNRc4&sig=mw9LW9bPvBUnTl0DN6LLWj1gLO4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdmMyZzePRAhVB0oMKHcofBdEQ6AEIUTAM#v=onepage&q=1885%20inauguration%20parade&f=false |isbn=978-1-935278-47-4}}
45. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/01/19/washington-obama-inauguration-firsts/96728070/|title=From Washington to Trump: Inauguration firsts|last=Rossman|first=Sean|date=January 20, 2017|publisher=USA Today|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
46. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.whitehousehistory.org/presidential-inaugurations-celebrate-new-times|title=Presidential Inaugurations: Celebrate New Times|publisher=The White House Historical Association|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
47. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/all_about_ike/presidential/1953_inauguration.html|title=1953 Presidential Inauguration|publisher=Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
48. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/19/us/trump-inaugural-parade-walk.html?_r=0|title=The Inaugural Parade, and the Presidents Who Walked It|last=Hauser|date=January 19, 2017|publisher=The New York Times|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
49. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.inaugural.senate.gov/about/past-inaugural-ceremonies/40th-inaugural-ceremonies/|title=The 40th Presidential Inauguration Franklin D. Roosevelt January 20, 1945|publisher=The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies|accessdate=January 31, 2017}}
50. ^{{cite news|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/us/politics/22obamacnd.html |title=On His First Full Day, Obama Tackles Sobering Challenges |accessdate=January 28, 2009 |date=January 21, 2009|work=The New York Times |last=Knowlton |first=Brian}}
51. ^I The Journal and Letters of Francis Asbury Chap. 18.
52. ^{{Cite web|url=https://president-inauguration-2017.blogspot.com/2017/01/presidential-inaugural-committee-2017.html|title=presidential inaugural committee 2017|last=Vocal|first=Youth|access-date=2017-01-12}}
53. ^MacNeil, Neil. The President's medal, 1789–1977. New York: Published in association with the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, by C. N. Potter, 1977.
54. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.loriferber.com/research/inaugural-facts-statistics/history-of-the-inaugural-medal.html|title=History of the Official Inaugural Medal|last=Levine|first=H. Joseph|publisher=Lori Ferber Collectibles|accessdate=January 27, 2017}}
55. ^Levine, H. Joseph. Collectors Guide to Presidential Medals and Memorabilia. Danbury, Conn.: Johnson & Jensen, 1981.
56. ^{{cite web| editor-last=Peters| editor-first=Gerhard| url=http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/inaugurals.php| title=Inaugural Addresses (including length in words) Washington – Trump| publisher=The American Presidency Project| location=University of California, Santa Barbara| accessdate=August 3, 2017}}

Further reading

  • {{cite book |title= Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States |publisher= Bartleby.com |year= 1989|isbn= 1-58734-025-9 }}
  • Democracy's Big Day The Inauguration of our President 1789-2009 by JIm Bendat

External links

{{Commons category|Presidential inaugurations of the United States|U.S. presidential inaugurations}}
  • [https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/art/inauguration/All_Inaugurations.htm Inauguration Ceremonies], U.S. Senate
  • [https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/inaugurations/index.html U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: "I Do Solemnly Swear..." A Resource Guide] from the Library of Congress
  • Full texts of all U.S. Inaugural Addresses at Bartleby.com
  • [https://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=B247883C1EB850D1 Historical Inauguration Speeches] at YouTube from C-SPAN, 12 videos, spanning 1933 through 2013
{{US inaugurations}}{{Lists of US Presidents and Vice Presidents}}

6 : United States presidential inaugurations|United States presidential succession|Public holidays in the United States|January events|Ceremonies in the United States|Articles containing video clips





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