

词条 1970s in sociology

  1. 1970

  2. 1971


  3. 1972

  4. 1973

  5. 1974


  6. 1975

  7. 1976

  8. 1977

  9. 1978

  10. 1979

The following events related to sociology occurred in the 1970s.


  • Robert Adrey's Social Contract is published.
  • Jean Baudrillard's Myths and Structures is published.
  • Thomas R. Dye's and L. Harmon Zeigler's Irony of democracy is published.
  • Michel Foucault's The Order of Discourse is published.
  • Alvin Ward Gouldner's The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology is published.
  • Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch is published.
  • Donald MacRae's New Society is published.
  • Nicos Poulantzas' Fascism and Dictatorship is published.
  • John Rex's Race relations in sociological theory is published.
  • Richard Sennett's Middle Class Homes of Industrial Chicago, 1872-1890 is published.
  • Richard Titmuss' The Gift Relationship is published.


  • Erving Goffman's Relations in Public is published.
  • György Lukács' History and Class Consciousness (last edition) is published.
  • Frank Parkin's Social Stratification in Capitalist and Communist Societies is published.
  • Talcott Parsons' The System of Modern Societies is published.
  • Frances Fox Piven's and Richard Cloward's Regulating the poor; the functions of public welfare is published.
  • Henry S. Shryock's and Jacob S. Siegel's The Methods and Materials of Demography is published.
  • William H. Sewell serves as president of the ASA.


June 4 - György Lukács


  • Stanley Cohen's Folk Devils and Moral Panics is published.
  • Andre Gunder Frank's Lumpendevelopment is published.
  • Karl Popper's Objective Knowledge is published.
  • Wilhelm Reich's The Sexual Revolution is published.
  • Michael Young's Is equality a dream is published.
  • William J. Goode serves as president of the ASA.


  • Jean Baudrillard's The Mirror of Production is published.
  • Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death is published.
  • Daniel Bell's The Coming of Post-Industrial Society is published.
  • Raymond Boudon's Mathematical structures of social mobility is published.
  • James Coleman's The Mathematics of Collective Activity is published.
  • Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt's Traditional patrimonialism and modern neopatrimonialism is published.
  • Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt's Tradition, change, and modernity is published.
  • Alvin Ward Gouldner's For Sociology is published.
  • David V. Glass' Numbering the People is published.
  • Steven Goldberg's The Inevitability of Patriarchy is published.
  • Jacques Lacan's The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis is published.
  • John Rex's studies in sociological theory and method is published.
  • Nicos Poulantzas' Classes in contemporary Capitalism is published.
  • Peter Willmott's and Michael Young's Symmetrical family; a study of work and leisure in the London region is published.


  • Raymond Boudon's changing prospects in Western society is published.
  • Harry Braverman's Labour and Monopoly Capital is published.
  • Randall Collins' Conflict Sociology is published.
  • Oliver Cox's Jewish Self-Interest and Black Pluralism is published.
  • Erving Goffman's Frame Analysis is published.
  • Charles Tilly's (ed.) The Formation of national States in Western Europe is published.
  • Immanuel Wallerstein's The Modern World-System (Volume 1): Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century is published
  • Peter M. Blau serves as president of the ASA.
  • Last meeting of the London Positivist Society


  • March 6 - Ernest Becker


  • Norbert Elias' The Society of Individuals is published.
  • Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish is published.
  • Paul Feyerabend's Against Method is published.
  • Ian Hacking's The Emergence of Probability is published.
  • Ian Hacking's Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? is published.
  • Nicos Poulantzas' Crisis of Dictatorships is published.
  • John Westergaard's and Henrietta Resler's a study of contemporary Britain is published.


  • Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic exchange and Death is published.
  • Thomas R. Dye's Institutional leadership in the United States is published.
  • Michel Foucault's The Will to Knowledge is published.
  • Anthony Giddens' The New Rules of the Sociological Method is published.
  • Morris Janowitz's Social Control and the Welfare State is published.
  • Edmund Leach's Culture and Communication is published.
  • Stuart Hall's and Tony Jefferson's (eds.) Resistance through Rituals is published.
  • Roy Wallis' The Road to Total Freedom is published.


  • Colin Crouch's compromise and corporatism in the policies of the British state is published.
  • Frances Fox Piven's and Richard Cloward's Why the Succeed, How they Fail is published.
  • Michael Th. Greven's the interdependence of internal-party order and democracy in the FRG is published.
  • Christopher Lasch's Haven in a Heartless World is published.
  • Karl Polanyi's The Livelihood of Man is published.


  • Arnaldo Bagnasco's, Marcello Messori's and Carlo Trigilia's Problematiche dello sviluppo italiano is published.
  • Paul Feyerabend's Science In A Free Society is published.
  • Ernest Gellner's State and Society in Soviet Thought is published.
  • Stuart Hall's, Charles Critcher's, Tony Jefferson's, Brian Robert's and John Clarke's Policing the Crisis is published.
  • Morris Janowitz's The Last Half-Century is published.
  • Nicos Panayiotou Mouzelis's Modern Greece Facets of Underdevelopment is published.
  • Nicos Poulantzas' State, Power and Socialism is published.
  • Amos H. Hawley serves as president of the ASA.


  • Pierre Bourdieu's Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste is published.
  • Michael Burawoy's Manufacturing Consent is published.
  • Ralf Dahrendorf's Life Chances is published.
  • Chinese communist leader Deng Xiaoping noted the need for more studies of the Chinese society and supported the reestablishment of sociology in China.
  • Friedrich Hayek's Law, Legislation and Liberty is published.
  • Christopher Lasch's The Culture of Narcissism is published.
  • Jean-François Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition is published.
  • Michel Maffesoli's The Present Conquest is published.
  • Michel Maffesoli's Essay on Political Anthropology is published.
  • Karl Popper's Objective Knowledge is published.
  • Theda Skocpol's States and Social Revolutions is published.
  • Viviana Zelizer's The Development of Life Insurance Policies in the United States is published.
  • Hubert M. Blalock, Jr. serves as president of the ASA.

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