

词条 Agave (Theban princess)

  1. Family

  2. Mythology

  3. Genealogy

  4. Family tree of the Theban royal house

  5. Gallery

  6. Notes

  7. Sources

{{Infobox deity|type=Greek|name=Agave|image=Death Pentheus Louvre G445.jpg|caption=|deity_of=Theban princess, a maenad|abode=Thebes|symbol=|consort=Echion, one of the Spartoi|parents=Cadmus and Harmonia|siblings=Autonoë, Ino, Semele, Polydorus|children=Pentheus|mount=}}In Greek mythology, Agave ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|æ|ɡ|ə|v|i}}; Ancient Greek: Ἀγαύη, Agauē, "illustrious") was a princess of Thebes.


Agave was the third daughter of Cadmus, the king and founder of the city of Thebes, Greece, and of the goddess Harmonia. Her sisters were Autonoë, Ino and Semele, and her brother was Polydorus.[1] She married Echion, one of the five Spartoi, and was the mother of Pentheus, a king of Thebes. She also had a daughter, Epirus. She was a Maenad, a follower of Dionysus (also known as Bacchus).


In Euripides' play, The Bacchae, Theban Maenads murdered King Pentheus after he banned the worship of Dionysus because he denied Dionysus' divinity. Dionysus, Pentheus' cousin, lured Pentheus to the woods—Pentheus wanted to see what he thought were the sexual activities of the women—where the Maenads tore him apart and his corpse was mutilated by his own mother, Agave. Thinking that she and the other women had just killed a lion—for Dionysus had driven them mad—Agave carried her son's head on a stick back to Thebes, only realizing the truth when confronted by her father, Cadmus.

This murder also served as Dionysus' vengeance on Agave (and her sisters Ino and Autonoë). Semele, during her pregnancy with Dionysus, was destroyed by the sight of the splendor of Zeus. Her sisters spread the report that she had only endeavored to conceal unmarried sex with a mortal man, by pretending that Zeus was the father of her child, and said that her destruction was a just punishment for her falsehood. This calumny was afterwards most severely avenged upon Agave. For, after Dionysus, the son of Semele, had traversed the world, he came to Thebes and sent the Theban women mad, compelling them to celebrate his Dionysiac festivals on Mount Cithaeron. Pentheus, wishing to prevent or stop these riotous proceedings, was persuaded by a disguised Dionysus to go himself to Cithaeron, but was torn to pieces there by his own mother Agave, who in her frenzy believed him to be a wild lion.[2]

For this transgression, according to Hyginus,[3] Agave was exiled from Thebes and fled to Illyria to marry King Lycotherses, and then killed him in order to gain the city for her father Cadmus. According to Smith, Hyginus' account is "manifestly transplaced by Hyginus, and must have belonged to an earlier part of the story of Agave".[4]


{{Argive genealogy in Greek mythology}}

Family tree of the Theban royal house

{{chart top|Royal house of Thebes family tree|width=100%}}
  • Solid lines indicate descendants.
  • Dashed lines indicate marriages.
  • Dotted lines indicate extra-marital relationships or adoptions.
  • Kings of Thebes are numbered with bold names and a light purple background.
    • Joint rules are indicated by a number and lowercase letter, for example, 5a. Amphion shared the throne with 5b. Zethus.
  • Regents of Thebes are alphanumbered (format AN) with bold names and a light red background.
    • The number N refers to the regency preceding the reign of the Nth king. Generally this means the regent served the Nth king but not always, as Creon (A9) was serving as regent to Laodamas (the 10th King) when he was slain by Lycus II (the usurping 9th king).
    • The letter A refers to the regency sequence. "A" is the first regent, "B" is the second, etc.
  • Deities have a yellow background color and italic names.

{{chart/start|summary="Royal House of Thebes family tree"}}{{chart||||||||||||||||||||,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.||}}{{chart||||Harm|y|Cadm|||||Polx|y|Nycs||Dirc|y|Lycu||Harm=Harmonia|Cadm=1.
Nycteus (Regent)|Dirc=Dirce|Lycu=B4 & A6.
Lycus (Regent)|boxstyle_Cadm=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Harm=background-color: #ffffaa;|boxstyle_Nycs=background-color: #ffaaaa;|boxstyle_Lycu=background-color: #ffaaaa;}}{{chart|||||||!|||||||||||!||||||||`|-|-|.|}}{{chart|Zeus||||!|||||||||||`|-|-|.|||||Zeus|!||Zeus=Zeus|boxstyle_Zeus=background-color: #ffffaa;}}{{chart|Q||,|-|v|-|+|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.||||)|-|-|-|.|||Q|!|}}{{chart|Q||!|Ino|!|Agav|y|Echi||Pold|y|Nyct||Antp|m|Z|!||Ino=Ino|Agav=Agave|Echi=Echion|Nyct=Nycteis|Pold=3.
Polydorus|Antp=Antiope|boxstyle_Pold=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|Q||!||||!||||!||||||||!||||||||!||!|}}{{chart|Y|m|Seme||Auto||)|-|-|-|.||||!||||,|-|-|-|(||!||Seme=Semele|Auto=Autonoë}}{{chart||!|||||||||!||||!||||!||||!||||!||!|}}{{chart|Dion|||||||Pent||Epei||Labd||Amph||Zeth|!||Dion=Dionysus|Pent=2.
Zethus|boxstyle_Pent=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Zeth=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Labd=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Amph=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Dion=background-color: #ffffaa;}}{{chart|||||||||||!||||||||!||||||||||!|}}{{chart||||||||||Meno|||||||!||||||||||!||Meno=Menoeceus}}{{chart||||||,|-|-|v|-|^|-|-|-|.||||!||||||||||!|}}{{chart|Eury|y|Creo||!|||||Joca|y|Laiu||Mero|r2|Poly|!||Eury=Eurydice|Creo=A7, A8 & A9.
Creon (Regent)|Joca=Jocasta|Laiu=6.
Laius|Hipp=Hipponome|Mero=Merope|Poly=Polybus|boxstyle_Laiu=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Creo=background-color: #ffaaaa;}}{{chart|,|-|-|'|||||!||||||:||`|-|-|-|.||S|P|Z||||!|}}{{chart|!|||||||Hipp|y|Alca|L|~|~|~|7||!||Q||||||!||Hipp=Hipponome|Alca=Alcaeus}}{{chart|!||||||||||!||||||||:||!||Q||||||!|}}{{chart|!|||Zeus|||||`|-|v|-|v|-|.||:||!||Q||||||!||Zeus=Zeus|boxstyle_Zeus=background-color: #ffffaa;}}{{chart|!|||||Y|m|Alcm|y|Amph|!|Peri|L|y|Oedi||||||!||Alcm=Alcmene|Amph=Amphitryon|Peri=Perimede|Oedi=7.
Oedipus|boxstyle_Oedi=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|)|-|.||||!||||!||||!|||||!|||||||||!|}}{{chart|!|Megr|~|Herc||Iphc||Anax||||!|||||||||!||Megr=Megara|Herc=Heracles|Iphc=Iphicles|Anax=Anaxo}}{{chart|!|||||||||||||||||||!|||||||||!|}}{{chart|)|-|-|v|-|v|-|v|-|.|||||,|-|v|-|v|^|-|-|-|-|-|-|.||!|}}{{chart|Heni|!|Mega|!|Haem|P|P|Anti|!|Eteo||Arge|y|Poln|!||Heni=Henioche|Mega=Megareus|Haem=Haemon|Anti=Antigone|Poln=8a.
Eteocles|boxstyle_Poln=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Eteo=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart||||!||||!|||||||||!||!||||||!||||!|}}{{chart|||Pyrr||Lyco|||||||Isme|!||||||!||Lyc2||Pyrr=Pyrrha|Lyco=Lycomedes|Isme=Ismene|Lyc2=9.
Lycus II|boxstyle_Lyc2=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|||||||||||||||||||!||||||!|||||}}{{chart|||||||||||||||||,|-|'||||||!|||||}}{{chart||||||||||Pene||||Laod||Demo|y|Ther|||||Pene=A12.
Peneleos (Regent)|Laod=10.
Thersander|boxstyle_Laod=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Ther=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Pene=background-color: #ffaaaa;}}{{chart|||||||||||!||||||||||||!|||||||}}{{chart||||||||||Ophe||||||||||Tisa|||||||Tisa=12.
Tisamenus|Ophe=Opheltes|boxstyle_Tisa=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|||||||||||!||||||||||||!|||||||}}{{chart||||||||||Dama||||||||||Aute|||||||Aute=13.
Damasichthon|boxstyle_Aute=background-color: #ffaaff;|boxstyle_Dama=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|||||||||||!||||||||,|-|-|-|(|||||||}}{{chart||||||||||Ptol||||||Ther||Arge|y|Aris|||Ptol=15.
Ptolemy|Ther=Theras|Arge=Argeia|Aris=Aristodemus|boxstyle_Ptol=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart|||||||||||!||||||||||||,|-|^|-|.|||}}{{chart||||||||||Xant||||||||||Eury||Proc|||Xant=16.
Xanthos|Eury=Eurysthenes|Proc=Procles|boxstyle_Xant=background-color: #ffaaff;}}{{chart/end}}{{chart bottom}}



1. ^Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3.4.2.
2. ^Apollodorus, 3.5.2; Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.725.
3. ^Hyginus, Fabulae 184, 240, 254.
4. ^Smith, "Agave" .


  • Apollodorus, Apollodorus, The Library, with an English Translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volumes. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921.
  • Hesiod, Theogony, in The Homeric Hymns and Homerica with an English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Cambridge, MA.,Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914.
  • Homer, The Iliad with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in two volumes, Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1924.
  • Hyginus, Gaius Julius, The Myths of Hyginus. Edited and translated by Mary A. Grant, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1960.
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, Brookes More. Boston. Cornhill Publishing Co. 1922. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.
  • Smith, William; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, London (1873). "Agave"

4 : Dionysus in mythology|Princesses in Greek mythology|Theban mythology|Demigods of Classical mythology





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