

词条 2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts
释义 {{SCOTUS-justice-listframe
|image=File:File-Official roberts CJ cropped.jpg
|startdate=October 6, 2008
|enddate=October 4, 2009
|mostjoinedby=Scalia, Alito (11)
|leastjoinedby=Stevens, Breyer (3)
|accessdate=March 20, 2010
|archivedate-courtopinions=March 28, 2010
|archivedate-relatingtoorders=March 28, 2010
|archivedate-inchambers=March 28, 2010
| #=01
| case=Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
| type=majority
| volume=555
| page=7
| year=2008
| issues=National Environmental Policy Act {{*}} impact of naval sonar testing on marine mammals {{*}} environmental impact statements
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion1author=Breyer || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Ginsburg || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
| summary=
| #=02
| case=Herring v. United States
| type=majority
| volume=555
| page=135
| year=2009
| issues=Fourth Amendment {{*}} exclusionary rule {{*}} effect of police negligence on search
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Herring v. United States
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Breyer || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Herring v. United States
| summary=
| #=03
| case=Spears v. United States
| type=dissent
| volume=555
| page=261
| year=2009
| issues=Federal Sentencing Guidelines {{*}} crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity
| joined=Alito
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=per curiam || otheropinion1link=2008 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States#Spears v. United States
| summary=Roberts dissented from the Court's per curiam opinion.
| #=04
| case=Ysursa v. Pocatello Ed. Assn.
| type=majority
| volume=555
| page=353
| year=2009
| issues=First Amendment {{*}} public employee unions {{*}} state ban on payroll deductions for political activities
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito; Ginsburg (in part)
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Ysursa v. Pocatello Ed. Assn.
| otheropinion2type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion2author=Breyer || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Ysursa v. Pocatello Ed. Assn.
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Stevens || otheropinion3link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Ysursa v. Pocatello Ed. Assn.
| otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4author=Souter || otheropinion4link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#Ysursa v. Pocatello Ed. Assn.
| summary=
| #=05
| case=United States v. Hayes
| type=dissent
| volume=555
| page=415
| year=2009
| issues=Gun Control Act of 1968 {{*}} domestic violence predicate offense
| joined=Scalia
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#United States v. Hayes
| summary=
| #=06
| case=Pacific Bell Telephone Co. v. linkLine Communications, Inc.
| type=majority
| volume=555
| page=438
| year=2009
| issues=antitrust law {{*}} Sherman Antitrust Act {{*}} predatory pricing {{*}} wholesale DSL service
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Breyer || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Pacific Bell Telephone Co. v. linkLine Communications, Inc.
| summary=
| #=07
| case1=Pennsylvania v. Dunlap
| type=dissent
| volume=555
| page=964
| year=2008
| issues=Fourth Amendment {{*}} probable cause
| joined=Kennedy
| summary=Roberts dissented from the Court's denial of certiorari.
| #=08
| case=Vaden v. Discover Bank
| type=concurrencedissent
| volume=556
| page=49
| year=2009
| issues=Federal Arbitration Act {{*}} petition in federal court to compel arbitration {{*}} federal question jurisdiction
| joined=Stevens, Breyer, Alito
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Vaden v. Discover Bank
| summary=
| #=09
| case=Kansas v. Colorado
| type=concurrence
| volume=556
| page=98
| year=2009
| issues=Article III {{*}} original jurisdiction {{*}} award of expert witness attendance fees {{*}} Arkansas River Compact
| joined=Souter
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Kansas v. Colorado
| summary=
| #=10
| case=Harbison v. Bell
| type=concurrence
| volume=556
| page=180
| year=2009
| issues=federally appointed counsel in state clemency proceedings {{*}} certificate of appealability
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Harbison v. Bell
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Thomas || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Harbison v. Bell
| otheropinion3type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Harbison v. Bell
| summary=
| #=11
| case=Nken v. Holder
| type=majority
| volume=556
| page=418
| year=2009
| issues=immigration law {{*}} Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 {{*}} stay of removal order
| joined=Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Nken v. Holder
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Alito || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Nken v. Holder
| summary=
| #=12
| case=Cone v. Bell
| type=concurrence
| volume=556
| page=449
| year=2009
| issues=Fourteenth Amendment {{*}} Due Process Clause {{*}} state suppression of mitigating evidence {{*}} adequate and independent state ground
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Cone v. Bell
| otheropinion2type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion2author=Alito || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Cone v. Bell
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Cone v. Bell
| summary=
| #=13
| case=Dean v. United States
| type=majority
| volume=556
| page=568
| year=2009
| issues=federal criminal law {{*}} mandatory additional sentence discharge of firearm during crime {{*}} proof of intent {{*}} rule of lenity
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Dean v. United States
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Breyer || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Dean v. United States
| summary=
| #=14
| case=Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co.
| type=dissent
| volume=556
| page=868
| year=2009
| issues=Due Process Clause {{*}} recusal {{*}} judicial campaign contributions from litigant
| joined=Scalia, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co.
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co.
| summary=
| #=15
| case=United States v. Denedo
| type=concurrencedissent
| volume=556
| page=904
| year=2009
| issues=Uniform Code of Military Justice {{*}} coram nobis {{*}} All Writs Act
| joined=Scalia, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#United States v. Denedo
| summary=
| #=16
| case=Polar Tankers, Inc. v. City of Valdez
| type=concurrence
| volume=557
| page=1
| year=2009
| issues=Tonnage Clause {{*}} local property tax on vessels
| joined=Thomas
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Breyer || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Polar Tankers, Inc. v. City of Valdez
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Alito || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Polar Tankers, Inc. v. City of Valdez
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Stevens || otheropinion3link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Polar Tankers, Inc. v. City of Valdez
| summary=
| #=17
| case=District Attorney's Office for Third Judicial Dist. v. Osborne
| type=majority
| volume=557
| page=52
| year=2009
| issues=Due Process Clause {{*}} postconviction access to state evidence for DNA testing {{*}} substantive due process
| joined=Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#District Attorney's Office for Third Judicial Dist. v. Osborne
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#District Attorney's Office for Third Judicial Dist. v. Osborne
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Souter || otheropinion3link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#District Attorney's Office for Third Judicial Dist. v. Osborne
| summary=
| #=18
| case=Northwest Austin Municipal Util. Dist. No. One v. Holder
| type=majority
| volume=557
| page=193
| year=2009
| issues=Voting Rights Act of 1965 {{*}} preclearance {{*}} eligibility of utility district for bailout provision
| joined=Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer, Alito
| otheropinion1type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion1author=Thomas || otheropinion1link=2008 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Northwest Austin Municipal Util. Dist. No. One v. Holder
| summary=




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