

词条 2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer
释义 {{SCOTUS-justice-listframe
|image=File:Stephen Breyer, SCOTUS photo portrait.jpg
|startdate=October 5, 2009
|enddate=October 3, 2010
|mostjoinedby=Ginsburg (16)
|leastjoinedby=Scalia, Thomas (6)
|accessdate=October 4, 2010
| #=01
| case=Alvarez v. Smith
| type=majority
| volume=558
| page=87
| year=2009
| wikisource=
| issues=Case or Controversy Clause {{*}} mootness
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito, Sotomayor; Stevens (in part)
| otheropinion1type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Alvarez v. Smith
| summary=
| #=02
| case=Smith v. Spisak
| type=majority
| volume=558
| page=139
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Eighth Amendment {{*}} death penalty {{*}} jury instructions on mitigation {{*}} Sixth Amendment {{*}} ineffective assistance of counsel
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito, Sotomayor; Stevens (in part)
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Smith v. Spisak
| summary=
| #=03
| case-article=2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States#Hollingsworth v. Perry
| case-display=Hollingsworth v. Perry
| type=dissent
| volume=558
| page=183
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Proposition 8 {{*}} broadcast of federal trial {{*}} district court local rule revision
| joined=Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=per curiam || otheropinion1link=2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States#Hollingsworth v. Perry
| summary=
| #=04
| case=Hemi Group, LLC v. City of New York
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=1
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act {{*}} Jenkins Act {{*}} taxation of online cigarette sales {{*}} lost tax revenue as injury to municipality
| joined=Stevens, Kennedy
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Hemi Group, LLC v. City of New York
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Ginsburg || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Hemi Group, LLC v. City of New York
| summary=
| #=05
| case=Hertz Corp. v. Friend
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=77
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=removal jurisdiction {{*}} diversity jurisdiction {{*}} principal place of business test
| joined=Unanimous
| summary=
| #=06
| case=Conkright v. Frommert
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=506
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 {{*}} standard of review of plan administrator interpretration
| joined=Stevens, Ginsburg
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Conkright v. Frommert
| summary=
| #=07
| case=Perdue v. Kenny A.
| type=concurrencedissent
| volume=559
| page=542
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976 {{*}} calculation of attorney's fees
| joined=Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| summary=
| #=08
| case=Jerman v. Carlisle, McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA
| type=concurrence
| volume=559
| page=573
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Fair Debt Collection Practices Act {{*}} exclusion of legal errors from bona fide error defense
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Sotomayor || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Jerman v. Carlisle, McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Jerman v. Carlisle, McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Kennedy || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Jerman v. Carlisle, McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA
| summary=
| #=09
| case=Merck & Co. v. Reynolds
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=633
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Securities Exchange Act of 1934 {{*}} securities fraud {{*}} statute of limitations {{*}} discovery rule and scienter
| joined=Roberts, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Alito, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Merck & Co. v. Reynolds
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Merck & Co. v. Reynolds
| summary=
| #=10
| case=Salazar v. Buono
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=700
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Article III {{*}} standing {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} Establishment Clause {{*}} display of religious symbol on government land {{*}} land transfer from government to private owner
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=plurality || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Roberts || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion4type=concurrence || otheropinion4author=Alito || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion5type=dissent || otheropinion5author=Stevens || otheropinion5link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Salazar v. Buono
| summary=
| #=11
| case=United States v. Comstock
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=126
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Necessary and Proper Clause {{*}} civil commitment of mentally ill, sexually dangerous prisoners
| joined=Roberts, Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#United States v. Comstock
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Alito || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#United States v. Comstock
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#United States v. Comstock
| summary=
| #=12
| case=United States v. Marcus
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=258
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=plain error standard of review {{*}} Ex Post Facto Clause {{*}} Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#United States v. Marcus
| summary=
| #=13
| case=Alabama v. North Carolina
| type=concurrencedissent
| volume=560
| page=330
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
| joined=Roberts
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Alabama v. North Carolina
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Alabama v. North Carolina
| otheropinion3type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion3author=Roberts || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Alabama v. North Carolina
| summary=
| #=14
| case=Barber v. Thomas
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=474
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Federal Bureau of Prisons calculation of good time credit
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Barber v. Thomas
| summary=
| #=15
| case=Dolan v. United States
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=605
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Mandatory Victims Restitution Act {{*}} deadline for restitution order
| joined=Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Dolan v. United States
| summary=
| #=16
| case=Holland v. Florida
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=631
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 {{*}} statute of limitations {{*}} equitable tolling
| joined=Roberts, Stevens, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Holland v. Florida
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Holland v. Florida
| summary=
| #=17
| case=Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
| type=concurrence
| volume=560
| page=702
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Fifth Amendment {{*}} Takings Clause {{*}} littoral rights
| joined=Ginsburg
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
| summary=
| #=18
| case=Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project
| type=dissent
| volume=561
| page=1
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=USA Patriot Act {{*}} nonviolent training and expert advice as material support to terrorism {{*}} standing {{*}} Fifth Amendment {{*}} Due Process Clause {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} free speech {{*}} freedom of association
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project
| summary=
| #=19
| case=Doe v. Reed
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=186
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=public disclosure of referendum petitions {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} free speech
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion4type=concurrence || otheropinion4author=Alito || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion5type=concurrence || otheropinion5author=Sotomayor || otheropinion5link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion6type=dissent || otheropinion6author=Thomas || otheropinion6link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Doe v. Reed
| summary=
| #=20
| case=Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd.
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=247
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 {{*}} SEC Rule 10b-5 {{*}} extraterritorial application
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd.
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd.
| summary=
| #=21
| case=Magwood v. Patterson
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=320
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=habeas corpus {{*}} Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 {{*}} claims in second or successive applications
| joined=Stevens
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Thomas || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Magwood v. Patterson
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Magwood v. Patterson
| summary=
| #=22
| case=Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Bd.
| type=dissent
| volume=561
| page=477
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 {{*}} Public Company Accounting Oversight Board {{*}} separation of powers {{*}} Appointments Clause
| joined=Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Bd.
| summary=
| #=23
| case=Bilski v. Kappos
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=593
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=patent law {{*}} patentability of business method
| joined=Scalia (in part)
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Bilski v. Kappos
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Bilski v. Kappos
| summary=
| #=24
| case=McDonald v. Chicago
| type=dissent
| volume=561
| page=742
| year=2010
| wikisource=
| issues=Second Amendment {{*}} Fourteenth Amendment {{*}} Incorporation Doctrine {{*}} gun control
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4author=Stevens || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#McDonald v. Chicago
| summary=




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