

词条 Gian Galeazzo Visconti

  1. Biography

  2. Gallery

  3. Ancestors

  4. See also

  5. References

  6. Further reading

  7. External links

{{Infobox royalty
| name = Gian Galeazzo Visconti
| image =GiovAmbrogiodePredisattribGianGaleazzoVisconti.jpg
| image_size = 220px
| succession = Duke of Milan
| reign = 5 September 1395 {{ndash}} 3 September 1402
| reign-type = Tenure
| coronation = 5 September 1395, Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
| successor = Gian Maria Visconti
| succession1 = Lord of Milan
| reign1 = 6 May 1385 {{ndash}} 5 September 1395
| reign-type1 = Tenure
| predecessor1 = Bernabò Visconti
| succession2 = Lord of Pavia
| reign2 = 4 August 1378 {{ndash}} 5 September 1395
| reign-type2 = Tenure
| predecessor2 = Galeazzo II Visconti
| succession3 = Lord of Pisa
| reign3 = 13 February 1399 {{ndash}} 3 September 1402
| reign-type3 = Tenure
| predecessor3 = Gherardo Appiani
| successor3 = Gabriele Maria Visconti
| birth_date = 16 October 1351
| birth_place = Pavia, Italy
| death_date = {{death date and age|1402|9|3|1351|10|16|df=y}}
| death_place = Melegnano, Duchy of Milan, Italy
| burial_place = Certosa di Pavia
| spouse = {{marriage|Isabella, Countess of Vertus|1360|1372|end=d.}}
{{marriage|Caterina Visconti|1380|1402|end=d.}}
| issue = With Isabella:
Valentina Visconti, Duchess of Orléans
With Caterina:
Gian Maria Visconti
Filippo Maria Visconti
Gabriele Maria Visconti
Antonio Visconti
| house = Visconti
| house-type = House
| father = Galeazzo II Visconti
| mother = Bianca of Savoy
| religion = Roman Catholicism

Gian Galeazzo Visconti (16 October 1351 – 3 September 1402), son of Galeazzo II Visconti and Bianca of Savoy, was the first Duke of Milan (1395)[1] and ruled the late-medieval city just before the dawn of the Renaissance. He was the founding patron of the Certosa di Pavia, completing the Visconti Castle at Pavia begun by his father and furthering work on the Duomo of Milan.


During his patronage of the Visconti Castle, he contributed to the growth of the collection of scientific treatises and richly illuminated manuscripts in the Visconti Library.[2]

Gian Galeazzo was the son of Galeazzo II Visconti who possessed the signoria of the city of Pavia. In 1385 Gian Galeazzo gained control of Milan by overthrowing his uncle Bernabò through treacherous means by faking a religious conversion and ambushing him during a religious procession in Milan.[3] He imprisoned his uncle who soon died, supposedly poisoned on his orders.[4]

His first marriage was to Isabelle of Valois, who brought him the title of comte de Vertus in Champagne, rendered in Italian as Conte di Virtù, the title by which he was known in his early career. A devoted father to his daughter Valentina, wife of Louis, Duke of Orleans and mother of the poet, Charles of Orleans. Gian Galeazzo reacted to gossip about Valentina at the French Court{{explain|date=November 2017}} by threatening to declare war on France. The wife of King Charles VI of France was Isabeau of Bavaria, the granddaughter of Bernabò Visconti, and, thus, a bitter rival of Valentina and her father Gian Galeazzo Visconti.

After Galeazzo's wife Isabelle died in childbirth in 1373, he married secondly, on 2 October 1380, his first cousin Caterina Visconti, daughter of Bernabò; with her he had two sons, Gian Maria and Filippo Maria.

Galeazzo's role as a statesman also took other forms. Soon after seizing Milan he took Verona, Vicenza, and Padua, establishing himself as Signore of each, and soon controlled almost the entire valley of the Po, including Piacenza where in 1393 he gave the feudal power to Confalonieri Family on the lands they already had in the valleys around Piacenza. He lost Padua in 1390, when it reverted to Francesco Novello da Carrara. He received the title of Duke of Milan from Wenceslaus, King of the Romans in 1395 for 100,000 florins.{{citation needed|date=November 2017}}

In 1396, after the disaster of Nicopolis, he was strongly suspected of having informed the Ottomans of the crusaders' plans and of the size and strength of their army as vengeance for his daughter being accused of being behind the illness of King Charles VI of France, and for France's increasing control over the city of Genoa that he had attempted to hamper, for which he had been rebuked by Enguerrand VII de Coucy before the battle.{{citation needed|date=May 2018}}

In 1400, Gian Galeazzo appointed a host of clerks and departments entrusted with improving the public health. For the new system of administration and bookkeeping this established, he is credited with creating the first modern bureaucracy, with the assistance of his Chancellor Francesco Barbavara.[5]

Gian Galeazzo had dreams of uniting all of northern Italy into one kingdom,{{citation needed|date=November 2017}} a revived Lombard empire. Obstacles included Bologna and especially Florence. In 1402, Gian Galeazzo launched assaults upon these cities. The warfare was extremely costly on both sides, but it was universally believed the Milanese would emerge victorious.{{citation needed|date=November 2017}} The Florentine leaders, especially the chancellor Coluccio Salutati worked successfully to rally the people of Florence, but the Florentines were being taxed hard by famine, disease, and poverty. Galeazzo won another victory over the Bolognese at the Battle of Casalecchio on 26 June 1402.

Galeazzo's dreams were to come to naught, however, as he succumbed to a fever at the castello of Melegnano on 10 August 1402. He died on 3 September. His empire fragmented as infighting among his successors wrecked Milan, partly through his division of his lands among both legitimate and illegitimate heirs.[6]

Gian Galeazzo spent 300,000 golden florins in attempting to turn from their courses the rivers Mincio from Mantua and the Brenta from Padua, in order to render those cities helpless before the force of his arms.

Notable are his library, housed in the grandest princely dwelling in Italy,{{citation needed|date=November 2017}} the castello in Pavia, and his rich collection of manuscripts, many of them the fruits of his conquests.

Furious at French political maneuvering that had removed Genoa from his influence, Gian Galeazzo had been attempting to stop the transfer of Genoese sovereignty to France and Coucy was dispatched to warn him that France would consider further interference a hostile act. The quarrel was more than political. Valentina Visconti, the wife of the Duke of Orleans and Gian Galeazzo's beloved daughter, had been exiled from Paris due the machinations of Queen Isabeau the same month as the departure of the crusade. The Duke of Milan threatened to send knights to defend his daughter's honor but, in the wake of the disaster at Nicopolis, it was widely believed that he had relayed intelligence to Bayezid I of crusader troop movements. There is no firm evidence of this and it is likely that Gian Galeazzo became a scapegoat after the fact due the existing animosity with France, though there remains the possibility that the Duke of Milan, who had murdered his own uncle to ensure his own power, did in fact betray the crusaders. Coucy, his diplomatic mission complete and accompanied by Henry of Bar and their followers, left Milan for Venice, from where he requisitioned a ship on 17 May to take him across the Adriatic Sea, landing in the Croatian port of Senj on 30 May before making his way overland to the rendezvous in Buda. (Battle of Nicopolis)



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| 1 = Gian Galeazzo Visconti
| 2 = Galeazzo II Visconti
| 3 = Bianca of Savoy
| 4 = Stefano Visconti
| 5 = Valentina Doria
| 6 = Aimone, Count of Savoy
| 7 = Yolande Palaeologina of Montferrato
| 8 = Matteo I Visconti
| 9 = Bonacossa Borri
| 10 = Bernabò Doria
| 11 = Eliana Fieschi
| 12 = Amadeus V, Count of Savoy
| 13 = Sybille of Bâgé
| 14 = Theodore I, Marquess of Montferrat
| 15 = Argentina Spinola
| 16 = Teobaldo Visconti
| 17 = Anastasia Pirovano
| 18 = Squarcina Borri
| 19 = Antonia
| 20 = Brancaleone Doria
| 21 = Caterina Zancha
| 22 = Federico Fieschi, Lord of Genoa
| 23 = Chiara N.
| 24 = Thomas II of Savoy
| 25 = Beatrice Fieschi
| 26 = Guy II de Bâgé
| 27 = Beatrice de Monferrato
| 28 = Andronikos II Palaiologos
| 29 = Yolande of Montferrat
| 30 = Opicino Spinola
| 31 = Violante of Saluzzo

See also

  • Montechino Italian Castle Piacenza


1. ^He was also Signore di Verona, Cremona, Bergamo, Brescia, Belluno, Pieve di Cadore, Feltre, Pavia, Novara, Como, Lodi, Vercelli, Alba, Asti, Pontremoli, Tortona, Alessandria, Valenza, Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Vicenza, Vigevano, Borgo San Donnino and of the valli del Boite.
2. ^Hoeniger, Cathleen. The Illuminated Tacuinum sanitatis Manuscripts from Northern Italy ca. 1380-1400: Sources, Patrons, and the Creation of a new Pictorial Genre. in: Givens, Jean Ann; Reeds, Karen; Touwaide, Alain. (2006) [https://books.google.com/books?id=HK799l9nR4UC Visualizing medieval medicine and natural history, 1200-1550]. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 51-82. {{ISBN|0754652963}}.
3. ^John T. Paoletta and Gary M. Radke, Art in Renaissance Italy
4. ^Barbara Tuchman A Distant Mirror A.A.Knopf, New York (1978) p.418
5. ^{{cite book |last1=Symonds |first1=John Addington |authorlink1=John Addington Symonds |title=Renaissance in Italy: The age of despots |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=8msbAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142&dq=%22His+love+of+order+was+so+precise+that+he+may+be+said+to+have+applied+the+method+of+a+banker%27s+office+to+the+conduct+of+a+state%22#v=onepage&q=%22His%20love%20of%20order%20was%20so%20precise%20that%20he%20may%20be%20said%20to%20have%20applied%20the%20method%20of%20a%20banker%27s%20office%20to%20the%20conduct%20of%20a%20state%22&f=false |archiveurl=http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015026749849 |archivedate=an unknown date |accessdate=March 8, 2011 |edition=American |volume=1 |year=1888 |origyear=1875 |publisher=Henry Holt and Company |deadurl=no |location=New York |oclc=664406875 |asin=B003YH9WF0 |page=142 |quote=It was he who invented bureaucracy by creating a special class of paid clerks and secretaries of departments. Their duty consisted in committing to books and ledgers the minutest items of his private expenditure and the outgoings of his public purse; in noting the details of the several taxes, so as to be able to present a survey of the whole state revenue; and in recording the names and qualities and claims of his generals, captains, and officials. }}
6. ^To his son Giovanni Maria he assigned the title of Duke of Milan, which included Como, Lodi, Cremona, Bergamo, Brescia, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza, Parma, and claims to Perugia and Siena. To Filippo Maria, conte di Pavia, he assigned in addition Vercelli, Novara, Alessandria, Tortona, Feltre, Verona, Vicenza, Bassano and the shores of Trento. To his illegitimate son, Gabriele Maria, went Pisa and Crema.

Further reading

  • {{cite book |last1=Bueno de Mesquita |first1=D. M. (Daniel Meredith) |year=2011 |orig-year=1941 |title=Giangaleazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan (1351-1402): A Study in the Political Career of an Italian Despot |edition=reprint |location=Cambridge, UK |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn= 9780521234559 |oclc=746456124 |url=https://books.google.com/?id=IrE8AAAAIAAJ&pg=PAxi=onepage&q#v=onepage&q=%22A%20study%20in%20the%20political%20career%20of%20an%20Italian%20despot%22&f=false |ref=harv}}

External links

  • Portrait and family tree
{{s-start}}{{s-reg|it}}{{S-bef|before=Galeazzo II Visconti|before2=Bernabò Visconti}}{{s-ttl|title=Lord of Milan|years=1378–1395}}{{S-non | reason = Became duke}}{{s-new | creation}}{{s-ttl|title=Duke of Milan|years=1395–1402}}{{s-aft|after=Gian Maria Visconti}}{{s-end}}{{Visconti of Milan}}{{Authority control}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Visconti, Gian Galeazzo}}

6 : Dukes of Milan|House of Visconti|People from Pavia|14th-century Italian people|1351 births|1402 deaths





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