

词条 Book:Tycho Brahe/Appendices
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Tycho Brahe illustrated how to mount the sextant to measure the elevation of celestial objects (INSTRUMENTI EIUSDEM UT ALTITUDINIBUS CAPIENDIS INSERVIAT DISPOSITIO).


Tycho Brahe drew the construction of his great equatorial armillary (ARMILLÆ AEQUATORIÆ MAXMIÆ SESQUIALTERO CONSTANTES CIRCULO) used for measuring right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects.

{{clr}}Tycho Brahe: Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (Wandsbek 1598) depicted himself in the middle with his wall quadrant; the person at the right actually measured. The assistant at bottom right read aloud the clock time, which the assistant at left recorded. The upper background depicts Tycho's assistants using other instruments; Tycho's Celestial globe and assistants computing in the middle; and Tycho's alchemical laboratory underneath.{{clr}}

Tycho Brahe made this sketch of the great quadrant he built near Augsburg.

{{clr}}Smaller scale reconstruction of Tycho's Augsburger Quadrant in Römerturm in Göggingen - the celestial object is sighted along the upper right-hand straight edge and its elevation read off where the plumb-line crosses the curved vernier scale. Photograph by Johannes "Jodo" Dosch 2008, licensed under GFDL 1.2 (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jodo){{clr}}

Closeup of model shows the vernier scale has a precision of one arcminute - the numbers indicate the degrees of elevation of the celestial object sighted along the right-hand side straight edge. Photograph by Johannes "Jodo" Dosch 2008, licensed under GFDL 1.2 (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jodo)


The plan-view schematic above shows the Stjerneborg observatory bounded by a square wall with semi-circular extensions on each side, the entrance on the left lies in the direction of the nearby palace Uraniborg. Annotations are: * A = Entrance with steps leading down into the main workroom (B) and (D) and (E), above are three lion sculptures and Latin inscriptions * B = The main Workroom containing (P) and (V) and passages to (C), (F), (G), and (Q) * C = chamber with large equatorial instrument * D = chamber with elevation and azimuth quadrant * E = chamber with armillary sphere * F = chamber with elevation and azimuth quadrant encompassed by a steel square * G = chamber with sextant for measuring distances * H = stone pillars one with a ball on top, the other angled, situated at the near side * I = stone pillars one with a ball on top, the other angled, situated at the far side * K, L, N and T = large balls, with conical covers, used for mounting instruments * M = Stone table, shown with sundial in Willem Blaeu's drawing * O = bed of Tycho Brahe * P = fireplace * Q = Tycho's assistant's bedroom * S = beginning of an underground passage to Uraniborg * V = worktable. The 2005 photograph below shows a replica of the observatory restored.


Tycho Brahe's Stjerneborg observatory on the island of Hven, restored. Photograph by user Detriment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Detriment) 2005.


Tycho Brahe's Uranienborg painted by Constantin Hansen, 1882


Uraniborg main building from copper etching of Blaeu's Atlas Major 1663, Tycho Brahe's observatory on Hven, built ca 1576-1580

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