

词条 Casuarina pauper

  1. Description

  2. Taxonomy

  3. Distribution

  4. Reproduction and dispersal

  5. Uses

  6. Conservation

  7. References

|image = Belah - Botanic Gardens Canberra.JPG
|genus = Casuarina
|species = pauper
|authority = F.Muell. ex L.A.S.Johnson

Casuarina pauper is a tree from the Casuarinaceae family, native to a band across the drier, inland areas of southern Australia ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}). C. pauper is known as a poorer, stunted form of the closely related Casuarina cristata ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}).

Common names include black oak and belah ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).


Casuarina pauper is a dioecious tree, 5 to 15 metres tall and up to 0.5 metre in diameter ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}; {{harvnb|Callister|2004}}). Specimens growing in the open often develop a dense crown, and when growing in dense stands the main stem tends to be straight for more than half the total height ({{harvnb|National Research Council|1984}}).

The foliage is not composed of true leaves but rather of jointed branchlets that function like leaves ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}). The true leaves are tiny, tooth-like structures protruding from around the top of each joint ({{harvnb|DAFF|}}). Leaves are strongly waxy, densely and very shortly hairy, with teeth spreading to recurved ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}).

Bark is hard, dark brown to blackish, with a tight scaly appearance ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}).

Sapwood is wide and creamy coloured, heartwood is reddish brown and very dense ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).

Seedlings consist of both deciduous and persistent branches similar in morphology. Whorls of 4 leaf teeth are closely oppressed to the branch at the joint, gradually increasing in number, with internodes being 0.3–0.4 cm long ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).

Adult plants consist of both deciduous and permanent branches, which are noticeably different in morphology ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}). The deciduous branches are robust, dark olive-green to grey, consisting of mostly pendent branchlets 10–20 cm long, shed after 2–3 seasons ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}). Erect leaf teeth occur in whorls of 9–16, consist of internodes of approximately 0.7–1.5 cm long, spreading to recurved ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).

As the species is dioecious, male and female inflorescences are on separate trees. Male flowers are located on small slender terminal spikes at the end of deciduous branches ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}). Female flowers are grouped in alternating whorls of 9–16, eventually forming a cone, which is grey, subspherical to rounded oblong in shape measuring 1.5–3 x 1.5–2.5 cm ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}). Bracteoles are short and tawny, pubescent and opening widely at dehiscence ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}). Fruits are dull yellow-brown, elliptical, flattened, up to 5.5–7.0mm long ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).


The word 'casuarina' is derived from the word kasuari (the Malay word for cassowary), in reference to the similarity of the tree's drooping branches to the feathers of the bird ({{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}).

The word 'pauper' is Latin (meaning poor, scanty, meagre), relating to the smaller, poorer habit of this species when compared to C.cristata ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).

Previous nomenclatureCasuarina stricta ssp. pauper, Casuarina cristata, Casuarina pauper ssp. pauper, Casuarina lepidophloia, Casuarina cambagei ({{harvnb|Callister|2004}}), Casuarina cristata subsp. pauper (Miq.) L.A.S. Johnson ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}; {{harvnb|National Research Council|1984}}).

Common names – Black Oak, Inland Sheoak, Belah ({{harvnb|Callister|2004}}; {{harvnb|National Research Council|1984}}).


C. pauper is widespread across a band of southern Australia, including western New South Wales, north-western Victoria, inland South Australia, Central Australia, south-western Queensland, and southern inland Western Australia ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}; {{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}).

C. pauper is generally found growing in groves ranging from ≤1 to 10ha ({{harvnb|Barrit|Facelli|2001}}). This species can withstand compact clay soils and high alkalinity ({{harvnb|National Research Council|1984}}).

The species occurs in the altitudinal range of 400–500m, surviving in areas where the hottest month is 32–36 °C and 3–7 °C in the coldest month, being moderately tolerant of frosts. Generally located in areas averaging 200–350mm of rainfall per year ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|}}).

Reproduction and dispersal

C. pauper produces abundant viable seed, with regeneration success likely to be inhibited during periods of insufficient soil moisture required for seedling survival ({{harvnb|Callister|2004}}; {{harvnb|Auld|1995}}). Seeds consist of a papery transparent wing with conspicuous midrib ({{harvnb|Wilson|Johnson|1989}}), and may be dispersed by wind, surface run-off, and animals such as ants and emus ({{harvnb|Callister|2004}}).

The species also regenerates from basal shoots ({{harvnb|Callister|2004}}). Vegetative recruits tend to have a high survival rate, although the survival of both forms of recruits under rabbit and kangaroo grazing is extremely low, as both are highly palatable ({{harvnb|Keith|2004}}). When present at low densities, C.pauper tends to reproduce sexually, while established groves extend mostly from the fringes through vegetative shoots, increasing the local area occupied by the individuals ({{harvnb|Barrit|Facelli|2001}}).


C. pauper is fast growing, and improves the levels of nitrogen in the soils, produced by biological fixation ({{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}), with their roots fixing atmospheric nitrogen through nodules that contain specially adapted symbiotic bacteria of the genus Frankia spp. ({{harvnb|Barrit|Facelli|2001}}; {{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}). This allows Casuarina species to grow on nutrient poor soils, and other limiting environments such as sandy soils or granite outcrops ({{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}).

Casuarina species may be of benefit to farming communities as they provide an excellent source of shade, shelter and erosion control on farms, ({{harvnb|DPI|2010}}) and to a limited extent, is a source of emergency drought fodder ({{harvnb|National Research Council|1984}}).

The timber they provide is hard and durable, suitable for fencing, woodturning and firewood ({{harvnb|Boland|Brooker|McDonald|2006|p. 74|}}).

Indigenous people traditionally use the hard wood of Casuarina species for making a number of implements such as boomerangs, spears, clapping sticks, digging sticks, shields and clubs ({{harvnb|Merideth||Yeo|n.d|}}; {{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}). Young shoots and branchlets can be chewed to reduce thirst, and cones may also eaten ({{harvnb|Merideth||Yeo|n.d|}}; {{harvnb|DAFF|n.d|}}).

Casuarina cones can also be soaked in water to provide a lemon flavoured drink ({{harvnb|Merideth||Yeo|n.d|}}).


Not considered rare or endangered.


  • {{citation

| last = Auld
| first = T.D
| year = 1995
| title = The Impact of Herbivores on Regeneration in Four Trees from Arid Australia.
| journal = The Rangeland Journal
| volume = 17
| issue = 2
| pages = 213–227
| doi = 10.1071/RJ9950213
| ref = {{harvid|Auld|1995}}
  • {{citation

| last = Barrit
| first = A.R
| last2 = Facelli
| first2 = J.M
| year = 2001
| title = Effects of Casuarina pauper litter and grove soil on emergence and growth of understory plant species in arid lands of South Australia.
| journal = Journal of Arid Environments
| volume = 49
| pages = 569–579
| doi = 10.1071/RJ9950213
| ref = {{harvid|Barrit|Facelli|2001}}
  • {{citation

| last = Boland
| first = D.J
| last2 = Brooker
| first2 = M.I.H
| last3 = McDonald
| first3 = M.W
| year = 2006
| title = Forest Trees of Australia
| work = CSIRO Publishing
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=q2v3kb9tFsYC&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=casuarina+cristata+pauper&source=bl&ots=N5isx5i2TD&sig=bZb6c3CavaxRYfAoK3s4J7Dz40A&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0pX0U-WmGYGdugSNpoHoAQ&ved=0CFEQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=casuarina%20cristata%20pauper&f=false
| isbn = 0643069690
| accessdate = 12 September 2014
  • {{citation

| last = Callister
| first = K.E
| year = 2004
| title = Casuarina Pauper (Belah) Woodlands of Northwest Victoria: Monitoring and Regeneration
| work = Thesis. University of Ballarat
| url = http://researchonline.ballarat.edu.au:8080/vital/access/services/Download/vital:4116/SOURCE1?view=true
| accessdate = 12 September 2014
  • {{citation

| last = Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
| year= n.d.
| title = Australian Forest Profiles – Casuarina
| work = Government of Australia
| url = http://data.daff.gov.au/data/warehouse/brsShop/data/casuarina.pdf
| accessdate = 10 September 2014
  • {{citation

|last = Department of Primary Industries NSW
|year = n.d.
|title = Belah – Paddock Plants
|work = NSW Government- Industry & Environment
|url = http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/resources/private-forestry/paddock-plants/Casuarina-cristata-Belah.pdf
|accessdate = 10 September 2014
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140623152228/http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/resources/private-forestry/paddock-plants/Casuarina-cristata-Belah.pdf#
|archive-date = 2014-06-23
|dead-url = yes
|df =
  • {{citation

| last = Keith
| first = D
| year = 2004
| title = Ocean Shores to Desert Dunes: The Native Vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT.
| location = Hurtsville
| publisher = Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
  • {{citation

| last = Merideth
| first = S
| last2 = Yeo
| first2 = M
| year= n.d.
| title = Aboriginal Plant Use: A Primary Teacher's Guide.
| work = Adelaide Botanic Garden
| url = http://www.botanic.sa.edu.au/index.php/discovery-trails/32-teacher-trail-primary/333-aboriginal-plant-use
| accessdate = 10 September 2014
  • {{citation

| last = National Research Council (U.S)
| first = Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation
| year = 1984
| title = Casuarinas, Nitrogen-fixing Trees for Adverse Sites
| work = Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=mmErAAAAYAAJ&dq=casuarina+pauper+use&source=gbs_navlinks_s
| accessdate = 19 September 2014
  • {{citation

| last = Wilson
| first = K.L
| last2 = Johnson
| first2 = L.A.S
| title = Casuarina pauper F.Muell. ex L.A.S. Johnson
| work = Flora of Australia, Volume 3
| url = http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Casuarina~pauper
| accessdate = 12 September 2014{{Taxonbar|from=Q3538354}}

8 : Casuarina|Fagales of Australia|Trees of Australia|Flora of New South Wales|Flora of Queensland|Flora of South Australia|Flora of Victoria (Australia)|Flora of Western Australia





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