

词条 Albacore

  1. Taxonomy and phylogeny

  2. Description

  3. Distribution and habitat

  4. Biology and ecology

     Feeding  Life history 

  5. Human interaction

     Commercial fishing  Conservation  Mercury levels  Popular culture 

  6. Other species called albacore

  7. References

  8. External links

{{other uses}}{{Speciesbox
| name = Albacore
| image = Thunnus alalunga 2.jpg
| status = NT
| status_system = IUCN3.1
| status_ref = [1]
| parent = Thunnus (Thunnus)
| taxon = Thunnus alalunga
| authority = (Bonnaterre, 1788)
| synonyms = *Scomber alalunga Bonnaterre, 1788
  • Germo alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788)
  • Thynnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788)
  • Scomber alalunga Cetti, 1777
  • Thunnus alalunga (Cetti, 1777)
  • Scomber alatunga Gmelin, 1789
  • Orcynus alatunga (Gmelin, 1789)
  • Scomber albicans Walbaum, 1792
  • Scomber germon Lacepède, 1800
  • Germo germon (Lacepède, 1800)
Orcynus germon (Lacepède, 1800)
  • Orcynus germo (Lacepède, 1800)
  • Scomber germo Lacepède, 1801
  • Germo germo (Lacepède, 1800)
  • Thunnus germo (Lacepède, 1800)
  • Thynnus pacificus Cuvier, 1832
  • Thunnus pacificus (Cuvier, 1832)
  • Scomber germo Bennett, 1840
  • Orcynus pacificus Cooper, 1863

| synonyms_ref = [2][1][4]
| range_map =
| range_map_caption =

The albacore (Thunnus alalunga), known also as the longfin tuna, is a species of tuna of the order Perciformes. It is found in temperate and tropical waters across the globe in the epipelagic and mesopelagic zones. There are six distinct stocks known globally in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. The albacore has an elongate, fusiform body with a conical snout, large eyes, and remarkably long pectoral fins. Its body is a deep blue dorsally and shades of silvery white ventrally. Individuals can reach up to {{convert|1.4|m|ft|abbr=on}} in length.

Albacore are pelagic predators that eat a variety of foods, including fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. They are unique among tuna in that their primary food source is cephalopods, with fish making up a much smaller portion of their diet. Reproduction usually occurs from November to February and is oviparous. An adult female can release over 2 million eggs in a single cycle. Fry generally stay near where they were spawned for about a year before moving on. Albacore form schools based on their stage in the life cycle, but also combine with other tuna like the skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, and bluefin tuna. Once grown, schools are highly migratory.

The albacore is a very economically important fish and is a target of commercial and recreational fisheries. It was originally the basis for the United States tuna-canning industry and is no less important today, making up significant percentages of the gross domestic products of various Pacific nations. It is listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) because of the threat of overfishing. Several stocks are in significant decline and the species' overall population trend is decreasing.

Taxonomy and phylogeny

{{cladogram|title=|align=left|caption=Phylogenetic tree of genus Thunnus with yellowfin group in green.[3][4]
|1={{green|T. atlanticus}}
|2={{green|T. albacares}}
|2={{green|T. tonggol}}
|2=T. obesus
|2=T. maccoyii
|2=T. thynnus
|1=T. alalunga
|2=T. orientalis

The first scientific description of the albacore was authored in 1788 by Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre in the illustrated encyclopedia Tableau encyclopédique et methodique des trois règnes de la nature. He originally placed it in the mackerel genus Scomber. It was assigned to the genus Thunnus by ichthyologists Bruce B. Collette and Cornelia E. Nauen in 1983.[5] It is a member of the Thunnus subgenus, also known as the bluefin group. Populations of albacore differ genetically by region, with Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean groups each showing differences in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA.[6]


The albacore has a streamlined, fusiform body with a conical snout, large mouth, and big eyes. Its body is dark blue dorsally, shades of silvery white ventrally, and covered by small scales.[10] The pectoral fins begin slightly before the first dorsal fin and extend well beyond the front of the anal fin, usually as far as the second dorsal finlet, often as long as 30% of the fish's total length. Like the fish's body, the fins are dark blue on top, but change to a medium yellow color on the underside. They are markedly shorter in fish under {{convert|0.5|m|ft|abbr=on}} in length, often resulting in confusion with T. obesus juveniles, which also have long pectoral fins, though these are rounded at the tips where the albacore's taper to a point.[5] The first dorsal fin is a deep yellow and the second, which is smaller than the first, is a light yellow, as is the anal fin. It has 7-9 dorsal finlets and 7-8 anal finlets, dark blue and silvery white in color respectively, matching the part of the fish's body they are on. The caudal fin is also silvery white.[7][8] At {{convert|1.4|m|ft|abbr=on}} maximum length, the albacore is the smallest of the bluefin tuna. It reaches sexual maturity at {{convert|0.9|m|ft|abbr=on}} and its common length is only slightly larger at {{convert|1.0|m|ft|abbr=on}}.[5] Males and females exhibit no sexual dimorphism.[15]

Distribution and habitat

The albacore has a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical and temperate waters across the globe and in every ocean as well as the Mediterranean Sea. A highly migratory species, schools of albacore travel great distances, though Atlantic and Pacific populations do not appear to mix.[8] North Pacific albacore migrate to two regions of the Northeast Pacific: one off the northern part of Baja California, Mexico, and the other off the coasts of Washington and Oregon.[17] Every summer, North Atlantic albacore head to the Bay of Biscay off of France and Spain, but now arrive about 8 days earlier than they did 40 years ago.[9][10]

Its latitudinal range extends from 59°N to 46°S. Its temperature range is {{convert|10|-|25|C|F}}.[5] Its depth range is {{convert|0|-|600|m|ft}} in the epipelagic and mesopelagic zones. It is most often found in surface waters {{convert|15.6|-|19.4|C|F}} in temperature, though larger individuals can be found in deeper waters {{convert|13.5|-|25.2|C|F}}. It can survive at temperatures as low as {{convert|9.5|C|F}} for short periods of time. It favors areas where warm and cool water mix.[5]

There are 6 globally managed stocks of albacore worldwide, one in the North Pacific, one in the South Pacific, another in the Indian Ocean, two for the North and South Atlantic, and one in the Mediterranean Sea. Both Pacific stocks are stable, while both Atlantic stocks are likely overfished. The status of the Indian and Mediterranean stocks is less clear, but preliminary reports suggest that these are also declining.[1]

Biology and ecology

The albacore is a powerful, hard-hitting predator[5] that forms mixed schools with skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, and bluefin tuna, sometimes around floating objects like sargassum weeds.[1][8] Schools of albacore are highly migratory within bodies of water and segregated by maturity, with older fish tending to form more compact groups. Of those caught by humans, immature albacore have a 1:1 sex ratio while older albacore are mostly male. In the Atlantic Ocean, older fish are found in cooler waters. The opposite is true for the Pacific Ocean, where fish are found more abundantly along thermal discontinuities. Depth range also varies by location: Atlantic fish dive as deep as {{convert|600|m|ft|abbr=on}} where Pacific fish reach only {{convert|380|m|ft|abbr=on}} in depth.[8] In the northeast Atlantic, feeding migrations to productive areas occur during the summer. Due to climate changes over the last 40 years, the timing and spatial distribution of the albacore have also changed.[9]

Albacore show a broad range of behavioral differences by region. In Baja California, albacore make frequent dives to depths exceeding {{convert|200|m|abbr=on}} during the day and stay near the surface at night, while off the coast of Washington and Oregon they stay near the surface the entire day.[11] Albacore never really rest; their need for oxygen means they must always be on the move.[9]


Albacore tuna are pelagic predators - open-sea hunters. Their diets vary very little from season to season. Unlike other tuna that eat primarily fish, for example the bigeye and yellowfin tuna, the albacore's main source of food is cephalopods. The most abundant cephalopod in its diet is Heteroteuthis dispar, a tiny deep-water squid found in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Other food sources of the albacore include fish, crustaceans, and gelatinous organisms.[30] Not much is known about the food pattern of the albacore, however, mostly because it dives over 400 m underwater when searching for food, and tagging and tracking has been unsuccessful thus far.[12][13]

Life history

The albacore's reproduction is oviparous and a {{convert|20|kg|lbs|abbr=on}} female can produce between 2-3 million eggs per spawning,[8] which usually takes place between November and February.[14] Eggs mature outside of the female's body and hatch in 1–2 days, after which fry begin to grow quickly. For the first year of their lives, juveniles remain close to the place where they were hatched. They begin to migrate after their first year. Albacore have a lifespan of 11–12 years, but they reach reproductive maturity at around 5–6 years.[15]

A large majority of albacore have larger right testes or ovaries, depending on sex. Albacore have asynchronous oocyte development, that is their immature egg cells do not develop at regular intervals. The creation of ova, known as oogenesis, begins with the rapid production of oogonia (undifferentiated germ cells that give rise to oocytes) by mitotic separations in the oogonial nests of female tuna. The resulting oocytes are cast en masse into the sea, where full development and later fertilization take place.[16]

Human interaction

Commercial fishing

Albacore is a prized food, and the albacore fishery is economically significant. Methods of fishing include pole and line, long-line fishing, trolling, and some purse seining. It is also sought after by sport fishers.

The harvest of albacore tuna for commercial use began at the start of the 20th century. The migratory patterns of the fish brought droves of albacore schools near the coastline of southern California, which sparked the start of commercial albacore fishing. In 1903, 700 cases of albacore were used as an experimental pack which ultimately led to the development of the U.S. tuna-canning industry. The experiment was a huge success, and the commercial fishery expanded rapidly due to the high level of demand for canned tuna. By the 1920s, the industry expanded further and three other species of tuna, bluefin, yellowfin, and skipjack, were also being canned. Albacore tuna is the only species that can be marketed as "white meat tuna". The canning industry uses this label as a way to differentiate canned albacore from other types of tuna.[17]

Many Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) heavily rely on oceanic fisheries for economic development and food security. The albacore is one of the main four species of tuna that support oceanic fisheries along with the skipjack, yellowfin, and the bigeye tunas. Domestic tuna fleets and local fish processing operations contribute from 3-20% of the gross domestic product in four PICTs. License fees from foreign ships provide an average of 3-40% of government revenue for seven different PICTs. Processing facilities and tuna fishing vessels provide more than 12,000 jobs for workers in the Pacific islands. Fish provide 50-90% of dietary animal protein in rural areas of PICTs.[18]


Albacore are managed by four tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, (RFMO's) include the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).[19]

ICCAT has established catch quotas in the North and South Atlantic. There is substantial uncertainty on current stock status, since different models and assumptions provide a wide range of estimates. However, most of them agreed on the view that spawning stock biomass decreased since the 1930s and started to recover since the mid-1990s. Most of the model formulations, as well as the base case, concluded that currently the stock is not undergoing overfishing but the spawning stock biomass is overfished.[20] IOTC judges albacore in the Indian Ocean are not overfished, but maintaining or increasing effort in the core albacore fishing grounds is likely to result in further declines in albacore biomass.[21] The WCPFC has assessed the South Pacific Albacore are not over fished.[22] In the 2014 assessment, the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in North Pacific Ocean (ISC), Albacore Working Group (ALBWG), found estimates of total stock biomass(age-1 and older)show a long term decline from the early 1970s to 1990 followed by a recovery through the 1990s and subsequent

fluctuations without trend in the 2000s. The ALBWG concludes that the stock is likely not in an overfished condition at present.[23]

All of the tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations noted that there is uncertainty surrounding the life history and biology of

Tunas and tuna like species including age and growth, maturity, and natural mortality rates; uncertainty about the quality and completeness of available data; and uncertainty about recruitment.

In the North Pacific, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC). Since the 1970s the SWFSC has collaborated with American Fishermen's Research Foundation (AFRF) in tagging studies of albacore. Through these studies we have learned that juvenile albacore (2 to years of age) make trans-Pacific migrations in their younger years between Japan and the West coast of North America. To date over 24,000 albacore have been tagged with conventional dart tags and 1,245 of these have been recovered. In Spring of 2001 AFRF and the SWFSC began a pilot project to learn more about the migration habits of North Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga in an effort to allow the incorporation of detailed migration movements into stock assessment models. Archival tags are a recent technical innovation that are being used to collect daily locations (through light level data recorded by the tag), internal temperature of the fish's abdomen, ambient water temperature, and depth.[24]

A number of programs have been developed to help consumers identify and support responsible and sustainable fisheries. Perhaps the most widely accepted of these programs is that of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Several albacore fisheries have been certified as sustainable according to MSC standards, including the U.S. North and South Pacific albacore pole and line and troll/jig fisheries ("pole and troll"), Canadian North Pacific troll fishery, and the New Zealand South Pacific troll fishery.[25]

SeaChoice ranks albacore as a "best choice" for consumers, although notes some "moderate concerns" regarding the management effectiveness (in particular, no definitive assessment of the albacore stock of the Indian Ocean fishery has taken place), and "moderate concern" over the fishing stock, especially regarding the North Atlantic albacore population, which the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) considers overfished with overfishing still occurring. The southern Atlantic stock is also considered (in 2007) overfished but not currently experiencing overfishing. North Pacific albacore stocks are not overfished and are not experiencing overfishing.[26] South Pacific albacore stocks have recently (2007 to 2015) shown a 40% reduction in stock.[27][28]

Mercury levels

{{main article|Mercury poisoning}}{{See also|Mercury in fish}}

Like other fish, albacore accumulate methylmercury in body tissue over time. Methylmercury is removed from the human body naturally, but it may take over a year for the levels to drop significantly. Thus, it may remain in a woman from before she becomes pregnant. Ranging from as low as .027 ppm (parts per million) to .26 ppm, the average total mercury content of albacore is .14 ± .05 ppm. Larger fish tend to bioaccumulate higher methylmercury levels. For the most part, there is positive correlation between an albacore's methylmercury measurement and its weight and length.[29] Albacore caught by the American albacore fishing fleet off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California have far lower mercury levels than in previous years.[30] Albacore caught in this region also show methylmercury levels well below the 1.0 ppm mercury standard set by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[29] Nevertheless, since mercury does take time to be removed from the body, albacore tuna should be eaten in moderation.

Popular culture

In 2018, Netflix released the first season of Battlefish, a reality show centered around commercial hook-and-line Albacore fishermen in Washington and Oregon.[31] The show is produced by Pilgrim Media Group, which also produces the Wicked Tuna reality show.[32]

Other species called albacore

In some parts of the world, other species may be called "albacore":

  • Blackfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus (albacore)
  • Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (albacore, autumn albacore, yellowfinned albacore)
  • Yellowtail amberjack Seriola lalandi (albacore)
  • Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis (false albacore)
  • Little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus (false albacore)


1. ^{{cite journal | author1 = Collette, B. | author2 = Acero, A. | author3 = Amorim, A.F. | author4 = Boustany, A. | author5 = Canales Ramirez, C. | author6 = Cardenas, G. | author7 = Carpenter, K.E. | author8 = Chang, S.-K. | author9 = de Oliveira Leite Jr., N. | author10 = Di Natale, A. | author11 = Die, D. | author12 = Fox, W. | author13 = Fredou, F.L. | author14 = Graves, J. | author15 = Guzman-Mora, A. | author16 = Viera Hazin, F.H. | author17 = Hinton, M. | author18 = Juan Jorda, M. | author19 = Minte Vera, C. | author20 = Miyabe, N. | author21 = Montano Cruz, R. | author22 = Masuti, E. | author23 = Nelson, R. | author24 = Oxenford, H. | author25 = Restrepo, V. | author26 = Salas, E. | author27 = Schaefer, K. | author28 = Schratwieser, J. | author29 = Serra, R. | author30 = Sun, C. | author31 = Teixeira Lessa, R.P. | author32 = Pires Ferreira Travassos, P.E. | author33 = Uozumi, Y. | author34 = Yanez, E. | display-authors = 3 | year = 2011 | title = Thunnus alalunga | journal = The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species | volume = 2011 | page = e.T21856A9325450 | doi = 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-2.RLTS.T21856A9325450.en }}
2. ^{{ITIS |taxon=Thunnus alalunga |id=172419 |accessdate=9 December 2012}}
3. ^{{cite journal | last = Graham | first = Jeffrey B. | author2 = Dickson, Kathryn A. | title = Tuna Comparative Physiology | journal = The Journal of Experimental Biology | year = 2004 | volume = 207 | issue = 23 | pages = 4015–4024 | doi=10.1242/jeb.01267 | pmid = 15498947 }}
4. ^{{cite journal | last = Catanese | first = Gaetano | author2 = Manchado, Manuel | author3 = Infante, Carlos | title = Evolutionary relatedness of mackerels of the genus Scomber based on complete mitochondrial genomes: Strong support to the recognition of Atlantic Scomber colias and Pacific Scomber japonicus as distinct species | journal = Gene | date = 15 February 2010 | volume = 452 | issue = 1 | pages = 35–43 | doi = 10.1016/j.gene.2009.12.004| pmid = 20035845 }}
5. ^{{FishBase species | genus = Thunnus | species = alalunga | month = January | year = 2017}}
6. ^{{cite journal |last=Vinas |first=J. |author2=J. R. Alvarado Bremer |author3=C. Pla |title=Inter-oceanic genetic differentiation among albacore (Thunnus alalunga) populations |journal=Marine Biology |year=2004 |volume=145 |issue=2 | pages = 225–232 |doi=10.1007/s00227-004-1319-5}}
7. ^{{cite web |url=http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/tuna/ |title=Fishing & Shellfishing: Albacore Tuna |website=Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife}}
8. ^{{cite book |last=Collette |first=Bruce B. |author2=Cornelia E. Nauen |title=Scombrids of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos, and Related Species Known to Date |year=1983 |pages=80–81 |publisher=Food and Africulture Organization of the United Nations |isbn=978-92-5-101381-6 |url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/ac478e/ac478e00.htm}}
9. ^{{cite journal|last=Dufour|first=Florence|author2=Haritz Arrizabalaga |author3=Xabier Irigoien |author4=Josu Santiago|title=Climate impacts on albacore and bluefin tunas migrations phenology and spatial distribution.|journal=Progress in Oceanography|date=July 2010|volume=86|issue=1/2|pages=283–290|doi=10.1016/j.pocean.2010.04.007}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4&sid=a8b9f830-3b2d-41ff-99a8-bb41b1559822%40sessionmgr15&hid=17&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=51810422|title=EBSCOhost article|subscription=yes}}
11. ^{{cite journal |last=Childers |first=John |author2=Stephanie Snyder |author3=Suzanne Kohin |title=Migration and behavior of juvenile North Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga) |journal=Fisheries Oceanography |date=1 January 2011 |volume=2 |issue=3 |pages=157–173 |url=http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=2&sid=23f372e8-52f0-4fe7-81b4-2676fbd5a155%40sessionmgr11&hid=17&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=fe259a2b&AN=WOS%3A000289259700001 |accessdate=25 October 2013}}
12. ^{{cite journal |last=Bertrand |first=A. |author2=Bard, F. |author3=Josse, E. |title= Tuna food habits related to the micronekton distribution in French Polynesia |journal=Marine Biology |volume=140 |issue=5 |pages=1023–1037 |doi=10.1007/s00227-001-0776-3 |date=1 May 2002}}
13. ^{{cite journal |last=Consoli |first=P.|author2=Romeo, T. |author3=Battaglia, P. |author4=Castriota, L. |author5=Esposito, V. |author6=Andaloro, F.|title=Feeding habits of the albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga (Perciformes, Scombridae) from central Mediterranean Sea |journal=Marine Biology |volume=155 |issue=1 |pages=113–120 |doi=10.1007/s00227-008-1012-1 |date=1 July 2008}}
14. ^{{cite journal |last=Ramon |first=D. |title=Spawning seasonality of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, in the South Pacific Ocean |journal=Fishery Bulletin |volume=94 |issue=4 |pages=724–733 |url=http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=8&sid=2f419ba1-0fee-4148-8143-8e03c7d42179%40sessionmgr115&hid=109&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=fa6db032&AN=15782000 |date=4 October 1996}}
15. ^"Albacore Tuna" This fish. ThisFish & Ecotrust Canada 25 Oct 2013.
16. ^{{cite book |last=Schaefer |first=Kurt |title=Reproductive biology of tunas |journal=Fish Physiology |year=2001 |volume=19 |pages=225–270 |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1546509801190072 |accessdate=21 October 2013 |doi=10.1016/s1546-5098(01)19007-2|isbn=9780123504432 }}
17. ^{{cite journal|last=von Borks|first=Manfred|title=Pacific Juvenile Albacore in the Ensenada/San Diego Area History, Biology, Lures, Tactics and Night Fishing|edition=Rev 6 Final|date=June 2011|url=http://www.albacoretuna.org/|journal=|access-date=2013-10-24|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131029195026/http://www.albacoretuna.org/|archive-date=2013-10-29|dead-url=yes|df=}}
18. ^{{cite journal |last1=Bell |first1=J. D. |last2=Reid |first2=C. |last3=Batty |first3=M. J. |last4=Lehodey |first4=P. |last5=Rodwell |first5=L. |last6=Hobday |first6=A. J. |last7=Johnson |first7=J. E. |last8=Demmke |first8=A. |doi=10.1007/s10584-012-0606-2 |title=Effects of climate change on oceanic fisheries in the tropical Pacific: Implications for economic development and food security |journal=Climatic Change |volume=119 |pages=199–212 |year=2012 |pmid= |pmc= }}
19. ^{{cite journal |last1=Allen |first1=Robin |title=International management of tuna fisheries Arrangements, challenges and a way forward |journal=536 Fao Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper |date=2010 |volume=536 |url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i1453e/i1453e00.pdf |accessdate=March 3, 2015}}
20. ^{{cite web|title=EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ALB|url=https://www.iccat.int/Documents/SCRS/ExecSum/ALB_EN.pdf|website=www.iccat.int|publisher=The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas|accessdate=March 5, 2015|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150402102309/https://www.iccat.int/Documents/SCRS/ExecSum/ALB_EN.pdf|archivedate=April 2, 2015|df=}}
21. ^{{cite web|title=EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ALBACORE|url=http://www.iotc.org/sites/default/files/documents/science/species_summaries/english/Albacore.pdf|website=www.iotc.org|publisher=Indian Ocean Tuna Commission|accessdate=March 5, 2015|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150402091335/http://www.iotc.org/sites/default/files/documents/science/species_summaries/english/Albacore.pdf|archivedate=April 2, 2015|df=}}
22. ^{{cite web|title=STOCK ASSESSMENT OF ALBACORE TUNA IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN|url=http://www.wcpfc.int/system/files/SA-WP-04-Stock-Assessment-Albacore-Tuna-SPO-Rev-1.pdf|publisher=WCPFC|accessdate=March 4, 2015}}
23. ^{{cite web|title=STOCK ASSESSMENT OF ALBACORE TUNA IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN IN 2014|url=http://isc.ac.affrc.go.jp/pdf/ISC14pdf/Annex%2011-%20NPALB%20Stock%20Assessment%20Report_revsied%2029Aug14.pdf|website=isc.ac.affrc.go.jp/index.html|publisher=International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean|accessdate=March 5, 2015|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150402150439/http://isc.ac.affrc.go.jp/pdf/ISC14pdf/Annex%2011-%20NPALB%20Stock%20Assessment%20Report_revsied%2029Aug14.pdf|archivedate=April 2, 2015|df=}}
24. ^{{cite web|author=Southwest Fisheries Science Center|title=Albacore Archival Tagging|url=https://swfsc.noaa.gov/textblock.aspx?Division=FRD&id=1194|website=swfsc.noaa.gov|publisher=National Oceanic and Atmospheric Atministration|accessdate=March 15, 2015}}
25. ^{{cite web|author=Marine Stewardship Council|title=List of all certified fisheries|url=http://www.msc.org/track-a-fishery/certified/all-certified-fisheries|publisher=MSC.org|accessdate=15 February 2012}}
26. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.seachoice.org/profile/70/view|title=Tuna: Albacore|work=SeaChoice|accessdate=2007-02-21|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070912080740/http://www.seachoice.org/profile/70/view|archivedate=2007-09-12|df=}}
27. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-30/alarming-population-crash-in-southern-albacore/6900728 |title=Alarming population crash in southern albacore tuna prompts catch rethink |accessdate=2015-11-02 |website=ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)|date=2015-10-30 }}
28. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-22/pacific-nations-agree-to-bring-tuna-fishery-under-their-control/5834354 |title=Pacific nations agree to historic tuna fishery pact to protect local industries |accessdate=2015-11-02 |website=ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)|date=2014-10-22 }}
29. ^{{cite journal|last=Morrissey|first=T., Michael|author2=Rasmussen, Rosalee|author3=Okada, Tomoko|title=Mercury Content in Pacific Troll-Caught Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)|journal=Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology|volume=13|issue=4|pages=41–52|doi=10.1300/J030v13n04_04|date=11 October 2008|citeseerx=}}
30. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/fishwatch/docs/OSU_Mercury_Study.pdf|title=NOAA - FishWatch|work=noaa.gov}}
31. ^{{cite web |last1=Wija |first1=Tantri |title=Netflix's 'Battlefish' follows the adventures of tuna fishing boats off the Washington-Oregon border |url=https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/tv/netflixs-battlefish-follows-the-adventures-of-tuna-fishing-boats-off-the-washington-oregon-border/ |website=seattletimes.com |publisher=Seattle Times |accessdate=12 November 2018|date=2018-10-03 }}
32. ^{{cite web |last1=Whittaker |first1=Luke |title=In 'Battlefish,' blood, guts and albacore |url=http://www.dailyastorian.com/Local_News/20180926/in-battlefish-blood-guts-and-albacore |website=dailyastorian.com |publisher=Daily Astorian |accessdate=12 November 2018}}

External links

  • {{commonscat-inline|Thunnus alalunga|Thunnus alalunga}}
  • {{wikispecies-inline|Thunnus alalunga|Thunnus alalunga}}
  • Marine Stewardship Council (international independent certification of sustainable fisheries)
  • American Albacore Fishing Association (MSC certified Pacific U.S. "pole & troll" albacore)
  • Wild Pacific Albacore
  • NOAA Fishwatch
  • American Fishermens Research Foundation
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20110718034839/http://wfoa-tuna.com/ Western Fishboat Owners Association]
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20110707103315/http://albatuna.com/ albatuna.com]
  • Etymology of "albacore"
  • Communicating FDA advice on consumption of albacore tuna.{{dead link|date=June 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20060114062957/http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/pubs/albacorefishery.htm Albacore] by R. Michael Laurs and Ronald C. Dotson, 1992
  • {{cite web |url=https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/albacore-tuna |title=Albacore Tuna - Species |publisher=WWF}}
{{tuna|state=expanded}}{{commercial fish topics}}{{Taxonbar|from=Q239977}}

6 : Fish described in 1788|Commercial fish|Seafood red list|Thunnus|Scombridae|Taxa named by Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre





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