

词条 Gerhard Ludwig Müller

  1. Early life

  2. Priestly ministry

  3. Episcopate

  4. Curial service

  5. Cardinalate


     Protestant churches  US Leadership Conference of Women Religious  Liberation theology  Secularism  Doctrinal immutability  Amoris laetitia 

  7. Manifesto of Faith

  8. Clerical sexual abuse

  9. Honors

     Orders  Academia  Other 

  10. See also

  11. References

  12. External links

{{Over-quotation|date=June 2017}}{{Use dmy dates|date=October 2012}}{{Use British (Oxford) English|date=June 2017}}{{Infobox Christian leader
| type = Cardinal
| honorific-prefix = His Eminence
| name = Gerhard Ludwig Müller
| honorific-suffix = OESSH
| title = Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
| image = Bischof-GL-Müller.JPG
| alt =
| church = Sant'Agnese in Agone
| archdiocese =
| diocese =
| see =
| appointed = 2 July 2012
| ended = 1 July 2017
| predecessor = William Levada
| successor = Luis Ladaria Ferrer
| other_post = Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Agnese in Agone
| ordination = 11 February 1978
| ordained_by = Hermann Volk
| consecration = 24 November 2002
| consecrated_by = Friedrich Wetter
| cardinal = 22 February 2014
| created_cardinal_by = Pope Francis
| rank = Cardinal-Deacon
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1947|12|31|df=yes}}
| birth_place = Mainz, Germany
| death_date =
| death_place =
| previous_post = Bishop of Regensburg (2002-12)
| religion = Roman Catholic
| nationality = German
| coat_of_arms = Coat of arms of Gerhard Ludwig Müller.svg
| motto = {{lang|la|Dominus Jesus}}
({{lang-en|Jesus the Lord}}, 9)
| ordained deacon by =
| date of diaconal ordination =
| place of diaconal ordination =
| ordained priest by =
| date of priestly ordination = 11 February 1978
| place of priestly ordination =
| consecrated by = Friedrich Wetter
| co-consecrators = {{unbulleted list | Karl Lehmann | Vinzenz Guggenberger | Manfred Müller}}
| date of consecration = 24 November 2002
| place of consecration =
| elevated by = Pope Francis
| date of elevation = 22 February 2014
| bishop 1 = Reinhard Pappenberger
| consecration date 1 = 25 March 2007
| bishop 2 = Steven J. Lopes
| consecration date 2 = 2 February 2016
| sources =
}}{{infobox cardinal styles
|name=Gerhard Ludwig Müller
|dipstyle=His Eminence
|offstyle=Your Eminence
|image=Coat of arms of Gerhard Ludwig Müller.svg
|image_size = 200px

Gerhard Ludwig Müller {{post-nominals|post-noms=KGCHS}} ({{IPA-de|ˈɡeːɐ̯haʁt ˈluːtvɪç ˈmʏlɐ|pron}}; born 31 December 1947) is a German cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) from his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012 until 2017. He was elevated to the rank of cardinal in 2014.

On 1 July 2017, Pope Francis named Luis Ladaria Ferrer to succeed Mülller as Prefect of the CDF.

Early life

He was born in Finthen, a borough of Mainz, then in West Germany. After graduating from Willigis Episcopal High School in Mainz, he studied philosophy and theology in Mainz, Munich and Freiburg, Germany. In 1977, he received his Doctorate of Divinity under Cardinal Karl Lehmann for his thesis on the Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Priestly ministry

Müller was ordained as a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mainz, Germany, on 11 February 1978 by Cardinal Hermann Volk. He then served as a pastor of three parishes. In 1986, Müller was appointed to the chair of dogmatic theology of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, where he remains an honorary professor.[1]


Pope John Paul II appointed him as Bishop of Regensburg, Germany on 1 October 2002. He was ordained to the episcopacy on 24 November 2002, with Friedrich Wetter serving as the principal consecrator; his principal co-consecrators included Karl Lehmann, Vinzenz Guggenberger, and Manfred Müller. Gerhard Ludwig Müller elected "{{lang|la|Dominus Iesus}}" ("Jesus is Lord") as his episcopal motto, which is derived from 9.[2]

On 20 December 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reappointed Müller for another five years as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). On 17 January 2009, he was also appointed as a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.[3] On 12 June 2012, Müller was appointed as a member of the Congregation for Catholic Education for a renewable term of five years[4] and was also appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

In the Conference of German Bishops, Müller was Chairman of the Ecumenical Commission, Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Doctrine of the Faith, and a member of the World Church Commission. He was also Vice Chairman of the Association of Christian Churches in Germany (ACK) and the first President of the Society for the Promotion of Eastern Church Institute in Regensburg, Germany.

As a personal friend of Pope Benedict XVI, he was mandated to prepare the publication of the Opera Omnia, i.e., a series of books that will collect in a single edition all of Pope Benedict's writings.[5] Müller has written more than 400 works on dogmatic theology, ecumenism, revelation, hermeneutics, the presbyteracy, and the diaconate.[6]

Curial service

On 2 July 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Müller to a five-year term as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and made him an archbishop as well.[7] He became ex officio the President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the International Theological Commission, and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.[8]

Müller said he hoped to halt the "growing polarization between traditionalists and progressives [which] is threatening the unity of the Church and generating strong tensions among its members".[9] He continued by commenting on "traditionalists against progressives or whatever you would call them. This must be overcome[;] we need to find a new and fundamental unity in the Church and individual countries. Unity in Christ, not a unity produced according to a program and later invoked by a partisan speaker. We are not a community of people aligned to a party program, or a community of scientific research[;] our unity is gifted to us. We believe in the one Church united in Christ."

In interview published on 1 February 2015, Müller objected to the criticism of the Church for its mishandling of clerical sexual abuse cases and its continued condemnation of contraception, same-sex marriage, and declared incapacity to ordain women. He said "Targeted discreditation campaigns against the Catholic Church in North America and also here in Europe have led to clerics in some areas being insulted in public. An artificially created fury is growing here which sometimes reminds one of a pogrom sentiment." His remarks were denounced by a veriety of German politicians.[10]

On 24 November 2012 he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.[11] In November 2012, Müller said that traditionalist and progressive camps that see the Second Vatican Council as breaking with the truth both espouse a "heretical interpretation" of the Council and its objectives. What Pope Benedict XVI had described as "the hermeneutic of reform, of renewal in continuity" is, for Müller, the "only possible interpretation according to the principles of Catholic theology."[12]

On 19 February 2014, Müller was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.[13]

In 2015, Müller described how he viewed the role of the CDF when the pope was not a theologian as Pope Benedict XVI had been. He said: "The arrival of a theologian like Benedict XVI in the chair of St. Peter was no doubt an exception.... Pope Francis is also more pastoral and our mission at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is to provide the theological structure of a pontificate."[14] Andrea Tornielli of Vatican Insider criticized Muller for inventing a new role not found in the statutes defining the CDF's role, adding that Muller was making far more public pronouncements than his predecessors were accustomed to.[15][16]

On 1 July 2017, Pope Francis named Luis Ladaria Ferrer to succeed Müller as Prefect of the CDF.[17][18] Müller chose to retire rather than accept another Curial position.[19][20]

Müller criticised the way Pope Francis dismissed him as head of the CDF, calling it "unacceptable". He said that on the last working day of his five-year term, Pope Francis informed him "within a minute" that he would not be reappointed to another term. "He did not give a reason. Just as he gave no reason for dismissing three highly competent members of the CDF a few months earlier."[21] Later that month a report commissioned by the Diocese of Regensburg sharply criticized his handling while bishop there of cases of sexual abuse by priests.[22][23]

Speaking at a book launch in Mannheim, Muller criticised Latin American approach to theology, “In Europe, theologians immediately have to have the exact council text ready when words like ‘faith’ or ‘mercy’ are used. This kind of theology with which we are familiar doesn’t exist in Latin America. They are more intuitive there,” Cardinal Muller said during a presentation of his new book 'The Pope - Mission and Task' at the Reiss-Engelholm-Museum at Mannheim. “They look at a text without considering it as part of a whole. We must somehow respect and accept this style. But I nevertheless wish that as far as teaching documents are concerned clear theological preparation must take place.”[22]


On 22 February 2014, Pope Francis made him Cardinal-Deacon of Sant'Agnese in Agone.[23]

Müller has been mentioned as papabile, that is, a possible candidate for the papacy.[24][25][26]


Protestant churches

In a speech in October 2011, while quoting Unitatis Redintegratio of the Second Vatican Council regarding ecumenism, Müller stated that "the Catholic Magisterium is far from denying an ecclesial character or an ecclesial existence to 'the separated Churches and ecclesial Communities of the West'."[27]

US Leadership Conference of Women Religious

In 2012, Müller and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith initiated an investigation of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The investigation was controversial, and was terminated by the Apostolic See in April 2015.[28] The investigation embittered many American Catholics "against what they perceive[d] as heavy-handed tactics by Rome against U.S. sisters who provide critical health care, education and other services for the poor."[29] As a result of the investigation, the member congregations of the Conference were ordered to review their statutes and reassess their plans and programs.[30][31]

Liberation theology

In an interview by the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Müller said that Pope Francis "is not so much a liberation theologian in the academic sense, but as far as pastoral work is concerned, he has close ties with liberation theology's concerns. What we can learn from him is the insight that there is no pastoral work without profound theology and vice versa." In the 1980s, the CDF under then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger attacked liberation theology as borrowing "from various currents of Marxist thought." But during a visit to Peru in 1988, then-professor Müller discussed it with his friend and teacher Gustavo Gutiérrez, regarded as the "father" of Latin American liberation theology, who convinced him of its orthodoxy. "Liberation theology wants to make God's liberating actions visible in the Church's religious and social practice... . It would stop being genuine theology if it were to confuse the Christian message with Marxist or other social analysis", he explained. Müller further stated that "the theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez, independently of how you look at it, is orthodox because it is orthopractic and it teaches us the correct way of acting in a Christian fashion since it comes from true faith." While the Apostolic See did not censor Gustavo Gutiérrez, he was asked to modify some of his writings.[5] In response to the inquiry of FAZ whether liberation theology was meanwhile recognized as a theory of equal standing with traditional forms of theology, Müller explained that liberation theology's primary concern was congruent with the Gospel for the Poor, i. e., "for those on the periphery", to borrow the terminology that Pope Francis has repeatedly used.[32]

Müller said that:[33]

{{quote|[A] mixture of the doctrine of Marxist self-redemption with the salvation given by God must be rejected. On the other hand we must ask ourselves sincerely: How can we speak of the love and mercy of God in face of the suffering of so many people who don't have food, water, health care, who don't know how to offer a future to their children, where human dignity is truly lacking, where human rights are ignored by the powerful? In the last analysis this is possible only if we are also willing to be with the people, to accept them as brothers and sisters, without paternalism from on high.}}


In November 2014, Müller stated that bishops have been "blinded by secularized society" and are being pulled away from the doctrine of the church. He said that "unfortunately, representatives of the Church, including bishops", have been so influenced by secular society that they have been "pulled far from the central question of the faith and the teachings of the Church." He blamed the media, international organizations, and various governments for the growing crisis in the church, claiming that they had been "sowing confusion in people's minds." Müller said that "in many countries, relationships are destroyed, and this also applies to the Christian model of marriage and family. The truth of marriage and the family is relativized."[34]

Doctrinal immutability

Müller has defended the immutability of Catholic doctrine from the attempt to adapt it to contemporary lifestyles, which attempt might be described as aggiornamento. He stated that such an approach introduces subjectivism and arbitrariness. In an interview with Die Tagespost, he claimed that placing "lived realities" on the same level as scripture and tradition is "nothing more than the introduction of subjectivism and arbitrariness, wrapped up in sentimental and smug religious terminology." His comments have been interpreted as criticism of the "shadow council" when bishops and experts from Germany, France, and Switzerland met in Rome to discuss how the church could adapt its pastoral approach to contemporary culture, especially contemporary opinions of human sexuality.[35]

Amoris laetitia

Following the publication of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia of Pope Francis, Müller stated that the Pope did not need to be corrected for false doctrine. Interviewed on 9 January 2017, Müller said that Amoris laetitia was "very clear" in its teaching. Müller said that Pope Francis asks priests

{{quote|to discern the situation of these persons living in an irregular union – that is, not in accordance with the doctrine of the church on marriage – and asks for help for these people to find a path for a new integration into the church according to the condition of the sacraments [and] the Christian message on matrimony.}}

He said that in Amoris laetitia he "do[es] not see any opposition: On one side we have the clear doctrine on matrimony, and on the other the obligation of the church to care for these people in difficulty."[36] However, in a second interview, Müller was asked whether the teaching reaffirmed in Familiaris consortio of Pope John Paul II, which linked the Eucharist to marriage, remains valid. Pope John Paul II stated that the divorced and civilly remarried were proscribed from the reception of Holy Communion, except possibly when they determine to live "in complete continence". Müller said of this condition that, "Of course, it is not dispensable, because it is not only a positive law of John Paul II, but he expressed an essential element of Christian moral theology and the theology of the sacraments." Müller also stated that "Amoris Laetitia must clearly be interpreted in the light of the whole doctrine of the Church." He has further stated that "I don’t like it[;] it is not right that so many bishops are interpreting Amoris Laetitia according to their way of understanding the Pope's teaching. This does not keep to the line of Catholic doctrine."[37]

Manifesto of Faith

In February 2019 issued a "Manifesto of Faith" to conservative Catholic media outlets. It is viewed as an attack on Pope Francis, who removed Mueller from his role in a senior Vatican post. For the most part the manifesto represents a re-stating of the Church teachings, such as celibacy for priests and the ban on women's ordination. One section appeared to be a repudiation of Pope Francis and his effort to reach out to divorced and remarried Catholics, an effort deplored by more conservative Catholics.[38]

Clerical sexual abuse

In 2012, Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests criticized Müller's appointment to the CDF because he had reinstated Peter Kramer in parish ministry after Kramer was convicted in 2000 of sexually abusing children. Kramer had completed court-ordered therapy. Müller did not inform those in Kramer's new parish of his past history.[39] Müller had apologized in 2007 for mishandling the case.[40]

In 2016, Fritz Wallner, a former chair of the lay diocesan council in Regensburg, Germany, alleged that Müller as Bishop of Regensburg had "systematically" thwarted the investigation of abuse in the "Regensburger Domspatzen" boys' choir. Georg Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI's brother, led the choir from 1964 to 1994. Müller insisted that neither the church nor its bishops were responsible for abusers. In February 2012, he said that "if a schoolteacher abuses a child, it is not the school nor the Ministry of Education that are to blame." He maintained that only the perpetrator is guilty.[41] In 2016, a commission of 12 members was instituted to address the history of abuse and its cover-up in the boys' choir, a move critics viewed as long overdue. Wallner called for the church to purge any person associated with Müller, who had overseen the church's response to the allegations.[42] In July 2017, a comprehensive report commissioned by the Diocese of Regensburg on abuse at the boys choirs said that Müller had "clear responsibility for the strategic, organizational and communicative weaknesses" of the church's response when the abuses were first reported.[43][44]

Müller is being sued in France along with Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, for failure to act in a case of sexual abuse of minors by a priest.[45]



  • {{flag|Holy See}}: Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (OESSH)
  • {{flagicon|Two Sicilies}} House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies: Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George of the branch of Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria[46]


  • {{flag|Poland}}: Honorary Doctorate from the Catholic University of Lublin in September 2004, in recognition of his outstanding scientific and didactic activity
  • {{flag|Peru}}: Honorary Doctorate from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú on 24 September 2008


  • {{flag|Bavaria}}, Germany: Federal Cross of Merit First Class awarded by Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer on 28 May 2009

See also

  • Cardinals created by Francis


1. ^Gerhard Ludwig Müller {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20091129135147/http://www.bistum-regensburg.de/bischof/default.asp |date=29 November 2009 }} on the site of the Diocese of Regensburg.
2. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.doctrinafidei.va/muller/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20130124_biografia-muller_en.html |title=Profile of Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller |publisher=Doctrinafidei.va |date= |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
3. ^RINUNCE E NOMINE, 17 January 2009{{dead link|date=January 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
4. ^{{cite web |url=http://press.catholica.va/news_services/bulletin/news/29334.php?index=29334&lang=en |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2012-06-12 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://archive.is/20121205091236/http://press.catholica.va/news_services/bulletin/news/29334.php?index=29334&lang=en |archivedate=5 December 2012 |df=dmy-all }}
5. ^Vatican Insider: "A Liberation Theologian in the Holy Office?" 15 October 2011. {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111228124859/http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/homepage/the-vatican/detail/articolo/america-latina-latin-america-papa-el-papa-pope-congregazione-per-la-dottrina-della-fede-congre/ |date=28 December 2011 }}
6. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/muller/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20160519_biografia-muller_en.html#1._Curriculum_Vitae_and_Academic_Career|title=Biography of Cardinal Gerhard Müller|website=www.vatican.va|access-date=2019-01-16}}
7. ^{{cite news | work = New York Times| accessdate = 10 July 2017 | date = 2 July 2012 | title = Pope Names German Bishop as Leader of Doctrinal Office | url = https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/03/world/europe/german-to-run-vaticans-doctrinal-office.html | first =Rachel | last = Donadio }}
8. ^{{cite press release | accessdate = 9 August 2017 | publisher = Press Office of the Holy See | date = 2 July 2012 | url = http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2012/07/02/0398/00947.html | title = Rinunce e Nomine, 02.07.2012 | language = it}}
9. ^{{cite news|url=http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2012/09/18/vatican:_cdf_head_on_importance_of_church_unity/en1-622394 | work=Vatican Radio |title=Vatican: CDF head on importance of Church unity |date= 18 September 2012 |accessdate=2 July 2017}}
10. ^{{cite news | url=http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/bishop-slammed-for-comparing-criticism-of-catholic-church-to-pogroms-a-881343.html | title=Top Vatican Cleric Criticized for 'Pogrom' Remark| work= Der Spiegel | date= 4 February 2013 | accessdate=3 July 2017}}
11. ^{{cite web |url=http://press.catholica.va/news_services/bulletin/news/30094.php?index=30094&po_date=24.11.2012&lang=en |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2014-01-18 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://archive.is/20121224220506/http://press.catholica.va/news_services/bulletin/news/30094.php?index=30094&po_date=24.11.2012&lang=en |archivedate=24 December 2012 |df=dmy-all }}
12. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1205009.htm |title='Reading Vatican II as Break with Tradition Is Heresy', Prefect says|publisher=Catholicnews.com |date= |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
13. ^{{cite press release | publisher = Press Office of the Holy See | url = http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2014/02/19/0120/00261.html | accessdate = 9 August 2017 | title = Rinunce e Nomine, 19.02.2014 | language = it | date = 19 February 2014}}
14. ^{{cite news|first1=Samuel|last1= Lieven|first2=Nicolas |last2=Seneze|url=https://international.la-croix.com/news/cardinal-muller-says-no-to-second-marriage-without-annulment/1016 |title =Cardinal Muller says no to second marriage without annulment |accessdate=3 July 2017 |work=La Croix International|date=31 March 2015}}
15. ^{{cite news|last1=Tornielli|first1=Andrea|title=Müller suggests new task for Congregation for Doctrine of Faith|url=http://www.lastampa.it/2015/04/07/vaticaninsider/eng/the-vatican/mller-suggests-new-task-for-congregation-for-doctrine-of-faith-NikT4GeeTi2BHaHMLkPLZP/pagina.html|accessdate=3 July 2017|work=La Stampa|date=7 April 2015}}
16. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/cardinal-m%C3%BCller-discovers-new-role-cdf-under-francis | first=Grant | last=Gallicho| title=Cardinal Müller discovers new role for CDF under Francis |publisher=Commonweal Magazine |date=29 March 2015 |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
17. ^{{cite news| work = America | url=https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2017/07/01/pope-francis-appoints-spanish-jesuit-ladaria-replace-muller-cdf|title=Pope Francis appoints Spanish Jesuit Ladaria to replace Müller at CDF|date=1 July 2017|accessdate= 3 July 2017 | first=Gerard | last= O'Connell }}
18. ^{{cite press release | accessdate = 1 July 2017 | url = http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2017/07/01/0465/01042.html#conc| date = 1 July 2017 | title = Rinunce e nomine| language= it | publisher = Press Office of the Holy See}}
19. ^{{cite news | url= http://cruxnow.com/vatican/2017/07/01/pope-names-archbishop-succeed-cardinal-muller-doctrine-office/ | work= Crux | accessdate= 1 July 2017 | date= 1 July 2017 | title= Pope names Jesuit prelate to succeed Müller at doctrine office | agency= Catholic News Service}}
20. ^{{cite news | url=https://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/Vatican/Article/TabId/719/ArtMID/13626/ArticleID/22715/Rome-roiled-by-recent-scandals-conflicts.aspx | title=Rome roiled by recent scandals, conflicts |date=12 July 2017 |accessdate=15 August 2017 | work=Our Sunday Visitor|first= Scott P. | last = Richert}}
21. ^{{cite news| url=http://catholicherald.co.uk/news/2017/07/08/cardinal-muller-criticises-the-way-pope-francis-dismissed-him/ |accessdate=26 July 2017 | title= Cardinal Müller criticises the way Pope Francis dismissed him | work= Catholic Herald | date= 8 July 2017}}
22. ^ 
23. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.voanews.com/content/list-of-19-new-cardinals-named-by-pope/1828397.html |title=List of New Cardinals Named by Pope Francis |publisher=Voanews.com |date=12 January 2014 |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
24. ^{{cite web|author=Filip Mazurczak |url=http://www.thecatholicthing.org/2014/08/31/cardinal-mueller-a-great-catholic-leader/ |title=Cardinal Müller: A Great Catholic Leader |publisher=www.thecatholicthing.org |date= 31 August 2014 |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
25. ^{{cite web|url=http://cristianesimocattolico.wordpress.com/2014/09/01/lintegerrimo-cardinale-muller-sara-il-prossimo-papa/ |title=L’integerrimo cardinale Müller sarà il prossimo papa? | Cristianesimo Cattolico |publisher=Cristianesimocattolico.wordpress.com |date= |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
26. ^{{cite web|author=|url=http://www.patheos.com/blogs/standingonmyhead/2015/01/the-next-pope-twelve-cardinals-to-watch.html |title=The Next Pope – Twelve Cardinals to Watch |publisher=Patheos.com |date=21 January 2015 |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
27. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.kath-akademie-bayern.de/tl_files/Kath_Akademie_Bayern/Veroeffentlichungen/zur_debatte/pdf/2011/Vortrag_Mueller.pdf |title=Speech by Bishop Müller (in German) |format=PDF |date= |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
28. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/archbishop-sartain-stresses-dedication-to-addressing-religious-sisters-issues/|title=Archbishop Sartain stresses dedication to addressing religious sisters' issues|publisher=}}
29. ^Gerhard Ludwig Mueller Tapped by Pope to Head Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,{{deadlink|date=December 2018}} The Huffington Post, 2 July 2015
30. ^[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22157699 "US Catholic Nuns Criticised in Vatican Report on LCWR", BBC News, 15 April 2013].
31. ^{{cite web|date=2015-04-13|title=Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Concludes Mandate Regarding LCWR|website=lcwr.org|location=Silver Spring, Maryland, USA|publisher=Leadership Conference of Women Religious|url=https://lcwr.org/media/news/congregation-doctrine-faith-concludes-mandate-regarding-lcwr|access-date=2015-09-24|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150924183315/https://lcwr.org/media/news/congregation-doctrine-faith-concludes-mandate-regarding-lcwr|archivedate=2015-09-24|deadurl=no}}
32. ^{{Citation | title = CDF Head: Pope Francis Has Close Ties with Liberation Theology Movement Called into Question by John Paul II | url = http://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/744/0/cdf-head-pope-francis-has-close-ties-with-liberation-theology-movement-called-into-question-by-john-paul-ii | newspaper = The Tablet | place = UK}}
33. ^{{cite news|url=https://zenit.org/articles/archbishop-muller-on-faith-the-curia-and-his-own-upbringing/ |title=Archbishop Müller on Faith, the Curia and His Own Upbringing |publisher= Zenit |date=25 July 2012 |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
34. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/vatican-doctrine-secularism-marriage/2014/11/04/id/605133/ |title=Vatican's Müller: Bishops Being 'Blinded' by Secularism |publisher=Newsmax.com |date= |accessdate=7 May 2015}}
35. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/cardinal-mueller-warns-against-adapting-church-teaching-to-todays-often-pag/#ixzz3cZJ9Rttx|title=Cardinal Müller Warns Against Adapting the Church to Today's Often Pagan Lifestyles|publisher=}}
36. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2017/01/09/cardinal-muller-no-need-to-correct-pope-francis-on-divorce/|title=Vatican doctrinal chief: ‘No need to correct Pope Francis on divorce’ - CatholicHerald.co.uk|date=9 January 2017|publisher=}}
37. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2017/02/01/cardinal-muller-communion-for-the-remarried-is-against-gods-law|title=Cardinal Müller: Communion for the remarried is against God’s law - CatholicHerald.co.uk|date=1 February 2017|publisher=}}
38. ^ ABS-CBN News, Reuters, "Sacked cardinal issues manifesto in thinly veiled attack on Pope Francis" 10 February 2019
39. ^{{cite news| first=Barbie | last= Latza Nadeau |url= http://www.thedailybeast.com/pope-benedict-xvi-appoints-catholic-churchs-new-top-cop |title= Pope Benedict XVI Appoints Catholic Church’s New Top Cop | work= Daily Beast |date= 4 July 2012 | accessdate=1 July 2017}}
40. ^{{cite news| agency=Reuters| accessdate=1 July 2017 | url= http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-germany-priest-idUKL2185061620070921 | title= German bishop apologises over paedophile priest | date=21 September 2007 }}
41. ^{{cite news| first=Christa | last= Pongratz-Lippitt | url=https://www.ncronline.org/news/accountability/former-diocesan-leader-alleges-m-ller-thwarted-investigation-choir-boy-abuse | title=Former Diocesan Leader Alleges Muller Thwarted Investigation of Choir Boy Abuse | work=National Catholic Reporter |date= 29 January 2016| accessdate=1 July 2017}}
42. ^{{cite news| url=https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/world/europe/church-confronts-abuse-scandal-at-a-famed-german-choir.html |title= Church Confronts Abuse Scandal at a Famed German Choir |work=New York Times |date= 6 February 2016| accessdate=1 July 2017 | first=Melissa | last=Eddy}}
43. ^{{cite news | work = CRUX | accessdate = 18 July 2017 | date = 18 July 2017 | url = https://cruxnow.com/global-church/2017/07/18/hundreds-boys-abused-choir-run-georg-ratzinger/ | agency = Associated Press | title = Hundreds of boys abused in choir once run by Georg Ratzinger | first = Geir | last = Moulson }}
44. ^{{cite news | work = The Tablet | url = http://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/7505/0/report-confirms-over-500-boys-abused-at-top-german-catholic-school | accessdate = 26 July 2017 | date = 19 July 2017 | title = Report Confirms over 500 Boys Abused at Top German Catholic School | first = Daniele | last = Palmer }}
45. ^{{cite news |url=http://www.liberation.fr/france/2016/03/04/une-plainte-contre-le-cardinal-barbarin-et-le-vatican_1437589|title=Une plainte contre le cardinal Barbarin et le Vatican|publisher= Libération | accessdate = 14 July 2017 | date = 4 March 2016 | first = Bernadette | last = Sauvaget | language = fr }}
46. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.constantinianorder.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=129%3Ahis-excellency-the-most-reverend-gerhard-ludwig-mueller-bishop-of-regensburg&catid=106%3Aprevious&Itemid=193|title=His Excellency the Most Reverend Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop of Regensburg|date=18 July 2011|publisher=|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110718115547/http://www.constantinianorder.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=129%3Ahis-excellency-the-most-reverend-gerhard-ludwig-mueller-bishop-of-regensburg&catid=106%3Aprevious&Itemid=193|archivedate=18 July 2011|df=dmy-all}}

External links

{{commons category}}
  • {{cite web| accessdate = 23 November 2017| title= Müller Card. Gerhard Ludwig |publisher= Holy See Press Office | url= https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/documentation/cardinali_biografie/cardinali_bio_muller_gl.html | dead-url=no | archive-date= 19 September 2016 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160919103304/http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/documentation/cardinali_biografie/cardinali_bio_muller_gl.html }}
  • Gerhard Ludwig Müller
{{Clear}}{{s-start}}{{s-rel|ca}}{{s-bef|before=Manfred Müller}}{{s-ttl|title=Bishop of Regensburg|years=2002–2012}}{{s-aft|after=Rudolf Voderholzer}}{{s-break}}{{s-bef|before=William Levada|rows=4}}{{s-ttl|title=Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith|years=2012–2017}}{{s-aft|after=Luis Ladaria Ferrer|rows=4}}{{s-break}}{{s-ttl|title=President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei|years=2012–2017}}{{s-break}}{{s-ttl|title=President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission|years=2012–2017}}{{s-break}}{{s-ttl|title=President of the International Theological Commission|years=2012–2017}}{{s-break}}{{s-bef|before=Lorenzo Antonetti}}{{s-ttl|title=Cardinal Deacon of Sant'Agnese in Agone|years=2014–present}}{{s-inc}}{{s-end}}{{Portal bar|Biography|Catholicism|Germany}}{{Authority control}}{{Cardinals of the Catholic Church|state=collapsed}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Müller, Gerhard Ludwig}}

12 : 1947 births|21st-century Roman Catholic bishops|Cardinals created by Pope Francis|German cardinals|Living people|Members of the Congregation for Catholic Education|Members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith|Members of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches|Members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre|Members of the Pontifical Council for Culture|Officers Crosses of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany|Roman Catholic bishops of Regensburg





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