

词条 Histidine kinase

  1. Mechanism

  2. Structure and function

  3. Role in fungal infections

  4. References

  5. Further reading

| Name = protein histidine kinase
| EC_number =
| CAS_number = 99283-67-7
| IUBMB_EC_number = 2/7/13/3
| GO_code = 0004673
| image = Hiskinase.jpg
| width =
| caption = Crystallographic structure of ATP:protein-L-histidine N-phosphotransferase based on the {{PDB|2c2a}} coordinates.
}}Histidine kinases (HK) are multifunctional, and in non-animal kingdoms, typically transmembrane, proteins of the transferase class of enzymes that play a role in signal transduction across the cellular membrane.[1] The vast majority of HKs are homodimers that exhibit autokinase, phosphotransfer, and phosphatase activity. HKs can act as cellular receptors for signaling molecules in a way analogous to tyrosine kinase receptors (RTK). Multifunctional receptor molecules such as HKs and RTKs typically have portions on the outside of the cell (extracellular domain) that bind to hormone- or growth factor-like molecules, portions that span the cell membrane (transmembrane domain), and portions within the cell (intracellular domain) that contain the enzymatic activity. In addition to kinase activity, the intracellular domains typically have regions that bind to a secondary effector molecule or complex of molecules that further propagate signal transduction within the cell. Distinct from other classes of protein kinases, HKs are usually parts of a two-component signal transduction mechanisms in which HK transfers a phosphate group from ATP to a histidine residue within the kinase, and then to an aspartate residue on the receiver domain of a response regulator protein (or sometimes on the kinase itself). More recently, the widespread existence of protein histidine phosphorylation distinct from that of two-component histidine kinases has been recognised in human cells.[2][3] In marked contrast to Ser, Thr and Tyr phosphorylation, the analysis of phosphorylated Histidine using standard biochemical and mass spectrometric approaches is much more challenging,[4][5] and special procedures and separation techniques are required for their preservation alongside classical Ser, Thr and Tyr phosphorylation on proteins isolated from human cells.[6]

In terms of enzymology, a histidine kinase ({{EC number|}}, EnvZ, histidine protein kinase, protein histidine kinase, protein kinase (histidine), HK1, HP165, Sln1p) is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction

ATP + protein L-histidine ADP + protein N-phospho-L-histidine.

Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are ATP and protein L-histidine, whereas its two products are ADP and protein N-phospho-L-histidine.

This type of enzyme is involved in signal transduction pathways upstream of many cellular processes including various metabolic, virulence, and homeostatic pathways.


The mechanism for the reactions catalyzed by histidine kinase have not been completely elucidated, but current evidence suggests that the catalytic domain of one dimeric unit may rotate in such a way that the ATP binding pocket of that unit can come into contact with a particular histidine residue on the opposite unit and a nucleophilic addition results in a phosphorylated histidine.[7]

Structure and function

An HK is composed of several domains starting with a short N-terminal cytoplasmic portion connected to an extracellular sensing domain via a transmembrane α helix. A second transmembrane α helix connects the extracellular domain to the C-terminal cytoplasmic catalytic domain. HKs are known to serve roles in many different signal transduction pathways, so it is not surprising that the extracellular sensing domain is not very well conserved in the HK family. In contrast, the cytoplasmic domain tends to have high sequence homology and contains several well-known motifs. These motifs include the H, N, G1, F, and G2 boxes.[8] The autophosphorylation H-box is contained in the N-terminal dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) domain. In HK853-CD, crystallized from Thermotoga maritima, this domain is a helical-hairpin and is formed by residues 232-317. The histidine phosphorylation site is located at His-260. The N, G1, F and G2 boxes are contained in the C-terminal catalytic and ATP-binding (CA) domain. This domain is formed by residues 323-489 and forms a structure known as an α/β sandwich fold. This particular fold has one layer composed of a 5-stranded β sheet and the other layer is made of three α helices.

The dimeric unit is held together by a four-helix bundle, formed when the C-terminal segments of the α1 helices on each subunit interact in an antiparallel manner with both α2 helices. The stability of the dimer is aided by several interactions at the interface between the DHps of each monomer. These include hydrophobic interactions between conserved hydrophobic residues as well as two hydrogen bonds (Thr-252...Glu-316’ and Arg-263...Asn-307’) and one salt bridge (Lys-270...Glu-303’). Further interactions are mediated via hydrogen bonds to water within a cavity inside the coiled coil and flanked by hydrophobic residues.

The final side of the ATP binding pocket is conveniently named the “ATP lid.” The stability of this structure is mediated by the presence of the γ phosphate and thus the Mg2+ ion in the binding site. Also the presence of the nucleotide base has proved to play a significant role in stabilization of the lid in a closed conformation. The ATP lid is connected via hydrophobic residues to the rest of the protein. The γ phosphate of ATP is somewhat exposed allowing for dephosphorylation.

Upon ATP binding in this pocket, it is believed that a conformational change occurs allowing the rotation of the CA domain to come into contact with the DHp of the other monomer and thus allowing the conserved His-260 to rest near the γ phosphate. The Nε of His-260 then attacks the γ phosphate of ATP in a nucleophilic addition and bumps off ADP as its leaving group.

Role in fungal infections

A two-component system, involving histidine kinase and a variable response regulator protein, may be critical to the virulence of some fungal strains such as Candida albicans, which is often responsible for causing candidiasis in immunocompromised persons.[10] C. albicans with a deletion of CHK1, the two-component histidine kinase gene, show defects in morphogenesis and a drastic decrease in the cell’s ability to resist elimination by human neutrophils. As humans lack this two-component system, it may be a good target for anti-microbial agents in order to treat candidiasis.


1. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Wolanin PW, Thomason PA, Stock JB |title=Histidine protein kinases: key signal transducers outside the animal kingdom|journal=Genome Biology|volume=3|issue=10|pages=reviews3013.1–3013.8|year=2002|pmid=12372152|pmc=244915|doi=10.1186/gb-2002-3-10-reviews3013}}
2. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Fuhs SR, Hunter T |title=pHisphorylation: the emergence of histidine phosphorylation as a reversible regulatory modification|journal=Curr Opin Cell Biol|volume=45|pages=8–16|year=2017|pmid=28129587|doi=10.1016/j.ceb.2016.12.010|pmc=5482761}}
3. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Fuhs SR, Meisenhelder J, Aslanian A, Ma L, Zagorska A, Stankova M, Binnie A, Al-Obeidi F, Mauger J, Lemke G, Yates JR 3rd, Hunter T |title=Monoclonal 1- and 3-Phosphohistidine Antibodies: New Tools to Study Histidine Phosphorylation |journal=Cell|volume=162|issue=1 |pages=198–210|year=2015|pmid=26140597 |doi=10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.046 |pmc=4491144}}
4. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Gonzalez-Sanchez MB, Lanucara F, Hardman GE, Eyers CE |title=Gas-phase intermolecular phosphate transfer within a phosphohistidine phosphopeptide dimer.|journal=Int J Mass Spectrom|volume=367|pages=28–34|year=2014|pmid=25844054|doi=10.1016/j.ijms.2014.04.015|pmc=4375673}}
5. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Gonzalez-Sanchez MB, Lanucara F, Helm M, Eyers CE |title=Attempting to rewrite History: challenges with the analysis of histidine-phosphorylated peptides.|journal=Biochem Soc Trans|volume=41|issue=4|pages=1089–1095|year=2013|pmid=23863184|doi=10.1042/bst20130072}}
6. ^{{cite biorxiv |vauthors=Hardman G, Perkins S, Ruan Z, Kannan N, Brownridge P, Byrne DP, Eyers PA, Jones AR, Eyers CE |title= Extensive non-canonical phosphorylation in human cells revealed using strong-anion exchange-mediated phosphoproteomics |date= 13 October 2017 |biorxiv= 202820}}
7. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Marina A, Waldburger CD, Hendrickson WA | title = Structure of the entire cytoplasmic portion of a sensor histidine-kinase protein | journal = EMBO J. | volume = 24 | issue = 24 | pages = 4247–59 |date=December 2005 | pmid = 16319927 | pmc = 1356327 | doi = 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600886 }}
8. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Parkinson JS, Kofoid EC | title = Communication modules in bacterial signaling proteins | journal = Annu. Rev. Genet. | volume = 26 | issue = | pages = 71–112 | year = 1992 | pmid = 1482126 | doi = 10.1146/annurev.ge.26.120192.000443 }}
9. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Bilwes AM, Quezada CM, Croal LR, Crane BR, Simon MI | title = Nucleotide binding by the histidine kinase CheA | journal = Nat. Struct. Biol. | volume = 8 | issue = 4 | pages = 353–60 |date=April 2001 | pmid = 11276258 | doi = 10.1038/86243 }}
10. ^{{cite journal |vauthors=Torosantucci A, Chiani P, De Bernardis F, Cassone A, Calera JA, Calderone R | title = Deletion of the Two-Component Histidine Kinase Gene (CHK1) of Candida albicans Contributes to Enhanced Growth Inhibition and Killing by Human Neutrophils In Vitro | journal = Infect. Immun. | volume = 70 | issue = 2 | pages = 985–7 |date=February 2002 | pmid = 11796636 | pmc = 127696 | doi = 10.1128/IAI.70.2.985-987.2002 }}

Further reading

  • {{cite journal | author = Kowluru A | year = 2002 | title = Identification and characterization of a novel protein histidine kinase in the islet beta cell: evidence for its regulation by mastoparan, an activator of G-proteins and insulin secretion | journal = Biochem. Pharmacol. | volume = 63 | pages = 2091–100 | pmid = 12110368 | doi = 10.1016/S0006-2952(02)01025-0 | issue = 12 }}
  • {{cite journal |vauthors=Yoshimi A, Tsuda M, Tanaka C | year = 2004 | title = Cloning and characterization of the histidine kinase gene Dic1 from Cochliobolus heterostrophus that confers dicarboximide resistance and osmotic adaptation | journal = Mol. Genet. Genomics. | volume = 271 | pages = 228–36 | pmid = 14752661 | doi = 10.1007/s00438-003-0974-4 | issue = 2 }}
  • {{cite journal |vauthors=Beier D, Frank R | year = 2000 | title = Molecular Characterization of Two-Component Systems of Helicobacter pylori | journal = J. Bacteriol. | volume = 182 | pages = 2068–76 | pmid = 10735847 | doi = 10.1128/JB.182.8.2068-2076.2000 | issue = 8 | pmc = 111253 }}
  • {{cite journal |vauthors=Pflock M, Dietz P, Schar J, Beier D | year = 2004 | title = Genetic evidence for histidine kinase HP165 being an acid sensor of Helicobacter pylori | journal = FEMS Microbiol. Lett. | volume = 234 | pages = 51–61 | pmid = 15109719 | doi = 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2004.tb09512.x | issue = 1 }}
  • {{cite journal |vauthors=Roberts DL, Bennett DW, Forst SA | year = 1994 | title = Identification of the site of phosphorylation on the osmosensor, EnvZ, of Escherichia coli | journal = J. Biol. Chem. | volume = 269 | pages = 8728–33 | pmid = 8132603 | issue = 12 }}
  • {{cite journal |author1=Alexandrine M. Bilwes |author2=Lisa A. Alex |author3=Brian R. Crane |author4=Melvin I. Simon | year = 1999 | title = Structure of CheA, a Signal-Transducing Histidine Kinase | journal = Cell | volume = 96 | pages = 131–41 | pmid = 9989504 | doi = 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80966-6 | issue = 1 }}
  • {{cite journal |author1=Ryan L. Brunsing |author2=Chandra La Clair |author3=Sharon Tang |author4=Christina Chiang |author5=Lynn E. Hancock |author6=Marta Perego |author7=James A Hoch | year = 2005 | title = Characterization of Sporulation Histidine Kinases of Bacillus anthracis | journal = J. Bacteriol. | volume = 187 | pages = 6972–81 | pmid = 16199567 | doi = 10.1128/JB.187.20.6972-6981.2005 | issue = 20 | pmc = 1251614 }}
  • {{cite journal |author1=Amr Eldakak |author2=F. Marion Hulett | year = 2007 | title = Cys303 in the Histidine Kinase PhoR Is Crucial for the Phosphotransfer Reaction in the PhoPR Two-Component System in Bacillus subtilis | journal = J. Bacteriol. | volume = 189 | pmid = 17085571 | pages = 410–21 | doi = 10.1128/JB.01205-06 | issue = 2 | pmc = 1797398 }}
  • {{cite journal |vauthors=Hirschman A, Boukhvalova M, VanBruggen R, Wolfe AJ, Stewart RC | title = Active site mutations in CheA, the signal-transducing protein kinase of the chemotaxis system in Escherichia coli | journal = Biochemistry | volume = 40 | issue = 46 | pages = 13876–87 |date=November 2001 | pmid = 11705377 | doi = 10.1021/bi0113622 }}
{{refend}}{{Kinases}}{{Enzymes}}{{Portal bar|Molecular and Cellular Biology|border=no}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Histidine Kinase}}

2 : EC 2.7.13|Enzymes of known structure





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