

词条 IEEE 802.11ac

  1. New technologies

  2. Features

     Mandatory  Optional 

  3. New scenarios and configurations

     Example configurations 

  4. Wave 1 vs. Wave 2

  5. Data rates and speed


  6. Products

     Commercial routers and access points  Commercial laptops  Commercial handsets  Commercial tablets  Chipsets 

  7. See also

  8. Notes

  9. References

  10. External links

IEEE 802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family (which is marketed under the brand name Wi-Fi), developed in the IEEE Standards Association, providing high-throughput wireless local area networks (WLANs) on the 5 GHz band. The standard was developed from 2008 (PAR approved 2008-09-26) through 2013 and published in December 2013 (ANSI approved 2013-12-11).[1][2] The standard has been retroactively labelled as Wi-Fi 5 by Wi-Fi Alliance.[3][4]

The specification has multi-station throughput of at least 1 gigabit per second and single-link throughput of at least 500 megabits per second (500 Mbit/s). This is accomplished by extending the air-interface concepts embraced by 802.11n: wider RF bandwidth (up to 160 MHz), more MIMO spatial streams (up to eight), downlink multi-user MIMO (up to four clients), and high-density modulation (up to 256-QAM).[5][6]

Wi-Fi Alliance separated the introduction of ac wireless products into two phases ("wave"), named "Wave 1" and "Wave 2".[7][8] From mid-2013, the alliance started certifying Wave 1 802.11 ac products ships by manufacturers, based on the IEEE 802.11ac Draft 3.0 (the IEEE standard was not finalized until later that year).[9] Subsequently in year 2016, Wi-Fi Alliance introduced the Wave 2 certification, which include additional features like MU-MIMO, 160MHz channel width support, support for more 5GHz channels, and four spatial streams (with four antennas; compares to three in Wave 1 and 802.11n, and eight in IEEE's 802.11ac specification).[10] It means Wave 2 products would have higher bandwidth and capacity than Wave 1 products.[11]

New technologies

New technologies introduced with 802.11ac include the following:[6][12]

  • Extended channel binding
    • Optional 160 MHz and mandatory 80 MHz channel bandwidth for stations; cf. 40 MHz maximum in 802.11n.
  • More MIMO spatial streams
    • Support for up to eight spatial streams (vs. four in 802.11n)
  • Downlink multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO, allows up to four simultaneous downlink MU-MIMO clients)
    • Multiple STAs, each with one or more antennas, transmit or receive independent data streams simultaneously.
    • Space-division multiple access (SDMA): streams not separated by frequency, but instead resolved spatially, analogous to 11n-style MIMO.
    • Downlink MU-MIMO (one transmitting device, multiple receiving devices) included as an optional mode.
  • Modulation
    • 256-QAM, rate 3/4 and 5/6, added as optional modes (vs. 64-QAM, rate 5/6 maximum in 802.11n).
    • Some vendors offer a non-standard 1024-QAM mode, providing 25% higher data rate compared to 256-QAM
  • Other elements/features
    • Beamforming with standardized sounding and feedback for compatibility between vendors (non-standard in 802.11n made it hard for beamforming to work effectively between different vendor products)
    • MAC modifications (mostly to support above changes)
    • Coexistence mechanisms for 20, 40, 80, and 160 MHz channels, 11ac and 11a/n devices
    • Adds four new fields to the PPDU header identifying the frame as a very high throughput (VHT) frame as opposed to 802.11n's high throughput (HT) or earlier. The first three fields in the header are readable by legacy devices to allow coexistence



  • Borrowed from the 802.11a/802.11g specifications:
    • 800 ns regular guard interval
    • Binary convolutional coding (BCC)
    • Single spatial stream
  • Newly introduced by the 802.11ac specification:
    • 80 MHz channel bandwidths


  • Borrowed from the 802.11n specification:
    • Two to four spatial streams
    • Low-density parity-check code (LDPC)
    • Space–time block coding (STBC)
    • Transmit beamforming (TxBF)
    • 400 ns short guard interval (SGI)
  • Newly introduced by the 802.11ac specification:
    • five to eight spatial streams
    • 160 MHz channel bandwidths (contiguous 80+80)
    • 80+80 MHz channel bonding (discontiguous 80+80)
    • MCS 8/9 (256-QAM)

New scenarios and configurations

The single-link and multi-station enhancements supported by 802.11ac enable several new WLAN usage scenarios, such as simultaneous streaming of HD video to multiple clients throughout the home, rapid synchronization and backup of large data files, wireless display, large campus/auditorium deployments, and manufacturing floor automation.[13]

With the inclusion of USB 3.0 interface, 802.11ac access points and routers can use locally attached storage to provide various services that fully utilize their WLAN capacities, such as video streaming, FTP servers, and personal cloud services.[14] With storage locally attached through USB 2.0, filling the bandwidth made available by 802.11ac was not easily accomplished.

Example configurations

All rates assume 256-QAM, rate 5/6:

Scenario Typical client
form factor
PHY link rate Aggregate
One-antenna AP, one-antenna STA, 80 MHz Handheld 433 Mbit/s 433 Mbit/s
Two-antenna AP, two-antenna STA, 80 MHz Tablet, laptop 867 Mbit/s 867 Mbit/s
One-antenna AP, one-antenna STA, 160 MHz Handheld 867 Mbit/s 867 Mbit/s
Three-antenna AP, three-antenna STA, 80 MHz Laptop, PC 1.27 Gbit/s 1.27 Gbit/s
Two-antenna AP, two-antenna STA, 160 MHz Tablet, laptop 1.69 Gbit/s 1.69 Gbit/s
Four-antenna AP, four one-antenna STAs, 160 MHz
Handheld 867 Mbit/s to each STA 3.39 Gbit/s
Eight-antenna AP, 160 MHz (MU-MIMO)
  • one four-antenna STA
  • one two-antenna STA
  • two one-antenna STAs
Digital TV, Set-top Box,
Tablet, Laptop, PC, Handheld
  • 3.39 Gbit/s to four-antenna STA
  • 1.69 Gbit/s to two-antenna STA
  • 867 Mbit/s to each one-antenna STA
6.77 Gbit/s
Eight-antenna AP, four 2-antenna STAs, 160 MHz
Digital TV, tablet, laptop, PC 1.69 Gbit/s to each STA 6.77 Gbit/s

Wave 1 vs. Wave 2

Wave 2, referring to products introduced in 2016, offers a higher throughput than legacy Wave 1 products, those introduced starting in 2013. The maximum PHY (physical) theoretical rate for Wave 1 is 1.3 Gbit/s, while Wave 2 can reach 2.34 Gbit/s. Wave 2 can therefore achieve 1 Gbit/s even if the real world throughput turns out to be only 50% of the theoretical rate. Wave 2 also supports a higher number of connected devices.[11]

Data rates and speed

Modulation and coding schemes
index{{Efn|MCS 9 is not applicable to all channel width/spatial stream combinations.
Data rate (in Mbit/s)[15]{{Efn|A second stream doubles the theoretical data rate, a third one triples it, etc.
20 MHz channels40 MHz channels80 MHz channels
GI|Guard interval 400 ns GI 800 ns GI 400 ns GI 800 ns GI 400 ns GI 800 ns GI 400 ns GI
0 1 BPSK 1/2 6.5 7.2 13.5 15 29.3 32.5 58.5 65
1 1 QPSK 1/2 13 14.4 27 30 58.5 65 117 130
2 1 QPSK 3/4 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 87.8 97.5 175.5 195
3 1 16-QAM 1/2 26 28.9 54 60 117 130 234 260
4 1 16-QAM 3/4 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195 351 390
5 1 64-QAM 2/3 52 57.8 108 120 234 260 468 520
6 1 64-QAM 3/4 58.5 65 121.5 135 263.3 292.5 526.5 585
7 1 64-QAM 5/6 65 72.2 135 150 292.5 325 585 650
8 1 256-QAM 3/4 78 86.7 162 180 351 390 702 780
9 1 256-QAM 5/6 {{n/a}} {{n/a}} 180 200 390 433.3 780 866.7
0 2 BPSK 1/2 13 14.4 27 30 58.5 65 117 130
1 2 QPSK 1/2 26 28.9 54 60 117 130 234 260
2 2 QPSK 3/4 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195 351 390
3 2 16-QAM 1/2 52 57.8 108 120 234 260 468 520
4 2 16-QAM 3/4 78 86.7 162 180 351 390 702 780
5 2 64-QAM 2/3 104 115.6 216 240 468 520 936 1040
6 2 64-QAM 3/4 117 130.3 243 270 526.5 585 1053 1170
7 2 64-QAM 5/6 130 144.4 270 300 585 650 1170 1300
8 2 256-QAM 3/4 156 173.3 324 360 702 780 1404 1560
9 2 256-QAM 5/6 {{n/a}} {{n/a}} 360 400 780 866.7 1560 1733.4
0 3 BPSK 1/2 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 87.8 97.5 175.5 195
1 3 QPSK 1/2 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195 351 390
2 3 QPSK 3/4 58.5 65 121.5 135 263.3 292.5 526.5 585
3 3 16-QAM 1/2 78 86.7 162 180 351 390 702 780
4 3 16-QAM 3/4 117 130 243 270 526.5 585 1053 1170
5 3 64-QAM 2/3 156 173.3 324 360 702 780 1404 1560
6 3 64-QAM 3/4 175.5 195 364.5 405 {{n/a}} {{n/a}} 1579.5 1755
7 3 64-QAM 5/6 195 216.7 405 450 877.5 975 1755 1950
8 3 256-QAM 3/4 234 260 486 540 1053 1170 2106 2340
9 3 256-QAM 5/6 260 288.9 540 600 1170 130023402600
94256-QAM5/6{{n/a}} {{n/a}}72080015601733.231203466.8

Several companies are currently offering 802.11ac chipsets with higher modulation rates: MCS-10 and MCS-11 (1024-QAM), supported by Quantenna and Broadcom. Although technically not part of 802.11ac, these new MCS indices are expected to become official in the 802.11ax standard (~2019), the successor to 802.11ac.

160 MHz channels, and thus the throughput might be unusable in some countries/regions due to regulatory issues that allocated some frequencies for other purposes.


{{Explain|date=March 2018}}
Type 802.11ac only specifies operation in the 5 GHz band. Operation in the 2.4 GHz band is specified by 802.11n.
[all 40 MHz]
5 GHz band
[all 80 MHz]
AC450[16] - - 433 1 stream @ MCS 9
AC600 150 1 stream @ MCS 7 433 1 stream @ MCS 9
AC750 300 2 streams @ MCS 7 433 1 stream @ MCS 9
AC10003002 streams @ MCS 76502 streams @ MCS 7
AC1200 300 2 streams @ MCS 7 867 2 streams @ MCS 9
AC1300 400 2 streams @ MCS 9 867 2 streams @ MCS 9
AC1300[17] - - 1,300 3 streams @ MCS 9
AC 1350[18] 450 3 streams @ MCS 7 867 2 streams @ MCS 9
AC1450 450 3 streams @ MCS 7 975 3 streams @ MCS 7
AC1600 300 2 streams @ MCS 7 1,300 3 streams @ MCS 9
AC1750 450 3 streams @ MCS 7 1,300 3 streams @ MCS 9
AC1900 name="24GHz256QAM"|With 802.11n, 600 Mbit/s in the 2.4 GHz band can be achieved by using four spatial streams at 150 Mbit/s each. {{As of|2014|December}}, commercially available devices that achieve 600 Mbit/s in the 2.4 GHz band use 3 spatial streams at 200 Mbit/s each.[19][20] This requires the use of 256-QAM modulation, which is not compliant with 802.11n and can be considered a proprietary extension.[20]}} 3 streams @ MCS 9 1,300 3 streams @ MCS 9
AC2200 450 3 streams @ MCS 7 1,733 4 streams @ MCS 9
AC2300 600 4 streams @ MCS 7 1,625 5 streams @ MCS 7
AC2350 600 4 streams @ MCS 7 1,733 4 streams @ MCS 9
AC2600 name="24GHz256QAM"}} 4 streams @ MCS 9 1,733 4 streams @ MCS 9
AC3000 450 3 streams @ MCS 7 1,300 + 1,300 3 streams @ MCS 9 x 2
AC3150 name="24GHz1024QAM"}} 4 streams @ 1024-QAM 2,167 4 streams @ 1024-QAM
AC3200 name="24GHz256QAM"}} 3 streams @ MCS 9 name="ac3200"|{{As of|2014|December}}, commercially available AC3200 devices use two separate radios with 1,300 Mbit/s each to achieve 2,600 Mbit/s total in the 5 GHz band.}} 3 streams @ MCS 9 x 2
AC5000 600 4 streams @ MCS 7 2,167 + 2,167 4 streams @ 1024-QAM x 2
AC5300[21] name="24GHz1024QAM"|With proprietary extension to 802.11n, using 40MHz channel in 2.4GHz, 400ns guard interval, 1024-QAM, and 4 spatial streams.}} 4 streams @ 1024-QAM 2,167 + 2,167 4 streams @ 1024-QAM x 2


Commercial routers and access points

Quantenna released the first 802.11ac chipset for retail Wi-Fi routers and consumer electronics on November 15, 2011.[22] Redpine Signals released the first low power 802.11ac technology for smartphone application processors on December 14, 2011.[23] On January 5, 2012, Broadcom announced its first 802.11ac Wi-Fi chips and partners[24] and on April 27, 2012, Netgear announced the first Broadcom-enabled router.[25] On May 14, 2012, Buffalo Technology released the world’s first 802.11ac products to market, releasing a wireless router and client bridge adapter.[26] On December 6, 2012, Huawei announced commercial availability of the industry's first enterprise-level 802.11ac Access Point.[27]

Motorola Solutions is selling 802.11ac access points including the AP 8232.[28] In April 2014, Hewlett-Packard started selling the HP 560 access point in the controller-based WLAN enterprise market segment.[29]

Commercial laptops

On June 7, 2012, it was reported that Asus had unveiled its ROG G75VX gaming notebook, which would be the first consumer-oriented notebook to be fully compliant with 802.11ac[30] (albeit in its "draft 2.0" version).

In June 2013, Apple announced that the new MacBook Air features 802.11ac wireless networking capabilities,[31][32] later announcing in October 2013 that the MacBook Pro and Mac Pro also featured 802.11ac.[33][34]

{{As of|2013|12}}, Hewlett-Packard incorporates 802.11ac compliance in laptop computers.[35]

Commercial handsets

Commercial tablets


See also

{{Portal|Computer networking}}
  • IEEE 802.11ax
  • IEEE 802.11ad
  • IEEE 802.11


1. ^{{cite web|url = http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/Reports/802.11_Timelines.htm|title = Official IEEE 802.11 Working Group Project Timelines|date = 2012-11-03}}
2. ^{{cite web |url = http://standards.ieee.org/news/2014/ieee_802_11ac_ballot.html|title=New IEEE 802.11ac™ Specification Driven by Evolving Market Need for Higher, Multi-User Throughput in Wireless LANs |last=Kelly |first=Vivian |publisher=IEEE |date=2014-01-07 |accessdate=2014-01-11}}
3. ^[https://www.wi-fi.org/news-events/newsroom/wi-fi-alliance-introduces-wi-fi-6 Wi-Fi Alliance® introduces Wi-Fi 6]
4. ^[https://www.cnet.com/news/wi-fi-alliance-simplifying-802-11-wireless-network-tech-names/ Here come Wi-Fi 4, 5 and 6 in plan to simplify 802.11 networking names]
5. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/networking/cheat-sheet-what-you-need-to-know-about-80211ac/6689 |title=Cheat sheet: What you need to know about 802.11ac |last1=Kassner |first1=Michael |date=2013-06-18 |website=TechRepublic |accessdate=2013-06-20 }}
6. ^{{cite web |url=http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001739/ch04.html |title=802.11ac: A Survival Guide |publisher=Chimera.labs.oreilly.com |date= |accessdate=2014-04-17 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170703105148/http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001739/ch04.html |archive-date=2017-07-03 |dead-url=yes |df= }}
7. ^[https://www.xirrus.com/pdf/Wave2_Whitepaper.pdf 802.11AC WAVE 2 A XIRRUS WHITE PAPER]
8. ^[https://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/80211ac-wi-fi-part-2-wave-1-and-wave-2-products/1614338859 802.11ac Wi-Fi Part 2: Wave 1 and Wave 2 Products]
9. ^[https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/282305/Old/New%20Belden.com%20-%20Master%20Resources/blog-pdfs/white_paper_c11-713103.pdf 802.11ac: The Fifth Generation of Wi-Fi Technical White Paper], March 2014, Cisco
10. ^[https://www.rcrwireless.com/20160629/network-infrastructure/wi-fi/wi-fi-alliance-launches-802-11ac-wave-2-certification-tag6 Wi-Fi Alliance launches 802.11ac Wave 2 certification]
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16. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.smallnetbuilder.com/wireless/wireless-reviews/32545-ac580-usb-wireless-adapter-roundup |title=AC580 USB Wireless Adapter Roundup |website=SmallNetBuilder.com |date=2014-11-04 |accessdate=2018-01-02}}
17. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.smallnetbuilder.com/wireless/wireless-reviews/32327-linksys-wumc710-wireless-ac-universal-media-connector-reviewed |title=Linksys WUMC710 Wireless-AC Universal Media Connector Reviewed |website=SmallNetBuilder.com |date=2014-01-28 |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
18. ^ {{cite web|url=http://www.tp-link.com/us/products/details/cat-5506_Archer-C59.html#specifications|title=Archer C59|website=TP-LINK.com|date=2017-03-19|accessdate=2017-03-19}}
19. ^{{cite web |title=Netgear R7500 Nighthawk X4 Integrates Quantenna 4x4 ac Radio and Qualcomm IPQ8064 SoC |url=http://www.anandtech.com/show/8464/netgear-r7500-nighthawk-x4-integrates-quantenna-4x4-ac-radio-and-qualcomm-ipq8064-soc |last=Ganesh |first=T S |date=2014-09-02 |accessdate=2014-09-08 |publisher=anandtech.com}}
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48. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.amazon.com/Fire_Phone_13MP-Camera_32GB/dp/B00EOE0WKQ |title=Amazon Fire Phone - 13MP Camera, 32GB - Shop Now |website=Amazon.com |date= |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
49. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Amazon+Fire+Phone+Teardown/27458#s67320 |title=Amazon Fire Phone Teardown |website=iFixit.com |date= |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
50. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.techinsights.com/teardown.com/samsung-note-4-galaxy-alpha/ |title=Samsung Note 4 & Alpha Teardown |website=Techinsights.com |date=2014-09-10 |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
51. ^{{cite web|url=http://electronics360.globalspec.com/article/4578/exclusive-video-teardown-apple-iphone-6 |title=Exclusive Video Teardown: Apple iPhone 6 | Electronics360 |website=Electronics360.globalspec.com |date=2014-09-23 |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
52. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Nexus+6+Teardown/32877 |title=Nexus 6 Teardown |website=iFixit.com |date= |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
53. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.anandtech.com/show/8613/the-samsung-galaxy-note-4-review/9 |title=WiFi Performance, GNSS, Misc. - The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Review |website=Anandtech.com |date= |accessdate=2016-08-08}}
54. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.anandtech.com/show/9558/the-samsung-galaxy-note5-and-galaxy-s6-edge-review/8 |title=Video Performance, WiFi Performance, and GNSS Performance - The Samsung Galaxy Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ Review |website=Anandtech.com |date= |accessdate=2016-08-08}}



External links

  • 802.11ac Technology Introduction white paper
  • [https://wikidevi.com/wiki/List_of_802.11ac_Hardware A list of 802.11ac devices]
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20130307085918/http://www.merunetworks.com/collateral/white-papers/2012-wp-ieee-802-11ac-understanding-enterprise-wlan-challenges.pdf Understanding IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi Standard and Preparing the Enterprise WLAN]
  • MIMO 802.11ac Test Architectures
  • 802.11ac: The Fifth Generation of Wi-Fi Technical Paper
  • [https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/wireless.html Intel® Wireless Products Selection Guide]
{{IEEE standards}}

1 : IEEE 802.11





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