

词条 José Martínez Ruiz

  1. Early life and education

  2. Career, writing and political evolution

  3. Honors

  4. Publications[4]

  5. Further reading

  6. References

  7. External links

José Augusto Trinidad Martínez Ruiz, better known by his pseudonym Azorín ({{IPA-es|aθoˈɾin}}; June 8, 1873, Monòver – March 2, 1967, Madrid), was a Spanish novelist, essayist and literary critic. As a political radical in the 1890s, he moved steadily to the right. In literature he attempted to define the eternal qualities of Spanish life. His essays and criticism are written in a simple, compact style. Particularly notable are his impressionistic descriptions of Castilian towns and landscape.

Early life and education

José ("Pepe") Martínez Ruiz was born in Monovar, a village in the province of Alicante on 8 June 1873. Known as Pepe, he was the oldest of nine children but a lonely child who loved reading. His father, a middle-class lawyer, was an active conservative politician and later became a representative and mayor, and a follower of Romero Robledo. His mother, a landowner, was born in nearby Petrer.

From the age of eight, until he was 16, he attended a boarding school run by the Escolapius Fathers (Piarists) in his father's home town of Yecla in the province of Murcia, a time he recalled as opposed to “truth, rebelliousness, and freedom” in Memorias inmemoriales, but also nostalgically in Las confesiones de un pequeño filósofo.

From 1888 to 1896 he studied law at the University of Valencia, but did not complete his studies. Instead, he began to write, publishing a monograph on literary criticism in 1893. Here he began to write for local newspapers, contributing articles to the radical journal El pueblo, edited by Blasco Ibáñez. He became interested in the ideas of Karl Krause, who argued that man could be reformed through education, and that openness to other nation's cultures could overcome national conservatism (see Spanish Krausism [in Spanish]).In 1895, Ruiz published Anarquistas literarios and Notas sociales, in which he presented the main anarchist theories of the time. During this time he was a political radical. Ruiz became an admirer of the liberal Prime Minister Antonio Maura, who fought the culture of "caciques" (local political bosses), and who had become the figurehead of a youth movement, the Mauristas, who wanted him as a new head of state{{cn|date=November 2016}} of Spain at a time of substantial resentment of King Alfonso XIII.

Career, writing and political evolution

Ruiz’s journalism developed on moving to Madrid in 1896. He wrote for the republican newspaper El País until he was dismissed due to his radicalism in February 1897. He also wrote for the Paris-based anarchist magazine La Campaña, and other Spanish journals including El Progreso ("Progress"), and El Imparcial ("The impartial"). His output during this period displayed anti-establishment views, including anarchist ideas, seeing writing as a catalyst for change, and depreciating aesthetics and faith.

However, by 1899 his outlook was beginning to change. His work began to display a new philosophical and artistic consciousness, and an interest in the past. His book El alma castellana (The Castilian Soul), and his essay collections, La ruta de Don Quijote (The Route of Don Quixote) and, much later, Una hora de España 1560–1590 (Spain's Hour, 1560–1590) capture the essence of being Spanish. He was abandoning revolutionary ideas, but becoming more nihilist, though respecting the dignity of human beings, and using irony to stand at arm's length from the world. This pessimism would eventually lead him to a period of political conservatism.

In 1902 he published the first of three intensely biographical novels, La voluntad (Volition), followed by Antonio Azorín, and Las confesiones de un pequeño filósofo (The Confessions of a Minor Philosopher). Early in his career, Ruiz had used pen names, such as Cándido (in honor of Voltaire) and Ahrimán (the Persian god of destruction), and in 1904 he discarded his own name and began to use the surname of one of his characters, "Azorín". Using mostly short sentences, in both his fiction and his essays he emphasized the small but enduring elements and events in history and in one's life. In his view, time consisted of a series of repetitions, a notion of time described as "timeless".

He married Julia Guinda Urzanqui in 1908; she was to remain beside him for the rest of life and outlive him. She died in 1974 aged 98. They had no children.

By 1913 he was writing for ABC, the popular pro-monarchy, conservative newspaper, including a series of articles on “La generación de 1898” (Generation of 98), a literary and artistic group to which he belonged.

{{ external media | align = right | width = 258px |image1 = Portrait of Azorín by Zuloaga}}

Ruiz served as a conservative deputy in the Cortes Generales from 1907 to 1919, eventually becoming an under-secretary for the Ministry of Public Instruction. He gave up politics in opposition to the dictatorship of Gen. Primo de Rivera, though he never opposed him publicly.

He had by now become noted as a drama critic and essayist. His literary criticism, such as Al margen de los clásicos (Marginal Notes to the Classics), Don Juan and Doña Inés, helped to open up new avenues of literary taste and to arouse a new enthusiasm for the Spanish classics at a time when a large portion of Spanish literature was virtually unavailable to the public. In 1924, he was elected to the Real Academia Española.

His first of a dozen plays, Old Spain, appeared in 1926, followed by Brandy mucho brandy and La comedia del arte, but had difficulty in adapting his slow and meticulous style to the dynamics and rhythm of drama. A wry comedy about journalists increasing newspaper sales by inventing stories, El Clamor (The Cry), led to the leadership of the Asociación de la Prensa expelling him, an act which Azorín likened to that of the Inquisition. He began to be influenced by the avant-garde movement, experimenting in a personal version of surrealism in a short trilogy, Lo invisible (The Invisible).

The outbreak of the Republic saw him re-adopt his old progressive political ideals. He abandoned ABC to write for the republican newspapers El Sol, La Libertad and Ahora). He edited Revista de Occidente, founded by José Ortega y Gasset, a journal promoting European philosophy, from 1923 to 1936.[1]

At the outset of the Spanish Civil War, in 1936, Azorín fled to Paris, where he continued his literary career writing for the Argentine newspaper La Nación. A book reflecting on this period of exile, Españoles en París, was published in 1939.

When he returned to Spain on 23 August 1939, he found himself in "inner exile", along with other intellectuals who had not overtly supported the Franco regime during the conflict. He was at first denied a press identification card (tarjeta de periodista), but was supported by Ramón Serrano Suñer, at that time Franco's Interior Minister and president of the Falange. Accepting Franco’s regime was the price he had to pay in order to be admitted back, and he aligned with the dictatorship in a noted article in the right-wing journal Vértice.[2] He contributed again to ABC from 1941 to 1962. He published numerous new works which were redolent of his earlier literary successes, including 'Pensando en España and Sintiendo España.

In his old age, Azorín became a film enthusiast, writing numerous articles, some of which are reprinted in El cine y el momento, and claiming that "Cinema is the greatest form of art".

He died in Madrid on March 2, 1967, at the age of 93, the longest-lived of the Generation of 98.

The political evolution that transformed Ruiz, a committed journalist as well as a revolutionary anarchist, into Azorín, a conservative member of parliament, as well as a sceptic and indulgent writer intimidated by Franco's regime, is key to understanding the division of his critics. Two different images of him were sustained, successive and irreconcilable personalities that cannot be studied at the same time without understanding the contradictions.[3]


  • 1924, Elected to the Royal Spanish Academy
  • 1946, Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic
  • 1956, Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X, the Wise.
  • 1969, His home in Monóver established as a museum, [https://web.archive.org/web/20080205203252/http://www.obrasocial.cam.es/casamuseoazorin/ Casa-Museo Azorín]


(Published under the pseudonym Azorín, unless otherwise indicated.)

  • {{cite book |title=La crítica literaria in España |year=1893 |location=Valencia |publisher=Imprenta de Francisco Vives Mora |last=Cándido}}
  • {{cite book |title=Moratín |year= 1893|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Cándido}}
  • {{cite book |title=Buscapiés |year= 1894|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Arhimán}}
  • {{cite book |title=Anarquistas literarios |year= 1895|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=Notas sociales |year= 1895|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=Literatura |year= 1896|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=Charivari |year= 1897|publisher=Imprenta Plaza del Dos de Mayo |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |year=1897 |title=Bohemia |location=Madrid |publisher= V. Vela impresor |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=Soledades |year= 1898|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |year=1897 |title=Pecuchet, demagogo |location=Madrid |publisher=Imprenta de Bernardo Rodríguez |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=La evolución de la crítica |year= 1899|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=La sociología criminal |year= 1899|publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title=Los Hidalgos |year= 1900 |publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |title= El alma castellana (1600–1800) |year=1900 |location=Madrid |publisher=Librería Internacional |last=Ruiz}}
  • {{cite book |year=1901 |title=Diario de un enfermo |location=Madrid |publisher=Librería de de Ricardo Fé}}
  • {{cite book |year=1901 |title=La fuerza del amor |location=Madrid |publisher=La España Editorial}}
  • {{cite book |year=1902 |title=La Voluntad |location=Barcelona |publisher=Henrich y Cía. Editores}}
  • {{cite book |year=1903 |title=Antonio Azorín |location=Madrid |publisher=Viuda de Rodríguez Serra}}
  • {{cite book |year=1904 |title=Las confesiones de un pequeño filósofo |publisher=Librería de Fernando Fé |location=Madrid}}
  • {{cite book |year=1905 |title=Los pueblos |location=Madrid |editor-last=Williams |editor-first=Leonardo}}
  • {{cite book |year=1905 |title=La ruta de Don Quijote |location=Madrid |editor-last=Williams |editor-first=Leonardo}}
  • {{cite book |year=1908 |title=El político |location=Madrid |publisher=Hernando}}
  • {{cite book |year=1909 |title=España – Hombres y paisajes |location=Madrid |publisher=Librería de Francisco Beltrán}}
  • {{cite book |year=1910 |title=La Cierva |location=Madrid |publisher=Sucesores de Hernando}}
  • {{cite book |year=1912 |title=Lecturas españolas |location=Madrid |publisher=Imprenta de la Revista de Archivosv}}
  • {{cite book |year=1912 |title=Castilla |location=Madrid |publisher=Revista de Archivos}}
  • {{cite book |year=1913 |title=Clásicos y modernos |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1914 |title=Los valores literarios |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1914 |title=Un discurso de la Cierva |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1915 |title=Al margen de los clásicos |location=Madrid |publisher=Residencia de Estudiantes}}
  • {{cite book |year=1915 |title=El licenciado Vidriera (Tomás Rueda, 1941) |location=Madrid |publisher=Residencia de Estudiantes}}
  • {{cite book |year=1916 |title=Rivas y Larra |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1916 |title=Un pueblecito. Riofrío de Avila |location=Madrid |publisher=Residencia de Estudiantes}}
  • {{cite book |year=1916 |title=Parlamentarismo Español |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Calleja}}
  • {{cite book |year=1917 |title=Entre España y Francia |location=Barcelona |publisher=Bloud y Gay Editores}}
  • {{cite book |year=1917 |title=El paisaje de España visto por los españoles |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1917 |title=Páginas escogidas |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Calleja}}
  • {{cite book |year=1918 |title=Madrid. Guía sentimental |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Estrella}}
  • {{cite book |year=1919 |title=París bombardeado |location=Madrid |publisher=Renacimiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1920 |title=Fantasías y devaneos |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1921 |title=Los dos Luises y otros ensayos |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1922 |title=Don Juan |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1922 |title=De Granada a Castelar |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1923 |title=El chirrión de los políticos |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1924 |title=Una Hora de España |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1924 |title=Racine y Moliere |location=Madrid |publisher=Cuadernos Literarios de La Lectura}}
  • {{cite book |year=1925 |title=Los Quinteros y otras páginas |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1925 |title=Doña Inés |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1926 |title=Old Spain |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1927 |title=Brandy: mucho brandy |location=Madrid |publisher=Rafael Caro Raggio}}
  • {{cite book |year=1927 |title=Comedia del arte |location=Madrid |publisher=Prensa Moderna}}
  • {{cite book |year=1928 |title=El clamor |location=Madrid |publisher=Sociedad de Autores Españoles}}
  • {{cite book |year=1928 |title=Lo invisible: (trilogía); La arañita en el espejo, El segador, Doctor Death de 3 a 5 |location=Madrid |publisher=Prensa Española}}
  • {{cite book |year=1928 |title= Félix Vargas (El caballero inactual, 1943) |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1929 |title=Andando y pensando |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Páez}}
  • {{cite book |year=1929 |title=Blanco en azul |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1929 |title= Superrealismo (El libro de Levante, 1948) |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1930 |title=Angelita |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1930 |title=Pueblo |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1931 |title=Cervantes o la casa encantada |location=Madrid |publisher=Cía. Iberoamericana de Publicaciones}}
  • {{cite book |year=1935 |title=Lope en silueta |location=Madrid |publisher=Cruz y Raya‑Ediciones del Arbol}}
  • {{cite book |year=1936 |title=La guerrilla |location=Madrid |publisher=La Farsa}}
  • {{cite book |year=1938 |title=Trasuntos de España |location=Buenos Aires |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe Argentina}}
  • {{cite book |year=1939 |title=Españoles en París |location=Buenos Aires |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe Argentina}}
  • {{cite book |year=1939 |title=En torno a José Hernández |location=Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana}}
  • {{cite book |year=1940 |title=Pensando en España |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1941 |title=Valencia |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1941 |title=Madrid |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1941 |title=Visión de España |location=Buenos Aires |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe Argentina}}
  • {{cite book |year=1942 |title=El escritor |location=Madrid |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1942 |title=Cavilar y contar |location=Barcelona |publisher=Ediciones Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1942 |title=Sintiendo a España |location=Barcelona |publisher=Editorial Tartesos}}
  • {{cite book |year=1943 |title=El enfermo |location=Madrid |publisher=Adán}}
  • {{cite book |year=1943 |title=Capricho. Madrid |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1943 |title=Memorias |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=La isla sin aurora |location=Barcelona |publisher=Ediciones Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=Tiempos y cosas |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=Veraneo sentimental |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=Palabras al viento |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=María Fontán |location=Madrid: Espasa‑Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1944 |title=Salvadora de Olbena |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Ediciones Cronos}}
  • {{cite book |year=1945 |title=Leyendo a los poetas |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1945 |title=Farsa docente |location=Madrid |publisher=Delegación Nacional de Prensa}}
  • {{cite book |year=1945 |title=París |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1945 |title=La farándula |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1945 |title=Los clásicos redivivos. Los clásicos futuros |location=Buenos Aires: Espasa‑Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1946 |title=Ante Baroja |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1946 |title=Memorias inmemoriales |location=Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1946 |title=El artista y el estilo |location=Madrid |publisher=M. Aguilar}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |title=Escena y sala |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |title=Con Cervantes |location=Buenos Aires |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe Argentina}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |title=Ante las candilejas |location=Zaragoza |publisher=Librería General}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |chapter=Crónicas del viaje regio [1905] |title=Obras completas |volume=III |location=Madrid |publisher=Aguilar |editor=Ángel Cruz Rueda}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |chapter=En Barcelona [1906] |title=Obras completas |volume=II}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |chapter=Literatura en la política |title=Obras completas |volume=III}}
  • {{cite book |year=1947 |chapter=Los norteamericanos |title=Obras completas |volume=III}}
  • {{cite book |year=1948 |chapter=Gabriel Miró |title=Obras completas |volume=VI}}
  • {{cite book |year=1948 |chapter=Clásicos cernidos |title=Obras completas |volume=VI}}
  • {{cite book |year=1948 |chapter=Contingencia en América |title=Obras completas |volume=VII}}
  • {{cite book |year=1948 |chapter=In hoc signo... |title=Obras completas |volume=VIII}}
  • {{cite book |year=1948 |title=Con permiso de los cervantistas |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1950 |title=Con bandera de Francia |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1950 |title=La cabeza de Castilla |location=Buenos Aires |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe Argentina}}
  • {{cite book |year=1952 |title=El oasis de los clásicos |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1952 |title=Verano en Mallorca [1906] |location=Palma de Mallorca: Panorama Balear}}
  • {{cite book |year=1953 |title=El cine y el momento |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1954 |chapter=Estética y política literarias |title=Obras completas |volume=IX}}
  • {{cite book |year=1954 |chapter=A voleo |title=Obras completas |volume=IX}}
  • {{cite book |year=1954 |title=El buen Sancho |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Tecnos}}
  • {{cite book |year=1954 |title=Pintar como querer |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1955 |title=El efímero cine |location=Madrid |publisher=Afrodisio Aguado}}
  • {{cite book |year=1955 |title=El pasado |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1956 |title=Cuentos |location=Madrid |publisher=Afrodisio Aguado}}
  • {{cite book |year=1956 |title=Escritores |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1957 |title=Dicho y Hecho |location=Barcelona |publisher=Ediciones Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1958 |title=Sin perder los estribos |location=Madrid |publisher=Taurus Ediciones}}
  • {{cite book |year=1958 |title=De un Transeunte |location=Madrid |publisher=Espasa Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1959 |title=Agenda |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1959 |title=Posdata |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1959 |title=De Valera a Miró |location=Madrid |publisher=Afrodisio Aguado: S. A.}}
  • {{cite book |year=1959 |title=Pasos quedos |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Escelicer: S. A.}}
  • {{cite book |year=1960 |title=Ejercicios de castellano |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1961 |title=La generación del 98 |location=Salamanca‑Madrid |publisher=Ediciones Anaya}}
  • {{cite book |year=1961 |title=Mis mejores páginas |location=Barcelona |publisher=Editorial Mateu}}
  • {{cite book |year=1962 |title=Lo que pasó una vez |location=Barcelona |publisher=Editorial Lumen}}
  • {{cite book |year=1962 |title=Varios hombres y alguna mujer |location=Barcelona |publisher=Editorial Aedos}}
  • {{cite book |year=1962 |title=Historia y Vida |location=Madrid |publisher=Espasa‑Calpe}}
  • {{cite book |year=1963 |title=En lontananza |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Bullón}}
  • {{cite book |year=1963 |title=Los recuadros |location=Madrid |publisher=Biblioteca Nueva}}
  • {{cite book |year=1965 |title=Ni sí ni no |location=Barcelona |publisher=Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1966 |title=Los médicos |location=Valencia |publisher=Ediciones Prometeo}}
  • {{cite book |year=1966 |title=España Clara |location=Madrid |publisher=Editorial Doncel}}
  • {{cite book |year=1966 |title=Ultramarinos |location=Barcelona |publisher=Edhasa}}
  • {{cite book |year=1967 |title=Crítica de años cercanos |location=Madrid |publisher=Taurus Ediciones}}
  • {{cite book |year=1967 |title=La amada España |location=Barcelona |publisher=Ediciones Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1970 |title=Albacete, siempre |location=Albacete |publisher=Excmo. Ayuntamiento}}
  • {{cite book |year=1970 |title=Carta sin nema |location=Madrid |publisher=Joyas bibliográficas}}
  • {{cite book |year=1972 |title=Artículos olvidados de José Martínez Ruiz (1894–1904) |editor-last=Valverde |editor-first=JM |location=Madrid |publisher=Ediciones Narcea}}
  • {{cite book |year=1973 |title=Rosalía de Castro y otros motivos gallegos |location=Lugo |publisher=Ediciones Celta}}
  • {{cite book |year=1973 |title=Cada cosa en su sitio |location=Barcelona |publisher=Ediciones Destino}}
  • {{cite book |year=1976 |title=Las terceras de ABC |location=Madrid |publisher=Prensa Española}}
  • {{cite book |year=1987 |title=La hora de la pluma. Periodismo de la Dictadura y de la República |editor-last=Ouimette |editor-first=Victor |location=Valencia |publisher=Pretextos}}

Further reading

  • {{cite book|editor=Sáenz, Paz|title=Narratives from the Silver Age|translator-last1=Hughes |translator-first1=Victoria |translator-last2=Richmond |translator-first2=Carolyn |translator-link2=Carolyn Richmond|location=Madrid|publisher=Iberia |year=1988 |isbn=84-87093-04-3}}


1. ^{{cite book |title= Encyclopaedia of the Essay |editor1-last=Chevalier |editor1-first=Tracy |authorlink= |year=1997 |publisher= Taylor & Francis |location=London |isbn= 1884964303 |page=47 |url=}}
2. ^{{cite book |title=In Pursuit of the Natural Sign: Azorín and the Poetics of Ekphrasis |last=Jurkevich |first=Gayana |authorlink= |year=1999 |publisher=Associated University Presses, Inc. |location=Cranbury, NJ |isbn= 0838754139 |page=162 |pages= |accessdate=September 28, 2012 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=-mV6wNgmwT4C&lpg=PP1&ots=ioFv9otW8W&dq=azorin&pg=PA162#v=onepage&q&f=false}}
3. ^{{cite web|title=Azorín (José Martínez Ruiz) Biographical data and intellectual evolution|url=https://lic.ned.univie.ac.at/en/node/25047|work=Literatur im Kontext|publisher=Universität Wien|accessdate=29 September 2012|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://archive.is/20121127125259/https://lic.ned.univie.ac.at/en/node/25047|archivedate=27 November 2012|df=}}
4. ^{{cite web|title=Azorín (José Martínez Ruiz) Primary bibliography|url=https://lic.ned.univie.ac.at/en/node/25053|work=Literatur im Kontext|publisher=Universität Wien|accessdate=29 September 2012|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://archive.is/20121127140144/https://lic.ned.univie.ac.at/en/node/25053|archivedate=27 November 2012|df=}}

External links

  • {{Gutenberg author |id=Martínez+Ruiz,+José | name=José Martínez Ruiz}}
  • {{Internet Archive author |sname=José Martínez Ruiz |sopt=t}}
  • {{Internet Archive author |name=Azorín |sopt=w}}
  • {{cite web|title=Azorín |work=La Cultura del XIX al XX en España|url=http://modernismo98y14.com/|publisher=Fundación Zuloaga|accessdate=28 September 2012 |language=Spanish}}
  • {{cite web |last=Rodríguez Sánchez |first=Tomás |title=Azorín |accessdate=28 September 2012 |language=Spanish |url=http://www.ctv.es/USERS/cpralcoben/intertextos/azorin.htm |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120716211136/http://www.ctv.es/USERS/cpralcoben/intertextos/azorin.htm |archivedate=16 July 2012 |df= }}
{{Authority control}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Martinez Ruiz, Jose}}

9 : 1873 births|1967 deaths|People from Vinalopó Mitjà|Valencian writers|Spanish male writers|Members of the Royal Spanish Academy|Knights Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic|Recipients of the Civil Order of Alfonso X, the Wise|University of Salamanca alumni





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