

词条 I-VMS

  1. Abstract

  2. The theoretical foundation of model

      For value relation    For functional structure    For linear, chain-like structure and process approach    For integration    System approach  

  3. The model’s presentation

      The 1st level of model (management control)    The 2nd level of model (basic activities as sub-systems)    The 3rd level of model (support activities, as sub-systems)    The 4th level of model (the logistics or model’s extension)  

  4. Logistics has a prominent role in the I-VMS Model

  5. Sources

  6. External links

The I-VMS Model (Integrated Value-added Management System) is emphasizes the surplus-value creation of to achieves the radically new approach in economics science by in practice applicable, the management of human resources potential based.

In the collaboration implemented company's management model is able to increase efficiency in the management of organizational / structural unit without their conversion. The model is a value-enhancing, integrated, networked, three-dimensional complex -internal value-based- control system, which allows for more efficient management.


In the management's world the principles, basic competences and basic priority's identifications are the key-importance, because these determine the values of internal relations and concepts, which derive a reasonable activities of the organizations and ultimately the company's earnings.

The management researchers over the past several decades, the theoretical concept have been created, which model-like-uses given much impetus to the perception of business managers, the value of corporate processes and more accurate perceptions of the various interests involved in a more realistic choice. This thesis presents a new management model theoretical concept's which is eliminates the main mistakes of the previous models and combining the management's resources in a radically new integrated system oriented approach, while allowing the management's higher level control ever then before.[1][2][3]

The theoretical foundation of model

The I-VMS management model would like to do to central idea the value-creating process therefore it remain be competitive, however would be built to an advanced, integrated networked-system-model. The developed management model fit to the most modern challenges and demands with the following requirements:[4][5]

For value relation

  1. keep the value creation process is a central, system-forming role;
  2. keep the value creation process’s progression logic;
  3. keep the double value creation’s philosophy.

For functional structure

  • applicability: like the earlier value-chain models to be able to cooperate with traditional functional and hierarchical organizational structure without to eliminate them;
  • interoperability: i.e. to assist in dismantling the too rigid and too-positioned functional structure and to assist in disbanding the organizational barriers;
  • expandable-ity: i.e. when appear new features or change the strategy to be able to accommodate to the new functional elements.

For linear, chain-like structure and process approach

  • network structure: i.e. for chain-like structure instead of a new more flexible networked structure to appear in the process approach and it disappears the functional walls;
  • complex process approach: continue to preserves the complexity of the process approach on overall process's performance;
  • focus point: the value creation not be a process's outcome but the process to build itself around the values and focus point.

For integration

  • integration: i.e. in the coordination of function allows the higher level of integration as a chain-like model;
  • information relations: i.e. the high level of integration allows the information’s free flow and the allows more extensive information relations;
  • synergy: i.e. in organizational function’s performance be creating a high level of synergy.

System approach

  • granularity: i.e. the created logical model be resolvable - optionally - to same built logical sub-systems by test criteria;
  • synthesize-able: i.e. the system-forming elements can be able to other logic incorporate with other elements or additional elements may be incorporated therein;
  • variability: i.e. the system components can be varied to thereby provide a new perspective for management.

Summary: the new management model for the linear functional approach instead of to be function as a network, system approach model, which is much more advanced in the present age is much better suited to the challenges of the management approach lends perspective. The main advantages of the new management concept can be allow the cooperation between organization's traditional structures and can help to remove the organization's functional barriers.[6][7][8]

The model’s presentation

The integrated value-creating and value-adding management system’s (as I-VMS) essence is: do not concentrate to value-creating activities chain but allows a new three pillar system-approach which is realize the activities integrated conception.

The system-model is finding basic- and support focus areas synergy.

„This technology place the conscious management to center and give back the control to management’s hands overall values and processes more in complex systems too.”

In the model applied an integrated systematic-approach is breaking the previous function-approach so it allows the cooperation of certain areas activity without domination, competing in cooperation of the value-dimension increase, but some areas set to center (to focus point) and creates increase and concentration of the value-dimension. In the presented model system approach's advantages is the multi-granularity, which has a result of all the system-constituents with the same of modeling technique to analyze further in the desired depth. The subsystems are integrated into broader scheme, while are exploring the inner structure and are set up network connections.

The synthesizable advantage is that the individual components are building as blocks, or molecular way to more complicated structures to form, while its preserves in the simply a transparent structure through the focus-triples.

On demand developed dynamic relationships are shaping the model's variability, i.e. is built a logical system which is adapt to the testing organization or it is give a new approach and new perspectives to management in the value's coordination.

The basic idea of the model structure can be traced back to the so-called focus triplets. All of system unit based on three core-functions (i.e. the main or primary focus-area), and three support operations (i.e., complementary or supporting focus-area).The core and supporting activities are not linked to the chain-like, but targeted to the same focus areas. The core and supporting activities can be represents by two interlocked triangles, which are constitute goal-directed focus-triplets.

The 1st level of model (management control)

The management is on the focus point of model's first level which performance can be primarily maximized. The management function's maximize is means the management can be able to understand and recognizing the consumer needs, so can be able to convert to optimized organization-function, so that during the process generate maximum customer-value.

The 2nd level of model (basic activities as sub-systems)

The model's second level is based on the main-function's analysis which primarily contributes to the management's performance.

The effective innovation’s bases:
  • functions which can be able to perception the consumer needs;
  • the given performance to the needs of perception parts by customer;
  • realization’s functions which define the performance.
The effective human resource’s bases:
  • the features which to allow detection of psychic factors (personal goals);
  • motivation and incentive function-system;
  • regular education and training, which makes it possible to achieve new levels.
The bases of effective financial:
  • market strategy development and application-awareness in the organization;
  • monitoring of financial transaction processes and their function;
  • material sense, transaction monitoring processes and their functions.

The functional analysis in an integrated approach to provide an interesting perspective which are legible and explore from dimension of support-activities links. Some of the functions multiple appearance attention at multifunctionality and multi-dimensional goal-system.

The 3rd level of model (support activities, as sub-systems)

The model's third level based on the support activity’s deeper analysis which is themselves contribution greatly to the base-activities core power level or through the base-activities edges of triangles manifested synergy.

Complex model (total dimensional of ganglion network structure):

Although the new model is not directly intended, but it can be the complex system's system elements integrity and complex representation which provides profitable links and management perspectives through the analysis.

The 4th level of model (the logistics or model’s extension)

The model is suitable to show the complex network of activities and the management can be find more useful interfaces with their analysis. Further modeling aspect can be realize points represent the modeling aspect, if we step out of a two-dimensional representation's constraint and we will create a real three-dimensional network model.

Possible to show the logistics functions with three-dimensional shift which is overlap with management's previously shown support activities. The resulting layout highlights is shows the necessary central role of the logistics management which is gives projection of entire organization operational material and information flows.[9][10][11]

Logistics has a prominent role in the I-VMS Model

The integrated system-approach management model has a primary merit: central role of logistics in the Model by I-VMS's structural advantage.

Management, as managing, organizing and strategic focus area, cannot function without adequate information and support. Management needs to have a basic support, but at the same time cooperating organizational units, such as logistics, which is driving the quality and strategic value of information set will perform.

– Over the logistics function, focus-triplet model's examination we are obtaining the management's projection, which is the same as the support functions of management's extension. In other words, the management's support activities are consistent with logistics core functions.

By placing the logistics into a high priority, i.e. key position the model can be properly manage the interoperability between the value dimensions. The model is can be capable to mapping the complex activity-network and with analysis of interfaces the management can be found for further valuable intervention points. The aforementioned three-dimensional network model provides give additional modeling aspect to analysis.

A graphical spatial offset representation of the logistics function can be possible, which is overlap by the logistics core functions over the management's previously shown support functions. The received layout is necessarily highlights the central role of logistics management, which can be representing the overall organizational financial and operational information flow. In other words, the logistics can be integrating the other management (information and financial) functions.

This approach in practice is useful because it helps to understand the real value-formation and flow structure, while avoiding the previously mentioned value torsion, which stems from some features (for example: marketing) excessive emphasis.

The logistics department has a central role in the management to give a new approach to management which the information and material type of market structure in a useful gain first mover advantage. A new kind of light will be on strategic planning, which includes not only the material things in management, but also the values and surplus-value recognition and also deal with the integration strategy.

According to the model are often rated at the bottom of logistics has no longer a secondary role in a company by strategic planning and key performing unit, but also has serious and formers harmony-creator function.

The model's innovation is that: over the two-dimensional can be increase the value dimensions and with endowed key-position role can be bring new concept into the company management.[12][13][14][15]


1. ^{{cite book | last = Bogel | first = György |author2=Salamonné Huszty Anna | title = Vállalatvezetés felsőfokon | year = 1998 | publisher = Kossuth kiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-09-4049-3}}
2. ^{{cite book | last = Csath | first = Magdolna | title = Stratégiai tervezés a és vezetés a 21. században | year = 2004 | publisher = Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-19-5251-7 }}
3. ^{{cite book | last = E.Porter | first = Michel | title = Competitive Advantage | year = 1985 | publisher = The free press | location = New York}}
4. ^{{cite book | last = Salamonné Huszty | first = Anna | title = Jövőkép és stratégiaalkotás | year = 2000 | publisher = Kossuth kiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-09-4194-5 }}
5. ^{{cite book | last = Marosán | first = György | title = A 21. század stratégiai menedzsmentje | year = 2003 | publisher = Műszaki kiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-16-6008-7 }}
6. ^{{cite book | author = Johnson G. |author2=Scholes K. | title = Exploring corporate strategy | year = 1997 | publisher = Prentice Hall | location = Europe|isbn=0-13-525619-4 }}
7. ^{{cite book | last = Husti | first = István | title = Innováció menedzsment elemei | year = 2010 | publisher = Szent István egyetem | location = Gödöllő }}
8. ^{{cite book | last = E. Porter | first = Michel | title = Versenystratégia | year = 1993 | publisher = Akadémiai kiadó | location = Budapest }}
9. ^{{cite book | last = Dobák | first = Miklós | title = Szervezeti Magatartás és Vezetés | year = 2013 | publisher = KJK-KERSZOV jogi és Üzleti Kiadó Kft. | location = Budapest }}
10. ^{{cite book | last = Dobák | first = Miklós | title = Folyamatok fejlesztése és változásvezetés | year = 1999 | publisher = Harvard Business Manager, vol. 1999 / 3, pp. 69-76 Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem GTK | location = Budapest }}
11. ^{{cite book | last = Fülöp | first = Gyula | title = A globális vállalati stratégiák | year = 2001 | publisher = Aula kiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-9345-54-7 }}
12. ^{{cite book | last = Szegedi | first = Zoltán |author2=Prezenszki József | title = Logisztika-menedzsment | year = 2003 | publisher = Kossuth kiadó | location = Budapest|isbn=963-09-4434-0 }}
13. ^{{cite book | last = E. Porter | first = Michel | title = On competition | year = 1998 | publisher = A Harward Business review|isbn=978-1-4221-2696-7 }}
14. ^{{cite book | last = Hernádi | first = László |author2=Kovács Zoltán Csaba | title = Üzleti folyamatok osztályozása kisvállalkozásoknál | year = 2000 | publisher = HERR Kft., AOLSOFT Kft. }}
15. ^{{cite book | last = Husti | first = István | title = Vevőszolgálattal a logisztikai rendszerek hatékonyságáért | year = 1996 | publisher = Logisztikai Évkönyv (96-97) }}

External links

{{cite web |url= http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/management.html |title= Management definition from Business Dictionary’s webpage |accessdate=2010-10-21 }}{{DEFAULTSORT:I-Vms}}

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