

词条 List of painters by name beginning with "C"
List of painters by name beginning with:

Please add names of notable painters in alphabetical order.

{{See also|List of painters by name}}
  • Alexandre Cabanel (1823–1889)
  • Vincenzo Cabianca (1827–1902)
  • Paul Cadmus (1904–1999)
  • Pogus Caesar
  • Cagnaccio di San Pietro (1897–1946)
  • Gustave Caillebotte (1848–1894)
  • Lawrence Calcagno (1913–1993)
  • Alexander Calder (1898–1976)
  • Mary Callery (1903–1977), Modern sculptor; American Abstract Expressionist sculptor
  • Jacques Callot (1592–1635)
  • Abraham van Calraet (1642–1722)
  • Luis Enrique Camejo(born 1971)
  • Gianfredo Camesi (born 1940)
  • Steven Campbell (1953–2007), Scottish painter
  • Jacob van Campen (1596–1657)
  • Robert Campin (1375–1444)
  • Govert Dircksz Camphuysen (1623–1672)
  • Canaletto (1697–1768)
  • Noe Canjura (1922–1970)
  • Cao Buxing
  • Cao Zhibai (1271–1355)
  • Josef Čapek (1887–1945)
  • Jan van de Cappelle (1626–1679)
  • Tom Carapic (born 1939)
  • Caravaggio (1573–1610)
  • Arthur B. Carles (1882–1952)
  • Nancy Carline (1909–2004), English painter and sculptor
  • Richard Carline (1896–1980), English artist, writer and arts administrator
  • Sydney Carline (1888–1929), English landscape painter and war artist
  • Carlo Carlone (1686–1775), Italian
  • Emil Carlsen (1853–1932), American
  • John Fabian Carlson (1875–1945)
  • Rhea Carmi (born 1942), Israeli-American abstract expressionist and mixed-media artist
  • Nicolas Carone (1917–2010), American Abstract Expressionist artist
  • Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran (1838–1917)
  • Carpaccio (c. 1460–1525)
  • Jane Carpanini (born 1949), British watercolour artist
  • Oreste Carpi (born 1921)
  • Emily Carr (1871–1945)
  • Henry Carr (1894–1970), English landscape and portrait painter
  • Thomas Carr (1909–1999), English painter
  • Carlo Carrà (1881–1966)
  • Annibale Carracci (1557–1602)
  • Agostino Carracci (1560–1609)
  • Ludovico Carracci (1555–1619)
  • Eugène Carrière (1849–1906)
  • Leonora Carrington (1917–2011), Last of original surrealist painters alive
  • Clarence Holbrook Carter (1904–2000)
  • Ramon Casas i Carbó (1866–1932)
  • Felice Casorati (1883–1963)
  • Judy Cassab (born 1920)
  • Mary Cassatt (1844–1926)
  • Alfred Joseph Casson (1898–1992)
  • Humberto Castro (born 1957)
  • Carlos Catasse (born 1944)
  • George Catlin (1796–1872)
  • Patrick Caulfield (1936–2005), English
  • Louis de Caullery (c. 1555–c. 1621)
  • Giovanni Paolo Cavagna (1556–1627), Italian
  • Bernardo Cavallino (1622–1654)
  • Giorgio Cavallon (1904–1989), American Abstract and Abstract Expressionist artist
  • Antonio Cavallucci (1752–1795)
  • Mirabello di Antonio Cavalori (da Salincorno) (c. 1520–1572)
  • Vija Celmins (born 1938), American, born in Latvia
  • Avgust Černigoj (1898–1985)
  • Bartolomeo Cesi (1556–1629)
  • Paul Cézanne (1839–1906)
  • Paul Émile Chabas (1869–1937)
  • Marc Chagall (1887–1985)
  • Alfred Edward Chalon (1780–1860)
  • Charles Joshua Chaplin (1825–1891)
  • Minerva J. Chapman (1858–1947)
  • Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin (1699–1779)
  • Caroline Chariot-Dayez (born 1958)
  • Michael Ray Charles (born 1967)
  • Sam Charles (1887–1949)
  • Elizabeth Charleston (1910–1987)
  • Nicolas Charlet (1792–1845)
  • Evan Charlton (1904–1984), British artist
  • Felicity Charlton (1913–2009), British artist
  • Chafik Charobim (1894–1975)
  • Louisa Chase (1951–2016)
  • William Merritt Chase (1849–1916)
  • Théodore Chassériau (1819–1856)
  • Russell Chatham (born 1939)
  • Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824–1898)
  • Jules Chéret (1836–1932)
  • Evelyn Cheston(1875–1929), English painter
  • Chen Chi (1912–2005)
  • Patrick Ching (born 1962)
  • Derek Chittock (1922–1986), British portrait painter and art critic
  • Chinwe Chukwuogo-Roy (1952–2012)
  • Chén Chún (1483–1544)
  • Chen Daofu (1480–1544)
  • Chen Hong
  • Chen Hongshou (1598–1652)
  • Chen Jiru (1558–1639)
  • Chen Lin (1260–1320)
  • Chen Lu
  • Chen Rong
  • Chen Yifei (1946–2005)
  • Cheng Jiasui (1565–1643)
  • Cheng Shifa (1921–2007)
  • Cheng Zhengkui (1604–1670)
  • Billy Childish (born 1959)
  • Giorgio de Chirico (1888–1978)
  • Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891)
  • Adam Chmielowski (1888–1878)
  • Daniel Chodowiecki (1726–1801)
  • Choi Buk
  • Dan Christensen (1942–2007)
  • Henry B. Christian (1883–1953), American
  • Ernest William Christmas (1863–1918)
  • Petrus Christus (1410–1476)
  • Abdur Rahman Chughtai (1899–1975)
  • Frederick Edwin Church (1826–1900)
  • Betty Churcher (born 1931)
  • Peter Churcher (born 1964)
  • Winston Churchill (1874–1965)
  • Leon Chwistek (1884–1937)
  • Cimabue (1240–1302)
  • Giovanni Battista Cipriani (1727–1785)
  • Antonio Ciseri (1821–1891)
  • Joze Ciuha (born 1924)
  • Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875–1924)
  • Franz Cižek (1865–1946)
  • George Claessen (1909–1999), Sri Lankan artist
  • Pieter Claesz (1597–1660)
  • Alson S. Clark (1876–1949)
  • Edward Clark (born 1926)
  • Jean Clark (1902–1999), English mural painter
  • Walter Leighton Clark (1859–1935)
  • Joaquín Clausell (1866–1935)
  • Francesco Clemente (born 1952)
  • Grace Clements (1905–1969)
  • Isabel Codrington (1874–1943), British watercolour artist
  • Dorothy Coke (1897–1979), British watercolour artist
  • Ruth Collet (1909–2001), English painter
  • Chuck Close (born 1940)
  • François Clouet (1510–1572)
  • Giorgio Giulio Clovio (1498–1578)
  • Henry Ives Cobb, Jr. (1883–1974)
  • Juan Fernando Cobo (born 1959)
  • Pieter Codde (1599–1678)
  • Charles Codman (1800–1842)
  • Jon Coffelt (born 1963)
  • Nevin Çokay (born 1930)
  • William Coldstream (1908–1987), British realist painter
  • Elsie Vera Cole (1885–1967), English painter
  • Thomas Cole (1801–1948)
  • Robert Colescott (1925–2009)
  • Edwaert Collier (1640–1708)
  • John Collier (1850–1934)
  • Raphaël Collin (1850–1916)
  • Elisabeth Collins (1904–2000), English painter and sculptor
  • Jacob Collins (born 1964)
  • Samuel Colman (1832–1920)
  • Jean Colombe (1430–1493)
  • Giovanni Battista Innocenzo Colombo (1717–1793)
  • Jaime Colson (1901–1975), Dominican Republic
  • José Comas Quesada (1928–1993)
  • Robert Combas (born 1957)
  • Mario Comensoli (1922–1993)
  • Charles Conder (1868–1909)
  • William Congdon (1912–1998)
  • Charles Conner (1857–1905)
  • Kevin Connor (born 1932)
  • William Conor (1881–1968)
  • John Constable (1776–1837)
  • Constant (1920–2005)
  • Theo Constanté (born 1934)
  • John Kingsley Cook (1911–1994), English artist and wood engraver
  • May Louise Greville Cooksey (1878–1943), English painter
  • Cassius Marcellus Coolidge (1844–1934)
  • Colin Campbell Cooper (1856–1937)
  • Adriaen Coorte (1665–1707)
  • Colin Campbell Cooper (1856–1937)
  • Constance Copeman (1864–1953), English painter
  • John Singleton Copley (1737–1815)
  • Teresa Copnall (1882–1972), English painter
  • Fern Coppedge (1883–1951)
  • Coppo di Marcovaldo (1225–1276)
  • Edward Corbett (1919–1971)
  • Lovis Corinth (1858–1925)
  • Corneille (1922–2010)
  • Thomas Cornell (born 1937)
  • Paul Cornoyer (1864–1923)
  • Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796–1875)
  • Correggio (1489–1534)
  • Pietro da Cortona (1596–1669)
  • Piero di Cosimo (1462–1521)
  • Grace Cossington Smith (1892–1984)
  • Francesco del Cossa (c. 1435–c. 1477)
  • Pierre Auguste Cot (1837–1883)
  • Colijn de Coter (1440–1532)
  • Jean-Yves Couliou (1916–1995)
  • Noel Counihan (1913–1986)
  • Gustave Courbet (1819–1877)
  • Thomas Couture (1815–1879)
  • John Covert (1882–1960)
  • Raymond Teague Cowern (1913–1986), British painter and illustrator
  • James Cowie (1886–1956), Scottish portrait painter
  • Jan Cox (1919–1980)
  • Raymond Coxon (1896–1997), English painter
  • Francesco Cozza (1605–1682), Italian
  • Dirk Crabeth (1501–1574)
  • Wouter Pietersz Crabeth (1510–1590)
  • Frank Barrington Craig (1902–1951), British painter
  • James Humbert Craig (1877–1944)
  • Lucas Cranach the elder (1472–1553)
  • Lucas Cranach the younger (1515–1586)
  • Lefevre James Cranstone (1822–1893)
  • Hugh Adam Crawford (1898–1982), Scottish portrait painter
  • Fred Cress (born 1938)
  • Susan Crile (born 1942)
  • Carlo Crivelli (1435–1495)
  • Ivan Lacković Croata (born 1932)
  • Charles Crodel (1894–1974)
  • Ray Crooke (born 1922)
  • Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
  • Henri-Edmond Cross (1856–1910)
  • Jean Crotti (1878–1958)
  • Robert Crozier (1815–1891)
  • Enzo Cucchi (born 1949)
  • Cui Bai
  • Cui Zizhong (died 1644)
  • Constance Gordon Cumming (1837–1924)
  • Charles Cundall (1890–1971), English painter of topographical subjects and townscapes
  • Nora Cundell (1889–1948), English painter
  • Rinaldo Cuneo (1877–1939)
  • John Steuart Curry (1897–1946), American painter and illustrator
  • Frances Currey (1925–2012), American painter
  • Aelbert Cuyp (1620–1691)
  • Benjamin Gerritsz Cuyp (1612–1652)
  • Jacob Gerritsz. Cuyp (1594–1652)
  • Boleslaw Cybis (1895–1957)
  • Władysław Czachórski (1850–1911)
  • Jozef Czapski (1896–1993)
  • Szymon Czechowicz (1689–1775)
  • Alfons von Czibulka (1888–1969)
  • Tytus Czyżewski (1880–1945)
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