

词条 List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Ba–Bc

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  2. Restriction enzymes

     Ba - Bc 

  3. Notes

{{Main article|List of restriction enzyme cutting sites|Restriction enzyme}}{{LORECSListAminoAcids}}

This article contains a list of the most studied restriction enzymes whose names start with Ba to Bc inclusive. It contains approximately 120 enzymes.

The following information is given:


Whole list navigation

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     nobreak=yes|     side=yes|     a=|     name=no|     sep=–|     pre1=Main page| pre1link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites|     pre2=A        | pre2link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: A#Whole list navigation|     pre3=Ba-Bc    | pre3link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Ba-Bc|     pre4=Bd-Bp    | pre4link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bd-Bp#Whole list navigation|     pre5=Bsa-Bso  | pre5link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bsa-Bso#Whole list navigation|     pre6=Bsp      | pre6link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bsp-Bss#Whole list navigation|     pre7=Bsr-Bss  | pre7link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bsp-Bss#Bsr - Bss|     pre8=Bst      | pre8link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bst-Bv#Bst|     b=Bsu-Bv –|     c=C|     d=D|     e=E|     f=F|     g=G|     h=H|     i=I|     k=K|     l=L|     m=M|     n=N|     o=O|     p=P|     r=R|     s=S|     t=T|     u=U|     v=V|     x=X|     y=Y|     z=Z|     j=|q=|w=|     custom1=– External links | custom1link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites#External links|     custom2=See also       | custom2link=List of restriction enzyme cutting sites#See also|}}

Restriction enzymes

Ba - Bc

EnzymePDB codeSourceRecognition sequenceCutIsoschizomers
Bac36I Bacillus alcalophilus 36 5' GGNCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AspS9I, AvcI, BavAII, Bce22I, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV
BaeI [1] Bacillus sphaericus 5' ACN4GTAYC
5' ---ACN4GTAYCN6NNNNNN {{pad>2em}} --- 3'
3' ---TGN4CATYGN6N {{pad|2em}} NNNNN--- 5'
{{pad}}— None on May 2010 —
BalI [2][3] Brevibacterium albidum 5' TGGCCA
5' ---TGG {{pad>2em}} CCA--- 3'
3' ---ACC {{pad|2em}} GGT--- 5'
Bal228I Bacillus alcalophilus 228 5' GGNCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AspS9I, AvcI, BavAII, BshKI, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV
BamHI [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

1BAM Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H 5' GGATCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GATCC--- 3'
3' ---CCTAG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AccEBI, AliI, ApaCI, AsiI, Bce751I, Bsp98I, Bsp4009I, BspAAIII, CelI, Nsp29132II, NspSAIV, SolI, SurI
BamNII Bacillus amyloliquefaciens N 5' GGWCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GWCC--- 3'
3' ---CCWG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
BcuAI, BsrAI, CauI, EagMI, FdiI, HgiCII, HgiJI, SinI
BanI [25][26] Bacillus aneurinolyticus 5' GGYRCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GYRCC--- 3'
3' ---CCRYG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AccB1I, BbvBI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I, PfaAI
BanII [6][25] Bacillus aneurinolyticus 5' GRGCYC
5' ---GRGCY {{pad>2em}} C--- 3'
3' ---C {{pad|2em}} YCGRG--- 5'
BanIII [25] Bacillus aneurinolyticus 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
AagI, BavCI, Bsa29I, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI
BanAI Bacillus anthracis 5' GGCC
5' ---GG {{pad>2em}} CC--- 3'
3' ---CC {{pad|2em}} GG--- 5'
BasI Bacillus sp. 5' CCAN5TGG
5' ---CCANNNN {{pad>2em}} NTGG--- 3'
3' ---GGTN {{pad|2em}} NNNNACC--- 5'
AccB7I, AcpII, Asp10HII, Esp1396I, PflBI, PflMI, Van91I
BauI Bacillus aquaemaris RFL1 5' CACGAG
5' ---C {{pad>2em}} ACGAG--- 3'
3' ---GTGCT {{pad|2em}} C--- 5'
BavI Bacillus alvei 5' CAGCTG
5' ---CAG {{pad>2em}} CTG--- 3'
3' ---GTC {{pad|2em}} GAC--- 5'
BavAI Bacillus alvei A 5' CAGCTG
5' ---CAG {{pad>2em}} CTG--- 3'
3' ---GTC {{pad|2em}} GAC--- 5'
BavAII Bacillus alvei A 5' GGNCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AspS9I, AvcI, BavBII, BshKI, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV
BavBI Bacillus alvei B 5' CAGCTG
5' ---CAG {{pad>2em}} CTG--- 3'
3' ---GTC {{pad|2em}} GAC--- 5'
BavBII Bacillus alvei B 5' GGNCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, BshKI, BspBII, Bsu54I, FmuI, Pde12I
BavCI Bacillus alvei C 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
AagI, BanIII, Bsa29I, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI
BbeI [27] Bifidobacterium breve YIT4006 5' GGCGCC
5' ---GGCGC {{pad>2em}} C--- 3'
3' ---C {{pad|2em}} CGCGG--- 5'
BbiII Bifidobacterium bifidum YIT4007 5' GRCGYC
5' ---GR {{pad>2em}} CGYC--- 3'
3' ---CYGC {{pad|2em}} RG--- 5'
AcyI, AhaII, BbiII, HgiHII, Hin1I, Hsp92I, Msp17I, PamII
Bbi24I Bifidobacterium bifidum S-24 5' ACGCGT
5' ---A {{pad>2em}} CGCGT--- 3'
3' ---TGCGC {{pad|2em}} A--- 5'
BbrI Bordetella bronchiseptica 4994 5' AAGCTT
5' ---A {{pad>2em}} AGCTT--- 3'
3' ---TTCGA {{pad|2em}} A--- 5'
Bbr7I Bacillus brevis 7 5' GAAGAC
5' ---GAAGACN6N {{pad>2em}} NNNNN--- 3'
3' ---CTTCTGN6NNNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BbrPI [28][29] Bacillus brevis 5' CACGTG
5' ---CAC {{pad>2em}} GTG--- 3'
3' ---GTG {{pad|2em}} CAC--- 5'
AcvI, BcoAI, Eco72I, PmaCI, PmlI, PspCI
BbsI [30] Bacillus laterosporus 5' GAAGAC
5' ---GAAGACNN {{pad>2em}} NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BbuI [31] Bacillus circulans 5' GCATGC
5' ---GCATG {{pad>2em}} C--- 3'
3' ---C {{pad|2em}} GTACG--- 5'
BbvI [32][33] Bacillus brevis 5' GCAGC
5' ---GCAGCN7N {{pad>2em}} NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CGTCGN7NNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
AlwXI, BseKI, BseXI, Bsp423I, Bst12I, Bst71I, BstV1I
BbvII [34] Bacillus brevis 80 5' GAAGAC
5' ---GAAGACNN {{pad>2em}} NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
Bbv12I [35] Bacillus brevis 12 5' GWGCWC
5' ---GWGCW {{pad>2em}} C--- 3'
3' ---C {{pad|2em}} WCGWG--- 5'
Alw21I, AspHI, Bsh45I, BsiHKAI,
HgiAI,{{pad|0.1em}}HpyF46II,{{pad|0.1em}} MspV281I
Bbv16II Bacillus brevis 16 5' GAAGAC
5' ---GAAGACNN {{pad>2em}} NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BbvAI Bacillus brevis A 5' GAAN4TTC
5' ---GAANN {{pad>2em}} NNTTC--- 3'
3' ---CTTNN {{pad|2em}} NNAAG--- 5'
Asp700I, MroXI, PdmI, XmnI
BbvAII Bacillus brevis A 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
BavCI, Bci29I, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I
BbvAIII Bacillus brevis A 5' TCCGGA
5' ---T {{pad>2em}} CCGGA--- 3'
3' ---AGGCC {{pad|2em}} T--- 5'
AccIII, Aor13HI, BlfI, BseAI, Bsp13I, BspEI, Bsu23I, Kpn2I
BbvBI Bacillus brevis B 5' GGYRCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GYRCC--- 3'
3' ---CCRYG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
BanI, BshNI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I, PfaAI
BbvCI [36] Bacillus brevis 5' CCTCAGC
5' ---CC {{pad>2em}} TCAGC--- 3'
3' ---GGAGT {{pad|2em}} CG--- 5'
Bca77I Bacillus caldolyticus 5' WCCGGW
5' ---W {{pad>2em}} CCGGW--- 3'
3' ---WGGCC {{pad|2em}} W--- 5'
BccI Bacteroides caccae 5' CCATC
5' ---CCATCNNNN {{pad>2em}} N--- 3'
3' ---GGTAGNNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
Bce4I Bacillus cereus B4 5' GCN7GC
5' ---GCNNNNN {{pad>2em}} NNGC--- 3'
3' ---CGNN {{pad|2em}} NNNNNCG--- 5'
Bce22I Bacillus cereus 22 5' GGNCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, BshKI, BspBII, CcuI, FmuI, Pde12I
Bce83I [37] Bacillus cereus 83 5' CTTGAG
5' ---CTTGAGN13NNN {{pad>2em}} --- 3'
3' ---GAACTCN13N {{pad|2em}} NN--- 5'
Bce243I Bacillus cereus 5' GATC
5' --- {{pad>2em}} GATC--- 3'
3' ---CTAG {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
Bfi57I, Bsp143I, BspJI, BstMBI, CviAI, Kzo9I, NdeII, Sth368I
Bce751I Bacillus cereus 751 5' GGATCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GATCC--- 3'
3' ---CCTAG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
BamHI, Bce751I, BnaI, Bsp98I, Bsp4009I, BstI, NspSAIV, Pfl8I
BceAI Bacillus cereus 1315 5' ACGGC
5' ---ACGGCN11N {{pad>2em}} NN--- 3'
3' ---TGCCGN11NNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BceBI Bacillus cereus 1323 5' CGCG
5' ---CG {{pad>2em}} CG--- 3'
3' ---GC {{pad|2em}} GC--- 5'
AccII, Bsh1236I, BtkI, Csp68KVI, FalII, FauBII, FnuDII, SelI, ThaI
BceCI Bacillus cereus 1195 5' GCN7GC
5' ---GCNNNNN {{pad>2em}} NNGC--- 3'
3' ---CGNN {{pad|2em}} NNNNNCG--- 5'
BcefI [38] Bacillus cereus fluorescens 5' ACGGC
5' ---ACGGCN10NN {{pad>2em}} N--- 3'
3' ---TGCCGN10NNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BcgI [39][40] Bacillus coagulans 5' CGAN6TGC
5' ---CGAN6TGCN9NNN {{pad>2em}} --- 3'
3' ---GCTN6ACGN9N {{pad|2em}} NN--- 5'
Bci29I Bacillus circulans 29 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
BavCI, BciBI, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I
BciBI Bacillus circulans B 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
BavCI, BcmI, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I
BciBII Bacillus circulans B 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC {{pad>2em}} WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW {{pad|2em}} CC--- 5'
AjnI, ApyI, BptI, Bst1I, BstOI, BstM6I, Bst2UI, EcoRII, MvaI
BciVI [41] Bacillus circulans 5' GTATCC
5' ---GTATCCN4NN {{pad>2em}} --- 3'
3' ---CATAGGN4N {{pad|2em}} N--- 5'
BclI [9][42][43] Bacillus caldolyticus 5' TGATCA
5' ---T {{pad>2em}} GATCA--- 3'
3' ---ACTAG {{pad|2em}} T--- 5'
AbaI, BsiQI, BspXII,
BstT7I, FbaI, Ksp22I,{{pad|0.1em}}ParI{{pad|0.1em}}
BcmI Bacillus sp. 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT {{pad>2em}} CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC {{pad|2em}} TA--- 5'
BsuTUI, Bsu15I, BavCI, Bli86I, BspZEI, Rme21I, BseCI, BdiI
BcnI [44][45][46]2ODH Bacillus centrosporus RFL1 5' CCSGG
5' ---CC {{pad>2em}} SGG--- 3'
3' ---GGS {{pad|2em}} CC--- 5'
AhaI, AseII, AsuC2I,BpuMI, CauII,
Eco1831I, HgiS22I,Kpn49kII, NciI
BcoI [47] Bacillus coagulans SM 1 5' CYCGRG
5' ---C {{pad>2em}} YCGRG--- 3'
3' ---GRGCY {{pad|2em}} C--- 5'
Ama87I, AquI, BsoBI, BstSI, Eco88I, NspSAI, OfoI, PunAI
Bco5I Bacillus coagulans 5 5' CTCTTC
5' ---CTCTTCN {{pad>2em}} NNN--- 3'
3' ---GAGAAGNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
Bco27I Bacillus coagulans 27 5' CCGG
5' ---C {{pad>2em}} CGG--- 3'
3' ---GGC {{pad|2em}} C--- 5'
Bco116I Bacillus coagulans 116 5' CTCTTC
5' ---CTCTTCN {{pad>2em}} NNN--- 3'
3' ---GAGAAGNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
Bco118I Bacillus coagulans 118 5' RCCGGY
5' ---R {{pad>2em}} CCGGY--- 3'
3' ---YGGCC {{pad|2em}} R--- 5'
BcoAI Bacillus coagulans AUCM B-732 5' CACGTG
5' ---CAC {{pad>2em}} GTG--- 3'
3' ---GTG {{pad|2em}} CAC--- 5'
AcvI, BbrPI, Eco72I, PmaCI, PmlI, PspCI
BcoKI Bacillus coagulans 5' CTCTTC
5' ---CTCTTCN {{pad>2em}} NNN--- 3'
3' ---GAGAAGNNNN {{pad|2em}} --- 5'
BcuI Bacillus coagulans Vs 29-022 5' ACTAGT
5' ---A {{pad>2em}} CTAGT--- 3'
3' ---TGATC {{pad|2em}} A--- 5'
AhII, AclNI, SpeI
BcuAI Bacillus cereus BKM B-814 5' GGWCC
5' ---G {{pad>2em}} GWCC--- 3'
3' ---CCWG {{pad|2em}} G--- 5'
BamNxI, BsrAI, Csp68KI, EagMI, FssI, HgiCII, HgiJI, SinI

{{Expand list|date=September 2010}}

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1. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Sears LE, Zhou B, Aliotta JM, Morgan RD, Kong H | title = BaeI, another unusual BcgI-like restriction endonuclease | journal = Nucleic Acids Res| volume = 24 | issue = 18| pages = 3590–2|date=September 1996 | pmid = 8836187| pmc = 146138 | doi = 10.1093/nar/24.18.3590}}
2. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Ueno H, Kato I, Ishino Y | title =Cloning and expression of the BalI restriction-modification system | journal = Nucleic Acids Res| volume = 24 | issue = 12| pages = 2268–70|date=June 1996 | pmid = 8710495| pmc = 145948 | doi = 10.1093/nar/24.12.2268}}
3. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Gelinas RE, Myers PA, Weiss GH, Roberts RJ, Murray K | title = A specific endonuclease from Brevibacterium albidum| journal = J Mol Biol | volume = 114 | issue = 3 | pages = 433–40 |date=August 1977 | pmid = 909093 | doi = 10.1016/0022-2836(77)90260-1}}
4. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Wei H, Therrien C, Blanchard A, Guan S, Zhu Z | title =The Fidelity Index provides a systematic quantitation of star activity of DNA restriction endonucleases | journal =Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 36| issue = 9| pages = e50|date=May 2008 | pmid = 18413342| pmc =2396408 | doi =10.1093/nar/gkn182 }}
5. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Nishigaki K, Kaneko Y, Wakuda H, Husimi Y, Tanaka T | title = Type II restriction endonucleases cleave single-stranded DNAs in general | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 13 | issue = 16 | pages = 5747–60 |date=August 1985 | pmid = 2994012| pmc = 321909 | doi = 10.1093/nar/13.16.5747}}
6. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Nelson M, Christ C, Schildkraut I | title = Alteration of apparent restriction endonuclease recognition specificities by DNA methylases | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 12 | issue = 13 | pages = 5165–73 |date=July 1984 | pmid = 6087274| pmc = 318911 | doi = 10.1093/nar/12.13.5165}}
7. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Nelson PS, Papas TS, Schweinfest CW | title = Restriction endonuclease cleavage of 5-methyl-deoxycytosine hemimethylated DNA at high enzyme-to-substrate ratios | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 21 | issue = 3 | pages = 681–6 |date=February 1993 | pmid = 8441677| pmc = 309169 | doi = 10.1093/nar/21.3.681}}
8. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Greene PJ, Heyneker HL, Bolivar F, Rodriguez RL, Betlach MC, Covarrubias AA, Backman K, Russel DJ, Tait R, Boyer HW | title = A general method for the purification of restriction enzymes| journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 5 | issue = 7| pages = 2373–80|date=July 1978| pmid = 673857| pmc = 342170 | doi = 10.1093/nar/5.7.2373 }}
9. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Huang LH, Farnet CM, Ehrlich KC, Ehrlich M | title = Digestion of highly modified bacteriophage DNA by restriction endonucleases | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 10 | issue = 5 | pages = 1579–91 |date=March 1982 | pmid = 6280151| pmc = 320551 | doi = 10.1093/nar/10.5.1579}}
10. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Wilson GA, Young FE | title =Isolation of a sequence-specific endonuclease (BamI) from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H | journal = J Mol Biol| volume = 97| issue = 1| pages = 123–5|date=September 1975| pmid = 1177312 | doi = 10.1016/S0022-2836(75)80028-3}}
11. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Roberts RJ, Wilson GA, Young FE | title = Recognition sequence of specific endonuclease BamH.I from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H | journal = Nature | volume = 265| issue = 5589| pages =82–4 |date=January 1977 | pmid = 834250 | doi = 10.1038/265082a0}}
12. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Brooks JE, Benner JS, Heiter DF, Silber KR, Sznyter LA, Jager-Quinton T, Moran LS, Slatko BE, Wilson GG, Nwankwo DO | title =Cloning the BamHI restriction modification system | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 17 | issue = 3| pages = 979–97|date=February 1989 | pmid = 2537955| pmc = 331717 | doi =10.1093/nar/17.3.979 }}
13. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Viadiu H, Aggarwal AK | title = Structure of BamHI bound to nonspecific DNA: a model for DNA sliding | journal = Mol. Cell | volume = 5 | issue = 5 | pages = 889–95 |date=May 2000 | pmid = 10882125 | doi = 10.1016/S1097-2765(00)80329-9}}
14. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=George J, Chirikjian JG | title = Sequence-specific endonuclease BamHI: relaxation of sequence recognition| journal =Proc Natl Acad Sci USA | volume = 79| issue = 8| pages = 2432–6|date=April 1982 | pmid = 6283522| pmc = 346212 | doi =10.1073/pnas.79.8.2432 }}
15. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Mukhopadhyay P, Roy KB | title = Sequence-specific BamHI methylase. Purification and characterization | journal = The Journal of Biological Chemistry| volume = 259| issue = 16| pages = 10357–62| year = 1984| month = | pmid = 6469968 | doi = }}
16. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Robinson CR, Sligar SG | title = Heterogeneity in molecular recognition by restriction endonucleases: osmotic and hydrostatic pressure effects on BamHI, Pvu II, and EcoRV specificity | journal = Proc Natl Acad Sci USA | volume = 92 | issue = 8 | pages = 3444–8 |date=April 1995 | pmid = 7724581| pmc = 42183 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.92.8.3444}}
17. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Viadiu H, Aggarwal AK | title = The role of metals in catalysis by the restriction endonuclease BamHI | journal = Nat Struct Biol | volume = 5 | issue = 10 | pages = 910–6 |date=October 1998 | pmid = 9783752 | doi = 10.1038/2352}}
18. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Newman M, Strzelecka T, Dorner LF, Schildkraut I, Aggarwal AK | title = Structure of Bam HI endonuclease bound to DNA: partial folding and unfolding on DNA binding | journal = Science | volume = 269 | issue = 5224 | pages = 656–63 |date=August 1995 | pmid = 7624794 | doi = 10.1126/science.7624794}}
19. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Roy KB, Vrushank D | title = Bam HI cleaves the self complementary dodecamer d-CGCGGAGCCGCG, before the two G's and possibly binds in the DNA major groove | journal = Biochem Mol Biol Int | volume = 36 | issue = 4 | pages = 759–70 |date=July 1995 | pmid = 8528138 }}
20. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Newman M, Strzelecka T, Dorner LF, Schildkraut I, Aggarwal AK | title = Structure of restriction endonuclease bamhi phased at 1.95 A resolution by MAD analysis | journal = Structure | volume = 2 | issue = 5 | pages = 439–52 |date=May 1994 | pmid = 8081758 | doi = 10.1016/S0969-2126(00)00045-9}}
21. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Newman M, Strzelecka T, Dorner LF, Schildkraut I, Aggarwal AK | title = Structure of restriction endonuclease BamHI and its relationship to EcoRI | journal = Nature | volume = 368 | issue = 6472 | pages = 660–4 |date=April 1994 | pmid = 8145855 | doi = 10.1038/368660a0}}
22. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Roy KB, Vrushank D, Jayaram B | title = Use of isotope-dilution phenomenon to advantage in the determination of kinetic constants Km and Kcat for BamHI restriction endonuclease: an empirical and iterative approach | journal = Anal Biochem | volume = 220 | issue = 1 | pages = 160–4 |date=July 1994 | pmid = 7978240 | doi = 10.1006/abio.1994.1313 }}
23. ^{{Cite journal|vauthors=Brooks JE, Nathan PD, Landry D, Sznyter LA, Waite-Rees P, Ives CL, Moran LS, Slatko BE, Benner JS | title = Characterization of the cloned BamHI restriction modification system: its nucleotide sequence, properties of the methylase, and expression in heterologous hosts | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 19 | issue = 4 | pages = 841–50 |date=February 1991 | pmid = 1901989| pmc = 333720 | doi = 10.1093/nar/19.4.841}}
24. ^{{Cite journal| doi = 10.1093/protein/11.10.931|vauthors=Mukhopadhyay P, Roy KB | title = Protein engineering of BamHI restriction endonuclease: replacement of Cys54 by Ala enhances catalytic activity | journal = Protein Eng | volume = 11 | issue = 10 | pages = 931–5 |date=October 1998 | pmid = 9862213 }}
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{{Use dmy dates|date=September 2010}}{{DEFAULTSORT:List Of Restriction Enzyme Cutting Sites: Ba-Bc}}

3 : Molecular biology|Biotechnology|Restriction enzymes





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