

词条 List of Acts of Parliament in Singapore

  1. Acts by year

     1869  1871  1872  1875  1881  1886  1893  1898  1901  1903  1906  1908  1909  1913  1915  1921  1922  1923  1924  1926  1928  1929  1933  1934  1935  1938  1939  1940  1941  1947  1948  1949  1950  1951  1952  1953  1954  1955  1956  1957  1958  1959  1960  1961  1962  1964  1965  1966  1967  1968  1969  1970  1971  1972  1973  1974  1975  1976  1978  1979  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019 

  2. References

This is a somewhat complete list of all Singapore Acts of Parliament which are currently in force - the entire list of acts in force is available online at the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers website, at Singapore Statutes. Approved Budgets and annual debates may be found at the Supply Act.

Acts by year


  • Oaths of Office and Allegiance Act


  • Penal Code


  • Foreshores Act
  • Preservation of the Peace Act (repealed on 1 November 2000)


  • Foreign Recruiting Act


  • Fees Act


  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conveyancing and Law of Property Act


  • Evidence Act


  • Pawnbrokers Act


  • Land Improvement Act (repealed on 1 April 1999)


  • Coin Act (repealed on 1 September 2001)


  • Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act


  • Petroleum Act (repealed on 16 February 2005)


  • Apportionment of Rents Act
  • Civil Law Act


  • Arms and Explosives Act


  • Public Trustee Act


  • Innkeepers Act
  • Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act


  • Decorations and Uniforms Act
  • Premiums on Leases Act (repealed on 1 April 2001)


  • Debtors Act
  • Local Treasury Bills Act


  • Explosive Substances Act


  • Boy Scouts Association Act
  • Land Officers Powers Act (repealed on 1 November 2000)


  • Apportionment Act


  • Estate Duty Act
  • Malaysia Revenue Vessels Act


  • Prisons Act


  • Distress Act
  • Guardianship of Infants Act
  • Legitimacy Act
  • Probate and Administration Act


  • Official Secrets Act


  • Poisons Act


  • Adoption of Children Act
  • Prevention of Crimes Act (repealed on 1 November 2000)


  • Land Revenue Collection Act


  • Commissions of Inquiry Act
  • Indecent Advertisements Act
  • Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act


  • House to House and Street Collections Act
  • Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act
  • Income Tax Act


  • International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) Act
  • Military Manoeuvres Act


  • Bills of Exchange Act
  • National Emblems (Control of Display) Act


  • Betting and Sweepstake Duties Act
  • Departmental Titles (Alteration) Act
  • Entertainments Duty Act
  • Price Control Act


  • Consular Conventions Act (repealed on 1 May 2005)
  • Probation of Offenders Act


  • Mental Disorders and Treatment Act
  • Private Lotteries Act


  • Central Provident Fund Act
  • Contributory Negligence and Personal Injuries Act
  • Control of Rent Act (repealed on 1 April 2001)
  • Local Forces (Relief of Financial Hardship) Act


  • Hotels Act
  • Parliamentary Elections Act


  • Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
  • Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) Act


  • Government Proceedings Act
  • Pensions Act
  • Public Service Commission Act


  • Defamation Act
  • Diplomatic Privileges (Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act (repealed on 1 May 2005)
  • Education Act


  • Employment Agencies Act
  • Police Force Act
  • Public Order (Preservation) Act


  • Banishment Act
  • Control of Manufacture Act
  • Development Fund Act
  • Frustrated Contracts Act
  • Housing and Development Act
  • Immigration Act
  • Limitation Act
  • Massage Establishments Act
  • Minister for Finance (Incorporation) Act
  • Moneylenders Act
  • Notaries Public Act
  • Protected Areas and Protected Places Act


  • Betting Act
  • Customs Act
  • Industrial Relations Act
  • Internal Security Act[1]
  • Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act
  • Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act
  • Mutual Benefit Organisations Act
  • People’s Association Act
  • Prevention of Corruption Act
  • Property Tax Act


  • Common Gaming Houses Act
  • Economic Development Board Act
  • High Court (Admiralty Jurisdiction) Act
  • Kidnapping Act[2]
  • Women's Charter


  • Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act


  • Cattle Act
  • Emergency (Essential Powers) Act


  • Animals and Birds Act
  • Feeding Stuffs Act
  • Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act
  • National Registration Act
  • Payroll Tax Act


  • Administration of Muslim Law Act
  • Air Navigation Act
  • Asian Development Bank Act
  • Audit Act
  • Bretton Woods Agreements Act
  • Cinematograph Film Hire Duty Act
  • Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act
  • Exchange Control Act
  • Financial Procedure Act
  • Free Trade Zones Act
  • Government Contracts Act
  • Inheritance (Family Provision) Act
  • Insurance Act
  • Land Acquisition Act
  • Loans (International Banks) Act


  • Companies Act
  • Currency Act
  • Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act
  • Finance Companies Act
  • Intestate Succession Act
  • Land Titles (Strata) Act
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act
  • Undesirable Publications Act


  • Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act
  • Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act
  • Employment Act
  • External Loans Act
  • Extradition Act
  • Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Act
  • International Finance Corporation Act
  • Jurong Town Corporation Act


  • Controlled Premises (Special Provisions) Act (repealed on 31 March 2002)
  • Hire-Purchase Act


  • Banking Act
  • Civil List and Pension Act
  • Enlistment Act 1970[3]
  • Fisheries Act
  • Metrication Act
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore Act
  • National Servicemen (Employment) Act
  • Passports Act
  • Preservation of Monuments Act


  • Chit Funds Act
  • Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore Act (repealed on 21 May 1999)


  • Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
  • Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation Act (repealed on 10 June 2005)
  • Dangerous Fireworks Act
  • Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act
  • National Cadet Corps Act


  • Arms Offences Act
  • Buildings and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act (repealed on 1 April 2005)
  • Business Registration Act
  • Census Act
  • Control of Essential Supplies Act
  • Factories Act
  • Geneva Conventions Act
  • Misuse of Drugs Act
  • Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act
  • Private Investigation and Security Agencies Act
  • Public Entertainments and Meetings Act


  • Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act (repealed on 1 December 2002)
  • Martial Arts Instruction Act (repealed on 22 December 2003)
  • National Police Cadet Corps Act
  • Newspaper and Printing Presses Act
  • Parking Places Act
  • Planning (Cancellation of Permission) Act (repealed on 8 December 2000)
  • Property Tax (Surcharge) Act


  • Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions and Safety Requirements) Act
  • Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
  • Medicines Act
  • Parking Places (Surcharge) Act
  • Parks and Trees Act (repealed on 1 August 2005)


  • Pensions (Expatriate Officers) Act


  • Hijacking of Aircraft and Protection of Aircraft and International Airports Act
  • Parliamentary Pensions Act


  • Co-operative Societies Act
  • Evidence (Civil Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act
  • Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act
  • Pharmacists Registration Act
  • Sale of Commercial Properties Act


  • Criminal Procedure Code
  • National University of Singapore Act
  • Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act


  • Films Act 1981
  • Legal Profession Act


  • International Enterprise Singapore Board Act


  • Development Loan Act


  • Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Act
  • HUDC Housing Estates Act


  • Appraisers and House Agents Act


  • Civil Defence Act
  • Futures Trading Act (repealed on 1 October 2002)


  • Accountants Act (repealed on 1 April 2004)
  • Copyright Act
  • Development Loan (1987) Act
  • Environmental Public Health Act
  • Human Organ Transplant Act
  • Intoxicating Substances Act
  • Public Service (Variation of 1984 Annual Wage Increases) Act 1987
  • Public Transport Council Act


  • Child Care Centres Act
  • Homes for the Aged Act
  • Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Act (repealed on 1 September 1995)
  • Public Service (Monthly Variable Component and Non-pensionable Annual Allowance) Act


  • Building Control Act
  • Corruption (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (repealed on 13 September 1999)
  • Destitute Persons Act
  • Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act


  • Agency for Science, Technology and Research Act
  • Employment of Foreign Workers Act
  • Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act
  • Planning Act
  • Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Act


  • Architects Act
  • Land Surveyors Act
  • Nanyang Technological University Act
  • National Arts Council Act
  • Presidential Elections Act
  • Professional Engineers Act


  • Commodity Trading Act
  • Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act
  • Drug Trafficking (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (repealed and renamed as the Corruption, drug trafficking and other serious crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act)
  • Education Endowment Scheme Act
  • Government Securities Act
  • Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Act
  • Institute of Technical Education Act
  • Nanyang Polytechnic Act
  • National Council of Social Service Act
  • National Productivity Board Act (repealed on 1 April 1996)


  • Application of English Law Act
  • Children and Young Persons Act
  • Computer Misuse Act
  • Control of Plants Act
  • Fire Safety Act
  • Goods and Services Tax Act
  • Land Titles Act
  • National Heritage Board Act


  • Broadcasting Act
  • Charities Act
  • International Arbitration Act
  • Judges’ Remuneration Act
  • Patents Act


  • Bankruptcy Act
  • Contact Lens Practitioners Act
  • Land Transport Authority of Singapore Act
  • Legal Aid and Advice Act
  • Maintenance of Parents Act
  • Merchant Shipping Act
  • National Library Board Act
  • Pension Fund Act


  • Advance Medical Directive Act
  • Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties Act
  • Executive Condominium Housing Scheme Act
  • Institute of Education (Repeal) Act 1996
  • Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Act
  • National Parks Act


  • Civil Defence Shelter Act
  • Community Mediation Centres Act
  • Government Procurement Act
  • Hazardous Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit) Act


  • Boundaries and Survey Maps Act
  • Control of Vectors and Pesticides Act
  • Electronic Transactions Act
  • Geographical Indications Act
  • Holidays Act
  • Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) Act
  • Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore (Transfer of Undertakings and Dissolution) Act
  • Princess Elizabeth Fund (Repeal) Act 1998


  • Building and Construction Authority Act
  • Dentists Act
  • Environmental Pollution Control Act
  • Exchanges (Demutualisation and Merger) Act
  • Final Supply (FY1998) Act 1999
  • Infectious Diseases Act
  • Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore Act
  • Insurance Intermediaries Act
  • Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act
  • Nurses and Midwives Act
  • Postal Services Act
  • Telecommunications Act 1999


  • Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Act
  • Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act
  • Compulsory Education Act
  • Defence Science and Technology Agency Act
  • Developmental Investment Fund Act
  • Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes Act
  • Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
  • Oaths and Declarations Act 2000
  • Political Donations Act


  • Arbitration Act
  • Children Development Co-Savings Act
  • Civil Service College Act
  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act
  • Control of Rent (Abolition) Act 2001
  • District Cooling Act
  • Education Service Incentive Payment Act
  • Electricity Act
  • Energy Market Authority of Singapore Act
  • Securities and Futures Act
  • Financial Advisers Act
  • Gas Act
  • Health Promotion Board Act
  • Health Sciences Authority Act
  • Home Affairs Uniformed Services Superannuation Act
  • Intellectual Property Office of Singapore Act
  • Lifelong Learning Endowment Fund Act 2001
  • Parliamentary Elections (Temporary Suspension of Overseas Voting) Act 2001
  • Public Utilities Act


  • Final Supply (FY 2001) Act 2002
  • International Development Association Act
  • Media Development Authority of Singapore Act
  • National Environment Agency Act
  • Payment and Settlement Systems (Finality and Netting) Act


  • Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act
  • Maritime Offences Act
  • Martial Arts Instruction (Repeal) Act 2003


  • Accountants Act 2004
  • Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act 2004
  • Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2004
  • Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act 2004
  • Business Trusts Act 2004
  • Competition Act 2004
  • Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Act 2004
  • Manufacture of Optical Discs Act 2004
  • Plant Varieties Protection Act 2004
  • Police Force Act 2004


  • CISCO (Dissolution) Act 2005
  • Diplomatic and Consular Relations Act 2005
  • Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005
  • Parks and Trees Act 2005


  • Casino Control Act 2006
  • Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006


  • Goods and Services Tax Act 2007
  • Passports Act 2007
  • Terrorism Act 2007


  • Mental Capacity Act 2008
  • Moneylenders Act 2008


  • Preservation of Monuments Act 2009


  • Criminal Procedure Code 2010
  • Employment Agencies Act 2010
  • Hostage-Taking Act 2010
  • Parliamentary Elections Act 2010
  • Presidential Elections Act 2010
  • Rapid Transit Systems Act 2010
  • Road Traffic Act 2010[4]


  • Amusement Rides Safety Act 2011
  • Private Lotteries Act 2011
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design Act 2011


  • Energy Conservation Act 2012
  • Personal Data Protection Act 2012


  • Financial Holding Companies Act 2013
  • Fire Safety Act 2013
  • Prisons Act 2013


  • Business Names Registration Act 2014
  • Copyright Act 2014
  • Family Justice Act 2014
  • Foreign Employers Dormitories Act 2014
  • Geographical Indications Act 2014
  • Industrial Relations Act 2014
  • Pioneer Generation Fund Act 2014
  • Prevention of Human Trafficking Act 2015 [5]
  • Protection from Harassment Act 2014
  • Public Order (Additional Temporary Measures) Act 2014
  • Radiation Protection Act 2014
  • Rapid Transit Systems Act 2014
  • Remote Gambling Act 2014
  • Road Traffic Act 2014
  • Supply Act 2014
  • Transboundary Haze Pollution Act 2014


  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Act 2015
  • Bus Services Industry Act 2015
  • Community Disputes Resolution Act 2015
  • Deep Seabed Mining Act 2015
  • Foreign Employee Dormitories Act 2015
  • Human Biomedical Research Act 2015
  • Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act 2015
  • MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015
  • Organised Crime Act 2015
  • Pawnbrokers Act 2015
  • Silver Support Scheme Act 2015
  • Third-Party Taxi Booking Service Providers Act 2015
  • Unmanned Aircraft (Public Safety and Security) Act 2015


  • Active Mobility Act 2017
  • Administration of Justice (Protection) Act 2016
  • Choice of Court Agreements Act 2016
  • Credit Bureau Act 2016
  • Employment Claims Act 2016
  • Government Technology Agency Act 2016
  • Info-communications Media Development Authority Act 2016
  • Mediation Act 2016
  • SkillsFuture Singapore Agency Act 2016
  • The Kwong-Wai-Shiu Free Hospital (Transfer of Undertaking and Dissolution) Act 2017
  • Workforce Singapore Agency Act 2016



  • Currency Act 2018
  • Electricity Act 2018
  • Gas Act 2018
  • Goods and Services Tax Act 2018
  • Infectious Diseases Act 2018
  • Misuse of Drugs Act 2018
  • Parliamentary Elections Act 2018
  • Payment Services Act 2018


  • Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulations Act 2019
  • Singapore Food Agency Act 2019


1. ^{{cite web|title=Detention of Two Self-Radicalised Singaporeans under the Internal Security Act|url=https://www.mha.gov.sg/Newsroom/press-releases/Pages/Detention-of-Two-Self-Radicalised-Singaporeans-under-the-Internal-Security-Act.aspx|website=Ministry of Home Affairs|accessdate=20 February 2016}}
2. ^{{cite web|title=Kidnap Scam|url=http://www.scamalert.sg|publisher=National Crime Prevention Council}}
3. ^{{cite news|last1=Teo|first1=Dominic|title=Contrasting reactions to jailing of NS defaulter|url=http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/contrasting-reactions-to-jailing-of-ns-defaulter|accessdate=26 February 2016|publisher=Straits Times|date=14 Feb 2016}}
4. ^{{cite news|last1=Heng|first1=Melissa|title=Mobile devices and driving: What you need to know about changes to Road Traffic Act from Feb 1|url=http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/transport/story/what-you-need-know-about-the-new-changes-the-road-traffic-act-feb-1-2#xtor=CS1-10|accessdate=29 January 2015}}
5. ^{{cite web|title=Prevention of Human Trafficking Act to Take Effect from 1 March 2015|url=https://www.mha.gov.sg/Newsroom/press-releases/Pages/Prevention-of-Human-Trafficking-Act-to-take-effect-from-1-March-2015.aspx|website=Ministry of Home Affairs|publisher=Singapore Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking-in-Persons|accessdate=20 February 2016}}
{{Commons category|Statutes of Singapore}}
  • {{citation|last=Bartholomew|first=G[eoffrey] W[ilson]|last2=Srinivasagam|first2=Elizabeth|last3=Netto|first3=Pascal Baylon|title=Sesquicentennial Chronological Tables of the Written Laws of the Republic of Singapore 1834-1984|location=Singapore|publisher=Malaya Law Review, Malayan Law Journal|date=1987|isbn=9971-70-053-0}}.
{{Law of Singapore}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Acts of Parliament in Singapore}}

3 : Lists of legislation|Singapore law-related lists|Singaporean legislation





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