

词条 List of German economics ministers

  1. German Empire, 1871-1918

  2. Weimar Republic, 1919–1933

  3. Nazi Germany, 1933–1945

  4. West and East Germany, 1949–1991

      West German Ministers of Economics, 1949–1991    East German Ministers of Economics, 1949-1991  

  5. Federal Republic, 1991-Present

      Ministers of Economics, 1991-2002    Ministers of Economics and Labour, 2002–2005    Ministers of Economics and Technology, 2005–2013    Ministers of Economic Affairs and Energy, 2013–present  

This page lists German Economics Ministers.

  • Minister of Economics and Labour (Germany)
  • lists of office-holders.

German Empire, 1871-1918

  • August Müller 1918-1919

Weimar Republic, 1919–1933

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Minister of Economics
| showtermlenght = y
| party_col = 1
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-09381, Rudolf Wissel (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = Rudolf Wissell
| officeholder_sort = Wissell, Rudolf
| born_year = 1869
| died_year = 1962
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 13 February 1919
| term_end = 15 July 1919
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1919|02|13|1919|07|15}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 2
| image = Robert Schmidt (politician).jpg
| officeholder = Robert Schmidt
| officeholder_sort = Schmidt, Robert
| born_year = 1864
| died_year = 1943
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 16 July 1919
| term_end = 24 June 1920
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1919|07|16|1920|06|24}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 3
| image = Scholz LCCN2014711328 (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = Ernst Scholz
| officeholder_sort = Scholz, Ernst
| born_year = 1874
| died_year = 1932
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 25 June 1920
| term_end = 9 May 1921
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1920|06|25|1921|05|09}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = (2)
| image = Robert Schmidt (politician).jpg
| officeholder = Robert Schmidt
| officeholder_sort = Schmidt, Robert
| born_year = 1864
| died_year = 1943
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 10 May 1921
| term_end = 21 November 1922
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1921|05|10|1922|11|21}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 4
| image = blank.png
| officeholder = Johann Becker
| officeholder_sort = Becker, Johann
| born_year = 1869
| died_year = 1951
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 22 November 1922
| term_end = 12 August 1923
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1922|11|22|1923|08|12}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 5
| image = blank.png
| officeholder = Hans von Raumer
| officeholder_sort = Raumer, Hans
| born_year = 1870
| died_year = 1965
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 13 August 1923
| term_end = 5 October 1923
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1923|08|13|1923|10|05}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 6
| image = blank.png
| officeholder = Joseph Koeth
| officeholder_sort = Koeth, Joseph
| born_year = 1870
| died_year = 1936
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 5 October 1923
| term_end = 30 November 1923
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1923|10|06|1923|11|30}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 7
| image = blank.png
| officeholder = {{ill|Eduard Hamm|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Koeth, Joseph
| born_year = 1879
| died_year = 1944
| alt_party = German Democratic Party
| term_start = 30 November 1923
| term_end = 15 December 1924
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1923|11|30|1924|12|15}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 8
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-02063, Albert Neuhaus (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = {{ill|Albert Neuhaus|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Neuhaus, Albert
| born_year = 1873
| died_year = 1948
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 15 January 1925
| term_end = 26 October 1925
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1925|01|15|1925|10|26}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = -
| image = blank.png
| officeholder = {{ill|Rudolf Krohne|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Krohne, Rudolf
| born_year = 1876
| died_year = 1953
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 27 October 1925
| term_end = 5 December 1925
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1925|10|27|1925|12|05}}
| acting = y
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 9
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-10108, Reichsaussenministers Curtius mit Familie (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = Julius Curtius
| officeholder_sort = Curtius, Julius
| born_year = 1877
| died_year = 1948
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 19 January 1926
| term_end = 11 November 1929
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1926|01|19|1929|11|11}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 10
| image = MoldenhauerPaul1920.jpg
| officeholder = Paul Moldenhauer
| officeholder_sort = Moldenhauer, Paul
| born_year = 1876
| died_year = 1947
| alt_party = German People's Party
| term_start = 15 November 1929
| term_end = 23 December 1929
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1929|11|15|1929|12|23}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = (2)
| image = Robert Schmidt (politician).jpg
| officeholder = Robert Schmidt
| officeholder_sort = Schmidt, Robert
| born_year = 1864
| died_year = 1943
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 24 December 1929
| term_end = 29 March 1930
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1929|12|24|1930|03|29}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 11
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-10015, Robert Hermann Dietrich (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = Hermann Dietrich
| officeholder_sort = Dietrich, Hermann
| born_year = 1879
| died_year = 1954
| alt_party = German Democratic Party
| term_start = 30 March 1930
| term_end = 26 June 1930
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1930|03|30|1930|06|26}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 12
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-13987, Ernst Trendelenburg.jpg
| officeholder = {{ill|Ernst Trendelenburg|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Trendelenburg, Ernst
| born_year = 1882
| died_year = 1945
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 27 June 1930
| term_end = 8 October 1931
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1930|06|27|1931|10|08}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 13
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R1230-505, Hermann Warmbold (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = {{ill|Hermann Warmbold|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Warmbold, Hermann
| born_year = 1876
| died_year = 1976
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 9 October 1931
| term_end = 28 April 1932
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1931|10|09|1932|04|28}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = -
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-13987, Ernst Trendelenburg.jpg
| officeholder = {{ill|Ernst Trendelenburg|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Trendelenburg, Ernst
| born_year = 1882
| died_year = 1945
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 28 April 1932
| term_end = 30 May 1932
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1932|04|28|1932|05|30}}
| acting = y
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = (13)
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R1230-505, Hermann Warmbold (cropped).jpg
| officeholder = {{ill|Hermann Warmbold|de}}
| officeholder_sort = Warmbold, Hermann
| born_year = 1876
| died_year = 1976
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 1 June 1932
| term_end = 28 January 1933
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1932|06|01|1933|01|28}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

Nazi Germany, 1933–1945

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Reich Minister of Economics
| showtermlenght = y
| party_col = 1
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2005-0621-500, Reichsminister Alfred Hugenberg.jpg
| officeholder = Alfred Hugenberg
| officeholder_sort = Hugenberg, Alfred
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1865
| died_year = 1951
| alt_party = German National People's Party
| term_start = 30 January 1933
| term_end = 29 June 1933
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1933|01|30|1933|06|29}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 2
| image = Kurt Schmitt.jpg
| officeholder = Kurt Schmitt
| officeholder_sort = Schmitt, Kurt
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1886
| died_year = 1950
| alt_party = Nazi Party
| term_start = 29 June 1933
| term_end = 3 August 1934
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1933|06|29|1934|08|03}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 3
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 102-12733, Hjalmar Schacht.jpg
| officeholder = Hjalmar Schacht
| officeholder_sort = Schacht, Hjalmar
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1877
| died_year = 1970
| alt_party = Independent politician
| term_start = 3 August 1934
| term_end = 26 November 1937
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1934|08|03|1937|11|26}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 4
| image = Hermann Göring frontal portrait.jpg
| officeholder = Hermann Göring
| officeholder_sort = Göring, Hermann
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1893
| died_year = 1945
| alt_party = Nazi Party
| term_start = 26 November 1937
| term_end = 15 January 1938
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1937|11|26|1938|01|15}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 5
| image = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B21019, Walter Funk.jpg
| officeholder = Walther Funk
| officeholder_sort = Funk, Walther
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1890
| died_year = 1960
| alt_party = Nazi Party
| term_start = 5 February 1938
| term_end = 30 April 1945
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1938|02|05|1945|04|30}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

West and East Germany, 1949–1991

West German Ministers of Economics, 1949–1991

{{Officeholder table start
showorder = y showimage = y officeholder_title = Minister of Economics showtermlenght = y showparty = y showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 1 image = Einde bezoek bondskanselier dr Ludwig Erhard en gaf persconferentie in het Haag, Bestanddeelnr 916-1330.jpg officeholder = Ludwig Erhard officeholder_sort = Erhard, Ludwig officeholder_note = born_year = 1897 died_year = 1977 alt_party = Independent (politician) term_start = 20 September 1949 term_end = 16 October 19631949|09|20|1963|10|16}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 2 image = Kurt Schmücker1.jpg officeholder = Kurt Schmücker officeholder_sort = Schmücker, Kurt officeholder_note = born_year = 1919 died_year = 1996 alt_party = Christian Democratic Union (Germany) term_start = 17 October 1963 term_end = 30 November 19661963|10|17|1966|11|30}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 3 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F029983-0017, Bonn, SPD-Pressekonferenz, Karl Schiller (crop).jpg officeholder = Karl Schiller officeholder_sort = Schiller, Karl officeholder_note = born_year = 1911 died_year = 1994 alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany term_start = 30 November 1966 term_end = 7 July 19721966|11|30|1972|07|07}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 4 image = Verteidigungsminister Helmut Schmidt.jpg officeholder = Helmut Schmidt officeholder_sort = Schmidt, Helmut officeholder_note = born_year = 1918 died_year = 2015 alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany term_start = 7 July 1972 term_end = 15 December 1972 1972|07|07|1972|12|15}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 5 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F046793-0022, Mainz, FDP-Bundesparteitag, Friderichs.jpg officeholder = Hans Friderichs officeholder_sort = Friderichs, Hans officeholder_note = born_year = 1931 died_year = alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany) term_start = 15 December 1972 term_end = 7 October 19771972|12|15|1977|10|07}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 6 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F054879-0030, Mainz, FDP-Bundesparteitag, Lambsdorff.jpg officeholder = Otto Graf Lambsdorff officeholder_sort = Lambsdorff, Otto officeholder_note = born_year = 1926 died_year = 2009 alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany) term_start = 7 October 1977 term_end = 17 September 19821977|10|07|1982|09|17}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 7 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F064991-0014, Bonn, SPD-Pressekonferenz, Manfred Lahnstein.jpg officeholder = Manfred Lahnstein officeholder_sort = Lahnstein, Manfred officeholder_note = born_year = 1937 died_year = alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany term_start = 17 September 1982 term_end = 1 October 1982 1982|09|17|1982|10|01}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = (6) image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F054879-0030, Mainz, FDP-Bundesparteitag, Lambsdorff.jpg officeholder = Otto Graf Lambsdorff officeholder_sort = Lambsdorff, Otto officeholder_note = born_year = 1926 died_year = 2009 alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany) term_start = 4 October 1982 term_end = 27 June 19841982|10|04|1984|06|27}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 8 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F052010-0020, Kiel, FDP-Bundesparteitag, Bangemann.jpg officeholder = Martin Bangemann officeholder_sort = Bangemann, Martin officeholder_note = born_year = 1934 died_year = alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany) term_start = 27 June 1984 term_end = 9 December 1988 1984|06|27|1988|12|09}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 9 image = Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F074463-0009, Bonn, Pressekonferenz Koalitionsverhandlungen.jpg officeholder = Helmut Haussmann officeholder_sort = Haussmann, Helmut officeholder_note = born_year = 1943 died_year = alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany) term_start = 9 December 1988 term_end = 18 January 19911988|12|09|1991|01|18}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

East German Ministers of Economics, 1949-1991

{{small|Note: Until 1989 there was no classic Ministry of Economic Affairs in the GDR, only "Ministries of Economic Activities." Only in 1989, were the Ministry of Economic Affairs (which can be compared with today's ideas of a comprehensive Ministry of Economic Affairs) founded.}}{{Officeholder table start
showorder = y showimage = y officeholder_title = Minister of Economics showtermlenght = y showparty = y showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 1 image = Christa Luft (2010).jpg officeholder = Christa Luft officeholder_sort = Luft, Christa officeholder_note = born_year = 1938 died_year = alt_party = Socialist Unity Party of Germany term_start = 18 November 1989 term_end = 18 March 19901989|11|18|1990|03|18}}
}}{{Officeholder table
order2 = 2 image = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0419-036, Berlin, Gespräch Gerhard Pohl, Helmut Haussmann (cropped).jpg officeholder = Gerhard Pohl officeholder_sort = Pohl, Gerhard officeholder_note = born_year = 1937 died_year = 2012 alt_party = Christian Democratic Union (East Germany) term_start = 12 April 1990 term_end = 16 August 19901990|04|12|1990|08|16}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

Federal Republic, 1991-Present

Ministers of Economics, 1991-2002

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Minister of Economics
| showtermlenght = y
| showparty = y
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = Jürgen Möllemann 2002 (cropped).jpeg
| officeholder = Jürgen Möllemann
| officeholder_sort = Möllemann, Jürgen
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1945
| died_year = 2003
| alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany)
| term_start = 18 January 1991
| term_end = 21 January 1993
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1991|01|18|1993|01|21}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 2
| image =
| officeholder = Günter Rexrodt
| officeholder_sort = Rexrodt, Günter
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1941
| died_year = 2004
| alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany)
| term_start = 21 January 1993
| term_end = 26 October 1998
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1993|01|21|1998|10|26}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 3
| image = Wernermueller2002.jpg
| officeholder = Werner Müller
| officeholder_sort = Müller, Werner
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1946
| died_year =
| alt_party = Independent (politician)
| term_start = 27 October 1998
| term_end = 22 October 2002
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|1993|10|27|1998|10|22}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

Ministers of Economics and Labour, 2002–2005

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Minister of Economics and Labour
| showtermlenght = y
| showparty = y
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = Wolfgang Clement.jpg
| officeholder = Wolfgang Clement
| officeholder_sort = Clement, Wolfgang
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1940
| died_year =
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 22 October 2002
| term_end = 22 November 2005
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2002|10|22|2005|11|22}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

Ministers of Economics and Technology, 2005–2013

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Minister of Economics and Technology
| showtermlenght = y
| showparty = y
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = Michael Glos crop.jpg
| officeholder = Michael Glos
| officeholder_sort = Glos, Michael
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1944
| died_year =
| alt_party = Christian Social Union in Bavaria
| term_start = 22 November 2005
| term_end = 10 February 2009
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2005|11|22|2009|02|10}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 2
| image = Zuguttenberg presseportrait.jpg
| officeholder = Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
| officeholder_sort = Guttenberg, Karl
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1971
| died_year =
| alt_party = Christian Social Union in Bavaria
| term_start = 10 February 2009
| term_end = 28 October 2009
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2009|02|10|2009|10|28}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 3
| image = Rainer Brüderle retouched.jpg
| officeholder = Rainer Brüderle
| officeholder_sort = Brüderle, Rainer
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1945
| died_year =
| alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany)
| term_start = 28 October 2009
| term_end = 12 May 2011
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2009|10|28|2011|05|12}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 4
| image = Roesler-klein.jpg
| officeholder = Philipp Rösler
| officeholder_sort = Rösler, Philipp
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1973
| died_year =
| alt_party = Free Democratic Party (Germany)
| term_start = 12 May 2011
| term_end = 17 December 2013
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2011|05|12|2013|12|17}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}

Ministers of Economic Affairs and Energy, 2013–present

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder = y
| showimage = y
| officeholder_title = Minister of Economics Affairs and Energy
| showtermlenght = y
| showparty = y
| showdefencebranch = n
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 1
| image = 2015-12 Sigmar Gabriel SPD Bundesparteitag by Olaf Kosinsky-63.jpg
| officeholder = Sigmar Gabriel
| officeholder_sort = Gabriel, Sigmar
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1959
| died_year =
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 17 December 2013
| term_end = 27 January 2017
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2013|12|17|2017|01|27}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 2
| image = WLP14-ri-0279- Brigitte Zypries (SPD).jpg
| officeholder = Brigitte Zypries
| officeholder_sort = Zypries, Brigitte
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1953
| died_year =
| alt_party = Social Democratic Party of Germany
| term_start = 27 January 2017
| term_end = 14 March 2018
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2017|01|27|2018|03|14}}
}}{{Officeholder table
| order2 = 3
| image = Altmaier.jpg
| officeholder = Peter Altmaier
| officeholder_sort = Altmaier, Peter
| officeholder_note =
| born_year = 1958
| died_year =
| alt_party = Christian Democratic Union of Germany
| term_start = 14 March 2018
| timeinoffice = {{ayd|2018|03|14}}
}}{{Officeholder table end}}{{Economy Ministers of Germany}}

2 : Lists of government ministers of Germany|Economy ministers of Germany





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