

词条 List of Italian musical terms used in English

  1. Musical forms

  2. Musical instruments

  3. Voices

  4. Tempo

  5. Dynamics – volume

  6. Moods

  7. Musical expression (general)

  8. Patterns within the musical score

  9. Directions

  10. Techniques

  11. Roles

  12. Criticism

  13. Musical direction and staging

  14. See also

  15. External links

{{For|a general, non-specific list of terms|Musical terminology}}{{Unreferenced|date=October 2017}}

Many musical terms are in Italian, and many of the most important early composers from the Italian Renaissance to the Baroque period were Italian, and that period is when numerous musical indications were used extensively for the first time{{Citation needed|date=May 2009}}. (See also sheet music.)

Some of the expressions include:

Musical forms

Italian termLiteral translationDefinition
A cappellain chapel styleSung with no (instrumental) accompaniment, has lots of harmonizing
AriaairPiece of music, usually for a singer
Aria di sorbettosorbet airA lesser aria within an opera
Ariettalittle airA short or light aria
AriosoairyA type of solo vocal piece during an opera or operetta
Ballabiledanceable(song) to be danced to
BattagliabattleAn instrumental or vocal piece suggesting a battle
Bergamascafrom BergamoA peasant dance from Bergamo
Burlettaa little jokeA light comic or farcical opera
Cabalettafrom copola (couplet)A two-part musical form
CadenzafallingA florid solo at the end of a performance
CantatasungA piece for orchestra and singers
CapricciocapriceA lively piece, free in form, often used to show musical skill
Cavatinasmall instrumental toneA simple melody or song
CodatailThe end of a piece
ConcertoconcertA work for one or more solo instruments accompanied by an orchestra
Concertinolittle concertA short concerto; the solo instrument in a concerto
Concerto grossobig concertA Baroque form of concerto, with a group of solo instruments
Da capo ariafrom the head ariaA three-section musical form
Dramma giocosojocular dramaA form of opera
Dramma per musicadrama for musicLibretto
FantasiafantasyA musical composition or “idea” typified by improvisation
FarsafarceA one-act comical opera
festa teatraletheatrical partyA genre of opera
FioriturafloweryA highly embellised vocal line
IntermediointermediateA short connecting instrumental movement – an intermezzo
IntermezzointervalA short connecting instrumental movement
Librettolittle bookA work containing the words to an opera, musical, or ballet
MelodrammamelodramaA style of opera
OperaworkA drama set to music for singers and instrumentalists
Opera buffahumorous operaA comic opera
Opera semiseriasemi-serious operaA variety of opera
Opera seriaserious operaAn opera with a serious, esp. classical theme
Operettalittle operaA variety of light opera
OratoriooratoryLarge musical composition for orchestra, choir, and soloists
PasticciopasticheA musical piece containing works by different composers
Ripieno concertopadding concertA form of Baroque concerto with no solo parts
SerenataSerenadeA song or composition in someone’s honour. Originally, a musical greeting performed for a lover
Soggetto cavatocarved subjectA musical cryptogram, using coded syllables as a basis for the composition
SonatasoundedA composition for one or two instruments in sonata form
VerismorealismA genre of operas with scenarios based on contemporary everyday life

Musical instruments

Piano(forte)soft-loudA keyboard instrument
Violaviola, orig. Latin vitulari "be joyful"A medium-sized stringed instrument
(Violon)celloSmall violone (violone means "big viola")A large stringed instrument
Viola da gambaleg violaA stringed instrument held between the legs
Viola da braccioarm violaA stringed instrument held in the arm, such as a violin or viola
Viola d'amorelove violaA tenor viol with no frets
TubatubeA large brass instrument
PiccololittleA tiny woodwind instrument
Fagottobass oboeA bass woodwind instrument played with a double reed.
Sordundeaf, dull in soundAn archaic double-reed wind instrument
TimpanidrumsLarge drums
Cornettolittle hornAn old woodwind instrument
CampanabellA bell used in an orchestra; also campane "bells"
Orchestraorchestra, orig. Greek orkesthai "dance"An ensemble of instruments


SopranoupperThe highest vocal line
Mezzo-sopranomiddle-upperBetween soprano and alto
AltohighSecond-highest vocal line
Contraltoagainst highAlto, esp. a female alto
BassolowOr "bass;" the lowest vocal line
Basso profondodeep and lowA very deep bass voice
Coloratura sopranocolouring sopranoA soprano specialised in complex, ornamented melody
Soprano sfogatounlimited sopranoA soprano who has extended her upper range beyond the usual range of a soprano
Spinto sopranopushed sopranoA soprano whose voice, while normally of lyric weight and fluidity, can be pushed to a more forceful weight
SquilloringingThe resonant clarity of an operatic singer’s voice
Tenore contraltino'A tenor voice capable of a slightly higher range of sustainable notes than usual
Tenore di grazia or ‘’’Leggiero tenor’’’'A lightweight, flexible tenor voice
TessituratextureA singer’s comfortable range
Falsettolittle falseA vocal register immediately above the modal voice range
Falsettone'Falsetto, sung using the usual techniques of modal voice register
CastratocastratedA male singer, castrated so as to be able to sing soprano (now sung by women, conventional countertenors, or sopranisti)
MusicomusicianOriginally, a trained musician; later, a castrato or female singer
SpintopushedA forceful voice, between the lyric and dramatic in weight
PassaggiocrossingA vocal range


TempotimeThe speed of music e.g. 120 BPM
GravesolemnSlow and solemn, slower than largo
LargobroadSlow and dignified
Larghettoa little bit broadNot as slow as largo
LentandoslowingBecoming slower
Adagioad agio, at easeSlow, but not as slow as largo
Adagiettolittle adagioFaster than adagio; or a short adagio composition
Andanteat a walking paceModerately slow, flowing along
Andantinoslightly faster than andante slightly faster than andante
ModeratomoderatelyAt a moderate speed
Allegrettoa little bit joyfulSlightly slower than allegro
LargamentebroadlySlow and dignified
Allegrojoyful; lively and fastModerately fast
SostenutosustainedA slowing of tempo, often accompanied by legato playing
FermatastoppedMarks a note to be held or sustained
PrestoreadyVery fast
Prestissimovery readyVery very fast, as fast as possible
Affrettandobecoming hurriedAccelerating
Allargandoslowing and broadeningSlowing down and broadening, becoming more stately and majestic, possibly louder
Ritardandoslowing downDecelerating
Rallentandobecoming progressively slowerDecelerating
RubatorobbedFree flowing and exempt from steady rhythm
TenutosustainedHolding or sustaining a single note
AccompagnatoaccompaniedThe accompaniment must follow the singer who can speed up or slow down at will
Alla marciaas a marchIn strict tempo at a marching pace (e.g. 120 bpm)
A tempoto timeReturn to previous tempo
L'istesso tempoSame speedAt the same speed

Dynamics – volume

CalandoquieteningBecoming softer and slower
CrescendogrowingBecoming louder
DecrescendoshrinkingBecoming softer
DiminuendodwindlingBecoming softer
Fortissimovery strongVery loud
MarcatomarkedA note played forcefully
Mezzo fortehalf-strongModerately loud
Pianissimovery gentleVery soft
Mezzo pianohalf-gentleModerately soft
SforzandostrainedSharply accented
Stentatoin the manner of StentorLoud, boisterous
TremolotremblingA rapid repetitive variation in the volume (or pitch) of a tone
Messa di voceplacing the voiceA style of singing involving changing volume while holding a single note


Affettuosowith feelingTenderly
AgitatoagitatedExcited and fast
BrillantebrilliantBrilliant, bright
BruscamentebrusquelyBrusquely – abruptly
CantabilesingableIn a singing style
ColossalecolossalIn a fashion which suggests immensity
ComodoconvenientComfortably, moderately
Con amorewith loveWith love
Con fuocowith fireWith fiery manner
Con briowith brightbrightly
Con motowith movementWith (audible) movement
Con spiritowith spiritWith spirit
FestosohappyWith happiness
FuriosofuriousWith passion
Graziosograciously or gracefullyWith charm
LacrimosotearyTearfully, sadly
MisteriosomysteriousMysteriously, secretively, enigmatic
PesanteheavyHeavy, slowly, sadly
RisolutoresolvedResolved, decisive

Musical expression (general)

MoltoveryUsed with other terms, such as molto allegro
AssaiveryUsed with other terms, such as allegro assai
PiùmoreUsed with other terms, such as più mosso
Pocolittle"A little". Used with other terms, such as poco diminuendo
poco a pocolittle by little"little by little", "slowly but steadily". Used with other terms, such as poco a poco crescendo
ma non tantobut not so muchUsed with other terms, such as adagio ma non tanto
ma non troppobut not too muchUsed with other terms, such as allegro ma non troppo
MenolessUsed with other terms, such as meno mosso
Subitosuddenly, quicklyUsed with other terms, such as subito fortissimo

Patterns within the musical score

LacunagapA silent pause in a piece of music
OssiaalternativelyA secondary passage of music which may be played in place of the original
OstinatostubbornA repeated motif or phrase in a piece of music
Ritornellolittle returnA recurring passage in a piece of Baroque music
Segueit followsA smooth movement from one passage to another with no pause
StrettotightenedIn a fugue, the repeating of a motif by a second voice before the first rendition is completed
PensatothoughtA composed imaginary note


AttaccaattachProceed to the next section without pause
CambiarechangeAny change, such as to a new instrument
Da Capo (al fine)from the beginning (to the end)Abbreviated as D.C., informs the performer to go back to the beginning (capo) (finishing where the part is marked fine)
Dal Segnofrom the signAbbreviated as D.S., informs the performer to repeat a specific section marked by a sign (segno)
DivisidividedInstructs one section to divide into two or more separate sections, each playing a separate part. Often these separate parts are written on the same staff.
OppureotherwiseInforms the player of alternative ways to play a passage. See Ossia.
soloaloneA piece or performance to be played by a single musician


Altissimovery highVery high
Arpeggioharp-likeA chord with the notes spread out in time (rather than sounded simultaneously)
AcciaccaturacrushingAn extra, very fast grace note
AppoggiaturaleaningA type of ornament that creates a "yearning" effect
Basso continuocontinuous bassContinuous bass accompaniment by chordal instrument(s) and bass instrument(s) (see figured bass.)
A bocca chiusamouth closedWordless humming in a choral piece
ChiusoclosedCalls for a horn to be muted by hand
Coll'arcowith the bowCancels col legno and pizzicato (in a string passage, arco is usually expected, as it is the "default" approach, and is not written except at the end of col legno or pizzicato passages.)
Colla vocewith the voiceA note to accompanists to play with (in time with) the singer's text, especially when slowing for textual effect
Col legnowith the woodCalls for a bowed instrument's strings to be struck with the wood of the bow rather having the hair of the bow drawn over the strings
ColoraturacolorationElaborate ornamentation of a vocal line
GlissandoglideA sweeping glide from one pitch to another used for dramatic effect
Legatotied togetherA series of notes played with a smooth connection between them
MartellatohammeredNotes are strongly accented and detached
Con sordinowith muteCalls for mute to be applied, esp. to string instruments.
Senza sordinowithout muteCalls for mute to be removed, esp. from string instruments.
PizzicatopluckedCalls for a bowed instrument to be plucked with the fingers
PortamentocarryingA sliding of pitch between two notes
PortatocarriedA style of playing between staccato and legato
Sforzandousing forcePlayed with strong, marked emphasis
CoperticoveredOf a drum, muted with a cloth
Una cordaone stringWith the soft pedal, on a piano
Due cordetwo stringsWith the soft pedal, on a piano. For why both terms exist, see piano.
Tre corde or tutte le cordeThree strings or all the stringsCancels an una corda
SpiccatoseparatedPlaying a stringed instrument by bouncing the bow lightly on the strings
TuttiallA direction for the entire ensemble to play or sing, rather than just a soloist or principal player
staccatissimovery detachedForcefully exaggerated staccato
StaccatodetachedA form of musical articulation in which notes are distinct and separated from each other by short gaps
ScordaturamistuningAlternate tuning (of strings)
vibratovibratingA rapid repetitive variation or undulation in the pitch of a tone


Prima donnafirst ladyLeading female role
Primo uomofirst manLeading male role
BandabandA small music ensemble used as a supplement to the orchestra in an opera
Comprimariocon primario, with the firstA supporting role
Concertinolittle concertThe smaller, more virtuosic, group of musicians in a concerto grosso
CorochoirAn ensemble of singers
Divafemale deityA leading female singer
Ripienofilling or stuffingThe larger group of musicians in a concerto grosso
ConvenienzeconveniencesThe rules relating to the ranking of singers in opera


Bel cantobeautiful voiceAny fine singing, esp. that popular in 18th- and 19th-century Italian opera
BravuraskillA performance of extraordinary virtuosity
BravoskillfulA cry of congratulation to a male singer or performer. Fem. brava, pl. bravi, fem.pl. brave. The use of ! after "Bravo/a/i/e(!)" strongly emphasizes the written expression.

Musical direction and staging

MaestroMaster, teacherConductor, music director, music teacher, also composer and other eminent musicians and singers
Maestro sostitutoDeputy masterAssistant conductor
Maestro collaboratoreCollaborating masterAssistant conductor
Maestro suggeritoreMaster prompterPrompter
StagioneseasonA variety of formal organisation of players and crew in the staging of operas

See also

  • Musical terminology

External links

  • 8notes glossary
  • Pronounce It Right: Italian musical terms

4 : Musical terminology|Lists of English words of Italian origin|Italian words and phrases|Glossaries of music





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