

词条 List of Middle-earth characters

  1. A

  2. B

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  8. H

  9. I

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  12. M

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  21. V

  22. W

  23. Y

  24. Z

  25. See also

The following is a list of characters from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. The list is for characters from Tolkien's writings only; for original characters from Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, please see List of original characters in The Lord of the Rings film series.


Hobbits are listed by their family names, not given names (for example, Frodo Baggins is under Baggins, Frodo), and rulers of Númenor are listed by their names without Tar- or Ar- prefixes (for example, Ar-Pharazôn is under Pharazôn, Ar-).

For a list of all Middle-earth topics, see: List of Middle-earth articles

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Ælfwine • Abattârik, Ar- • Adanedhel • Adanel • Adrahil • Adrahil II • Adûnakhôr, Ar- • Aegnor • Aerin • Agarwaen • Aghan • Aikanáro • Ailinel • Aiwendil • Alatar • Alatáriel • Alcarin, Tar- • Aldamir • Aldarion, Tar- • Aldaron • Aldor • Almarian • Amandil • Amandil, Tar- • Amdír • Amlaith • Amras • Amrod • Amroth • Amrothos • Anairë • Anardil • Anárion, Tar- • Anárion son of Elendil • Anborn • Ancalagon • Ancalimë, Tar- • Ancalimon, Tar- • Andrast • Anducal, Tar- • Anfauglir • Andreth • Andróg • Angbor • Angrod • Annatar • Arador • Araglas • Aragorn I • Aragorn II • Aragost • Arahad I • Arahad II • Arahael • Aranarth • Arantar • Aranuir • Araphant • Araphor • Arassuil • Aratan • Aratar • Arathorn I • Arathorn II • Araval • Aravir • Aravorn • Aredhel • Ardamin, Tar- • Aredhel • Argeleb I • Argeleb II • Argon • Argonui • Arien • Aros • Arthedain • Arvedui • Arvegil • Arveleg I • Arveleg II • Arwen • Asfaloth • Atanamir, Tar- • Atanatar I • Atanatar II • Aulë • Ausir • Avranc • Axantur • Azaghâl • Azog


Baggins, Balbo • Baggins, Bilbo • Baggins, Bungo • Baggins, Frodo • Baldor • Balin • Barach • Baragund • Barahir • Barahir (Steward) • Baran • Bard the Bowman • Barrow-wights • Bauglir • Belecthor I • Belecthor II • Beleg • Beleg of Arnor • Belegorn • Belegund • Belemir • Bëor • Beorn • Bereg • Beregar • Beregond • Beregond (Steward) • Beren • Beren (Steward) • Bergil • Bert • Berúthiel • Bifur • Bill Ferny • Bill the Pony • Bill the Troll • Black Riders • Blanco • Bob • Boffin, Berylla • Bofur • Boldog • Bolg • Bolger, Fredegar (Fatty) • Bombadil, Tom • Bombur • Bór • Borin • Boromir (Steward) • Boromir • Boron • Borondir • Brand • Brand II • Brandir • Brandybuck, Gormadoc • Brandybuck, Meriadoc • Brandybuck, Primula • Brego • Bregolas • Bregor • Brodda • Brytta Léofa • Bucca of the Marish • Butterbur, Barliman


Calembel • Calimehtar • Calion, Tar- • Calmacil, Tar- • Calmacil king of Gondor • Captain of the Haven • Caranthir • Carc • Carcharoth • Castamir the Usurper • Celeborn • Celebrían • Celebrimbor • Celebrindor • Celegorm • Celepharn • Cemendur son of Axantur • Cemendur king of Gondor • Ceorl • Círdan • Cirion • Ciryaher • Ciryandil • Ciryatan, Tar- • Ciryatur • Ciryon • Cotton, Rosie • Curufin • Curunír


Daeron • Dáin I • Dáin II Ironfoot • the Dark Lord (First Age) • the Dark Lord (Mordor) • Daughters of Finwë • Dead Men of Dunharrow • Déagol • Denethor (First Age) • Denethor I • Denethor II • Déor • Deórwine • Dernhelm • Diamond of Long Cleeve • Dior • Dior (Steward) • Dís (Middle-earth) • Dori • Dorlas • Draugluin • Duilin • Durin • Durin II • Durin III • Durin IV • Durin V • Durin VI • Durin VII • Durin's Bane • Dwalin


Eärendil • Eärendil of Gondor • Eärendur son of Tar-Amandil • Eärendur of Andúnië • Eärendur of Arnor • Eärnil I • Eärnil II • Eärnur • Eärwen • Ecthelion of the Fountain • Ecthelion I • Ecthelion II • Egalmoth • Eilinel • Elanor the Fair • Elatan of Andúnië • Elbereth • Eldacar of Arnor • Eldacar of Gondor • Eldarion • Elemmakil • Elendil, Tar- • Elendil the Tall • Elendor • Elendur son of Isildur • Elendur of Arnor • Elenna • Elenwë • Elessar • Elfhelm • Elfhild • Elfwine • Elladan • Elmo • Elrohir • Elrond • Elros • Elu • Eluréd and Elurín • Elwë • Elwing • Elven-king • Emeldir • Emerië • Enel • Enelyë • Enerdhil • Eöl • Éomer • Éomund • Eönwë • Eorl the Young • Éothain • Éothéod • Éowyn • Eradan • Erendis • Erestor • Erkenbrand • Eru Ilúvatar • Estel • Estelmo • Estë


Falassion, Tar- • Fangorn • Faniel • Faramir • Farin • Fastitocalon • Fastred of Greenholm • Fatty Bolger • Fatty Lumpkin • Fëanor • Felaróf • Female hobbits • Fengel • Ferny, Bill • Fíli • Finarfin • Findegil • Findis • Finduilas • Finduilas of Dol Amroth • Finglas • Fingolfin • Fingon • Finrod Felagund • Finvain • Finwë • Fíriel • Fisher Blue • Fladrif • Flói • Folcwine • Forlong the Fat • Frár • Fréa • Fréaláf Hildeson • Fréawine • Freca • Frerin • Frodo Baggins • Frór • Fuinur • Fundin


Galador • Galadriel • Galdor of Gondolin • Galdor the Tall • Galdor of the Havens • Gamgee, Hamfast • Gamgee, Samwise • Gamil Zirak • Gamling • Gandalf • Ghân-buri-Ghân • Gil-galad • Gildor Inglorion • Gilrain • Gimilkhâd • Gimilzôr, Ar- • Gimli • Ginglith • Girion • Glanhír • Glaurung • Glóin (king) • Glóin, son of Gróin • Glóredhel • Glorfindel • Goldberry • Goldwine • Golfimbul • Gollum • Gorbag • Gorlim • Gorthaur • Gothmog (First Age) • Gothmog (Third Age) • Gram • the Grey Pilgrim • Gríma • Grimbold • Grishnákh • Gróin • Grór • Guthláf • Gwaihir • Gwathir • Gwindor


Hador • Hador (Steward) • Halbarad • Haldad • Haldan • Haldar • Haldir (First Age) • Haldir of Lórien • Haleth • Hallacar • Hallas • Hallatan • Halmir • Háma • Handir • Hardang • Hareth • Hatholdir • Helm Hammerhand • Henderch • Herion • Herucalmo • Herumor • Herunúmen, Tar- • Hirgon • Hiril (House of Bëor) • Hiril (House of Haleth) • the Hobbit • Holdwine • Hostamir, Tar- • Huan • Hundar • Huor • Húrin • Húrin I • Húrin II • Húrin the Tall • Hyarmendacil I • Hyarmendacil II


Îbal • Ibûn • Idril • Ilmarë • Ilúvatar • Imbar • Imin • Iminyë • Imrahil • Incánus • Indis • Inglor • Ingwë • Inziladûn, Ar- • Inzilbêth • Írildë • Irimë • Írimon • Irmo • Isildur • Isilmë • Isilmo • Ivriniel


Khamûl • Khîm • Kíli • Kings of Arnor • Kings of Arthedain • Kings of Gondor • Kings of Rohan • Kings of Númenor


Lagduf • Lalaith • Láthspell • Legolas • Lenwë • Léod • Lindir • the Lord of the Rings • Lothíriel • Lugdush • Lúthien • Lurtz


Mablung • Maedhros • Maeglin • Maggot, Farmer • Maglor • Magor • Mahal • Mahtan • Maiar • Malach • Malantur • Malbeth the Seer • Mallor • Malvegil • Mámandil • the Man in the Moon • Manthor • Manwë • Marach • Marcho • Mardil Voronwë • Mauhúr • Melian • Meleth • Melkor • Meneldil • Meneldur, Tar • Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck • Mîm • Minalcar • Minardil • Minastir, Tar- • Minyatur, Tar- • Míriel Serindë • Míriel Ar-Zimraphel • Mithrandir • Morgoth • Morwen • Morwen Steelsheen • the Mouth of Sauron • Muzgash


Nahar • Náin I • Náin II • Náin, son of Grór • Náli • Námo • Nár • Narmacil I • Narmacil II • Narvi • Nazgûl • the Necromancer • Nerdanel • Nessa • Nienna • Nienor • Nimloth • Nimrodel • Níniel • Nob • Nolondil • Nóm • Nori• Númendil • Núneth


Oakenshield • Ohtar • Óin, son of Glóin • Óin, son of Gróin • Old Man Willow • Old Swan • the Old Took • Olórin • Olwë • Ondoher • Orchaldor • Ori • Ornendil • Orodreth • Orodreth (Steward) • Oromë • Oropher • Orophin • Ossë • Ostoher


Palantir, Tar- • Pallando • Pelendur • Pengolodh • Peregrin 'Pippin' Took • Pharazôn, Ar- • Princes of Dol Amroth


Queen Berúthiel • Queens of Númenor • Quendi • Quickbeam


Radagast • Rían • Ringwraiths • Roäc • Rómendacil I • Rómendacil II • Ruling Stewards • Rúmil


Sackville-Baggins, Lobelia • Sackville-Baggins, Lotho • Sador • Saeros • Sakalthôr, Ar- • Salgant • Salmar • Saruman • Sauron • Scatha • the Shadow in the East • Shadowfax • Shagrat • Shelob • Silmariën • Singollo • Siriondil • Smaug • Sméagol • Snaga • Snowmane • Soronto • Stewards of Gondor • Stormcrow • Strider • Súrion, Tar-


Tal-Elmar • Tarcil • Tarondor of Gondor • Tarondor of Arnor • Tarannon Falastur • Tata • Tatië • Telchar • Telemmaitë, Tar- • Telemnar, Tar- • Telemnar king of Gondor • Telperiën, Tar- • Telumehtar • Tevildo • Tharkûn • Thengel • Théoden • Théodred • Théodwyn • Thingol • Thorin I • Thorin II Oakenshield • Thorin III Stonehelm • Thorondir • Thorondor • Thráin I • Thráin II • Thranduil • Thrór • Thuringwethil • Tilion • Tindomiel • Tinúviel • Tom Bombadil • Tom (Troll) • Took, Adalgrim • Took, Belladonna • Took, Bullroarer • Took, Faramir • Took, Ferumbras III • Took, Fortinbras II • Took, Gerontius • Took, Isumbras • Took, Paladin • Took, Paladin II • Took, Pearl • Took, Peregrin • Took, Pervinca • Took, Pimpernel • Treebeard • Trotter • Tulkas • Tuor • Turgon • Turgon (Steward) • Turambar • Túrin • Túrin I • Túrin II


Ufthak • Uglúk • Uinen • Ulbar • Uldor • Ulfang • Ulfast • Ulwarth • Ulmo • Umbardacil • Undómiel • Ungoliant • Uolë Kúvion • Urwen


Vairë • Valacar • Valandil of Andúnië • Valandil of Arnor • Valandur • Vána • Vanimeldë, Tar- • Varda • Vardamir Nólimon • Vëantur • Vidugavia • Vidumavi • Vinyarion • Vorondil the Hunter • Voronwë


Walda • Wardens of the Keys • Wardens of the Houses of Healing • the Watcher in the Water • Whisker-lad • the White Rider • William • Will Whitfoot • the Witch-king of Angmar • Wormtongue • Wulf


Yavanna • Yávien


Zamîn • Zigûr • Zimraphel, Ar- • Zimrathôn, Ar-

See also

  • Characters in The Hobbit
  • The Fellowship of the Ring (characters)
  • Artefacts which seem to have minds of their own: Anglachel, the One Ring
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