

词条 List of protected species in Hong Kong

  1. Plants

  2. Animals

  3. See also

  4. External links

List of protected species in Hong Kong.


Protected Species under Forestry Regulations Cap. 96A

  Scientific name English common name Chinese common name
1 Ailanthus fordii Ailanthus 福氏臭椿
2 Amentotaxus argotaenia Amentotaxus穗花杉
3 Angiopteris evecta Mules-foot fern 觀音座蓮
4 Aristolochia tagala India birthwort 印度馬兜鈴
5 Asplenium nidus Bird's-nest fern雀巢芒
6 Camellia species Camellias 各種茶花
7 Cyatheaceae species Tree ferns桫欏科植物
8 Dendrobenthamia hongkongensis Hong Kong dogwood香港四照花
9 Drosera peltata Crescent-leaved sundew茅膏菜
10 Enkianthus quinqueflorus Chinese new year flower 吊鐘
11 Illicium species Star-anises 各種八角
12 Illigera celebica Illigera 青藤
13 Impatiens hongkongensis Hong Kong balsam 香港鳳仙
14 Iris speculatrix Hong Kong iris 小花鳶尾
15 Keteleeria fortunei Keteleeria油杉
16 Lagerstroemia species Crape myrtles 各種紫薇
17 Lilium brownii Chinese lily野百合,淡紫百合
18 Magnoliaceae speciesMagnolias木蘭科植物
19 Nepenthes species Pitcher-plants豬籠草
20 Orchidaceae species Orchids各種蘭花
21 Pavetta hongkongensis Pavetta 茜木,大沙葉
22 Platycodon grandiflorumBalloon flower, Chinese bellflower桔梗
23 Rehderodendron kwangtungense Kwangtung redertree 廣東木瓜紅
24 Rhododendron species Azaleas 各種杜鵑
25 Rhodoleia championi Rhodoleia 紅苞木
26 Schoepfia chinensis Schoepfia 青皮樹
27 Tutcheria spectabilis Tutcheria石筆木


Protected species under Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170

  Order Family Scientific name English common name Chinese common name
      Mammalia Mammals 哺乳類
1Chiroptera Chiroptera, all species of all genera and all familiesBats 蝙蝠
2Primates  Primates, all species of all genera and all families except an individual of the family Hominidae (man) Primates (Monkeys etc.) 靈長屬 (猴子等)
3 Pholidota Manidae Manis pentadactyla Chinese pangolin 穿山甲
4 Rodentia Hystricidae Hystrix hodgsoni Chinese porcupine 箭豬
5   Sciuridae Sciuridae, all species of all genera Squirrels 松鼠
6 Cetacea  Cetacea, all species of all genera and all familiesCetaceans (Dolphins, whales, porpoises) 鯨屬 (海豚、鯨魚、小鯨)
7 Carnivora Canidae Vulpes vulpesCommon red fox 紅狐
8   Viverridae Herpestes, all species
Paguma larvata
Viverricula indica
Viverra zibetha
Masked palm civet
Small Indian civet
Large Indian civet
8   Mustelidae Lutra lutra
Melogale moschata
Chinese ferret badger
9   Felidae Felis bengalensis Leopard cat 豹貓
10 Sirenia Dugongidae Dugong, all species Dugongs 儒艮
11 Artiodactyla Cervidae Muntiacus reevesi Reeves' muntjac or Barking deer 黃麂
      Aves Birds 雀鳥類
12     Aves, all species of all genera, all families and all orders All wild birds 所有野生雀鳥
      Reptilia Testudines 爬蟲類
13 Testudines   Testudines, all species of all genera and all familiesChelonians (Turtles, terrapins, tortoises etc.) 龜鱉屬 (海龜、鱉、龜等)
14 Serpentes Boidae Python molurus bivittatus Burmese python 緬甸蟒蛇
15 Sauria Varanidae Varanus salvator Asian water monitor水巨蜥
      Amphibia Amphibians 兩棲類
16 Caudata Salamandridae Paramesotriton hongkongensis Hong Kong newt 香港蠑螈
17 Anura Ranidae Amolops hongkongensis Hong Kong cascade frog 香港瀑蛙
18   Rhacophoridae Philautus romeri Romer's tree frog 盧文氏蛙
      Insecta Insects 昆蟲類
19 Lepidoptera Papilionidae Troides helena Birdwing butterfly 黃扇蝶

See also

{{portal|Hong Kong}}
  • Environment of Hong Kong

External links

  • Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society
  • [https://archive.is/20130221152522/http://www.hknature.net/chi/resources/webclass/protected/index.html HKNature.net]
  • WWF Hong Kong's responses on review of nature conservation policy (17 October 2003)

5 : Environment of Hong Kong|Biota of Hong Kong|Flora of Hong Kong|Fauna of Hong Kong|Lists of biota of Hong Kong





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