

词条 List of slave owners

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  21. See also

  22. References

{{use dmy dates|date=May 2017}}{{refimprove|date=February 2014}}{{Expand list|date=August 2008}}

The following is a list of slave owners, for which there is a consensus of historical evidence of slave ownership, in alphabetical order by last name.

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  • William Aiken (1779–1831), founder and president of the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company
  • William Aiken Jr. (1806–1887), the 61st Governor of South Carolina, who also served in the state legislature and the U.S. Congress
  • Gnaeus Julius Agricola (AD 40–93), Roman general
  • Aleijadinho (1730/1738–1814)
  • Atahualpa, the last Inca Emperor (1502–1533)
  • David Rice Atchison (1807–1883), American politician known for potentially being Acting President of the United States on March 4, 1849


  • Amy Babbington Somary (1969-), Husband of Geoffrey "Gorf" Somary and mother of four mentally handicapped children
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1971–), self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
  • Vasco Núñez de Balboa (c. 1475–1519), Spanish explorer and conquistador
  • Hayreddin Barbarossa (1478–1546)
  • Robert Ruffin Barrow (1798–1875), American plantation owner who owned more than 450 slaves and a dozen plantations
  • Judah P. Benjamin (1811–1884), Secretary of State for the Confederate States of America and a U.S. Senator from Louisiana
  • Thomas H. Benton (1782–1858), American senator from Missouri[1][2]
  • John M. Berrien (1781–1856), U.S. Senator from Georgia
  • William Wyatt Bibb (1781–1821), U.S. Congressman and 1st Governor of Alabama
  • James Blair (c. 1788–1841), British MP who owned sugar plantations in Demerara[3]
  • Simón Bolívar (1783–1830), Latin American independence leader
  • Shadrach Bond (1773–1832), 1st Governor of Illinois
  • John C. Breckinridge (1821–1875), 14th Vice President of the United States and Confederate Secretary of War
  • Brennus, a Gallic chieftain who led a sack of Rome in 387 BC
  • Preston Brooks (1819–1857), veteran of the Mexican–American War and U.S. Congressman from South Carolina
  • James Brown (1766–1835), U.S. Minister to France, U.S. Senator, and sugarcane planter, some of whose slaves were involved in the 1811 German Coast Uprising in present-day Louisiana
  • Chang and Eng Bunker (1811–1874)
  • Pierce Butler (1744–1822)[4]


  • Augustus Caesar (63 BC–14 AD), Roman emperor
  • Julius Caesar (100–44 BC), Roman dictator
  • John C. Calhoun (1782–1850), 7th Vice President of the United States
  • Meredith Calhoun (1805–1869), enslaver and newspaper editor in Grant Parish, Louisiana
  • Caligula (AD 12–41), Roman emperor
  • Carlos Manuel de Cespedes (1819–1874), hero of Cuban independence
  • Landon Carter (1710–1778), Virginia planter
  • Girolamo Cassar (c. 1520 – c. 1592), Maltese architect who owned at least two slaves[5]
  • Cato the Elder (234–149 BC), Roman statesman
  • Auguste Chouteau (1749/1750–1829), co-founder of the city of St. Louis, Missouri
  • Pierre Chouteau (1758–1849), half-brother of Auguste Chouteau and defendant in a freedom suit by Marguerite Scypion
  • Cicero (106–43 BC), Roman statesman and philosopher
  • Daniel Clark (1766–1813), Louisiana politician
  • William Clark (1770–1838), American explorer and territorial governor famed for leading the Lewis and Clark expedition[6]
  • Claudius (10 BC–54 AD), Roman emperor
  • Henry Clay (1777–1852), United States Secretary of State and Speaker of the House[7]
  • Howell Cobb (1815–1868), U.S. Congressman, Secretary of the Treasury, 19th Speaker of the House, and 40th Governor of Georgia
  • Edward Coles (1786–1868), 2nd Governor of Illinois
  • Alfred H. Colquitt (1824–1894), U.S. Congressman, 49th Governor of Georgia, and Confederate Army Major General
  • Christopher Columbus (1451–1506)
  • Philip Cook (1817–1894), U.S. Congressman and Confederate general
  • Samuel Cooper (1798–1876), United States Army staff officer and Confederate general
  • Hernán Cortés (1485–1547)
  • George W. Crawford (1798–1872), 21st U.S. Secretary of War, 38th Governor of Georgia, and U.S. Congressman


  • David (c. 1000 BC), ancient King of Israel
  • Jefferson Davis (1807–1889), President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War
  • Joseph Davis (1784–1870), eldest brother of Jefferson Davis and one of the wealthiest antebellum planters in Mississippi
  • Demosthenes (384–322 BC), Athenian statesman and orator
  • Jean Noël Destréhan (1754–1823), Louisiana plantation owner at whose plantation one of the tribunals was held following the 1811 German Coast Uprising
  • Henry Dodge (1782–1867), 1st and 4th Governor of the Wisconsin Territory
  • Stephen A. Douglas (1813–1861), U.S. Senator from Illinois and 1860 U.S. Democratic presidential candidate
  • Stephen Duncan (1787–1867), doctor from Pennsylvania who became the wealthiest Southern cotton planter before the American Civil War, with 14 plantations


  • Peter Early (1773–1818), U.S. Congressman and 28th Governor of Georgia
  • Ninian Edwards (1775–1833), Governor of Illinois Territory and 3rd Governor of Illinois
  • William Ellison (1790–1861), an American slave and later a slave owner
  • Edwin Epps, owner of Solomon Northup, author ofTwelve Years a Slave, for 10 years


  • Rebecca L. Felton (1835–1930), first female U.S. Senator and oldest Senator to be sworn in (at the age of 87; served one day in 1922)
  • Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), American statesman and philosopher
  • Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821–1877), Confederate general
  • John Forsyth (1780–1841), U.S. Congressman, U.S. Senator, 13th U.S. Secretary of State, and 33rd Governor of Georgia who was involved with United States v. The Amistad


  • Horatio Gates (1727–1806), American general during the American Revolutionary War
  • Edward James Gay, U.S. Congressional representative from Louisiana
  • Ghezo, King of the Dahomey in present-day Benin from 1818 to 1858
  • Sir John Gladstone (1764–1851), British politician
  • Ulysses S. Grant (1822–1885), Union general, 18th President of the United States


  • Hadrian (76–138 AD), Roman emperor
  • James Henry Hammond (1807–1864), U.S. Senator and state governor
  • Wade Hampton I (c. 1752 – 1835), American general, Congressman, and planter
  • Wade Hampton II (1791–1858), American soldier and planter with land holdings in three states
  • Wade Hampton III (1818–1902), U.S. Senator, state governor, Confederate major general, and planter
  • John Hancock (1737–1793), American statesman
  • Hannibal (247 – 183/181 BC)
  • Christopher Helme (1603–1650)
  • Patrick Henry (1736–1799), American statesman and orator
  • Thomas Heyward Jr. (1746–1809), South Carolina circuit court judge, planter, and signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence
  • Arthur William Hodge (1763–1811), British Virgin Islands planter who was executed for the murder of a slave
  • Thomas C. Hindman (1828–1868), American politician, Confederate general, and planter
  • Horace (65–8 BC), Roman poet
  • Sam Houston (1793–1863), U.S. Senator, President of the Republic of Texas, 6th Governor of Tennessee, and 7th Governor of Texas
  • Hjörleifr Hróðmarsson, an early settler of Iceland
  • Eppa Hunton, U.S. Senator from Virginia and a Confederate officer


  • Andrew Jackson (1767–1845), 7th President of the United States
  • William James (1791–1861), English Radical politician[8]
  • John Jay (1745–1829), 1st Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), 3rd President of the United States
  • Andrew Johnson (1808–1875), 17th President of the United States
  • Anthony Johnson, black slaveholder in colonial Virginia
  • Richard Mentor Johnson (1780–1850), 9th Vice President of the United States
  • Robert W. Johnson (1814–1879), American politician


  • Francis Scott Key (1779–1843), author of "The Star-Spangled Banner"
  • William R. King (1786–1853), 13th Vice President of the United States


  • Henry Laurens (1724–1792), 5th President of the Continental Congress
  • Fenda Lawrence, 18th-century African slave trader
  • Delphine LaLaurie (c. 1780–1849), alleged serial killer
  • John Lamont (1782–1850), Scottish emigrant and sugar planter in Trinidad
  • Richard Bland Lee (1761–1827), American politician
  • Domitia Lepida, female of the Roman imperial dynasty
  • Edward Long (1734–1813), English colonial administrator and planter in Jamaica
  • William Lowndes (1782–1822), American politician


  • Majid bin Said of Zanzibar (1837–1870)
  • Thuwaini bin Said, Sultan of Muscat and Oman (1821–1866)
  • James Madison (1751–1836), 4th President of the United States
  • Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480–1521), Portuguese navigator
  • William Mahone (1826–1895), Confederate general and U.S. Senator from Virginia
  • John Lawrence Manning (1816–1889), 65th Governor of South Carolina
  • John Marshall (1755–1835), 4th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Yaqub al-Mansur (1160–1199)
  • George Mason (1725–1792), Virginia planter, politician, and delegate to the US Constitutional Convention of 1787
  • James McGill, founder of McGill University in Montreal, Canada[9]
  • Henry Middleton (1717–1784), 2nd President of the Continental Congress
  • John Milledge (1757–1818), U.S. Congressman and 26th Governor of Georgia
  • Robert Milligan, (1746–1809) Scottish merchant and ship-owner
  • James Monroe (1758–1831), 5th President of the United States
  • Montezuma II (c. 1480–1520), the last Aztec emperor
  • Frank A. Montgomery (1830–1903), American politician and Confederate cavalry officer[10]
  • Jackson Morton (1794–1874), American politician
  • Muhammad (570–632 AD), last prophet in Islam
  • Hercules Mulligan (1740–1825), tailor and spy during the American Revolutionary War


  • Naaman, Syrian general in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
  • Nero (37–68 AD), Roman emperor
  • John Newton (1725–1807), British slave trader and later abolitionist
  • Nicias (470–413 BC)


  • Colonel John Page (Middle Plantation)
  • Richard Pennant, 1st Baron Penrhyn (1737–1808)
  • John J. Pettus (1813–1867), 20th and 23rd Governor of Mississippi
  • Philemon (? – 68), bishop of Gaza and one of the Seventy Disciples
  • Philip III of Macedon (359–317 BC), king of Macedonia
  • Plato
  • Vedius Pollio
  • James K. Polk (1795–1849), 11th President of the United States
  • Leonidas Polk (1806–1864), planter, Episcopal bishop, and Confederate general
  • Pompey (106–48 BC)
  • Ptolemy I of Egypt
  • Ptolemy II of Egypt (309–246 BC)
  • Ptolemy III of Egypt
  • Ptolemy IV of Egypt
  • Ptolemy V of Egypt
  • Ptolemy VI of Egypt (185–145 BC)
  • Ptolemy VII of Egypt
  • Ptolemy VIII of Egypt (182–116 BC)
  • Ptolemy IX of Egypt (143/142 – 81 BC)
  • Ptolemy X of Egypt (117–51 BC)
  • Ptolemy XI of Egypt
  • Ptolemy XII of Egypt
  • Ptolemy XIII of Egypt (62/61 – 47 BC)
  • Ptolemy XIV of Egypt (60/59 – 44 BC)
  • Ptolemy of Mauretania (13/9 BC – 40 AD)


  • J. G. M. Ramsey (1797–1884), American historian, physician, planter, and businessman
  • Edmund Randolph (1753–1813), American statesman
  • John Randolph (1773–1833), American statesman
  • John Richard (1788–1824), American statesman
  • Stedman Rawlins (c. 1784 – 1830), English Governor of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and plantation owner
  • John Reynolds (1788–1865), 4th Governor of Illinois


  • William K. Sebastian (1812–1865), American politician
  • Ismail Ibn Sharif (1632–1727)
  • Solomon (990–931 BC), ancient King of Israel
  • D. H. Starbuck (1818–1887), North Carolina lawyer, judge, and political figure who served as United States Attorney for the entire state
  • Peter Burwell Starke (1813–1888), politician and Confederate general
  • Alexander H. Stephens (1812–1883), Vice President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War
  • Sulla (138–78 BC), Roman consul and dictator
  • Mary Surratt (1823–1865), alleged conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the first woman executed by the U.S. federal government


  • Clemente Tabone (c. 1575 – 1665), Maltese landowner who owned at least two slaves[11]
  • Lawrence Taliaferro (1794–1871), played a role in the Dred Scott decision in the United States
  • Roger Taney (1777–1864), 5th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Zachary Taylor (1784–1850), 12th President of the United States
  • Tegbessou King of the Kingdom of Dahomey from 1740 until 1774.
  • Edward Telfair (1735–1807), 19th Governor of Georgia
  • Tewodros I, Emperor of Abyssinia
  • George Henry Thomas, Union General in the American Civil War
  • Tiberius (42 BC – 37 AD) Roman emperor
  • Madam Tinubu (1810–1887)
  • Tippu Tip (1832–1905)
  • Tiradentes (1746–1792)
  • Alex Tizon (1959–2017)
  • Robert Toombs (1810–1885), U.S. Congressman, 1st Confederate Secretary of State, and brigadier general in the Confederate Army
  • George Trenholm (1807–1876), American financier
  • George Troup (1780–1856), U.S. Congressman and 32nd Governor of Georgia
  • Homaidan Al-Turki
  • John Tyler (1790–1862), 10th President of the United States


  • Martin Van Buren (1782–1862), 8th President of the United States
  • Jacques Villeré (1761–1830), Governor of Louisiana
  • William Vogel (1770-1836), State Senator of Virginia


  • George Walton (1749–1804), Governor of Georgia, U.S. Senator, and signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence{{cn|date=October 2018}}
  • Joshua John Ward (1800–1853), Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina and "the king of the rice planters", whose estate was once the largest slaveholder in the United States (1,130 slaves)
  • Augustine Washington (1694–1743), Father of George Washington
  • Martha Washington (1731–1802), 1st U.S. First Lady
  • James Moore Wayne (1790–1867), U.S. Congressman and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Thomas H. Watts (1819–1892), 18th Governor of Alabama
  • John Wedderburn of Ballendean (1729–1803), known for being the defendant in a freedom suit brought by Joseph Knight
  • John H. Wheeler (1806–1882), U.S. Cabinet official and North Carolina planter known for two female slaves who escaped his domain, Jane Johnson and Hannah Bond
  • George Whitefield (1714–1770), English Methodist preacher
  • John Winthrop (1587/88–1649), one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the 3rd Governor of Massachusetts


  • Marie-Marguerite d'Youville, the first native-born Canadian to be declared a saint.[12]

See also

  • List of slaves
  • List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves


1. ^{{Citation | title = JSTOR: The American Historical Review | jstor = 1842457 }}
2. ^{{Citation | title = The Ozarks: Land and Life | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=FGZVCf4STBkC&pg=PA82 | accessdate = 13 January 2013| isbn = 9781610753029 | author1 = Rafferty | first1 = Milton D | year = 1980 }}
3. ^{{Cite web |url=http://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/8234 |title=James Blair: Profile & Legacies Summary |website=Legacies of British Slave-ownership |publisher=UCL Department of History 2014 |year=2014 |accessdate=27 June 2014}}
4. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/history-archaeology/butler-family|title=Butler Family|website=New Georgia Encyclopedia|access-date=2016-11-19}}
5. ^{{cite journal|last1=Mangion|first1=Giovanni|title=Girolamo Cassar Architetto maltese del cinquecento|journal=Melita Historica|date=1973|volume=6|issue=2|pages=192–200|url=http://melitensiawth.com/incoming/Index/Melita%20Historica/MH.06(1972-75)/MH.6(1972)2/orig07.pdf|publisher=Malta Historical Society|language=Italian|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160416133159/http://melitensiawth.com/incoming/Index/Melita%20Historica/MH.06%281972-75%29/MH.6%281972%292/orig07.pdf|archivedate=16 April 2016|deadurl=yes|df=}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.pbs.org/lewisandclark/inside/york.html|title=Lewis and Clark . Inside the Corps . The Corps . York |publisher=PBS}}
7. ^{{cite magazine |url=http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-Rescue-of-Henry-Clay.html|title=History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places |magazine=Smithsonian}}
8. ^{{Cite web | url = http://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/-124525692 | title = William James MP: Profile & Legacies Summary | website = Legacies of British Slave-ownership | publisher = UCL Department of History 2014 | year = 2014 | accessdate = 8 July 2017}}
9. ^{{cite news | last = Everett-Green | first = Robert | date = May 12, 2018 | title = 200 Years a Slave: The Dark History of Captivity in Canada | url = https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/200-years-a-slave-the-dark-history-of-captivity-in-canada/article17178374/ | work = The Globe and Mail}}
10. ^{{cite book |last=Montgomery |first=Frank A. |date=1901 |title=Reminiscences of a Mississippian in Peace and War |url=https://archive.org/details/reminiscencesam00montgoog |location=Cincinnati |publisher=The Robert Clark Company Press |page=6 |lccn=01023742 |oclc=1470413 |ol=6909271M}}
11. ^{{cite journal |last1=Bugeja |first1=Anton |title=Clemente Tabone: The man, his family and the early years of St Clement's Chapel |date=2014 |pages=42–57 |url=https://www.academia.edu/9430538/Clemente_Tabone_The_Man_his_family_and_the_early_years_of_St_Clements_Chapel |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20180620141601/https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/35672725/chapter04_final_Clemente_Tabone.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1529504613&Signature=grPUX4FKDtCqw60ifLpaEPlCqew%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DClemente_Tabone_The_Man_his_family_and_t.pdf |archivedate=20 June 2018}}
12. ^{{cite book | last = Walker | first = James W. St. G. | title = "Race," Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada: Historical Case Studies | publisher = Wilfrid Laurier University Press | year = 2006 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=91RrDs9H4YUC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false | pages = 137}}
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