

词条 List of statistics articles

  1. 0–9

  2. A

  3. B

  4. C

  5. D

  6. E

  7. F

  8. G

  9. H

  10. I

  11. J

  12. K

  13. L

  14. M

  15. N

  16. O

  17. P

  18. Q

  19. R

  20. S

  21. T

  22. U

  23. V

  24. W

  25. X

  26. Y

  27. Z

  28. See also

  29. External links

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  • 1.96
  • 2SLS (two-stage least squares){{spaced ndash}} redirects to instrumental variable
  • 3SLS – see three-stage least squares
  • 68–95–99.7 rule
  • 100-year flood


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  • A posteriori probability (disambiguation)
  • A priori probability
  • Abductive reasoning
  • Absolute deviation
  • Absolute risk reduction
  • Absorbing Markov chain
  • ABX test
  • Accelerated failure time model
  • Acceptable quality limit
  • Acceptance sampling
  • Accidental sampling
  • Accuracy and precision
  • Accuracy paradox
  • Acquiescence bias
  • Actuarial science
  • Adapted process
  • Adaptive estimator
  • Additive Markov chain
  • Additive model
  • Additive smoothing
  • Additive white Gaussian noise
  • Adjusted Rand index – see Rand index (subsection)
  • ADMB{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Admissible decision rule
  • Age adjustment
  • Age-standardized mortality rate
  • Age stratification
  • Aggregate data
  • Aggregate pattern
  • Akaike information criterion
  • Algebra of random variables
  • Algebraic statistics
  • Algorithmic inference
  • Algorithms for calculating variance
  • All models are wrong
  • All-pairs testing
  • Allan variance
  • Alignments of random points
  • Almost surely
  • Alpha beta filter
  • Alternative hypothesis
  • Analyse-it – software
  • Analysis of categorical data
  • Analysis of covariance
  • Analysis of molecular variance
  • Analysis of rhythmic variance
  • Analysis of variance
  • Analytic and enumerative statistical studies
  • Ancestral graph
  • Anchor test
  • Ancillary statistic
  • ANCOVA{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Analysis of covariance
  • Anderson–Darling test
  • ANOVA on ranks
  • ANOVA–simultaneous component analysis
  • Anomaly detection
  • Anomaly time series
  • Anscombe transform
  • Anscombe's quartet
  • Antecedent variable
  • Antithetic variates
  • Approximate Bayesian computation
  • Approximate entropy
  • Arcsine distribution
  • Area chart
  • Area compatibility factor
  • ARGUS distribution
  • Arithmetic mean
  • Armitage–Doll multistage model of carcinogenesis
  • Arrival theorem
  • Artificial neural network
  • Ascertainment bias
  • ASReml{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Association (statistics)
  • Association mapping
  • Association scheme
  • Assumed mean
  • Astrostatistics
  • Asymptotic distribution
  • Asymptotic equipartition property (information theory)
  • Asymptotic normality{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Asymptotic distribution
  • Asymptotic relative efficiency{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Efficiency (statistics)
  • Asymptotic theory (statistics)
  • Atkinson index
  • Attack rate
  • Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
  • Aumann's agreement theorem
  • Autocorrelation
    • Autocorrelation plot{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Correlogram
  • Autocovariance
  • Autoregressive conditional duration
  • Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
  • Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average
  • Autoregressive integrated moving average
  • Autoregressive model
  • Autoregressive–moving-average model
  • Auxiliary particle filter
  • Average
  • Average treatment effect
  • Averaged one-dependence estimators
  • Azuma's inequality
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • BA model{{spaced ndash}} model for a random network
  • Backfitting algorithm
  • Balance equation
  • Balanced incomplete block design{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Block design
  • Balanced repeated replication
  • Balding–Nichols model
  • Banburismus{{spaced ndash}} related to Bayesian networks
  • Bangdiwala's B
  • Bapat–Beg theorem
  • Bar chart
  • Barabási–Albert model
  • Barber–Johnson diagram
  • Barnard's test
  • Barnardisation
  • Barnes interpolation
  • Bartlett's method
  • Bartlett's test
  • Bartlett's theorem
  • Base rate
  • Baseball statistics
  • Basu's theorem
  • Bates distribution
  • Baum–Welch algorithm
  • Bayes classifier
  • Bayes error rate
  • Bayes estimator
  • Bayes factor
  • Bayes linear statistics
  • Bayes' rule
  • Bayes' theorem
    • Evidence under Bayes theorem
  • Bayesian – disambiguation
  • Bayesian average
  • Bayesian brain
  • Bayesian econometrics
  • Bayesian experimental design
  • Bayesian game
  • Bayesian inference
  • Bayesian inference in marketing
  • Bayesian inference in phylogeny
  • Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling
  • Bayesian information criterion
  • Bayesian linear regression
  • Bayesian model comparison – see Bayes factor
  • Bayesian multivariate linear regression
  • Bayesian network
  • Bayesian probability
  • Bayesian search theory
  • Bayesian spam filtering
  • Bayesian statistics
  • Bayesian tool for methylation analysis
  • Bayesian vector autoregression
  • BCMP network{{spaced ndash}} queueing theory
  • Bean machine
  • Behrens–Fisher distribution
  • Behrens–Fisher problem
  • Belief propagation
  • Belt transect
  • Benford's law
  • Benini distribution
  • Bennett's inequality
  • Berkson error model
  • Berkson's paradox
  • Berlin procedure
  • Bernoulli distribution
  • Bernoulli process
  • Bernoulli sampling
  • Bernoulli scheme
  • Bernoulli trial
  • Bernstein inequalities (probability theory)
  • Bernstein–von Mises theorem
  • Berry–Esseen theorem
  • Bertrand's ballot theorem
  • Bertrand's box paradox
  • Bessel process
  • Bessel's correction
  • Best linear unbiased prediction
  • Beta (finance)
  • Beta-binomial distribution
  • Beta-binomial model
  • Beta distribution
  • Beta function{{spaced ndash}} for incomplete beta function
  • Beta negative binomial distribution
  • Beta prime distribution
  • Beta rectangular distribution
  • Beverton–Holt model
  • Bhatia–Davis inequality
  • Bhattacharya coefficient{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Bhattacharyya distance
  • Bias (statistics)
  • Bias of an estimator
  • Biased random walk (biochemistry)
  • Biased sample – see Sampling bias
  • Biclustering
  • Big O in probability notation
  • Bienaymé–Chebyshev inequality
  • Bills of Mortality
  • Bimodal distribution
  • Binary classification
  • Bingham distribution
  • Binomial distribution
  • Binomial proportion confidence interval
  • Binomial regression
  • Binomial test
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biometrics (statistics){{spaced ndash}} redirects to Biostatistics
  • Biostatistics
  • Biplot
  • Birnbaum–Saunders distribution
  • Birth–death process
  • Bispectrum
  • Bivariate analysis
  • Bivariate von Mises distribution
  • Black–Scholes
  • Bland–Altman plot
  • Blind deconvolution
  • Blind experiment
  • Block design
  • Blocking (statistics)
  • BMDP{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Bochner's theorem
  • Bonferroni correction
  • Bonferroni inequalities{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Boole's inequality
  • Boole's inequality
  • Boolean analysis
  • Bootstrap aggregating
  • Bootstrap error-adjusted single-sample technique
  • Bootstrapping (statistics)
  • Bootstrapping populations
  • Borel–Cantelli lemma
  • Bose–Mesner algebra
  • Box–Behnken design
  • Box–Cox distribution
  • Box–Cox transformation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Power transform
  • Box–Jenkins
  • Box–Muller transform
  • Box–Pierce test
  • Box plot
  • Branching process
  • Bregman divergence
  • Breusch–Godfrey test
  • Breusch–Pagan statistic{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Breusch–Pagan test
  • Breusch–Pagan test
  • Brown–Forsythe test
  • Brownian bridge
  • Brownian excursion
  • Brownian motion
  • Brownian tree
  • Bruck–Ryser–Chowla theorem
  • Burke's theorem
  • Burr distribution
  • Business statistics
  • Bühlmann model
  • Buzen's algorithm
  • BV4.1 (software)
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  • c-chart
  • Càdlàg
  • Calculating demand forecast accuracy
  • Calculus of predispositions
  • Calibrated probability assessment
  • Calibration (probability){{spaced ndash}} subjective probability, redirects to Calibrated probability assessment
  • Calibration (statistics){{spaced ndash}} the statistical calibration problem
  • Cancer cluster
  • Candlestick chart
  • Canonical analysis
  • Canonical correlation
  • Canopy clustering algorithm
  • Cantor distribution
  • Carpet plot
  • Cartogram
  • Case-control{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Case-control study
  • Case-control study
  • Catastro of Ensenada{{spaced ndash}} a census of part of Spain
  • Categorical data
  • Categorical distribution
  • Categorical variable
  • Cauchy distribution
  • Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
  • Causal Markov condition
  • CDF-based nonparametric confidence interval
  • Ceiling effect (statistics)
  • Cellular noise
  • Censored regression model
  • Censoring (clinical trials)
  • Censoring (statistics)
  • Centering matrix
  • Centerpoint (geometry){{spaced ndash}} Tukey median redirects here
  • Central composite design
  • Central limit theorem
    • Central limit theorem (illustration){{spaced ndash}} redirects to Illustration of the central limit theorem
    • Central limit theorem for directional statistics
    • Lyapunov's central limit theorem
    • Martingale central limit theorem
  • Central moment
  • Central tendency
  • Census
  • Cepstrum
  • CHAID – CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector
  • Chain rule for Kolmogorov complexity
  • Challenge–dechallenge–rechallenge
  • Champernowne distribution
  • Change detection
    • Change detection (GIS)
  • Chapman–Kolmogorov equation
  • Chapman–Robbins bound
  • Characteristic function (probability theory)
  • Chauvenet's criterion
  • Chebyshev center
  • Chebyshev's inequality
  • Checking if a coin is biased{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Checking whether a coin is fair
  • Checking whether a coin is fair
  • Cheeger bound
  • Chemometrics
  • Chernoff bound{{spaced ndash}} a special case of Chernoff's inequality
  • Chernoff face
  • Chernoff's distribution
  • Chernoff's inequality
  • Chi distribution
  • Chi-squared distribution
  • Chi-squared test
  • Chinese restaurant process
  • Choropleth map
  • Chou's invariance theorem
  • Chow test
  • Chronux software
  • Circular analysis
  • Circular distribution
  • Circular error probable
  • Circular statistics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Directional statistics
  • Circular uniform distribution
  • Clark–Ocone theorem
  • Class membership probabilities
  • Classic data sets
  • Classical definition of probability
  • Classical test theory – psychometrics
  • Classification rule
  • Classifier (mathematics)
  • Climate ensemble
  • Climograph
  • Clinical significance
  • Clinical study design
  • Clinical trial
  • Clinical utility of diagnostic tests
  • Cliodynamics
  • Closed testing procedure
  • Cluster analysis
  • Cluster randomised controlled trial
  • Cluster sampling
  • Cluster-weighted modeling
  • Clustering high-dimensional data
  • CMA-ES (Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy)
  • Coalescent theory
  • Cochran's C test
  • Cochran's Q test
  • Cochran's theorem
  • Cochran–Armitage test for trend
  • Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel statistics
  • Cochrane–Orcutt estimation
  • Coding (social sciences)
  • Coefficient of coherence{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Coherence (statistics)
  • Coefficient of determination
  • Coefficient of dispersion
  • Coefficient of variation
  • Cognitive pretesting
  • Cohen's class distribution function – a time-frequency distribution function
  • Cohen's kappa
  • Coherence (signal processing)
  • Coherence (statistics)
  • Cohort (statistics)
  • Cohort effect
  • Cohort study
  • Cointegration
  • Collectively exhaustive events
  • Collider (epidemiology)
  • Combinatorial data analysis
  • Combinatorial design
  • Combinatorial meta-analysis
  • Common-method variance
  • Common mode failure
  • Common cause and special cause (statistics)
  • Comonotonicity
  • Comparing means
  • Comparison of general and generalized linear models
  • Comparison of statistical packages
  • Comparisonwise error rate
  • Complementary event
  • Complete-linkage clustering
  • Complete spatial randomness
  • Completely randomized design
  • Completeness (statistics)
  • Compositional data
  • Composite bar chart
  • Compound Poisson distribution
  • Compound Poisson process
  • Compound probability distribution
  • Computational formula for the variance
  • Computational learning theory
  • Computational statistics
  • Computer experiment
  • Computer-assisted survey information collection
  • Concomitant (statistics)
  • Concordance correlation coefficient
  • Concordant pair
  • Concrete illustration of the central limit theorem
  • Concurrent validity
  • Conditional change model
  • Conditional distribution – see Conditional probability distribution
  • Conditional dependence
  • Conditional expectation
  • Conditional independence
  • Conditional probability
  • Conditional probability distribution
  • Conditional random field
  • Conditional variance
  • Conditionality principle
  • Confidence band{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Confidence and prediction bands
  • Confidence distribution
  • Confidence interval
  • Confidence region
  • Configural frequency analysis
  • Confirmation bias
  • Confirmatory factor analysis
  • Confounding
  • Confounding factor
  • Confusion of the inverse
  • Congruence coefficient
  • Conjoint analysis
    • Conjoint analysis (in healthcare)
    • Conjoint analysis (in marketing)
  • Conjugate prior
  • Consensus-based assessment
  • Consensus clustering
  • Consensus forecast
  • Conservatism (belief revision)
  • Consistency (statistics)
  • Consistent estimator
  • Constant elasticity of substitution
  • Constant false alarm rate
  • Constraint (information theory)
  • Consumption distribution
  • Contact process (mathematics)
  • Content validity
  • Contiguity (probability theory)
  • Contingency table
  • Continuity correction
  • Continuous distribution – see Continuous probability distribution
  • Continuous mapping theorem
  • Continuous probability distribution
  • Continuous stochastic process
  • Continuous-time Markov process
  • Continuous-time stochastic process
  • Contrast (statistics)
  • Control chart
  • Control event rate
  • Control limits
  • Control variate
  • Controlling for a variable
  • Convergence of measures
  • Convergence of random variables
  • Convex hull
  • Convolution of probability distributions
  • Convolution random number generator
  • Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution
  • Cook's distance
  • Cophenetic correlation
  • Copula (statistics)
  • Cornish–Fisher expansion
  • Correct sampling
  • Correction for attenuation
  • Correlation
  • Correlation and dependence
  • Correlation does not imply causation
  • Correlation clustering
  • Correlation function
    • Correlation function (astronomy)
    • Correlation function (quantum field theory)
    • Correlation function (statistical mechanics)
  • Correlation implies causation
  • Correlation inequality
  • Correlation ratio
  • Correlogram
  • Correspondence analysis
  • Cosmic variance
  • Cost-of-living index
  • Count data
  • Counternull
  • Counting process
  • Covariance
  • Covariance and correlation
  • Covariance intersection
  • Covariance matrix
  • Covariance function
  • Covariate
  • Cover's theorem
  • Coverage probability
  • Cox process
  • Cox's theorem
  • Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model
  • Cramér–Rao bound
  • Cramér–von Mises criterion
  • Cramér’s decomposition theorem
  • Cramér's theorem (large deviations)
  • Cramér's V
  • Craps principle
  • Credal set
  • Credible interval
  • Cricket statistics
  • Crime statistics
  • Critical region{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Statistical hypothesis testing
  • Cromwell's rule
  • Cronbach's α
  • Cross-correlation
  • Cross-covariance
  • Cross-entropy method
  • Cross-sectional data
  • Cross-sectional regression
  • Cross-sectional study
  • Cross-spectrum
  • Cross tabulation
  • Cross-validation (statistics)
  • Crossover study
  • Crystal Ball function – a probability distribution
  • Cumulant
  • Cumulant generating function{{spaced ndash}} redirects to cumulant
  • Cumulative accuracy profile
  • Cumulative distribution function
  • Cumulative frequency analysis
  • Cumulative incidence
  • Cunningham function
  • CURE data clustering algorithm
  • Curve fitting
  • Cuzick–Edwards test
  • Cyclostationary process
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  • d-separation
  • D/M/1 queue
  • D'Agostino's K-squared test
  • Dagum distribution
  • DAP{{spaced ndash}} open source software
  • Data analysis
  • Data assimilation
  • Data binning
  • Data classification (business intelligence)
  • Data cleansing
  • Data clustering
  • Data collection
  • Data Desk{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Data dredging
  • Data fusion
  • Data generating process{{spaced ndash}} disambiguation
  • Data mining
  • Data reduction
  • Data point
  • Data quality assurance
  • Data set
  • Data-snooping bias
  • Data stream clustering
  • Data transformation (statistics)
  • Data visualization
  • DataDetective{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Dataplot{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Davies–Bouldin index
  • Davis distribution
  • De Finetti's game
  • De Finetti's theorem
  • DeFries–Fulker regression
  • de Moivre's law
  • De Moivre–Laplace theorem
  • Decision boundary
  • Decision theory
  • Decomposition of time series
  • Degenerate distribution
  • Degrees of freedom (statistics)
  • Delaporte distribution
  • Delphi method
  • Delta method
  • Demand forecasting
  • Deming regression
  • Demographics
  • Demography
    • Demographic statistics
  • Dendrogram
  • Density estimation
  • Dependent and independent variables
  • Descriptive research
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Design effect
  • Design matrix
  • Design of experiments
    • The Design of Experiments (book by Fisher)
  • Detailed balance
  • Detection theory
  • Determining the number of clusters in a data set
  • Detrended correspondence analysis
  • Detrended fluctuation analysis
  • Deviance (statistics)
  • Deviance information criterion
  • Deviation (statistics)
  • Deviation analysis (disambiguation)
  • DFFITS{{spaced ndash}} a regression diagnostic
  • Diagnostic odds ratio
  • Dickey–Fuller test
  • Difference in differences
  • Differential entropy
  • Diffusion process
  • Diffusion-limited aggregation
  • Dimension reduction
  • Dilution assay
  • Direct relationship
  • Directional statistics
  • Dirichlet distribution
  • Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
  • Dirichlet process
  • Disattenuation
  • Discrepancy function
  • Discrete choice
  • Discrete choice analysis
  • Discrete distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to section of Probability distribution
  • Discrete frequency domain
  • Discrete phase-type distribution
  • Discrete probability distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to section of Probability distribution
  • Discrete time
  • Discretization of continuous features
  • Discriminant function analysis
  • Discriminative model
  • Disorder problem
  • Distance correlation
  • Distance sampling
  • Distributed lag
  • Distribution fitting
  • Divergence (statistics)
  • Diversity index
  • Divisia index
  • Divisia monetary aggregates index
  • Dixon's Q test
  • Dominating decision rule
  • Donsker's theorem
  • Doob decomposition theorem
  • Doob martingale
  • Doob's martingale convergence theorems
  • Doob's martingale inequality
  • Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem
  • Doomsday argument
  • Dot plot (bioinformatics)
  • Dot plot (statistics)
  • Double counting (fallacy)
  • Double exponential distribution (disambiguation)
  • Double mass analysis
  • Doubly stochastic model
  • Drift rate{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Stochastic drift
  • Dudley's theorem
  • Dummy variable (statistics)
  • Duncan's new multiple range test
  • Dunn index
  • Dunnett's test
  • Durbin test
  • Durbin–Watson statistic
  • Dutch book
  • Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality
  • Dyadic distribution
  • Dynamic Bayesian network
  • Dynamic factor
  • Dynamic topic model
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  • E-statistic
  • Earth mover's distance
  • Eaton's inequality
  • Ecological correlation
  • Ecological fallacy
  • Ecological regression
  • Ecological study
  • Econometrics
  • Econometric model
  • Econometric software{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Comparison of statistical packages
  • Economic data
  • Economic epidemiology
  • Economic statistics
  • Eddy covariance
  • Edgeworth series
  • Effect size
  • Efficiency (statistics)
  • Efficient estimator
  • Ehrenfest model
  • Elastic map
  • Elliptical distribution
  • Ellsberg paradox
  • Elston–Stewart algorithm
  • EMG distribution
  • Empirical
  • Empirical Bayes method
  • Empirical distribution function
  • Empirical likelihood
  • Empirical measure
  • Empirical orthogonal functions
  • Empirical probability
  • Empirical process
  • Empirical statistical laws
  • Endogeneity (economics)
  • End point of clinical trials
  • Energy distance
  • Energy statistics (disambiguation)
  • Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (book)
  • Engineering statistics
  • Engineering tolerance
  • Engset calculation
  • Ensemble forecasting
  • Ensemble Kalman filter
  • Entropy (information theory)
  • Entropy estimation
  • Entropy power inequality
  • Environmental statistics
  • Epi Info{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Epidata{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Epidemic model
  • Epidemiological methods
  • Epilogism
  • Epitome (image processing)
  • Epps effect
  • Equating{{spaced ndash}} test equating
  • Equipossible
  • Equiprobable
  • Erdős–Rényi model
  • Erlang distribution
  • Ergodic theory
  • Ergodicity
  • Error bar
  • Error correction model
  • Error function
  • Errors and residuals in statistics
  • Errors-in-variables models
  • An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances
  • Estimating equations
  • Estimation theory
  • Estimation of covariance matrices
  • Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques
  • Estimator
  • Etemadi's inequality
  • Ethical problems using children in clinical trials
  • Event (probability theory)
  • Event study
  • Evidence lower bound
  • Evidence under Bayes theorem
  • Evolutionary data mining
  • Ewens's sampling formula
  • EWMA chart
  • Exact statistics
  • Exact test
  • Examples of Markov chains
  • Excess risk
  • Exchange paradox
  • Exchangeable random variables
  • Expander walk sampling
  • Expectation–maximization algorithm
  • Expectation propagation
  • Expected utility hypothesis
  • Expected value
  • Expected value of sample information
  • Experiment
  • Experimental design diagram
  • Experimental event rate
  • Experimental uncertainty analysis
  • Experimenter's bias
  • Experimentwise error rate
  • Explained sum of squares
  • Explained variation
  • Explanatory variable
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Exploratory factor analysis
  • Exponential dispersion model
  • Exponential distribution
  • Exponential family
  • Exponential-logarithmic distribution
  • Exponential power distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Generalized normal distribution
  • Exponential random numbers{{spaced ndash}} redirect to subsection of Exponential distribution
  • Exponential smoothing
  • Exponentially modified Gaussian distribution
  • Exponentiated Weibull distribution
  • Exposure variable
  • Extended Kalman filter
  • Extended negative binomial distribution
  • Extensions of Fisher's method
  • External validity
  • Extrapolation domain analysis
  • Extreme value theory
  • Extremum estimator
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • F-distribution
  • F-divergence
  • F-statistics{{spaced ndash}} population genetics
  • F-test
  • F-test of equality of variances
  • F1 score
  • Factor analysis
  • Factor regression model
  • Factor graph
  • Factorial code
  • Factorial experiment
  • Factorial moment
  • Factorial moment generating function
  • Failure rate
  • Fair coin
  • Falconer's formula
  • False discovery rate
  • False nearest neighbor algorithm
  • False negative
  • False positive
  • False positive rate
  • False positive paradox
  • Familywise error rate
  • Fan chart (time series)
  • Fano factor
  • Fast Fourier transform
  • Fast Kalman filter
  • FastICA{{spaced ndash}} fast independent component analysis
  • Fat-tailed distribution
  • Feasible generalized least squares
  • Feature extraction
  • Feller process
  • Feller's coin-tossing constants
  • Feller-continuous process
  • Felsenstein's tree-pruning algorithm{{spaced ndash}} statistical genetics
  • Fides (reliability)
  • Fiducial inference
  • Field experiment
  • Fieller's theorem
  • File drawer problem
  • Filtering problem (stochastic processes)
  • Financial econometrics
  • Financial models with long-tailed distributions and volatility clustering
  • Finite-dimensional distribution
  • First-hitting-time model
  • First-in-man study
  • Fishburn–Shepp inequality
  • Fisher consistency
  • Fisher information
  • Fisher information metric
  • Fisher kernel
  • Fisher transformation
  • Fisher's exact test
  • Fisher's inequality
  • Fisher's linear discriminator
  • Fisher's method
  • Fisher's noncentral hypergeometric distribution
  • Fisher's z-distribution
  • Fisher–Tippett distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Generalized extreme value distribution
  • Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem
  • Five-number summary
  • Fixed effects estimator and Fixed effects estimation{{spaced ndash}} redirect to Fixed effects model
  • FLAME clustering
  • Fleiss' kappa
  • Fleming–Viot process
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Floor effect
  • Focused information criterion
  • Fokker–Planck equation
  • Folded normal distribution
  • Forecast bias
  • Forecast error
  • Forecast skill
  • Forecasting
  • Forest plot
  • Fork-join queue
  • Formation matrix
  • Forward measure
  • Foster's theorem
  • Foundations of statistics
  • Founders of statistics
  • Fourier analysis
  • Fowlkes–Mallows index
  • Fraction of variance unexplained
  • Fractional Brownian motion
  • Fractional factorial design
  • Fréchet distribution
  • Fréchet mean
  • Free statistical software
  • Freedman's paradox
  • Freedman–Diaconis rule
  • Freidlin–Wentzell theorem
  • Frequency (statistics)
  • Frequency distribution
  • Frequency domain
  • Frequency probability
  • Frequentist inference
  • Friedman test
  • Friendship paradox
  • Frisch–Waugh–Lovell theorem
  • Fully crossed design
  • Function approximation
  • Functional boxplot
  • Functional data analysis
  • Funnel plot
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Fuzzy measure theory
  • FWL theorem{{spaced ndash}} relating regression and projection
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • G/G/1 queue
  • G-network
  • G-test
  • Galbraith plot
  • Gallagher Index
  • Galton–Watson process
  • Galton's problem
  • Gambler's fallacy
  • Gambler's ruin
  • Gambling and information theory
  • Game of chance
  • Gamma distribution
  • Gamma test (statistics)
  • Gamma process
  • Gamma variate
  • GAUSS (software)
  • Gauss's inequality
  • Gauss–Kuzmin distribution
  • Gauss–Markov process
  • Gauss–Markov theorem
  • Gauss–Newton algorithm
  • Gaussian function
  • Gaussian isoperimetric inequality
  • Gaussian measure
  • Gaussian noise
  • Gaussian process
  • Gaussian process emulator
  • Gaussian q-distribution
  • Geary's C
  • GEH statistic – a statistic comparing modelled and observed counts
  • General linear model
  • General matrix notation of a VAR(p)
  • Generalizability theory
  • Generalized additive model
  • Generalized additive model for location, scale and shape
  • Generalized beta distribution
  • Generalized canonical correlation
  • Generalized chi-squared distribution
  • Generalized Dirichlet distribution
  • Generalized entropy index
  • Generalized estimating equation
  • Generalized expected utility
  • Generalized extreme value distribution
  • Generalized gamma distribution
  • Generalized Gaussian distribution
  • Generalised hyperbolic distribution
  • Generalized inverse Gaussian distribution
  • Generalized least squares
  • Generalized linear array model
  • Generalized linear mixed model
  • Generalized linear model
  • Generalized logistic distribution
  • Generalized method of moments
  • Generalized multidimensional scaling
  • Generalized multivariate log-gamma distribution
  • Generalized normal distribution
  • Generalized p-value
  • Generalized Pareto distribution
  • Generalized Procrustes analysis
  • Generalized randomized block design
  • Generalized Tobit
  • Generalized Wiener process
  • Generative model
  • Genetic epidemiology
  • GenStat{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Geo-imputation
  • Geodemographic segmentation
  • Geometric Brownian motion
  • Geometric data analysis
  • Geometric distribution
  • Geometric median
  • Geometric standard deviation
  • Geometric stable distribution
  • Geospatial predictive modeling
  • Geostatistics
  • German tank problem
  • Gerschenkron effect
  • Gibbs sampling
  • Gillespie algorithm
  • Gini coefficient
  • Girsanov theorem
  • Gittins index
  • GLIM (software){{spaced ndash}} software
  • Glivenko–Cantelli theorem
  • GLUE (uncertainty assessment)
  • Goldfeld–Quandt test
  • Gompertz distribution
  • Gompertz function
  • Gompertz–Makeham law of mortality
  • Good–Turing frequency estimation
  • Goodhart's law
  • Goodman and Kruskal's gamma
  • Goodman and Kruskal's lambda
  • Goodness of fit
  • Gordon–Newell network
  • Gordon–Newell theorem
  • Graeco-Latin square
  • Grand mean
  • Granger causality
  • Graph cuts in computer vision{{spaced ndash}} a potential application of Bayesian analysis
  • Graphical model
  • Graphical models for protein structure
  • GraphPad InStat{{spaced ndash}} software
  • GraphPad Prism{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Gravity model of trade
  • Greenwood statistic
  • Gretl
  • Group family
  • Group method of data handling
  • Group size measures
  • Grouped data
  • Grubbs's test for outliers
  • Guess value
  • Guesstimate
  • Gumbel distribution
  • Guttman scale
  • Gy's sampling theory
{{div col end}}


{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • h-index
  • Hájek–Le Cam convolution theorem
  • Half circle distribution
  • Half-logistic distribution
  • Half-normal distribution
  • Halton sequence
  • Hamburger moment problem
  • Hannan–Quinn information criterion
  • Harris chain
  • Hardy–Weinberg principle{{spaced ndash}} statistical genetics
  • Hartley's test
  • Hat matrix
  • Hammersley–Clifford theorem
  • Hausdorff moment problem
  • Hausman specification test{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Hausman test
  • Haybittle–Peto boundary
  • Hazard function{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Failure rate
  • Hazard ratio
  • Heaps' law
  • Health care analytics
  • Heart rate variability
  • Heavy-tailed distribution
  • Heckman correction
  • Hedonic regression
  • Hellin's law
  • Hellinger distance
  • Helmert–Wolf blocking
  • Herdan's law
  • Herfindahl index
  • Heston model
  • Heteroscedasticity
  • Heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors
  • Heteroskedasticity – see Heteroscedasticity
  • Hidden Markov model
  • Hidden Markov random field
  • Hidden semi-Markov model
  • Hierarchical Bayes model
  • Hierarchical clustering
  • Hierarchical hidden Markov model
  • Hierarchical linear modeling
  • High-dimensional statistics
  • Higher-order factor analysis
  • Higher-order statistics
  • Hirschman uncertainty
  • Histogram
  • Historiometry
  • History of randomness
  • History of statistics
  • Hitting time
  • Hodges' estimator
  • Hodges–Lehmann estimator
  • Hoeffding's independence test
  • Hoeffding's lemma
  • Hoeffding's inequality
  • Holm–Bonferroni method
  • Holtsmark distribution
  • Homogeneity (statistics)
  • Homogenization (climate)
  • Homoscedasticity
  • Hoover index (a.k.a. Robin Hood index)
  • Horvitz–Thompson estimator
  • Hosmer–Lemeshow test
  • Hotelling's T-squared distribution
  • How to Lie with Statistics (book)
  • Howland will forgery trial
  • Hubbert curve
  • Huber–White standard error – see Heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors
  • Huber loss function
  • Human subject research
  • Hurst exponent
  • Hyper-exponential distribution
  • Hyper-Graeco-Latin square design
  • Hyperbolic distribution
  • Hyperbolic secant distribution
  • Hypergeometric distribution
  • Hyperparameter
  • Hyperprior
  • Hypoexponential distribution
{{div col end}}


{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Idealised population
  • Idempotent matrix
  • Identifiability
  • Ignorability
  • Illustration of the central limit theorem
  • Image denoising
  • Importance sampling
  • Imprecise probability
  • Impulse response
  • Imputation (statistics)
  • Incidence (epidemiology)
  • Increasing process
  • Indecomposable distribution
  • Independence of irrelevant alternatives
  • Independent component analysis
  • Independent and identically distributed random variables
  • Index (economics)
  • Index number
  • Index of coincidence
  • Index of dispersion
  • Indicators of spatial association
  • Indirect least squares
  • Inductive inference
  • An inequality on location and scale parameters – see Chebyshev's inequality
  • Inference
  • Inferential statistics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Statistical inference
  • Infinite divisibility (probability)
  • Infinite monkey theorem
  • Influence diagram
  • Info-gap decision theory
  • Information bottleneck method
  • Information geometry
  • Information gain ratio
  • Information ratio{{spaced ndash}} finance
  • Information source (mathematics)
  • Information theory
  • Inherent bias
  • Inherent zero
  • Injury prevention{{spaced ndash}} application
  • Innovation (signal processing)
  • Innovations vector
  • Institutional review board
  • Instrumental variable
  • Intention to treat analysis
  • Interaction (statistics)
  • Interaction variable{{spaced ndash}} see Interaction (statistics)
  • Interclass correlation
  • Interdecile range
  • Interim analysis
  • Internal consistency
  • Internal validity
  • Interquartile mean
  • Interquartile range
  • Inter-rater reliability
  • Interval estimation
  • Intervening variable
  • Intra-rater reliability
  • Intraclass correlation
  • Invariant estimator
  • Invariant extended Kalman filter
  • Inverse distance weighting
  • Inverse distribution
  • Inverse Gaussian distribution
  • Inverse matrix gamma distribution
  • Inverse Mills ratio
  • Inverse probability
  • Inverse probability weighting
  • Inverse relationship
  • Inverse-chi-squared distribution
  • Inverse-gamma distribution
  • Inverse transform sampling
  • Inverse-variance weighting
  • Inverse-Wishart distribution
  • Iris flower data set
  • Irwin–Hall distribution
  • Isomap
  • Isotonic regression
  • Isserlis' theorem
  • Item response theory
  • Item-total correlation
  • Item tree analysis
  • Iterative proportional fitting
  • Iteratively reweighted least squares
  • Itō calculus
  • Itō isometry
  • Itō's lemma
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Jaccard index
  • Jackknife (statistics){{spaced ndash}} redirects to Resampling (statistics)
  • Jackson network
  • Jackson's theorem (queueing theory)
  • Jadad scale
  • James–Stein estimator
  • Jarque–Bera test
  • Jeffreys prior
  • Jensen's inequality
  • Jensen–Shannon divergence
  • JMulTi{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Johansen test
  • Johnson SU distribution
  • Joint probability distribution
  • Jonckheere's trend test
  • JMP (statistical software)
  • Jump process
  • Jump-diffusion model
  • Junction tree algorithm
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • K-distribution
  • K-means algorithm{{spaced ndash}} redirects to k-means clustering
  • K-means++
  • K-medians clustering
  • K-medoids
  • K-statistic
  • Kalman filter
  • Kaplan–Meier estimator
  • Kappa coefficient
  • Kappa statistic
  • Karhunen–Loève theorem
  • Kendall tau distance
  • Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient
  • Kendall's notation
  • Kendall's W{{spaced ndash}} Kendall's coefficient of concordance
  • Kent distribution
  • Kernel density estimation
  • Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis
  • Kernel methods
  • Kernel principal component analysis
  • Kernel regression
  • Kernel smoother
  • Kernel (statistics)
  • Khmaladze transformation (probability theory)
  • Killed process
  • Khintchine inequality
  • Kingman's formula
  • Kirkwood approximation
  • Kish grid
  • Kitchen sink regression
  • Klecka's tau
  • Knightian uncertainty
  • Kolmogorov backward equation
  • Kolmogorov continuity theorem
  • Kolmogorov extension theorem
  • Kolmogorov's criterion
  • Kolmogorov's generalized criterion
  • Kolmogorov's inequality
  • Kolmogorov's zero–one law
  • Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
  • KPSS test
  • Kriging
  • Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance
  • Kuder–Richardson Formula 20
  • Kuiper's test
  • Kullback's inequality
  • Kullback–Leibler divergence
  • Kumaraswamy distribution
  • Kurtosis
  • Kushner equation
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • L-estimator
  • L-moment
  • Labour Force Survey
  • Lack-of-fit sum of squares
  • Lady tasting tea
  • Lag operator
  • Lag windowing
  • Lambda distribution{{spaced ndash}} disambiguation
  • Landau distribution
  • Lander–Green algorithm
  • Language model
  • Laplace distribution
  • Laplace principle (large deviations theory)
  • LaplacesDemon{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Large deviations theory
  • Large deviations of Gaussian random functions
  • LARS – see least-angle regression
  • Latent variable, latent variable model
  • Latent class model
  • Latent Dirichlet allocation
  • Latent growth modeling
  • Latent semantic analysis
  • Latin rectangle
  • Latin square
  • Latin hypercube sampling
  • Law (stochastic processes)
  • Law of averages
  • Law of comparative judgment
  • Law of large numbers
  • Law of the iterated logarithm
  • Law of the unconscious statistician
  • Law of total covariance
  • Law of total cumulance
  • Law of total expectation
  • Law of total probability
  • Law of total variance
  • Law of truly large numbers
  • Layered hidden Markov model
  • Le Cam's theorem
  • Lead time bias
  • Least absolute deviations
  • Least-angle regression
  • Least squares
  • Least-squares spectral analysis
  • Least squares support vector machine
  • Least trimmed squares
  • Learning theory (statistics)
  • Leftover hash-lemma
  • Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
  • Length time bias
  • Levene's test
  • Level of analysis
  • Level of measurement
  • Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
  • Leverage (statistics)
  • Levey–Jennings chart{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Laboratory quality control
  • Lévy's convergence theorem
  • Lévy's continuity theorem
  • Lévy arcsine law
  • Lévy distribution
  • Lévy flight
  • Lévy process
  • Lewontin's Fallacy
  • Lexis diagram
  • Lexis ratio
  • Lies, damned lies, and statistics
  • Life expectancy
  • Life table
  • Lift (data mining)
  • Likelihood function
  • Likelihood principle
  • Likelihood-ratio test
  • Likelihood ratios in diagnostic testing
  • Likert scale
  • Lilliefors test
  • Limited dependent variable
  • Limiting density of discrete points
  • Lincoln index
  • Lindeberg's condition
  • Lindley equation
  • Lindley's paradox
  • Line chart
  • Line-intercept sampling
  • Linear classifier
  • Linear discriminant analysis
  • Linear least squares (disambiguation)
  • Linear least squares (mathematics)
  • Linear model
  • Linear prediction
  • Linear probability model
  • Linear regression
  • Linguistic demography
  • Linnik distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Geometric stable distribution
  • LISREL{{spaced ndash}} proprietary statistical software package
  • List of basic statistics topics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Outline of statistics
  • List of convolutions of probability distributions
  • List of graphical methods
  • List of information graphics software
  • List of probability topics
  • List of random number generators
  • List of scientific journals in statistics
  • List of statistical packages
  • List of statisticians
  • Listwise deletion
  • Little's law
  • Littlewood's law
  • Ljung–Box test
  • Local convex hull
  • Local independence
  • Local martingale
  • Local regression
  • Location estimation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Location parameter
  • Location estimation in sensor networks
  • Location parameter
  • Location test
  • Location-scale family
  • Local asymptotic normality
  • Locality (statistics)
  • Loess curve{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Local regression
  • Log-Cauchy distribution
  • Log-Laplace distribution
  • Log-normal distribution
  • Log-linear analysis
  • Log-linear model
  • Log-linear modeling{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Poisson regression
  • Log-log plot
  • Log-logistic distribution
  • Logarithmic distribution
  • Logarithmic mean
  • Logistic distribution
  • Logistic function
  • Logistic regression
  • Logit
  • Logit analysis in marketing
  • Logit-normal distribution
  • Log-normal distribution
  • Logrank test
  • Lomax distribution
  • Long-range dependency
  • Long Tail
  • Long-tail traffic
  • Longitudinal study
  • Longstaff–Schwartz model
  • Lorenz curve
  • Loss function
  • Lot quality assurance sampling
  • Lotka's law
  • Low birth weight paradox
  • Lucia de Berk{{spaced ndash}} prob/stats related court case
  • Lukacs's proportion-sum independence theorem
  • Łukaszyk–Karmowski metric
  • Lumpability
  • Lusser's law
  • Lyapunov's central limit theorem
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • M/D/1 queue
  • M/G/1 queue
  • M/M/1 queue
  • M/M/c queue
  • M-estimator
    • Redescending M-estimator
  • M-separation
  • Mabinogion sheep problem
  • Machine learning
  • Mahalanobis distance
  • Main effect
  • Mallows's Cp
  • Manhattan plot
  • Mann–Whitney U
  • Mantel test
  • MAP estimator{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Maximum a posteriori estimation
  • Marchenko–Pastur distribution
  • Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequality
  • Marcum Q-function
  • Margin of error
  • Marginal conditional stochastic dominance
  • Marginal distribution
  • Marginal likelihood
  • Marginal model
  • Marginal variable{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Marginal distribution
  • Mark and recapture
  • Markov additive process
  • Markov blanket
  • Markov chain
    • Markov chain geostatistics
    • Markov chain mixing time
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo
  • Markov decision process
  • Markov information source
  • Markov kernel
  • Markov logic network
  • Markov model
  • Markov network
  • Markov process
  • Markov property
  • Markov random field
  • Markov renewal process
  • Markov's inequality
  • Markovian arrival processes
  • Marsaglia polar method
  • Martingale (probability theory)
  • Martingale difference sequence
  • Martingale representation theorem
  • Master equation
  • Matched filter
  • Matching pursuit
  • Matching (statistics)
  • Matérn covariance function
  • Mathematica – software
  • Mathematical biology
  • Mathematical modelling in epidemiology
  • Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Matthews correlation coefficient
  • Matrix gamma distribution
  • Matrix normal distribution
  • Matrix population models
  • Matrix t-distribution
  • Mauchly's sphericity test
  • Maximal ergodic theorem
  • Maximal information coefficient
  • Maximum a posteriori estimation
  • Maximum entropy classifier{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Logistic regression
  • Maximum-entropy Markov model
  • Maximum entropy method{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Principle of maximum entropy
  • Maximum entropy probability distribution
  • Maximum entropy spectral estimation
  • Maximum likelihood
  • Maximum likelihood sequence estimation
  • Maximum parsimony
  • Maximum spacing estimation
  • Maxwell speed distribution
  • Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
  • Maxwell's theorem
  • Mazziotta–Pareto index
  • MCAR (missing completely at random)
  • McCullagh's parametrization of the Cauchy distributions
  • McDiarmid's inequality
  • McDonald–Kreitman test{{spaced ndash}} statistical genetics
  • McKay's approximation for the coefficient of variation
  • McNemar's test
  • Meadow's law
  • Mean
  • Mean{{spaced ndash}} see also expected value
  • Mean absolute error
  • Mean absolute percentage error
  • Mean absolute scaled error
  • Mean and predicted response
  • Mean deviation (disambiguation)
  • Mean difference
  • Mean integrated squared error
  • Mean of circular quantities
  • Mean percentage error
  • Mean preserving spread
  • Mean reciprocal rank
  • Mean signed difference
  • Mean square quantization error
  • Mean square weighted deviation
  • Mean squared error
  • Mean squared prediction error
  • Mean time between failures
  • Mean-reverting process{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
  • Mean value analysis
  • Measurement, level of – see level of measurement.
  • Measurement invariance
  • MedCalc{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Median
  • Median absolute deviation
  • Median polish
  • Median test
  • Mediation (statistics)
  • Medical statistics
  • Medoid
  • Memorylessness
  • Mendelian randomization
  • Meta-analysis
  • Meta-regression
  • Method of moments (statistics)
  • Method of simulated moments
  • Method of support
  • Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
  • Mexican paradox
  • Microdata (statistics)
  • Midhinge
  • Mid-range
  • MinHash
  • Minimax
  • Minimax estimator
  • Minimisation (clinical trials)
  • Minimum chi-square estimation
  • Minimum distance estimation
  • Minimum mean square error
  • Minimum-variance unbiased estimator
  • Minimum viable population
  • Minitab
  • MINQUE{{spaced ndash}} minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation
  • Misleading graph
  • Missing completely at random
  • Missing data
  • Missing values – see Missing data
  • Mittag–Leffler distribution
  • Mixed logit
  • Misuse of statistics
  • Mixed data sampling
  • Mixed-design analysis of variance
  • Mixed model
  • Mixing (mathematics)
  • Mixture distribution
  • Mixture model
  • Mixture (probability)
  • MLwiN
  • Mode (statistics)
  • Model output statistics
  • Model selection
  • Model specification
  • Moderator variable{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Moderation (statistics)
  • Modifiable areal unit problem
  • Moffat distribution
  • Moment (mathematics)
  • Moment-generating function
  • Moments, method of{{spaced ndash}} see method of moments (statistics)
  • Moment problem
  • Monotone likelihood ratio
  • Monte Carlo integration
  • Monte Carlo method
  • Monte Carlo method for photon transport
  • Monte Carlo methods for option pricing
  • Monte Carlo methods in finance
  • Monte Carlo molecular modeling
  • Moral graph
  • Moran process
  • Moran's I
  • Morisita's overlap index
  • Morris method
  • Mortality rate
  • Most probable number
  • Moving average
  • Moving-average model
  • Moving average representation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Wold's theorem
  • Moving least squares
  • Multi-armed bandit
  • Multi-vari chart
  • Multiclass classification
  • Multiclass LDA (linear discriminant analysis){{spaced ndash}} redirects to Linear discriminant analysis
  • Multicollinearity
  • Multidimensional analysis
  • Multidimensional Chebyshev's inequality
  • Multidimensional panel data
  • Multidimensional scaling
  • Multifactor design of experiments software
  • Multifactor dimensionality reduction
  • Multilevel model
  • Multilinear principal component analysis
  • Multinomial distribution
  • Multinomial logistic regression
  • Multinomial logit – see Multinomial logistic regression
  • Multinomial probit
  • Multinomial test
  • Multiple baseline design
  • Multiple comparisons
  • Multiple correlation
  • Multiple correspondence analysis
  • Multiple discriminant analysis
  • Multiple-indicator kriging
  • Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
  • Multiple of the median
  • Multiple testing correction{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Multiple comparisons
  • Multiple-try Metropolis
  • Multiresolution analysis
  • Multiscale decision making
  • Multiscale geometric analysis
  • Multistage testing
  • Multitaper
  • Multitrait-multimethod matrix
  • Multivariate adaptive regression splines
  • Multivariate analysis
  • Multivariate analysis of variance
  • Multivariate distribution – see Joint probability distribution
  • Multivariate kernel density estimation
  • Multivariate normal distribution
  • Multivariate Pareto distribution
  • Multivariate Pólya distribution
  • Multivariate probit{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Multivariate probit model
  • Multivariate random variable
  • Multivariate stable distribution
  • Multivariate statistics
  • Multivariate Student distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Multivariate t-distribution
  • Multivariate t-distribution
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • n = 1 fallacy
  • N of 1 trial
  • Naive Bayes classifier
  • Nakagami distribution
  • National and international statistical services
  • Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient
  • National Health Interview Survey
  • Natural experiment
  • Natural exponential family
  • Natural process variation
  • NCSS (statistical software)
  • Nearest-neighbor chain algorithm
  • Negative binomial distribution
  • Negative multinomial distribution
  • Negative predictive value
  • Negative relationship
  • Negentropy
  • Neighbourhood components analysis
  • Neighbor joining
  • Nelson rules
  • Nelson–Aalen estimator
  • Nemenyi test
  • Nested case-control study
  • Nested sampling algorithm
  • Network probability matrix
  • Neural network
  • Neutral vector
  • Newcastle–Ottawa scale
  • Newey–West estimator
  • Newman–Keuls method
  • Neyer d-optimal test
  • Neyman construction
  • Neyman–Pearson lemma
  • Nicholson–Bailey model
  • Nominal category
  • Noncentral beta distribution
  • Noncentral chi distribution
  • Noncentral chi-squared distribution
  • Noncentral F-distribution
  • Noncentral hypergeometric distributions
  • Noncentral t-distribution
  • Noncentrality parameter
  • Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model
  • Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
  • Non-linear iterative partial least squares
  • Nonlinear regression
  • Non-homogeneous Poisson process
  • Non-linear least squares
  • Non-negative matrix factorization
  • Nonparametric skew
  • Non-parametric statistics
  • Non-response bias
  • Non-sampling error
  • Nonparametric regression
  • Nonprobability sampling
  • Normal curve equivalent
  • Normal distribution
  • Normal probability plot{{spaced ndash}} see also rankit
  • Normal score{{spaced ndash}} see also rankit and Z score
  • Normal variance-mean mixture
  • Normal-exponential-gamma distribution
  • Normal-gamma distribution
  • Normal-inverse Gaussian distribution
  • Normal-scaled inverse gamma distribution
  • Normality test
  • Normalization (statistics)
  • Normally distributed and uncorrelated does not imply independent
  • Notation in probability and statistics
  • Novikov's condition
  • np-chart
  • Null distribution
  • Null hypothesis
  • Null result
  • Nuisance parameter
  • Nuisance variable
  • Numerical data
  • Numerical methods for linear least squares
  • Numerical parameter{{spaced ndash}} redirects to statistical parameter
  • Numerical smoothing and differentiation
  • NumXL{{spaced ndash}} software (Excel addin)
  • Nuremberg Code
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Observable variable
  • Observational equivalence
  • Observational error
  • Observational study
  • Observed information
  • Occupancy frequency distribution
  • Odds
  • Odds algorithm
  • Odds ratio
  • Official statistics
  • Ogden tables
  • Ogive (statistics)
  • Omitted-variable bias
  • Omnibus test
  • One- and two-tailed tests
  • One-class classification
  • One-factor-at-a-time method
  • One-tailed test{{spaced ndash}} redirects to One- and two-tailed tests
  • One-way analysis of variance
  • Online NMF Online Non-negative Matrix Factorisation
  • Open-label trial
  • OpenEpi{{spaced ndash}} software
  • OpenBUGS{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Operational confound
  • Operational sex ratio
  • Operations research
  • Opinion poll
  • Optimal decision
  • Optimal design
  • Optimal discriminant analysis
  • Optimal matching
  • Optimal stopping
  • Optimality criterion
  • Optimistic knowledge gradient
  • Optional stopping theorem
  • Order of a kernel
  • Order of integration
  • Order statistic
  • Ordered logit
  • Ordered probit
  • Ordered subset expectation maximization
  • Ordinal regression
  • Ordinary least squares
  • Ordination (statistics)
  • Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
  • Orthogonal array testing
  • Orthogonality
  • Orthogonality principle
  • Outlier
  • Outliers in statistics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Robust statistics (section)
  • Outliers ratio
  • Outline of probability
  • Outline of regression analysis
  • Outline of statistics
  • Overdispersion
  • Overfitting
  • Owen's T function
  • OxMetrics{{spaced ndash}} software
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • p-chart
  • p-rep
  • P-value
  • P–P plot
  • Page's trend test
  • Paid survey
  • Paired comparison analysis
  • Paired difference test
  • Pairwise comparison
  • Pairwise independence
  • Panel analysis
  • Panel data
  • Panjer recursion{{spaced ndash}} a class of discrete compound distributions
  • Paley–Zygmund inequality
  • Parabolic fractal distribution
  • PARAFAC (parallel factor analysis)
  • Parallel coordinates – graphical display of data
  • Parallel factor analysis{{spaced ndash}} redirects to PARAFAC
  • Paradigm (experimental)
  • Parameter identification problem
  • Parameter space
  • Parametric family
  • Parametric model
  • Parametric statistics
  • Pareto analysis
  • Pareto chart
  • Pareto distribution
  • Pareto index
  • Pareto interpolation
  • Pareto principle
  • Park test
  • Partial autocorrelation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Partial autocorrelation function
  • Partial autocorrelation function
  • Partial correlation
  • Partial least squares
  • Partial least squares regression
  • Partial leverage
  • Partial regression plot
  • Partial residual plot
  • Particle filter
  • Partition of sums of squares
  • Parzen window
  • Path analysis (statistics)
  • Path coefficient
  • Path space (disambiguation)
  • Pattern recognition
  • Pearson's chi-squared test (one of various chi-squared tests)
  • Pearson distribution
  • Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
  • Pedometric mapping
  • People v. Collins (prob/stats related court case)
  • Per capita
  • Per-comparison error rate
  • Per-protocol analysis
  • Percentile
  • Percentile rank
  • Periodic variation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Seasonality
  • Periodogram
  • Peirce's criterion
  • Pensim2{{spaced ndash}} an econometric model
  • Percentage point
  • Permutation test{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Resampling (statistics)
  • Pharmaceutical statistics
  • Phase dispersion minimization
  • Phase-type distribution
  • Phi coefficient
  • Phillips–Perron test
  • Philosophy of probability
  • Philosophy of statistics
  • Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem
  • Pie chart
  • Piecewise-deterministic Markov process
  • Pignistic probability
  • Pinsker's inequality
  • Pitman closeness criterion
  • Pitman–Koopman–Darmois theorem
  • Pitman–Yor process
  • Pivotal quantity
  • Placebo-controlled study
  • Plackett–Burman design
  • Plate notation
  • Player wins
  • Plot (graphics)
  • Pocock boundary
  • Poincaré plot
  • Point-biserial correlation coefficient
  • Point estimation
  • Point pattern analysis
  • Point process
  • Poisson binomial distribution
  • Poisson distribution
  • Poisson hidden Markov model
  • Poisson limit theorem
  • Poisson process
  • Poisson regression
  • Poisson random numbers{{spaced ndash}} redirects to section of Poisson distribution
  • Poisson sampling
  • Polar distribution – see Circular distribution
  • Policy capturing
  • Political forecasting
  • Pollaczek–Khinchine formula
  • Pollyanna Creep
  • Polykay
  • Poly-Weibull distribution
  • Polychoric correlation
  • Polynomial and rational function modeling
  • Polynomial chaos
  • Polynomial regression
  • Polytree (Bayesian networks)
  • Pooled standard deviation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Pooled variance
  • Pooling design
  • Popoviciu's inequality on variances
  • Population
  • Population dynamics
  • Population ecology{{spaced ndash}} application
  • Population modeling
  • Population process
  • Population pyramid
  • Population statistics
  • Population variance
  • Population viability analysis
  • Portmanteau test
  • Positive predictive value
  • Post-hoc analysis
  • Posterior predictive distribution
  • Posterior probability
  • Power law
  • Power transform
  • Prais–Winsten estimation
  • Pre- and post-test probability
  • Precision (statistics)
  • Precision and recall
  • Prediction interval
  • Predictive analytics
  • Predictive inference
  • Predictive informatics
  • Predictive intake modelling
  • Predictive modelling
  • Predictive validity
  • Preference regression (in marketing)
  • Preferential attachment process – see Preferential attachment
  • PRESS statistic
  • Prevalence
  • Principal component analysis
    • Multilinear principal-component analysis
  • Principal component regression
  • Principal geodesic analysis
  • Principal stratification
  • Principle of indifference
  • Principle of marginality
  • Principle of maximum entropy
  • Prior knowledge for pattern recognition
  • Prior probability
  • Prior probability distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Prior probability
  • Probabilistic causation
  • Probabilistic design
  • Probabilistic forecasting
  • Probabilistic latent semantic analysis
  • Probabilistic metric space
  • Probabilistic proposition
  • Probabilistic relational model
  • Probability
  • Probability and statistics
  • Probability bounds analysis
  • Probability box
  • Probability density function
  • Probability distribution
  • Probability distribution function (disambiguation)
  • Probability integral transform
  • Probability interpretations
  • Probability mass function
  • Probability matching
  • Probability metric
  • Probability of error
  • Probability of precipitation
  • Probability plot
  • Probability plot correlation coefficient{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Q–Q plot
  • Probability plot correlation coefficient plot
  • Probability space
  • Probability theory
  • Probability-generating function
  • Probable error
  • Probit
  • Probit model
  • Procedural confound
  • Process control
  • Process Window Index
  • Procrustes analysis
  • Proebsting's paradox
  • Product distribution
  • Product form solution
  • Profile likelihood{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Likelihood function
  • Progressively measurable process
  • Prognostics
  • Projection pursuit
  • Projection pursuit regression
  • Proof of Stein's example
  • Propagation of uncertainty
  • Propensity probability
  • Propensity score
  • Propensity score matching
  • Proper linear model
  • Proportional hazards models
  • Proportional reduction in loss
  • Prosecutor's fallacy
  • Proxy (statistics)
  • Psephology
  • Pseudo-determinant
  • Pseudo-random number sampling
  • Pseudocount
  • Pseudolikelihood
  • Pseudomedian
  • Pseudoreplication
  • PSPP (free software)
  • Psychological statistics
  • Psychometrics
  • Pythagorean expectation
{{div col end}}


{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Q test
  • Q-exponential distribution
  • Q-function
  • Q-Gaussian distribution
  • Q–Q plot
  • Q-statistic
  • Quadrat
  • Quadrant count ratio
  • Quadratic classifier
  • Quadratic form (statistics)
  • Quadratic variation
  • Qualitative comparative analysis
  • Qualitative data
  • Qualitative variation
  • Quality control
  • Quantile
  • Quantile function
  • Quantile normalization
  • Quantile regression
  • Quantitative marketing research
  • Quantitative psychological research
  • Quantitative research
  • Quantum (Statistical programming language)
  • Quartile
  • Quartile coefficient of dispersion
  • Quasi-birth–death process
  • Quasi-experiment
  • Quasi-experimental design – see Design of quasi-experiments
  • Quasi-likelihood
  • Quasi-maximum likelihood
  • Quasireversibility
  • Quasi-variance
  • Questionnaire
  • Queueing model
  • Queueing theory
  • Queuing delay
  • Queuing theory in teletraffic engineering
  • Quota sampling
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • R programming language – see R (programming language)
  • R v Adams (prob/stats related court case)
  • Radar chart
  • Rademacher distribution
  • Radial basis function network
  • Raikov's theorem
  • Raised cosine distribution
  • Ramaswami's formula
  • Ramsey RESET test{{spaced ndash}} the Ramsey Regression Equation Specification Error Test
  • Rand index
  • Random assignment
  • Random compact set
  • Random data{{spaced ndash}} see randomness
  • Random effects estimation – see Random effects model
  • Random effects model
  • Random element
  • Random field
  • Random function
  • Random graph
  • Random matrix
  • Random measure
  • Random multinomial logit
  • Random naive Bayes
  • Random permutation statistics
  • Random regular graph
  • Random sample
  • Random sampling
  • Random sequence
  • Random variable
  • Random variate
  • Random walk
  • Random walk hypothesis
  • Randomization
  • Randomized block design
  • Randomized controlled trial
  • Randomized decision rule
  • Randomized experiment
  • Randomized response
  • Randomness
  • Randomness tests
  • Range (statistics)
  • Rank abundance curve
  • Rank correlation mainly links to two following
    • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
    • Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient
  • Rank product
  • Rank-size distribution
  • Ranking
  • Rankit
  • Ranklet
  • Rao–Blackwell theorem
  • Rao-Blackwellisation – see Rao–Blackwell theorem
  • Rasch model
    • Polytomous Rasch model
  • Rasch model estimation
  • Ratio distribution
  • Ratio estimator
  • Rational quadratic covariance function
  • Rayleigh distribution
  • Rayleigh mixture distribution
  • Raw score
  • Realization (probability)
  • Recall bias
  • Receiver operating characteristic
  • Reciprocal distribution
  • Rectified Gaussian distribution
  • Recurrence period density entropy
  • Recurrence plot
  • Recurrence quantification analysis
  • Recursive Bayesian estimation
  • Recursive least squares
  • Recursive partitioning
  • Reduced form
  • Reference class problem
  • Reflected Brownian motion
  • Regenerative process
  • Regression analysis{{spaced ndash}} see also linear regression
  • Regression Analysis of Time Series{{spaced ndash}} proprietary software
  • Regression control chart
  • Regression diagnostic
  • Regression dilution
  • Regression discontinuity design
  • Regression estimation
  • Regression fallacy
  • Regression-kriging
  • Regression model validation
  • Regression toward the mean
  • Regret (decision theory)
  • Reification (statistics)
  • Rejection sampling
  • Relationships among probability distributions
  • Relative change and difference
  • Relative efficiency{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Efficiency (statistics)
  • Relative index of inequality
  • Relative likelihood{{spaced ndash}} redirects to section of Likelihood function
  • Relative risk
  • Relative risk reduction
  • Relative standard deviation
  • Relative standard error{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Relative standard deviation
  • Relative variance{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Relative standard deviation
  • Relative survival
  • Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution
  • Relevance vector machine
  • Reliability (statistics)
  • Reliability block diagram
  • Reliability engineering
  • Reliability theory
  • Reliability theory of aging and longevity
  • Rencontres numbers{{spaced ndash}} a discrete distribution
  • Renewal theory
  • Repeatability
  • Repeated measures design
  • Replication (statistics)
  • Representation validity
  • Reproducibility
  • Resampling (statistics)
  • Rescaled range
  • Resentful demoralization{{spaced ndash}} experimental design
  • Residual. See errors and residuals in statistics.
  • Residual sum of squares
  • Response bias
  • Response rate (survey)
  • Response surface methodology
  • Response variable
  • Restricted maximum likelihood
  • Restricted randomization
  • Reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
  • Reversible dynamics
  • Rind et al. controversy{{spaced ndash}} interpretations of paper involving meta-analysis
  • Rice distribution
  • Richardson–Lucy deconvolution
  • Ridge regression{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Tikhonov regularization
  • Ridit scoring
  • Risk adjusted mortality rate
  • Risk factor
  • Risk function
  • Risk perception
  • Risk theory
  • Risk–benefit analysis
  • Robbins lemma
  • Robust Bayesian analysis
  • Robust confidence intervals
  • Robust measures of scale
  • Robust regression
  • Robust statistics
  • Root mean square
  • Root-mean-square deviation
  • Root mean square deviation (bioinformatics)
  • Root mean square fluctuation
  • Ross's conjecture
  • Rossmo's formula
  • Rothamsted Experimental Station
  • Round robin test
  • Rubin causal model
  • Ruin theory
  • Rule of succession
  • Rule of three (medicine)
  • Run chart
  • RV coefficient
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • S (programming language)
  • S-PLUS
  • Safety in numbers
  • Sally Clark (prob/stats related court case)
  • Sammon projection
  • Sample mean and covariance{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
  • Sample mean and sample covariance
  • Sample maximum and minimum
  • Sample size determination
  • Sample space
  • Sample standard deviation{{spaced ndash}} disambiguation
  • Sample (statistics)
  • Sample-continuous process
  • Sampling (statistics)
    • Simple random sampling
    • Snowball sampling
    • Systematic sampling
    • Stratified sampling
    • Cluster sampling
    • distance sampling
    • Multistage sampling
    • Nonprobability sampling
    • Slice sampling
  • Sampling bias
  • Sampling design
  • Sampling distribution
  • Sampling error
  • Sampling fraction
  • Sampling frame
  • Sampling probability
  • Sampling risk
  • Samuelson's inequality
  • Sargan test
  • SAS (software)
  • SAS language
  • SAS System – see SAS (software)
  • Savitzky–Golay smoothing filter
  • Sazonov's theorem
  • Saturated array
  • Scale analysis (statistics)
  • Scale parameter
  • Scaled-inverse-chi-squared distribution
  • Scaling pattern of occupancy
  • Scatter matrix
  • Scatter plot
  • Scatterplot smoothing
  • Scheffé's method
  • Scheirer–Ray–Hare test
  • Schilder's theorem
  • Schramm–Loewner evolution
  • Schuette–Nesbitt formula
  • Schwarz criterion
  • Score (statistics)
  • Score test
  • Scoring algorithm
  • Scoring rule
  • Scott's Pi
  • SDMX{{spaced ndash}} a standard for exchanging statistical data
  • Seasonal adjustment
  • Seasonality
  • Seasonal subseries plot
  • Seasonal variation
  • Seasonally adjusted annual rate
  • Second moment method
  • Secretary problem
  • Secular variation
  • Seed-based d mapping
  • Seemingly unrelated regressions
  • Seismic to simulation
  • Selection bias
  • Selective recruitment
  • Self-organizing map
  • Self-selection bias
  • Self-similar process
  • Segmented regression
  • Seismic inversion
  • Self-similarity matrix
  • Semantic mapping (statistics)
  • Semantic relatedness
  • Semantic similarity
  • Semi-Markov process
  • Semi-log graph
  • Semidefinite embedding
  • Semimartingale
  • Semiparametric model
  • Semiparametric regression
  • Semivariance
  • Sensitivity (tests)
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Sensitivity and specificity
  • Sensitivity index
  • Separation test
  • Sequential analysis
  • Sequential estimation
  • Sequential Monte Carlo methods{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Particle filter
  • Sequential probability ratio test
  • Serial dependence
  • Seriation (archaeology)
  • SETAR (model){{spaced ndash}} a time series model
  • Sethi model
  • Seven-number summary
  • Sexual dimorphism measures
  • Shannon–Hartley theorem
  • Shape of the distribution
  • Shape parameter
  • Shapiro–Wilk test
  • Sharpe ratio
  • SHAZAM (software)
  • Shewhart individuals control chart
  • Shifted Gompertz distribution
  • Shifted log-logistic distribution
  • Shifting baseline
  • Shrinkage (statistics)
  • Shrinkage estimator
  • Sichel distribution
  • Siegel–Tukey test
  • Sieve estimator
  • Sigma-algebra
  • SigmaStat{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Sign test
  • Signal-to-noise ratio
  • Signal-to-noise statistic
  • Significance analysis of microarrays
  • Silhouette (clustering)
  • Simfit{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Similarity matrix
  • Simon model
  • Simple linear regression
  • Simple moving average crossover
  • Simple random sample
  • Simpson's paradox
  • Simulated annealing
  • Simultaneous equation methods (econometrics)
  • Simultaneous equations model
  • Single equation methods (econometrics)
  • Single-linkage clustering
  • Singular distribution
  • Singular spectrum analysis
  • Sinusoidal model
  • Sinkov statistic
  • Size (statistics)
  • Skellam distribution
  • Skew normal distribution
  • Skewness
  • Skorokhod's representation theorem
  • Slash distribution
  • Slice sampling
  • Sliced inverse regression
  • Slutsky's theorem
  • Small area estimation
  • Smearing retransformation
  • Smoothing
  • Smoothing spline
  • Smoothness (probability theory)
  • Snowball sampling
  • Sobel test
  • Social network change detection
  • Social statistics
  • SOFA Statistics{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Soliton distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Luby transform code
  • Somers' D
  • Sørensen similarity index
  • Spaghetti plot
  • Sparse binary polynomial hashing
  • Sparse PCA{{spaced ndash}} sparse principal components analysis
  • Sparsity-of-effects principle
  • Spatial analysis
  • Spatial dependence
  • Spatial descriptive statistics
  • Spatial distribution
  • Spatial econometrics
  • Spatial statistics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Spatial analysis
  • Spatial variability
  • SPC XL{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
  • Spearman–Brown prediction formula
  • Species discovery curve
  • Specification (regression){{spaced ndash}} redirects to Statistical model specification
  • Specificity (tests)
  • Spectral clustering – (cluster analysis)
  • Spectral density
  • Spectral density estimation
  • Spectrum bias
  • Spectrum continuation analysis
  • Speed prior
  • Spherical design
  • Split normal distribution
  • SPRT{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Sequential probability ratio test
  • SPSS{{spaced ndash}} software
  • SPSS Clementine{{spaced ndash}} software (data mining)
  • Spurious relationship
  • Square root biased sampling
  • Squared deviations
  • St. Petersburg paradox
  • Stability (probability)
  • Stable distribution
  • Stable and tempered stable distributions with volatility clustering – financial applications
  • Standard deviation
  • Standard error
  • Standard normal deviate
  • Standard normal table
  • Standard probability space
  • Standard score
  • Standardized coefficient
  • Standardized moment
  • Standardised mortality rate
  • Standardized mortality ratio
  • Standardized rate
  • Stanine
  • STAR model{{spaced ndash}} a time series model
  • Star plot{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Radar chart
  • Stata
  • State space representation
  • Statgraphics{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Static analysis
  • Stationary distribution
  • Stationary ergodic process
  • Stationary process
  • Stationary sequence
  • Stationary subspace analysis
  • Statistic
  • STATISTICA{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Statistical arbitrage
  • Statistical assembly
  • Statistical assumption
  • Statistical benchmarking
  • Statistical classification
  • Statistical conclusion validity
  • Statistical consultant
  • Statistical deviance – see deviance (statistics)
  • Statistical dispersion
  • Statistical distance
  • Statistical efficiency
  • Statistical epidemiology
  • Statistical estimation{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Estimation theory
  • Statistical finance
  • Statistical genetics{{spaced ndash}} redirects to population genetics
  • Statistical geography
  • Statistical graphics
  • Statistical hypothesis testing
  • Statistical independence
  • Statistical inference
  • Statistical interference
  • Statistical Lab{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Statistical learning theory
  • Statistical literacy
  • Statistical model
  • Statistical model specification
  • Statistical model validation
  • Statistical noise
  • Statistical package
  • Statistical parameter
  • Statistical parametric mapping
  • Statistical parsing
  • Statistical population
  • Statistical power
  • Statistical probability
  • Statistical process control
  • Statistical proof
  • Statistical randomness
  • Statistical range{{spaced ndash}} see range (statistics)
  • Statistical regularity
  • Statistical relational learning
  • Statistical sample
  • Statistical semantics
  • Statistical shape analysis
  • Statistical signal processing
  • Statistical significance
  • Statistical survey
  • Statistical syllogism
  • Statistical theory
  • Statistical unit
  • Statisticians' and engineers' cross-reference of statistical terms
  • Statistics
  • Statistics education
  • Statistics Online Computational Resource{{spaced ndash}} training materials
  • StatPlus
  • StatXact{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Stein's example
    • Proof of Stein's example
  • Stein's lemma
  • Stein's unbiased risk estimate
  • Steiner system
  • Stemplot – see Stem-and-leaf display
  • Step detection
  • Stepwise regression
  • Stieltjes moment problem
  • Stimulus-response model
  • Stochastic
  • Stochastic approximation
  • Stochastic calculus
  • Stochastic convergence
  • Stochastic differential equation
  • Stochastic dominance
  • Stochastic drift
  • Stochastic equicontinuity
  • Stochastic gradient descent
  • Stochastic grammar
  • Stochastic investment model
  • Stochastic kernel estimation
  • Stochastic matrix
  • Stochastic modelling (insurance)
  • Stochastic optimization
  • Stochastic ordering
  • Stochastic process
  • Stochastic rounding
  • Stochastic simulation
  • Stopped process
  • Stopping time
  • Stratified sampling
  • Stratonovich integral
  • Streamgraph
  • Stress majorization
  • Strong Law of Small Numbers
  • Strong prior
  • Structural break
  • Structural equation modeling
  • Structural estimation
  • Structured data analysis (statistics)
  • Studentized range
  • Studentized residual
  • Student's t-distribution
  • Student's t-statistic
  • Student's t-test
  • Student's t-test for Gaussian scale mixture distributions – see Location testing for Gaussian scale mixture distributions
  • Studentization
  • Study design
  • Study heterogeneity
  • Subcontrary mean{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Harmonic mean
  • Subgroup analysis
  • Subindependence
  • Substitution model
  • SUDAAN{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Sufficiency (statistics) – see Sufficient statistic
  • Sufficient dimension reduction
  • Sufficient statistic
  • Sum of normally distributed random variables
  • Sum of squares (disambiguation){{spaced ndash}} general disambiguation
  • Sum of squares (statistics) – see Partition of sums of squares
  • Summary statistic
  • Support curve
  • Support vector machine
  • Surrogate model
  • Survey data collection
  • Survey sampling
  • Survey methodology
  • Survival analysis
  • Survival rate
  • Survival function
  • Survivorship bias
  • Symmetric design
  • Symmetric mean absolute percentage error
  • SYSTAT{{spaced ndash}} software
  • System dynamics
  • System identification
  • Systematic error (also see bias (statistics) and errors and residuals in statistics)
  • Systematic review
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • t-distribution – see Student's t-distribution (includes table)
  • T distribution (disambiguation)
  • t-statistic
  • Tag cloud{{spaced ndash}} graphical display of info
  • Taguchi loss function
  • Taguchi methods
  • Tajima's D
  • Taleb distribution
  • Tampering (quality control)
  • Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables
  • Taylor's law{{spaced ndash}} empirical variance-mean relations
  • Telegraph process
  • Test for structural change
  • Test–retest reliability
  • Test score
  • Test set
  • Test statistic
  • Testimator
  • Testing hypotheses suggested by the data
  • Text analytics
  • The Long Tail{{spaced ndash}} possibly seminal magazine article
  • The Unscrambler{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Theil index
  • Theil–Sen estimator
  • Theory of conjoint measurement
  • Therapeutic effect
  • Thompson sampling
  • Three-point estimation
  • Three-stage least squares
  • Threshold model
  • Thurstone scale
  • Thurstonian model
  • Time–frequency analysis
  • Time–frequency representation
  • Time reversibility
  • Time series
  • Time-series regression
  • Time use survey
  • Time-varying covariate
  • Timeline of probability and statistics
  • TinkerPlots{{spaced ndash}} proprietary software for schools
  • Tobit model
  • Tolerance interval
  • Top-coded
  • Topic model (statistical natural language processing)
  • Topological data analysis
  • Tornqvist index
  • Total correlation
  • Total least squares
  • Total sum of squares
  • Total survey error
  • Total variation distance{{spaced ndash}} a statistical distance measure
  • TPL Tables{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Tracy–Widom distribution
  • Traffic equations
  • Training set
  • Transect
  • Transferable belief model
  • Transiogram
  • Transition rate matrix
  • Transmission risks and rates
  • Treatment and control groups
  • Trend analysis
  • Trend estimation
  • Trend stationary
  • Treynor ratio
  • Triangular distribution
  • Trimean
  • Trimmed estimator
  • Trispectrum
  • True experiment
  • True variance
  • Truncated distribution
  • Truncated mean
  • Truncated normal distribution
  • Truncated regression model
  • Truncation (statistics)
  • Tsallis distribution
  • Tsallis statistics
  • Tschuprow's T
  • Tucker decomposition
  • Tukey's range test{{spaced ndash}} multiple comparisons
  • Tukey's test of additivity{{spaced ndash}} interaction in two-way anova
  • Tukey–Duckworth test
  • Tukey–Kramer method
  • Tukey lambda distribution
  • Tweedie distribution
  • Twisting properties
  • Two stage least squares{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Instrumental variable
  • Two-tailed test
  • Two-way analysis of variance
  • Type I and type II errors
  • Type-1 Gumbel distribution
  • Type-2 Gumbel distribution
  • Tyranny of averages
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • u-chart
  • U-quadratic distribution
  • U-statistic
  • U test
  • Umbrella sampling
  • Unbiased estimator – see bias (statistics)
  • Unbiased estimation of standard deviation
  • Uncertainty
  • Uncertainty coefficient
  • Uncertainty quantification
  • Uncomfortable science
  • Uncorrelated
  • Underdispersion{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Overdispersion
  • Underfitting{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Overfitting
  • Underprivileged area score
  • Unevenly spaced time series
  • Unexplained variation – see Explained variation
  • Uniform distribution (continuous)
  • Uniform distribution (discrete)
  • Uniformly most powerful test
  • Unimodal distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Unimodal function (has some stats context)
  • Unimodality
  • Unistat{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Unit (statistics)
  • Unit of observation
  • Unit root
  • Unit root test
  • Unit-weighted regression
  • Unitized risk
  • Univariate
  • Univariate analysis
  • Univariate distribution
  • Unmatched count
  • Unseen species problem
  • Unsolved problems in statistics
  • Upper and lower probabilities
  • Upside potential ratio{{spaced ndash}} finance
  • Urn problem
  • Ursell function
  • Utility maximization problem
  • Utilization distribution
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Validity (statistics)
  • Van der Waerden test
  • Van Houtum distribution
  • Vapnik–Chervonenkis theory
  • Varadhan's lemma
  • Variable
  • Variable kernel density estimation
  • Variable-order Bayesian network
  • Variable-order Markov model
  • Variable rules analysis
  • Variance
  • Variance decomposition of forecast errors
  • Variance gamma process
  • Variance inflation factor
  • Variance-gamma distribution
  • Variance reduction
  • Variance-stabilizing transformation
  • Variance-to-mean ratio
  • Variation ratio
  • Variational Bayesian methods
  • Variational message passing
  • Variogram
  • Varimax rotation
  • Vasicek model
  • VC dimension
  • VC theory
  • Vector autoregression
  • VEGAS algorithm
  • Violin plot
  • ViSta – Software, see ViSta, The Visual Statistics system
  • Voigt profile
  • Volatility (finance)
  • Volcano plot (statistics)
  • Von Mises distribution
  • Von Mises–Fisher distribution
  • V-optimal histograms
  • V-statistic
  • Vuong's closeness test
  • Vysochanskiï–Petunin inequality
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{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • Wait list control group
  • Wald distribution{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Inverse Gaussian distribution
  • Wald test
  • Wald–Wolfowitz runs test
  • Wallenius' noncentral hypergeometric distribution
  • Wang and Landau algorithm
  • Ward's method
  • Watterson estimator
  • Watts and Strogatz model
  • Weibull chart{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Weibull distribution
  • Weibull distribution
  • Weibull modulus
  • Weight function
  • Weighted median
  • Weighted covariance matrix{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
  • Weighted mean
  • Weighted sample{{spaced ndash}} redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
  • Welch's method{{spaced ndash}} spectral density estimation
  • Welch's t test
  • Welch–Satterthwaite equation
  • Well-behaved statistic
  • Wick product
  • Wilks' lambda distribution
  • Wilks' theorem{{spaced ndash}} redirects to section of Likelihood-ratio test
  • Winsorized mean
  • Whipple's index
  • White test
  • White noise
  • Wide and narrow data
  • Wiener deconvolution
  • Wiener filter
  • Wiener process
  • Wigner quasi-probability distribution
  • Wigner semicircle distribution
  • Wike's law of low odd primes
  • Wilcoxon signed-rank test
  • Will Rogers phenomenon
  • WinBUGS{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Window function
  • Winpepi{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Winsorising
  • Wishart distribution
  • Wold's theorem
  • Wombling
  • Working–Hotelling procedure
  • World Programming System{{spaced ndash}} software
  • Wrapped Cauchy distribution
  • Wrapped distribution
  • Wrapped exponential distribution
  • Wrapped normal distribution
  • Wrapped Lévy distribution
  • Writer invariant


  • X-12-ARIMA
  • chart
  • and R chart
  • and s chart
  • XLispStat{{spaced ndash}} software
  • XploRe{{spaced ndash}} software
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  • Yamartino method
  • Yates analysis
  • Yates's correction for continuity
  • Youden's J statistic
  • Yule–Simon distribution


{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
  • z-score
  • z-factor
  • z statistic
  • Z-test
  • Z-transform
  • Zakai equation
  • Zelen's design
  • Zero degrees of freedom
  • Zero–one law (disambiguation)
  • Zeta distribution
  • Ziggurat algorithm
  • Zipf–Mandelbrot law{{spaced ndash}} a discrete distribution
  • Zipf's law
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See also

Supplementary lists

These lists include items which are somehow related to statistics however are not included in this index:

  • List of statisticians
  • List of important publications in statistics
  • List of scientific journals in statistics
Topic lists
  • Outline of statistics
  • List of probability topics
  • Glossary of probability and statistics
  • Glossary of experimental design
  • Notation in probability and statistics
  • List of probability distributions
  • List of graphical methods
  • List of fields of application of statistics
  • List of stochastic processes topics
  • Lists of statistics topics
  • List of statistical packages

External links

  • ISI Glossary of Statistical Terms (multilingual), International Statistical Institute

4 : Statistics-related lists|Mathematics-related lists|Indexes of business topics|Lists of topics





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