

词条 Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae

  1. Background

  2. Territorial provisions

  3. Observations

  4. Effects

  5. Importance as a historical source

  6. Notes

  7. References

  8. Sources

{{italic title}}{{Infobox treaty
| name = {{lang|la|Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae}}
| long_name =
| image = LatinEmpire2.png
| image_width =
| image_alt =
| caption = The actual partition of the Byzantine Empire after the Fourth Crusade
| type =
| context = Sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade
| date_drafted =
| date_signed = {{Start date|1204}}
| location_signed = Constantinople, Latin Empire
(now Istanbul, Turkey)
| date_sealed =
| date_effective =
| condition_effective =
| date_expiration =
| date_expiry =
| negotiators =
| signatories =
  • Latin Empire
  • {{flag|Republic of Venice}}

| parties =
| ratifiers =
| depositor =
| depositories =
| language =
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The Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae (Latin for "Partition of the lands of the empire of Romania{{efn|On the meaning of Romania, an ambiguous term, see {{cite journal | first = R.L. | last= Wolff | title = Romania: The Latin Empire of Constantinople | journal = Speculum | volume = 23 | issue= 1 | year = 1948 | pages = 1–34 | doi=10.2307/2853672 | jstor= 2853672 }}}} [i.e., the Byzantine Empire]), or Partitio regni Graeci{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=452}} ("Partition of the kingdom of the Greeks"), was a treaty signed among the crusaders after the sack of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople, by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. It established the Latin Empire and arranged the nominal partition of the Byzantine territory among the participants of the Crusade, with the Republic of Venice being the greatest titular beneficiary. However, because the crusaders did not in fact control most of the Empire, with local Byzantine Greek nobles establishing the Byzantine successor kingdoms (Empire of Nicaea, Empire of Trebizond, Despot of Epirus), most of the crusaders' declared division of the Empire amongst themselves could never be implemented.


In March 1204, shortly before the sack of Constantinople in April, the Crusaders made a preliminary arrangement on the partition of the Byzantine territories between themselves.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=179–180}} This text, concluded between the principal leaders of the Crusade, the Doge of Venice Enrico Dandolo, Marquess Boniface of Montferrat, Count Baldwin of Flanders, and Count Louis I of Blois, has been preserved among the letters of Pope Innocent III.{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=444–452}} According to its stipulations, the Venetians would retain their previous privileges granted by the Byzantine emperors, and a common committee, composed in equal numbers of Venetians and Crusaders, would elect an emperor for the Latin Empire to be established after the conquest of the city. The Latin Emperor would receive one quarter of all territories, as well as the palaces of Blachernae and Boukoleon in the city. The remaining three quarters of the Byzantine territories would be divided equally between Venice and the other Crusaders.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=180}} On 9 May, Baldwin of Flanders was elected Latin Emperor, in place of the previous leader of the Crusade, Boniface of Montferrat. According to the Crusader and chronicler Geoffrey of Villehardouin, by previous agreement, Boniface should receive the territories lying beyond the Bosporus and Marmara Sea, "towards Turkey", as well as "the isle of Greece". However, to placate Boniface, Baldwin agreed to assign to him the Kingdom of Thessalonica instead.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=181}}

The agreement, which was promulgated either in late September or early October 1204 (according to the opinions of W. Heyd, Dionysios Zakythinos, and A. Carile) or (according to Nikolaos Oikonomides) immediately after the sack in April–May 1204,{{sfn|Brand|1991|pp=1591–1592}} was drafted by a 24-man committee consisting of 12 Venetians and 12 representatives of the other Crusader leaders.{{sfn|Brand|1991|pp=1591–1592}} The Venetians played a major role in the proceedings, as they had first-hand knowledge of the area, and many of the final text's provisions can be traced to the imperial chrysobull granted to Venice in 1198 by Alexios III Angelos.{{sfn|Nicol|1992|p=149}} It gave the Latin Emperor direct control of one fourth of the Byzantine territory, to Venice three eighths – including three eighths of the city of Constantinople, with Hagia Sophia – and the remaining three eighths were apportioned among the other Crusader chiefs. Through this division, Venice became the chief power in Latin Romania, and the effective power behind the Latin Empire, a fact clearly illustrated by the lofty title its Doge acquired: {{lang|la|Dominator quartae et dimidiae partis totius Romaniae}} ("Lord of a quarter and a half quarter of all of Romania").

The treaty survives in a number of manuscripts, all from Venice: the Liber Albus (fols. 34ff.), the Liber Pactorum (Vol. I, fols. 246ff. and Vol. II, fols. 261ff.), the Codex Sancti Marci 284, folio 3, and the Muratorii codices Ambrosiani I and II.{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=452}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=182}} The first critical edition of the treaty was published in the collection of Venetian diplomatic documents compiled by Gottlieb Tafel and Georg Thomas for the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna in 1856,{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=452–501}} while A. Carile published an up-to-date edition with full commentary in 1965.{{sfn|Nicol|1992|p=149}}

Territorial provisions

According to the treaty's provisions, the territories were divided in the portion of the "Lord Doge and Commune of Venice" (pars domini Ducis et communis Venetiae), the portion of the Latin Emperor (pars domini Imperatoris), and the remainder as the portion of the Crusaders, or "pilgrims" (pars Peregrinorum).

Latin textTranslationPortionRegionComments
The equivalent Byzantine administrative terms would be polis ("city") or kastron ("fortress").{{sfn|Maksimović|1988|p=35}}}} Archadiopoli. Missini. Bulgarofigo. (Pertinentia{{efn|The Latin term pertinentia is an equivalent to the Byzantine fiscal district of episkepsis, usually pertaining to imperial, monastic, or private estates.{{sfn|Maksimović|1988|p=35}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1941|pp=241–243}}}} Archadiopoli).{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=464}}Külzer|2008|pp=264–267}} Mesene,{{sfn|Külzer|2008|pp=530–532}} Bulgarophygon,{{sfn|Soustal|1991|pp=223–224}} forming part of the episkepsis of Arcadiopolis Venice Eastern Thrace episkepsis of Messene, Arcadiopolis, and Bulgarophygon.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1948|p=54}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=464, 465 (note 5)}}episkepsis of Poutza{{sfn>Soustal|1991|p=418}} and "Nicodimi" Venice Eastern Thrace Carile|1965|pp=218, 248}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=465}}Külzer|2008|p=408}} Venice Eastern Thrace
Pertinentia Chalkidos, cum civitate Rodosto et Panido, cum omnibus, que sub ipsis. episkepsis of Chalcis{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=307}} with the cities of Raidestos{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=609}} and Panidos with all their dependencies Venice Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=465–466}}Soustal|1991|p=164}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=164}} with its dependencies Venice Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=466}}episkepsis of Ganos{{sfn>Külzer|2008|pp=370–373}} Venice Eastern Thrace
The term casale could be equated either with chorion ("village") or proasteion ("landed estate").{{sfn|Maksimović|1988|pp=35, 37–38}}}} Chortocop[l]i. Casalia Chotriki, Kerasea, Miriofitum.{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=466, 467 (notes 4–6)}}Külzer|2008|p=450}} and Myriophyton{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=540}} Venice Eastern Thrace Külzer|2008|p=316}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=169}} Chotriki (Χοτρικί) otherwise unattested, possibly identical with Chora.{{sfn|Külzer|2008|pp=314–315, 316}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=467}}episkepsis of Peristasis{{sfn>Külzer|2008|pp=578–579}} Venice Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=467}} the episkepsis of Branchialion Venice Eastern Thrace 1200}}, and in later Byzantine sources.{{sfn|Külzer|2008|pp=298–299, 379}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=467}}Külzer|2008|pp=401–411}} and Sagoudaous Venice Thracian Chersonese Külzer|2008|p=613}} The location of the settlement (emporion) of Sagoudaous (Σαγουδάους) or Sagoude (Σαγούδη) is attested as a port and warehouse in 1152. Its location is not clear, but must have lain in the northern part of the Gallipoli Peninsula, or near Ainos.{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=623}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|pp=163–164}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=467–468}}episkepsis of Kallipolis{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=426}} Venice Thracian Chersonese
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=468}} Lazou and Laktou Venice Eastern Thrace Külzer|2008|pp=489, 490}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=468}} the episkepsis of Mountimanoi and the Sigos River with their dependencies Venice Thracian Chersonese Külzer|2008|p=539}} The Sigos River is likely to be identified with the modern Kavakaltı Dere or, less likely, the Çeşme Dere, in the southern Gallipoli Peninsula.{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=650}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=468}} the province of Lacedaemonia and the minor and major episkepseis therein, and the town of Kalavryta Venice Peloponnese Zakythinos|1951|pp=186–188}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=468}} the town of Ostrovos Venice Western Macedonia Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=468 (note 10)}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=206 (note 1)}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}}the towns of Oreos and Karystos Venice Euboea Zakythinos|1951|pp=190–191}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}} the island of Andros Venice Cyclades
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}} the islands of Aegina and Salamis Venice Saronic Gulf Zakythinos|1951|pp=189–190}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}} the islands of Zakynthos and Cephalonia Venice Ionian Islands Matthew Orsini|fr|Matteo Orsini (comte palatin de Céphalonie)}}.{{sfn|Nicol|1992|p=156}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=188}} However, Orsini's rule is not based on documentary evidence, but on Karl Hopf's conjectures, and A. Kiesewetter proposes that Maio di Monopoli (alias Matthew Orsini) may have taken control of the islands in 1206 from the Byzantines, who had recovered them since Margaritus's demise in 1294.[1]
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}} the province of Koloneia, Chlerenon, and Kanina Venice Epirus Capo Colonne), "Cycladibus" a reference to the Cyclades, and "Nisia" identified as Naxos island.{{sfn>Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=469–470 (notes 8–10)}} This was rejected by Th. Menke and Jean Longnon, who emended the text to read "Provintia Colonie cum Chilari, Canisia.", i.e. Koloneia in Epirus, Kjari, and Konitsa, while Dionysios Zakythinos proposed identifying "Chilari" with Chlerenon, and "Canisia" with Kanina.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=196–197}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=469}} the episkepsis of "Lopadi" Venice Aegean Islands or Northern Asia Minor (?) Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=470 (note 11)}} but according to Zakythinos it is equally likely to refer to Lopadion in Mysia, which is attested as an episkepsis in the 1198 chrysobull, since portions of the text have evidently been moved around so that they no longer correspond to their original arrangement by geographic proximity.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=197}} Carile finds the identification with Lopadion less likely, however.{{sfn|Carile|1965|pp=258–259}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=469–470}}horion{{efn>A type of subdivision of a theme that appears in the late 12th century exclusively in southern Greece.{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=67}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1941|p=248}}}} of Patras and Methone with its dependencies, namely the estates of the Branas and Kantakouzenos families, the estates of kyra Irene, daughter of Emperor kyr Alexios III, and the estates of "Molineti", of "Pantokrator" and other monasteries Venice Peloponnese horion of Patras and Methone probably occupied the entire western half of the Peloponnese.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1941|pp=248–249}} The name "Molineti" is evidently associated with windmills; two medieval locations correspond to this, both of them in modern Pylia.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=185–186}} The location or identity of "Pantokrator" are unknown.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=186}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=470–472}}episkepseis of Arta and Achelous, of Anatoliko, Lesiana, "and of other archons and monasteries"{{sfn>Zakythinos|1951|p=194}} Venice Epirus sebastokratores and Caesars, the daughters of the Emperor and the Augusta (Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera, wife of Alexios III).{{sfn>Zakythinos|1951|p=194}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=472}}Zakythinos|1951|pp=198–199}} and Arbanon,{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=199–200}} with the chartoularata{{efn|A chartoularaton was a special type of fiscal and administrative district, placed under a chartoularios, apparently corresponding with areas of Slavic settlement.{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=67}}}} of Glavinitsa{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=200–201}} and Vagenetia{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=201–205}} Venice Epirus
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=472–473}} the provinces of Ioannina and Dryinopolis Venice Epirus
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=473}} the province of Ohrid Venice Western Macedonia
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=473}} the islands of Lefkada and Corfu Venice Ionian Islands
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=473–474}} from the Golden Gate and Blachernae and the western shore of the Bosporus, up to Mideia and Agathopolis on the Black Sea coast. Likewise from Bizye to Tzurulon and Theodoropolis on the Sea of Marmara Emperor Eastern Thrace Stenon) of the Bosporus.{{sfn>Carile|1965|p=231}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=475}} the province of Optimatoi Emperor Northern Asia Minor The theme of the Optimatoi encompassed the parts of Asia Minor closest to Constantinople, with Nicomedia as its capital. Its mention apart from Nicomedia in 1204 may be the result of a confusion by the Latin writers, but both the rest of the Partitio and the 1198 chrysobull indicate a breaking up of the province sometime in the 12th century into smaller districts. In 1198, a separate "province of Mesothynia" is mentioned along with the "province of Nicomedia", which is absent in 1204.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1949|pp=3–4}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1955|pp=130–132}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=475}} the province of Nicomedia Emperor Northern Asia Minor
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=475–476}} the province of Tarsia, Plousias, and Metabole, along with Servochoria and all their dependencies Emperor Northern Asia Minor Zakythinos|1955|pp=132–134}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=476}} the province of Paphlagonia and the Bucellarians Emperor Northern Asia Minor 768}}, and Paphlagonia was created as a distinct theme from it sometime in the early 9th century. It is likely that the themes of the Bucellarians and Paphlagonia had been administratively unified—unclear when or for how long—for defensive purposes, a recurrent practice in Byzantine history.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1955|pp=134–137}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=476}} Oenoe and Sinope and Pavrae Emperor Northern Asia Minor Zakythinos|1955|pp=137–139}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=476}} the island of Lesbos Emperor Aegean Islands
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=476–477}} the islands of Lemnos and Skyros, and the islands this side of Abydos (i.e., in the Sea of Marmara), namely Proconnesus and the others, with Strobilos Emperor Aegean Islands and Sea of Marmara
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=477–478}} the islands of Samos and Tinos with Samothrace Emperor Aegean Islands
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=478}} the province of Pylae, Pythia, and Kerama Emperor Asia Minor episkepsis of Pylae and Pythia is mentioned, formerly part of the theme of the Optimatoi. The identity and location of Kerama is unknown, unless it is a misspelling for Germia, attested as a toponym in the area of Mysia.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1949|pp=3–4}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1955|pp=139–140}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=478}} the province of Malagina Emperor Northern Asia Minor aplekton) for imperial expeditions in Asia Minor, and the site of major imperial horse farms. It was raised to a distinct administrative unit under the Komnenian emperors, due to its importance and exposure to Turkish raids.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1955|pp=140–141}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=478}} the province of Achyraous Emperor Western Asia Minor Partitio, and probably encompassed the northern part of the Thracesian Theme.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1949|pp=6–8}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=478–479}} the province of Adramyttium, Chliara, and Pergamon Emperor Western Asia Minor According to Niketas Choniates, the theme of Neokastra originally encompassed the cities of Adramyttium, Chliara, and Pergamon, after they were refortified by Manuel I Komnenos. However, these cities are mentioned separately from the province both in the 1198 chrysobull and in the Partitio.[2] Helene Ahrweiler interpreted the evidence to suggest that Neokastra did indeed originally encompass the three cities, but that in 1198 Adramyttion may have formed a separate district, and that the separation between the cities and the province evidenced in the Partitio was the result of a copyist's error.[3]
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=479}} the province of Neokastra Emperor Western Asia Minor
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=479}} the province of Mylasa and Melanoudion Emperor Western Asia Minor
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=479}} the province of Laodicea and the Maeander, with the district of Sampson and Samakion, with the estates of the Kontostephanos and the Kamytzes families and other places, as well as Chios Emperor Western Asia Minor and Aegean Islands Carile|1965|p=218}} emend "Samakii" to "ta Malachii", identifying it with the Byzantine village of Malachiou (possibly modern Atburgazı) near Mycale, but as Peter Thonemann points out, the locality of Samakion is mentioned in the Life of St. Lazaros of Galesion.{{sfn|Thonemann|2011|p=275 note 95}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=480}} the province of Little and Great Brysis Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=480}}episkepsis of Gehenna{{sfn>Soustal|1991|p=265}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=480}}Soustal|1991|p=560}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=168}} with all its dependencies Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=480}}episkepsis of Koule{{sfn>Soustal|1991|p=328}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace Zakythinos|1952|pp=168–169}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}Soustal|1991|p=257}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|pp=167–168}} with all its dependencies Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}Soustal|1991|p=241}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=164}} with all its dependencies Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}episkepsis of Kypsela{{sfn>Soustal|1991|pp=330–331}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=166}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}episkepsis of Garella{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=577}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=167}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}episkepsis of Kedouktos{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=446}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=482 (note 5)}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=481}}episkepsis of Bera{{sfn>Soustal|1991|pp=200–201}} Crusaders Eastern Thrace sebastokrator Isaac Komnenos; in the 1150s it was still described as void of people or dwellings.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1952|pp=162–163}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=482}}episkepsis of Makri{{sfn>Soustal|1991|p=342}} and Trajanopolis,{{sfn|Soustal|1991|p=483}} with the settlement of Brachon Crusaders Eastern Thrace Zakythinos|1952|pp=161–162}} Brachon is otherwise unknown; as a misreading of "Blachon", it may refer to the Monastery of the Saviour "of Blachon" near Ainos).{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=162}}{{sfn|Soustal|1991|p=217}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=482}} the episkepsis of "Scifis" and "Pagadi" with its dependencies Crusaders Eastern Thrace Külzer|2008|p=555}} while others suggest locating both on the eastern bank of the lower Maritsa river near Ainos.{{sfn|Soustal|1991|pp=384, 437}} Zakythinos proposed an identification of Scifis with the "village of Sophous" attested in the typikon of the Theotokos Kosmosoteira Monastery.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=163}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=483}}episkepsis of Madytos{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=501}} with its dependencies Crusaders Thracian Chersonese
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=483}}Külzer|2008|pp=247–248}} Tinsakkos, Plagia,{{sfn|Külzer|2008|pp=595–596}} Potamia, and Aatios or Aacros Crusaders Thracian Chersonese Külzer|2008|pp=459–460}} The exact identity or locations of Tinsakkos,{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=677}} Potamia,{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=600}} and Aacros/Aatios{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=235}} are unknown, but lay on the Chersonese, just as the remaining locations.
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the episkepsis of "P[l]ithoto" Crusaders Eastern Thrace Külzer|2008|pp=598, 599}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the episkepsis of Galataria Crusaders Thracian Chersonese? Külzer|2008|p=369}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the town of Molinoto/Moliboton Crusaders Thracian Chersonese? Külzer|2008|pp=536–537}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the episkepsis of Hyelokastellion Crusaders Thracian Chersonese? Külzer|2008|p=414}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the episkepsis of "Sirolefki" Crusaders Eastern Thrace Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484 (note 5)}} but this does not fit the geographical context, which suggests proximity to Ainos.{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=652}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}}katepanikion of Ainos,{{sfn>Soustal|1991|p=170}} along with its warehouses Crusaders Eastern Thrace horrea), managed by the fisc.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1952|pp=164–166}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}}katepanikion of Rusion,{{sfn>Külzer|2008|p=621}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|pp=166–167}} with its dependencies Crusaders Eastern Thrace
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=484}} the episkepsis of Hagios Bibarios Crusaders Eastern Thrace agrion bibarion, "wild fish-lake", indicating a location at or near the modern Lake Gala National Park.{{sfn>Zakythinos|1952|pp=166–167}}{{sfn|Külzer|2008|p=287}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=485}} the province of the Vardar River Crusaders Western Macedonia Zakythinos|1951|pp=206–208}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=485}} the province of Veroia with the chartoularata of Dobrochoubista and Sthlanitsa Crusaders Western Macedonia Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=485–486 (note 5)}} and were followed by some other scholars, but the district is well attested elsewhere, including in the 1198 chrysobull.{{Sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=208–209}} Sthlanitsa is likewise attested by Anna Komnene and Theophylact of Ohrid.{{Sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=209}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=485}} the episkepsis allotted to the upkeep of the old-age care homes Crusaders Western Macedonia
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486}} the episkepsis of Platamon Crusaders Western Macedonia/Thessaly
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486}} the episkepsis of Moliskos and Moglena Crusaders Western Macedonia
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486}} the province of Prilapos and Pelagonia with Stanos Crusaders Western Macedonia Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486 (note 3)}}{{Sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=209}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486}} the province of Prespes and the Cyclades Crusaders Western Macedonia and Aegean Islands Zakythinos|1941|pp=254–256}} Its placement in the text is unusual, lying between areas of continental Greece; perhaps the result of a scribal error or, according to Jean Longnon, a result of a trade, whereby Ostrovos, originally claimed by the Crusaders, and the Cyclades, claimed by Venice, were exchanged (apart from Andros and Tinos), thus explaining the unexpected placement of both entries in the text of the treaty.{{Sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=189}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=486}} the horion of Larissa Crusaders Thessaly
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=486–487}}Zakythinos|1951|p=191}} Crusaders Thessaly
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=487}} the province of Servia Crusaders Western Macedonia
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=487}} the province of Kastoria and the province of Deabolis Crusaders Western Macedonia
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=487}}episkepsis of the Empress, namely Vesaina,{{sfn>Koder|Hild|1976|p=134}} Pharsala,{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|pp=238–239}} Domokos,{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=148}} Grebenika or Rebenika, the two Halmyroi,{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=170}} with Demetrias{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=145}} Crusaders Thessaly Koder|Hild|1976|p=67 (note 194)}} Grebenika or Rebenika is probably a location at or near the river Rebenikos, originating in the Cynoscephalae Hills in northern Thessaly.{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=251}})
Tafel|Thomas|1856|pp=487–488}}episkepsis of Neopatras{{sfn>Koder|Hild|1976|p=223}} Crusaders Thessaly Zakythinos|1951|p=192}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=488}} the province of Velechativa Crusaders Thessaly Zakythinos|1941|pp=273–274}}{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=133}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=488}} the episkepsis of Petrai, namely Dipotamon and Atalanti? Crusaders Thessaly Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=488 (notes 3 & 4)}} Zakythinos rejected this reading in favour of the videlicet ("namely") of the Ambrosianus I manuscript.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=193}}{{sfn|Carile|1965|p=286}} The location of Petrai (plural) is unknown.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=193}} "Dipotamon" (Διπόταμον, "Two Rivers") may be located between the rivers Pineios and Rabenikos in northern Thessaly, and perhaps to be identified with the kleisoura (defile) of Libotanion, known from the time of Alexios I Komnenos.{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=488 (note5)}}{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=285}} Tafel and Thomas identify Calacon as the genitive of Galaza, a suffragan of the Metropolis of Neopatras,{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=489 (note 6)}} while Zakythinos suggests either the reading Kalamos, or, from the variant "Talantum" in the Codex Sancti Marci, Atalanti.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=193}}{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=126}}
Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=488}}Koder|Hild|1976|pp=249–250}} and the horion of Athens, with the episkepsis of Megara{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=215}} Crusaders Thessaly and Attica Zakythinos|1951|p=193}} Tafel and Thomas suggest the town and bishopric of Stagoi in Thessaly,{{sfn|Tafel|Thomas|1856|p=489 (note 7)}} while Carile suggested the bishopric of Patzouna, known only as a suffragan of the Metropolis of Larissa.{{sfn|Koder|Hild|1976|p=232}}


Based on the forms of the names, the source material for the compilation of the treaty was in Greek, while the prevalence of fiscal terms like episkepsis points to the use of the cadastral and tax registers of the central Byzantine administration.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=182}}{{sfn|Zakythinos|1952|p=161}}

Several areas are left out of the Partitio. in Europe, the lands of Macedonia and Western Thrace, between the Maritsa and Vardar rivers, as well as the northeastern Peloponnese, Boeotia, and central Euboea, are absent. These were lands assigned to Boniface of Montferrat, and thus evidently excluded from the general partition. This fact also helps to assign the terminus post quem for the treaty, namely the agreement of 16 May 1204 between Boniface and Baldwin of Flanders that established the Kingdom of Thessalonica.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|pp=180–182}}

As Zakythinos points out, the territorial division shown in the Partitio and in the 1198 chrysobull for Asia Minor is much more conservative, and reflects far closer the "traditional" thematic structure than in the European provinces.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1955|p=127}} On the other hand, the two documents differ considerably in the extent of territory they mention: the 1198 chrysobull contains the central and northern portions of western Asia Minor, but also the southern shore with Attaleia, Cilicia, and even Antioch, whereas in the Partitio, includes the Black Sea shore from Paphlagonia up to Pavrae.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1955|pp=127–129}}


The Partitio Romaniae initiated the period of the history of Greece known as Frankokratia or Latinokratia ("Frankish/Latin rule"), where Catholic West European nobles, mostly from France and Italy, established states on former Byzantine territory and ruled over the mostly Orthodox native Byzantine Greeks. The provisions of the Partitio Romaniae were not fully carried out; much of the Byzantine realm fell into the hands not of the crusaders who had sacked the capital but of the local Byzantine Greek nobles, who established the Byzantine successor states of the Despotate of Epirus, the Empire of Nicaea and the Empire of Trebizond, while the Crusaders also squabbled among themselves. The Latin Empire itself, consisting of the area surrounding Constantinople, Thrace, and the Sea of Marmara was also drawn into a disastrous conflict with the powerful Second Bulgarian Empire. Latin rule became most firmly established and lasted longest in southern Greece (the Principality of Achaea and the Duchy of Athens), as well as the Aegean islands, which came largely under the control of Venice.

Importance as a historical source

As the division was based on now lost documents and tax registers from the Byzantine imperial chancery, along with Alexios III's 1198 chrysobull, the Partitio Romaniae is a crucial document for the administrative divisions of the Byzantine Empire and the estates of the various Byzantine magnate families {{circa|1203}}, as well as the areas still controlled by the Byzantine central government at the time.{{sfn|Zakythinos|1951|p=179}}




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  • {{cite journal | first=Dionysios |last=Zakythinos| authorlink = Dionysios Zakythinos | title=Μελέται περὶ τῆς διοικητικῆς διαιρέσεως καὶ τῆς ἐπαρχιακῆς διοικήσεως ἐν τῷ Βυζαντινῷ κράτει | trans-title = Studies on the administrative division and provincial administration in the Byzantine state | language = Greek | journal=Ἐπετηρίς Ἐταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν | volume=19 | year=1949 | pages=3–25 | url = http://hdl.handle.net/11615/20690 | ref=harv}}
  • {{cite journal | first=Dionysios |last=Zakythinos| authorlink = Dionysios Zakythinos | title=Μελέται περὶ τῆς διοικητικῆς διαιρέσεως καὶ τῆς ἐπαρχιακῆς διοικήσεως ἐν τῷ Βυζαντινῷ κράτει | trans-title = Studies on the administrative division and provincial administration in the Byzantine state | language = Greek | journal=Ἐπετηρίς Ἐταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν | volume=21 | year=1951 | pages=179–209 | url = http://hdl.handle.net/11615/15383 | ref=harv}}
  • {{cite journal | first=Dionysios |last=Zakythinos| authorlink = Dionysios Zakythinos | title=Μελέται περὶ τῆς διοικητικῆς διαιρέσεως καὶ τῆς ἐπαρχιακῆς διοικήσεως ἐν τῷ Βυζαντινῷ κράτει | trans-title = Studies on the administrative division and provincial administration in the Byzantine state | language = Greek | journal=Ἐπετηρίς Ἐταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν | volume=22 | year=1952 | pages=159–182 | url = | ref=harv}}
  • {{cite journal | first=Dionysios |last=Zakythinos| authorlink = Dionysios Zakythinos | title=Μελέται περὶ τῆς διοικητικῆς διαιρέσεως καὶ τῆς ἐπαρχιακῆς διοικήσεως ἐν τῷ Βυζαντινῷ κράτει | trans-title = Studies on the administrative division and provincial administration in the Byzantine state | language = Greek | journal=Ἐπετηρίς Ἐταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν | volume=25 | year=1955 | pages=127–157 | url = | ref=harv}}
{{Frankish and Latin Greece}}

12 : 1200s in the Byzantine Empire|1200s treaties|1204 in Europe|13th century in the Republic of Venice|Byzantine Empire–Republic of Venice relations|Fourth Crusade|Latin Empire|Latin words and phrases|Partition (politics)|Treaties involving territorial changes|Treaties of the Republic of Venice|Venetian period in the history of Greece





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