

词条 Timeline of three longest supported deck arch bridge spans

  1. Longest Spans 1796 - present

  2. Longest Spans 142 BC - 1796

  3. Known incorrect construction years

  4. External links

This is the timeline of the 3 longest supported deck arch bridge spans in the world, where the road deck lies on top of the arch. The deck is supported by columns, truss, rubble or lies directly on the arch. These bridges are often found in narrow valleys.

Because of the difficulty in telling an arch bridge apart from a bent beam bridge or certain cantilever bridges, all bridges that look like supported deck arch bridges are included in this timeline. The whole arch should be aesthetically visible uninterrupted by other structures such as the deck. Suspended deck arch bridges are excluded. The lower deck of the Eads Bridge is suspended a bit, but not below the underside of the arch, and the upper deck is completely above of the arch, so Eads is included. The lower deck of Dom Luís Bridge, Porto is suspended as far as is possible, making it also a suspended bridge, so it is excluded.

There are some truss bridges like Permanent Bridge where the deck passes through the arch. Since the deck does not lie on top of the load-bearing arch, but is suspended a bit measured from the top of the arch, those types are excluded. Eads Bridge was not excluded because the existence of such a lower deck does not change the appearance of the bridge much with respect of the arch.

In this timeline, only spans that were still standing a particular year are considered for that year. This is perhaps more fair than a timeline of the records of all time, because the old figures might be incorrect. At the points when the old spans falls, new spans with more certain figures are allowed to appear in the timeline. This is the historic top 3 lists of standing longest spans per day.

When several bridges of the same length exists, the oldest is counted as the longest.

Note: Some information in this timeline have uncertainty, especially before 1874.

Longest Spans 1796 - present

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  3. ImageSize = width:1070 height:2000

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  1. id:Bamberg-Paint Value:tan2

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  width:364  bar:Gold  mark:(line,white)  align:center shift:(0,0)  from:1977  till:2009  color:Gold1           text:"518m New River Gorge Bridge, West Virginia"  from:1967  till:1977  color:Zdakov-Paint    text:"362m Žďákov Bridge, Czech Republic"  from:1963  till:1967  color:Cold-Paint      text:"350m Cold Spring Bridge, California"  from:1960  till:1963  color:Iron-Paint      text:"335m Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, Canada"  from:1959  till:1960  color:Glen-Paint      text:"313m Glen Canyon Bridge, Arizona - Utah"  from:1941  till:1959  color:Rainbow-Paint   text:"289m Rainbow Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1938  till:1941  color:Henry-Paint     text:"256m Henry Hudson Bridge, New York"  from:1898  till:1938  color:Gold2           text:"256m Upper Steel Arch Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1894  till:1898  color:Müngsten-Paint  text:"170m Müngsten Bridge, Germany"  from:1885  till:1894  color:Garabit-Paint   text:"165m Garabit viaduct, France"  from:1877  till:1885  color:MariaPia-Paint  text:"160m Ponte Maria Pia, Portugal"  from:1874  till:1877  color:Eads-Paint      text:"158m Eads Bridge, Illinois"  from:1860  till:1874  color:Southwark-Paint text:"73m Southwark Bridge, UK"  from:1848  till:1860  color:Gold1           text:"76m Cascade Bridge, New York"  from:1819  till:1848  color:Southwark-Paint text:"73m Southwark Bridge, UK"
  1. from:1813 till:1838 color:Gold2 text:"103m Colossus Bridge, Pennsylvania"
  width:225  bar:Silver  align:center  shift:(0,0)  mark:(line,white)  from:1997  till:2009  color:Silver1         text:"429m Wanxian Bridge, China"  from:1980  till:1997  color:Krk-Paint       text:"390m Krk Bridge, Croatia"  from:1977  till:1980  color:Zdakov-Paint    text:"362m Žďákov Bridge, Czech Republic"  from:1967  till:1977  color:Cold-Paint      text:"350m Cold Spring Bridge, California"  from:1963  till:1967  color:Iron-Paint      text:"335m Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, Canada"  from:1960  till:1963  color:Glen-Paint      text:"313m Glen Canyon Bridge, Arizona - Utah"  from:1959  till:1960  color:Rainbow-Paint   text:"289m Rainbow Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1943  till:1959  color:Sandö-Paint     text:"264m Sandö Bridge, Sweden"  from:1941  till:1943  color:Henry-Paint     text:"256m Henry Hudson Bridge, New York"  from:1938  till:1941  color:Viaur-Paint     text:"220m Viaur Viaduct, France"  from:1936  till:1938  color:Henry-Paint     text:"256m Henry Hudson Bridge, New York"  from:1902  till:1936  color:Viaur-Paint     text:"220m Viaur Viaduct, France"  from:1898  till:1902  color:Müngsten-Paint  text:"170m Müngsten Bridge, Germany"  from:1897  till:1898  color:Whirlpool-Paint text:"167m Whirlpool Rapids Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1894  till:1897  color:Garabit-Paint   text:"165m Garabit viaduct, France"  from:1885  till:1894  color:MariaPia-Paint  text:"160m Ponte Maria Pia, Portugal"  from:1877  till:1885  color:Eads-Paint      text:"158m Eads Bridge, Illinois"  from:1874  till:1877  color:Eads-Paint      text:"152m Eads Bridge, other span"  from:1860  till:1874  color:Wearmouth-Paint text:"72m Wearmouth Bridge, UK"  from:1848  till:1860  color:Southwark-Paint text:"73m Southwark Bridge, UK"  from:1819  till:1848  color:Wearmouth-Paint text:"72m Wearmouth Bridge, UK"  from:1809  till:1819  color:Silver2         text:"63m Bamberg Bridge, Germany"
  1. from:1805 till:1809 color:Permanent-Paint text:"56m Permanent Bridge, Pennsylvania"
  width:139  bar:Bronze  mark:(line,white)  align:center  shift:(0,0)  from:1997  till:2009  color:Krk-Paint       text:"390m Krk Bridge, Croatia"  from:1980  till:1997  color:Zdakov-Paint    text:"362m Žďákov Bridge, Czech Republic"  from:1977  till:1980  color:Cold-Paint      text:"350m Cold Spring Bridge, California"  from:1967  till:1977  color:Iron-Paint      text:"335m Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, Canada"  from:1963  till:1967  color:Glen-Paint      text:"313m Glen Canyon Bridge, Arizona - Utah"  from:1962  till:1963  color:Bronze1         text:"305m Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1960  till:1962  color:Rainbow-Paint   text:"289m Rainbow Bridge, USA - Canada"
  1. from:1960 till:1962 color:Bronze1 text:"278m Almö Bridge, Sweden"
      from:1959  till:1960  color:Sandö-Paint     text:"264m Sandö Bridge, Sweden"  from:1943  till:1959  color:Henry-Paint     text:"256m Henry Hudson Bridge, New York"  from:1941  till:1943  color:Viaur-Paint     text:"220m Viaur Viaduct, France"  from:1938  till:1941  color:Western-Paint   text:"204m Western Bridge, Sweden"  from:1936  till:1938  color:Viaur-Paint     text:"220m Viaur Viaduct, France"  from:1935  till:1936  color:Western-Paint   text:"204m Western Bridge, Sweden"
  2. from:1930 till:1935 color:Bronze2 text:"188m Plougastel Bridge, France"
  3. from:1929 till:1930 color:Bronze1 text:"187m Old Navajo Bridge, Arizona"
      from:1925  till:1935  color:Bronze2         text:"195m Michigan Central Railway Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1902  till:1925  color:Müngsten-Paint  text:"170m Müngsten Bridge, Germany"  from:1898  till:1902  color:Whirlpool-Paint text:"167m Whirlpool Rapids Bridge, USA - Canada"  from:1897  till:1898  color:Garabit-Paint   text:"165m Garabit viaduct, France"  from:1894  till:1897  color:MariaPia-Paint  text:"160m Ponte Maria Pia, Portugal"  from:1888  till:1894  color:Bronze1         text:"160m Washington Bridge, New York"  from:1885  till:1888  color:Eads-Paint      text:"158m Eads Bridge, Illinois"
  4. from:1882 till:1885 color:Bronze1 text:"115m Schwarzwasser Bridge, Germany"
      from:1877  till:1885  color:Eads-Paint      text:"152m Eads Bridge, other span  from:1874  till:1877  color:Eads-Paint      text:"152m Eads Bridge, other span"
  5. from:1879 till:1882 color:Bronze1 text:"66m Wettstein Bridge, Switzerland"
  6. from:1869 till:1874 color:Bronze2 text:"60m Blackfriars Bridge, UK"
  7. from:1864 till:1874 color:Bronze2 text:"60m Albert Edward Bridge, UK"
      from:1864  till:1874  color:Bronze2         text:"67m Union Arch Bridge, USA"  from:1860  till:1864  color:Southwark-Paint text:"64m Southwark Bridge, other span"  from:1859  till:1860  color:Wearmouth-Paint text:"72m Wearmouth Bridge, UK"  from:1857  till:1859  color:Southwark-Paint text:"64m Southwark Bridge, other span"  from:1848  till:1857  color:Wearmouth-Paint text:"72m Wearmouth Bridge, UK"  from:1819  till:1848  color:Southwark-Paint text:"64m Southwark Bridge, other span"
  8. from:1809 till:1813 color:Permanent-Paint text:"56m Permanent Bridge, Pennsylvania"
      from:1809  till:1819  color:VB-Paint        text:"54m Pont de Vieille-Brioude, France"  from:1796  till:1809  color:PontGrand-Paint text:"49m Pont Grand, France"

Longest Spans 142 BC - 1796

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ImageSize = width:1280 height:2000

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Colors =

  id:Gold1  value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light yellow  id:Gold2  value:powderblue2  id:Silver1  Value:gray(0.8)  id:Silver2  Value:limegreen  id:Bronze1  value:claret  id:Bronze2  Value:magenta
  id:VB-Paint           Value:orange  id:PontGrand-Paint    Value:yellow  id:Castel-Paint       Value:tan2  id:PontDiable-Paint   Value:teal  id:Zhauzhou-Paint     Value:pink
  1. id:Porto-Paint Value:yelloworange
      id:Trajan-Paint       Value:skyblue  id:Fabricius-Paint    Value:oceanblue  id:Augusto-Paint      Value:lavender
  2. id:PuenteDiablo-Paint Value:green
      id:Severan-Paint      Value:lightpurple  id:Milvio-Paint       Value:red  id:Alcantara-Paint    Value:yellowgreen  id:Aemilius-Paint     Value:lightorange  id:Abbadia-Paint      Value:coral  id:Saint-Martin-Paint Value:drabgreen  id:Malabadi-Paint     Value:gray(0.9)
  3. id:-Paint Value:rgb(0.77,0.08,0.24)
  4. id:-Paint Value:brightgreen

DateFormat = yyyy

Period = from:-142 till:1796

TimeAxis = format:yyyy orientation:vertical

ScaleMajor = gridcolor:black unit:year increment:100 start:-100

ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:-140

AlignBars = justify

BarData =

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TextData =

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  2. pos:(151,280)
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  3. pos:(470,280)
      pos:(470,1980)  text:Second Longest  fontsize:M
  4. pos:(820,280)
      pos:(820,1980)  text:Third Longest


  width:364  bar:Gold  mark:(line,white)  align:center shift:(0,0)  from:1479 till:1796   color:VB-Paint        text:"54m Pont de Vieille-Brioude, France"  from:1416 till:1479   color:Castel-Paint    text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy"  from:1377 till:1416   color:Gold1           text:"72m Trezzo sull'Adda Bridge, Italy"  from:1356 till:1377   color:Castel-Paint    text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy"  from:1341 till:1356   color:PontDiable-Paint         text:"45m Pont du Diable, France"  from:1147 till:1341   color:Malabadi-Paint  text:"38m Malabadi Bridge, Turkey"  from:605  till:1147   color:Zhauzhou-Paint  text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China"  from:270  till:605    color:Severan-Paint   text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey"  from:105  till:270    color:Trajan-Paint    text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, Romania - Serbia"  from:-27  till:105    color:Augusto-Paint   text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy"  from:-62  till:-27    color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy"  from:-90  till:-62    color:Abbadia-Paint   text:"Ponte dell'Abbadia, Italy"  from:-115 till:-90    color:Milvio-Paint    text:"Pons Milvio, Italy"  from:-142 till:-115   color:Aemilius-Paint  text:"Pons Aemilius, Italy"
  width:225  bar:Silver  align:center  shift:(0,0)  mark:(line,white)  from:1583 till:1796   color:PontGrand-Paint text:"49m Pont Grand, France"  from:1479 till:1583   color:Castel-Paint    text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy"  from:1416 till:1479   color:PontDiable-Paint       text:"45m Pont du Diable, France"  from:1377 till:1416   color:Castel-Paint    text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy"  from:1356 till:1377   color:PontDiable-Paint       text:"45m Pont du Diable, France"  from:1341 till:1356   color:Malabadi-Paint  text:"38m Malabadi Bridge, Turkey"  from:1147 till:1341   color:Zhauzhou-Paint shift:(0,-4)      text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China"  from:605  till:1147   color:Severan-Paint   text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey"  from:270  till:605    color:Augusto-Paint   text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy"  from:105  till:270    color:Trajan-Paint    text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, other span"  from:-25  till:105    color:Saint-Martin-Paint text:"31m Ponte Saint-Martin, Italy"  from:-27  till:-25    color:Fabricius-Paint  shift:(0,4) text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy"  from:-62  till:-27    color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, second span"  from:-90 till:-62     color:Milvio-Paint    text:"Pons Milvio, Italy"  from:-115 till:-90    color:Milvio-Paint    text:"Pons Milvio, other span"  from:-142 till:-115   color:Aemilius-Paint  text:"Pons Aemilius, other span"
  width:139  bar:Bronze  mark:(line,white)  align:center  shift:(0,0)  from:1583 till:1796   color:Castel-Paint    text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy"  from:1479 till:1583   color:PontDiable-Paint       text:"45m Pont du Diable, France"  from:1416 till:1479   color:Bronze1         text:"40m Puente de San Martín, Spain"  from:1377 till:1416   color:PontDiable-Paint       text:"45m Pont du Diable, France"  from:1356 till:1377   color:Malabadi-Paint  text:"38m Malabadi Bridge, Turkey"  from:1341 till:1356   color:Zhauzhou-Paint  text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China"  from:1283 till:1341   color:Bronze2 shift:(0,-4)      text:"37m Puente del Diablo, Spain"  from:1150 till:1283   color:Bronze1         text:"35m Ponte do Porto, Portugal"  from:1147 till:1150   color:Severan-Paint   text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey"  from:800  till:1147   color:Augusto-Paint   text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy"  from:750  till:800    color:Saint-Martin-Paint text:"31m Ponte Saint-Martin, Italy"  from:605  till:750    color:Augusto-Paint   text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy"  from:270  till:605    color:Saint-Martin-Paint text:"31m Ponte Saint-Martin, Italy"  from:105  till:270    color:Trajan-Paint    text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, other span"  from:-25  till:105    color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy"  from:-27  till:-25    color:Fabricius-Paint  shift:(0,4) text:"24m Pons Fabricius, second span"  from:-62  till:-27    color:Abbadia-Paint   text:"Ponte dell'Abbadia, Italy"  from:-90  till:-62    color:Milvio-Paint    text:"Pons Milvio, other span"  from:-100  till:-90   color:Bronze2         text:"Ponte di Pietra, Italy"  from:-142 till:-100   color:Aemilius-Paint  text:"Pons Aemilius, other span"

Known incorrect construction years

In this table the finishing years of construction of the structures shown in the timeline, that are known to be incorrect, are listed. If a guess was not made for the years of construction that are unknown, the graphical timeline could not be drawn. Some timber arches are probably missing from the timeline in the 19th century.

Incorrect year Bridge
after 12th century destruction of second Ponte di Augusto, etc.
1829 demolition of Bamberg bridge

External links

  • cs:Žďákovský most Žďákov bridge has a span of 362 m. The steel part of the span is 330 m. http://www.karl-gotsch.de/Brdaten/Beschreibung_273.htm, http://www.libri.cz/databaze/mosty/obrazek.php?src=./pics/3451/431u-Zdakov_a.jpg&title=%AE%CF%C1KOV. Both following sources have incorrect values of the span: http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?id=s0005872, http://www.brueckenweb.de/2content/datenbank/bruecken/3brueckenblatt.php?bas=174
  • pt:Ponte do Porto, http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?id=s0020363
  • Cascade bridge https://web.archive.org/web/20131216060339/http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/ERIECASC.Html
  • fr:Viaduc du Viaur http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?ID=s0000163
  • Permanent Bridge http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/brcoo0.Html http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?id=s0002231
  • Bamberg bridge {{cite book|last=Tredgold|first=Thomas |authorlink=Thomas Tredgold |title=Elementary Principles of Carpentry |year=1837 |publisher=E. L. Carey and A. Hart. |location=Philadelphia |isbn= |pages=129 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=fDJVAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage#PPA129,M1 |accessdate=}} [https://books.google.com/books?id=fDJVAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage#PPT34,M1 Hypothesis:Figure of Freysingen, similar to Bamberg]

3 : Deck arch bridges|Construction records|Graphical timelines





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